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I – Multiple Choice : Read the following questions carefully. Choose and write the letter of your choice
before the number. No Erasures please.

________1. Marketing has been defined as a function and set of processes for creating, communicating,
and delivering value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stakeholders. Marketing managers must have information in order to determine
values desired by customers and how to build customer relationships. This explanation shows: 

A) why marketing research is a part of marketing; that is, marketing research provides 
information to allow marketing managers to understand values desired by customers. 
B) why marketing is a part of marketing research; that is, marketing processes are used to 
generate marketing research information that is needed to determine customers' desired values.
C) why the uses of marketing research do not include creating, communicating, and delivering value,
but include identifying opportunities and problems. 
D) why marketing and marketing research are not indirectly correlated. 

________2. Which of the following statements best illustrates the service-dominant logic for marketing
A) Marketing decision makers should know their firms' core competencies.
B) Marketing decision makers need to know how to precisely measure service satisfaction.
C) Marketing decision makers must be able to directly impact ROI. 
D) The quality of internal service levels is more important than the quality of external service levels.

________3. Companies which successfully minimize product and service failures: 

A) can credit the development of complex accounting systems for their success.
B) depend on high levels of employee motivation for their low failure rates.
C) are often known for their emphasis on selling efforts and providing high rewards for sales teams.
D) have determined how to create, communicate, and deliver value by "hearing the voice" of
the consumer.

________4. The marketing concept is an important philosophy for marketing managers because it dictates: 
A) the amount of quarterly profits a firm will earn.
B) the market share a firm will earn.
C) day-to-day decisions that managers will make.
D) whether or not the firm will reach its sales quota.

________5.  The key reason that the marketing concept has been recognized as the "right philosophy" is
that it: 
A) is well established in marketing literature. 
B) has been recommended by successful marketing executives.
C) always focuses on the consumer. 
D) does not rely on high-pressure selling. 

________6. A marketing strategy consists of selecting a segment of the market as the company's
target market and designing the proper: 
A) products for that target market.
B) "mix" of product/service, price, promotion, and distribution for that market.
C) promotion for that target market.
D) incentives to allow a la\\rge percentage of the target market to purchase goods and services  from
the company.
________7. In order to develop the "right strategy" to succeed in business, managers must make the
right decisions; and in order to make the right decisions, they must have objective, accurate,
and timely: 
A) reports about the competition. 
B) reports about customers' wants and needs
C) evidence of the number and sizes of market segments  
D) information.
________8. Which of the following is the best definition of marketing research? Marketing research is: 
A) the activity of analyzing secondary information and providing executives with timely reports.
B) the process of designing experiments that provide decision makers with causal information.
C) the linking of consumers with information managers.
D) the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used
to solve a specific marketing problem. 

________9. Which of the following best illustrates the use of marketing research to monitor
marketing performance? 
A) marketing research managers closely overseeing the work of subordinates in the
marketing research department
B) comparing the return on investment of firms using marketing research to those which are
not using marketing research 
C) tracking variables that monitor how well products are performing in the marketplace 
D) providing mobile online tools for marketing researchers practicing in the field

________10. Mark, a marketing manager, disagreed with other company managers. Tim believed that
the company should not just try to make a better product or try to sell more of the product. He
believed that the company should try to identify and satisfy consumer wants and needs. Mark’s
philosophy may best be described as: 
A) the production-oriented philosophy.  C) the marketing concept philosophy. 
B) the selling philosophy.   D) the management philosophy

________11. Allison is the CEO of a large consumer products company. She asks the marketing
research department to gather information to help her determine target markets having the most
potential from among several market segments. She also asks the research department to give her
an assessment as to the best product, price, distribution, and promotion to appeal to the various
market segments. Allison is collecting information to help her implement a: 
A) marketing mix.  C) marketing concept
B) marketing audit.  D) marketing strategy. 

