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RAW and Bangladesh :: One ::

by Mohammad Zainal Abedin

"The main sources of inspiration for the Indian Intelligence agencies and its
foreign policy are ancient Hindu pundit and politician Koutillaya and his
book 'Arthshastra' (Economy) Koutillaya is also kno!n as hanakya and

The main sources of inspiration for the Indian Intelligence agencies and its foreign policy are ancient Hindu pundit
and politician Koutillaya and his book 'Arthshastra' (Economy). Koutillaya is also knon as !hanakya and
"ishnugupta. He as the #rime $inister of !handra %upta. He had ritten his' book 'Arthshastra' beteen the era
& and & before the birth of !hrist.' The book is di*ided into + parts and has , chapters. Koutillaya had applied
his treacherous diplomacy to subdue and anne- other states. As a result the $ourya Empire *astly e-panded under
his ad*ice and super*ision.
or occupation of other states Koutillaya laid don the folloing guidelines/
a. 0hen your country is eak1 pursue the policy of peace.
b. 0hen your country becomes militarily strong1 follo the policy of ar.
c. 0hen another state seeks your help1 apply double standards.
In his book Koutillaya has recommended si- principles as the basis for foreign policy.
These are/ peace1 ar1 neutrality1 military preparedness1 formation of alliance and duel policy. He recommends/
a. #eace should be' established ith other states through agreements.
b . 0ar should be pursued through relentless attacks on t he enemy.
c. 2eutrality means complacence and indifference.
d. The 'poer of the state should be enhanced by e-panding military preparedness.
e. 3ther states should be lured and forced into formation of alliance or friendship to seek common shelter and
f. 4uel policy means to make peace (friendship) ith one and enmity ith the other (The 4aily AI $u5added /
2o*ember &1 667).
E*en to thousand three hundred years after the$oyura rule the Indian rulers of today continue to follo the
Koutillaya's policy. Koutillaya's dictum 'poer is the ultimate truth and the main aim of an organised state should be to
obtain poer'1 has been folloed by all Indian rulers. 8ince Koutillaya era till today all Hindu states ha*e been relying
mainly on muscle poer. In the entire history of the Hindus it is difficult1 to find a single Hindu king ho had folloed
the policy of non9*iolence.
#resent day India has also adopted the same policy1 though in pursuance of principle of dual policy1 Indian rulers
keep propagating about folloing policy of non9*iolence. This is done ith lot of gusto to decei*e the outside orld
about their true moti*es.
Indira %handhi as an ardent folloer of 'Koutllaya doctrine'. 8he subscribed fully to Koutillaya's policy of aging
'battles of intrigues' and 'secret ars' to achie*e her unholy ob5ecti*es. 8he created :A01 a secret intelligence
agency functioning directly under the #rime $inister1 to pursue her ambitious but nefarious agenda particularly in
8outh Asian region.
The :esearch and Analysis 0ing (:A0) as raised in 8eptember 6;, from the skeleton of oreign Intelligence
4esk of Intelligence <ureau (I<). $r. :ameshar 2ath Kao as appointed as its first head. The ne agency(:A0)
as assigned the task of collection1 collation and analysis of 'intelligence from beyond India's national frontiers. A
'8pecial 3perations <ranch' as also included in its organi=ation for conducting secret and co*ert operations. :A0
started its 5ourney ith an annual budget of to crore rupees and a staff of + persons/ The organi=ation gre
rapidly and by 66 its strength of officers 'and staff had e-ceeded , thousand persons hile its annual *isible budget
as abo*e + crore rupees. :A0's present budget is estimated to be around :s + crores. It has its on aircrafts
and helicopters. :A0's head>uarters is located' in an ele*en story building in ?odhi Estate1 2e 4elhi. $r. A. 8.
8iyali1 a 8ikh is its current head (4irector as he is officially knon).
:A0 is not accountable to the Indian parliament i.e. ?ok 8abha and :a5ya 8abha. <oth ?ok 8abha and :a5ya 8abha
ha*e no legal right to >uestion its acti*ities. 2either the #ublic 8er*ice !ommission nor the 8taff !ommission has any
role in appointing the officers and staff of :A0. As a matter of fact :A0 is one of the fe organisations in
India hich is absolutely so*ereign. It also has the poer to carry out super*isory functions on othey organisations.
Theoretically :A0 is accountable to the #rime $inister1 but in practice1 it is free from any super*isory influence. As a
result :A0 is knon to be f olloing its on agenda particularly concerning neighboring countries.
:A0 also has great influence in formulation of e-ternal policy of India. 8ince the last fe years :A0 has become so
poerful and influential that it has emerged as a ma5or player in the internal politics as ell. <esides usual functions
as intelligence agency1 :A0 is relentlessly orking for attainment of folloing ob5ecti*es /
a. To e-tend Indian so*ereignty o*er unprotected and *ulnerable smaller neighbours.
b. To enhance Indian. influence particularly in t he Indian 3cean region militarily1 politically and culturally1 so as to
pro5ect and de*elop India as a future super poer.
c. To implement the <rahmanic dream of establishment of 'Akhand <harat'.
:A0's popularity1
popularity1 acceptability and influence increased manifold after its success in disintegration of #akistan in
6@ and anne-ation of 8ikkim in 6@+. Hoe*er1 its image suffered some set backs due to debacle in 8ri ?anka
during 6,@ and failure to enlist #akistan as a terrorist state. 2e*ertheless1 it has retained its image as the country's
premier intelligence agency and still ields lot of influence in policy formulation1 particularly in matters relating to
foreign affairs and internal security. 8ome obser*ers belie*e that in actual fact1 the foreign policy ofIndia is concei*ed
and planned by :A01 hile $inistry of E-ternal Affairs is merely an implem enting body. The cardinal principles of
:A0 inspired foreign policy are/
a. To e-ert influence on other countries under the co*er of friendship and co9operation.
b. To play fake role of f riendship hile secretly pursuing enmity .
c. To resort to threat and coercion to achie*e desired ob5ecti*e if necessity arises.
d. To insist on the policy of bilateralism.
e. To delay resolution of problems hen on moral and legal position is eak.
f. To ork as a lackey of a poerful country but present itself as a super poer to the eaker countries.
g. To keep the 8outh Asian 9 region free from foreign influence and interference.
2o let us see as to ho :A0 is orking to attain its usual as ell as special ob5ecti*es/
a. !onducting e-tensi*e espionage 'acti*ities by the under co*er diplomats and staff posted in the Indian $issions
b. :ecruiting leaders and other important persons of enemy countries. The agents include politicians1 military officers
and personnel1 %o*ernment officials1 layers1 litterateurs1 5ournalists1 cultural orkers1 trade union leaders1 teachers
etc. se of ell trained omen agents1 offering temptations1 blackmailing and threatening the 'targets' are 'common
tactics for ensuring their allegiance.
c. #utting pressure or luring through incenti*es to the desired country for entering into une>ual and incompatible
d. 3ffering training to ci*ilian and military officers of other countries and recruit agents from amongst them..
e. <rain ashing the intellectuals of foreign countries by arranging scholarships and study tours for them.
f. 8preading cultural influence through *ideo films1 T" and radio programmes1 nespapers1 maga=ines and 5ournals
g. #romoting internal clashes and *iolence in the target countries through tribals1 aboroginals and minority
'8pecial 3perations <ranch' as also included in its organi=ation for conducting secret and co*ert operations. :A0
started its 5ourney ith an annual budget of to crore rupees and a staff of + persons/ The organi=ation gre
rapidly and by 66 its strength of officers 'and staff had e-ceeded , thousand persons hile its annual *isible budget
as abo*e + crore rupees. :A0's present budget is estimated to be around :s + crores. It has its on aircrafts
and helicopters. :A0's head>uarters is located' in an ele*en story building in ?odhi Estate1 2e 4elhi. $r. A. 8.
8iyali1 a 8ikh is its current head (4irector as he is officially knon).
:A0 is not accountable to the Indian parliament i.e. ?ok 8abha and :a5ya 8abha. <oth ?ok 8abha and :a5ya 8abha
ha*e no legal right to >uestion its acti*ities. 2either the #ublic 8er*ice !ommission nor the 8taff !ommission has any
role in appointing the officers and staff of :A0. As a matter of fact :A0 is one of the fe organisations in
India hich is absolutely so*ereign. It also has the poer to carry out super*isory functions on othey organisations.
Theoretically :A0 is accountable to the #rime $inister1 but in practice1 it is free from any super*isory influence. As a
result :A0 is knon to be f olloing its on agenda particularly concerning neighboring countries.
:A0 also has great influence in formulation of e-ternal policy of India. 8ince the last fe years :A0 has become so
poerful and influential that it has emerged as a ma5or player in the internal politics as ell. <esides usual functions
as intelligence agency1 :A0 is relentlessly orking for attainment of folloing ob5ecti*es /
a. To e-tend Indian so*ereignty o*er unprotected and *ulnerable smaller neighbours.
b. To enhance Indian. influence particularly in t he Indian 3cean region militarily1 politically and culturally1 so as to
pro5ect and de*elop India as a future super poer.
c. To implement the <rahmanic dream of establishment of 'Akhand <harat'.
:A0's popularity1
popularity1 acceptability and influence increased manifold after its success in disintegration of #akistan in
6@ and anne-ation of 8ikkim in 6@+. Hoe*er1 its image suffered some set backs due to debacle in 8ri ?anka
during 6,@ and failure to enlist #akistan as a terrorist state. 2e*ertheless1 it has retained its image as the country's
premier intelligence agency and still ields lot of influence in policy formulation1 particularly in matters relating to
foreign affairs and internal security. 8ome obser*ers belie*e that in actual fact1 the foreign policy ofIndia is concei*ed
and planned by :A01 hile $inistry of E-ternal Affairs is merely an implem enting body. The cardinal principles of
:A0 inspired foreign policy are/
a. To e-ert influence on other countries under the co*er of friendship and co9operation.
b. To play fake role of f riendship hile secretly pursuing enmity .
c. To resort to threat and coercion to achie*e desired ob5ecti*e if necessity arises.
d. To insist on the policy of bilateralism.
e. To delay resolution of problems hen on moral and legal position is eak.
f. To ork as a lackey of a poerful country but present itself as a super poer to the eaker countries.
g. To keep the 8outh Asian 9 region free from foreign influence and interference.
2o let us see as to ho :A0 is orking to attain its usual as ell as special ob5ecti*es/
a. !onducting e-tensi*e espionage 'acti*ities by the under co*er diplomats and staff posted in the Indian $issions
b. :ecruiting leaders and other important persons of enemy countries. The agents include politicians1 military officers
and personnel1 %o*ernment officials1 layers1 litterateurs1 5ournalists1 cultural orkers1 trade union leaders1 teachers
etc. se of ell trained omen agents1 offering temptations1 blackmailing and threatening the 'targets' are 'common
tactics for ensuring their allegiance.
c. #utting pressure or luring through incenti*es to the desired country for entering into une>ual and incompatible
d. 3ffering training to ci*ilian and military officers of other countries and recruit agents from amongst them..
e. <rain ashing the intellectuals of foreign countries by arranging scholarships and study tours for them.
f. 8preading cultural influence through *ideo films1 T" and radio programmes1 nespapers1 maga=ines and 5ournals
g. #romoting internal clashes and *iolence in the target countries through tribals1 aboroginals and minority
h. 4e*eloping and promoting separatist mo*ements and to arrange shelter1 money/ arms and training to terrorists and
separatist elements in target countries.
i. Influencing the %o*ernment1 members of parliament and %o*ernment officials of other countries ith a *ie tB
make them tilt toards India. If some one resists the influence1 he is made target of intense pressure e-erted through
di*erse means.
 5. Encouraging on agents to form pressure groups and through them organise hart al1 strike1 seige1 gherao etc. to
create instability and lalessness in target countries.
k. 8preading false1 baseless and distorted nes through local and international nes media about the target
countries to hurt their economic interests as ell as . their general prestige and image.
l. Arranging assassination of important personalities including head of %o*ernment or state1 if he is considered to be
faltering rather e-cessi*ely. This is done to bring desirable c hanges in the %o*ernment and officials1 besides ser*ing
as arning to the others.
m. 8ponsoring military coups or political agitations etc. to bring don a %o*ernment hich is considered hostile.
n. 0aging intense propaganda arfare to further on interests.
:A01 e*er since its inception has been playing a yital role in formulation and implementation of Indian foreign
policies. In consonance ith Koutillaya's precepts1 :A0 has been aging relentless secret ars against smaller
neighbouring countries. 3*er the years it has orked assiduously and fulfilled its tasks skillfully and ruthlessly.
2e*ertheless it has many eaknesses and *ulnerabilities too. A detailed knoledge about its ob5ecti*es1 orking
systems and modus operandi can help in effecti*ely countering its menacing onslaught.
4irector. of :A01ho holds the rank of a 8ecretary to the %o*ernment of India 1orks directly under the #rime
$inister. He is assisted by an Additional 4irector of the rank of Additional 8ecretary to t he %o*ernment of India. 3ffice
of 8pecial 3perations (383) is responsible for special co*ert operations. The Coint 4irectors Areas ha*e specified
desks dealing ith different regions' (countries). Area one #akistan1 Area to !hina and 8outh East Asia1 Area three
$iddle East and Africa and Area four other countries. Another Coint 4irector is responsible of ElectronicDTechnical
8ection and Administration including Internal 8ecurity. The 4irector of 8ecurity is responsible for the A*iation
:esearch !entre (A:!) and the 8pecial 8er*ices <ureau (88<) hich has field detachments in border areas.
 A*iation :esearch !entre (A:!) is responsible for interception1 monitoring and 5amming of target comm unication1
systems. It has the most sophisticated electronic e>uipment and also a substantial number of aircrafts e>uipped ith
state of the art ea*esdropping de*ices. It as strengthened in mid 6,@ by the addition of three ne aircrafts1 the
%ulf 8treams9&1 at the cost of :s + crores. The aircraft can reportedly fly at an altitude of +1 ft and has an
operating range of + kms. A:! also controls a number of radar stations located close to the Indo9#akistan and
Indo9!hina borders. Its aircrafts also carry out obli>ue reconnaissance along the borders ith #akistan1 !hina and
RAW'S Handle!, A"en#! and O$ea#%&n!
:A0 is conducting its operations against <angladesh from di*erse places and centres. The prime centres are Indian
High !ommission at 4haka and 4eputy High !ommissions at !hitt agong and :a5shahi. A large number of under
co*er diplomatic and other staff are posted in these missions for pursuing :A0's agenda of operations. 8uch officers
and staff actually belong to :A0 but on papers are shon to belong to the $inistry of E-ternal Affairs etc.
<esides1 :A0 has a regional office at $alibagh1 !alcutta headed by a senior :A0 officer1 for super*ising conduct of
espionage and special operations. This set up orks independently of High !ommission and 4eputy High
!ommissions and has separate budget stated to be o*er /as  crores annually. The set up has sub offices at
4ar5eeling1 8hillong and Agartala hich control operations ithin their regional domains.
These :A0 operati*es run and handle a large netork of hard core agents. In addition they ha*e a *ery *ast number 
of supporters1 sympathi=ers and part time agents. :A0 agents can be di*ided into three broad categories/
a. Indian nationals ho are sent to <angladesh after proper training in espionage and. sabotage etc. They settle in
<angladesh under false and assumed identity as 5ournalists1 businessmen1 students1 cultural acti*ists1 litterateurs etc.
for conducting their assigned tasks.
b. <angladeshi nationals ho get hooked for a *ariety of moti*es including financial reards1 business interests1
ideological considerations (more so in case of Hindus).
c. Third country nationals i.e. ho neither belong to India nor to <angladesh.
These are usually the officials of multinational organisations1 2%3s1 business houses1 corporations and international
companies etc. ho happen to be either posted in <angladesh or concerned ith pro5ects of <angladesh.Tasks
assigned to :A0 agents include/
a. To supply secret and sensiti*e information particularly about national defence and national policies.
b. To further Indian economic and other interests.
c. To mount malicious propaganda about founding principles and ideological basis of the country and create
fa*ourable public opinion for merger ith India.
d. To create political unrest1 promote terrorism and lalessness and impede economic groth of the country by
resorting to hartals1 bandhs1 blockades etc. These are done to ensure that <angladesh remains dependent and
shackled to po*erty and hence unable to follo so*ereign policies.
e. To spread communal and religious disharmony.
f. To create disturbances in educational institutions to encourage more <angladeshi students to opt for admission in
Indian educational institutions.
g. To encourage and promote separatist and sub*ersi*e mo*ements in the country.
The 0eekly :ashtra rote in its issue of August 1 667. India *ery carefully uses its mercenaries to arrange
hartals and other tactics to destroy country's economy. It employs stooges like Taslima 2asreen to defame the
country. Its agents are at ork to turn <angladesh as a market for Indian goods. Indian agents ha*e also been trying
to sabotage Camuna <ridge pro5ect and to hinder e-ploitation of country's mineral resources in order to promote
Indian interests.
2ational #rofessor 8yed Ali Ahsan said in an article published in the 0eekly <ikram1 April 6 66&1 A fe people
desire to establish political affinity ith India. They seldom find1 any error in India's attitude and beha*iour ith us.
They do not protest against India's acti*ities detrimental for <angladesh. They utter comments against Islam to pro*e
their modern outlook. In fact1 they are orking to prepare grounds for <angladesh's merger ith India. It is an irony
that acti*ities of such treasonous and treacherous cli>ue are not checked and that they ha*e been alloed
unbounded freedom to speak against country's independence and ideology.
rom the abo*e1 it is apparent that the nature of :A0's operations and acti*ities go much beyond the usual interests
of an intelligence agency. 2o onder that :A0's agents ha*e Infiltrated e*eryhere like sarms of locusts.
 A section of people in <angladesh preaches that menace of India is a baseless and communalistic propaganda. They
argue1 hy should India o*er9burden herself by salloing a problematic and po*erty9stricken country F or their
kind information I can note that India has already set se*eral e-amples of salloing eak and tiny territories. The
orld is ell aare ho treacherously India anne-ed Hyderabad1 $an*adhar1 %oa1 4aman1 4iu1 Kashmir etc. Ho
can one forget the illegal and conspiratorial anne-ation of 8ikkim1 a tiny and rocky mountainous kingdom of the
Himalayas. Thus ho can one be nai*e enough to belie*e that India is not interested in capturing a strategically
important country like <angladesh.
$erging <angladesh ith India is :A0's ultimate goal. It is considered necessary to suppress the ongoing liberation
struggles in 2orth9eastern Indian states bordering <angladesh. Thus constant efforts are being made on multiple'
fronts to eaken and cripple <angladesh to facilitate its salloing. :A0's policy makers ha*e taken it as their
historical responsibility to materialise the dream of 2ehru and other leaders for a united India i.e. ':am :a5'. It may be
mentioned that the Hindu leaders had accepted partition of India in the hope that one day it ould be undone. An
independent and so*ereign <angladesh remains a thorn in the eyes of Indian leaders hich has to be uprooted at the
#eople of the then East <engal (today's <angladesh) had struggled for establishment of an independent $uslim state
to get dd of communal mentality and master9like attitude of the Hindu leaders. $uslims apprehended that their
interests and e*en e-istence may be in 5eopardy in Hindu ma5ority India. This led to ide scale popularity of To'
2ation Theory hich became the basis for creation of a separate homeland for the $uslims of East <engal.
It is to be noted that the then $uslim leaders had tried their utmost to a*oid partition of <engal and to form an
independent and unified <engal state outside the frameork of India and #akistan. $uhammad Ali Cinnah1 the
undisputed $uslim leader of that time as in fa*our of undi*ided and independent <engal1 but Hindu leaders1
specially Caaharlal 2ehru and his folloers opposed the idea. 2ehru demanded that if India as to be di*ided to
create. #akistan1 <engal and #un5ab ere also to be di*ided so that their Hindu ma5ority areas could merge ith
India. 2ehru's moti*e for di*iding <engal and #un5ab as to e-pedite the annulment of partition of India as e-plained
in his letter to $r. Ashraf9ud94in1 a !ongress leader from !omilla.
'The !ongress has stood for the union of India and still stands for it. <ut G ha*e pre*iously stated that e are not
going to compel any part against its ill. If that unfortunately leads to a di*ision then e accept it. <ut ine*itably such
a di*ision must mean a di*ision also of <engal and #un5ab. That is the only ay to ha*e a united India soon after. If
e can ha*e a united India straight ay ithout such di*ision that ill of course be. *ery elcome'.
The ob5ecti*e of Indian assistance to the <engalis during the ar of liberation of 6@ as to boost the process of
reuniting India1 a cherished dream of 2ehru and other Hindu leaders. An impartial *ie of the treaty signed during
6@ ar of liberation by India and the #ro*isional %o*ernment of <angladesh1 make it e*idently. clear that India
actually anted a crippled <angladesh1 hich should . not be able to come out of the clas of Indian grasp.
The @9point secret treaty hich our #ro*isional %o*ernment as compelled to sign in 3ctober 6@ states /
a. After establishment of <angladesh1 the administrati*e officers ho acti*ely participated in the ar of liberation
ould remain in their posts. The rest ould be terminated and *acant posts ould be filled up by the Indian
administrati*e officers.
b. After the liberation of <angladesh the re>uired number of Indian soldiers ould remain in <angladesh(2o time limit
as laid don).
c. <angladesh ould not form and maintain any formal Indian regular Armed orces.
d. To maintain internal security and la and order a militia ould be formed comprisin of the freedom fighters.
e. The chief of staff of the Indian Armed orces ould lead the probable ar ith #akistan. The $ukti <ahini (freedom
fighters) ould ork under the command of Indian Armed orces.
f. Trade transactions beteen the to countries ould be free and open. The *olume of trade ould be calculated
once in a year and the price ould be paid in pound9starlings.
g. The oreign $inistry of <angladesh ould maintain a close liaison ith E-ternal Affairs of $inistry of India and the
latter ould assist the former as far as possible( E-cerpts from inter*ie of $r. Humayun :ashid !hodhury/ by
$asudul Ha>ue / ':A0 and !IA in the ?iberation ar of <angladesh)
$r. Humayun :ashid !hodhury1 ho as the !hief of $ission of the #ro*isional %o*ernment of <angladesh in 2e
4elhi disclosed during the inter*ie that late 8yed 2 a=rul Islam1 the Acting #resident of #ro*isional <angladesh
%o*ernment fainted after signing the accord. It is intriguing that the te-t of this' treaty has not been published till today
neither by the %o*ernment of <angladesh nor by that of India.
In pursuance of abo*e accord1 pro*isional %o*ernment of <angladesh had to agree to the folloing arrangements/
a. ?t. %eneral Cag5it 8ingh Aurora as appointed as the !ommander9in9chief of the Allied orces instead of %eneral
 Ataul %hani 3smani.
b. 8urrender of #akistani soldiers to ?t. %eneral Aurora.
c. Arri*al of Indian ci*il ser*ants in 4haka to take o*er the responsibility of ci*il administration.
d. !ontinued stay of Indian soldiers in <angladesh e*en after surrender of #ak Army on 4ecember ;1 6@. .
e. ormation of :akkhi <ahini.
India intended to keep its troops in <angladesh for an indefinite period but it as forced to ithdra the troops due to
return of 8heikh $u5ibur :ahman on Canuary 1 6@1 ho publically asked India to ithdra its troops from
<angladesh. E-9#resident of India ?ate ail 8ingh e-posed Indian plans during an inter*ie. $r 8ingh said that the
decision of ithdraing Indian troops as not 5udicious as it hampered Indias interests.This inter*ie as published
in Indian nespapers on Culy @1 6,@.
The original :A0 plan to keep Indian troops permanently in <angladesh ha*ing failed1 efforts ere initiated on other
fronts to cripple so*ereignty of the ne state. :A. 0 policy makers ere ell aare that it as no longer easy to
sallo a country by force. The traditional method of occupying a country is neither appreciable nor practicable.
2o9a9days no occupation army gets orld recognition. :ather it has to face orld9ide condemnation and
<ut it does not mean that an e-pansionist bully ill lea*e its aggressi*e =eal in the 2e 0orld 3rder. 2o to o*er run
a country an aggressor cripples its citi=ens psychologically and reduces its economy to shambles to create such a
situation that its citi=ens no longer possess mental strength and inspiration to be self9reliant. That country becomes a
market of foreign goods ha*ing failed to de*elop its on resources. And ultimately the country becomes bankrupt and
o*erburdened ith foreign debt. The spontaneity1 *igour and *itality of the people are iped out and they loose their
spirit to resist an in*ader. Though the country seems to be independent outardly but psychologically and culturally
its people are made subser*ient. They become imitati*e. Their cultural identity and e-clusi*eness and their spirit of
nationalism gradually die don. A day then comes hen they fail to percei*e the significance and necessity of
protecting independence and so*ereignty. :A0 relentlessly has been endea*ouring to c reate such a situation in
0ith this end in *ie India ants to turn <angladesh into a desert by ithdraing ater of forty international ri*ers.
The !hakmas are instigated to snatch aay !hittagong Hill Tracts1 the soul of <angladesh. Efforts are made to
infiltrate Indian secret agents .under the co*er of '<angabhumi' and 'push back'. Educational institutions are made to
cease ork in order to dri*e aay students to Indian educational institutions. Agents are engaged to help close the
local mills and factories in the name of trade union mo*ements. To create psychological insecurity Talpatti1 $uhurir
char1 2irmal !har and many other areas of <angladeshi territory ha*e already been taken aay illegally and forcibly.
<8 and Indian killers are infiltrated into <angladesh to hi5ack or kill <angladeshi citi=ens and plunder their
belongings. Abo*e all cultural and religious identity of 6J people of <angladesh is being eroded out by systematic
attacks on Islamic *alues.
:A0 side by side creates political instability and unrest through its agents. In such a situation people become
reluctant1 irritated1 disgusted and disrespectful to the leadership of the country as they fail to ascertain the real friend
and foe of the country. 0hen this situation goes from bad to orse and the national leaders fail to ensure the security
of life and property of the common people they themsel*es may in*ite foreign poer on their soil as their sa*iour.
8ikkim1 a Himalayan Kingdom1 ent underthe domination of India through this process.
:A0 is applying abo*e techni>ue in <angladesh more aggressi*ely and systematically. :A0 plans to thro
<angladesh to the brink of such uncertainty and destruction by iping out its cultural identity1 crippling its economy1
creating political impasse 1and instability so that the demand for Indian inter*ention should rise from ithin
<angladesh. To respond to such a so9called in*itation India has prepared before hand the legal ground by compelling
<angladesh to sign the + years #eace and riendship Treaty. In. the meantime1 :A0 agents like Taslima 2asreen
are propagating to ipe out the border of <angladesh in order to merge ith India. Indian intellectuals also do not feel
ashamed to plead for re9unification of <angladesh ith India. or :A0 <angladesh is a test case to materialise its
blue print of nited India.
 A dispassionate analysis of historical e*ents prior to 67@ clearly indicates that 2ehru and other Hindu leaders ere
responsible for the partition of India1 specially <engal. The di*ision of <engal took place conse>uent upon decision of
Hindu ma5ority districts legislators of the then <engal ?egislati*e Assembly ho at 2ehru's behest *oted on Cune 1
67;1 in fa*our o(partition of <engal by +,9 *otes. 3n the other hand the $uslim legislators *oted in fa*our of
undi*ided <engal by ;9&+ *otes.
2ehru had created an apprehension in the minds of the <engali Hindus that administration of undi*ided independent
<engal ould be controlled by the $uslims as they ere ;J more than the Hindus. To preclude the possibility of
<engal emerging as a poerful and *iable unit and to make it easy for him or his successors to take eak East
<engal back into India's fold as soon as possible1 2ehru insisted on the partition of <engal hich he later
confessed/<engal as di*ided in a manner that it could easily be merged into India again( The 0eekly Chanda/ $ay
&1 66).
Hoe*er1 despite abo*e historical facts1 Hindus k eep accusing $uslim leaders f or partition Cf <engal. They hold $r.
Cinnah in particular responsible for <engal's partition. Hindus call $uslim leaders as communal for propagating To
2ation Theory. Hoe*er1 old press reports clearly indicate that neither $r. Cinnah as communal nor he anted
partition of <engal. A 4eccan 4aily 'The Hindu' in its $ay 61 67@1 issue reported that $r. Cinnah had no ob5ection to
alloing <engal to 'participate in 9the !onstituent Assembly if #akistan as alloed to be created on the estern part
of the Indian 8ub9continent. He *irtually had no ob5ection if <engal ould remain outside #akistan(. $ahatma
%handi/ The ?ast #hase/ "ol.9II.#9@,. Buoted by <adruddin mar in #artition of <engal And !ommunal #olitics.)
3n the other hand 2ehru's demand as that <engal ould ha*e to be di*ided if India as to be partitioned. ?ord
$ount <aton1 the last "iceroy of the <ritish India1 e-plained ho $r. Cinnah 0as compelled to sallo the partition of 
<engal as a last resort.He (Cinnah) presented *ery strong arguments as to hy these pro*inces (<engal and #un5ab)
should not be partitioned. He con*eyed' that these pro*inces ha*e common cultural characteristics and that partition
ould be disastrous. 2ehru re9iterated that hy not the same considerations be applied to the partition of entire India.
$r. Cinnah did not agree and start ed e-plaining hy India had to be partitioned. Hoe*er1 finally $r. Cinnah reali=ed
that the Hindus and <ritish ould either ha*e a united
India or a di*ided India ith partitioned #un5ab and <engal. :esultantly Cinnah as left ith no option but to accept
the proposed partition( Kamruddin Ahmed/ A 8ocial9 #olitical History of <engal/ #9,&).The proceeding para clearly
pro*es that <engal and #un5ab ere partitioned as a pre9condition set by the Hindu leaders for partitioning India. 8o
the sub9continent as not di*ided according to Cinnah's plan. Cinnah anted that India should be partitioned into India
and #akistan keeping <engal and #un5ab intact. He also fa*oured an undi*ided <engal outside #akistan. Hoe*er1
hen $r. Cinnah reali=ed that if <engal and #un5ab ere not partitioned to meet the obstinacy of 2ehru1 the sub9
continent itself ould not be'di*ided and in that case $uslims ould be depri*ed of any homeland at all1 he reluctantly
agreed to the partition of the to pro*inces(#un5ab and <engal). In fact $r. Cinnah had been left ith no option but to
accept the partition scheme because ?ord $ount <atton had told him that if he (Cinnah) did not accept the &rd Cune
proposal1 <ritish ould transfer poer to the largest political party i.e.1 Indian 2ational !ongress.
:A0 has no taken upon itself to distort the history to suit its ulterior moti*es. Accordingly :A0's agents keep
propagating that only $r. Cinnah as responsible f or the partition of <engal. This is being done to support :A0's
bigger game plan i.e.1 to ipe out the boundary lines separating <angladesh from India. :A0 ants to pro5ect the
boundary lines as reminiscent of $r. Cinnah and others so called 'communal' $uslim leaders. The ne-t phase is to
make case for undoing these' unholy' lines.
A##a./ On E0%!#en.e, Ide&l&" and Cl#e OF (an"lade!
The Ananda <a=ar #atrika of !alcutta recently published a long feature on the so9called crippled economy and
political instability of <angladesh and shamelessly ad*ised <angladeshis in the folloing ay/ :eali=ing the cruel
truth <angladeshis should rather raise the demand to merge ith India'. %etting similar message from her masters in
:A0 Taslima 2asreen1 a derailed riter1 rote in a poem/
'A thorn has been pricked
In my throat in $%& 
I do not !ant to s!allo! it 
ather I desire to etort it 
To reclaim the undi*ided soil of my ancestors' 
(. Buoted in the 0eekly $uslim Cahan1 Canuary &1 66+.)
Taslima 2asreen has been rearded by conferring many aards by India for her so9called literary orks.%oing back
to history e find that our forefathers ne*er illingly accepted being part of undi*ided India. The people of this region
ne*er hole heartedly accepted the authority of 4elhi9the capital of undi*ided India. They raised flag of independence
and e*en fought against the e-ploiters and administrators of 4elhi again and again. Hoe*er1 :A0 seems to ha*e
learnt nothing from history and continues to stri*e for reali=ation of its dream of an undi*ided India. #ropounding the
same thoughts in a seminar about regional cooperation of 8outh Asia held at 4haka on ebruary ,1 661 $r.
$ayaram 8urgeon1 a leader of Indian 2ational !ongress and the editor of the '4aily A5kal' said/If Europe can be
united1 hy can't e return to pre9partition India of 67@ F
The irony is that nobody in the seminar ob5ected to $r. $yaram's malicious suggestion. :ather some of the :A0
agents hailed him for his isdom. In another seminar organised by the' !enter for 4e*eloping the 8pirit of <engali
2ationalism' to elcome the +th century of the <engali !alendar $r. Hasan Imam1 a self9 styled champion of the
spirit of liberation ar supported the call of $r. $ayaram. He said/'The *ast sub9continent as fragmented to pieces1
though e anted to remain united. It cannot be belie*ed that e cannot be united once again in future'( The 4aily
In>ilab / April &1 667)
$r. Hasan Imam is a member of %hatak 4alal 2irmul !ommittee (The committee for elimination of collaborators of
6@). The1 abo*e statement1 e*idently pro*es for hom Hasan Imam and his colleagues ork.0hy don't these so9
called ardent ad*ocates of <engali spirit encourage the people of 0est <engal to secede from India and reunite ith
<angladeshF 0hy do they ad*ise <angladeshis to merge ith IndiaF 0e in <angladesh fought and laid don li*es
for upholding <engali language and to nurse and highlight distinct <engali identity. 3ur merging ith India ill amount
to undoing these achie*ements. 3n the contrary they do not ad*ise that 0est <engal should break aay from India
and merge ith us1 gi*en their lo*e for <engali spirit and culture. $r. $ayaram and host of others like him see only
the reunification of %ermany but they are blind enough not to see hat has happened to the defunct 8o*iet nion1
!=echoslo*akia and Lugosla*ia.
:A0 certainly is aare of the fact that religion and religion9based culture are the prime obstacles in the ay of
reunification of so9called undi*ided India. A true $uslim can ne*er relin>uish his religion1 culture and life9st yle. E*ery
step of a $uslim is go*erned and guided by his religion because Islam is a complete code of life. or this reason
<engali speaking $uslims and Hindus though li*e in the same territory and eat rice9fish9dal1 they can ne*er become
a. homogenous community. There fore1 despite li*ing in the same country they ha*e separate and distinct identities.
:A0's ob5ecti*e is to undermine Islam in the li*es of <angladeshi $uslims so that their blending ith Hindus is
facilitated. or the purpose :A0 is trying to erode the $uslim culture and replace it by Hindu culture under the
prete-t of <engali culture.
It may be noted that $uslims ha*e preser*ed and protected their separate cultural identity despite li*ing alongside
their Hindu neighbours for centuries. Although language of both. $uslims and Hindus is the same yet a clear9cut
distinction is *isible in their ay of using idioms. In many cases Hindus use ords of 8anskrit origin1 0hile $uslims
use ords of Arabic and #ersian origin. or 'ater' Hindus and $uslims use to separate ords/ 'Col and 'pani'
respecti*ely. To refer to blessing1 Hindus say 'Ashirbad ' hile $uslims say '4oa'.or the ord '#ardon'1 Hindus use
'Khama' (kshma) but the $uslims use the ord '$aaf. Thousands of e-amples of this kind of differences can be cited.
Hindus sound 'lu' (sound uttered by Hindu 0omen on festi*e or religious occasions) at birth1 marriage and
'#u5a'(religion orship of the Hindus).
This custom is not in *ogue among $uslims. $arried Hindu omen use *ermilion in their hairparting. $uslim omen
do not use it. H5ndus are cremated after their 1death hile $uslims are buried. The customs of the to religious
communities are totally different and sometimes poles apart. 2either of them relin>uished their on customs nor
accepted and de*eloped a common one to sho their de*otion to <engalee culture or <engalee spirit. Each of them
is glued to its on faith and culture. 0hen any Hindu child is born1 Hindus utter b. sound 'lu'1 but hen a child is
born in a $uslim family1 'A=an' ($ue==in's call to the $uslims for prayer) is articulated in the ne born's ears. $uslim
boys are circumcised in their early boyhood1 hereas Hindu boys are not. Hindus consider and *enerate the ater of
the %anges as the most sacred (e*en though it is highly polluted and impure) but $uslims do not think so. Hindus
belie*e in && crores of deities and orship idols. $uslims belie*e in only one Allah. 8o $uslims and Hindus1 though
li*e in the same region1 speak the same language and eat almost the same foodM they ha*e different customs and
de*eloped different cultures. 2either of the to faiths could get o*er the religious boundaries to create common life
style and culture. Each of them belong to a distinct faith and culture and has different historical background.
