ROY, CECILLE C-Written Report in Theories and Principles of Management

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Written Report in Theories and

Principles of Management

Job Transfers due to IT & Other

Points about People and Change

Summer Term 2021

Technological advancements are changing the way we work, reducing the need for some
occupations and expanding the need for others.

Jobs that aren’t experiencing rapid change in growth are still seeing rapid change in
technological adoption, which requires workers in those fields to learn new skills.

Along with these changes could come advances in productivity, creating high-paying, high-
quality employment for people in the position to take advantage of the growth of these good
jobs. But there is also a risk, especially among those without advanced degrees that people will
lose job.

Efforts to make these changes are under way. Communities are collaborating within their local
workforce systems to create reskilling programs targeted to the needs of local employers,
and expanding apprenticeship programs have been shown to create employment opportunities for

Although these efforts are promising, employers, employees, educators, and policymakers need
to ensure that more people can pursue these opportunities and to ensure that technology improves
the way we all work.

Technology has always fueled economic growth, improved standards of living, and opened up
avenues to new and better kinds of work. Recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine
learning, which brought us Watson and self-driving cars, mark the beginning of a seismic shift in
the world as we know it. To navigate the unstable labor market and seize the plentiful
opportunities offered by new technologies, we must find a way to more quickly adapt. By
continually updating our skills and seeking alternative work arrangements, we can ―race with the
machines.‖ Whether we like it or not, change is coming, and the worst move of all would be to
ignore it.

Thus, it is important to remind ourselves that automation does not have a universal effect on
employment; a machine can be either a substitute or a complement to human labor.

A machine can substitute for human labor when it has the ability to produce more than the
worker for the same cost (such as his or her wages), or as much as the worker for a fraction of
the price. This is most likely to occur when a worker’s tasks are routine and codifiable—that is,
when the instructions for the tasks can be translated into code for a computer to carry out.

In addition, automation is more able to replace workers in simplified, controlled environments.

While computers can perform the most complex calculations in milliseconds, it is much more
difficult to get a machine to write novels or care for children as effectively as humans do.

Machines complement labor when they allow workers to be more productive, but cannot—at
least cannot fully—replace the worker. In other words, automation that complements human
labor makes it easier for people to do their jobs and concentrate on what humans excel in, such
as idea generation, problem solving, pattern recognition, and complex communication—all of
which constitute computers’ weaknesses.16 For example: calculators, spreadsheets, and
bookkeeping software all made accountants’ jobs much simpler. For the most part, however,
humans are still the ones making insights and providing strategic advice to the businesses they
work at.


When you think about change, do you agree that it is a good thing? Do you disagree, and avoid
it whenever possible? Or, maybe you agree that it is good, but you still don’t like it?

Change is part of life. You can’t escape it. So here are seven facts that will show you why you
can’t (and shouldn’t) live without it.


Let’s be honest. Change is unavoidable, so why fight it?

You know that you can’t control everything, no matter how hard you try. Embrace this
knowledge and you’ll be less stressed. Embrace the fact that it will come, and you’ll be better
prepared to face it when it arrives.


Don’t stress out over ―what-ifs―. Sometimes great things come out of life’s twists and turns.

You’ll never experience the best parts of life if you avoid things that are new or different. Focus
on the positive outcomes, and remember that you’re never stuck.


Of course, not all change ends up being good. But even if the it is negative, the fact that you
endured a change can be healthy.

Dealing with challenges stretches us and helps us grow. You do want to grow, don’t you?


Some people know logically that they should embrace change, but they still find
themselves fearing it. Is it the unknown that seems daunting?

You won’t always know what’s going to happen, but that’s okay. Sometimes you just have to let

Change can be scary because we like control. When crazy things happen, it can make us feel
helpless. But remember that even if you can’t control what happens around you, you still get to
decide what you’re going to do about it.

Change is unavoidable. So why not learn from it?

The more you encounter it, the better you are able to deal with it (whether it is positive or
negative). Over time, it helps you learn to handle conflict and disappointment when it comes
(Pro Tip: it’s much better to learn this on small things so you’re ready when the big things hit).

Learn from the different circumstances you encounter so that you can move boldly into the


Change is unavoidable. So why not learn from it?

The more you encounter it, the better you are able to deal with it (whether it is positive or
negative). Over time, it helps you learn to handle conflict and disappointment when it comes
(Pro Tip: it’s much better to learn this on small things so you’re ready when the big things hit).

Learn from the different circumstances you encounter so that you can move boldly into the


Change opens up new doors that you never could have imagined.

If you do the same job, the same way, with the same approach, in 10 years you’ll still be at the
same job, doing the same thing (maybe with the same salary).

But what if you decide to learn a new skill? Or take on a tough project? Or get that
certification? Or think outside of the box? Who do you think is more likely to get that
promotion: you, or Mr. Same Ol’?



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