________12. Rachel would like to create a new department within her firm. She wishes that her firm could
provide information that will help link consumers outside the firm to individuals in the firm.
The individuals inside the firm would make decisions used to identify marketing opportunities
and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance;
and perhaps improve the understanding of marketing as a process. Rachel should name this
A) the department of consumer public information. 
B) the marketing research department. 
C) the marketing performance and evaluation department. 
D) the marketing opportunities department. 
________13. Donna is a salesperson with the P&G Corporation. Donna has just made a large sale, and he
accesses P&G’s marketing information system in order to determine if the company has
enough existing inventory to fill the large order. Donna is accessing which component of P&G's
A) marketing intelligence  C) marketing research 
B) internal reports D) consumer information support system 
________14. What did the Marketing Research Association do in 2005 that changed the credentialing
of marketing research professionals? 
A) They brought a lawsuit against several practitioners who were not qualified to practice marketing
B) They required all practitioners to take a test on qualitative research methods.
C) They created the Professional Researcher Certification program.
D) They required all AACSB accredited colleges to offer a course in marketing research.
________15. Who, among the following, is given credit for conducting the first continuous and organized
marketing research and is also recognized today as the "Father of Marketing Research"? 
A) Charles Coolidge Parlin  B) C. J. Craig  C) Jed Bartlet  D) Charlie Young 
________16. In terms of the evolution of the marketing research industry, what was the significance of
the era which ranged from about 1940 to 1960? 
A) Questionnaires were put into use providing marketing researchers with a method of
gathering new information from customers, dealers, and competitors. 
B) Finally, marketing research became fully accepted; formal recognition of the marketing 
research function led to the creation of marketing research departments. 
C) High-tech products such as CARDs, CATIs, SPSS, and DBMs developed. 
D) Focus groups, statistical analysis, and the computer became part of the marketing
researchers' toolkit, greatly aiding them in their research efforts. 
________17. The largest marketing research firm in the world is:
A) Arbitron Inc. C) Symphony IRI Group, Inc.
B) Burke, Inc. D) Nielsen Holdings N.V. Co.
________18. In discussing the structure of the marketing research industry, the authors define an internal
supplier firm as one that: 
A) makes research decisions based primarily upon information supplied by the internal
reports system. 
B) is organized in a staff relationship to other internal departments. 
C) provides syndicated services, but only to members of the syndicate. 
D) has its marketing research provided by an entity, such as a marketing research department, within
the firm. 
________19. Which of the following types of marketing research firms would be considered "limited-
service" firms?
A) syndicated data services firms C) customized services firms 
B) packaged services firms  D) field services firms
________20. External supplier firms may be either: 
A) vertically or horizontally integrated.   
B) full-service or limited-service firms. 
C) synd icated or internal supplier firms.
D) certified, or be required to offer letters of qualified research service capability. 
________21. Firms that specialize in collecting data are called:
A) data storage firms. C) market segment data specialists.
B) lab service firms. D) field services firms.
________22. A research firm that uses only one technique, such as eye movement research or taste
testing, would be called:
A) a full-service supplier firm. C) a firm that is said to have "vision." 
B) a syndicated data service firm. D) a limited-service supplier firm.
________23. As the marketing research industry evolves, traditionalists question whether the challenges
posed by ________ threaten to render the industry obsolete.
A) the explosion of technological tools and providers
B) the mistreatment of respondents
C) an over-focus on technique
D) commoditization
________24. The issue of ________ continues to be dominant in today's world of "scraping" websites to
gather information. 
A) the slow speed of data collection C) resentfulness toward invasive researchers
B) privacy D) data incompatibility
________25. A common ethical code among major associations is to ensure that researchers will not collect
information for more than one client at the same time without explicit permission from the clients
involved. This code falls into the category of:
A) fair dealings with respondents. C) maintaining research integrity
B) fair dealings with clients and subcontractors. D) concern for society.

________26. Which of the following is the first step in the marketing research process? 
A) defining the problem C) establishing the need for marketing research
B) establishing the research objectives D) determining methods of accessing data 
________27. Conducting a marketing research study is necessary when:
A) the product is in the decline stage of its life cycle.
B) managers require information that is available only from the marketing intelligence system of the
C) companies have cash-flow problems.
D) companies require additional information from the market for decision making.
________28. A prescriptive research study:
A) provides information that allows the manager to best remedy the dissatisfaction.
B) describes general marketing phenomena like customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction.
C) determines the sources of dissatisfaction associated with marketing phenomena.
D) attempts to uncover the factors that cause some event.
________29. Allan the president of a bank. He wants to find out the satisfaction level of his customers
in Dallas on certain dimensions such as friendliness of employees, convenience of location,
and availability of loans. Allan needs to conduct:
A) exploratory research. C) causal research.
B) descriptive research. D) prescriptive research.
________30. 39) Which of the following is true regarding causal research? 
A) It describes marketing phenomena.
B) It attempts to uncover the factors that lead to some event.
C) It determines the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
D) It is undertaken to learn terms and definitions. 
________31. Which of the following is true regarding secondary data? 
A) Obtaining secondary data is more expensive than collecting primary data.
B) It should always be sought second, after primary data.
C) It refers to data that has already been collected.
D) It takes a lot of time to collect secondary data.
________32. The most popular form of accessing data is:
A) telephone surveys. C) in-home surveys.
B) online surveys. D) face-to-face intercepts
________33. Questionnaires are: 
A) software programs that aid in online surveying.
B) software programs that provide the best questions for market surveys.
C) data collection forms used when respondents are observed over a period of time.
D) data collection forms used when there is direct interaction with respondents.
________34. ________ is the process in which 10% of all respondents in a marketing research study
are randomly selected, re-contacted, and asked if they took part in a research study.
A) Sampling C) Testing
B) Checking  D) Validation
________35. Research objectives:
A) specify all the decision alternatives used in the study.
B) state specifically the best research design that should be used to solve the problem.
C) state specifically what information must be produced to solve the problem.
D) are less specific in aiding the researcher in the search for information.
________36. John has been hired by a company to conduct a research study on the factors that affect the
attrition of employees in that company. John wants to prepare research objectives that would be able
to represent and include in their scope the true feelings of the employees, for which he interacts with
a few random employees. John recognizes the concept of:
A) quality. C) action standards.
B) attrition D) frame of reference
________37. Baby Jane is concerned about an error in the problem statement of a research study she
has conducted for her company. The error:
A) can be controlled using a larger sample size. C) can be measured only in percentage terms.
B) can be measured and, therefore, controlled. D) cannot be corrected.
________38. Experience surveys, case analyses, pilot studies and focus groups are methods of
conducting a(n):
A) problem definition analysis. C) market research study.
B) situation analysis. D) organization analysis.