:A0 backed intellectuals take infinite pains to pro*e to the ne generation that the liberation ar of 6@ dispro*ed
the *alidity of the To 2ation Theory and generated t he spirit of secularism. Hoe*er1 this is totally rong. The ar of 
liberation as directed against the then 0est #akistani domination and e-ploitation and not against Islam and our
$uslim identity. 2one of the leaders of the liberation ar e*er relin>uished Islam1 $uslim identity and $uslim culture.
3ne of the main characteristics of Islam is that it ants the ne con*erts to set aside all the tenets1 rituals1 customs
and life9style of their pre*ious religion and to accept and practise hat is en5oined and appro*ed1 by Islam. 3ur
forefathers hen they con*erted from Hinduism to Islam1 not only relin>uished Hindu /religion but also Hindu rites1
customs1 culture1 norms and ay of li*ing. They committed themsel*es 1totally to Islam. After becoming $uslims they
did not continue folloing their pre*ious (Hindu) practices1 such as1 uttering 'lu'1 lighting '$ongol pradep' (an
auspicious lamp used by the Hindus1 specially1 at a religious ceremony)1 positioning '$ongal %hot' (a consecrated
pitcher placed in a house to in di*ine fa*our). They ga*e up bloing the conch1 sounding the bell9metal disc1
cremation of a ido on her dead husband's funeral pyre1 use of *ermilion in hair9parting etc.M and began to practise
hat is granted by Islam. or these reasons1 <engali1 speal1ring Hindus and $uslims did not and could not de*elop a
conimon cultural heritage.
In recent years :A0 hirelings ha*e been assiduously trying to introduce Hindu practices1 labeling them as integrai
part of <engalee culture. They kindle $ongal pradepi sound bell9pletal disc and utter. 'lu' in *arious furictions. Their
aim is to promote Hindu cultureM in the name of <engalee culture.' '<ut history testifies that the custom of kindling
$ongal pradep or sounding bell9metal1or bloing conch shell as not *ery common1 e*en among the Hindus in any
part of <engal1 lea*e alone the $uslims.
Thus these are pot part of <eng9alee tradition or culture at all.
2o reference to these practices (kindling $ongal pradip1 ringing beGl9metal 3r bloing conch shell) is found in1the
ancient <engali religious lLrics '!HA:CA#A4' hich ere composed during the reign of the #aul 4ynasty that ruled
<engal from the ,th to the th century. After the fall of the #aul 4ynasty in the th century the 8ens from Karnataka
became the rulers or <engal. The 8ens ere Hindus and they introduced Karnataki Hindu practices in the temples of
<engal. The customs of kindling auspicious lflmp at time of orshipping the deities1 bloing conchshell and beating
bell9metal ere introduced by 8ens. 8o1 the culture the urban9based :A0 hirelings try to introduce in <angladesh in
the name of <engalee culture is not e*en the culture of the original Hindus of this region. Hoe*er1 the :A09inspired
intellectuals ha*e been pleading for introduction of the said rituals in our important national functions. In this conte-t
the comments of the renoned national professor 8 yed Ali Ahsan are orth mentioning. He rites/
A group of parasitic and in*ertebrate people ho are totally de*oid of historical facts1 kindle $ongal pradeep and
blo bell9metal in the cultural functions. In pursuance of historical e*idence I ant to say that auspicious lamp and
bell9metal are totaIly1idolatrous and communal. $oreo*er they are by no means related to1the life9style of the people
of this region(The 0eekly <ikram / April 69+ / 66&).
According to the dictionary published by <angla Academy one of the meanings of the ord '$ongol' is poem or lyrics
or song praising deities/ *i= $anasa $ongol (epic in honour of the Hindu snake goddess $anasa)1 !handi $ongal
(eulogistic literature about Hindu goddess !handi). $ongal %natmeans earthen or any other kind of pot placed ith
festi*ities to in the fa*our of Hindu deities.8o $angol %hat and $ongal pradep are part and parcel of Hin'du
customs and culture(The 0eekly Chanda/ April &1 66).
These practices ne*er entered into the religious1 social or f amily life of the <engali speak ing $uslims. Let since 66
a familiar group of so9called intellectuals has shamelessly started to indulge in these idolatrous practices on our ne
year's day in the name of <engalee culture. To display so called <engali culture this group and their folloers dance
in the1 streets earing masks of deities1(ghosts1 apparition1 5ackal1 monkey and hanuman (the name of the monkey
chief ho as an ally of the Hindu deity :amchandra in his e-pedition to ?anka).
E*en the Hindus1 let alone the $uslims of our country1ere ne*er seen before in our streets ith such beast9like
appearances. If e look into the bistory of <ritish India hen Hindus ere dominant ip this region e do not get any
e*idence of celebrating <engali 2e year's 4ay in such a ay. ?et us again see hat professor/ Ali Ashan says about
this e-otic culture/
The truth hich history re*eals is that these beastly masks and decorations are related to the festi*als of %a5an held
in connection ith the orship of the Hindu deity '8hi*a' (8ri Krishna D2arayan1 "ishnu1 8hi*a1 all are Hindu deities)of
the untouchable Hindus. In the '%a5an fair' untouchable Hindus like '4om' (a Hindu caste ho are assigned duty of
burning the dead and looking after the crematorium)1 seeper1 chandal (one of the loest caste of the Hindus usually
entrusted ith the e-ecution of criminals) etc. used to dress up as clons in multiforms to celebrate.I e-pect my
learned readers to reali=e ho tactfully :A0 has been instilling the culture of loer caste Hindus among the $uslims
of <angladesh in the name of <engalee cuure. It should be noted here that <engali9speaking Hindus ne*er
recognised $uslims as <engalees. They considered '<engali9speaking $uslims loer e*en than the untouchables
like cobblers1seepers1 fishermen barbers1 ashermen etc.
There is not e*en a single instance in the history of the <engali speaking $uslims to pro*e that such practices ere
in *ogue during the united <engal days or e*en thereafter. Hoe*er1 no the so9called progressi*e elements at the
behest of :A01 ha*e become *otaries of alien culture. :A0 ants to make inroads in the bastion of the <engali
speaking $uslim's faith1 ith the ultimate ob5ect of making the $uslims of <angladesh to repudiate Islam and its
*alues and disdain their cultural heritage. #erhaps a day may come hen :A0's stooges ill emerge in our streets
dressed as Kali1 ?akshmi1 8arsati1:adha9Krishna1 Aur5un or 8hi*a (all are hindu deities) or parade the 1streets in
procession as de*otees of these Hindu deities. They may start earing thread (orn by the upper class Hindus)
round their necks or decorate their foreheads' or the bridges of noses ith sandal ood paste (as painted by
*aishna*as orshippers of "ishnu1 a Hindu deity or folloers of 8ri !haitanya reformer of modern Hinduism) or'carry
a trident in their hands (used by Hindu deity 8hi*a and no9a9days by Hindu ascetics). 8ome of them ha*e already
started making an e-hibition of their <engaleeism by earing '4hoti' (a lion cloth orn by Hindus).
The people of this region had not seen such efforts for re*i*al of Hindu culture in the name of <engalee culture before
66. 8heikh $u5ib1 the founder of <angladesh and a <engalee par e-cellence1 celebrated 7 $artyr 4ays1 7
Independence 4ays1 7 2e year's 4ays and & "ictory' 4ays after the emergence of <angladesh. <ut they ne*er
made any attempt to introduce auspicious lamp1 bell9metal1 conch shell or 'lu' in these celebrations in the name of
<engalee culture. $asked demon of :am's de*otee Hanuman as not seen in the streets on <engali 2e Lear's
day. 2ot a sing (entrance is found in 8heikh $u5ib's1thousands of speeches and statements hich could indicate that
he encouraged the introduction of Hindu culture in the name of <engali culture.
<ut since 66 :A0 hirelings ha*e started a campaign to promote Hindu culture. After all hat is their moti*eF
8crutiny of background of ardent supporters of Hindu culture re*eals that these people are the ne con*erts and
hence are acting more holier than the #ope. Here are some details about a fe of them. '
8ufia Kamal as an e-ponent of Islamic *aluesM brotherhood and the territorial integrity of #akistan till the si-ties. 8he
also composed a number of poems in praise of the Buaid9e9A=am and #akistan. In the later part of the si-ties hen
disintegration of #akistan seemed ine*itable she allied herself ith the pro9$osco elements. 4uring the nGne
months' of liberation ar she stayed in 4haka >uite comfortably. <elfltedly she1 emerged as a champion and symbol
of independence and the apostle of the spirit of liberation ar. 8he once headed the infamous' %hatak 4alal 2irmul
$r.' 8ira5ul Islam !hodhury1 another ostentatious e-ponent of the spirit of liberation ar has become a supporter of
#akistan's ideology. 4uring Ayub regime he rote a book for school students named '#akistan/ The country and her
culture' in hich he ad*ocated #akistani nationalism and cultural unity of the then #akistan.$r. 8hamsur :ehman is
yet another ardent preacher of the so9called <engalee culture. Hoe*er1 till 4ecember ;1 6@ $r1 8hamsur
:ehman had employed his efforts and talent to safeguard the unity and solidarity of the then #akistan. His ritings in
ersthile 'The 4ainik #akistan' are clear proof of his allegiance to the then #akistan.
These people are turn9coats and opportunists. They no claim themsel*es to be the custodians of the spirit of
liberation ar to dra personal benefits. They shamelessly try to introduce alien culture i/l <angladesh the culture
hich 8heikh $u5ib1 the architect of liberation struggle himself ne*er prescribed. They think that the more they glorify
Hindu culture1 the more ill they be regarded as pure <engalees and thus ill be able to conceal their past record
and gain material benefits. Hoe*er1 the truth of the matter is that these people ere neither sincere and loyal to
#akistan in the past1 nor are they sincere and loyal to <engalee spirit at present. They are mere mercenaries doing
:A0's bidding' for their personal gains.
:A0 has reali=ed that the so*ereign e-istence of <angladesh can't be annulled so long Islam e-ists1 as a li*ing force
among the bulk of her people and her cultural boundary remains intact. Therefore1 :A0 has mounted a multi9
pronged attack to distort cultural heritage of <angladesh. It has engaged so called9$uslim pseudo intellectuals to
spearhead attacks on $uslim *alues and traditions and to introduce Hindu culture in the name of <engalee culture.
:A0 has recently adopted a no*el ay to contact and recruit important1 religious and political leaders of <angladesh.
They send some of their Indian1 $uslim stooges to <angladesh to approach high religious and political personalities
of <angladesh. $oulana Asad $adni of 4eoband1 Alha5 Kashani <aba of 4argah 2i=am ddin Aulia and ulema from
 A5mer 8harif ha*e been *isiting <angladesh for the purpose. They in*ite top <angladeshi leaders to their hotel or
place of residence and try to pass :A0's co*ert message to include/
a. #artition of India has not pro*ed good for $uslims. Hence $uslims should try for re9unification of India.
b. Indian $uslims and their religious places are ell protected and looked after by Indian %o*ernment (not
ithstanding the plight of <abri $as5id). 1 '
c. It is propagated that #akistan and <angladesh do not ha*e Islamic las i.e.1 amily ?as in #akistan as ell as
<angGadesh are unislamic1 hile in India $uslim personal las are being folloed. E-ample of 8hah <ano case is
often cited to propagate their point.
d. <angladeshi leaders are urged to stop criticism of India.
e. In*itation is e-tended to <angladeshi leaders to *isit India on their e-penses. The offers for 5oint business *entures
are also made to lure in the <angladeshi leaders.
:A0's ultimate aim is to affect minds of people particularly of ne generation in such a manner so that they forget
$uslim traditions1 *alues and culture and adopt Hindu culture similar to that of India. Thereafter it ill become easier
for :A0 to launch the ne-t phase of 'Anne- <angladesh' operation.
Taslima 2asreen1 the blasphemous and contro*ersial riter from <angladesh oes her sudden rise to fame and
prominece to :A0. 3n instigation from :A0 she has been riting no*els and poems against I slam1 morality and
independence and so*ereignty of <angladesh. 8ince many years :A0 has been using her for spreading poisonous
and preposterous material against $uslim culture. :A0's  lo*e for Taslima 2 areen is indicated by conferring of an
aard by the Anandaba=ar %roup of !alcutta1 India1 for her book '2irbichito !olumn'.
Knoledgeable circles disclosed that although the book on its merit did not deser*e such recognition1 the aard as
conferred on her due to :A0's recommendations. 8ome critics pointed out that Taslima in her said book had
e-tensi*ely copied from 8ukumari <hattachar5ee's book '#rachin <harat/ 8ama5  8hahitya' (old Indian 8ociety and
?iterature). At places Taslima e*en used similar ords hich ere ritten by 8ukumari <hattachar5ee. <ut inst ead of
taking action against Taslima 2asreen for piracy1 the Anadaba=er %roup honoured her by t he aard.
$any poets1 riters and literary figures of 0 est <engal ha*e *ehemently protested against aarding Taslima
2asreen for her plagiarism. <ut the Anandaba=er %roup continues to patroni=e her. 3b*iously it ould not ha*e been
possible ithout official patronage. The :A0's aim of doing the same as to establish Taslima 2asreen as a prolific
riter to a literary person of substance so that her ritings carry greater appeal.Taslima has been fre>uently riting
against e-istence of <angladesh as an independent and so*ereign country. 8he openly preaches for merger of
<angladesh in India.
In many of her poems and other ritings she unabashedly appeals for doing aay ith artificial boundaries of 67@
and regain the glory of undi*ided motherland.Her infamous no*el '?a55ya' as aimed at castigating Isam and $uslim
*alues in <angladesh/ The no*el narrates the so saIled sufferings of an imaginary Hindu family in <angladesh in the
ake of demolition of <abri $os>ue. It is intriguing. that she ignored plight of thousands of $uslims ho ere killed in
riots in India. Instead she mlide false allegations against $uslims of <angladesh1 ho ha*e a good record of
treatment of minorities. Infact1 :A0 had a deeper conspiracy in *ie hile proposing to her to rite the1 said no*el.
<eside suggesting to her the no*el's plot and characters1' :A0 also pro*ided her distorted 'statistics' for building up
the story. The no*el hich as
completed ithin to months as printed imd distributed under :A0's arrangements.
$any >uartrers refuse t o acknoledge that it is a genuine solo ork of Taslima. They claim on the authorit y of inside
sources that the final manuscript of the no*el as shaped by some ghost Indian riters under super*ision of :A0
hich as later published in the name of Taslima 2asreen.
The :A0's ob5ecti*es for publishing '?a55ya' are listed belo/
a. To create hatred against <angladeshi $uslims by pro5ecting'them as fanatics. Also to paint <angladesh as a
$uslim fundamentalist state.
b. To bring Islamic *alues and culture.
c. To raise the' demand for obliterating the map of <angladesh and merge it ith India on the ground that minority
community (Hindu) is not safe in the country.
d. To hit economic interest of <angladesh by presenting her as a $uslim fundamentalists country here rights of
minorities are not safe. :A0 hoped that after such ad*erse 'propaganda' donor countries may cut or reduce
econoCllic aid to <angladesh.
e. To promote ci*il unrest by creatftlg polarisation in the society. :A0 kne that TasIima's uttering ill be resented by
$uslfm masses and ill lead to establishment of to camps1 one in fa*our of Taslima and 1the other against her. The
ones ho support her ill be termed as anti9religious by the other group. The polarisation beteen the to groups ill
lead to se*ere unrest and la and order situation in
<angladesh hich may de9stabili=e the Bo*ernment and the democratic system.After storm of protests all o*er the
country the no*el as banned in <angladesh. Hoe*er1 its sale and distribution continued in 0est <engal and other
Indian states under patronage of :A 0.1.<C# and other communal parties of India ha*e been using the no*el as an
ammunition in their anti9$uslim campaign. Although :A0 partially succeeded in achie*ing its other ob5ecti*es1 the
economic assistance to <angladesh as not affected due' to timely counter measures by <angladesh %o*ernment.
$r. Ashoke A. <isas1 a noted I ndian analyst and research scholar commenting on :A0's in*ol*ement ith Taslima
said1 The latest e-amples of :A0's mischief has been the notorious disco*ery of Taslima 2asreen. This immoral1
third rate riter as initially lioni=ed by !alcutta media and then financed by :A0. Taslima's literary mentors in
!alcutta encouraged her to challenge the fundamental tenets of Islam1 knoing fully ell that it ould ha*e an
ad*erse reaction among de*out $uslims. Here the plan of :A0 as to create internal turmoil in <angladesh as ell
as to arouse the estern feminist and anti9fundamentalist lobby against Islam.
Taslima 2asreen is also notorious for immoral utterings. 8 he preaches free se- and does not recogni=e the institution
of marriage. 8he displays contempt for social *alues and cultural traditions on the ground that these hinder personal
freedom. 8he argues in one of her ritings that hy should a oman be e-pected to bear the child of her husband
alone. 0hy should she not concei*e child of a man hom she lo*es e*en hile married to another manF t'6b*iously
such ritings1 besides being pro*ocati*e are against the tenets of Islam.
Hoe*er1 :A0 undertakes to propagate and spread her orks to spoil the moral fiber of <angladesh's $uslim
society. Taslima 2asreene*en dared to directly utter blasphemous ords for The Buarn and its teachings. 8he stated
il) an inter*ie ith a !alcutta daily in 6671 The Buran should be re9ritten to suit the changed present day orld
(2au=ubillah). 3b*iously the de*out $uslims of <angladesh1 could not take this direct assault on Islam. 8oon the
entire country as up against her. In many places of the country protest meetings and demonstrations ere held
against her utterings demanding se*ere punishment for her. 8ome secular and pro9Indian elements tried to defend
her initially but seeing public's f ury1 ent >uiet after a hile. 8ensing danger Taslima ent under ground. 3n public's
demand %o*ernment instituted a case against her under rele*ant la of the land.
:A0's game to earn Taslima fame and prominence as successful. $any organi=ations and go*ernments of the
estern countries came forard to defend Taslimsa's right to freedom. of speech and e-pression. E*en the 8
#resident $r. !linton spoke in fa*our of Taslima. The %o*ernment under international pressure as obliged to allo
her to lea*e the country after staging bail from a court. 8he is no comfortably lodged in Europe from here she
keeps uttering blasphemous statements ith impunity.
The case of Taslima 2asreen pro*ides good insight about :A0's modus operanda and o*erall ob5ecti*es. A person of 
mediocre literary potentials and dubious personal morals as helped to 5ockey to fame and riches as reard for
furthering their cause.
Hoe*er1 :A0 made a fundamental1 rather fatal mistake in their assessment.They failed to correctly gauge the
reaction of <angladeshi masses9the common $uslims. Indeed the blasphemy issue helped $uslim forces in uniting
on one platform to thart Indian sponsored onslaught against Islam and $uslim *alues. 8uch unity could not ha*e
been possible in the ordinary course. Thus thanks to :A0 and Taslima 2asreen1 today's <angladeshi $uslims are
better prepared1 united and determined than e*er in the past1 to fight conspiracies against $uslim identity of
:A0 strategists ha*e cle*erly created disagreem ent and di*ision e*en o*er the issue of national ideology. A debate
has been going on hether the country should adopt <angladeshi nationalism or <engalee nationalism. nfortunately
:A0 has succeeded in making this f undamental issue an aging contro*ersy. <angladeshi nationalism relates to all
the people li*ing in <angladesh. It is a description of the feeing of political cohesion1 hich inspires <angladeshis to
be proud of their separateness. 8ince $uslims constitute more than ,+J of the country's population.1 therefore1
<angladeshi nationalism in fact1 means nationalism of ma5ority of its population. As rench nationalism implies not the
nationalism of Algerian immigrants settled iG rance but the national feelings of those renchrllen ho once ere
affiliated to the !atholic !hurch. <angladeshi nationalism also reflects aspirations of ma5ority community i.e. $uslims.
The term <angladeshi nationalism as adopted by #resident iaur :ahman as a compromise beteen those
secularists ho ould not fa*our any description hich sa*oured of religion and those ho anted that the
nationalism should reflect aspirations and sentiments of ma5ority community. Hoe*er1 e*en this secular e-pression
hich only indirectly points at <angladesh's character as a $uslim country ith $uslim traditions in art1 literature and
social life1 is not to the liking of :A0 influenced intellectuals. They abhor the use of ord <angladeshi nationalism
calling it communal and insist on adoption of <engalee nationalism. $uch of this campaign is being aged on ink
from :A0.
<engali nationalism encompasses all the <engali speaking people irrespecti*e of here they li*e. %oing by this
definition all <engali speaking people form one nation.d H3e*er1 the concept of forming nations on the basis of
language has become redundant. If language as the only factor for making of a nation1 all Arabic speaking people of 
the $iddle East should ha*e formed one state instead of . %oing by the logic of language1 India has no right to
function as a single country as it has @ languages and +77 sub9languages (:uhulAmin/ 3ur 2ationalism/ page1 ).
Thus the concept of nationhood based on language alone is not in *ogue.
<esides <angladesh1 the <engali speaking people are inhabited in 0est <engal1 Tripura1 Assam1 3rissa and <ehar
states of India. In the first to states they are the predominant ethnic group. They belong to the same <engali stock
as people of <angladesh and9 in some cases ha*e similar social and cultural beha*ior. <ut still they are distinctly
different from <angladeshis in matt ers of national identity1 history1 faith1 hopes and aspirations. This difference is due
to religion. In fact1 the difference as created the day Islam came in this region. The ad*ent of Islam brought in a ne
social culture hich ga*e a ne identity. to those ho embraced Islam. The <engali speaking $uslims and Hindus
became to separate religious and cultural groups. These differences gradually became the reason for
pronouncement of To 2ation. Theory and e*entual di*ision of India into #akistan and India. East #akistan1 after
separation from #akistan in 4ecember 6@1 became <angladesh.
The basic differences beteen the to communities (Hindus and $uslims) are as e*ident today as these ere
thousands of years ago. !ommon cultural identity. and common nationalism could ne*er gro beteen the to
communities. <ritish riter Cohn $arshall hile discussing the peculiarities of ancient Indian culture of the Hindus and
the $uslims rote. It as ne*er seen before in human history that the to religions and cultures coe-isted side by
side hile one could not sallo the other(>uote from Cohn $arshal/by Abdul $obin/ !ultural $ischief1 page ,).
The separate cultural identities of <engali speaking Hindus and $uslims remained intact for ages despite conflicts
and clashes. 8uch conflicts rather hardened their separate identities and religious beliefs.The Hindu poets1
litterateurs and intellectuals <e*er1 accepted the <engali speaking $uslims as <engalee. They used the term
<engalee only for < speaking Hindus. The $uslims ere not considered <engalees. Instead they used to be
referred as $uslims. 3n the other hand1 the <engali speaking $uslims did not care much about their' <angaleeness.
They took pride in their $uslim identity and culture. <eing a <engaleecame only after their $uslim identity.
:eligion based cultural identity in course of time created political conflicts. The differences on political issues specially
since the ad*ent of <ritish rule in <engal led the <engali speaking $uslims of this region to think that their interests
and goals are not the same as of their Hindu neighbours. The $uslims of <engal opposed the rule of the <ritish East
India !ompany hile the Hindus elcomed it and cooperated ith the foreign rulers. In return the East India
!ompany allotted *ast'lands of <engal to the Hindus ho emerged as amind9ars. The anti9<ritish struggle of Titunrir1
Ha5i 8harlat llah and the ,+@ 0ar of Independence1 all ended in smoke due to the non9cooperation and opposition
of the Hindus.
The Hindus of <engal once again pro*Gd in 6+ at the time of partition of <engal that their interest and that of the
$uslims are not the same. 2ot a single Hindu political.leader or intellectual rose abo*e his communal feelings and
interests to support the partition of <engal in 6+. :ather1 inspired by Hindu nationalism.1 they *oed to fight for
annulment of partition. The *ery inimical attitude of the Hindus toards $uslims ga*e them a chance to unearth the
real face of Hindus. They reali=ed the necessity of preser*ing their on religious1 cultural1 economic and political
The <engalee Hindus had shon more affinity ith the non9<engalee Hindus and de*eloped Hindu nationalism. The
anti9$uslim attitude of the Hindus made the $uslims of <engal to elcome the To 2ation Theory of Buaid9e9A=am
$uhammad Ali Cinnah. <ased 3n this theory the resolution for partition of India to create separate home9land for the
$uslims as adopted in 67 in the All India $uslim ?eague's annual session at ?ahore.
Cust before the partition of India in 67@1 some $uslim leaders of the then <engal like 8uhraardy1 Abul Hashem and
lone Hindu ?eader 8arat <ose orked for a united'.Independent <engal. <>.t the Hindus1 led by %handhi and 2ehru1
*etoed the scheme and thus neutrali=ed the last chance of keeping <engal united. Had it materiali=ed1 it could ha*e
formed the basis for emergence of <engalee nationalism. <ut the Hindus1 ho preferred Hindu nationalism1
themsel*es ga*e final burial to the. <engali nationalism.
#akistan as created on the basis of To 2ation Theory.#artition of India also led to partition of <engal on the
insistence of !ongress. <engal's $uslim ma5ority area i.e.East <engal 5oined #akistan as its pro*ince named East
#akistan1 hile 0est <engal1 the Hindu ma5ority area1ent ith India. Thus there remained no chance for a
nationalism based on language to take roots.The <engali nationalism1 hoe*er1 did find currencyduring mo*ement
against #akistani ruling 5unta. <ut in actual fact the separatism as an e-pression of regionalismM phenomenon also
noticeable elsehere. The people of East #akistan felt depri*ed due to the e-p)oitation and usurpation of their rights
by an administration dominated by 0est #akistanis. Their demand for emancipation found e-pression in <engalee
nationalism. This as purely in the conte-t of #akistan and at no stage the people intended to part ith the To
2ation Theory. The emergence of <angladesh is in consonance ith ?ahore :esolution of 67. The resolution says1
It is the considered opinion of this session of the All India $uslim ?eague that no constitutional arrangement ould
be orkable or acceptable to the $uslims unless they ould be based on the folloing principles *i=. (a) that the
contiguous geographic areas ha*e to be demarcated as a region. (b) that the territorial ad5ustments should be such
that the $uslim ma5ority areas in the north9est and Eastern India should constitute independent states and N that
the states should be autonomous and so*ereign.
 After the emergence of <angladesh1 :A0 and its stooges ha*e been relentlessly preaching that dismemberment of
#akistan has pro*ed that the To 2ation Theory has failed. 3nce renunciation of To 2ation Theory is accepted
reunification of India becomes ob*ious.
Indians ad*ise that <angladesh should gi*e up its $uslim identity and adopt so called <engalee nationalism. :A0's
aim In promoting <engalee nationalism is to pa*e ay for merger of <angladesh into 0est <engal. 3ne may ask that
hy Hindus of 0est <engal do n>t support <engalee nationalism against Indian (Hindu) nationalism. 0hy the idea is
being drummed to people of <angladesh onlyF .4uring the #akistan period e used to be knon as <engalees on
the bCsis >f race and language as e did not then ha*e an independent country named <angladesh. After the
establishment of <angladesh our territorial identity and so*ereignty o*errode the linguistic and racial identity. <engali
speaking Hindus and the $uslims could ne*er become one nation in the past. 2o that the ideological1 cultural and
political differences beteen the to ha*e gron further1 ho can 'there be any rationale for a common <Emgalee
<asant !hatter5e1 an Indian 5ournalist said in his book 'Inside <angladesh'1 The <engali language had been used as
political eapon in the struggle against #akistan and ith the establishment of <angladesh its usefulness had been
e-hausted. The $uslims had made no contribution to the culture called <engalee culture hich as essentially an
upper caste Hindu culture. It ould be impossible for <angladesh to preser*e its so*ereignty by insisting on the
<engaliness of its political charater.Another problem ith <engalee nationalism is that it e-cludes those citi=ens of
<angladesh hose mother tongue is not <engali. 0hen 8heikh $u5ib insisted' on tribal leaders of !hlttagong Hill
Tracts1 (!HT) to accept <engalee nationalism1 it back fired. :A0 capitali=ed the issue and helped !hakmas to form
8hanti <ahini hich is continuing to age armed mo*ement for separation of !HT from <angladesh.
:A0's propagation and promotion of <engalism is a conspiracy against the *ery foundations of <angladesh hich
must be snubbed and neutrali=ed ith the contempt it deser*es.
It is no ell knon that :A0 is orking for unifying Indian sub9continent by dispro*ing the *alidity of historic To
2ation Theory and by iping off the independent states that the $uslims car*ed out for themsel*es out of the map of
sub9continent. 0ith this end in *ie :A0 has mounted a relentless cultural offensi*e against <angladesh to influence
minds of the people and to create conduci*e conditions for <angladesh's merger into India. Here are a fe glimpses
of the said cultural offensi*e.
:A0 is patroni=ing a number of so called intellectuals and scholars from <angladesh ho claim to be free thinkers
and boast of ha*ing thron of the shackles of religious beliefs. They uphold and propagate a culture hich traces its
origin to yoga1 tuntric and sankhya systems of philosophy (adoration of 8hi*a1 4urga1 ?akshmi etc)1 discarding
e*erything that has any connection ith Islam. Though born of $uslim parents and brought up in $uslim families
these intellectuals ha*e de*oted themsel*es to deflecting our ne generation from Islamic ay of thinking and life
style in the name of <angalee culture. Their sole purpose is to make our youth pro9Hindu and pro9India.
:A0 keenly monitors the established and rising litterateurs1 5ournalists and cultural acti*ists and allures them through
its local netork. If the desired person responds positi*ely :A0 arranges for him or her to go for a trip to India under
the disguise of attending a function arranged by some Indian literary or cultural organi=ation. In India such *isitors are
introduced to renoned personalities ho eulogi=e them in superlati*e terms. They are gi*en grand receptions and
pri=es and decorated ith medals. 2aturally these persons are so filled ith gratitude to the organi=ation concerned
and the Indian %o*ernment that they become bonded sla*es to that country and start danning to their tunes. In
addition monetary reards1 cash pri=es and monthly alloances are also arranged for persons considered being
more useful. In some cases beautiful omen are also pro*ided as guides and companions. The alluring of
<angladeshi literary persons and cultural acti*ists on behest of :A0 is being arranged by many organi=ations ho
confer drama society medal1 $ichael medal1 Ananda Aard etc. These organi=ations acti*ely assist :A0 in talent
hunting and tapping.
These hired scholars1 poets1 intellectuals1 5ournalists1 artists etc. are assigned to open different kinds of organi=ations
on return to <angladesh. :A0 bears the e-penses of these organi=ations and determines their policies and chalks
out their programs. These organi=ations preach secularism1 seek to mould public' opinion in fa*our of India/ conceal
her e-pansionist policy1 infiltrate Hindu culture among the $uslims in the name of <engalee culture1 create la and
order situation hene*er and here*er possible to pre*ent <angladesh from achie*ing prosperity1 issue statements
in fa*our of pro9Indian organi=ations and abo*e all1 recruit ne faces for :A0. 3ne of the ma5or obligations of these
organisatiol: is to in*ite those Indian poets1 singers1 actors and other cultural acti*ists ho are recommended by
:A0. These organi=ations arrange receptions in honour of these personalities. They are made chief guests to grace
*arious functions to populari=e and familiari=e them in <angladesh. 0ith this end in *ie :A0 sponsored
organi=ations also arrange musical soirees1 dramatic performances1 dance programs etc.
These artists and cultural acti*ists from India in ne con*erts for :A0 by using *arious methods. They instruct and
instigate :A0 hirelings here to create political disturbance1 instability and la and order situation. In most cases
these guests from India tour <angladesh freely and deli*er lectures at cultural shos and seminars. 8ome of them
make such statements and put foard such suggestions hich are contrary to the ideology and e*en detrimental to
the independence and so*ereignty of <angladesh. <ut surprisingly enough1 no protest is made against these
ob5ectionable and undesirable statements by the so9called custodians of the spirit of the liberation ar and national
consciousness. 2or do they ob5ect to the in*itation and the tour ofthe Indian citi=ens to <angladesh.:ather these
tours of I :A0 sponsored Indian artists1 scholars and intellectuals are increasing day by day. To gi*e an idea of the
intensity of such cultural in*asion I >uote from a local eekly. It states 0ithin fi*e and half months1 i.e.1 from August
+1 66 to ebuary ;1 661 si-teen cultural teams from India *isited <angladesh. The delegates of most of these
teams spoke against <angladesh's so*ereignty and incited anti9<angladeshi spirit in one ay or the other (The
0eekly <ikram/ Canuary 6G+1 66+).
$ost of these artists from India ha*e no position or e*en minimum recognition in that country yet they are acclaimed
as the greatest figures or personalities in their respecti*e fields by :A0 hirelings. They are gi*en grand receptions
and ide publicity during their *isits to <angladesh by :A0 sponsored organi=ations. !olored embellished ith their
photos arG seen pasted on the alls. 2es media pro5ects and highlights their acti*ities. The :A09sponsored dailies
and eeklies publish their e-clusi*e inter*ies. 4ances1 drama and musical soirees are arranged in the most
e-pensi*e *enues like the ball room of Hotel 8onargaon1 the auditorium of 8hilpakala Academy or of' the 2ational
$useum. latterers posing as great connoisseurs1 laud these petty artists1 obscure poets and so called men of letters
to the skies in order to make the audience belie*e hat they (the guests from India) tell as gospel truth. These so9
called honourable' guests say things hich amount to direct attacks on the so*ereignty of <angladesh. They urge
people to repudiate the 'accursed to9nation theory1 seek to pro*e that there is no <angladeshi culture as distinct
from the culture of India and insinuate that to adhere to Islamic tenets is to be back dated and odious. They also use
this opportunity to enlist ne recruits for :A0. :ecently the fre>uency of *isits to <angladesh by so called Indian
scholars and intellectuals has increased manifold. Apparently the :A0's cultural offensi*e against <angladesh has
entered a crucial phase.
<angla Academy is an organi=ation financed ith t he people's money. It as established to promot e the <engali
language and literature (of < angladesh). Hoe*er1 due to dominance of pro9Indian elements <angIa Academy is in
effect orking for re*i*al of Indian culture. It has. been promoting books ritten by Hindu and secular minded '$uslim'
riters. <angIa Academy is allergic to anything Islamic. Its doors are shut for all $uslim nationalist riters hile orks
of e*en third grade pro9Indian riters ho claim to be secular are published. In other ords1 one needs the blessings
of :A0 to earn attention of <angla Academy.
The 4aily In>ilab commenting about the acti*ities of <angla Academy rote1 3ne could easily reali=e ho are
preferred by <angIa Academy after casting a look at the list of riters hose books ere displayed in the <angla
 Academy stall of the International <ook air 6+1 held in !alcutta. There ere only , or 6 kinds of books in the <angla
 Academy 8tall. <ooks ritten by Catin 8arkar18harsi= 8arkar1 4e*preya <oruya1 Topankar !hatter5ee1 8ukumar
<isas1 Korunanda "ikku1 $amen !handra1Kaliprosonna etc occupied most of the space in the <angla Academy
<y pro5ecting Hindu riters <angla Academy desired to con*ey the impression that only Hindus dominate the field of
<engali literature and that although the $uslims of <angladesh ha*e ad*anced in education during the last fifty odd
years1 their contribution to the literature of their country is insignificant and hence not orth shoing.<angla Academy
has been playing don the sacrifices of $uslim <angalees ho .laid don their li*es to in for <engali language its
rightful place. The irony is that <angIa Academy hich is the direct product of historical language mo*ement
patroni=es such intellectuals and scholars ho ere not in any ay connected ith the said mo*ement.
It in fact1 ignores and neglects those ho took part in the mo*ement and ho seek to uphold the separate indentity
and culture of <angladesh. The late Abul Kashem1 the architect of <angla Academy itself1 as not seen in the <angIa
 Academy premises during later years of his life. <angIa Academy did not sho proper respect to him e*en af ter his
death. Another pioneer of language mo*ement as late Custice Abdur :ahman !hodhury. He died as the sitting
!hairman of <angla Academy. <ut the Academy did not feel any m oral obligation to hold e*en a condolence meeting
at his death. 3ther pioneers of the language mo*ement like 4r. 2ural Islam (irst !on*enor of the ?anguage
$o*ement Action !ommittee)1 Ad*ocate Ka=i %olam $ahbub (!on*enor of the All #arties ?anguage $o*ement
 Action !ommittee)1 #rofessor Abdul %hafur (Editor of the 8ainik1 the re*olutionary mouth9piece of the language
mo*ement) $r. 3li Ahad1 #rofessor 8hahed Ali1 etc1 are all persona9non9grata to <angla Academy because of their
opposition to the e-pansionist designs of India.
If such is the fate of the organi=ers and pioneers of the language mo*ement1 it can easily be imagined hat the
position of those riters and intellectuals ould be ho did not participate in it and at the same time do not belong to
the pro9Indian lobby. 3n the other hand <angla Academy ne*er f eels any compunction in publishing ritings by such
atheists and contro*ersial persons as Ahmed 8harif. The irony is that printing of secular ork is undertaken ith
%o*ernment money hich is collected in form of ta-es from the people1 6 per cent of hom are $uslims.
