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Russel Austin Dreggs P.

Ungab Grade 6 BMH

Prayers of St. Arnold Janssen

Quarter Hour Prayer

God, eternal truth,

We believe in You.
God, our strength and salvation,
We hope in You.
God, infinite goodness,
We love You with all our heart.
You have sent the Word as Savior of the world,
Make us all one in Him.
Fill us with the Spirit of Your Son,
That we may glorify Your name. Amen.


May the darkness of sin

and the night of unbelief vanish
before the light of the Word
and the Spirit of grace, and may the heart
of Jesus live in the hearts of all.


May the Holy Triune God

live in our hearts
and in the hearts of all.

Invocations to our Special Patrons

Incarnate Word of God,

Give us life by your Spirit.

Most pure Mother of the Lord,

Bring all people to your Son.

Holy Michael, Gabriel and Raphael,

Promote the kingdom of God on earth.

Sts. Joseph, Joachim and Anne,

Pray God for more ministers of the Gospel.

Sts. Peter and Paul, John and Andrew,

Help the heralds of the faith.

Sts. Gregory, Augustine and Vincent,

Pray for all the members of the Church of every state and rank.

Sts. Arnold and Joseph,

Open our hearts to all people.

Blessed Maria Helena, Josepha and our SVD martyrs,

Help us in our missionary service.

Offering to the Blessed Trinity

Heavenly Father, we desire to offer ourselves today and every day of our lives in the
same spirit of surrender with which your divine Son offered himself to you for your
glorification and the salvation of all.

May it be our food and drink, heavenly Father, to do your will with complete

Jesus, we desire to serve you today and every day with the same love which prompts
you to dwell in the Blessed Sacrament to be our food and sacrifice of love.

Strengthen us, Jesus, and cleanse our hearts with this love that we may serve you in
holiness and purity.

Holy Spirit, we desire to serve you with a chaste love and sincere intention, and to love
you in union with St. Joseph, and all your saints.

We unite our offerings with the love with which they loved you and with which they will
adore, praise, and revere you together with the Father and the Son for all eternity.

Almighty Father, help us in weakness. All knowing Son, direct all our thoughts, words,
and actions.

Loving Holy Spirit, be the source of all our activities so that they may be entirely
conformed to your will.

Glory be...

As it was...


Prayer of Thanksgiving

 Heavenly Father, you so loved the world that you did not hesitate to deliver your only-
begotten Son to death that all who believe in him may not be lost but may receive life in
his name.
In thanksgiving for this mercy and in atonement for our sins, we offer you his virtues, his
innocence, his love, his most bitter sorrows and his death. Pardon our sins and grant
that all may come to know your fatherly kindness and love you in return with all their
Father of mercy and consolation, in order to reveal your goodness and love more and
more, you sent us, with your divine Son, your most powerful and loving Spirit.
We give you thanks for this infinite kindness, for through him you purified, sanctified,
and enriched the world.
Through him you led your children to be partakers of the divine nature and to rest
eternally with you in heaven.
Let this precious gift be enjoyed by all and through your Spirit spread your kingdom over
the whole world. Amen.


Prayer to the Sacred Heart

Divine Heart of Jesus,
Destroy in us all pride and give us true humility. Take from us all lack of charity and give
us a true love for each other. Pluck out of our hearts all wrath and anger and give us
true meekness. Crush in us all spiritual laziness and give us prudent zeal. Stifle in us all
avarice and give us generous hearts. Help us to have control of our desires and give us
a love of temperance. Remove from us all that is evil and give us a life united with you.


Praises to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with deepest reverence we adore
you. You are worthy of the love and adoration of all the heavenly spirits. We unite our
adoration with theirs.
Honor, love and thanksgiving be to you, Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inexhaustible fountain of all goodness.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere!
Praised be the benevolent Heart of Jesus, for the boundless graces that have flowed
and shall continue to flow into the lives of those who trust you.
All for you, Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Praised be the gentle Heart of Jesus, for the love which so often refreshes devout
hearts with consolation.
May the Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, loved and thanked at every moment, even
to the end of time.
Praised be the adorable Heart of Jesus, loved, formed, and enriched with heavenly
graces by the Holy Spirit.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be known, loved and imitated.
Praised be the loving Heart of Jesus, so generous, pure and full of grace.
May the Heart of Jesus burning with love for us inflame our hearts with love of you.
Praised be the royal Heart of Jesus, victorious over death and sin, triumphant over the
living and the dead.
Praised and blessed be the Sacred Heart and the Precious Blood of Jesus in the Holy
Sacrament of the altar.
Praised be the Heart so poor and yet so rich, for having despised all earthly riches, for
having renounced all earthly honors.
Jesus meek and humble of Heart, make our hearts like yours.
Praised be the obedient Heart of Jesus which hungered for the fulfilment of the divine
will; which thirsted for the greater glory of God and the salvation of all peoples.
Heart of Jesus, increase in us faith, hope and love!
Praised be the generous Heart of Jesus, which did not seek its own glory; patient Heart,
which willingly bore the greatest insults; unselfish Heart which longed for and lovingly
embraced the cross.
Heart of Jesus, help us to be generous, patient and selfless.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach us to love you with our whole heart, and grant that
according to the little strength we have we may imitate your sublime virtues.
With Mary, let us adore, thank, implore and console the Heart of Jesus.
Glory be...
 As it was...
A Favorite Prayer of St. Arnold Janssen
Lord, Jesus Christ,
I adore you as the Son of God, and through the mediation of your most sweet Mother, I
beseech you, send me from the abundance of your loving heart the grace of the Holy
Spirit to enlighten my ignorance, purify and sanctify my sinful heart, and confirm me in
holy love. This I ask of you through the love of the Father and the Holy Spirit, through
the abundance of your infinite mercy, and through the merits of all your saints. Amen.