________39. Once the decision alternatives for a problem are decided upon, a manager must try
to determine the:
A) next step in the marketing research process. C) reasons for the alternatives
B) consequences of the alternatives. D) definition of the problem.
________40. Market research becomes unnecessary when managers are:
A) aware of the causes of a problem at hand.
B) uncertain about consequences of decision alternatives.
C) certain about the consequences of decision alternatives.
D) certain about the symptoms of a problem at hand.
II – Modified Identification : Identify what is asked for each number. Read the following sentences carefully. Choose
the best answer from the box below and Write only the letter before the number in CAPITAL letters. No erasures

A. case analysis B. Exploratory research C. Continuous panels D. Dependent

E. Descriptive research F. Cross-sectional G. experiment H. Electronic test
studies markets
I. Focus groups J. Sample surveys K. Causal relationships L. experimental design
M. Research design N. Panels represent O. Independent P. Controlled test
sample variables markets
Q. Experience surveys R. Longitudinal studies S. Discontinuous T. Test marketing

________41. Refers to a set of advance decisions that makes up the master plan specifying the methods and
procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information.
________42. This is usually conducted when the researcher does not know much about the problem and needs
additional information or desires new or more recent information.
________43. Refers to gathering information from those thought to be knowledgeable on the issues relevant to the
research problem.
________44. A review of available information about a former situation(s) that has some similarities to the current
research problem is called ________________
________45. are small groups brought together and guided by a moderator through an unstructured, spontaneous
discussion for the purpose of gaining information relevant to the research problem.
________46. This is undertaken to describe answers to questions of who, what, where, when, and how.
________47. _________________measure units from a sample of the population at only one point in time.
________48. These are cross-sectional studies whose samples are drawn in such a way as to be representative of a
specific population.
________49. This repeatedly measure the same sample units of a population over a period of time. Because
longitudinal studies involve multiple measurements, they are often described as “movies” of the population.
________50. __________units who have agreed to answer questions at periodic intervals. Maintaining a
representative panel of respondents is a major undertaking.
________51. _____________ask panel members the same questions on each panel measurement.
________52. are sometimes referred to as omnibus panels which may be used for a variety of purposes, and the
information collected by a discontinuous panel varies from one panel measurement to the next.
________53. These are determined by the use of experiments, which are special types of studies.
________54. An_____________ is defined as manipulating an independent variable to see how it affects a dependent
variable, while also controlling the effects of additional extraneous variables.
________55. These are those variables over which the researcher has control and wishes to manipulate.
________56. These are those variables over which we have little or no direct control but a strong interest inchanging.
________57. An _________ is a procedure for devising an experimental setting so that a change in a dependent
variable may be attributed solely to the change in an independent variable.
________58. This is concerned with the extent to which the change in the dependent variable was actually due to the
independent variable.
________59. Refers to the extent that the relationship observed between the independent and dependent variables
during the experiment is generalizable to the “real world.”
________60. These are those in which the independent variables are manipulated and the measurements of the
dependent variable are made on test units in their natural setting.

III - Identification: Identify what is asked in each sentence. Write your answer before the number. No
erasures please.

______________________1. Refers to information that is developed or gathered by the researcher

specifically for the research project at hand.

______________________2. _________ have previously been gathered by someone other than the
researcher and/or for some other purpose than the research project at hand.
______________________3. This is the process of building, maintaining, and using customer (internal)
databases and other (internal) databases (products, suppliers, and resellers) to contact, transact, and
build customer relationships.

______________________4. This helps managers make sense out of seemingly senseless masses of
information contained in Databases.

______________________5. ____________ consist of information gathered by a company, typically

during the normal course of business transactions.

______________________6. These are data obtained from three main sources outside the firm: (1)
published, (2) syndicated services data, and (3) databases.

______________________7. These are provided by firms that collect data in a standard format and make
them available to subscribing firms.

______________________8. These are databases supplied by organizations outside the firm. They may
be used as sources for secondary data.

______________________9. ____________ databases are sources of secondary data searchable by search

engines online.

______________________10. Refers to the term used to describe the classification of arbitrary, usually
small, geographic areas in terms of the characteristics of their inhabitants.

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