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Applied Business Project 3 Report

You MUST Submit your ABP-3 Report as a PDF document.

Name: Albertsen, Claire

NetID: cmalbertsen0131

Section 1: Website hosting and design

1.1 What web development tool (e.g., Dreamweaver) did you use?

Adobe Dreamweaver

1.2 Indicate what type of computer system(s) (e.g., hardware type, e.g., desktop,
laptop, etc.) and operating system(s) (MacOS, Windows, etc.) that you used to
develop your website

Laptop, MacOS Catalina

1.3 Insert an image (Mac screenshot or Windows snip) of your separate website
development folder. Be sure all of your files (index, icon, images, etc) are visible

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Applied Business Project 3 Report

Section 2: Application of Information Systems Discussion

As the international company recently has a grand opening for its new IT office and
Management Information Systems location in Austin, Texas, Merck & Co. continues to prove
itself as an outstanding healthcare company that is continuously growing to further enhance
and expand the application of new technologies and data science methods. Although Merck
& Co. is well-known for their success and growth in areas such as software development,
project & program management, virtual and international research labs, and mobility
engineering, this healthcare and drug manufacturing company continuously rises above all
other competitors in information systems such as digital healthcare and data science &
analytics. As the company continues to thrive, Merck & Co. will continue to construct and
open several new IT offices worldwide to allow for innovative and creative individuals to
receive hands on experience with state-of-the-art digital healthcare systems, as well as digital
applications of data science and analytics. Merck & Co. focuses on these two information
systems in particular because the heavy implementation of such strategic assets allows for
healthcare and IT employees to build a unified, responsive, and reliable demeanor, thus
producing improved and enhanced healthcare products, as well as amplified worldwide
access to digital healthcare and data science. As opposed to competing companies, Merck &
Co. provides a clear and concise visualization of their international expansion of effective
healthcare products by encouraging and enabling diverse, energetic, and dynamic teams of
inspiring individuals worldwide.

Section 3: Marketing Analysis

3.1a) “Best pharmaceutical companies to work for in the world”

3.1b) When searched or entered, this phrase will most likely bring up a variety of critic
websites and articles with a list of different companies that are seemingly the
best pharmaceutical companies in the world to work for, which may include
Merck & Company. This company would most likely appear because it is well-
known for being a global pharmaceutical company.

3.1c) When this phrase was entered into the Google search engine, Merck & Co. had
appeared to be the third best pharmaceutical company to work for in the world
according to one article, whilst competing companies had also been placed
among the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world. Competing
companies used throughout my personal applied business projects also placed
in the top 10, including Johnson and Johnson (#1), Pfizer (#5), and Eli Lilly

3.1d) 1.

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3.2a) “Best global companies for prescription medicines and vaccines”

3.2b) When this phrase is searched or entered, a variety of critic websites and articles
will also most likely appear, each displaying a list of global companies that
provide the best prescription medicine and vaccine products to its customers,
which will also more times than not include Merck & Company. This company
will most likely appear on the search page when the above phrase is used
because Merck & Co. is known for producing and globally distributing a wide
variety of effective prescription medicines, vaccines, and more.

3.2c) When this phrase was entered into the Google search engine, Merck & Co., as
well as several other competing pharmaceutical companies used throughout my
applied business projects, had appeared straight away as the first article. This
search also reveals that according to the top article, Merck & Co. places sixth
as one of the best pharmaceutical companies based on their products, as well
as their market capitalization and revenue.

3.2d) 1.

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Section 4: Images of website rows (as shown in website design section above) as
they would appear in a browser. Some overlap of the screenshots/snips is

4.1 Header (Row 1)

4.2 Corporate Overview and Governance (Rows 2-4)

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4.3 Corporate Financials (Rows 5-9)

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4.4 Corporate Investment Analysis (Rows 10-14)

4.5 Footer (Row 15)

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Section 5: Insert the HTML source code of your “index.html” website

Be sure to include the entire html source code file as show by a browser using the “view
source” option. You only need to include the HTML source code in your report. You do not
need to include copies of any other graphics files, such as your images and icon.

Start of index.html source code ------------------

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Corporate Profile for Merck & Co.(MRK)</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="Picture7.png"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<table height="479" width="1000" border="4" align="center">
<h1><i>Merck &amp; Co., Inc. </i></h1>
<h1><img src="Merck&Co_Logo.png" height="119" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s Logo"
width="400"><i>&nbsp; </i></h1>
<p>source: <i>&nbsp;</i><a
<td colspan="2">
<center> Corporate Overview and Governance </center>

