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Analyze Scientific Articles and Additional Materials Related to The Sylabus

(Theory of Work Adjustment)

 Dr. Afdal, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Azahra Hardi Cusinia
Guidance and Counseling
Faculty of Education
Universitas Negeri Padang
WORK PRACTICES AT PT GM (Case Study on Class IX Students of SMK Jakarta 1)”
This article talking about the purpose of this study is to reveal various facts regarding the
description of the work adjustment of students who carry out Industrial Work Practices. The
method used is a case study in qualitative research. This research was conducted at SMK Jakarta
1 with three respondents, namely T students who carry out Industrial Work Practices in the
welding section, M students who carry out Industrial Work Practices in the painting, welding and
truck engines section and J students who carry out Industrial Work Practices in the painting
section. Data collection was carried out through interviews and documentation studies. The
interviews conducted were structured interviews with subjects, respondent mentors and
coworkers. The documentation study was carried out using the journal of Industrial Work
Practice activities. Work adjustment theory is taken from Dawis, England and Lofquist (1964).
The data from the research results were analyzed and presented in the form of a narrative.
Checking the validity of the data was carried out by triangulating the data based on the source.
The overall results showed that two students had poor work adjustment and one student had good
work adjustments. One student had a good work adjustment only had problems on the utilization
of abilities and the physical environment. Two students who have poor work adjustment
experience problems with physical conditions, company regulations, responsibilities, supervision
of individual relationships and the physical work environment. The problem that arises comes
from within the respondent. This problem shows that students lack self-readiness to face
Industrial Work Practices. Therefore, Counseling Guidance Teachers need to design basic
service programs, responsive services, individual planning and also support systems to prepare
students. facing Industrial Work Practices.
After all stages of the research have been carried out, the results of the research and
analysis of the results of the research to the students of SMK Jakarta 1 who carry out Industrial
Work Practices are obtained, it can be concluded that:
1. J has a good job adaptation only has problems in the utilization of abilities and the
physical environment. Work adjustment problems faced by these students do not come
from him but from factors outside him.
2. Good work adjustments occur because students prepare themselves well to face Industrial
Work Practices. The problems faced by these students can be solved properly.
3. Work adjustments that are carried out properly will have an impact on the process of
implementing Industrial Work Practices that are carried out and the assessments that will
be obtained by students at the end of the implementation of Industrial Work Practices.
4. T and M have poor work adjustments having problems with physical conditions,
company regulations, responsibilities, supervision of individual relationships and the
physical environment.
5. Poor work adjustment occurs due to work adjustment problems faced by students during
Industrial Work Practice, mostly from the students themselves. This is due to the lack of
students in having an overview of the Industrial Work Practices they will face so that
students do not prepare well.
6. Poor work adjustments will have an impact on students not maximally carrying out
Industrial Work Practices and also assessments that will be obtained by students at the
end of the implementation of Industrial Work Practices.
From this article, we can see that the article explains in detail how Case Study on Class
IX Students of SMK Jakarta 1 about description of adjustment of students that conduct industrial
work practices at PT GM.
So far, from what I have analyzed related to the article, I have not found the shortcomings
of this article. I think this article is good enough.
Based on the research results obtained and the results of my reading, several suggestions
are put forward, Guidance and counseling teachers should make programs to prepare students for
Industrial Work Practices. The program development that will be made is based on a
comprehensive guidance and counseling program. The following program plans will be made by
the guidance and counseling teacher:
a. Responsive Service
Responsive services provided are in the form of individual counseling & group
counseling. This service is provided by students who have problems in the process of
implementing Industrial Work Practices. This service aims to assist students in alleviating
their problems at their Internship.
b. Individual planning
Individual planning that is done is the placement and distribution of students in the
Internship according to the major learned in school so as to anticipate students having
problems in utilizing their abilities..
A. The basic concept of the Theory
Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA) (Dawis and Lofquist in Brown, 2005: 3)
growing and developing at the University of Minnesota. This theory emerged after
research related to the vocational rehabilitation of clients for work around the 1960s and
1970s. The research was later published in several bulletins at the University of
Minnesota, as well as in several articles and books. Since the mid-1970s this research has
entered the realm of psychological research. Starting at that time, this research had
become extensive to be researched and developed. There are a large number of variables
that become the center of attention to be studied, such as job satisfaction, work attitudes,
performance appraisals, work history, education and training experience, talents, needs,
interests, and characteristics.
While Leung (in Athanasou, 2008: 116) argues that job adjustment theory is a