<angla Academy has also honoured many secular and anti9Islamic1 pro9Indian riters by conferring its aards.
Hoe*er1 it seldom recognises the ser*i'ces of pro9Islamic riters1 scholars and intellectuals. Thus it is no surprise
that <angIa Academy has not published a single book by the renoned riter1 philosopher and $uslim nationalist1
4ean $ohammad A=raf.The yearly calendar of the pioneers and litterateurs that <angIa Academy published in the
past1 e-plicity pro*es its pro9India affinity. Among the riters mentioned in that list about ;+J are Hindus of India.
 Among the <angladeshi riters ho are lucky enougb to find a place in this list1 @J are k non for their pro9India
bias. The names of many prominent $uslim poets and riters of medie*al and modern times are not included in the
list. The one9sided list as prepared intentionally to gi*e the impression that <engali language and literature ha*e
been de*eloped and enriched almost holly by Hindus1 though histroy tells us a different st ory. <angIa Academy
ignored the names of many $uslim poets1 litterateursand scholars ho not onlydid much to enrich <engali literature
but also played a *ital role in its sruggle for sur*i*al.
In fact1 the $uslims freed the <engali language from the clutches1 of 8anskrit and established it as a modern
language.1 <ut out of tens of thousands of $uslim poets and riters of the middle ages1the list of <angla Acadeiny
contains names of a fe of them only and that too merely to camouflage its real colour. !ommenting about the said
calendar a eekly of 4haka'rote1 'This calendar publsihed by <angIa Academy'better be called 'The pocket9
calendar of The Ananda <a=ar #ublications1 '!alcutta(The 0eekly Chanda /' $ ay &1 66).
<angla Academy has published a number of books on <engalee nationalism but one does not find e*en a single
book on <angladeshi nationalism9one of the fundamental principles enshrined in the constitution of <angladesh. The
people of the 8A and Australia use English as their nationallariguage but they call themsel*es Americans and
 Australians. 8ame is the case ith different Arab countries ho speak the same language1 follo the same religion
and culture and e*en ha*e similar heritage and history1 but are identified as 8audi1 3mani1 Ira>i1 8yrian1 ?ibyan1
Egyptian etc. in reference to their respecti*e countries. 8imilarly e ho bel>ng to <angladesh are <angladeshis.
<engalee nationalism1 if there as one1 as gi*en a final burial by the Hindu legislators of 0est <engal hen they
re5ected the <ose 8uhraardy formula and opted for India. Then for tenty three odd years ere #akistanis and
since the emergence of <angladesh as a
so*ereign1 independentstate e ha*e become <angladeshis.
The argument put forard b y the then 4irector %eneral of <angla Academy1 $r. Harun9ur9:asheed for not publishing
any book on <angladeshi nationalism as indeed offensi*e. He argued1 2o book had been published on
<angladeshi 2ationalism as1 it as a contro*ersial theory(The 4aily 4inkal and The daily $eillat /Canuary 1 667).
<angla Academy had been pursuing a pro9India policy not only by publishing ritings of :A0 agents and hirelings
but also by promoting Hindu culture in its functions. <angla Academy succeeded in making 8heikh Hasina9the leader
of the opposition in the then <angladesh #arliament1 ring a metal bell to inaugurate a function in connection ith the
<engali 2e Lear of &6,.
8ounding a metal bell (an integral part of #u5a or Hidnu form of orship) as unprecedented not only In any function
of <angIa Academy but also in the history of indepen7ent <angladesh. 2o link it ith kindling of the $ongal
#radeep9first of its kind in the 8hilpakala Academy premises by 8ufia Kamal and you ill easily disco*erhere the
reigns of these to organisations actually lay. The sponsors of such practices claim that these practices are only
ceremonial. <ut let me ask them ill a Hindu start his ork ith recitation of '<ismillah'FThe latest e*idence of <angla
 Academy's honeymoon ith India is its <angla9English 4ictionary. It ser*es to sho ho some of the intellectuals as
ell as some officials of our national institutions ork for their foreign masters.The fact is that each and e*ery branch
of <angIa Academy (more or less) is controlled by 9:A0 hirelings and henchmen.
Therefore1 there is no possibility in sight of the ritings of those ho are still out of :A0's orbit being published by
<angIa Academy. In conclusion one can >uote 0eekly Chanda hich had summed up the <angIa Academy's affairs
in the folloing ords/ The <angIa Academy has been suffering from <rahministic and atheistic diseases for the last
to decades. It has pre9dominant left9leanings and pro9Indian symptoms(The 0eekly Chanda / $ay &1 66).
8hilpakala Academy is one such organi=ation here :A0 seems to ha*e struck deep roots. This organi=ation has
been set up to promote our art and culture and encourage those <angladeshis ho are engaged 'in creati*e ork.
<ut a careful analysis re*eals the fact that this organisation has become a toot in the hands of :A0 and has been
ser*ing the cause of India. In many cases this organisation is seen to fa*our Indian' artists more than those of
<angladeshi ith higher standing. 8pending 9our hard earned currency1 8hilpakala Academy in*ites Indian cultural
acti*ists and seeks to populari=e their songs1 dance and drama. 4oes it not amount to s>uandering our public money
to ser*e the purpose of IndiaF It is beyond our understanding ho the patronage of cultural acti*ists from India
promotes our cultureF In 66 this organi=ation arranged :abindra 8angaet 8ammaylon (!onference of
:abindranath Tagores songs) here '$ongal #radeep'as lit up for the first time to introduce a ne trend in
<angladesl at the beginning of any function. This outrageous and despicable act as' performed by an aged
poetess born of $usm parents.
The same act as repeated in 66 at <isha 8ahitya Kendra to inaugurate the program of the th "ictory 4ay. 3n
this occasion a daughter of a martyred intellectual as made to light the $ongal #radeep. .8ince then the cli>ue has
made ft a custom to inaugurate e*ery function arranged by them ith the lighting of $ongal #radeep hich is a Hindu
practice connected ith the orship of gods and godesses. This practice has been introduced and gi*en currency
ith the ob*ious' purpose of instilling Hindu culture into <angladesh and leading our young $uslim into Hinduism.
8hilpakala Academy organised a national Catra (open9air1 opera1 especially popular in rural <angladesh) festi*al in
66&. #rime $inister <egum Khaleda ia inaugurated this festi*al on Canuary 71 66&. A reliable source says that this
festi*al incurred a cost around to million Takas'. ifteen Catra parties i took part in it. Its sponsors1 actors1 actresses
and audience ere all <angladeshis. <ut out of ele*en riters of this Catra ten ere Indians. 2aturally the dress1
decoration and dialogues of these Catras reflected Indian culture and social *alues. $uslim characters ere *ery fe
in all ten Catras staged during the festi*al and they ere of *ery minor importance. .
 A good number of reports published in the national dailies suspected that some of the high officials of 8hilpakala
 Academy ere hand in glo*e ith9:A0. 8ome of them ho had been transferred from other departments to
8h.ilpakala Academy ere alleged to ha*e close relations ith :A0. Inspite of gra*e allegations1 no in>uiry
committee as instituted to look into their acti*ities1 rather they ere promoted and entrusted ith more responsible
duties in the Academy. As a result :A0's influence in t his organisation has increased leading to it being a resort1for
those ho are connected to :A0 and ork freely for spreading of Indian ideas1 ideologies and culture. <ut the
microscopic number of artists and performers ho are still out of :A0's pa are1 in fact1 persona9nan9grata to the
8hilpakala Academy. It seldom e-tends patronage and encouragement to this section of artists and intellectuals lea*e
alone recogni=ing their talents.

RAW and Bangladesh :: Two ::

by Mohammad Zainal Abedin
(Monday, November 28, 2005)

"+ro,Indian youngster !ith the help of -T# ha*e enlisted themsel*es as

intellectuals. !hereas recogni/ed and established scholars if they happen
to be belie*ers of -angladeshi nationalism are totally ignored" 

The progeny of any nation are its real force. Today's young generation ill ser*e the nation tomorro. They are the
ones ho ill lead their nation toards prosperity and sa*e it from internal and e-ternal enemies.' The young ones of
today ill be responsible tomorro for safeguarding the freedom1 so*ereignty and integrity of the country. If they (the
younger generation) are alert and united then enemies cannot implement their nefarious designs.
:A01 hich is bent on damaging the independence and so*ereignty of <angladesh1 reali=es that the country's youth
is the most formidable obstacle in the ay of its ugly designs. Thus :A0 has de*ised elaborate plans to influence the
minds of the younger generation. :A0 ants to ipe out spirit of independence and pride from their identity and
heritage. It belie*es that if it can manage to eliminate re*olutionary thoughts and high moral from <angladeshi youth1
they ill become easy prey for its e*il scheme. In order to achie*e this goal1 :A0 is orking on *arious fronts. 8ome
of them are /
P&8&#%&n &9 Na.&#%.!
:A0 is pushing *arious narcotics through its agents1 traders and smugglers into <angladesh. nder :A0's
instructions1 Indian border authorities conni*e ith smugglers and help them in trafficking of narcotics into
<angladesh. At a time. hen the entire orld has declared an open ar against narcotics1 :A0 is patronising drug
pushers and smugglers. It is making crores of Takas by this illicit trade1 besides con*erting the youth of <angladesh
into drug addicts. The <angladesh :ifles and 4irectorate of 2arcotics ha*e sei=ed huge >uantities of Heroin1 cocain1
 Aphim1 !haras1 %an5a and <hang etc. during the recent years. These drugs originate from India and are infiltrated
into <angladesh through porous borders under patronage of :A0 3fficials.
 A senior official of 4irectorate of 2arcotics admitted that the flo of drugs from India can hardly be checked. 4espite
efforts only fi*e percent of >uantity smuggled can be sei=ed by <angladesh border authorities1 hile the drug pushers
manage to smuggle the rest through the porous border using road1 rail and ater ays(The 4aily In>ilab / Canuary
1 66+).:ecently smuggling of cigarette pipes filled ith '%an5a' (ne kind of narcotic) has also been spotted.
4irectorate of 2arcotics sei=ed ,@+ such pipes in 66& and ;7 in 667. 4irectorate of 2arcotics also sei=ed
pethidine1 I4 lac>uer1 local ine1 attener ine1 'Tari' (one kind of local ine)1 8pirit1 "inecherd 8pirit1 <akar1 #at*i1
Hilly ine1 T41 %enisock in5ection etc. Trafficking of phensydil has also been disco*ered In 66&.
4irectorate of 2arcotics sei=ed 6+7 cans1 in 667 (5an93ct) +;1; bottles and +, litre cans ere sei=ed. 3n the
other hand <angladesh :ifles sei=ed ,@ bottles and &,6 bottles of phensydil in 66& and 667 respecti*ely.
4aily 'AI $u5addiecl' rote in its issue of 4ecember ;1 66+1 $ore than one crore bottles of encidi ha*e been
smuggled into <angladesh. !ost of the same comes to 6 crore takas'. It may be e-plained that #hencidyl is a *ery
harmful drug. Its addict loses hite blood cells. The de*elopment of ne blood cells stops. This' leads to sure death.
4rug trafficking has become a serious problem in <angladesh. There are more than fi*e hundred illegal sale centres
in 4haka alone. The number of addicts is on the increase. There are more than one lakh drug addicts in 4haka
according to a 0H3 report but other sources say that number is about four lakh. 2ational professor and prominent
physician 4r. 2urul Islam told The 4aily In>ilab that increasing drug addiction among the youth may cause shortage
of young man poer in the coming years. Thein*ol*ement of youth in immoral and unsocial acti*ities 'ill ad*ersely
affect country's economy and social fibre. This is e-actly hat :A0 desires.
<angladesh is a poor country but the abuse of addiction is making it orse. According to careful estimates + crore
takas are asted e*ery year through use of drugs and narcotics in the country.0hate*er its conse>uences may be for 
<angladesh but :A0 has earned the singular notoriety of being an intelligence agency hich promotes drugs for
furthering its nefarious agenda.
8upplementing Terrorism :A0 has been smuggling arms1 ammunition and e-plosi*es in <angladesh to supplement
terrorism. Their primary targets are uni*ersities and other educationa institutions1 trade unions and political parties.
4ue to unabated smuggling of eapons by :A0 agents1 the country is itnessing unparalleled proliferation of arms.
The fre>uency of armed clashes beteen *arious student groups1 trade union acti*ists and cagres of political parties
has increased manifold. 3nly in ((4haka uni*ersity ++ students ere killed in armed clashes during the last 7 years.
The 4aily In>ilab reported in its issue of August @1 66+ that huge >uantity of illegal arms as being smuggled into
<angladesh from India. Also included in the category are land mines1 mortar bombs and high poered "H ireless
sets. $ost of these arms are made in India. The sGuggling of eapons is taking place1 through t7eporous Indo9
<angladesh border. <esides1 8hantibahini as also smuggling arms into <angladesh.
4aily Al $u5added reported in its issue of Canuary 61 66+ that a number of illegal arms and ammunition factories
ere operating in Indian tons located near Indo9<angladesh border. :A0 is knon to be pat roni=ing these
factories. The arms and ammunition manufactured in these factories are mostly smuggled into <angladesh ith the
help of :A0 agents/9 In 66& some illegal factories ere also unearthed in <angladesh at !hittagong1 $ymensingh
and :a5shahi. These ere carrying out their nefarious business in collaboration ith :A0 agents. The ra material
for these factories used to be smuggled from India.
3n ebruary &1 66+1 police sei=ed ; Indian made chocolate bombs in 4emra1 hen these ere being taken to
the capital city 4haka. There are reports .that large >uantity of deadly e-plos.ies is smuggled into the country hich is
used for preparation of bombs1 mines and other sabotage material.According to the 4aily 8angram a huge >uantity of 
arms and ammunition is regularly smuggfed from India. 8mugglers1 anti9social elements1 armed cadreG of political
parties1 terrorists criminals1 trade union acti*ists and students are getting modern eapons from :A0 agents.
These arms are smuggled into <angldesh using different channels through land1 air and aterays. Though police
has been sei=ing a lot of arms but still a large >uantity of arms finds its ay to unlaful hands. 8muggling is done by
:A0 agents in such a systematic manner that police and other agencies remain unaare. The nespaper further
informs that there are reports that arms producing factories ha*e been established near <angladesh borders under
the patronage of :A0. E-istence of such f actories at 7 #argana1 < angaon1 :anaghat1 2Adia1 Aurangabad and
4alian ha*e been learnt. The 4aily states that the pro*incial and !entral %o*ernments. of India are maintaining
suspicious silence about these illegal factories. It indicates that the illegal business has tacit support of higher Indian
authorities(The daily 8angram / $arch ,1 66+).
The 4aily In>ilab reported that :ailay police arrested a :A0 agent named %anesh <isas from compartment 2o.
&+66 of Khulna9%oalando mail train ith arms and ammunition on Canuary ;1 66+. %anesh as smuggling arms and
ammunition on behalf of 4ilip <oshak of 2adia 4istrict1 India and as to deli*er it to an indi*idual affiliated to a
political party. %anesh told police that he has been in*ol*ed in trafficking of illegal arms inside <angladesh for the
past many years.The abo*e reports amply highlight the in*ol*ement of Indian authroities particularly :A0 in
smuggling of arms ammuniton and e-plosi*e into <angladesh. .
#roliferation of Immoral "ideo and cassettes of Indian films are easily a*ailable in urban as ell as in rural areas of
<angladesh. There are hundreds of thousands of *ideo shops all o*er the couAtry.4haka alone has about +1
*ideo shopshelOe IndiaI)films are a*ailable for sale and hire(The 4aily Conakantha / 3ctober &1 667).It is indeed
surprising to note that the nation hich had fought and struggled against 'rdu' no proudly atches Hindi films and
listens to Hindi music. #eople ho fought against autocratic #akistani regime1 are no atching Indian cultural
aggression as silent spectators. The 4aily further rites that the business of obscene films is booming under the garb
of Hindi films. $ost of these obscehe films are prepared in India and smuggled to <angladesh. The a*ailabiltiy
of these obscene films is a gra*e threat for the1 plorals of our ne generation.
:A0 is knon to patronise this organi=ed dirty game. Their aim is to destroy the moral fibre of our ne generation
and make it *ulnerable to secularistic approach.It is an established modus operandi of :A0 to use se- as bait for
enrolment and running of agents. It pro*ides obscene reading and *ideo material to its agents and contacts. :A0
regularly purchases large >uantities of English and Hindi pornographic maga=ines and blue *ideo films for circulation.
:A0's safe houses ser*e as *irtural se- houses here carnal desires of its agents are taken care of 3f course such
compromising moments are also preser*ed in the cameras for future black mailing in case the agent shos signs of
a*ering or slackening. It may be mentioned that such practices are resorted to by other intelligence agencies as ell
at limited scale. <ut :A0 perhaps is the only agency hich distributes pronographic literature and *ideo films in bulk
to spoil the entire youth of a target country. Indeed for :A0 no holds are barred in the ruthless pursuit of its
The free and massi*e flo of commodities from India into <angladesh reminds us of the colonial era1 hen an
imperialist poer ould c>n>uer a country or a region and use it as its market. India ith the assistance of :A0's
stooges has been able to turn <angladesh into an Indian market. ithout A!TA??L occupying it. It is most
unfortunate that hile no pre*enti*e steps ha*e been taken by the %o*ernment1 the opposition parties also sho an
incomprehensible indifference to this national problem. 4uring the <ritish rule and e*en during the #akistan period
political parties had been *ery *ocal against economic e-ploitation of foreign poers but no such reaction has yet
been shon against similar e-ploitation by India. E-perienced circles opine that :A0 and its agents ha*e
manipulated things to the e-tent that %o*ernment officials as ell as politicians ha*e become indifferent to sufferings
of common people. <esides1 a group of dishonest traders ho may not necessarily be agents of :A0 acts as strong
lobby for Indians for their on selfish interests.
?arge scale smuggling of Indian goods into <angladesh cannot be carried out ithout acti*e patronage and abetment
of officials of border controlling agencies. Infact1 nscrupulous officials1 many of them are on pay roll of :A01 are
primarily responsible for flooding <angladesh ith smuggled goods from India. These officials de-terously pro*ide
protection for sale of Indian goods in <angladesh. 8ince :A0s agents are entrenched e*eryhere in administration
and they support each others illegal acti*ities1 therefore1 it becomes difficult to e-pose them. The %o*ernment has so
far failed to take effecti*e measures to check this illegal business.
The %o*ernments unise economic policies are also responsible for turning <angladesh into Indian market. As a
result the balance of trade has tilted hea*ily in Indias fa*our. :eportedly the total India9<angladesh trade comprises
of 6@J e-ports from India and only &J e-ports from <angladesh. Instead of insisting on e>uitable trade ith India1
unusual concessions ha*e been granted to promote import of Indian goods. %ranting e-cessi*e concessions to India
ithout regard to on economy has pro*ed ruinous for the indigenous economy and industry.
%i*ing details of trade beteen India and <angladesh1 The 4aily 2e 2ation rote1 PTrade beteen the to countries
stands at ; crore dollars compared to that of se*en crore dollars fi*e years agoQ(The 4aily 2e 2ation/ August 61
66+).It may be mentioned that efforts for undermining economy of <angladesh ere started by India soon after the
emergence of the country in 4ecember 6@. Almost all %o*ernments of <angladesh1 starting from the one hich
assumed poer in 6@1 helped Indians in this regard through grant of unarranted concessions and unise trade
policies coupled ith actions of :A0s agents in higher echelons of <angladesh. The crippling of <angladesh
economy could be itnessed right from the outset. 8ome of the e-amples are/9
a) 4uring 6@1  #akistani rupees could be e-changed for  Indian rupees. In Canuary 6@1 the then
<angladesh %o*ernment de*alued <angladeshi currency drastically hich made the *alue of <angladeshi currency
;;J loer than Indian currenc y.
b) <angladesh's economy as made India9oriented declaring economy of India and <angladesh complementary.
c) The %o*ernment ithdre ban on e-porting 5ute from <angladesh to India hich as imposed during the #akistan
period. As a result1 larg.e scale sale and smuggling of <angladeshi 5ute to India started. In no time the 5ute market
as captured by India and our 5ute industry suffered serious set9back from hich it ne*er reco*ered.
d) In 6@ India compelled <angladesh to sign the treaty of free border trade ith India. As a result Indian
commodities got free legal access to a belt upto 3 miles inside <angladesh territory ithout any customs duty.
In practice those commodities did not remain confined to a belt of  miles alone. :ather these ere freely
transported to all parts of the country making <angladesh a *ast market for Indians goods. It may be noted that hile
the said treaty as used for flooding <angladesh ith Indian commodities1 <angladeshi goods ere hot alloed on
one prete-t or the other to get easy access to e*en  miles inside India.
The trade agreement beteen <angladesh and India signed in $arch 6@ states clearly that e-port and import of
the to countries should be of e>ual *alue1 that is to say1 India ould purchase the same *Blume of <angladeshi
commodities as <angladesh ould purchase from India in terms of money. <ut India has completely disregarded the
rele*ant pro*ision of the agreement. India intentionally a*oids buying <angladeshi goods as she manages to ha*e
these through smuggling at cheaper prices. As a result the trade balance beteen <angladesh and India tilted hea*ily
in fa*our of India.
8ome of our %o*ernment officials are e>ually responsible for ruining our trade and industry. They formulate policies
hich suit India. In return they are rearded by fa*ours and commissions. It is alleged by knoledgeable circles that
India gi*es handsome commission to some officials of different ministries and directorates ho in turn fa*our India by
importing goods from India on one prete-t or the other. There are reports that e*en senior political figures of the
%o*ernment are in*ol*ed in the racket.
The trade deficit beteen <angladesh and India from 6@ to 6@; as Tk ;6.,6 crores. rom 6@; to 6, it rose
to Tk &+.,& crores. 2o let us see hat happened after 6,. $uchkund 4ubey1 the e-9oreign 8ecretary of India
presented the folloing figures at a meeting in 2e 4elhi(The 0eekly Holiday/ ebruary @1 66+) .
Lear Indian E-ports t o Imports from Trade 8urpluses
<angladesh <angladesh
6,9,& :s &.7@. !rores :s &.,6 !rores :s ,.+, !rores
6,&9,7 :s +@.7 !rores :s 6.@7 !rores :s @.;; !rores
6,79,+ :s ;.+ !rores :s 7+.+ !rores :s ;.66 !rores
6,+9,; :s ,.@+ !rores :s +.,; !rores :s .,, !rores
6,;9,@ :s ;. !rores :s &., !rores :s &,.6& !rores
6,@9,, :s ,;., !rores :s 7.@6 !rores :s @. !rores
6,,9,6 :s ;.67 !rores :s 7.+& !rores :s 7@.7 !rores
6,696 :s 7+,.& !rores :s 6.; !rores :s 7&,.7& !rores
6696 :s +7@.&, !rores :s &.7 !rores :s ++.6; !rores
6696 :s @6,.76 !rores :s 7.6; trores :s @,&.+& !rores
6696& :s &,.,, !rores :s &+.66 !rores :s .,6 !rores
66&967 :s &76.;6 !rores :s +;.6 !rores :s 6&.; !rores
66796+ :s ,,. !rores :s 7;.7 !rores :s ,&7.; !rores
It is surprising that authorities concerned do not feel any need to narro don trade gap. The only ay to bridge this
imbalance is to increase the *olume of e-port of <angladeshi goods to IndiaM but India has so far obstructed import of
<anglades.hi goods by keeping its tariff abd custom duty unusually high1 specially for those items that <angladesh
can e-port to India. It is belie*ed that some highly placed <angladeshi officials under :A0's influence and patronage
are mainly responsible for such a massi*e trade deficit. Indian goods get easy access to <angladesh as in many
cases the tariff and custom duties on foreign goods ha*e been loered from 6+J to J.
<ut India has not reduced its duties and kept these at the le*el of about ,+J1 especially for those <angladeshi goods
hich ha*e a good and e-cessi*e demand in India. According to a*ailable figures1 a*erage tariff rate in <angladesh is
&J hile in India it is 7J. 8imilarly1 the a*erage duty on consumer goods in India is around 6J hile it is only
J in <angladesh(The 0eekly Holiday/ ebruary @1 66).:esultantly <angladeshi goods cannot ha*e easy
access to India. <angladesh %o*ernment and its officials could ha*e imposed the same rate of customs duty on
Indian goods to compel India to lessen its customs duty on <angladeshi goods. <ut some of the <angladeshi officials
seem to ha*e mortgaged thefusel*es to :A. 0and hence they cannot take any retaiGtory action against India's
trade aggression.
The pro9India attitude of these officials is e*ident not only by their failure to take retaliatory measures but also by their 
readiness to grant concessions to India. The tariff rates applicable to Indian goods in many cases are loer than the
rates for other countries. These tariff concessions lure <angladeshi traders to import loer grade Indian goods
instead of better >uality goods from other countpies.
8uch concessions encourage imports from India despite the fact that Indian goods are inferior in >uality to the goods
of many other countries. The loer tariffs 9on Indian goods result in loer prices compared to goods of other
countries1 hence despite poor >uality they ha*e managed to capture <angladeshi markets. $oreo*er1 large >uantities
of Indian goods are also smuggled into the country ithout paying any ta- or duty. As a result they become e*en
cheaper. nder the circumstances goods of other countries cannot compete ith Indian goods. Hoe*er1 the main
sufferers in the bargain are common people ho are forced to buy sub standard Indian goods. <esides it causes
gra*e loss to local industry and economy.
Informed circles stated that :A0 agents in different %o*ernment departments manipulate concesion f6r India in such
a ay that these appear innocuous to common people. "ery fe persons are aare of the impact of such hidden
concessions granted to India under the garb of mutual and bilateral understanding. It may also be pointed out that
despite1 knoing the damage9smuggling is inflicting on national economy1 no firm anti smuggling measures ha*e
been undertaken by Items authorities concerned. If %o*ernment departments hadreally been sincere to contain
smuggling1 <angladesh ould ne*er ha*e been flooded ith Indian goods. Indifference to age concerted anti9
smuggling dri*e is clear proof of conni*ance of higher ups in the affair. Indeed these are the people ho1 for their
personal interests1 ha*e 5eopardised the nation's future and economic ell being.
3ne of the ma5or factors for con*erting <angladesh into Indian market is smuggling. It has been learnt that Indian
%o*ernment and its *arious agencies including <order 8ecurity orces (<8) encourage smuggling into <angladesh.
0hen Indian commodities are smuggled into <angladesh1 <8 personnel pretend not to see anything. <ut they sho
their alertness in guarding against goods of <angladesh being smuggled into India. They1 hoe*er1 remain indifferent
and blind hen gold1 sil*er1 5ute1nesprint1 Hilsha fish are smuggled from <angladesh into India as this smuggling is
helpful for Indian economy.nion %o*ernment as ell as s ome state %o*ernments of India1 *i=. 0est <engal1 Assam1
$eghalaya1 Tripura knoingly and intentionally are engaged in ruining the economy of <angladesh through
smuggling. %oods orth Tk. , to  thousand crores are smuggled into <angladesh from India annually(The 4aily
 Al9$u5added / Canuary 61 66+).
 A prestigious eekly of <angladesh1 The 'Holiday' rote/ The cross9border trade1 or informal trade1 or. call it
smuggling1 if you like1 amounts to anything beteen ' to  percent of the formal trade1 or may be more for
nobody knos for sure(The 0eekly Holiday/ ebruary 1 66+).<esides paying huge bribes to corrupt <angladeshi
officials for their help in promoting Indian goods1 *arious measures are being employed by :A0 to control t/>e
market mechanism. These measures include /
a. <angladeshi traders are offered to obtain Indian goods on credit. All goods1 from hea*y trucks to onions1 can be
imported from India into <angladesh on credit. It is
indeed lucrati*e offer for traders ho make huge profits ithout any in*estment of their on. Hoe*er1 little do they
reali=e that by so doing they are playing in Indian hands.
b. ?ucrati*e commissions are offered to middlemen for securing contracts for the supply of Indian goods.
c. In order to sell poor >uality Indian goods they e*en resort to despicable practices e.g.1 labeling their goods as
products of other countries. 8imilarly practice of marketing Indian goods in packets of other brands is also in *ogue.
Here e can cite an e-ample of marketing loer >uality Indian cement. At present <angladesh imports ., million
tons of cement from Indonesia1 <urma1 $alaysia1 2orth Korea1 !hina1 Iran1 :ussia1 Ira> etc. !ement from these
countries meets standard <ritish specifications hile Indian cement does not meet the standard in many cases and
hence is not popular. Hoe*er1 Indian cement preducing companies ha*e started marketing their cement in bags
marked ith bull head1 eagle etc1 similar t6 the cement bags of Indonesia. This is done to decei*e illiterate buyers.
$oreo*er1 empty bags of Indonesian and !hinese cement are purchased from the It is alleged that these
bags are filled ith Indian cement and sold in the market as cement from Indonesia or !hina. To market this inferior
Indian cement1 credit. is arranged upto :s  million for <angladeshi dealers. (4aily In>ilab / Canuary ,1 66+).
d. :A0 pro*ides support to its agents to set up' 5oint *entures in collaboration ith' <angladeshi enterprenuer. These
companies only import Indian goods and sell them in <angladesh. $any of these enterprises are totally financed by
:A0. The mock <angladeshi partners of such companies remain dormant hile the entire business is conducted by
:A0 agents and operati*es from behind.
The net result of abo*e nefarious practices1 conducted ith acti*e help of :A01 is that <angladesh's economy has
suffered serious set backs. The reason for destroying <angladesh's economy is to propagate that <angladesh is
economically un*iable1 :A0 hopes that1 p*er burdened bypo*erty and s>ualor1 <angladesh ill abandon its dream of 
becoming a so*ereign and prosperous country. <angladesh ill thus be left ith no option but to ac>uiesceato Indian
machination and sub5ugation. Here I ould remind' the esteemed readers about theplight of the ersthile 8o*iet
nion. The economic degradation of the mighty 8oyiet nion as ma5or reason for its fall and disintegration. ?et us
pray the same fate does not befall on <angladesh.
The *ital role played by mineral resources of a country in its economic de*elopment needs no e-planation. E-perts
belie*e that <angladesh has been endoed ith rich mineral resources. Hoe*er1 unfortunately due to Indian
manipulations ith the help of :A0's paid agents in <angladeshi bureaucracy1 <angladesh has been unable to fully
reap the benefits of the hidden treasures and put an end to its' economic dilemma. ':A0's impediments in
<angladesh's efforts for e-ploration of minerals are for to reasons. irstly1 they fear that <angladesh may drain oil
from India's ells in Assam and secondly <angladesh's self sufficiency in its mineral resources ould enhance its
economic stability resulting into the demise of India's long aaited desire of amalgamating <angladesh and formation
of 'Akhand <harat.
After emergence of Hangladesh1 #rime $inister 8heikh $u5ibur :ahman di*ided the coastal region into si- sectors
and leased them to foreign companies for e-ploration of oil and gas. The respecti*e companies took on the 5ob but
 5ust after a short span of time for reasons unknon shut donthe pro5ects and left <angladesh. 2o in>uiry as made
and no reason as offered by the %o*ernment for this closure.It is said that these companies closed their operations
at the urging of K%< and :A0. #rofessor Abu 8ayed in his book 'acts and 4ocuments' rites that the company
hich as carrying out e-ploration at the sea coast ad5acent to <arisal as attacked by Indian gun boats in broad
day light1 dismantling the erected infrastructure(4aily :upali1 $arch 1 66).
Another e-ample of :A0's influence in abating <angladesh's efforts of e-ploring mineral resources is of eni %as
ield. The gas field as disco*ered during the regime of late #resident iaur :ahman. <ut soon after the9 death of
#resident ia the pro5ect as abandoned for being 'economically un*iable'.Hoe*er1 the e-perts did not belie*e the
official e-planation. The pro5ect as re9opened after ten years and is no running profitably thus contributing a lot to
the country's economy. $any more e-amples can be >uoted of pro5ects hich started ith pomp and sho but ere
later stopped or discontinued for reasons unknon(4aily AI $u5added / Cune 1 66+).
4uring president Ershad's regime foreign companies ere once again gi*en contracts for e-ploration of oil. 8cimitar1
one of the companies1 as gi*en oil e-ploration rights in 8ylhet. 8oon :A0 orchestrated allegations through some
political parties in <angladesh that the country's interests ere being bartered aay to 8cimitar. ltimately the
company abandoned the pro5ect and left. Thus :A0 achie*ed ob5ecti*e of protecting their *ital economic interests
beside scaring aay other companies from undertaking on such *entures in <angladesh.
8imilarly a rench !ompany1 < istal that had alm ost struck oil reser*es at 8halbahan in 4ina5pur1 abandoned its
pro5ect in <angladesh. ?ater it as re*ealed that India had laid a bait for purchase of billions of dollars orth
eaponry including $irage  fighter aircrafts from rance beside aarding < istal company a big oil e-ploration
pro5ect 5ust + Kms opposite 8halbahan at Camidarpara1 0est <engal1 India(4ainik <angIa/ August &1 667).
:A0 uses terrorists of 8hantibahinf not to allo any oil e-ploration in the !hittagong Hill Tracts region including
8amutang. nderstandably no foreign firm ill risk an e-ploration ork in the region as long as *iolence persists in
the area.There are reports that oil reser*es had been struck at #atbaria1 8ylhet (then part of Assam) in 6,.
Hoe*er1further ork as not pursued at the site because the <ritish authorities of that time did not feel the need for
additional oil as they had already disco*ered oil in 4ibrugarb and 4igboy in Assam. In 67@ 8ylhet as separated
from Assam and became a part of #akistan.
#resently it is a part of <angladesh. In 2o*ember 6,@ the %o*ernment of <angladesh1 ith the help of 8audi
4e*elopment und1 started e-ploration for oil at #atharia. <ut after considerable digging and in*estment of 7 crore
takas it as belatedly realised by the concerned authorities that there ere some procedural comple-ities.Thus on
the said plea this pro5ect as also shel*ed. 3bser*ers belie*e that :A0 manipulated and' arranged abandoning of
this promising pro5ect. 8imilarly the e-ploration of oil fields at Haripur (reported to be the biggest oil field in Asia) and
Kailash Tila (8ylhet) ere stopped under mysterious circumstances. All the abo*e e-amples bring out the fact that
:A0 is determined to pre*ent any e-ploration *enture in <angladesh particularly the e-ploration of oil in 8ylhet area
as they fear that underground oil reser*es of Assam may drain to8ylhet due to pro-imity. Indians ha*e been using
some corrupt <angladeshi bureaucrats and technical e-perts for furthering their designs. According to a press report
published in the '4aily In>ilab' during Canuary 66&1 4eputy 4irector Habibur :ahman of %eological 8ur*ey
4irectorate <angladesh as paid cash money1 e-penses for tra*el to India and a phd. degree in e-change for secret
sur*ey reports regarding mineral resources of <angladesh.
<esides creating strong impediments in the ay of e-ploring oil reser*ers1 :A0 has been creating hindrances in
e-ploratory ork of other mineral resurces as ell. 3ne glaring e-ample is the hurdles created by India in the
e-ploration of $adhyapara hard rock for simple reason that <angladesh should remain dependent on India for its
hard rock imports. 8imilarly hurdles ere created to pre*ent e-ploration of coal at <arapukuria.:A0's agents1
instigated the land oners of <arapukuria to resist e-ploratory ork on the plea of inade>uate compensations paid for 
their agricultural lands. Let another e-ample of nation's mineral ealth l ying une-plored is the case of ranium and
#otassium ores at Coypurhat98ylhet. 4espite confirmed reoprts of huge deposits1 no further ork has been
undertaken for the de*elopment of the said mines.
4r. %.0. %ableman (a %eologist in*ol*ed in the e-ploration of oil and gas) in an article published in Internatiopal
 Atomic Energy Cournal had stated as'early as 6@ that1there are * Isible signs of presence of high grade raniu'm in
<MMingladesh. <ased on said report an e-ploration *enture as started by the <angladesh %o*ernment in the area' of
ultala1 $aul*iba=ar1 8ylhet during 6@;. The e-plorations confirmed the presence of high grade rMMinium btit the
pro5ect as suddenly stopped in 6,; oing to :A0's conspiracies. 3n the contrary1India is e-tracting ranium in
$eghalaya1 only a fe kilometres aay from 8ylhet border.
 According to 'The 4aily AI $u5added'1 ebruary @166+1 <angladesh has huge lime stone deposits' i.e. @ million
tons in <olgi <a=arM'., m illion tons in Takerhat1  million tons at <hanger %hat1 and 7 thousand tons at <alapun5i. All
these are lying une-plored. The nespaper further reported that e-perienced obser*ers belie*e that :A0 is in*ol*ed
in pre*enting e-ploitation of ' the said mineral resou/r/ces. :A0 has bribed high officials of <angladesh concerned
ith mineral e-ploration ho do not permit any progress to take place in this sector.
