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Nama : Reynal Ardhani Rahman

NPM : 2013025030

Main Device Input/Output and memory

A. Input/Output Devices
I / O is a device associated with a computer system by sending signals via a
cable or even through the air. I / O is one of the important computer

B. Duties of the I/O Control System

Maintains directory of files and location information Determines the path for data
flow between main memory and secondary storage Coordinates communication
between CPU and secondary storage Prepares files when input or output usage is

C. Type of Hardware
1. Input device
An input device is hardware or hardware that functions to enter data or
information into a computer. The data or information can be in the form of
images, text, video, and audio. Some examples of input devices include:
Keyboard, Mouse, Microphones, etc.
2. Proces device
Process device is a computer device that functions to process or process
various data and information entered into the computer. Process device can
also be referred to as the 'brain' of a computer because it can process
information that is entered into the computer. Some examples of process
devices are: CPU (Central Processing Unit), VGA (Video Graphics Adapter),
RAM (Random Access Memory), Power Supply, And others.
3. Output device

D. Storage Device
1. Floppy Disk
a storage device that is thin, round and covered in rectangular plastic. Floppy
disks can store more than 1.4 million characters.

2. USB Flash Drive

storage device that is small and relatively easy to carry. When compared to a
floppy disk, USB has a smaller physical size, but a much larger capacity

3. Hard Disk

storage devices that are much larger in size and capacity than floppy disks
and USB. Usually the hard disk is stored in the computer frame, but some are
placed outside or an external hard disk.

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