theory of career development to link individual differences in behavior in choosing a job
that adjusts to environmental correspondence, this theory sees career choice as a process
of development and adjustment between: (a) Person (P ) individuals who seek adaptation
to their work environment, (b) Environment (E) is the environment where a person
works. The relationship between the two can be described as a harmonious relationship
between the individual and his environment, the suitability of the individual with his
environment, and vice versa, and the complementary relationship between the individual
and his environment.
As a psychological theory, work-adjustment theory focuses on P. However, P does
not behave in a vacuum, but instead P always exists and behaves E. Any theory about P
must be a theory about P-related to-E. The theory of work adjustment begins with three
basic assumptions, namely as follows: (a) As a living organism, P has requirements that
must be met, many or even as large as E, (b) P has the ability to fulfill the requirements,
and (c) Many of P's behaviors in interactions with E.
Among the most important of the requirements of P's needs are the biological needs
that must be done for survival and the needs related to the welfare of P. As previously
explained that E is the work environment, which in the contemporary world we call it the
organization effectively. , the occupational adjustment theory holds the concepts of P and
E as parallel and complementary relationships. Thus the theory of job adjustment
assumes that E (in parallel with P) also has requirements that must be met and the ability
to enable it to meet those requirements. Some of the requirements of E can be met by P in
the same way that some of the requirements of P can be met by E.
As already mentioned that P has abilities, some of which can be used to satisfy E.
The most important abilities of P for E are skills. Job skills are taken from the basic
human skills: cognitive, affective, motor, physical, and sense-perception. Like necessity,
basic skills are thought to be derived from P genetically inherited and formed through
learning (experience and training). Although basic skills can achieve relative stability
(usually in adulthood), P continues to acquire new skills (such as job skills) that develop
from basic skills throughout life.
In the workplace, E is a requirement of P is about getting the job done and
maintaining or improving the organization. The most important thing for P is E ability
strengthening, namely the ability to provide reinforcers to meet P's needs. That is, needs
can be viewed as reinforcer requirements. Thus, the theory of work adjustment uses two
constructs to describe P: need (reinforcer requirements) and skills (response ability). That
is, that the P and E constructs are parallel and complementary.
B. Characteristics Theory
This theory is a dynamic process that aims to change the behavior of an individual
so that there is a more appropriate relationship between the individual and his
environment. Humans are required to adapt to the social, psychological and natural
environment around them.
The TWA model describes adjustment as a cycle. The cycle begins when P
becomes dissatisfied and begins to make behavioral adjustments. Recall that
dissatisfaction results when P perceives the discorrespondence to be among E
respondents. High flexibility means that P is not easily satisfied; conversely, low
flexibility means P is easily satisfied. First, P could adjust by acting in E to reduce
discorrespondence. P could try to change E reinforcers or E skill requirements or both.
So, for example, P could demand compensation for a salary increase if his needs were not
sufficiently met. Second, the mode of adjustment is seen as uncorrelated ie, P can differ
in any of the four combinations of dichotomy of negativity and reaction (high-high-low,
low-high, low-low).
C. Strengths and Weaknesses
The main strength of this job adjustment theory is that it clearly states the steps that
have been developed to measure the various variables associated with the theory,
including measures measuring needs, values and satisfaction, skills and abilities,
company satisfaction, and indexes. correspondence (Athanasou, 2008: 117). Through this
theory, there has been found a lot of suitability and significant job and career
improvements when individuals can choose and work in a conducive environment in
accordance with the individual's personal characteristics.
However, this theory has not been able to accurately explain individuals who
experience incongruence or who have previously experienced a match in their tendency
to change jobs. This theory is also felt to ignore the factors of interest, desire, feelings and
adaptability of a person to a new work environment, because in some conditions
individuals are not only compatible with the work environment alone, but in some
conditions the interest, motivation, and even support from the closest person is able to
individuals adapt and adapt to the work environment.
D. Application in Guidance and Counseling services
Guidance and counseling aims to provide services that provide assistance, both
individually and in groups so that they are independent and can develop optimally, in
personal, social, study and career guidance. The implications of guidance and counseling
for work adjustments include the following:
 The counselor needs to make several assessments, skills, and abilities, as well as the
counselee's needs and values. This can be done by discussing in detail some of the
aspects of the current work.
 The counselor provides classical guidance services regarding career selection
assessments, skills, and abilities, as well as the counselee's needs and values.
 The counselor is expected to be able to assist the counselee in adapting himself to his
job and work environment.
 The counselor can help the counselee to be able to understand the values and needs
of the individual to suit the demands of his job.

Athanasou, James A and Esbroeck, Raoul Van. 2008. International Handbook of Career

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