The same nespaper in a later re*ie (AI $u5added1 $ay ;1 66+) rote that on1 account of indecision by the
ministry of 8cience and Technology1 + lakh tons of <hlck %old (ircon1 :utail1 ?iuk u-in1 kayanite1 $agnetite1 %arnet
and $ana=ite mi-ed ith sand are termed as <lack %old) present in the south9eastern coastal region and ad5oining
islands is lying une-plored. 2eedless to mention that the bi9products of <lack %old can be utili=ed in industries such
as paper1 electrode elding1 aircrafts1 space technology and nuclear fission etc. . .
4ue to lack of financial resources and ade>uate indigenous facilities1 <angladesh has to depend on foreign in*estors
for e-ploration pro5ects. <ut :A0 is continuously discouraging foreign in*estors1 sometimes by using political
pressure tactics and sometimes by bribing the concerned officials.:A0's modus operandi in' this regard is
summari=ed as belo /
a. :A0 has been propagating that there are no mineral deposits in <angladesh1 thus discouraging foreign
companies form in*estment in the sector.
b . :A0 offers huge amounts as bribe to foreign as ell as local engineers and staff employed on preparation
o( feasibility reports of ne pro5ects1 to' get 'tailored' reports suggesting that e-ploration ill not be *iable and
c. 4ifferent 4irectorates and $inistry officials in <angladesh concerned ith processing of ne pro5ects in some
cases are bribed to hinder br delay the proposals for e-ploration. The foreign companies thus get disgruntled due to
bureacratic hassles and delays and e*entually decide to abandon the pro5ect.
d. E*en if some foreign company manages to o*ercome all the hurdles and starts' a pro5ect1 its ork and functioning
are made difficult by local agents of :A0. 8ince 6@ many companies ho had started pro5ects1 left miday due to
harassment by :A0 agents. 3b*iously seeing their plight no other company ill dare to come forard.The ingress of 
:A0 in *arious ministries1 directorates and organisations of <angladesh is so paramount that it has successfully
sabotaged many pro5ects. ?arge number of aborti*e pro5ects are clear proof of this treachery. It is belie*ed that until
the patriotic people of <angladesh root out :A0 agents from departments and ministries concerned ith e-ploration
of mineral resources1 no orthhile progress can be 'made in this field. !onse>uently1 <angladesh ill continue to
remain poor and subser*ient to India. The >uestion1 hoe*er1 remains hen ill the rooting out of firmly saddled
:A0 agents beginF
The garment industry has played a pioneering role in the de*elopment of industrial sector of <angladesh. Though it
took a rather late start i.e.1 in 6@; but it soon established its reputation in the orld market ithin a short span of
time. :esultantly garment is no one of the main e-port items of the country. <esides1 enriching the country's
economy it has played a *ery important role in alle*iating unemployment. At present there are more than to
thousand one hundred garment factories in the country employing more than  lakh labourers. ,+ percent of the
labour force are omen.
3nce 8ri9?anka as leader in t his field in 8outh Asia and India as its competitor. The Indian intelligence agency
:A0 acti*ated the Tamils of Indian origin in a separatist mo*ement thus starting a bloody ci*il ar resulting in the
>uick demise of the garments industry of 8ri9?anka. The international buyers and in*estors di*erted their attention
toards <angladesh. As a result the garments industry of <angladesh e-panded ith unprecedented success. 4uring
the financial year 66&967 <angladesh earned ;66., crore taka in 'this sector.India is. en*5ous of such an
unprecedented success of <angladesh. India has alays remained *igilant of e*en the slightest success of
<angladesh in any sector ith apprehensions of loosing contol o*er <angladesh. It is an unabated portion of her
strategy to ensure that <angladesh does not make progress in any field. 8o if <angladesh makes any success in any
sector1 India starts conspiring to ruin <angladesh in that sector. The success in garments industry of <angladesh had
posed a challenge to India. India thus hatched a conspiracy to eliminate <angladesh from the markets of 8A and
Europe. or fulfilling this heinous plan :A01 besides utili=ing its agents in <angladesh1 de*eloped a strong lobby in
Europe1 America and ar East against the garments industry of <angladesh.
India's first attempt as to bring ithin its grip the buyers associations. Through cle*er manipulations India has
succeeded in controlling the buying houses of Korea and Hong Kong. The buying houses generally obtain orders for
ready made garments from different countries. The oners of Indian controlled buying houses started concerted
campaign to stop foreign companies from gi*ing. any contract to <angladesh. They try to impress upon the buyers of
Europe and America that () <angladesh as not capable of producing good ork1 () the businessmen and
industrialists of <angladesh ere not honest and (&) abo*e all1 the garments made in <angladesh ere belo
To establish these falsehoods :A0 infiltrated its agents. in different garment factories of <angladesh. The orks that
:A0 carried out through these agents are listed belo/
a. To search for fabrics hich are not co*ered by contract.
b. To supply garments of lo standard1 ruffled up ith out any stitch.
c. E-port less number of garments than stipulated in the
d. #ack the carton ith torn pieces of cloth instead of garments.
e. $ake deliberate delay in e-porting the order placed.
8uch incidents happened many times in the past thus 5eopardi=ing markets of <angladesh. The oners of the
garment factories soon realised this conspiracy and took timely step to remedy. the situation thus foiling the
conspiracy of :A0. <ut this conspiracy as not o*er for good. :A0 agents still carry out such heinous acts here
e*er they get an opportunity.
 Another aspect of :A0's conspiracy is to drag the labour of garment industry into trade union mo*ements . nhealthy
trade union mo*ement can playa pioneering role in disrupting the production of industrial sector. In the earlier .stages
there ere no trade union in the garments industry. <ut gradually the trade union mo*ement crept into the garments
industry. nder the co*er of demandingthe legitimate rights of garment iabour :A0 created. discontent among the
labours1 thus seriously affecting production and in some cases the industries had to be closed don. As e-ports ha*e
to be carried out ithin a fi-ed time frame and once the e-ports are not made in time then the contract is cancelled.
:A0 is engaged in spreading discontent in our garments industry so that the buyers of Europe and 8A turn their
faces aay from <angladesh.
The organisations of labours of the garment industries *ery often hold meetings1 distribute pamphlets and from time
to time gi*e statements making *arious demands. :A0 collects these. pamphlets1 statements and other publicity
materials of the garment labour1 e*en make tape recordings of their statements and send them to the foreign buyers
augmenting it by saying that the garment labour of <angladesh ork in a *ery unhealthy atmosphere and li*e in a sub
human life.
In pursuance for the destruction9of the garment industryof <angladesh :A0 has engaged some dishonest traders1
fake producers1 e-porters and in complicity ith a section of officers of the E-port #romotion <ureau ho ha*e been
carrying out their heinous acti*ities. nder instruction of :A0 they obtain false no ob5ection certificates and through
fake documents e-port garments to 8A and other foreign countries. :A0 agents ha*e earned crores of takas by
fictitious certificates of E-port #romotion <ureau. In the financial year 66&967 a false e-port consigment of four
hundred crore taka as detected hich as e-ported to 8A(4aily In>ilab / 3ctober 1 667).
The same issue of In>ilab reported that India in the financial year 66&967 e-ported lo >uality garments to the 8A
 5Mri the name of <angladesh. This consignment as e-ported by fictitious certificate of E-port #romotion <ureau
'under the category of & and ;+. In the financial year 6696&1 in a similar m18lnner India e-ported belo standard
garments to '8A orth + million dollars. The cust oms intelligence officers of the 8A after en>uiry unearthed this
 As a conse>uence <angladesh suffered on account of the fraudulent acti*ities of I ndia1 rMsultantly the >uantum of
e-port of <angladeshi garments got considerably reduced. 4uring the fina1ncial year of 6696& <angladesh had
e-ported to the 8A1 garments orth ;+ crore + lakh dollars and in the ne-t year I.e. in the finacial year 66&967 the
e-port as reduced to +7 crore + lakh dollars conse>uent to India's fraudulent acti*ities.
It is *ieed ith concern that India succeeded in spoiling the good image of <angladeshi garments. As a
conse>uence <angladesh has lost many of its foreign markets. In the financial year 66&9671 the target for garments
e-port as ;+ crore dollars. <ut on account of the fraudulent measures of :A0 this target could not be achie*ed
and there as a short fall of  percent. :A0's agents e-ported substandard garments to
European countries particularly to Italy and %ermany through fake %8# certificates on behalf of <angladesh. Though
those substandard garments ere not made in <angladesh1 but they did earn a bad name for <angladesh and also
affected future <angladeshi e-ports to these countries. Italy substantially reduced the >uantum of imports of
garments from <angladesh. These actions ha*e badly harmed the country's economy1 but no official in>uiry as held
to in*estigate the frauds. The <angladeshi officers ho conni*ed ith :A0 for the said fraudulent transactions are
still holding their respecti*e posts and continue to ser*e the foreign interests(4aily In>ilab / 3ctober 1 667).
The campaign launched in the 8A regarding the employment' of child labour in the garment industry of <angladesh
is also sponsored' by :A0. The <angladeshi nagents of :A0 had prepared a T" documentary about employment of
child labour in the garment industry of <angladesh for A<! Tele*ision. :A0 collected the *ideo cassettes of that
programme and sent them to senators1 members of the !ongress and other top policy9makers of the 8A. Influenced
by the publicity campaign orchestrat ed by :A0 agents1 8 8enator Tom Harkins submitted a bill in the 8enate
knon as 'Harkins <ill'. This bill stipulated that those countries hich employ childM labour ill not be alloed to send
their industrial products to the 8A.
$r. Harkins hile citing e-ample mentioned the name of <angladesh. 4espite passage of this bill :A0 did not desist
itself from indulging in anti9<angladesh propaganda and publicity. In its latest mo*e :A0 organised a union of 7
children and religious organisations in the 8A to be knon as child ?abour !oalition. This organisation has no local
sta.nding and is not e*en recognised by the 8A. This organisation has engaged itself in a systematic propaganda
against <angladesh regarding child laboGr in the garment industry. The Indians ent from door to door campa5gning .
against buying garments from <angladesh on account of child labour(0eekly 8onar <angIa/ $ay ;1 66+).
 After the passage of the Harkins <ill nearly + thousand child labours ha*e been term inated from the garments
factories and the remaining eight thousand ould be sacked by 3ctober &1 66+.Inspite of it the child ?abour
coalition continues to harp on its lethal propaganda ith a. *ie to 5eopardi=ing the interests of <angladesh. Is it not a
knon fact that many countries including India employ child labour in *ariety of industrial sectorsF <ut only
<angladesh has been singled out and targeted in a systematic manner. In*estigations re*eal that it is only India that
is bound to destroy the garment industry of <angladesh. !hild ?abour ederation as used by :A0 in furthering its
goal in a cle*erly manipulated mo*e. It 'may be noted that according to reliable reports fi*e crore child' labours are
presently employed in India's carpet1 shoe1 garment and other sundry industries(4aily 8tar/ $ay &166+).
<ut the Harkins <ill or the !hild ?abour ederation seem to ha*e no concern about it or rather they purposely o*er
look it. o.n account of ad*erse publicity against <angladesh orchestrated by :A0 <angladesh ha*e been identified
as a guilty country.4ue to some mysterious reasons no effecti*e step is being initiated to counter the mischie*ous
acti*ities of :A0 in <angladesh. It is the responsibility of the bureaucrats and the policy makers to e-plain to the
orld about the emploLment of child labour in different fields. It should be e-plained *ery clearly and. e-plicitly that by
employing these unfortunate child labours it has been possible to sa*e them from certain death by star*ation1 it has
been possible to make them self dependent and lead a respectable life. This aspect should be strongly and
*igorously pro5ected in the outside orld. The estern countries should understand that stitching buttons by child
labour is not a difficult and inhuman 5ob. This point must be stressed and highlighted to the people of the estern
countries particularly in the 8A.
It is suspected that the concerned officials being influenced by :A0 mysteriously are not taking any effecti*e steps
against :A0 and its agents. It no seems that our embassies in the estern countries including the 8A1 our
$inistry of oreign Affairs or the $inistry of !ommerce1 the %o*ernment publicity media or most of the political
parties appear to be unconcerned about this important national issue. They did not make e*en a normal protest. In
the face of conspiracy and strong lobbying by :A0 e*eryone seems to be indifferent to this *ital national issue and
thus :A0 has succeeded in pro*ing the fact that the complaints made against <angladesh ha*e good foundation
and <angladesh has no ground to counter it.
It is apprehended that agents of :A0 ha*e spread their netork in the country in such a manner that they are
present in all the rele*ant $inistries and officies so that no initiati*e can e*er be taken by the go*ernment to counter
the acti*ities of :A0. The 4aily nespaper 'Al $u5added' in its issue of $ay @1 6+ alleged inaction by the Embass y
of <angladesh in 8A. The paper rote that the Indian garment industry lobby as destroying the garment industry
of <angladesh and they ha*e spread their tentacles in all the sectors of industry so 'that it does not get any market
abroad. The paper in its report said1 'The oners of the garment industry of <angladesh ha*e not as yet recei*ed any
information regarding the acti*ities of :A0 in the 8A in complicity ith 8 officials and the garments industry
oners of <angladesh are *ery indignant about it'. The paper further says that it is the duty of the Embassy to keep
the oners of the garment industry informed about the propaganda that is being carried out in 8A against this
It ould facilitate both the %o*ernment and the industry concerned to take effecti*e measures against the
propaganda of :A0. <ut' the <angladesh Embassy in 0ashington has failed to take any such initiati*e. It as further 
alleged in the report that on account of inacti*ity or lack of initiati*e by the concerned officials of the <angladesh
Embassy in the 8A the Indian garments industry lobby as out to destroy the market of <angladesh in 8A. 8o
naturally the >uestion arises hose interest is being looked after by our Embassy and other concerned agencies and
officials and to hom are they really accountableFThe 0eekly '8onar <angIa' in its issue of $ay ;1 66+ has
e-pressed similar sentiments. The paper says that an international agency. is engaged in making anti9<angladesh
campaign in the 8A to ruin the garments market of <angladesh in the 8A and the strangest part of the hole affair
is that despite an these uproars %o*ernment is conspicuously maintaining silence. It seems that it is not a matter of
concern for either our Embassy in the 8A or the $inistry of oreign Affairs or $inistries of Industry and !ommerce.
Earlier hen the 8 8enator Tom Harkins presented the <ill in the 8 8enate regarding imposing ban on garm ents
'produced by child labour to the 8A1 the <angladesh Embassy in 0ashington and other concerned ministries and
officers had played similar roles. the 4aily In>ilab1 in its issue. of ; Canuary 6+ rote1 1 8enator Harkins infonned that
he anted to discuss the sub5ect of employment of child labour in the garment industry of <angladesh so that
necessary steps can be taken in this regard. He said that the go*ernment of India1 through a $inister1 had discussed
the sub5ect ith him. <ut no initiati*e had yet been taken by <angladesh side. $r.Harkins anted to kno hy the
%o*ernment of <angladesh as so slo in taking any initiati*e in this regard.
The 4aily In>ilab further reported that <angladesh Embassy in 0ashington did not contact the 8enator in this
respect. If any such initiati*e as taken by <angladesh Embassy in the 8A the scheme of :A0 to depri*e
<angladesh of the 0estern markets particularly the 8A could ha*e been curbed. 'l'he concerned <angladesh
officials by shoing such apathy1 ha*e upheld the9interests of India rather than <angladesh. 3ne really ponders so as
to at hose behest this inacti*ity1 apathy conspiracy is going on and hy the agents of :A0 are carrying out their
nefarious acti*ities unhindered.
The fish ealth of <angladesh can be di*ided into to broad categories1 seet ater fish of the inland aters and the
salty ater fish of the sea. 3ing to its climatic conditions1 fa*ourable soil and aters hich include ri*ers1canals1
ponds1 *ast sea and long coast1 <angladesh has an ideal en*ironment for the groth of both types of
fisheries.E-perts belie*e that if potential of fish industry is fully e-ploited1 it can hecome the largest foreign e-change
earning sector in the c ountry e*en surpassing garment industry. Hoe*er1 due to Indian machinations1 fisheries ha*e
not achie*ed desired de*elopment and groth in <angladesh.
<y constructing arakka <arrage and 7 other small and large dams on common ri*ers1 India has already put an end
to the seet ater fish industry of <angladesh. 2o :A0 is pursuing its ob5ecti*e of destroying the sea fish ealth of 
<angladesh. ish and :ice hich ere once synonymous ith <angladesh are no a story of the past.The damage
done to fisheries of <angladesh can be gauged from the fact that thousands of tons of fish is no being smuggled in
from India into the country hich once used to e-port fish itself.
 According to a sur*ey carried out by the oological 4epartment of 4haka ni*ersity1 the economic =one of the
country in the <ay of <engal comes to lakh ;7 thousand s>uare kilometres. 7@+ *arieties of fish and 7 *arieties of
shrimp are found in the said =one. The sur*ey states that upto 7 meters depth of the coastal region the stock of
floating fish is  lakh tons1 in the  meters depth =one there are stock of  lakh tons of 7 *arieties of general fish
and another  lakh tons in the inner depth of sea(4aily AI $u5added / $ay &1 66+).
The fish resources in the sea belt of <angladesh include Tuna1 8almon1 $ackerel1 Cohnkis1 8ord1 8hrimp1 ?obster1
:oopchanda1 :oopan1 Hilsha1 ?aittya and many others totalling 7@+ *arieties. A cautious estimate indicates that
<angladesh can easily e-port annually upto 7 lakh tons of sea fish(#rofessor Abul Kalam A=ad/ <angladesh Amar
<angladesh/ #age ;).The fish ealth of sea is a gift of Allah to <angladesh. Its collection is not e-pensi*e as the
only e-penditure incurred is on sailing and netting. ish has been the second largest e-port item after ready made
garments. 8imilarly shrimp culti*ation is one of the best sources of income for <angladesh. The price or shrimp in
intertlational market *aries from &;; taka to @&; taka per kg. <angladesh has *ery successfully de*eloped its coastal
region for shrimp culti*ation. The demand for fro=en fish products particularly 8hrimps as fast increasing in
international market. In the year 6@9@& the earning from e-porting fro=en fish products as .&, crore hich rose in
66796+ to  crore taka(4aily AI $u5added / $ay @1 66+).
 According to a sub9editorial of the 4aily Ittefa>1 printed on Cune &1 66+1 if concerted efforts are made to de*elop
fisheries1 . <angladesh ill be able to produce lobsters alone orth 7 thousand crore taka annually. India sees
<angladesh as her sole competitor in e-port of fro=en fish products in the orld market. The three fold increase in
<angladesh's shrimp production made India en*ious to such an e-tent that :A0 as directred to de*elop ays and
means to destroy the pisciculture of <angladesh particularly the shrimp culti*ation.
Indians ha*e1 been indulging in our fish stock e*er since the independence of <angladesh. They encourage and help
Indian fishermen to net fish stealthily in the sea of <angladesh. Indian sea food e-ports ha*e increased manifold as a
result of the said piracy. ?ater the Indians ha*e started using force to catch fish and shrimp from <angladesh's ater
areas. The Khulna <ureau of the 4aily Al $u5added reported that during the tidal uproar and flood of $ay +9@1
66+1 ninety percent of the 8hrimp hatcheries of the 8outh coastal region of <angladesh ere ashed aay. 0hen
<anglade8hi fishermen ere reco*ering the same in their on area1 large number of Indian fishermen also arri*ed
ith about + to  traler boats. They chased the <angladeshi fishermen out from their on sea and looted the
shrimps. The Indians entered <angladesh t erritory through #asur1 Hariabangha1:aimangal and south Talpatty Island.
Indian pirates not only looted the fish ealth but also took aay the fishing nets and other fishing e>uipment of the
poor <angladeshi fishermen (4aily Al $u5added / $ay 1 66+).The <angladeshi fishermen could not face the Indian
buccaneers because it is learnt that Indian 2a*y generally backs such operations(4aily Canakantha / 4ecember 1
The looting of fish from the aters of <angladesh by Indians has no become a common complaint. A 24# report
re*ealed that an appro-imate of 7 crore taka orth fish are being annually looted by foreign tralers from
<angladesh ater areas.& In the month of ebruary 66+1 <angladesh 2a*y sei=ed & Indian tralers ith && persons
and fi*e Indian tralers ith +7 persons on  and & ebruary respecti*ely. The names of the fi*e Indian tralers
ere < $other %anggar 4han1 < $other $onosa1 < $other Kamala1 < $other 8aroda and < $other
Katani(4aily Al $u5added / ebruary 71 66+).
The 4aily In>ilab's reporter from <agerhat reported that in last eek of 8eptember 667 and in the first half of
3ctober 6671 <angladesh 2a*y captured @ Indian fishing tralers ith & fishermen. Another report states that
during the period from 66 to $ay 66+ a total of + foreign fishing tralers ere sei=ed. 3ut of these 7& ere
Inidians. 2eedless to mention that due to the paucity of 2a*al *essels ith <angladesh it is not possible for the
authorities to sei=e all foreign *essels entering <angladeshi sea. <esides1 many a sei=ures did not e*en reach the
nes room.
The large scale theft of <angladesh's fish ealth is yet not enough for :A0's satisfaction. They ant to completely
destroy the fish resources of <angladesh. or the purpose a *ery mean strategy has been adopted recently. :A0
had got dumped some eight thousand si- hundred bags of garlic into the area close to fish hatcheries ithin
<angladesh aters. These garlic bags ere imported through C. :. Trading on a !hinese *essel'Langmin' and ere
dumped into the aters of <angladesh on the plea of becoming unfit for human consumption. The import of garlic
orth taka  crore  thousand under the co*er of a non9go*ernmental <angladeshi firm and then throing it aay in
nylon bags in a planned manner smells of foul play. :A0's aim as to dri*e t he fish aay from <angladesh aters
oing to the foul smell of rotten garlic. Indeed this is a uni>ue e-ample of an intelligence agency damaging economic
interests of target country by destroying its pisciculture. It is a clear proof of :A0's *icious designs against
 As a result of this unprecedented action the <angladesh sea9coast as t otally denuded of its fish ealth. A daily
nespaper reported that on ebruary ;1 66+ a group of e-perts on pisiculture on their *essel 'Anusandhani' ent out
in the sea to obtain mother shrimps for the '2iribili hatchery' at !o-'s <a=ar. After a traling of consecuti*e si- days
upto ; nautical miles1 only @ mother 8hrimps ere captured. The pisiculturists informed that on account of the bad
smell of innumerable floating bags of rotten garlic1 the en*ironment of the sea coast as ad*ersely affected hich
dro*e the fish aay. It is reared that. this ould ha*e far reaching effects on country's fishing industry(4aily Al
$u5added / ebruary ;1 66+).
 At the time of independence1 <angladesh had no *essels of its on. 8he (<angladessh) hired a *essel from India to
e-port its fro=en sea foods. The said *essel on its ay'as anchored at $adras and small iron spikes ere in5ected
into the body of shrimps. This as done ith the intention to earn bad name for <angladesh. Let another conspiracy
of :A0 to diminish our shrimp industry as to create misunderstandings amongst the hatchery oners and rice
culti*ators of Khlilna region. :A0 succeeded in this *enture resulting in armed clashes beteen the to. In the latest
conspiracy :A0 tnrough its agents has started abducting fishermen of <angladesh fishing in high seas demanding
ransom and killing the poor fishermen if ransom is not paid. 4aily Al $u5added reports that during $ay 66+ at least
7 cases of dacoity ere committed by Indian pirates in the coastal belt of the <ay of <engal.
Eight fishermen simply disappeared after being taken aay by the Indian dacoits and & fishermen ere seriously
in5ured(4aily AI $u5added1 Cune +1 66+).To curb this piracy %o*ernment had decided to raise a !oast %uard
:egiment. <ut the plan seems to ha*e been put in cold storage. In' this regard 4aily Al $u5added reported1 in 66&
the standing committee of The Catiya 8angsad (2ational Assembly) on Home $fairs decided to raise a !oast %uard
:egiment. In 667 a draft policy as adopted under the caption '!oastal %uard Act '67. The training and e-penses
ere all orked out1 but no further steps ha*e been taken till date. :easons for the delay are not knon. ncertainty
still pre*ails regarding fate of proposed !oast %uard :egiment(4aily Al $u5added / ebruary 71 66+).
Knoledgeable circles informed that :A0 has managed to delay the pro5ect through its agents in <angladesh's
higher echelons. This is yet another e-ample of national interests being sacrificed to please Indian masters.Indian
<order '8ecurity orce has also been attacking <angladeshi fishermen hile fishing in frontier ri*ers. The 4aily
<angladesh 3bser*er reported on & August1 66+1To <angladeshi fishermen ere. shot and killed by Indian
<order 8ecurity orce hile fishing in a frontier ri*er in 8atkhira 4istrict. The <8 men left the area hen <4: patrols
appeared there'. The aim of such attacks is to deter <angladeshi fishermen from fishing in common frontier ri*ers
thus denying them their legitimate share of the fish in these ri*ers.
Throing of rotten garlic in the coastal region1 *icious looting of fish ealth of <angladesh1 harassment1 kidnapping
for ransom and killing of poor fishermen are all part of :A0's scheme to hamper groth of fisheries in <angladesh.
:A0 is ruthlessly pursuing its agenda of creating hurdles and impeding progress of <angladesh's economy. The
reason is understandable. Hoe*er1 the irony is that appropriate counter measures ha*e not been taken by those
ho are responsible for the same.
Tele*ision and :adio are the best mass media for entertainment and creating public aareness. I n <angladesh both
are state oned organisations and are run by public money. In'6,6 a daily nes paper reported that in <T" alone
there ere 7& dramatists and riters1 @ drama artists1 , dance artists1 &+ dance directors1 7&
instrumentalists1  *ocalists1 6, music directors and tuners(4aily 8angarm / Cune 61 6,6).In 6,, a sum of
one crore 7; lakh taka as spent as honorarium f or the artists alone in <T". As ma5ority of the people of <angladesh
are poor and illiterate ho can neither afford to buy books nor can they read1 therefore the influence of radio and
tele*ision on the people is more pronounced and far reaching.
These to organisations can playa *ital role in infusing and nurturing religious feelings and pro5ecting national culture
and tradition1 <ut unfortunately both of these organisations are under tremendous influence of :A0 and hence failed
to fufil national aspirations. In the truest sense of the term <T" and :adio <angladesh are not playing desired role for 
pro5e.cting and de*eloping the national identity and building national character. :A0 influenced people ha*e saddled
themsel*es so deep in these organisations that our national identity can't find pro5ection either on T" or :adio. .
It has been learnt from different sources that in e*ery branch of <T" there are ell placed pro9In.dian elements.
 According to reports the number of :A0 influenced officers and staff in the organisation is such that for the com ing
ten years e*en if <T" stops recruiting :A0 influenced people1 still it ould not be free of its spell. There is no section
in <T" hich is free from :A0 agents including the 2es 8ection. 2inety percent of the officers of <T" ha*e close
links ith :A0. These officers recei*e regular monthly alloance from :A0 (0eekly 8ainik / Culy @1 66).
There are @ codes of ethics for broadcasting and telecasting programmes o*er radio and tele*ision. These include
propagation of <angladeshi nationalism1 pro5ection of state policies1 traditional $uslim *alues1 de*elopment of
morality1 curbing corruption and anti9social acti*ities1encouraging birth control1 promoting national culture and
traditions1 spreading education and general aareness etc. <esides1 <T" has its 'on censor code hich states that
no fIlm be shon that pro5ects moral degradation1 crime or sin. 2udity to include nude shado image1
undressing1symbolic dances1 se-1 rape and ob5ectionable bed scenes are to be strictly a*oided(4aily 8angram / Cune
61 6,6) .nfortunatly <T" has utterly failed in folloing the stipulated code of eithics and 'censor. The entire
managment1 planning1 presentation / nd production staff is under :A0's influence. Instead of pro5ecting Islamic
*alues they are promoting Indian culture. 8o much so that e*en the main pillar of state policy i.e.1 faith in Allah and
Islam is not reflected in <T"'s most programmes.
In fact1 <T" programmes do not appear to be ork of a T" station belonging to the second largest $uslim state. The
dialogues1 statements1 comments1 scenarios and dresses are mostly repugnant to the main principles of Islam. In
most of the dramas1 on the plea of necessity of the story1the traditional $uslim culture1 norms and social *alues of
<angladesh are ignored. 0hen any anti9social character is depicted1 he is generally shon ith a beard and a cap on
his head. At times e*il characters are shon as Ha5i1$aul*i1 #ir etc. (i.e.1 personalities respected in Islam). The
religion is ridiculed and pro5ected in poor light(4aily 8angram / Cune ,1 6,6).
In different <T" programmes including dramas1 the !alcutta culture dominates in matters of dress and language1
thus shadoing national culture and $uslim identity of <angladesh. To pre*ent national integration1plays about
:a=akars and Albadars of 6@ are repeatedly telecast. 8peical programmes and plays are presented to spread
disunity and disaffection amongst different classes of people particularly ith reference to liberation ar of 6@. <T"
is also promoting a pseudo to liberal culture. In most of the plays it is shon that young boys and girls rise in re*olt
against their parents. 0i*es re*olt against their husbands. The main purpose of depicting such acts is to destory our
traditional social *alues and family ties. In many plays e-plicit lo*e scenes are shon disregarding our social *alues.
The depiciton of smugglers1 e-tortionists1 professional murderers1 mastans and drug addicts is done in a manner that
such characters are glorified on screen. <T" plays98angsapatk1 8hooktara1 #urbodin #urboratri1 Ayomoy1 Conaki
Caley1 :oopnagar1 Tathapi1 #hiriye 4ao Aronnya1 Kothao Keu 2ei etc. are e-amples of disregard of Islamic and
national *alues.
<T" has pro*ed its loyalty to :A0 by o*er pro5ecting :abindranath Tagore in most of its dramas. There is hardly any
play here Tagore is not shon1 or his songs are not sung or his poems are not read. E*en in ad*ertisements
:abindranath Tagore is sometimes seen or heard. 3n the occasion of obser*ance of :abindranath's birth
anni*ersary <T"'s heroines or heros and dancers display on their foreheads the Hindu symbol of 'Tilak'. 8ince
Tagore's literature is mainly Hindu literature in hich Hindu history1 culture and traditions are pro5ected1 therefore1 his
o*er pro5ection amounts to promoting Hidnu i.e.1 Indian culture in <angladesh. It may be mentioned that in all the
orks of :abindranath Tagore there is no $uslim character e-cept 'Kabuliala' i0ho also does not belong either to
0est <engal or <angladesh1 he is1 in fact a resident of far off Afghanistan.
$ost of the officers1 producers1 presentation organisers1 dramatists are under so much obligation to :A0 that e*en
on occasions like Eid9ul9itr and Eid9ul9A=ha ($uslim festi*als) they do not a*oid shoing their lo*e and affection for
India. #rogrammes shon on these occasions depict nothing about the significance of Eid1 $uslim brotherhood1
community feelings and Islamic teachings regarding Eid etc. Instead hat they present are absurd programmes
hich ha*e no rele*ance to the occasion. Though <T" fails in presenting the real significance of Eid1 but the
concerned persons do not fail in protecting the Indian interests. Thus beteen presentation of Eid programmes they
punch in Tagore items. In a programme on recent Eid (66+)1 hile presenting an art ist to the audience and *ieers a
lady announcer introduced her as famous in both <engals'.<T"'s lo*e for India as *ery poignant in the drama titled
'Ta9ra9 Ta9ra9ya Kha9chita'. The dramatist hile discarding numerous songs and gha=als of 2 a=rul Islam and other
$uslim1 poets1 had sung a de*otional poem of :abindranath Tagore. It as a deliberate attempt to indicate that no
programme is complete ithout :abindranth Tagore.
In the same programme <T" shoed Hindi song in one of its programmes. or a nation ho fought a ar against
rdu1 is it not surprising that its <T" programme includes a Hindi songF 0ho are the personsGthat <T" authorities
are trying to pleaseF In this connection The 4aily $eillat commented1 '0hen rdu as sept aay from <anglaesh
hy no Hindi language is becoming so dear to the national broadcasting and telecasting authorities. Instead of
shoing <engali song hy should the <T" authorities present a Hindi songF A section of dramatists of <T" is *ery
deftly and cle*erly trying to misguide the nation and draing them to a path of destruction (4aily $eillat / $ay 71
:A0 influenced #ersons in <T"1 on instructions from :A01 are trying to create an im pression on the ne generation
that only the Hindu poets and litterateurs had enriched the modern <engali language and literature. To establish this
falsehood <T" seldom telecasts1 any programme on $uslim poets and litte/yateurs of ancipnt and middle ages. The
orks of $uslim .poets of ancient era like Alaal1 8yed 8ultan1 Abdul Hakim etc. and of modern age eminent $uslim
scholars like 8yed Ismail Hossain 8era5i1 Kaikobad1 $ir $osharraf Hussain1 9 4r. ?utfur :ahman1 #oet %holam
$ostafa1 4r. $uhammad 8hahidullah1 Abul a=al1 #oet arrukh Ahmed1 Casimuddin1 8yed $u5taba Ali1 8hahdat
Hossain etc. are seldom considered suitable for <T" programmes. Hoe*er1 the pro9Indian poets like 8hamsur
:ahaman get good co*erage o*er the <T". <pt poetry of much bett er standing like Ali Ahsan and Al $uhamud are
ignored because they belie*e in <angladeshi nationalism and the spirit of Islam.
<T" follos a path of discrimination e*en in case of guards of 6+ ho had struggled for the <engali language.
Those ho ere anti9India are intentionally a*oided by <T" in the programmes presented on the occasion of
obser*ance of language mo*ement day. 8acrifices and struggles of nationalists like late Abul Kashem1 late Custice
 Abdur :ahman !houdhury1 Ad*ocate Ka=i %holam $ahboob1 3li Ahad1 4r. 2urul Ha> <huyan1 #rofessor Abdul
%afoor etc. are ne*er mentioned. 3n the other hand secular1 pro9Indian elements are eulogi=ed.
#ro9Indian youngster ith the help of <T" ha*e enlisted themsel*es as intellectuals1 hereas recogni=ed and
established scholars if they happen to be belie*ers of <angladeshi nationalism are totally ignored. The eminent
intellectual and philosopher 4ean $ohammed A=raf seems to be totally banned by <T". ?anguage and names are
*ery imporatant factors in a nation's culture and tradition. Hoe*er1 <T" persistently displays characters and names
hich are alien to our Islamic culture. In dramas1 plays and other programmes use of Hindu names is a common
practice. This is done to encourage and influence parents to gi*e their children Hindu names. As a result adoption of
Hindu nick names by $uslim boys and girls has become >uite common in <angladesh. Hindu name9s like 8aan1
8agar1 8omudra12adi1 Abantika1 8aura*1 8u5an1 8hentu1 :a5i*1 Torun1 %agan1 Anita1 <ipasha1 8hnata1 8hanti1 Amit1
 A5it etc. ha*e infiltrated into $uslim families. $uslim families could not t hink to keep such nick names e*en in the pre9
partition era hen <angladesh as part of India9 and the $uslims ere a minority. 8oon after liberation1 <T" in
accordance ith the direction of :A01 introduced greetings '8ubrabhat' (%ood $orning)1 '8ubhasandhya' (%ood
e*ening) and '8ubharatri' (%ood night) in place of 'Asalam9o9Alaikum' or 'Khuda Hafi='. Again the aim as to eliminate
the style of $uslim's greeting and encourage secular ay of greeting. <ut it is interesting to note that the common
$uslims in the cities as ell as in rural areas still do not use the ord 8ubrabhat1 8ubhasandhya or
8ubharatri.<esides1 <T" *ery fre>uently presents and pro5ects people ho are least connected ith tele*ision1 but
are blessed by the :A0.
The influence of :A0 o*er <T" is such that our disputes ith India like arrakka1 Talpatty1 !hakma rebellion1
<angabhumi mo*ement1 pushing back of Iridian nationals1 smuggling1 fre>uent border skirmishes1 abduction of
<angladeshis1 infiltration of Indians in $uhurir !har 1and other border' areas1 erection of barbed ire fencing and
construction of atch toers and stealing of sea resources are seldom telecast by <T". #eople of <angladesh are
kept in the dark about these basic problems faced by the nation. <T" ne*er telecasted e*en an odd documentary on
these *ital national issues for creating public aarencess.
:A0's influence o*er <T" as e-posed on the issue of arrakka once it as announced that <T" ould telecast a
feature on arrakka on $ay +1 66+ at ,/& p.m but instead of '<arrage of 8orro'1 an Arabian 2ight series as
telecast. #rior to this1 in the month of April <T" made a similar farce1 but at the appointed time for telecasting
programme on arrakka they telecasted a programme on art and literature. In the nes bulletins of <T" nes and
features pertaining to India hich may create poor impression about her1 are a*oided. :arely there is any mention of
atrocities committed by Indian forces and Hindu fundamentalists on $uslims in India including Kashmir. 0hene*er
<T" does telecast any such programme on the sub5ect it is only a brief summary of the e*ents hich is merely an
eye ash.