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<td><p><i>&nbsp;Merck &amp; Co., Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical

company that is currently based and located in Kenilworth, New Jersey. The company
originated in Germany in 1668 and became an American company in 1917. In 2018, Merck
&amp; Co. was ranked #78 in the Fortune 500 list of largest U.S. corporations by total
revenue. The company's leadership strategies also benefit both shareholders and customers
through efficient corporate governance. As a drug manufacturing company, Merck & Co. has
been able to obtain U.S. FDA approval of 63 New Molecular Entities, which is similar to their
products and services. Such products include the first vaccines for mumps, rubella, measles,
Hepatitis B, and varicella (chickenpox), antibacterials such as treatment for tuberculosis,
Vioxx (helps to treat arthritis), Mectizan (treatment for river blindness/onchocerciasis), and
Fosamax (helps prevent skeletal problems in certain cancers).&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </i></p></td>
<td><img src="Picture1.png" width="600" height="314" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s
Corporate Governance Table"/></td>
<td>Data Source(s): <em>&nbsp;<a
</em><em>Referenced 4/11/2020</em>&nbsp;<em>&nbsp;</em></td>
<td>Data Source(s):&nbsp;<em><a
/MRK/profile?p=MRK</a>&nbsp; &amp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<a
statistics?p=MRK"></a> &nbsp;
Referenced 1/27/2020</em></td>
<td colspan="2">
<center>Corporate Financials</center>
<td><img src="Picture2.png" width="600" height="647" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s
Historical Stock Analysis and Fundamentals Table"/></td>
<td><img src="Picture3.png" width="600" height="386" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s
Competitive Stock Price Graph"/></td>
<td>Data Source(s): <em><a
1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a

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com/quote/MRK/financials?p=MRK&nbsp;</a> Referenced 1/27/2020</em>
<td>Data Source(s): <em><a
nterval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a
terval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a
erval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> Referenced 1/28/2020
<td colspan="2"><i> Merck &amp; Co.'s financial standpoint as of the last trailing
tweleve months is considerably stable and effectively profiting as opposed to competing
companies. Although Merck & Co. is more or less financially proficient than competing
companies, their historical stock analysis from the year 2016 to 2018 has revealed a more
promising financial product and profit. According to the Historical Stock Analysis above,
Merck & Co. has been able to dramatically increase the company's net change in cash, as
well as its total revenue and net income (Financial Metrics Table). Thus, this allows the
prediction of Merck & Co.'s financial standpoint in six months: it is believable that this
company's overall finances, including net income and gross profit, will continue to grow as the
aforementioned table reveals. As opposed to competing, similar companies, Merck & Co.'s
stocks and general finances will most likely remain at a constant, average pace throughout
the next six months because, according to the above Stock Price Graph, Merck & Co. seems
to generally remain at a constant yet slightly growing standpoint (Competitive Stock Price
Graph). </i></td>
<td colspan="2">
<p>Data Source(s): <em> <a
1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a

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uote/MRK/financials?p=MRK</a> Referenced 1/27/2020 </em></p>
<p><em> <a
nterval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a
terval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &amp; <a
erval=1d&amp;filter=history&amp;frequency=1d</a> &nbsp; Referenced
<td colspan="2">
<center>Corporate Investment Analysis</center>
<td><img src="Picture4.png" width="600" height="359" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s
Number of Shares Traded Graph"/></td>
<td><img src="Picture5.png" width="600" height="319" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s
Intraday Stock Trading Prices"/></td>
<td>Data Source(s):<em> <a
e/MRK/history?p=MRK</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp;Referenced 2/29/2020&nbsp;</em></td>
<td>Data Source(s): <em><a
MRK/history?p=MR</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; Referenced 2/29/2020 &nbsp;</em></td>
<td><i>According to the above method used, which is a peer metric visualization
displaying the sustainability of differing companies based on their [conservative] financing,

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Merck &amp; Co.’s stock market is seemingly less attractive for investment opportunities as
opposed to similar and contrasting companies, such as Eli Lilly &amp; Co., Johnson and
Johnson, and Tesla. According to Warren Buffet’s criteria for a quality investment, Merck
&amp; Co. just barely may or may not meet the requirements for such criteria, depending on
the investor, but also according the above peer metric visualization comparison chart, there
are other companies that are much more conservative than Merck &amp; Co., such as Eli
Lilly &amp; Co. and Tesla; Johnson and Johnson can also be considered a less conservative
company than Merck &amp; Co. By analyzing the net worth of a company (total assets – total
liabilities), investors are also able to analyze how much of a company’s net income goes
towards dividends and expected return values. This being said, “…by calculating the
expected annual dividends of the 10-year investment horizon. The model must include the
current price of the subject stock”, which is about $80.00 for Merck &amp; Co. According to
the visualization above, about 10% of this stock share value is spent on dividends and
stockholders’ equity. &nbsp;</i></td>
<td><img src="Picture6.png" width="600" height="330" alt="Merck &amp; Co.'s Peer
Performance Metric Visualization: Total Assets and Liabilities Comparison (Warren Buffet
<td>Data Source(s):<em> <a href="
approach-to-valuing-stocks/</a>&nbsp; Referenced 3/1/2020&nbsp;</em></td>
<td colspan="2"><p>Data Source(s): <i><a
sheet?p=MRK"></a> &amp;
<a href="
sheet?p=LLY"></a> &amp; <a
sheet?p=JNJ"></a> &amp;
<a href="
Referenced 3/1/2020 <br>
<td colspan="2">
<p><strong>Design copyright 2019 by website designer. All other
registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their
respective owners.</strong></p>

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End of index.html source code ----------------------------

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