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Paula Andrea Mora Romero

Carolina Poveda Urrea


Técnico en investigación criminalística y judicial


NAME: Paula Andrea Mora Romero

1. Read and study following vocabulary, Select 5 words and

write 5 sentences with use the verb to be, for example:

My father is in the garage

My father is not in the garage
Is my father in the garage?


Padre Father Cuerpo Body

Madre Mother Pierna Leg
Hermano Brother Cabeza Head
Hermana Sister Rodilla Knee
Hijo Son Cuello Neck
Hija Daughter Pie Foot (feet)
Abuelo Grandfather Hombro Shoulder
Abuela Grandmother Uña Nail
Nieto Grandson Brazo Arm
Nieta Granddaughter Músculo Muscle
Primo Cousin Codo Elbow
Sobrino Nephew Hueso Bone
Sobrina Niece Mano Hand
Tío Uncle Piel Skin
Tía Aunt Dedo Finger
Pelo Hair
Pecho Chest
Espalda Back
Barriga Belly
a) My grandmother is turning her back on my girlfriend
My grandmother is not turning her back on my girlfriend
Is my grandmother turning her back on my girlfriend?

b) The dog is biting my foot

The dog is not biting my foot
Is the dog biting my foot?

c) My niece is cutting her nail

My niece is not cutting her nail
Is my niece cutting her nail?

d) The cousin is with pain in the hand

The cousin is not with pain in the hand
Is the cousin with pain in the hand?

e) The dad is with a blow to the chest

The dad is not with a blow to the chest
Is dad with a blow to the chest?

2. Translate and Write the following sentences with use verb

to be in present. (Am – are- is).

- Ellos están caminando en el jardín

(+) They are talking in the garden
( - )They are not talking in the garden
(?) Are they talking in the garden?
- La manzana esta sobre la mesa
(+) The Apple is on the table
( - ) The Apple is not on the table
(?) Is the Apple is on the table?

- Samuel esta jugando tenis

(+) Samuel is playing tennis
( - ) Samuel is not playing tennis
(?) Is Samuel playing tennis?

- Sandra y juan estan hablando

(+) Sandra and Juan are talking
( - ) Sandra and Juan are not talking
(?) Are Sandra and Juan talking?

3. Write a sentence according to de image, using the verb to


(+) I am studying the flight

attendant career

( - ) I am not studying the flight

attendant career

(?) Am I studying the flight

attendant career?
(+) My grandfather is working as
a butcher
( - ) My grandfather is not working
as a butcher
(?) Is my grandfather working as
a butcher?

(+) I am thinking of dressing up

as a clown

( - ) I am not thinking of dressing

up as a clown

(?) Am I thinking of dressing up

as a clown?

(+) The guy is cooking bread for

the whole family

( - ) the guy is not cooking bread

for the whole family

(?) Is the guy cooking bread for

the whole family?
4. Read the text in the box and join as appropriate.

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