Thus people ha*e to depend on <<!1 "3A1 !22 etc. to kno the truth. The position of :adio <angladesh is not
much different form <T". The dramas broadcast by :adio < angladesh are similar to those of <T". These preach
<engalee culture setting aside $uslim identity1 culture and heritage of <angladesh. 8pecially the dialogues and the
names of the characters of these drames are such that one can hardly think that these can be broadcast from a
public media of a $uslim country. ?et me cite an e-ample of a drama hich as broadcast at  p.m on 2o*ember 1
The drama1'8habdeha 2eay 8okunir tshab' (The festi*al of a *ulture ith a corpse) ritten by $ohammad Abdur
:ab1 included such ords in the dialogue hich are e-clusi*ely used by the <engali speaking Hindus. irst of all the
*ery ord of the title of the drama '8habdeha' is not used by 6J people of <angladesh. 8econdly1 the names of the
fi*e ma5or characters of the >rama ere/ Cibon1 Ananda1 Aloo1 3nanta1 8anggita. It goes ithout saying that all these
names are basically and idely used by the Hindu community. 2o let me cite some dialogues/ '$ay <idata (to refer
to Allah) bless you'1 '$ay <idata help us'1 'Cibon' Attahuti 4eachay' (sacrificed himself). <idata1 8abdeha1 attahuti1 etc.
are generally used by the Hindus.The drama lasted for about an hour in hich the ord '<idata' as uttered for more
than + times. $uslims no here in the orld use this ord for Allah.The abo*e e-amples highlight the penetration of
:A0 in <T" and :adio <angladesh. These public sector organisatins are ser*ing Indian interest s and pro5ecting
Indian culture in our societ y. As long as .the influence of :A0 ill persist in these organisations1 their policy ill
remain de*oid of nationalism.
The *ital role that nespapers play in formulation of public opinion needs no elaboration. :A01 being ell aare of
the same has chalked out elaborate strategy in this regard for furtherance of its o*erall ob5ecti*es in <angladesh.
:A01 directly as ell as indirectly1 is controlling many nespapers in <angladesh. It employs di*erse tactics to .keep
nespapers under contorl. oremost in this regard is financial incenti*e. <esides1 use of threat and intimidation are
also resorted to. In many important nespapers :A0 has infiltrated its paid agents ho influence o*erall policy of
concerned nespapers. :A0 inspired nespapers help in cr eating fa*ourable public opinion for I ndia. They also
promote secularism and Hindu culture in the name of <engalee culture. The mercenary 5ournalists of these
nespapers are used for riting pro9India commentaries. They play don <angladeshi nationalism and propagate
and recommend pro9Indian policies.
<esides influencing policies of nespapers oned by <angladeshis1 :A0 is running a number of dailies and
eeklies through pro-y. $any such nespapers sprang up toards the last part of Ershad regime and during <2#
%o*ernment. 2eed for the same arose because :A0 decided to intensify campaign for reali=ation of its ob5ecti*es.
3utardly these nespapers are run by <angladeshis but behind the scene :A0 controls e*erything. The circulation
of the said papers is marginal and they are not profit earning concerns1 yet :A0 is keeping them ali*e through
regular financing. These papers keep churning out :A0's political propaganda. These are also used for *ilification
campaigns against pronationalist elements.
They unabashedly critici=e partition of India and directly and indirectly propagate for merger of <angladesh ith India.
They spread disinformation1 discontent and promote disharmony amongst different classes1 particularly ith
reference to e*ents of 6@ liberation ar. The aim is to impede national integration and progress. They also
*ehemently oppose <angladesh's friendship ith $uslim counties. They rite against $uslim ideology and promote.
in its place secularism. The language1 style and contents of these nespapers are usually similar to the gutter press
(or yello nespapers). An interesting obser*ation is that these nespapers do not ha*e independent and talented
 5ournalists. Instead :A0's stooges and agents are employed in these papers. Thus :A0 is establishing its agents as
bonafide 5ournalists and so9called intellectuals through these dummy nespapers. These nespapers also ser*e as
'<usiness Houses' for arranging employment and co*er for :A0 agents.
4ifferent methods are adopted by :A0 to pro*ide financial assistance to these papers. oremost is paying cash
money. 3ther methods include arranging ad*ertisements andr donations from large business houses hich are
actually used. as the godon of Indian goods. 8ome traders do not e*en ha*e their on capital. They ork as
middlemen. They bring Indian goods entirely on credit. <ut they ha*e to pay a portion of their profit to some selected
nespapers. 8ometimes these traders are ad*ised to employ :A0 agents in their firms. <ut their remuneration is
actually borne by :A0. It may be mentioned that in the past ersthile 8o*iet intelligence agency1 K%< also used to
run some nespapers in similar manner. After demise of 8o*iet union these nespapers are no financed by :A0.
Indian High commission in 4haka patroni=es those printing pressess from here pro9India nespapers are printed.
They are aarded contracts for printing of High !ommission's stationery and publications etc. E-cessi*e. payments
are made for such printing orks to co*er the cost of publishing propaganda materials.:A0 has also infiltrated its
men in some of the %o*ernment oned nespapers and 5ournals. In this connection I may cite e-ample of
%o*ernment oned 5ournals 0eekly '<ichitra' and 0 eekly 'Ananda <ichitra'. A close look at the acti*ities of some of
the senior 5ournalists in these to 5ournals can re*eal as to ho the9yare orking for Indian interests.
These to 5ournals mostly pro5ect pro9Indian riters1 poets1 litterateurs1 %ultural acti*ists etc. The 1eekly <ichitra is
more bold in promoting Indian lobby and denouncing Islamic *alues. The 0eekly in its issue of Canuary @16671
published a report on '<AKE:' hich as pro*ocati*e and in bad taste. The caption of the 7+th edition1 nd year of
publication as 'AT0A<A'. The purpose of the article as to defame religion and hurt religious sentiments of the
$uslims.The 0eekly <ichitra has .also been pro5ecting acti*ities of 2irmul !ommittee1 a :A0 sponsored
organisaiton. $ter the death of Cahanara Imam1 (#resident of 2irmul !ommittee)1 0eekly <ichitra published a
.special on her. Cahanaran Imam had treason case filed against her by the %o*ernement. Thus her
glorification by a. %o*ernment eekly causes doubts about moti*es of 5ournal's management. 0eekly <ichitra has
also been pro5ecting different persons of 8ammilita 8angritik #arishad (!ombined !ultural !ouncil)1 a :A0 inspired
organisation. 8imilarly it promotes other social and cultural organisations connected ith :A0.
The 0eekly Ananda <ichitra often carries semi9nude photographs of Indian heroines. This is done deliberately to
create market foG Indian' films besides ctMeating se-ual e-citement among our younger generation. In this connection
a daily of 4haka had commented/ Ananda <ichitra is partonising nudity. There is seldom any issue of Ananda
<ichitra here semi9nude photographs of 'film actresses are not published(4aily 8angram / Cune 1 6,6).
 Ananda <ichitra al8'o holds '#hoto <eauty !ontest' e*ery year. Loung girls are encouraged to participate in the
contest. 3b*iously this practice is repugnant to Islam. 2e-t phase may be to hold li*e beauty contests to select $iss
<angladesh etc. and ultimately pa*e the ay for participation by <angladeshi girls in the orld beauty contests.
:ecently the so9called $iss9<angladesh beauty contest as held at a local hotel. 8ome of the organisers and 5udges
of the contest ha*e arm relations ith :A0.There are reports that some highly placed 5ournalists of <ichitra and
 Ananda <ichitra are in*ol*ed in other :A0 acti*ities as ell. Those ho ha*e e-ecuti*e poer in <ichitra and
 Ananda <ichitra ha*e *irtually turned them into a club or meeting point for pro9 IB.dian political and cultural
organisations. There are also allegations against one of the top persons that he is the representati*e in <angladesh
of '8adhin 9<angIa' of !alcutta1 the mouthpiece of so9called 8adhin <angabhumi mo*ement. An assistarit Editor is
a member. of :A0 inspired organisations Hindu9<uddha9!hristian 3ikya #arishad and 8ociety for Krishna !ouncil.
 Another Assistant Editor maintains regular links ith 8hantibahini1 a :A0 sponsored terrorist organisation. 3ne of
the 7 persons of 2irmul !ommittee against hom %o*ernment had brought charges of treason1 is holding an
important position in the 0eekly <ichitra. '
The most surprising thing is that despite *arious allegations against different officers of <ichitra and Ananda <ichitra
they are still holding their posts. The person ho has been ser*ing since the last  years has become so poerful
and strong that despite *arious allegations published in different papers about him he is not only holding the post of
Editor of <ichitra but also Ananda <ichitra. :ecently due to e-cessi*e complaints he as remo*ed from the posts and
C anab $ansur Ahmed as appointed as the Editor of the <ichitra and Canab Ahmed aman !houdhury as
appointed as the Editor of Ananda <ichitra. <ut under pressure from in*isible poers1 5ust to days after his remo*al1
he as restored to his old post.
:A0 has systematically managed to control the 'fourth estate' in <angladesh. It has succeeded in planting its on
men in most of the nespapers1 both %o*ernement as ell as pri*ate oned. In addition1 it is running many
nespapers and 5ournals from behind the scene. It is ironic to find' so many 5ournalists ho are supposed to be eyes1
ears and conscience of the nation1 falling for :A0's reards in complete disregard of national interests. Hoe*er1 the
redeeming feature is that many 5ournalists and media9men ho are aare of nefarious scheme of :A01 are coming
forard to e-pose :A0's game. 3dds against them are hea*y as they do not ha*e ade>uate resources and finances.
Hoe*er1 their determination and force of con*iction are their assets in their battle for upholding national interests.
The publication industry is a basic part of a nation's education1 art and culture. A country hich lacks in publication
industry ill suffer in de*elopment of intellectual acti*ities. nfortunately the publication sector of <angladesh has
been dominated by Indian inspired publishers. All types of Indian books and periodicals are being imported in large
>uantities. Indian te-t books are prescribed in many prestigous pri*ate school form K.%. le*el to higher classes. The
influence of Indian books is responsible for decaying of <angladeshi society as these are affecting our cultural
heritage and moral *alues.
 After the liberation of <angladesh in 6@1 the publication sector of <angladesh could not make appropriate progress
due to stiff competition by Indian publications. A myth has been created that cultural capital of <angalees is !alcutta.
It is not fully reali=ed that the books and periodicals coming into <angladesh from the so9called cultural capital are a
great threat to our national identity and cultural *alues as $uslims. The ob5ecti*e of this cultural onslaught from
!alcutta is to promote secularism and Hindu culture in the name of <engalee nationalism and is aimed at distorting
$uslim history and heritage.
The Indian books and periodicals are no a*ailable all o*er the country at nespaper stalls1 book shops and public
libraries. Their business is flourishing u.nder the patronage of so ca1lled intellectuals and profit hungry traders.
nfortunately no organised efforts ha*e been made by patriotic circles so far to check the gorth of this menace. It is
indeed surprising that a nation hich had asserted to resist imposition of 0est #akistani culture has become
indifferent to promotion of Hindu culture through mass infiltration of Indian books and publications. #ossibly :A0 has
so much hold on our representati*e bodies that no dissenting *oice is alloed to gain ground. The :A0 inspired
intellectuals continue harping on pro9India themes. E*en the liberation struggle is pro5ected in such a manner that
Indian glorification seems their only aim. 8llch intellectuals and riters ha*e taken upon themsel*es to promote Indian
publications in order to earn personal benefits.
:A0 has de*eloped a pool of publishers1 sellers and distributers for promotion of Indian books. They ha*e *irtually
succeeded in capturing <angladeshi market.ith the direct and indirect help of a particular circle orking in
go*ernmental and non9go*ernmental sectors. 8ome of the means and measures adopted for promotion of sale of
Indian books and publications are e-plained belo importer1 the Indian e-porter sends .the merchandise on the term
that importer should pay the due amount ithin 6 to  days. E*en pro*ision of payment guarnatee by the
importer's bank is dispensed ith. The importer can therefore1 recei*e the books ithout making any paLment to his
<ooks are sent purely on good faith. If the importer fails to pay the bill after stipulated time1 neither the bank nor the
supplier can take any legal action against the importer. <ooks are sent purely on good faith. 3b*iously no
businessman of India ill *enture on such trade unless security of his capital is assured by some %o*ernment agency
(in this case :A0). 8ince it is a continuing facility1 therefore1 no <angladeshi book importer defaults on payment. In
the bargain <angladeshi importer earns handsome profit ithout in*esting any capital hile Indian designs are also
S$$l &9 (&&/! &n Ced%#
In order to sell books1 Indian publishers offer huge commissions o*er sale of their books to <anglade.shi importers
and sellers. $ost *ogue commission is +J. hoe*er1 as high commission as ,+J has also been paid in some
deals. 3n the other hand commission paid by <angladeshi publishers is +J only. Thus due to incenti*e of earining
high commissions the book sellers prefer to sell Indian publications. It is ob*ious that Indian publishers cannot offer
such disproportionate commissions ithout :A0's support.
E0$&# &9 Un;&nd (&&/!
Taking ad*antage of liberal book import policy of <angladesh1 :A0 has de*ised a scheme to supply Indian books to
<angladeshi sellers on credit. Any book seller of <angladesh can import books from India after obtaining Import
:egistration !ertificate (I:!) and a passbook from !hief !ontroller of Imports and E-ports (!!IRE). 3nce demand
for the books is recei*ed from <angladeshi Indian publishers ha*e no started sending printed formats to the
<angladeshi book sellers ithout binding them into books. Importing of unbound printed formats is more profitable1
therefore1 the import of printed formats is gaining ground day by day.<esides establishing their on publishing
houses1 :A0 is also knon to be paying financial and other incenti*es to some large <angladeshi publishing houses
in reard for their 'ser*ices'.
P%n#%n" &9 (an"lade!% W%#e'! (&&/! %n Ind%a
Indian publishers and sellers obtain rights for printing books of some <angladeshi riters for 'sale in India only'. <ut in
practice these books are supplied into <angladesh. The price of Indian edition of a book is much loer than that of
<angladeshi edition. or e-ample the price of <angaldeshi edition of '2akshi Kanta' ritten by Casimuddin is Tk. &+
hile that of Indian edition is Tk. +. 2aturally buyers are attracted to buy Indian edition of 2akshi Kanta instead of
<angladeshi edition. As a result <anglGdeshi publishers1 instead of printing books in <angladesh1 import Indian
editIon to a*oid loss.' This is a no*el ay to cripple publication industry of <angladesh.
P;l%.a#%&n &9 (an"lade!% Ed%#%&n! &9 Ind%an (&&/!
:A0 has adopted a ne scheme to populari=e Indian books by publishing <angladeshi editions of Indian books.
There are many firms in <angladesh that print and marketise orks of Indian riters only. The 4aily 8angram had
published a documentary report in 6,6 about the publication of Indian books by <angladeshi firms. Here is a brief
>uotation from the said report /The <angladeshi edition of books of Indian riters ha*e been published by a section
of publishing houses. '$uktadhara' is a ell9knon publishing company of <angladesh. It publishes books of all
grades and categories of irters from famous Anonada 8hankar to unknon 8hantimoy %hosh. The to books of 4r.
2ehar Kumar 8arkar published by '$uktadha1ra' are/ () !hildren's #olitics and () !hildren's Economics. <oth the
books promote communism. This f irm also published books of $ar-ist riters %opal Halder and 2arayan !hodhury.
Their other riters include 8hu*as $ukar5ee1 %o5endra Kumar $ittra1 #ro*at !handra %upta and 8hatta #rashad 8en
%upta. !ertainly there is no dearth of publishers in 0 est <engal to publish the orks of Ananada 8hankar :oy1
8u*as $ukhar5ee1 %o5en $ittra etc. 2e*ertheless1 orks of alien riters are being1 published here. As a result orks
of <angladeshi riters are ignored by the local publishers. <ecause of. economic backardness' and cultural
aggression1 <angladeshi riters are not in a position to publish their orks personally. Though e ha*e a good
number of talented irters but most of them
S8""l%n" &9 Ind%an (&&/! %n#& (an"lade!
:A0 has been regularly arranging large scale smuggling of Indian books particularly the ones prescribed by
<angladesh %o*ernment. 8imilarly1 smuggling of obscene and pornographic m aga=ines' is also encouraged to affect
our young generation. 0eekly '4esh' of !alcutta1 hich is banned in <angladesh1 is freely a*ailable throughout the
country. :A0's local agents and greedy book9sellers and hakers are responsible for it.
RAW S$&n!&ed P;l%.a#%&n H&!e!
:A0 is running some publication and distribution houses in <angladesh through pro-y. They constantly keep printing
and distributing books appro*ed by :A0. In recent years some book publishing and sale centres ha*e been opened
hich distribute only Indian books. In some cases they also publish books of :A0 paid agents like Taslima
Taslima 2 asreen.
The cost of publication and distribution of such books is totally borne by :A0.<ut our publishing firms are publishing
the ritings of Indian riters ignoring on riters. Ananda 8ankar :oy as all along a son of Indian soil. %opal
Haldar migrated to India prior to the partition of 67@1 hile 8hayatten 8en ent to India in 6@ and 8hantimoy
%hosh in 6@7. Let'$uktadhara' and some other <angladeshi publishing firms continue to publish their orks.
'$uktadhara' also published %opal Haldar's 'History of <engali ?iterature' (to *olumes)1 8hu*as $ukar5ee's 'History
of <engalee' and 8hatta #rashad 8en %upta's '<iography of 8hakespeare'. Buestion arisG hy an Indian riter's
History of <engali literature as published. 0hy a <engladeshi riter could not be asked to compile the same.
8imilarly is there any scarcity of talented riters in <angladesh to rite the History of <engaleeF 4oes not
<angladesh possess a son ho could rite the biography of 8hakespeareF
#ublishing house 'Khosro= Kitabistan' as once famous for pro9$uslim role. nfortunately it later changed its
stance. The Islamic publications by this firm ha*e reduced to a great e-tent. 3n the other hand1 it has enhanced
distribution of Indian books. They ha*e distributed at least  books of 8atya5it ':oy. 'Khosro= Kitabistan' has also
taken the resposibility for distributing '!ollections of 8hukanta' published by '<oimonch'1 pendra Kishor :oy
!hodhury's '%opi %ayen 9 <agha <aien' published by '<eauty <ook House'About half out of 77 books published
and distributed by 'Kakoli #rokashani' ere ritten by Indian riters. This ne publishing house published  books
of Ashutos $ukher5ee's short stories and no*el. There is no dearth of no*els and short story of irters in <angladesh
but the firm's decision to publish and distribute Indian books as perhaps moti*ated by other reasons.
Agami #rokashani' published more than one book of 2lmai "attyacharya and #remendra $ittra. '2obo #rokash
<ha*an' published some Indian books hich are indispensable for the ne recruits of the communists. These
include/ 'The #olitics of the !hildren'1 and'The Economics of the !hildren'. It also published lMSooks of :ahul
8anskretiyan and 2ihar 8arkar on scientific $aterialism(4aily 8angram / Cune 71 6,6).8i- years ha*e passed since
the publication of the abo*e report in 4aily 8angram. <ut instead of checking the menace many other firms ha*e
started promoting Indian books.
RAW-S$&n!&ed Ed.a#%&nal In!#%##%&n!
 A number of :A0 agents ork as teachers in <angladeshi educational institutions1 specially in urban areas. Through
these agents :A0 stri*es to enlist Indian books in school syllabus and curriculum. It is reported that in some cases
:A0 sponsored publication firms endea*our to influence the Head $aster or Headmistress or the $anaging
!ommittee members by gi*ing them financial incenti*es to enlist Indian books.
:A0 took particular interest in getting Indian books prescribed in English'$edium schools. These books ha*e all
Hindu characters and preach and pormote Indian causes1 Hindu c ulture and history. The reason for :A0's special
interest in English medium schools is that children of affluent class study in these schools. :A0 felt that it ill be
more useful to sub*ert the said class. :A0 has also encouraged its agents to open pri*ate schools and
collages.These institutions1 besides teaching books of <angladesh Te-t
Te-t <ook <oard1 also teach many books of Indian
authors or firms.
E-perienced circles belie*e that a section of :A0 influenced public ser*ants is playing a *ital role to promote
marketing of Indian books in <angladesh. Indeed %o*ernment policy makers are mainly responsible for creating
market for Indian books. It is alleged that the concerned %o*ernment agencies do not take appropriate steps to
de*elop local publication industry. The *acum helps in arranging easy access of Indian books into <angladesh. The
rate of customs duty on import of books is about ,J hile tariff on imported hite paper includes 7+J custom duty
and +J "AT.
"AT. As a result the price of paper is much higher. .3b*iously due to high cost of printing paper1 the prices of 
<angladeshi books ill alays be higher than that of India. A sur*ey of the market re*ealed that a <angladshi book1
'A great E-pedition to the 8pace' by $d. Cafar I>bal containing 7@ pages costs , Taka.
Taka. The same amount is payable
for an Indian book 'Kaga5er <oi' containing  pages. A no*el of Humayun Ahmed '8aya <ithi' containing  pages
costs + Taka1 hereas1 a no*el of an Indian riter 2imai "attyacharya containing  pages costs 7 Taka.
8anaullah 2oori's '2i5om 4iper pakatha' containing , pages costs & Taka1 hile :a=ia Khan's '4roupodi'
containing +& pages costs  Taka.
Taka. 8heikh A=i=ul Ha>'s'Aurang=eb's 8ecularism and Islam(an Indian book)
containing ; pages costs + Taka1
Taka1 hile 8heikh 2urul Islam's
I slam's '2a=url Caboner As'surata Kahini' (<angladeshi)
containing 6; pages also costs Taka +.
4ue to such ide difference in prices beteen <angladeshi and Indian books1 <angladeshi books are loosing market
hich in turn is being captured by Indian books. It is high time that the %o*ernment of <angladesh takes some steps
to correct the situation. %o*ernment can impose ban on import of all Indian books. It can also reduce tariff on the
import of printing paper and printing materials to reduce cost of books published in <angladesh. If the %o*ernment
fails to take appropriate steps1 the publication industry of <angladesh is likely to face *irtual e-tinction.
<ook #ublishers and 8ellers Association of 4haka alleged that the crisis in printing industry is created by :A0 and its
stooges. :A0 ants to destroy <angladesh's publication industry like other industries to make 4haka dependent on
!alcutta. for supply of books. :A0's ob5ecti*e seems to be to force closure of e*en our nespapers so that Indian
dailies and eeklies can be easily sold here. The crisis in nesprint industry and e*er rising cost of printing materials
can be attributed to :A0's machinations to achie*e that goal. Indians are also earning huge profits from book
trading. 4aily In>ilab rote 'It is estimated tliat India earns annually around Tk + crores by legal e-ports of Its books
and publications. The amount of illegal trade of books is much higher. <ut e-ports of books to India from <angladesh
is orth Taka
Taka  lakh only e*er y year(4aily In>ilab / 4ecember 1 667).
rom the abo*e discussion it is ob*ious that :A0 is making e-tensi*e efforts to pre*ent de*elopment of
<angladesh's on publishing industry. It is stri*ing to establish dominating hold of Indian books and publications in
<angladesh. :A0's ob5ecti*es in this regard1 besides financial gains1 are as follo /
a. To eliminate the spirit of nationalism1 religious and moral *alues and undermine independent identity of
<angladeshi people.
b. To in5ect among <angladeshi readers the seeds of Indian culture. To introduce them to the Hindu gods and
goddess1 pu5a1 life9style and abo*e all to inspire them to ipe out cultural boundary of <angladesh hich ill
ultimately pa*e the ay for doing aay ith the geographical boundary of <angladesh.
c. To create a reser*oir of riters1 book sellers1 t raders and importers dependent upon trade ith India. They can be
used for furthering :A0's general interests on re>uired basis.
d. To culti*ate <angladeshi riters1 intellectuals and authors for riting pro9Indian orks by luring them t hrough
publication of their books.
India has been conspiring to cripple <angladesh economically e*er since its creation. 0ith this goal in *ie1 she has
embarked upon a number of schemes. The most ell knon and disastrous among them is ithdraing ater from
the :i*er %anges thrpugh construction of a barrage at arakka1 @ kilometresfrom Indo9<angladesh border. E>uitable
sharing of ater of common ri*ers is a right of both the countries. The unilateral ithdraal of ater by upper riparian
country is un5ust and unlaful. As a result1 colossal damage has been caused to agricultureM industry1 afforestation1
communication1 fisheries and en*ironment etc. of <angladesh. arakka <arrage has indeed become a macabre
tragedy for <angladesh.
The plan to construct a barrage at arakka on the %anges as made in 6+. Hoe*er1 due to the protests of the
then #akistan %1p*ernment though meek1 India folloed 'go slo' policy in constructing the barrage. The golden
opportunity came her ay in 6@ hen East #akistan (no <angladesh) seceded from #akistan. India started
construction of .arakka <arrage at top speed and finished the ork by 6@7.#rior to commissioning the barrage1
India committed to <angladesh that she ould not ithdra ater until a solution regarding ater9sharing as
reached. India cheated 8heikh $u5ib1 the then #resident1 ith fake assurance of operating the barrage on
'e-perimental basis' for 7 days. The trial as to last from  April to & $ay 6@+. <ut the said 'e-periment' is
continuing e*en after  years.
Indian go*ernment signed three agreements ith three #residents of <angladesh i.e. $u5ib1 ia and Ershad
respecti*ely. In the first agreement of 6@+1 77 thousand cusecs of ater as gi*en to <angladesh. In the second the
share decreased by  thousand cusecs. The third and last as infact1 a '$emorandum of nderstanding ($3)
signed on 3ctober @1 6,. India had insisted on memorandum rather than an agreement. 8he gained much more
ad*antages through this $3 than she did through earlier agreements. #re*iously a guarantee clause had assured
<angladesh of ,J of ater in any situation. <ut in the $3 this clause as remo*ed on Indian insistence.The term
of the $3 ended on $ay &1 6,7. 8ince then India has not been agreeing to rene e*en this memorandum
despite repeated calls from <angladesh. At present no agreement or understanding e-ists. in this regard. E-ploiting
the situation India is ithdraing the %anges ater at ill.
8tate $inister for Irrigation1 0ater :esources and lood !ontrol1 $osharrafHossain 8hah5ahan stated in the Catiya
8angsad in reply to a >uestion from an $#1 $r. 2iamat llah that since 6@1 <angladesh and India ha*e held @@
meetings at *arious le*els including four summits at #rime $inisters le*el1 to sol*e the issue of sharing ater of the
%anges and other common ri*ers. According to the1statistics presented by the $inister1 besides 7 summits1 there
ere @ ministerial le*el meetings1 & meetings at the e-pert le*el1  meetings at the ministerial le*el under Coint
:i*ers !ommission (C<!)1 to ministerial le*el meetings and  secretary le*el meetings under Coint E-pert
!ommittee formed in G,+1 si- secretary le*el meetings on sharing of ater of common ri*ers1 to secretary le*el
meetings under Coint E-pert !ommittee formed in .661 to foreign secretary le*el meetings in 2e 4elhi and
4haka on $ay 71 66+ and Cune 71 66+ respecti*ely. The $inister further informed the House that e-cept for the
four summits at #rime $inisters le*el and to foreign secretary le*el meetings1 the total e-penditure on @ meetings
amounted to Tk , lakh.
Indian representati*es assure in e*ery meeting for a 5ust solution but refuse to make9any parctical
commitment(<angladesh Times/ 8eptember @1 66+).0hen #rime $inister <egum Khaleda ia *isited India during
661 the Indian #rime $inister $r 2arasimha :ao promised to ensure that <angladesh ould not suffer due to
arakka. Three years ha*e lapsed since 2arshimah :ao said these ords but nothing has still been done to undo
<angladesh's sufferings.I ould no enumerate a fe sufferings inflicted on <angladesh due to arakka <arrage .
De.l%ne &9 Wa#e 
rom the year 6&7 to 6@71 e*en in the dry season1%anges (knon as the #adma in <angladesh) ould carry  lakh
+ thousand cusecs of ater per second to the <ay of <engal. According to the statistics pro*ided by 0ater
4e*elopment <oard (04<)1 during the second eek of Canuary1 6@1 the ater flo in the #adma as +
thousand cusecs per second near Harding <ridge. In April 66 the ater flo as only  thousand cusecs1 in 66
 thousand cusecs1 in the folloing year it reduced to & thousand and in 66& a measly 6 thousand cusecs as
ayailable. The ater flo decreased drastically to thousand cusecs at the same place in 667.
3n 2o*ember +1 661 the height of the #adma ater at Harding <ridge point as . meters. Cust after & years1
on the same date in 66& the height had decreased to 6., meters1 the ne-t year on the same day it stood at
,.@@m.The #adma1 once termed as an 'arrogant' ri*er ith *ery strong current1 is no a dead ri*er due to a massi*e
decrease in ater. The mighty ri*er ith a breadth of ;m has turned into a canal. 2ear the Harding <ridge itis only
+ to. ; hundred metres ide. E*en then it needs dredging e*ery year.
4egree of 8alinity (##$) 66& 667 7 , 7@ 7,
;+ @& ;@ @6+ &7 ;,+
The normal le*el of salinity in these ri*ers is 7, ##$(4aily In>ilab / 4ecember @1 667).
:ecently the same daily published another report /
The saline ater of the <ay of <engal could not intrude into the mainland before construction of the arakka <arrage.
The forceful current of seaard ri*ers(particularly the confluence of the #adma and the $eghna) ould pre*ent the
intrusion. <ut arakka menace has dropped the flo in dry season from +1 cusecs to 7 cusecs. :esultantly
the brine of the <ay no penetrates Khulna1 8atkhira1 eastern part of <agerhat1 <arisal1 Cessore1 $adaripur1
8hariatpur1 !handpur and e*en upto $unshigan5 and Kushtia'. Effect of salinity has been *itiating life and li*elihood of 
the people inhabiting this *ast locality. The 4aily Ittefa>1 a idely circulated nespaper of 4haka has published a
comparati*e pen picture of salinity increase during 66&9671 >uoting 4epartment of En*ironment (43E)1 Khulna. The
report shos degree of se*erG increase in salinity in the ri*ers of 8outh 0estern <angladesh.
2ame of :i*er em/. Buantity of E.! Buantity of !hloride
#er !entilitre #er litre
:upsha (Khulna)/
$arch 67 7+ micromoh ,, milligram
$arch 6+ @ micromoh +;+. milligram
<hairab (Khulna)
$arch 67 7 micromoh ;& milligram
$arch 6+ 7+ micromoh &+ milligram
#ashur ($ongla)
$arch 67  micr3moh ; milligram
$arch 6+ + micromoh ;+ milligram (4aily Ittefa> / April @).
The e-perts on en*ironments maintain that according to the standard appro*ed by 0H31 ater is to be considered
as 'polluted' if chloride is found abo*e the le*el of + mg per litre.According to statistics of 0ater 4e*elopment
<oard (04<)1 in 67, the salinity in ri*ers Khol #etna1 :aimangal1 $alancha1 $ongla1 Kalindi1 Kobatak1 Ichhamoti
etc. and their tributaries as ,1 microtus centimetres. In recent years its le*el has been continuing to increase
and in 66 it reached upto 7 microtus cms. The e-perts apprehended that in 66+ the le*el ill e-ceed +1
microtus cms.
E-cessi*e salinity has created serious hindrances to different sectors of de*elopment and caused en*ironmental and
soil degradation in <anglaesh. The plants gro ing on such soil lose their *itality. The plants hich can gro in salinity
ha*e upard roots to respire.0hen these rooGs are submerged in saline ater the plants die. 4ue to this process the
groth of 8underban orests is being hampered seriously. arakka <arrage has sloed the flo of don stream
ri*ers to a large e-tent and1 therefore1 these ri*ers are silted hea*ily. The saline ater comes up during high tide into
the 8underban. <ut that harmful ater cannot go don speedily during ebb9tide due to a decrease in the seaard
mo*ement resultantly the saline ater remains for days and the plants suffer irreparable damage. 8ources from the
4epartment of forestry (43) remarked that only in + years (6,@96) ,+J saplings of 8undari1 Kakra1 #ashor1 <ain1
%ea etc. in !handpari1 8harankhola1 8atkhira and Khulna ranges of forest ha*e died because of increasing le*el of
salinity.As aconse>uence the largest mangro*e forest of orld is on the *erge of e-tinction. 8undari the principal
plant in the 8underbans spreads o*er a land of +@@,+ hectares.
In each hector1 its a*erage number is 6; hile the total number of all other plants is only +7. 8tatistics re*eal that
there are a total of four and a half crores of 8undari trees in the huge forest1 out of them1 to and a half crore ha*e
been attacked ith taproot disease. The 43 on e-amining found comparati*ely a high rate of salinity in 7 areas1
these are the areas here the trees suffer the most from these diseases(4aily In>ilab / 2o*ember 1 667).#rior to
salinity attacks the forests of 8underbans had not suffered from any disease(1so intensely. <esides ater logging and
salinity ha*e gra*ely affected the habitation of tiger1 deer and other ild animals in this forest. 8ince ater has
become saline these ild animals enter tCMe Indian portion of 8underbans or the localities inhabited by people in
search of drinking ater1 in doing so they either kill the inhabitants or are killed1 thus diminishing some of the rare
species of ild life and causing damage to human li*es.
 Ad*erse effect of salinity can be seen on plants1 floers and fruits of 8underbans. The amount of honey earlier
collected has reduced due to the suffering of the plants caused by 8aline ater. In 66961 . tons of honey as
ac>uired but in 66&967 the amount reduced to @ tons only(0eekly !hitra <angIa/ $ay +1 66+.Increase of salinity
is causing decrease in the number of crocodiles because conditions fa*ourable for their reproduction are hampered.
Their eggs become rotten due to salinity. $any migrate to safer areas during mating and laying period. $oreo*er1
migrating birds .arri*ing in inter ha*e decreased. <esides1 culti*ation of coconut1 betel nut and other plants has
been gra*ely affected.
8alinity lessens fertility of soil and particularly the proportion of nitrogen. As a result1 this useful ingredient has
decreased from @+ microgram to a *ery meager >uantity of 9+ microgram. 2ormally salinity of soil amounts to 
E!. <ut in the 8outh90est region of the country its amount is beteen  to & E.!.(4aily Canakantha / Canuary &1
667).8aline intrusion has threatened m ills and factories of Khulna. As salinity rose in <hairab :i*er1 Khulna
2esprint $ill has been compelled to spend e-tra Tk ; lakhs per month since 66 to get fresh ater from :i*er
$adhumati of 2arail situated & miles upstream. The mill re>uires 7 tons of fresh ater e*eryday. The most
e-ceed +1 microtus cms.
E-cessi*e salinity has created serious hindrances to different sectors of de*elopment and caused en*ironmental and
soil degradation in <anglaesh. The plants gro ing on such soil lose their *itality. The plants hich can gro in salinity
ha*e upard roots to respire.0hen these roots are submerged in saline ater the plants die. 4ue to this process the
groth of 8underban orests is being hampered seriously.arakka <arrage has sloed the flo of don stream
ri*ers to a large e-tent and1 therefore1 these ri*ers are silted hea*ily. The saline ater comes up during high tide into
the 8underban. <ut that harmful ater cannot go don speedily during ebb9tide due to a decrease in the seaard
mo*ement resultantly the saline ater remains for days and the plants suffer irreparable damage. 8ources from the
4epartment of forestry (43)remarked that only in + years (6,@96) ,+J saplings of 8undari1 Kakra1 #ashor1 <ain1
%ea etc. in !handpari18harankhola1 8atkhira and Khulna ranges of forest ha*e died because of increasing le*el of
 As aconse>uence the largest mangro*e forest of orld is on t he *erge of e-tinction. 8undari the principal plant in the
8underbans spread'8 o*er a land of +@@,+ hectares. In each hector1 its a*erage number is 6; hile the
totalnumber of all other plants is only +7. 8tatistics re*eal that there are a total of four and a half crores of 8undari
trees in the huge forest1 out of them1 to and a half crore ha*e been attacked ith taproot disease. The 43 on
e-amining found comparati*ely a high rate of salinity in 7 areas1 these are the areas here the trees suffer the most
from these diseases(4aily In>ilab / 2o*ember 1 667).#rior to salinity attacks the forests of 8underbans had not
suffered from' any disease logging and salinity ha*e gra*ely affected the habitation of tiger1 deer and other ild
animals in this forest. 8ince ater has become saline these ild animals enter the Indian portion of 8underbans or
the localities inhabited by people in search of drinking ater1 in doing so they either kill the inhabitants or are killed1
thus diminishing some of the rare species of ild life and causing damage to human li*es.