Sacred Heart Prayer

Most Sacred Heart,

You have given yourself to us as a brother’s heart. You are rich to share with us your
riches; happy, to make us happy; blessed, to make us blessed. Be gracious and
compassionate to us because of your sufferings. Grant all people true love for you so
that they too may help to fulfill your desire for the salvation and sanctification of all, to
spread your kingdom of truth and love, and to sanctify ourselves for your sake. Amen.


Praises to the Holy Spirit

God, Holy Spirit, we have been taught by Jesus, the Son of the eternal Father himself,
to believe in your infinite majesty and to reverently adore you as the third person of the
Blessed Trinity, whose very being defies comprehension.

Full of joy, we sing the praises of your love which cooperated in the creation,
redemption and sanctification of the human race. With all the angels we praise and
bless you.

O Holy Spirit, we praise you as the one, true God with the Father and the Son.
God Holy Spirit, we praise you because you proceed from the Father and the Son from
all eternity.

Creator Spirit, we praise your power by which you created everything from absolute
Most lovable Holy Spirit, we praise your immense goodness in giving life to choirs of

Divine Artisan, we praise your admirable wisdom by which you created heaven and
earth and adorned them so beautifully.

Font of Eternal Grace, we praise your infinite mercy through which you prepared the
redemption of the human race from the very beginning.

Spirit of Beauty, we praise your lavish generosity by which you chose and beautified the
Virgin Mary to be your Immaculate Spouse.
Divine Spirit of Anointing, we praise that love by which you created, guided and glorified
the human nature of Jesus.
Eternal Fire of Love, we praise that gentle force with which you took hold of the apostles
when they were gathered together in Jerusalem.
Holy Spirit, Sanctifier, we praise you because of the marvelous love by which you begin
to live in our hearts through holy baptism.
Divine Paraclete, we praise you for the sevenfold strength which you grant us through
the sacrament of confirmation.
Immeasurable Goodness, we praise you because of the bread that you give us in the
Sacrament of the Altar.
Merciful Spirit, we praise your treasures of grace through which you cleanse and
sanctify us in the sacrament of penance.
Father of the poor and the sick, we praise you for that sacramental blessing and
anointing through which you refresh the sick.
O Royal Spirit, we praise that marvelous love through which you grant divine powers to
your chosen ones in the sacrament of ordination.
Holy Spirit, Giver of Life, we praise you for those gifts of grace by which you open a way
of heavenly knowledge to those whom you call to a life of sacramental matrimony.
O Leader of all people, we praise you for that love through which all the just on earth
follow you.
O Holy Spirit, fullness of true holiness, we praise you for the eternal love by which all
saints in heaven embrace you.
O Holy Spirit, delight of the heavenly Jerusalem, we praise you for the everlasting love
by which the holy seraphim and all the choirs of angels love you.
O Font of all that is beautiful in love, we praise you for that undivided love which you
shower on your immaculate bride without ceasing.
Generous Bestower of Grace, we praise the immeasurable love with which the Heart of
Jesus has never ceased to love you.
Spirit of the Father, we praise that infinite delight with which God the Father, who is
without source, breathes you forth from all eternity.
Spirit of the Son, we praise that infinite delight with which the Word of God breathes you
forth from all eternity.
We praise and bless you forever, Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son,
indestructible bond and infinite joy of the most Blessed Trinity. Amen.


Thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, God of all kindness, you are our very life and our highest good. Through
you we become children of the Father, members of Jesus Christ and temples of the
Holy Trinity.
You enrich us with heavenly gifts and through your grace you give us a share in the
divine life.
You give light to our eyes, you help us as we work and struggle, you console us in our
sorrows and give us that peace which the world is not able to give.
You give us the most precious gift of all, yourself, the very heart of eternal happiness.
How can we possibly thank you for such tremendous gifts?
"My soul extols the Lord; and my spirit leaps for joy in God my Savior."

 "How sublime is what he has done for me! Forever will I thank him. Forever will I sing of
his mercies to me." Amen.


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