 Ad*erse effect of salinity can be seen on plants1 floers and fruits of 8underbans. The amount of honey earlier
collected has reduced due to the suffering of the plants caused by 8aline ater. In 66961 . tons of honey as
ac>uired but in 66&967 the amount reduced to @ tons only( 0eekly !hitra <angIa/ $ay +1 6B+).Increase of salinity
is causing decrease in the number of crocodiles because conditions fa*ourable for their reproduction are hampered.
Their eggs become rotten due to salinity. $any migrate to safer areas during mating and laying period. $oreo*er1
migrating birds arri*ing in inter ha*e decreased. <esides1 culti*ation of coconut1 betelnut and other plants has been
gra*ely affected.8alinity lessens fertility of soil and particularly the proportion of nitrogen. As a result1 this useful
ingredient has decreased from @+ microgram to a *ery meager >uantity of 9+ microgram. 2ormally salinity of soil
amounts to  E!. <ut in the 8outh90est region of the country its amount is beteen  to & E.!(Canakantha /
Canuary &1 667).
8aline intrusion has threatened m ills and factories of Khulna. As salinity rose in <hairab :i*er1 Khulna 2esprint $ill
has been compelled to spend e-tra Tk ; lakhs per month since 66 to get fresh ater from :i*er $adhumati of
2arail situated & miles upstream. The mill re>uires 7 tons of fresh ater e*eryday. The most alarming thing is that
e*ery year the salinity intrudes more into the upstream. 8ymptoms of salinity are becoming *isible e*en in the
$adhumati. Thus in coming years more e-penditure ill be needed to collect fresh ater from further
upstream.$ongla port has been suffering froni 1the same menace.
In 661 Tk + crores ere spent to supply fresh ater through pipes to the port. $aintenance of this system re>uire
lakhs of takas e*ery year.$ost of the industrial units of the area ha*e beenthreatened ith closure due to impact of
salinity. etching fresh ater from far off sources is highly e-pensi*e and thus increases production cost. 8alinity has
polluted ater of ponds and tubeells in the greater Khulna and e*en Cessore region. As a result1 many ater borne
diseases i.e.1 typhoid1 hepatitis1 diarrhoea1 dysentery1 kidney troubles etc. ha*e broken out.If the degree of salinity
could be limited ithin the tolerable le*el1 none of the problems mentioned so far ould arise. <ut then the rate of
flo in the #adma must be at least , cusecs feet per second near Harding <ridge. The >uestion arises ould
India allo a discharge of this amount of ater through arakka <arrageF
0ater decreases unusully in the #adma and inimitably monsoon shoals appear. This mighty ri*er has dried up totally
from :a5shahi to !harghat through a length of & miles. Then  miles of the donstream has turned into a pond.
+ miles length of the #adma from #akishi to %oalundo is densely dotted ith  thousand shoals. 4uring the dry
season e*en knee le*el ater is encountered in the middle of the #adma(4aily 8tar/ $ay @1 667).
In the past1 large steamers ould ply through the #adma. 2o it is unfit e*en for goods9carrying boats. In the
northern and the south9estern region of the country1 the ; miles long ateray has shrinked 5ust to + miles.
 Aricha1 2agarbari1 <huapur etc1 ferry ghats become inoperable fre>uently due to shortage of ater in the ri*er.
<ridging1 transfer of landing stations and other re>uirements cost e*ery year large amount of money to the Inland
0ater Transport Authority (I0TA). <efore the commissioning of arakka <arrage  launches ould ply from K hulna
on &+ routes. 2o 7D+ launches operate on  routes only.
+ ri*ers of the districts of Kushtia1 !huadanga1 $eherpur1 ChenaidhaM $aguia1 2arail1 8atkhira and aridpur
originate from the #adma. 0ater flos through the $athabhanga from the #adma to these ri*ers. <ut arakka has
dried up the mouth of $athabhanga' and as a result these + ri*ers ha*e also dried up. The beds of these + ri*ers
are no used for culti*ation in dry days.
The %anges9Kobatak (%.K) is the largest irrigation pro5ect of <angladesh. It supplies ater from the #adma to & lakh
acres of land. The pro5ect consists of  miles long main canal1 6 miles long branch canals and ; miles long sub9
branch canals. <ut scarcity of the #adma ater has made the pro5ect ineffecti*e. Agriclture in Kushtia1 Cessore and
aridpur regions come to a standstill in dry months.
P&;le8 &9 Wa#e S.a.%#
arakka <arrage impedes natural flo of one of the longest ri*ers of the orld. Its effect causes lack of speed of
donstream flo. That is hy the allu*ial carried ith high tide ater cannot return to the sea during lo9tide.This
allu*ial mud deposits 'at the ri*er bed and causes siltation. 8o in the dry season1 the #adma1 its tributaries and other
ri*ers related to them in the 8outh90estern <angladesh dry up almost completely. $ost of the & tributaries of the
#amda become dry or ha*e scarce ater from 2o*ember onards.
4ecrease in ater flo of the #adma has caused damage of U ,+ milhon only in one year (6,,9,6). $. $a5idul Ha>1
$inister for Agriculture and 0ater :esources1 stated in the #arliament on ebruary +1 66+ that so far the total
damage to <angladesh due t.o arakka <arrage amounts to Tk. & crores.As ri*er bed gets settled more and
more day by day1 its ater carrying capacity gradually decreases. 8o floods ha*e no become a common feature
e*ery year due to o*erflo of ri*er ater. $oreo*er1 in rainy season India opens the gates at arakka releasing large
amount of ater. This further affects the flood situation in <angladesh. 8uch artificial flood caused idespread
damage to 766 hectares of land in 6,,.
nprecedented ecological damage by arakka <arrage has already drastically degraded the climate and
en*iroments of  districts in the north9estern <angladesh. . crore acres of culti*able land is going'to turn into a
desert. %radual decrease in le*el of humidity in this region indicates desertification. <efore 6@+1 April9$ay ere the
driest months hile no humidity falls to the loest in ebruary i.e.1  months earlier. This has also brought changes
in temperature. In 6,;1 the highest and loest temperature in $arch ere &,Vc and V! respecti*ely. In 661 it
became 7V! and V!. The ne-t years record as 77V! and 6V!. In 667 the difference beteen these to le*els
remained unchanged but the loest temperature fell alarmingly to +V!.In the north9estern region rainfall decreased
as indicated by the folloing statistics/ ,.@+ inches during the period of Cune to 8eptember in 6,@1 +.; in 6,,1
7.6; in 66 and 7. in the ne-t year.Huge ithdraal of upstream ater has created drastic fall in the
na*igability of the :i*er #ashur.
or this reason1 the %o*ernment as compelled to shift the second sea9port from !halna 1to $ongla at donstream.
<ut only after a fe years e*en $ongla has become unsuitable for large oceangoing ships.2orth <engal #aper $ill at
#akshi faced serious shortage of ater due to shoals in #adma. To o*ercome the crisis1 Tk && lakh ere spent in eb
66 hile in the pre*ious year Tk 6 lakh ere spent f or getting additional ater. The mill sources disclosed that
e*eryday it re>uires  tons of ater. To ensure regular ater supply deep tubeells may ha*e to be dug but it ill
cost a large amount of money i.e.1 Tk & crores(4aily In>ilab / $arch 61 66).
arakka's impact has also destoryed fisheries resources of <angladesh. 4uring 6,&9,71 a total of 6, tons of
Hilsa fish ere caught but it reduced to ;;1 ,6 tons during 6696. $ore than 7 thousand tons of Hilsa fish ere
caught in 6,9, in the #adma alone. <ut the >uantity fell *ery sharply to +;+ tons in 6696. 2ot only in the
#adma1 but also in the Camuna and the $eghna1 amount of Hilsa catch reduced considerably.There has been decline
in production of other species of fish as ell. In the fiscal year 6,&G,7 only the #adma produced  thousand tons
of fish. 4uring 6696 it decreased to only  thousand9ton(4aily 8tar/ 3ctober +1 66).
E-perts in a seminar 'held at :a5shahi ni*eristy disclosed that '<angladesh looses Tk 7 crores e*ery year due to
decline of fish assets caused by arakka(4aily In>ilab / 2o*ember @1667).2ature has no geo9political boundaries.
:i*ers are also an integral component of nature. They flo through different regions and states and ultimately enter
the sea. Therefore1 no particular country can claim control or pre*ent the flo of a common ri*er. The said argument
fully applies in the case of the %anges. 2o poer1 forum1go*ernment1 state or authority1 nosoe*er mighty 5t may be1
possesses the right to depri*e a loer riparian country1as <angladesh1 of the ater of an international or
transboundary ri*er like the %anges.3ne fourth area of the orld is situated in the basins of international ri*ers. +
out of 6 largest ri*ers flo o*er to or more countires. A 2 sur*ey report mentions that ater of more than 
ri*ers is shared by the concerned states on mutual understanding.
 Among these ri*ers1 7, flo through  countries or states1 & flo through & countries and  flo through 7 or
more(4aily Canakantha / 4ecember 1 667). $ore than to hundred agreements ha*e already been signed for
sharing the ater of the internatiohal ri*ers.In these circumstances1 India cannot depri*e <angladesh of its rightful
share of +7 common ri*ers including the %anges. The eighth clause of the Helsinki !on*ention says1 '2one can
*iolate the right' of a country regarding use of an international ri*er'. :egulation related to international flo of ater
of 61 <arcelona !on*ention of 61 Helsinki :ules of 6;; and e*en the nd clause of article 2o.+ of the rules
adopted by Affro Asian legal consultati*e committee in 2e 4elhi c an easily compel unyielding India to agree to gi*e
her loer riparian neighbour its due share.
"ery recently four nations of south9east Asia ha*e reached mutual understanding for sharing the $ekong :i*er ater.
4ifferent states ha*e been sharing ater of ri*ers like :hine1 4anube1 !ongo1 2ile1 Ama=on1 ambesi1!had1 .Indus
etc. 2o upstream country generally obstructs ater to depri*e a donstream nation. <ut India is a burning e-ception1
no doubt.According to international las all countries irrespecti*e of their si=e1 population1 location1 religion1 language
etc.are e>ual to one another. 8o there remains legally no disparity of the status and rights beteen a huge India and
E*en if a ri*er originates in a particular country and then crossess border1 that country cannot depri*e others of its
The %anges is not Indian in origin. It originates from %angotri %lacier of the Himalyas in Tibet1 !hina and also passes
through 2epa? Thus India has no legal right to e-ploit the %lMlnges ater alone. The damage caused by arakka
<arrage is much greater than that done by the e-plosion of atomic bombs at Hiroshima and 2agasaki'in Capan1
during the 8econd 0orld 0ar. The damage caused by these to at omic bombs as lesser t han the damage arakka
<arrage is causing each year to <angladesh.
India is ell aare of the gra*e damage it is causing to <angladesh through arakka. 8he is also aare of
*ulnerability of her stand if the matter is referred to an international body for ad5udication. Hoe*er1 despite this1 India
is not illing to gi*e rightfull share of ater to <angladesh. 8he is no conspiring to make <angladeshi people accept
the arakka menace as a fait accompli.:A0 has been gi*en the task to make arakka palatable and acceptable to
the %o*ernment and people of <angladesh.0orking according to Kautilliyan precepts1 :A0 has adopted multi
pronged approach in this regard. :A0 has hired many mercenary riters1 so called e-perts1 %o*ernment officials
and e*en political leaders ho1 ith the help of misleading data fed by :A01 propagate that <angladesh should
accept hate*er share India is offering. They e*en unabashedly state that <angladesh has no other option but to
ac>uiesce to India's offer' as fait
accompli. It is indeed ironic to see that Indian lobby in <angladesh can go to such an e-tent.
The other aspect of :A0's strategy is to link arakka ith other irrele*ant issues i.e. Transit :oute. Apparently there
is no linkage beteen the to but :A01 through its agents has been propagating adoption of a 'package deal i.e.1 in
return for some ater of %anges1 <angladesh shouCdgrant transit route to India. The irony is that some senior
%o*ernment officials as ell as political leaders particularly of a pro9Indian political party ha*e been ad*ocating the
said approach for resol*ing araka issue. Let another method employed by :A0 to keep the issue in back burner is
through e-erting pressure on %o*ernm ent. A %o*ernment hich adopts obstinate stand on the issue is destabili=ed
through different means. E*en assassination of #resident iaur :ahman is stated to be planned due to his stepping
e-cessi*ely out of the line on the issue.
:A0 has become a tool for persuing dirty tricks of Indian foreign policy. E*en a purely humanitarian1 techinical and
legal problem like arakka has been entrusted to its machinations in the effort to impose a fa*ourable solutions on a
smGller1 helpless neighbour.It is the resposibility of all patriotic and sensible <angladeshis to rise in prot est against
such great in5ustice. ailure to do so ill mean :A0's success in imposing fait accompli. The intellectuals should
come fBrard to unite people to snatch our due share of ater from India.The construction of arakka <arrage o*er
the :i*er %anges and its disastrous effects o*er economy of <anglad'esh are no ell knon. Hoe*er1 many
<angladeshis and 0orld community in particular are not fully aare of Indian designs about other common ri*ers.
India en5oys control of +7 common ri*ers entering into <angladesh due to her geographical location. India is openly
*iolating all principles and international treaties regarding the use of ater of these ri*ers. India has erected 7
barrages1 dams and storage reser*oirs including arakka <arrage on  different ri*ers for the purpose of controlling
the ater of these ri*ers. 0ater ithdraing infrastructures liki canals ha*e been built at , places on @ ri*ers and
fi*e huge reser*oirs ha*e been constructed on three ri*ers.
2ames of the ri*ers on hich India has constructed barrages1 dams and reser*oirs are %anges1 Tista1 <rahmaputra1
Ichamoti1 KaliniM 8urma1 Kushiara1 Koai1 $onu1$uhuri1 eni1 !hiri1 !hengi1 %umoti1 #unar*oba1 $ahananda1
8ankosh1 #iang1 2ile1 Komol1 4holai1 4udhkumar1 8allongi1 Kherua1 %hora $ara and Kata !hara. The affected
districts are 8ylhet1 $aulo*iba=ar1 Hobigan51 !omilla1 eni1 Khagrachari1 Kushtia1 $eherpur1 Cessore1 8atkhira1
:a5shahi1 2aogaon 4ina5pur1 #anchagarh1 ?al $onirhat and 2etrokona. The en*ironments1 communication and
economy of all these places ha*e been ad*ersely affected(4aily Al $u5added / ebruary 1 66+).
4etails of some of the completed or under construction pro5ects on common ri*ers and their effects on <angladesh
are discussed in succeeding paras /8urma and Kushiara. India has planned to construct a barrage at Tepai1 Assam
on the <orakri*er. The barrage ill be ; feet high and ill take 7 years for completion. The <orak ri*er before
entering into <angladesh gets di*ided into to branch ri*ers named 8urma and Kushiara.
Thus construction of said barrage ill blockade ater of 8urma and Kushiara ri*ers. If it comes into operation the
hole north9eastern region of <angladesh including districts of greater !omilla1 2etrokanaand 8yslhet ill face
shortage of ater of $anu1 4holai and Khoai. The @; Km long $anu :i*er enters <angladesh near %obindapur. in
$aulo*iba=ar 4istrict and merges ith Khusiara :i*er after running ,+km into <angladesh. India has constructed a
barrage on $anu :i*er near Kanchanbari'in Tripura state. The 6+ metres long barrage hich cost :s ,61crore has
resulted in denuding ater for irrigation pro5ects of <angladesh and. &1 acres of <angladesh soil has been turned
barren. $any deltas ha*e appeared in <angladeshi part of :i*er $anu because of the said barrage. !ommunication1
en*ironments and fisheries ha*e been seriously affected due to t?9. said barrage. It is feared that the 8ylhet region
ill gradually turn into desert due to construction of this barrage. The barrage in Kanchanbari also affected flo of
to other small ri*ers1 4holai and Khoai. The ater le*el of these ri*ers has declined to such an e-tent that hea*y
*ehicles can pass through these ri*ers. <angladesh can not undertake irrigation pro5ects on these ri*ers1 thus nearly
1&1 acres of culti*able land is not being utili=ed due to lack of ater.
<rahamaputra. It is a mighty ri*er hich originates from Koilash peaks glacier. .After entry into <angladesh it is knon
as 'Camuna'. It 5oins the %anges near Aricha. India has built a dam on one of its branch ri*ers in Assam.8he no
plans to construct a link canal to di*ert its ater into %anges upstream of arakka. The details of this pro5ect ha*e
been e-plained seperately in another chapter.
Tista. This is a *ital ri*er for the northern districts of <angladesh. It is a tributary of the <rahamaputra. The
%o*ernment of #akistan had commissioned an irrigation pro5ect on the ri*er in 6+,9+6 to pro*ide ater to 7 million
acres of land besides sa*ing .6 million acres of land from flood in the. ri*er. ?ater India built a barrage on the upper
riparian of this ri*er near Ka=al 4oba hich neutrali=ed the Tista <arrage pro5ect in <angladesh. After lot of
negotiations in 6,& <angladesh as able to get released &;J of the ater hich is not sufficient for meeting ater
needs of the area.
$uhuri. Emanating from the Indian state of Tripura1 $uhuri :i*er enters <angladesh in eni 4istrict. India has built a
barrage on this ri*er to pro*ide irrigation facilities to Tripura1 thus changing the route and normal flo of the ri*er. It
has resulted in se*ere damage to the irrigation in <angladesh due to shortage of ater.$ahananda. $ahananda
enter into <angladesh from India in 2 aabgan5 4istrict. India has constructed a barrage o*er the ri*er at Tatutiya
near the Indo9<angladesh border. The hole 2aab5an5 district hich dependp on the ater of this ri*er is no f acing
serious ater shortage.
#unar*oba. After entering <angladesh :i*er #unar*oba flos across the districts of :a5shahi and 4ina5pur. India has
made a barrage o*er the ri*er near Karmudanga. Thus <angladesh has been depri*ed of the legitimate share of
ater of this ri*er as ell.
%umoti. :i*er %umoti originates from the Indian state of Tripura and flos into <angladesh near <ibirba=ar of !omilla
district. The entire irrigation of the district !omilla depends on this ri*er. Indians ha*e constructed a barrage on
%umoti :i*er as ell depri*ing the entire !omilla district of its rightful due of ater.
Ichamoti. It enters into <angladesh from the estern side of Khulna. It is the mainstay of the entire district's irrigation.
India has. constructed a barrage near 8harupnagar on the ri*er hich has ad*ersely affected the irrigation in Khulna
Talma. Indians ha*e started constuction of a barrage on Talma :i*er. India intends to di*ert the aters of Talma for
irrigation pro5ects in .#. and <ihar states by constructing a link canal. After completion of this barrage almost 
ri*ers including :i*er Talma ill ha*e no ater and 4in:1'pur district ill face an acute ater shortage. All the
irriga?Mon pro5ects in the district ill be ad*ersely
The erection of such infranstructures has also caused loss of *aluable soil of <angladesh hich has been captured
by Indians to satisfy their e*il hegemonistic designs. or e-ample construction of dam o*er $uhuri :i*er tesulted in
creating a !har near eni district in <angladesh. The same1 comprising of t  acres of land belonging to
<angladesh has no. been captured by Indians *iolating international rules and norms. 8imilarly1 they ha*e usurped
 s> miles land in 8ylhet due to creation of !har in Kushiara :i*er. The irony is that <angladesh authorities ha*e not
taken any bold steps to check e*il Indian designs regarding the common ri*ers of India and <angladesh. 8o much so
that the si-th session on Internation :i*er ?a !on*ention held in 3ct92o*. 66&1 the proposals forarded by
<angladeshi delegation ere against the interests of <angladesh. This as disclosed to the prime $inister by a
secret source.
The #rime $inister discussed the matter ith a hydrology e-pert 4r. 8aiyad $oinuddin Hussain ho confirmed the
las in the aforesaid proposals. :esultantly the #rime $inister in consultation ith the !abinet1 decided to authorise
4r. $. 2. Hussain to put forard ne <angladeshi proposals in the session but to his utter surprise the oreign
$inistery foiled the mo*e. #oeple >uestion hat more e*idence is re>uired to pro*e :A0's hold o*er the. oreign
$inistry of <angladesh(4aily In>ilab / 3ctober &1 667).The 4aily In>ilab also reported that during the said
conference a proposal in fa*our of upstream countries came up f3f consideration. <angladeshi representati*e did not
oppose it. He rather spoke in fa*our of the upper riparian countries.
:epresentati*es of other affected countries ere taken aback by such suspicious beha*ior of the <angladeshi
delegate. It should be amply clear to the <angladeshi nationals that if the e-isting international ri*er las are
amended1 <angladesh ill ha*e no right to protest on international forums against Indian e*il designs ith regard to
common ri*ers. India ill be able to cause colossal damage to <angladesh by ithdraing ater of these ri*ers ith
impunity. Hoe*eC1 :A0's agents1 and coterie in <angladesh are as usual ready to help India e*en at the peril of
supreme national interests.

RAW and Bangladesh :: Final ::

by Mohammad Zainal Abedin
(Monday, November 28, 2005)

"A 0edia 1yndicate report published in The 2aily 3e! 3ation stated. "India
has occupied 4555 s6uare miles of -angladesh's territory by constructing
dams. barrages and other structures on ri*ers entering -angladesh India
has constructed 47 dams and &5 structures on 47 ri*ers These structures
ha*e caused loss of !ater in ri*ers -y putting up pillars and fences in dry
areas India is claiming so*ereignty. o*er 4.555 s6uare miles of land that
belongs to -angladesh(3e! 3ation8 9ctober $. $%%7)" 

<esides pressuri=ing <angladesh through political and economic measures including ater blockade :A0 has been
instigating and promoting separatist mo*ements to completely destabili=e and disintegrate the country. :A0 has
been pro*iding training and arms to *arious separatist mo*ements to create anarchy in <angladesh. 3ne such
organisation is named 8hanti <ahini. It is fighting for creating an independent state named Chumland in !hittagong
Hill Tracts region.
Historically !hittagong Hill Tracts region has been a part of ancient <engal. #re*iously1 it as' ithin !hittagong
district. The <irtish go*ernment made it a separate district in 6 A.4. Thus it as not e*en a district before 61 let
alone an independent state. At the time of partition in 67@1 Hindu leaders including #undit 2ehru had desired that
!hittagong Hill Tracts should be included in India. At that t ime there ere oC/Fly J Hindus among the tribals of
!hittagong Hill Tracts only 'Tipra/ and 'Ha5ong' are Hindus among  tribes of !hittagong Hill Tracts. According to
census of 6, Tipras are .&J of the tribal population hile the 'Ha5ong' are negligible. 8ince their demand did
not ha*e any historic1 cultural or religious basis therefore it as not accepted. Indians ha*e been eying this strategic
area' e*en later. 4uring si-ties1 Indians instigated Tipras to start trouble in the region but they did not take the bait.
Thus Indian design to separate !hittagong Hill Tracts from #akistan remained unfulfilled.
 After the emergence of <angladesh in 6@ :A0 got confident that any country can be disintegrated t hrough a
series of conspiracies and co*ert actions. Its confidence as further bolstered after anne-ation of '8ikkim' by India.
:A0 had hoped that due to its support during 6@ 0ar of Independence1 <angladesh ill e*er remain grateful and
subser*ient to India. :A0 e*en hoped that in due course they ill turn <angladesh into the ne-t 8ikkim or at least
<hutan. <ut they ere disappointed to see <angladesh asserting for so*ereignty. Indians ere forced to ithdra
troops form <angladesh due to clear and une>ui*ocal stand by 8heikh $u5ib9ur9:ahman. ?eter hen <angladesh
 5oined 3I! in 6@7 and announced that <anglasdesh ill play its due role as a memebr country of $uslim mm ah1 it
as not liked by Indian leaders.
 After assassination of 8heikh $u5ib9ur9:ahman in 6@+1 the ne %o*ernment in <angladesh identified itself more
closely ith $uslim nationalism and started folloing independent foreign policy. :A0 as indeed taken aback by
this courageous posture adopted by hat they considered a satellite state. They feared that if <angladesh gros
stronger and ber.nmes truly so*ereign1 it can be a big hurdle in path of their designs in the region. Therefore :A0
decided to rein <angladesh.
Indian policy makers thought if <angladesh is alloed to prosper1 the 2orth9Eastern states of India hich are
ad5acent to <angladesh ill be inspired further for independence. E*en the insurgents of these states may get shelter 
and support form <angladesh in days to come. To blockade this chance :A0 thought it ise to use some ambitious
!hakmas ho are ma5ority among the tnbals to destabilise and disintegrate <angladesh. 8o :A0 began to patronise
late $anobendra ?arma and others in organising a group named Canoshanghati 8amity (C88). 8hanti <ahini as
organi=ed as its military ing. Training and arming of its cadres as undertak en in Tripura under super*ision of 
Indian instructors. thus the Indians did despite a clear clause in '<angladesh9India riendship Treaty 6@' hich
stated that neither country ould allo the use of its territory for committing any act that might cause military damage
to1 or constitute a threat to the security ofthe other country.n*eiling ?arma's link ith .f(A01 the eekly riday
reports. '$r. $anobendra ?arma met Indian intelligence agency officers after crossing the broder in 6@;(0eekly
riday/ Cune &1 6,,).Let hen ?arma reali=ed his errors and tried to reach a peaceful settlement ith <angladesh
%o*ernment1 India foiled it. The riday adds1 'The attempt to negotiate a settlement failed as the armed ing of
Canoshanghati 8amity (8hanti <ahini) initiated armed operations under Indian pressure in mid 6@;'.
E*er9since the 8hanti <ahini has been aging a bloody insurgency for creating a separate state called 'Chumland' in
!hittagong Hill Tracts region. It not only attacks security forces personnel but also targets innocent ci*ilians ho ha*e
settled in the Hill Tracts. The details of their coardly acts are ell knon and e need not go into details of the
same. Hoe*er1 the magnitude of 8hanti <ahini cruelties can be assessed from the fact that it has so far (till Cul 6+)
killed o*er + persons of security forces and non tribal ci*ilians. They also ha*e coerced some +1 !hakma
tribals to migrate to Tripura1 India here they are lodging in camps set up for them by :A0. Although ma5ority of
these so called refugees ant to return to their homes1 but they are not being alloed by :A0 as it ants to use
them in its .nefarious game. These refugee camps also ser*e as recruiting grounds for 8hanti <ahini.
:A0 has created di*isions and factions in 8hanti <ahini to stop emergence of leadership1 ho may come to terms
ith <angladesh. 3n instigation by :A01 $r. $. 2. ?arma as assassinated by ri*als in his party on  4ecember
6,& in Kallanpur camp of 8hanti <ahini in Amarpur 8ub 4i*ision of Tripura state. There are reports that his
assassination as arranged after :A0 concluded that $.2 ?arma ould no longer ser*e their interests. This
allegation gets credence due t o the fact that the ri*al leader $r. #.K. !hakma ho as in*ol*ed in murder of $r. $.2.
?arma is residip.g in Agartala as a state guest under protection of :A0.
 After the death of $. 2. ?arma1 his bort her $r 8antoo ?arma became leader of 8hanti <ahini. He started talks ith
<angladesh %o*ernment to sol*e the dispute but :A0 arranged di*isioh in his party hich led to failure of talks.:A0
also arranged a '0orld !hakma !onference' at !alcutta1 capital of 0est <engal in April 6,@. The four day long
conference adopted se*eral resolutions regarding separating the !hittagong Hill Tracts from <angladesh and
establishment of 'Chumland'. The details of :A0's co*ert acions and in*ol*ement in !hittagong Hill Tracts insurgency
ha*e been e-posed by many !hakma leaders themsel*es. $r. 8hamiron 4ean1!hairman of Khagrachari ?ocal
!ouncil disclosed in a press conference that Indian %o*ernment is helping 8hanti <ahini by gi*ing shelter1 money1
arms and training. He added that the !hakmas ha*e no genuine eco9political cause. They are being used by :A0 for 
achie*ing India's geo9political interests.
$r. Tridip !hakma a regional commander of 8hanti <ahini 1for thirteen years1 ho later s urrendered to <angladesh
authoritie: told the nesmen that + training camps are being run by :A0 for 8hanti <ahinW guerillas'in the Indian
states of Tripura and $i=oram. 8ome separatists also recei*ed training in 4eradoon1 ttar #radesh. He said that
8hanti <ahini compels tribal people to migrate to India and stay in refugee camps. 2ine refugee camps ha*e been
set up at 8abrum1 8hikichari1 <oalpara1 Kadamtolly1 4aek1 <arachara1 :alma1 Trimakha and :atnanager. He alleged
that India continuously keeps propagating against <angladesh regarding !hittagong Hill Tracts in a bid to make it an
international issue(<angladesh 3bser*er/ 8eptember 1 667).A 2epalese fortnightly 'The 8pot ?ight' in its April 61
6,, issue alleged that a group of Indian policy makers inimically uses 8hanti <ahini to launch destructi*e acti*ities
inside <angladesh. It said that the !hakma insurgents flee to their bases in India after their operations. It added that
on se*eral occasions the !hakma insurgents left behind huge India made arms and ammunition including sub9
machine guns1 carbines1 8?:81 sten guns1 && rifles hile fleeing to India on being chased by <angladeshi security
In an inter*ie ith the 'Asia Age' $r. aroo> 8ubhan1 the' E-9High !ommissonner of < angladesh to India1 ho is
otherise considered to be soft toards India alleged. 'The %o*ernment of <angladesh felt that the main support for
the 8hanti <ahini as being pro*ided by the :esearch and Analysis 0ing in India(4aily 8tar/ 4ecemebr 1 667).
Indian propaganda e-perts spread nes of human rights abuses in !hittagong Hill Tracts. :A0 sponsored *ideo
films hich falsely sho brutalities by <anagladeshi 8ecurity orces in !hittaogng Hill Tracts ha*e been sent to the
donor countries to suggest stoppage of aid to <angladesh for *iolating human rights.
Buestion arises hy India is helping this secessionist mo*ement in <angladesh.The anser lies in the folloing/
a. India does not ant a stable1 prosperous and strong <angladesh. An ongoing insurgency ill be a constant drain
on <angladesh's economy. Indians hope that by such tail tisting they can render <angladesh to the status of a client
b. India ants to keep !hittagong Hill Tracts issue ali*e to pressuri=e <angladesh and pre*ent her from adopting
independent foreign policy. India ants that <angladesh must align itself ith Indian camp. The !hakma. :efugees
and continuing insurgency are the tools in their hands to punish <angladesh1 should it e*er falter in this regard.
c. !reation of a separate state in !hittagong Hill Tracts ill eaken <angladesh ho can then be forced to abandon
its claim of so*ereignty and reduced to the status of <hutan or e*en turned into 8ikkim.
d. :A0 maliciously propagates that insurgent groups of se*en 2orth9Eastern states use !hittagong Hill Tracts region
for shelter and passage of arms and ammunition. They propound that setting up an Indian dominated state in
!hittagong Hill Tracts ill result in drying up of supply sources to militants and thus ill cause serious setback to
re*olutionary mo*ements in t hese Indian states (Assam1 Tripura1 $anipur1 $i=oram1 2agaland1 Arunachal #ardesh
and $eghalaya). In other ords according to :A0's theory1 for consolidation of Indian 2orth Eastern region1
separation of !hittagong Hill Tracts from <angladesh is essential.
e. Indian dream of getting transit through !hittagong #ort to 2orth Eastern states can be reali=ed ith establishment
of a pro9Indian state in !hittagong Hill Tracts.
:A0 is acti*ely pursuing its agenda to disintegrate <angladesh. They alays remain in search of an issue for fulfilling
their ob5ecti*e. 8ince there is no di*ision amongst masses ith regards to language1 ethnicity and culture1 :A0 has
been relying upon religious differences to initiate and de*elop separatist mo*ements in the country. <angabhumi is
the proposed name of a homeland for the Hindus ho had migrated to India from East <engal in the past. It is stated
that one and half crore Hindus uprooted from the basins of :i*ers #adma1 $eghna and $adhumati ho ere forced
to lea*e the area on account of economic depri*ation and communal riots1 no claim to ha*e a right to settle in their
on motherland. The state is planned to comprise of the districts of greater Khulna1 Cessore1 Kushtia1 aridpur1
<arisal and #atuakhali of <angladesh.
The start of <angbhumi mo*ement as announced on August +1 6@@. Its office is located in :amlal <a=ar of 8outh
!alcutta. The organisation styled itself as '2ikhil <anga 2agarik 8angha' (All < engal !iti=en's 3rganisation). $r. 8ri
#artha 8amanta is the #resident and $r. Kalidas "aidya is the %eneral 8ecretary of the 3rganisation. 3n $arch +1
6, '2ikhil <anga 2agarik 8angha' officially declared the formation of '<angabhumi'inside the territory of
<angladesh.<esides forming the '2ikhil <anga 2agarik 8angha'1:A0 has also set up some paper organisations i.e.1
'<angla ?iberation 3rganisation' styled on the pattern of '#alestine ?iberation 3rganisation' and '?iberation Tigers of
<engal'on the pattern of ?iberation Tigers of Tamil Elarn.
<efore e e-pose :A0's support to the <angabhumi acti*ists1 it is pertinent to analy=e rationale of their demand. It is
a knon fact that after partition in 67@ Hindus had the option to settle either in #akistan or migrate to India. 0hile
many Hindus stayed back in the then East #akistan1 many others migrated to India. ?ikeise many $uslims left India
and migrated to #akistan. 8uch migrations ere final and cannot be re*oked on any prete-t' no. The >uestion arises
that on hat prete-t :A0 ants to create a separate homeland for Hindus ho had migrated to India *oluntarily at
their on ill from East #akistan (no <angladesh) in 67@. 4uring the united #akistan1 and e*en prior to 6@@1 such
a preposterous claim as ne*er raised. 8uch an attempt amounts to interference in the independence1 so*ereignty
and regional integrity of <angladesh.
The total area of proposed <angbhumi comes to  thousand s>uare miles hich is more than one third of the total
area 'of <angladesh. The border of <angabhumi runs in the north along :i*er #adma1 in the east along :i*er
$eghna1in the est along India9<anglade'sh border and in the south along the <ay of <engal. The declared capital of 
the s.tate is at 8amantanager ($ukti <haban or reedom House) hich has no apparent e-istence. According to
reliable sources 8amantanager is nom de plum for <angabhumi HB established in a house named '8unny "illa' in
<habanipur1 !alcutta. This house is oned by $r. !hittaran5an 8utar1 a famous :A0 agent. '8unny "illa' had once
played a pioneering role in organising acti*ities for disintegration of #akistan and creation of <angladesh. That *ery
8unny "illa is again acti*e and is being utilised this time for disintegr1ating <angladesh. The reason is that
<angladesh has declined to bo before Indian designs thus it ought to be taught a lesson.
The flag of proposed <angabhumi state comprises of one third green colour and the to third of saffron colour. In the
middle of the saffron colour is the hite sun. 3n the top of the stand is' a circle. The 2ational Anthem is the faIrlous
song of poet 4i5endra ?al :oy/ '4hana 4hanye #ushpe <hara1 Arnader Ei <asundhara'. (This land of ours filled ith
crops and floers). The 2ational 8ymbol is depicted by a green circle in another saffron coloured circle ith ord
'8ri'1 (8ymbol of beauty and prosperity) ritten in the saffron circle. The state policy proposed to be adopted Gs non9
communal and humanism. The name of propsed radio station is '<angabani' keeping in line ith 'Akash*ani' and its'
call s9ign is 'Coy <anga' in line ith 'Cai Hind' of India.
 An armed ing of the organisation named '<angasena' has also been formed. The !ommander of this armed force is
$r Kalidas "aidya. The main organiser and trainer of <angasena is Arun %hosh. The only condition for enlistment in
'<angasena' is that the recruit should be a resident or had been a resident or born in East <engal. If either of the
ansers is in affirmati*e then he is considered eligible to be enlisted in '<angasena'. The daily Anandaba=ar #atrika
of !alcutta1 hile riting about ''<angasena' reported1 'The ma5ority mempers of this <angasena hich is a *oluntary
force lack any plitical consciousness. They are utterly communal in their outlook1 semiliterate and *ery emotional
(4aily Anandaba=ar / 8eptember &1 6,6).
:A0 has deliberately recruited Hindu fanatics and e-tremists in the organisation so that it is easy to get any mischief
done from them. Hoe*er1 the e-perts say that though <angasena apparently comprises of riff raffs of !alcutta1 but
many former officers and personnel of the Indian Armed orces are also orking behind the scene.The supporters
and acti*ists of <angabhumi had threatened to enter into <angladesh from India many times in the past. <ut all their
attempts failed. In <angladesh they had circulated posters and publicity material printed in India through agents of
:A0. $any such posters1 leaflets and pamphlets ere sei=ed by police from 2aryangan51 Kushtia1 Cessore1 Khulna
and <arisal.
<esides1 police also sei=ed many so9called flags of <angabhumi hich the agents of :A0 had smuggled from India
for hoisting on %o*ernment buildings. Hoe*er1 the :A0 agents did manage to hoist <angabhumi flag at three
places in Tala Thana of Cessore. <ut the local people and the police immediately sei=ed the f lags. <angabhumi
leaders also sent letters to the 4eputy !ommissioners and other senior officers of the area threatening them to e-9
communicate ith %o*ernment of <angladesh by $arch &1 6,+ and oe their allegiance to the so called
<angabhumi %o*ernment failing hich they ill be killed alongith their families.
To create harassment amongst <angladeshis of this region and to attract international nes media1 :A0 pro*oked
its agents to launch an 1attack on the office of the <angladesh 4eputy High !ommission in !alcutta (April 1 667).
The agents of :A0 5ustified their actiBn by saying that since <angabhumi has come into being1 therefore1 they ere
 5ustified to on .and occupy <angladeshi $ission in !alcutta. They attacked building of <angladesh 4eputy High
!ommission in presence of Indian police1 entered into the premises of the $ission and hoisted the flag of so called
<angabhumi. . :A0 had enacted similar drama through its agents at the office of the <angladesh High !ommission
in 2e 4elhi on August +1 6,7.
:A0 ants to create disturbances1 terrorism and communal trouble in <anladesh on the plea of <angabhumi
mo*ement. The agents of '<angasena' ho are armed ith moGern eapons are looking for an opportunity to
infiltrate into <angladesh. Thereafter they ill create such conditions in the region through blood letting and rioting
that India may be 5ustified to march in its regular Armed orces into the area to establish 'peace and order'. That is
ho Indians are ultimately planning to separate estern part of <angladesh. Hoe*er1 this is a long term plan. or
the time being1 the <angasena is being nurtured by :A0 to function as a pressure group to compel <angladesh to
adopt a #ro9India policy. 2e*ertheless they are being prepared for the fore mentioned greater ob5ecti*e to be pursued
in due course. After all :A0 is not an orphan house that it ill keep spending crores of rupees on such organisations
ithout any ultimate aim in *ie.
There is no end to :A0's anti9<angladesh acti*ities. :A0 is relentlessly pursuing the agenda to harass and
sub5ugate <angladesh. A net of conspiracies is being regularly dished out from its research cell for this purpose.As
part of its strategy to destabili=e <angledesh1 :A0 is promoting a mushroom groth of organisations in*ol*ed in anti9
<angladesh acti*ities co*ering all fields including political1 economic1 cultural and terrorist acti*ities. 8ome of the
:A0 1partroni=ed organisations in India are <angabhumi $o*ement1 <angladesh d*astu Kalyan #arishad
(<angladesh :efugee 0elfare 3rganisation) and <angladesh $oha5ir 8angha (<angladesh $oha5ir 3rganisation)
etc. The first organisation i.e.1 the '<angabhumi $o*ement' is demanding establishment of a separate homeland for
the Hindus in <angladesh comprising the district of greater aridpur1 Kushtia1 Cessore1 Khulna1 <arisal and
#atuakhali. It is threatening to launch an armed mo*ement for reali=ing its ob5ecti*e.
The second organisation is composed of Hindus ho at the time of partition in 67@ had migrated to India on their
on after disposing off their mo*able and immo*able properties. 2o they are complaining that they ere forced to
lea*e the then East #akistan and they claim to return to <angladesh. They also ant to get back their properties.
The third organisation1 '<angladesh $oha5ir 8angha' claims to represent $uslims of <angladesh ho had entered
India illegally in the past under *arious compulsions and no they ant to come back to their motherland i.e.1
<angaldesh. The organisation is a front for the Indians to help in push back of so called illegal migrants from
<angaldesh. In this chapter I shall briefly e-plain the origin1 acti*ities and ob5ecti*es of $oha5ir 8angha.
<angladesh $oha5ir 8angha as formally launched by its so called leaders on ebruary 1 66 by holding a press
conference at !alcutta press club. The dramatic emergence of this organisation as gi*en ide co*erage by radio1
tele*ision and nespapers in India. 8ince radio and tele*ision are go*ernment controlled1 so it can be easily and
safely presumed ho the actual sponsors ere. The statement of $oha5ir 8angha broadcast by All India :adio and
telecasted by 4ooradarshan says1 0e are the $uslims of <angladesh ho had illegally entered India in thousands.
2o being fed up ofli*ing in India e appeal to 0orld Human :ights !ommission for our repatriation($onthly
Kalam / ebruary 66).
The >uestion arises that ho as it possible for such a large number of $uslims to illegally cross the borders ithout
the Indian border security forces e*en noticing them. $ore so ho did the Hindus allo them to settle in India for
such a long time and that they ere ne*er arrested or 5ailed. 2o all of a sudden they emerge from no here and
start demanding repatriation to <angladesh.The president of $oha5ir 8angha is a ricksha dri*er named :aisuddin
 Ahmed. He is assisted in his anti9<angladesh acti*ities by !hittaran5an 8utar. Intrigued by the acti*ities of $oha5ir
8angha and the unprecedented interest of Indian %o*ernment and media1 a correspondent of Indian $onthly 'Kalam'
conductGd detailed in>uiry to ascertain ho this organisation as established and financed. 'Kalam1' in its issue of
ebruary 661 published a lengthy report comprising of 7 pages regarding $oha5ir 8angha and dbastu Kalyan
#arishad. The correspondent of 'Kalam' also held to intimate inter*ies ith the #resident of $oha5ir 8angha
:aisuddin Ahmed.
 As a result of the in*estigation the maga=ine correspondent as able to t race the true details and addresses of this
organisation. The #resident $r. :aisuddin li*es in a hut in the slum area on the banks of %anges9Kashipur in
!alcutta. He used to dri*e a hired ricksha of one 2imai %osh. He claimed that he originally belonged to a *illage in
the 4istrict of Cessore in <angladesh and had illegally migrated to India some years ago. Hoe*er1 he could not
substantiate his claim about being <angladeshi national. He is illiterate. The maga=ine noted that it is *irtually
impossible for an illiterate person like $r. :aisuddin to draft such sophisticated leaflets containing appeals in the
name of human rights supported by English >uotations1 lea*e alone getting them printed and distributing amongst
international community. :aisuddin admitted during inter*ie that Hindu babus make these arrangements and also
pro*ide finance for the organisation.
 Actually it is :A0 that finances its members. :aisuddin no does not dri*e the ricksha and mostly remains bus y in
meetings and processions. According to the publicity leaflets the head office of $oha5ir 8angha is shon at +D1
Khagendranath !hatte5ee :oad1 !alcutta91 but actually the head>uarters is located at <habanipur in a house named
'8unny *illa'1 (House 2o 1 4r. :a5endra :oad1 2orthern #ark1 !alcutta9@1telephone @+& and @+;6&+). The
long time resident of palatial 8unny *illa is :A0's most trusted1 faithful and successful agent !hittaran5an 8utar. It is
common knoledge that in the year 6@ the Indian intelligence had handed o*er this multi9storied building to
!hittaran5an 8utar for organising operations against ersthile East #akistan. rom this *illa ere initiated all
strategies1 plans1 instructions1 coordination and super*ision1 for disintegrating #aGistan. !hittaran5an 8utar originally
belonged to <arisal1 <angladesh. He and his to other colleagues Kalidas "aidya and 2irod $a5umdar ere engaged
since 6+ in acti*ities aimed at disintegration of #akistan. He migrated to India in 6;6.After emergence of
<angladesh as an independent state !hittaran5an 8utar returned to <angladesh ith pomp and sho. 4uring 6@&
elections he obtained nomination from Aami ?eague and contest ed elections from 8arupkathi constituency. He
on the election and became member of <angladesh #arliament. After assassination of 8heikh $u5ibur :ahman in
6@+ he ent back to 8unny "illa in !alcutta and stationed himself there for good.
!hittaran5an 8utar is not satisfied ith the disintegration of #akistan and conse>uent emergence of <angladesh. His
aim1 as1 directed by :A01 is to gradually integrate <angladesh ith India. <ut due to the changed scenario he could
not implement his *icious designs. :A0 dre a ne strategyM that of partitioning <angladesh. !hittaran5an 8utar is
in*ol*ed in implementation of the ne game plan. As a part of this scheme the plans ere dran to constantly keep
on harassing <angladesh on different issues. $oha5ir 8angha as one such eapon to harass <angladesh. Through
$oha5ir 8ongha1 Indians anted to con*ince the rest of the orld that illegal immigration of <angladeshis into India
as not merely propaganda but it as really happening. Thus creating. Custification for e*iction of lakhs of $uslims
from IndhXhere they had li*ed for generations. 8uch mass e-odus into an already o*er populous country like
<angladesh ill spell doom for the country. <esides1 under the garb of these so9called $oha5irs1 :A0 ould infiltrate
into <angladesh its trained terrorists. India can pro*oke the so9called $oha5irs to claim a separate homeland and may
e*en instigate them to age sub*ersi*e actions against <angladesh culminating into a limited ar.
$eanhile in different Indian states lakhs of $uslims ha*e been discriminated by not enlisting them as *oters. They
ha*e been denied this right despite the fact that they are Indian nationals and are residing in India since generations.
8ome ho ere earlier enlisted as *oters and had been casting their *otes in the past elections ha*e also been
denied entry in ne election roles. The main purpose of this scheme of :A0 is to establish that lakhs of $uslims had
illegally infiltrated into India from <angladesh and prepare a strong base for thGir repatriation.
4uring the *isit of <angladesh oreign $inister to India in 66 :A0 arranged a mass sit9in and hunger strike by the
$oha5ir 8angha. A leaflet circulated at the occasion by $ oha5ir 8angha read1 'foreign aid misappropriated1
so*ereignty at stake1 basic principles of constitution framed after independence abandoned1 a fe people ha*e
usurped all the ealth of <angladesh and ha*e destroyed the economic base of <angladesh1 the labour class has
been rendered into beggars.Their demands included holding trial of killers of <angabandhu1 rehabilitation of labour
and restoration of the human rights. A memorandum as also submitted to the <angladesh oreign $inister on this
rom the language of the abo*e mentioned leaflet the ob5ecti*es of the $oha5ir 8angha can be easily guessed.
2eedless to mention that the memorandum presented to the oreign $inister as gi*en ide publicity through the
go*ernment media i.e.M All India :adio and 4oordarshan.!opies of the memorandum ere also sent to the foreign
embassies and missions in 2e 4elhi.:A0 arranged ide media publicity for the acti*ities of $oha5ir 8angha.
Incredible editorials and articles ere published in nespapers like Ananda <a=ar #atrika1 <artam an1 Cugantar1
8tatesman1 8unday1 8atikatha1 %anashakti etc. All these papers ga*e ide co*erage to the statements of $oha5ir
8angha. The papers e-presGed their indignation at the failure of the %o*ernment in identifying the infiltrators and
arranging their e*iction. !uriously enough $r. :aisuddin1 the man ho confessed himself of illegally infiltrating into
India as not arrested. The media did not utter e*en a single ort to say under hat right of the la such an illegal
infiltrator had started an organisation in India1 held a press conference1 took out a procession ith the slogan of
'Allahu Akbar'1 held mass hunger strike and ho their acti*ities ere gi*en ide co*erage through go*ernment media
i.e. 4oordarshan and All India :adio.
The papers did not raise any >uestion about it1 because they kne that <angladesh $oha5ir 8angha as1 in fact1 their 
eapon for <angladesh bashing. They understood that this eapon should not be blunted1 rather it has to be kept
sharpened e*er and alays. The establishment of organisations such as $oha5ir 8angha is proof enough of the fact
that :A0 and in turn the %o*ernment of India is acti*ely and continuously harassing <angladesh. The most
unfortunate part1 hoe*er1 is that no effort is made in <angladesh to e-pose these Indian designs. 3ur common
people and e*en the educated class in the urban areas do not kno any thing about it. E-perienced obser*ers are of
the *ie that :A0 has strong influence o*er important state organs and indi*iduals ho conni*e ith :A0. nless
:A0's agents in *arious echelons of <angladesh are eliminated the country's interests and so*ereignty ill remain at
the risk of being compromised.
'#ush <ack' is the common term used to describe Indian scheme to send hundreds of thousands of Indian citi=ens
into <angladesh. India claims that these' people had illegally entered into 9India from <angladesh and thus should be
'pushed back' to their country. At occasions Indians did try to push back some people1 but prompt action by
<angladesh authorities tharted their efforts. Hoe*er1 a critical analysis indicates that the issue has been coined by
:A0 ith long term ulterior moti*es. These include /
a. To raise bogy of an imaginary threat of large scale infiltration from <angladesh into India and thus arousing public
sentiments against <angladesh. :A0 belie*es that to ha*e real or imaginary enemies is necessary for maintaining
national integration.
b. A large number of agents can be penetrated and permanently settled in <angladesh by :A0 using the co*er of
push back. These agents can then ork for disintegration of <angladesh from ithin.
c. The issue can be used as an e-cuse to age ar against <angladesh in the name of securing rights of large
number of <angladeshi refugees. E*er since the creation of <angladesh *arious Indian %o*ernments ha*e been
endea*ouring to hip up the issue. 4r. 88 <indra in his book 'India and Her 2eighbours' (page ;;) rites1 4uring
8heikh $u5ib's regime1 the%o*ernment of India protested to <angladesh that large number of <angladeshi nationals
had entered into 0est <engal.
The <angladesh %o*ernment denied that any of their nationals had crossed o*er into India. They argued that these
immigrants ere actually 'Indian nationals' ho had tra*eled to <angladesh hen the freedom struggle in <angladesh
as going on. <ut after some time they returned to their on country. !ommenting on the issue The 4aily 8tatesman
rote on & 3ctober 6@71 It is possible that a si=eable number of 67@ refugees had returned to their original
homes in 6@.
<ut <angladesh %o*ernment considers them aliens. $any of them returned to India ho are no considered as
<angladeshi nationals by India. It is ob*ious that <angladesh cannot accept such an absurd claim. The migration in
the ake of partition of 67@ as final. 2o body has the right to reclaim his original nationality after 7, or 7 years.
 Actually after 6@ Hindus of 0est <engal had anted to regain their lands and property in <angladesh hich they
sold hile migrating to India in 67@. They 'thought <angladeshi $uslims ould not dare to face these Indian Hindus
because of Indian pressure. 0ith these hopes they had returned to <angladesh after the surrender of #akistan Army.
<angladesh authorities could not check this e-odus because no organi=ed authority e-isted in the country at that time
due to the ar. Hoe*er1 these people ere ne*er officially recogni=ed as <angladeshi nationals. 0 hen these people
returned to India1 in fact1 they returned to their on country. Thus Indian claim that these people are <angladeshis1 is
totally untenable.
The Indian propaganda about infiltration of <angladeshis into India has continued unabated. It is used as a means to
di*ert attention of the people from internal problems of the region (0est <engal and 2orth Eastern states). :ecently
Indian Home $inister $r. 8< !ha*en stated in an inter*ie to <<! that hundreds 'of thousands of <angladeshis are
entering India illegally e*eryday (4aily Canata / $ay 71 66+).
3ne should ask India that ho it as possible for such large numbers to cross o*er the border in the presence of
elaborate netork of Indian border1 security agenciesF There are ,, Indian border outposts along the Indo9
<angladesh border. In comparison <angladesh has only 7; border outposts. '
$r. Tapan 8ikdar1 #resident of 0est <engal <C# unit told in an inter*ie to $onthly Kalam1 Canuary 6671 'There are
@.+ million <angladeshi $uslim immigrants in 0est <engal and in total  million throughout India. Again one is at a
loss to understand ho such a large scale1 migration could take place ithout being noticed and checked at the
 Actually :A0 ants to inflate figures to pressuri=e <angladesh and in the process obtain her commitment t o take
back at least token numbers. In this regard :A0 had also organi=ed '$uha5ir 8angha'1 a mo*ement of so called
<angladeshi immigrants in India ho claim to go back to <angladesh. 14etails of this organisation are gi*en in
another chapter.
 An interesting point to note is that hile !entral %o*ernment is crying hoarse about illegal immigration1 the s tate
%o*ernments of 0est <engal and Assam ha*e been stating that no illegal immigrants are staying in their states.
8imilarly before assumption of poer by <C# %o*ernment in $aharashtra1 there as no talk of illegal <angladeshi
$uslim immigrants in <ombay. The dichotomy in stands of *arious state %o*ernments clearly indicates the falsehood
of the claim. 0hile <C# is fuelling the issue due to its communal out look1 the !entral %o*ernment has other ulterior
moti*es. oremost is the di*ersion of attention of the people from their grie*ances and gi*ing them a plausible
 5ustification for their sufferings.
?et us first take the case of 0est <engal. #eople of 0est <engal feel that they ha*e been e-ploited and depri*ed of
their due share. In !alcutta ;,J houses and ,J industrial units are oned by non9<engalis. 3ut of , 5ute mills in
0est <engal1 @6 are oned by  non9<engalee families. ;J of the labour force in !alcutta are non9<engalis.
 Almost all top positions in industrial sector are held by non9<engalees.
The <engali language has *irtually become alien in its on home. #articularly in urban areas Hindi has become the
lingua franca. Hindi films are screened in most of the cinemas. 8ign boards of %o*ernment offices as ell as number
plates of motor *ehicles are forbidden to be ritten in <angIa language.!alcutta hich as the most de*eloped city
of India at the time of partition has turned into *irtual slum due to constant neglect and lack of de*elopment ork.
8imilarly lack of industrial de*elopment added to people's economic miseries. As a result many people ha*e migrated
to other states and cities in search of 5obs. These include $uslims as ell as Hindus of 0est <engal. 0hile the Hindu
migrants from 0est <engal are accepted by other states1 the <engali $uslims of 0est <engal are discriminated
against and labeled as <angladeshis. This is indeed display of sheer pre5udice against $uslims in so called secular
The e-odus of $uslims from 0est <engal is e*ident from the fact that hile at the time of partition1 population of
$uslims in 0est <engal as 7+J1 no it has shrunk to 6J. 0here ha*e the others goneF !ertainly there ha*e
been no reports about such large scale migration from India to <angladesh. 8ituation in Assam is no different hich
has been systematically depri*ed of its natural ealth by !entral %o*ernment. As stated by $r. AK 4as in his book
 Assam's Agony'1 'There has been serious lack of interest on part of
the %o*ernment for de*eloping communication1 poer1 education1 health1 social elfare1 agriculature and industries
in Assam'. .$r. 4as further rites9in his book1'The %o*ernment of India neglected the 2orth East :egion in the
de*elopment of industnes/ in the public sector. The %o*ernment has made about  percent of its in*estments in
$aharashtra and %u5arat as compared to only + percent in this region.
The 2orth East :egion has only  large and medium scale industrial units out. of +1 in India. India has
1@+1 small9scale industrial units ith in*estments of :s 1. million. <ut this region has only &1 units ith
a paltry in*estment of :s. + million. The industrial employment is only 7 percent as compared to  per cent in
India'(Assam's Agony1 #age 9&&).Assam produces +,J tea of total Indian production and &J of total tea
productfon of the orld. <ut only one 9 ninth of the total tea is auctioned in %auhati. :est is auctioned in !alcutta and
other places. Agriculture goods'orth &1 million rupees are taken llay from Assam to other parts of India
annually. ;J crude petroleum of total Indian production is e-tracted in Assam.
8imilarly large >uantity of natural gas is also e-tracted in Assam. <ut Assam's share in %o*ernment funds is not
proportionate to its contribution. ;J %o*ernment employees in Assam are outsiders. The share of Assamese
orking in Assam in railays is 7J1 telegraph and postal ser*ices is J and1 plyood industries lis +J. The
remaining employees in these departments are all from other states.In such a situation1 the groth of discontentment
is natural. Therefore separatist mo*ements ha*e gron in Assam and other 2orth Eastern states. The seriousness of
the situation as acknoledged by no body less than Indian Army !hief himself ho recently stated that insurgency
situation in 2orth East region as ne-t only'to Kashmir. Hoe*er1 instead of taking appropriate correcti*e measures'
to ob*iate people's sense of depri*ation1 the !entral %o*ernment created the bogy of infiltration from <angladesh as
an e-cuse for poor de*elopment of the region. Initially some people in Assam bought the idea. 'Assam %ano
#arishad' adopted it as election slogan in 6,+ and came to poer. Hoe*er1 gradually truth has daned1 on the
people. They no understand !entral %o*ernment's machinations. That is hy $r. 8aikia1 the present !hief $inister
of Assam categorically stated recently t hat there ere no illegal <angladeshis in Assam.
3n the other hand !entral %o*ernment ministers still keep harping on the same old theme.?et us also discuss1 the
illegal immigrants issue propounded by $ aharasltra %o*ernment of <C#. :eportedly many <engali speaking $uslim
families ha*e been uprooted from <ombay1 but independent obser*ers noted that all of them belonged to 0est
<engal. A# after sampling  such families reported that these people had come from 0est <angal and not from
Hoe*er1 $aharashtra %o*ernment is bent upon calling them <angladeshis as they. happen to be <engali speaking
$uslims. 4o they  say that only Hindus ha*e right to belong to 0est <engalFIt is >uite apparent 'from the
abo*e discussion that so called '#ush <ack' is a ploy used by India to pressuri=e <angladesh1 besides di*erting
attention of the people of aggrie*ed states. :A0 cle*erly and ickedly uses the issue to raise anti9<angladesh
hysteria hene*er necessary for internal or e-ternal reasons.
:A0' belie*es that by such tactics it can keep <angladesh under pressure and hence push it to total sub5ugation.
$oreo*er1 use of the issue by the Indians in combination ith their bigger game plan i.e. in*asion of <angladesh
claiming that their national interests ha*e been endangered due to large scale alien immigrants1 cannot be ruled out.
:A0 has sponsored the establishment of a large number of Hindu organi=ations in <angladesh for a *ariety of
purposes to includeM rendering support to pro9Indian political parties1 to gi*e shelter to Indian terrorists1 to di*ide
people on *arious issues1 to spread communal and class hatred and finally to create fa*ourable conditions for merger 
of <angladesh into India. !ommon people are not fully aare of all such organi=ations and their acti*ities. They
mostly kno only about some political groups and cultural forums ho are idely reputed to be pro9India. Hoe*er1
there are many other organi=ations that are orking against national interests and it is important that their acti*ities
should be brought to the notice of our people. 3f particular interest in this regard are the :A0 sponsored
organi=ations of minority community.
The Hindu communalists ha*e not till today reconciled ith the partition of India in 67@. They may be li*ing in
<angladesh but their loyalty and allegiance are ith India. $any of their communal organi=ations are orking to undo
the partition. In other ords they are orking against the integrity of <angladesh. :A0 is their main financier.
Hoe*er1 these organi=ations also get financial and other support from *arious e-tremist Hindu parties of India
including <C#1 "H#1 8hi* 8ena1 <a5rang 4al etc. The only o*ert organisation of minorities is Hindu <uddha9!hristian
3ikya #arishad. 3ther organisations ork so discreetly that not much is knon about their acti*ities out side their
on community.
2ames of some of these organisations are /
a. <angladesh Catiya Hindu 8ama5 8anskar 8amity (<CH888).
b. #ranab $oth 8he*asharam (It as re9organised from defunct <harat 8he*asharam).
c. <angladesh 8ant $ohamandal.
d. <angladesh Hindu oundation.
e. "isha 4harma 8hanti 8hammelan <angladesh.
f. <angladesh !haitanna 8hanskritic 8hangh.
g. International 8ociety for Krishna !onciousness(I8Kco2). Its head 3ffice is in $ayapur1 4istrict 2adia1 0est
<engal1 India.
h. Ananda $arg(4aily $eillat / Cune @1 66).
<esides abo*e1 a number of other small organisations also e-ist hich *irtually ork as the <angladesh branches of
communal e-tremist Hindu organisations of India. These organisations outardly profess to be doing humanitarian
ork i.e. alle*iation of illiteracy etc. but actually these are dedicated for doing communal ork.8ome minority
organisations also publish nespapers and m aga=ines etc. A Hindu maga=ine '8ama5 4arpan' is published by
<angladesh Catiya Hindu 8ama5 8anskar 8amity (<CH888). Its office is located at "holagiri Ashram1 K. 8. ?ane1
4haka. The co*er page of their maga=ine .is printed in !alcutta1 India1 due to the lack of photographs of Hindu gods
and goddesses in <angladesh.
It is belie*ed that the entire e-penses on printing and publication of this maga=ine are borne by :A0. :eportedly
<CH888 also published booklets 9 and leaflets supporting <angabhumi mo*ement and Akhand <harat.The head of
<CH8881 $r. 8hi* 8hankar !hakar*arti1ho is also the editor of 8ama5 4arpan is reported to ha*e close links ith
Indian "isha Hindu #arishad ("H#). He is also a supporter of <angabhumi mo*ement. His close associates include
$r. <i5oy 2andi1 head of India 8he*asharam1 $r. "inod <ihari !hodhury1 #resident <angladesh Hindu 3lndation
and $r. :2 4as %upta1 8ecretary %eneral "isha 8hanti 8hammelan.
 According to the 4aily $eillat1 Cune  661 $r. <i5oy 2andi told in a meeting of <angabhumi acti*ists at <angaon1
0est <engal that in 6@ the then %o*ernment of <angladesh had gi*en permission to the organisation (India
8he*asharam) to ork in <angladesh due to personal influence of $rs. Indira %handi. After the assassination of
8heikh $u5ib on + August1 6@+ all officials of the organisation fled to India. ?ater they returned to <angladesh and
formed another organisation named #ronab $oth 8he*asharam.
The 4aily $eillat1 , Cune1 66 rote/ '$r. 8hi* 8hanker !hkar*arti holds positions in different organisations. He is a
member of e-ecuti*e committee of "H# in India and the chief co9ordinator of "H# in <angladesh. He is also member
of e-ecuti*e committee of 2epal based Hindu $ahasangha1 #resident of Hindu 8ama5 8anskar 8amity1 Editor of the
8ama5 4arpan and abo*e all1 chief cashier of Ape- %roup of Industries. He earned much recognition from :A0 for
orking as a sincere local agent. His maga=ine '8ama5 4arpan' is notorious for making massi*e anti9<angladesh and
anti9$uslim rhetoric. He spreads message of communal hatred and continuously propagates that Hindus are being
persecuted in <angladesh. At times his ritings are so pro*ocati*e that these amount to inciting Hindus to take up
arms for getting their so called due rights. $r. <i5oy 2andi1 ho is the #resident of pronab $oth. 8he*asharam1 in his
speeches1 launches ferocious attacks against <angladeshi $uslim community. He has been inciting and urging Hindu
youth to 5oin <angabhumi mo*ement.
The 4aily $eillat1 Cune1 1 66 >uoted him saying/ 'Lou (Hindus) laid don your li*es t o secure independence of
India. Lour forefathers fought against the aggressor #athans and $ughals to sa*e the temples ofIndia. Lour
forefathers also fought to safeguard our religion and ci*ili=ation from the atrocities of Aurang=eb. $y dear fello
beings the youth of <engal and India !ome and 5oin <engasena and attack <angladesh to establish <angabhumi in
si- south estern districts (aridpur1 Kushtia1 Cessor1 Khulna1 <arisal and #atuakhali). ?et the 23 and the 8A be
damned. ?et <angladesh kno our strength. ?et Indian $uslims understand that Hindus are still ali*e and poerful
The biggest Hindu organisation in <angladesh is'<angladesh 8ant $ohamandal'. Its members are spread all o*er
<angladesh. It has ;@ 9member !entral !ommittee. It also has a 9member #residium !ouncil.
<angladesh 8ant $ohamandal has close links ith the !ommunist #arty of <angladesh and + #arties Alliance ho
are blamed to be pro9India. It tries to control rural politics of <angladesh through Hindu *oters. It also co9ordinates
electoral policy of Hindu *oters in collaboration ith a large national secular political party. The organisation also
ser*es as a recruiting ground for :A0.
 All99 these organisations are engaged in relentless propaganda against <angladesh. They spread misinformation1
rumours and false reports to paint <angladesh in poor light. 3n the contrary India is depicted as a mighty super
poer. The aim of such propaganda is to con*ince people that e-istence of <angladesh as an independent country is
not *iable. They >uote fictitious figures to pro*e their point and argue that merger of <angladesh in Indian union ill
be in the larger interest of the <angladeshi people. $embers of these organisations are illing and dutiful supporters
of :A0 in its campaign against <angladesh.
They are *ery moti*ated for the cause of 'Akhand <harat' and in many cases ork ithout any financial or other
reards. They are hardened Hindus ho are illing to render any sacrifice. They pro*ide all types of support re>uired
by :A0 in its operations. rom managing safe houses to the conduct of terrorist acti*ities1 these *olunteers are
illing to accomplish any task. 4ue to their discipline and dedication it is difficult to penetrate these organisation.
Hence they are able to do their acti*ities in total secrecy. :A0 is indeed lucky to ha*e a large community of hard core
and moti*ated Hindus in <angladesh ho is ready to. do anything for the cause of Akhand <harat. This situation can
indeed be compared to the support en5oyed by $388A4 from all Ceish people.
These e-tremist Hindu organi=ations are posing gra*e threat to country's independence and communal peace. 4ue
to their e-treme secrecy and discreet orking1 *ery little is knon about their acti*ities. Taking ad*antage of the
situation1 :A0 is sponsoring more such religious organi=ations day by day. It is time that our %o*ernment reali=es
the threat from such communal organi=ations and necessary steps are taken to regulate the orking of these so
called religious organi=ations.
2obody no refutes the proposition that India in engineering dismemberment of #akistan in 6@1 had really aimed at
taking a step forard to re9establish united India. In *ie of her said goal1 India ensured right from 6@ that
<angladesh does not become a strong country. India ants that <angladesh should remain a nominally independent
country like <hutan and 8ikkini hich could be occupied later by India hen she desires. In furtherance of the said
aim India had forced the 6@ Interim %o*ernment of <angladesh to sign a treaty of subser*ience. 3ne of the
clauses of the treaty as that <angladesh ill not raise any Armed orces of its on. Indians had told the then
Interim %o*ernment in e-ile that <angladesh does not need an 'Army' because she is surrounded on three sides by
India and the other side by natural sea. 8ince India as a friendly country1 therefore1 there ill be ne danger of an
aggression by her. If any other poer resorts to an aggression against <angladesh1 Indian Army ould defend
<angladesh1 they ad*ised that for internal security <angladesh should raise a militia force.
That is hy :akhi <ahini as formed after creation of <angladesh. 0hen 8heikh $u5ib still decided to raise national
 Army it as opposed by India. Hoe*er1 he decided to go ahead ith the raising of the Army despite India's
opposition. Thus a small Army as raised comprising of soldiers of #akistan Army ho had taken part in freedom
struggle. ?ater most of the army personnel repatriated from #akistan in 6@& ere also enrolled in <angladesh Army.
:A0 apprehended that if <angladesh succeeds in building poerful Armed orces1 it ill become difficult f or India to
reali=e her dream about merger of the ne country into India. The Indians kne ell about the courage and skill of
the <engali army men. The e-perience gained during 9the liberation ar as an additional asset for <angladesh
 Army. Indian policy planners concluded that e*en small <angladesh Army might in future pose a threat to their
aggressi*e designs.
Indian designs against <angladesh Army ere e*ident from the *ery beginning. They did not lea*e any military
e>uipment captured from #akistan Army in the then East #akistan. In this regard the 4aily $eillat reported1 The
Indians took aay the abandoned military hardares(tanks1 artillery1 guns etc.) orth Taka ,1 million of the
#akistan Army's Eastern !ommand in order for materiali=ation of their goal i.e. not to permit <angladesh Army to
gro strong(4aily $eillat / $ay ;1 66&).0hen Indians reali=ed that 8heikh $u5ib is determined to raise an Army in
defiance of the treaty signed by Interim <angladesh %o*ernment and India1 they encouraged a dissident party to take
up the issue of raising a people's Army or '%ano <ahini'. The dissident leaders s tarted propagating that <angladesh
does not re>uire a regular professional Army. They labeled the Army as %od's Khasi (cast rated of %od). They
organised so9called ':e*olutionary 8oldier's !ouncil' to realise the goal of '8cientific 8ocialism'. It as actually formed
to create di*ision and disunity among the rank and file of the Armed 8er*ices.
8oon after the change o*er of 6@+ some cadres of %ono <ahini attempted to create chaos and lalessness in the
country. :A0 also stage9managed fake kidnapping in 4haka of $r 8amor 8en1 the then Indian High 6mmissioner in
<angladesh. The aim as to c reate plausible e-cuse for India to mo*e in Indian Army into < angladesh. Hoe*er1 the
'kidnapping' drama did not go too far and thus <angladesh as sa*ed from direct Indian aggression. After coming to
poer the late #resident iaur :ahman re9organi=ed the Armed orces. He ga*e them an honourable position in the
society. <ut :A0 did its best to obstruct him. That is the reason for so many coups staged against iaur :ahman. He
as killed in the 6th coup attempt. Although apparently the coups ere aimed at ousting ia but the ultimate goal
as to eaken or li>uidate the Armed orces.
:A0 engineered conspiracies to di*ide rank and file of the <angladesh Army in *arious groups. The di*ision beteen
'reedom ighters' and ':epatriated' as fuelled to pa*e ay for internal strife and disintegration. :A0 has also been
endea*oring to pro5ect <angladesh Army as'anti9people'. 4uring the peak period of anti9Ershad mo*ement 1 :A0
spread a rumour that the Army as supporting Ershad. The rumor as aimed at damaging the popularity of the
 Armed orces of <angladesh.In order to protect country's independence1 so*ereignty and territorial integrity there is
no substitute to ade>uately strong Armed orces. If 8ikkim had an effecti*e and strong Army she ould not ha*e
been occupied and anne-ed by India.3n the other hand 8rilanka could ithstand Indian pressure because she has
her on effecti*e Army .The $aldi*es1 on the contrary1 had to seek Indian Army's help to dri*e out Indian henchmen
from $aldi*es1 because she had no Armed orces of her on.
<angladesh must ha*e its on Army not only to thart aggression from abroad but also to >uell internal troubles and
rebellions. The credit goes to *aliant <angladesh Army for checking nefarious designs of 8hanti <ahini. If <angladesh
did not ha*e an effecti*e Army1 Indian supported !hakma insurgents might ell ha*e succeeded in di*iding the
country. 8imilarly Indian Army ould ha*e marched into <angladesh on any flimsy prete-t. The need for strong Army
is further highlighted by groing internal threats supported by9 India in form of secessionist mo*ements in
<angladesh in the name and style of Chumland1 Hinduland (<angabhumi) and %aroland etc.
Hoe*er1 the :A0 sponsored henchmen ha*e been unleashing constant propaganda against the Armed orces
primarily on financial grounds. E*ery year before the presentation of budget1 discussion starts in nespapers calling
for reduction of military e-penditure. 0hile need for increasing budgetary pro*isions for education and health is
acknoledged1 such increase cannot be made at the cost of Armed forces. Appropriate military e-penditure is
necessary if country's e-istence and so*ereignty are to be safeguarded. E*erything else comes after the safety of the
?et us no ha*e a look at comparisons beteen defence e-penditures ofCndia and <angladesh published in 4aily
8angram. India's population si=e and economy are both se*en and a half times larger than that of <angladesh. <ut
her defence spending is & times higher than that of <angladesh. It is1 therefore1 a matter of simple arithmetic that
our military e-peCriture should be increased three9fold to match the Indian e-penditure. The defence e-penditute of 
<angladesh in 66+96; as increased only .+J o*er the pre*ious year. India in contrast increased her defence
e-penditure by ,J in 66+99/6; o*er the last year's e-penditure(4aily 8angram / Cune. &1 66+).
India is one of the poorest countries of the orld. &J of Indian people li*e in slums or bastees.+J dellers of
<ombay1 7+J of 4elhi and ;+J of !alcutta li*e in the slum areas. 6J of Indian children li*e in malnutrition. +J of
Indian youth suffer from energy deficiency due to malnutrition. ; million Indians do not ha*e access to clean
drinking ater. ++ million children in India are engaged in child labour. @+J of the primary school going chilldern
cannot afford to attend primary school due to e-treme po*erty. A 0orld <ank report says <y t he year  A. 4. the
largest number of illiterates ill li*e in India.
This poor country (India) has been building her military might and creating tension1 ri*alry and scare in the region. <ut
:A0's stooges in <angladesh are totally mum about it. If India agrees to cut her military e-penditure1 other regional
countries ill be too illing to reduce their military e-penditure.3ur defence forces are the protector and guardian of
our independence. 4espite :A0's. efforts1 the Armed orces are possibly the only institution in <angladesh hich
ha*e still remained relati*ely free of :A0's influence. 1<ut it does not mean that :A0 has gi*en up her designs
against our Armed orces.:A0 has organised an elaborate espionage apparatus through its agents ho are
relentlessly trying to collect classified information and documents about our national defence. In the past many such
:A0 agents ere arrested by police and our intelligence agencies. Here are a fe e-amples. 8ome :A0 agents
ho ere engaged in collecting maps and other secret documents of restricted area at :a5shahi ha*e been arrested
at :a5shahi. They include 8an5ib :oy1 %aynath $andaI1 <alram $ ehata1 :ampada 8ardar and Aya=uddin. $ost of
them ere hired to ork for :A0 man in the Indian 4eputy High !ommission at :a5shahi(4aily 8angram /
4ecemebr ;1 66).
The police has arrested + persons for smuggling of *aluabel st ate documents. Indian intelligence Agency :A0 is
belie*ed to be in*ol*ed(4aily 8angram / 4ecember 1 66).The la enforcing agencies ha*e detained  persons
including a former cabinet member of the deposed #resident Ershad in connection ith a spy ring allegedly run by
:A0. The agencies are looking for 1 a number of other persons for their in*ol*ement in the smuggling of confidential
documents of the countr y(4aily 2e 2ation/ August +1 66&).A former Indian diplomat1 $.r.%: $akashi as
e-pelled from <angladesh on Cune ;1 66&. $r. $akashi1 ho earlier as irst 8ecretary in Indian High !ommission
in 4haka as reportedly e-pelled on the charge of espionage. and anti9state acti*ities. A local nespaper reported
that $r. $akashi had returned to 4haka after resigning from ser*ice. He set up a garment factory in 4haka's posh
4hanmondi residential area in partnership ith others. He as being kept under atch by police due to his suspicious
acti*ities(The Hindu International/ Cune 61 66&).
Indian High !ommission at 4haka and 4eputy High !ommissions at :a5shahi and !hittagong ser*e as hubs for
espionage acti*ities against <angladesh Armed orces. <esides1 large scale trans9border espionage is also carried
out by agents of Indian $ilitary Intelligence1 <order 8ecurity orce Intelligence1 Intelligence <ureau and. notorious
:A0 as ell. :A0's e*il designs against <angladesh Armed orces are still continuing. 0e pray that this * ital
institution remains safe from :A0's menacing onslaught.
The force that can effecti*ely foil Indian hegemonistic designs is our student community. :A0 has applied ma-imum
efforts to e-tend its influence in our campuses to materiali=e her master plan. :A0 is orking on a long term
programme directed to misguide and mislead student community and to spoil the congenial academic atmosphere in
our educational institutions. Indians had been orking in our educational institutions since the #akistan period. Indian
intelligence agencies had succeeded in influencing a group of student leaders during the student's mo*ement of
This influence as further e-panded during the ;9point mo*ement. After creation of :A0 in 8eptemebr 6;,1 India's
influence on the student leaders increased substantially. As a result student9led mass mo*ement of 6;6 ent1 more
or less1 under the control of :A0 influenced student leaders. It has no been confirmed by researchers1 riters and
 5ournalists at home and abroad1 including Indians that :A0 had played pioneer role in creation of 'Coy <angIa
<ahini'in 6@ and '$u5ib <ahini' in 6@.4uring the #akistan days Indian secret agencies had kept their acti*ities
limited to influencing only the top student leaders. <ut after creation of <angladesh :A0 e-tended its can*as and
no e*en middle and loer ranking student leaders are directly controlled and handled by :A0.Initially :A0 spread
its tentacles among the students and teachers of 4haka ni*ersity.. Hoe*er1 gradually they spread their operations
to other uni*ersities and colleges including medical1 engineering and other professional colleges all o*er the c ountry.
:A0 has three designs to achie*e by paraly=ing our educational institutions /
a/ 2o resistance should de*elop against India and her cultural aggression1 economic e-ploitation and political
sub5ugation of <angladesh. :A0 has attained almost full success in this regard. 4uring the last 7 years our
educational institutions ha*e played almost no role in protests against the aggressi*e designs of India. :A0's
propaganda has made them a desperate1 confused and misled force. Instead of resisting e*il designs of India1 they
are engaged in negati*e politics1 anti9social and e*en anti9national acti*ities. $any students ha*e started practicing
Hindu culture in the name of <engali culture.
b/ India1 through her agents1 has constantly been creating clashes and conflicts in the campuses hich ha*e
destroyed academic en*ironments in <angladesh. 4ue to e*er increasing *iolence many students ha*e started
preferring to go to India for higher education. India thus not only earns a lot of foreign e-change but also is in a
position to brainash these students. 0hen these students ill return to <angladesh after finishing their studies to
take up responsible positions in <angladesh1 they ill be more likely to ha*e soft corner for India and thus ill directly
or indirectly ser*e her cause.
c/ :A0 has culti*ated a strong pro9India pressure group among the students. 4ue to fear of pro9India students lobby
the go*ernment can neither take any action against India's hegemonies designs nor e*en adopt an independent
foreign policy. :A0 has used a portion of our student community to put pressure on all go*ernments from $u5ib to
Khaleda ia by inciting the students to create disturbances and la and order problems. !ommenting about the state
of affairs of 4haka ni*ersit y1 The 4aily $eillat rote1 The 4haka ni*ersity1 once knon as 3-ford of the East1 had
gi*en birth to all the mo*ements in this region since the <ritish period. $any national mo*ements ere born in 4haka
ni*ersity. :A0 knos ell that the anti9India mo*ement1 if any1 ould one day start from 4haka ni*ersity.
This is hy a large section of the teachers and student leaders of the ni*ersity ha*e been engaged by :A0 to keep
'de*elopment of any anti9India mo*ement' under check. $any of them do not feel ashamed of openly acting against
national interest. The ni*ersity has become. a safe sanctuary for the terrorists and the murderers. 8ome :A0
acti*ists among the students and the teachers ha*e become so bold that they ha*e *irtually made the hole
ni*ersity a hostage to their e*il deeds. The ni*ersity seems to ha*e retreated from the main stream of our national
hopes and aspirations. The terrorism hich started from the 4haka ni*ersity campus has no spread o*er to other
campuses as ell.
The atmosphere for learning and teaching has ithered aay. That is hy the college and uni*ersity campuses are
full of clashes1 infighting1 chasing1 counter9chasing1 demonstrations1 gherao.1 gun9fights1 arrests1 in5uries1 killing1
strikes1 deferment of e-amination and e*en beating of teachers by students(4aily $ellat / August1 +1 66+).There is
not a single college or uni*ersity in the country form Tetulia to Teknaf here clashes among the students do not
occur. $any of these clashes are. not e*en reported in the media1 thus the true statistics in this regard are difficult to
Hoe*er1 folloing statistics published in The 4aily 8angram detailing an account of clashes of four years (from
Canuary 1 66 to ebuary +1 66+) pro*ide some insight about state of affairs /
Lear 2umber of !lashes Iniured Killed
66   +
66 +  +
66& &+B + 7
667   &
66+ (upto ebruary +)
&+  ;
!lashes ha*e occurred not only in the ma5or uni*ersities of 4haka1 :a5shahi1 !hittagong1 Cahangirnager and Islamic
ni*ersity but also at far flung college of the island of Hatiya and at the mountainous region of Khagrachari. 4uring
this period due to 3ccurrence of clashes1 theGnstitutions ere closed don unscheduled for + times(4aily
8angram / ebruary ,1 66+).The 4aily Ittefa> reported1 Including the death of 8tudents ?eague acti*ist Coydip
4utta !hodhury on Canuary 1 66+1 +7 persons ha*e been killed in 4haka ni*ersity premises since the inception
of <angladesh in 6@. Among them  ere outsiders. Among them only to persons ere killed in police firing1 the
rest ere killed in clashes beteen ri*al students(Ittefa> / ebruary ,1 66+).The students are killed in campuses
due to internal feuds1 poer ri*alry or personal >uaIrels. En>uiry committees are formed to in*estigate into these
killiIgs.<ut none of the reports are e*er made public for reasons unknon. 2obody has heard about any formal trial of 
the killers(4aily AI $u5added / $arch @1 66+).
 According to 4aily Canakantha1In the :a5shahi ni*ersity campus & perosons ere killed in the last & years. i*e
of them ere outsiders. The figure of in5ured is . 2early one thousand rooms ere burnt don. The estimated
*alue of loss on account of these clashes as Taka ten cr.ores. The ni*ersity remained closed f or thousands of
days during the last & years(4aily Canakantha / ebruaryF 71 66+).8ome institutions ere closed don again
and again. The Agriculture ni*ersity $ymensingh as closed don unscheduled for ten times. In many cases hen
an institution opened after a long closure1 it had to be closed again folloing bloody clashes(4aily $eillat / August
+1 66+).
The :A0 controlled terrorists continue their e*il acts unabated in educational institutions due to patronage and
support pro*ided to them by influential :A0 henchmen form ithin administration1 businessmen1 politicians etc.
8ome of our educational institutions ha*e turned into mini cantonments through illegal import of arms form across the
border. !ommenting on the situation1 The 4aily In>ilab reported1 At present o*er  armd men are staying in the
4haka ni*ersity residential halls. Half of them are not students. These armed outsiders also reside in the halls. The
statistics of the armed cadres staying in different halls are/ ahurul Ha> Hall9&1 Cagan 2ath Hall9&+1 ia Hall91
$u5ib Hall9&+1 8ur5a 8en Hall9&1 8hahidullah Hall9+ and a=lul Ha> Hall9+. Among the arms held by these
terrorists are cut9rifles1 re*ol*ers1 sten guns1 8.$.%s1 pistols etc. These terrorists are connected ith influential
persons ho readily supply them ith more sophisticated arms like sub machine guns1 sten guns1 mortars1 8?:s1
<ritish carbines etc. hene*er re>uired.
The 4aily $eillat published folloing report based on information obtained from intelligence and police sources1 The
4haka ni*ersity has become a hostage in the hands of  armed cadres. $any of them permanently reside in
different halls of the ni*ersity. $ost of them are outsiders. Among them t here are  professional killers(4aily
$eillat / August +1 66+).
:A0 constantly remains on the look out to e-ploit issues for creating disturbances. 0hen there is no issue1 :A0
uses its stooges to make a non9issue into an issue. :A0 e*en creates dissentions in the same party1organisation. or
institution. A big student organisation has been kept di*ided into aridpur and <arisal groups. In the Cahangirnagar
ni*ersity campus1 the st udents ha*e been kept di*ided o*er locals and non9locals ri*alry. At the Agriculture
ni*ersity campus1 occurrence of fights beteen to groups994haka and $ymensingh is common phenomenon.
<esides1 there are also occurrences of cutting tendon1 *eins1 cutting off or breaking hands and feet1 pulling out eyes1
disabling or killing of ri*al students in *arious educational institutions.
According to statistics a*ailable from $anabadhikar 8amannaya #arishad1 a Human :ights 3rganisation1 some &
educational institutions ere closed amidst fre>uent clashes beteen acti*ists of student organisations from Canuary
 to Culy & this year (66+). At least ; persons ere killed and about , hundred others in5ured in clashes. 4uring
this period + incidents of *iolence took place across the country(4aily $orning 8un/ August +1 66+).
:A0 engineered lalessness in campuses has ruined educational en*ironment. The situation has been further
orsened due to dubious role9played 'by :A0 influenced teachers. The institutions remain closed due to teachers'
in*ol*ement in politically moti*ated agitation as ell. 4uring such closure1 these teachers ork ith some 2%3s for
e-tra earning. !onse>uently the standard of education has fallen. As a result certificates aarded by <angladeshi
institutions ha*e lost their *alue abroad. !ommenting on the situation The 4aily Canakantha rote1 the guardians
and parents being afraid of the falling standards of education and the session 5ams1 prefer to send their ards to India
for higer education(4aily Canakantha / ebruary 1 66+).
3*er one hundred organisations ha*e come up during the last fe years that arrange admission of <angladeshi
students in Indian educational institutions. Ad*ertisements are published in <angladeshi dailies in*iting students to
seek admission in India. II 3f late it has become fashionable for sons and daughters of bureaucrats1 businessmen
and politicians to study abroad particularly in India. They are going to India not only for higher technical education but
also for sub5ects like fine arts1 dance1 music1 1fashion1 hair cutting1 hair styling etc. It seems that the firms engaged as
consultants for arranging admission of <angladeshi students in Indian institutions ha*e aged a crusade to attract as
many students as possible. Incredibly e*en children of class I to " are also being sent to India for education.
 According to conser*ati*e estimates nearly 1 students f rom <angladesh are studying in Indian institutions. If
e assume that a*erage e-penses per student per month are Taka +D91 the total e-penditure comes to Taka +
crore monthly and Taka ; crore annually. These students are likely to be influenced by Indian culture1 system and
traditions. Their lo*e for <angladeshi literature1 culture1 history and tradition is likely to ane. Thus e*en Gf :A0 does
not directly recruit them1 the Indian curricula ould shape them as Indians at least in out k..It is also likely that a
section of them ould de*elop indifferent attitude toards our religious and cultural distincti*eness. These people are
likely to be :A0's future lobby to demolish our independent identity and to ork for merger ith India.
It may be recalled that for 8ikkim's merger ith India the politicians and bureaucrats educated in India had played a
*ital role. 8imilarly some top leaders of 2epali a political party ho had studied in India acted to make 2epal
subser*ient to India e*en at the cost of national interests. 8oon after the party rose to poer1 it rescinded arms
purchase from !hina1 adopted Indian diotated foreign policy and e*en abandoned King <irendra's initiati*es for
making 2epal a =one of peace (hich as supported by ; of the +6 members of the nited 2ations). the party
also accepted une>ual terms in case of the hydroelectric pro5ects. All these things happened because minds of its
leaders had been influenced by Indians hile studying in India. Their education in Indian institutions had made them
pro9India in their outlook and they became tools to ser*e for Indian interests.
:A0 has also been using our student9f olk for orking against Islamic traditions and identity. They ha*e also recruited
some teachers for the purpose. These teachers gi*e statements in nespapers and make speeches in seminars etc.
in fa*our of secularism. They critici=e $uslim traditions and identity. 4ue to lobbying by such secular minded
teachers1 the educational curricula of our uni*ersities ha*e been based on secularism. Thus nobody as surprised
hen a teacher of History 4epartment of 4haka ni*ersity recently demanded. for remGLal of Islamic history and
culture from the syllabus.
 After independence of <angladesh Buranic *erse 'I>ra <isme nabbikalla=i Khala>' as dropped from the emblem of
the 4haka uni*ersity. 8imilarly the ord' $uslim' as dropped from. 8alimullah $uslim Hall and a=lul Ha> $uslim
Hall. Although Islam has no been recognised as state religion in the constitution but no step' has been taken by
ni*ersity authorities to re9introduce Buranic *erse in the ni*ersity emblem and the ord' $uslim' in the name of the
said to halls. 0hen on Cune ,1 6671 in the annual sen1ate meeting of 4haka uni*ersity1 4r. Buamrul Ahsan
!hodury1 the pro*ost of 8alimullah Hall proposed to reintroduce the ord '$uslim' alongith the names of those to
residential halls and the Buranic *erse in the ni*ersity emblem1 the :A0 influenced teachers and students re5ected
the proposal. 4tM. Bamarul Ahsan as labelled as communal. His office as attacked tice in succession by :A0
terrorists9cum9students. They also threatened him for life. The ni*ersity authorities took no steps to punish those
:A0 thus succeeded in its design to stop reintroduction of ord $uslim and Buranic *erse. Irony is bat it as
accomplished through so called $uslim students.'The <angladesh Times' reported that Hindu9!hristian 9<udha 3ikya
#arished had subinitted a memorandum to the "! 4haka uni*ersity stating that recitation of <ismillah and Buranic
*erses as contrary to the spirit of ?iberation 0ar. The nes item says. 'The use of <ismillah in the programme of
4haka ni*ersity #latinum Cubilee celebration and 4!8 reunion has created resentment in a sedion of students of 
the ni*ersity. It as re*ealed in a memorandum of 4 unit of <angladesh !hhatra Cuba 3ikya#rishad. (<!C3#)1 a
sister organisaiton of Hindu9 <udha9%hristian 3ikya #arishad1 hich as submitted to the "!. It as claimed in the
memorandum that '<ismillah' is contrary to the spirit of the ?iberation 0ar.
The memorandum as signed by more than @ students (all belonged to Cagannath Hall). It as stated in their
memorandum that in the original constitution of 6@ the pledges of the martyrs had been reflected1 although these
pledges ha*e been stamped out through the cruel dissection of the constitution. The inclusion of <ismipah and
reading of Bui9an fn the reunion programme of 4 #latinum Cubilee celebration has struck a blo to the non9
communal spirit of the ni*ersity hich ill encourage to destroy the *alues of the ?iberation 0ar(<angladesh
Times. 8eptember 71. 66+).:A0 is no pursuing an agenda to con*ert 4haka ni*ersity campus into a museum of 
statues. The aim is to gradually spread the statue culture all o*er the country.
2e statues are constantly being erected on flimsy prete-ts and baseless grounds. $any statues ha*e already been
erected in the campus. The plans are to erect many more statues of Hindu personalities by falsely associating them
ith the ni*ersity It is ell knon that Hindus including :abindra 2ath Tagore had opposed the establishment of
4haka ni*ersity. 0hen the ni*ersity as finally established despite their opposition1 Hindus sarcastically called it
as $akkah ni*ersity/ The tragedy is that 4haka ni*ersity has no become main centre for spreading Hindu culture
proposed by :abindra 2ath Tagore. If the process of erecting statues is continued1 a day ill come hen *isitors ill
find it difficult to belie*e that 4haka ni*ersity belongs to a $uslim country. It is to be remembered that Islam
prohibits erection of statues.The 4aily $eillat reported in this regard. Keeping in *ie a particular ob5ecti*e1 a
neighoburing country has been pursuing the process of erection of statues in the campus of 4haka ni*ersity. In the
span of ten years from no :A0 plans to erect  statues in the campus alone(4aily $eillat / $ay @1 66+).
The 4haka ni*ersity hich as established for the uplift of the don9trodden $uslims of this region preser*ation of
their rights and identity1 has no become' a tool in the hands of enemies of $uslim history and traditions. 2o one
knos hen 4haka ni*ersity ill be free from the :A0's influence. The plight of other educational institution is not
any better either. 3ne can only pray to Almighty Allah to sa*e our students from the clutches of :A0.
8heikh $u5ibur :ahman1 the founding father of <angladesh and its first #rime $inister is regarded as a :A0 agent
by many analysts. Hoe*er1 the contention is not supported by many others. They argue that $u5ib had elicited
Indian nelp to liberate <angladesh. India1 on the other hand1 used him to disintegrate its perpetual enemy#akistan.
Their support as not due to any lo*e for $uslim <engalees. Hoe*erM 8heikh $u5ib utterly failed to foresee Indian
game. It as only after creation of <angladesh that 8heikh $u5ip reali=ed true Indian designs. Indians e-pected that
due to their help during liberation ar <angladesh ill e*er remain grateful and indebted. #articularly after signing of
riendship Treaty in 6@1 Indians thought that < angladesh ill remain subser*ient and dependent on her. Hoe*er1
hen the ne country occasionally started conducting as a so*ereign state1 it as not liked by Indians.
:A0's apprehensions about $u5ib gre due to the folloing reasons/
a. :A0 feared that $u5ib's popularity1 toering personality and his ability to mobili=e masses c ould pose a threat to
India's o*erall ob5ecti*es in <angladesh.
b. Indians ere annoyed hen $u5ib asked Indian Army to lea*e <angladesh.
c. Indians ere further irritated hen $u5ib ordered for return of Indian ci*il administrators ho ere sent to
<angladesh to take o*er the key positions after the fall of 4haka on 4ecember ;1 6@.
d. $u5ib's decision to attend summit at ?ahore as not liked by Indians. India anted that <angladesh should remain
a secular and a client state. They did not ant it to de*elop relations ith other states1 especially ith the $uslim
In order to ensure that Indian interests are fully looked after1 :A0 arranged inclusion of its hard core agents in
$u5ib's cabinet as ell as on higher positions in Aami ?eague. These agents made all efforts to make <angladesh a
subser*ient state of India. This alienated the people from the %o*ernment. Let :A0 as not contented. olloing
'di*ide and rule' policy1 :A0 managed di*isions in $u5ib's political folloers soon after emergence of <angladesh.
8uch is the ruthlessness of :A0 that it did not hesitate from plotting against its friend and ally to further their on
interests. $u5ib's opponents later floated a political party hich openly. preached and propagated se*ere bitterness
and discontent against $u5ib and his %o*ernment. sing it9:A0 introduced in the country1 a ne0 trend of political
*iolence through hartals (general strike)1 blockades1 sit9ins1 bombings1 arson and secret killing to halt the process of
rebuilding the ar de*astated c ountry. In the name of %ano <ahini (#eople's Army) an arm ed terrorist group as also
formed by $u5ib's opponents. In ensuing fights more than  thousand %ono <ahini cadres ere killed (openly and
secretly) by the then $u5ib %o*ernment. $any of them included real patriots ho had 5oined %ano <ahini ith good
intention of sa*ing <angladesh from Indian influence.
:A0 used its stooges to forge <angladeshi currency notes1 arson 5ute godons1 created panic here and there by
bombings1 smuggled <angladeshi goods and assets to India1 organised insurgent groups like 8hanti <ahini to
disintegrate <angladesh. Abo*e all1 :A0 indirectly instigated 8heikh $u5ib to form <AK8A? and one party rule hich
defamed him in home and abroad as a dictator and killer of democracy. :A0 used :akhi <ahini (a para military force
created under Indian pressure hich as *irtually controlled by :A0) to eliminate nationalist forces.
$u5ib did try to restrict :A0's influence but :A0's agents had infested his %o*ernment and party to such an e-tent
that he *irtually became helpless accomplice in :A0's game. $oreo*er his gratitude to Indians curtailed his ill and
ability to check :A0's acti*ities. This led to sharp erosion of his popularity and mass support. $u5ib alongith his
family members as assassinated on + August1 6@+ in a military coup. After $u5ib's assassination1 Khondakar
$oshta> Ahmed took o*er the poer. He announced to follo nationalist and #ro9Islamic policies. Hoe*er1 he as
soon ousted in a counter coup master minded by :A0 through Khaled $osharraf.
?ater iaur :ahman became the #resident of <angladesh. He folloed pro9nationalist policies and resisted Indian
hegemonism. ia's independent and #ro9$uslim foreign policy and abo*e all1 his obstinate stand on Talpatti Island
made him the eye sore of India. Therefore1 :A0 turned against him. They instigated series of military coups to oust
him. ltimately :A0 succeeded in killing him during 6, after , aborted coups. The role of :A0 in assassination
of ia is ell documented in author's booklet titled1 'The 8ecrets <ehind the killing of ia'.
 A noted Indian parliamentarian $r. 8ubramaniam. 8amy1pro*ided important insight about :A0's plan to
assassinate iaur :ahman. He stated in an inter*ie gi*en to the eekly maga=ine '8unday'1 ':A0 had plotted the
assassination of #resident iaur :ahman ith appro*al from #rime $inister Indira %andhi. $r. :. 2 Kao1 the :A0
!hief and 8hankaran 2air1 a senior official of :A0 had plotted to kill %eneral iaur :ahman. The scheme as
already at an ad*anced stage ith %anghi's appro*al. <ut the !ongress %o*ernment fell and $r. $orar5i 4esai
became #rime $inister. $r. 4esai as appalled to learn about assassination plan. He called halt to the murder plot.
The :A0 arned the #rime $inister that it as too late to back out no and that many :A0 assets ould be
endangered if the plan as aborted at this stage. Hoe*er1 4esai remained adamant and finally :A0 abandoned the
assassination'. $r. 8ubramaniam 8amy commented1 'ia continued to rule <angladesh for many more years. He
as assassinated after Indira %andhi returned to poer but India said that she as not in*ol*ed'.
 After ia1 Custice Abdul 8attar became the #resident of the country. He *oed to continue ia's policies. Hoe*er1
soon his %o*ernment as o*erthron and the then !3A8 ?ieutenant %eneral Hussain $ohammad Ershad assumed
poer on $arch 71 6, in a bloodless military coup. Ershad had attended an army course in India during
6@7.There are stories that he as picked up and culti*ated by :A0 during the said course. He as gradually
nursed and supported to rise to the rank of !3A8. It is idely belie*ed that %eneral Ershad captured poer ith the
support of :A0. :eportedly Ershad had sent a special en*oy to inform $rs. Indira %andhi about the planned military
coupe to seek her blessings. $rs. %andhi ga*e her blessings on the assurance that Ershad ould hold elections at
the earliest and help in bringing into poer a 'particular' political part y.
Hoe*er1 later Ershad 1de*eloped his on ambitions. He started folloing independent foreign policy. He declared
Islam as state religion. These mo*es annoyed :A01 ho unleashed series of mo*ements to topple him. Hartals1
bandhs1 blockades etc. hich outardly meant to fall his %o*ernment1 also eakened the economy of <angladesh
and discouraged foreign in*estment. These factors impeded country's progress and de*elopment. 4uring Ershad
regime :A0 regained ground lost during ia era. He patroni=ed Indian lobby and alloed :A0 to conduct its
acti*ities *irtually at ill. The appeasement policy folloed by Ershad enabled :A0 to dig its roots deep in
administrati*e1 cultural and political echelons of <angladesh.
Ershad's belief as that by gi*ing ma-imum concessions to the Indians1 he could in their support1 hoe*er1 pro*ed
misplaced. He failed to understand that Indians did not ant merely concessions1 but total subser*ience1 hich
perhaps as a little. too much for him. Ershad as forced to resign on 4ecember ;1 66 in the ake of popular
uprising and ide spread public agitation.After Ershad1 <angladesh 2ationalist #arty (<2#)1 led by <egum Khaleda
ia came to poer by inning elections on anti India and pro9nationalist stance. #eople hoped that <2# ould follo
bold and courageous policies. Hoe*er1 the performance of <2# %o*ernment so far (6696+) is indicati*e of the
folloing /
a. <2# has been trying to outdo Aami ?eague in the ideological and other fields hich ere once considered the
latter's domain.
b. The basis of foreign policy of <2# %o*ernment has been appeasement of India.
c. :A's acti*ities and operations in <angladesh ha*e continued unabated. The :A0 agents and stooges in higher
bureaucracy and the %o*ernment continue to thri*e. 3n the other hand1 the nationalist and anti9 Indian officials ha*e
been targeted and side lined. A glaring e-ample of the same is tpe transfer of $r. Assafudollah1 the then 8ecretary of
 Agriculture and 0ater :esources $inistry. He as sent out of the $inistry due to his uncompromising and obstinate
stand on arrakka issue. 3n the contrary1 $r. aroo> 8obhan the oreign 8ecretary1 ho reportedly has been
ad*ocating for grant of transit rights to the Indians still continues to occupy the co*eted appointment1 despite serious
allegations le*eled against him by the nationalist press.
d. nder the co*er of free market economy <angladesh has been o*er9flooded ith Indian goods1hich has caused
gra*e harm to country's industrial de*elopment. $any of the e-isting <angladeshi mills and factories are on the *erge
of closure due to unplanned in9flo of Indian goods. The 2e 2ation1 an English daily rote on 6 August 66+1
under caption 'India seek cooperation from <angladesh'. 'Trade beteen the to countries no stands at ; crore
dollars compared to that of se*en crore dollars fi*e years ago'. It may be mentioned that balance of trade is
fa*ourable to India by 6@J to &J.
e. A large number of nespapers'1 maga=ines1 publishing houses1 business firms etc. ha*e been floated by :A0
under dummy onership. These are relentlessly engaged in sabotaging the country's ideology1 independence and
f. #olari=ation on account of reedom ighters *ersus 2on reedom ighters recei*ed a ne surge.
g. Educational institutions e-perienced highest fre>uency of *iolence and terrorist acti*ities. This situation actually
as arranged by :A0 hirelings and the process spread throughout the country like contagious disease. <ecause of
*iolence1 murders and session congestion in the educational institutions1 large number of students ent to India to
study in Indian uni*ersities and colleges. As a result a huge amount of foreign e-change is draining don to India.
$oreo*er1 it has pro*ided good opportunity to :A0 to brain ash our younger generation during their stay in India.
h. 2o action has been taken against :A0 stooges ho ork or speak openly against our independence and
so*ereignty. 3ur %o*ernment failed to take appropriate legal action against Taslima 2asreen1 Ahmed 8harif1 Hassan
Imam and leaders of the Hindu9<hudha9!hristian 3kkayea #arishad for speaking and riting against our country and
religion. 3n ebruary ,1 661 an Indian 5ournalist and Editor of 4ainik A5kal1 $r. $yaram 8urgeon in a seminar held
in the 2ational $useum Auditorium 4haka1 urged <angladesh to merge ith India. <ut no protest as made instantly
or later1 though the #rime $inister of <angladesh <egum Khaleda ia1 the ?eader of the 3pposition in #arliament
8heikh Hasina and other top9le*el leaders ere also present there.
It is apparent that most of our rulers ha*e been folloing the course of least resistance against :A0's onslaught.
8ome e*en resorted to appeasement to get :A0's blessings. There is a fallacious dictum in <angladesh/ 'To rise to
poer you need to be anti9India but to sur*i*e in poer you need to appease India'. #erhaps due to belief that no
%o*ernment in <angladesh can sur*i*e if it in*ites rath of :A01 our rulers do not dare to challenge and bridle :A0.
Hoe*er1 I *ehemently oppose this supposition. A %o*ernment hich boldly1 courageously and righteously pursues
national interests ill become so popular that no body ill be able to shake its foundation.
Here I also ant to dispel fears propounded by some coards and pessimists that since <angladesh is surrounded
by India on all sides1 therefore1 it is defenseless. They argue that due to its si=e and poer1 India is in a position to
destabili=e <angladesh at ill. I ant to dra their attention toards history hich pro*es that it. is not the si=e alone
hich determines a country's def ensibility. After all1 small countries like !uba and Taian ha*e e-isted despite
presence of mighty hostile countries around them. 8imilarly e-amples of Afghanistan and "ietnam can be gi*en ho
being much smaller and poorer1 still defeated s uper poers like 8o*iet nion and the nited 8tates respecti*ely.
Thus the true guarantee of a country's independence and so*ereignty. are ill and determ ination of its people. The
si=e1 affluence and resources come later. The <angladeshi people are indeed *ery patriotic and moti*ated. History
has pro*ed that they are illing to ender any sacrifice for their motherland. Hence our rulers should rely on our
nation's spirit and moti*ation for upholding and safeguarding country's integrity and independence. They should
understand that unnecessary appeasement of foreign poers ill not earn them any good. 3ur ad*ersary is too
icked and has too ambitious an agenda. $ere appeasement does not satisfy his greed and hunger1 hence it ill
pro*e futile. Those ho propound the 'appeasement theory' are either myopic or 
fifth columnists.
?et it also not be misunderstood that I am ad*ocating anti9India hysteria. !ertainly that is not my aim or ob5ecti*e.
0hat I am trying to put across is' that e must de*elop the ill and con*iction to preser*e our independence and
so*ereignty. 0e must not allo anyone a free hand to sub*ert our ideology1 independence and national interests. 0e
should assert oursel*es hene*er re>uired for claiming our 5ust rights. That is the only course for an honourable
e-istence. ?et us hope that our rulers and leaders ill reali=e this' simple fact in their on as ell as in country's
:A0 has carefully nurtured a strong pro9Indian lobby amongst top political leaders and highly placed %o*ernment
officials for promoting Indian interests in <angladesh. $any of them are ooed through financial reards in cash or
kind. The others to Indian line due to their ideological leanings. :A0's ama=ing success in penetrating in our top
echelons is a cause of gra*e concern. Indeed *ital national interests ill continue to be 5eopardi=ed if the situation is
not remedied. Here are some. e-amples of top le*el betrayals.The 0eekly <ikram of 4haka1 in its issue of 6th
2o*ember1 66&1 published an inter*ie of the then Assistant 8ecretary of the $inistry of 8hipping and 0ater
Transport. A rele*ant part of the same is reproduced belo/
'In 6@ the $inistry of 8hipping had no sea9going *essel. The #rime $inIster's 8ecretariat directed this $inistry to
procure a ship of its on. 8oon e processed the file and sent that to the inance $inistry. The inance $inistry in
their note told us to look into the matter hether India could supply us such a ship1 otherise India's appro*al ould
be re>uired if e anted to procure it from some other country. %eneral 3smani as in charge of 8hipping $inistry
hile $r. Ta5uddin as inance $inister. After recei*ing the note of Dthe inance $inistry(4aily ln>ilab / 4ecember ;1
667)took the file to the #rime $inister's office. 8heikh $u5ib1 the then #rime $inister got furious after seeing. the
note. He summoned $r. Ta5uddin to his office. 2o sooner had $r. Ta5uddin entered the #rime $inister's office1 then he
burst at top of his *oice and said1 '0 hat else ha*e you1 Ta5uddin conceded to IndiaF'
The 4aily $eillat in its editorial titled 'Allocation of money for the %anges <arrage' e-posed the e-tent of :A0's
influence on our highly placed persons. It rote /
The Agriculture $inistry has stated that the %o*ernment does not consider the %anges <arrage pro5ect as an
alternati*e to the arakka <arrage. This amounts to denying the utility of the %anges <arrage. It is not knon hether 
the comment as based upon facts and findings by the ater e-perts or it as yet another attempt to please the
Indians. The feasibility of %anges <arrage has been ell assessed by many e-perts ho had recommended
implementation of the pro5ect. <ased upon the e*aluation of e-perts1 late #resident iaur :ahman had started the
pro5ect and he himself laid the foundation stone of the <arrage.
India and her local agents ha*e been opposing the pro5ect for ulterior reasons. Indian agents in <angladesh's higher
echelons ha*e been delaying the implementation of the pro5ect on one prete-t or the other(4aily $eillat / $ay 71
66+).The 4aily Canakanta reported ho some of our senior administrators and bureaucrats ork for India1
relin>uishing country's interest. The report alleged that although the %o*ernment had prohibited import of granulated
88# fertili=er from India1 yet the $inistry of Agriculture issued a circular on April @1 66+ to import Indian fertili=er. It
is further stated by the nespaper that the Agriculture $inistry in a meeting on 3ctober 71 667 had decided to stop
production of 88# fertili=er in !hittagong T8# !omple- and instead decided for production of J T8# at the
<angladesh is self sufficient in T8# production 9and can e*en e-port some surplus stocks. <ut production of 88# is
lesser than the domestic re>uirement. 88# and T8# can be produced in the !hittagong factory at the ratio of ;J
88# and 7J T8#. <angladeshi 88# is considered superior to Indian 88#. The use of 88# can increase agricultural
yield by J. E*en being aare9 of all these facts1 9 the Agriculture $inistry asked the Industries $inistry to stop
production of 88#. The nespaper alleged that this as done to import larger >uantities from India to make up the
shortage at later stage. Indian 88# hich looks similar to <angladeshi T8#1 can be sold at higher price (price of T8#
is higher than 88#). The 4aily comments that the said lobby is orking acti*ely to make <angladesh a market for
Indian goods. They do not care if in the process country's economy and industry are totally destroyed(4aily
Canakantha / Cune 1 66+).
The 4aily In>ilab reported about appointment of an Indian in <angladesh T R T <oard. The 4aily stated that a
4irector of the 4elhi !ommunication !entre of India got the appointment at the TRT <oard ithout prior appro*al of
the concerned ministry. The appointment as made disregarding the time frame that as gi*en to the. International
Telecom nion for sending their nomination for the post. The < oard had not e*en cared to look for an e-pert from
another country. According to the details TRT <oard had approached International Telecom nion to nominate an
e-pert for 4ata E-change !entre built by it. The International Telecom nion sent the name of an1 Indian e-pert. The
concerned $inistry did not appro*e the proposal and asked for a panel of three names for final selection. Hoe*er1
disregarding the $inistry's instructions and before getting the desired response from Telecom nion1 TRT <oard
decided to appoint the Indian e-pert ho as pre*iously re5ected by the $inistry. The Indian e-pert reached 4haka
and assumed his ne assignment.
0hen asked1 the $inistry of #ost and Telecommunications e-pressed its ignorance about the said appointm ent (4aily
In>ilab / 4ecember @1 667).After publication of abo*e nes1 the TRT board sent a clarification to the 4aily In>ilab
 5ustifying their decision. <ut the reply as uncon*incing. They could not gi*e any 5ustification about hy an Indian
as appointed on such an important and sensiti*e position.
The transport sector of <angladesh is dominated by Indian *ehicles. The 8u=on Tempo of <angladesh has lost its
market due to Indian <a5a5 and A#I auto rickshas1 hich ha*e been gi*en e-cessi*e concessions. 8imilarly1 Indian
locomoti*es ha*e been preferred o*er better >uality locomoti*es from <ritain1 %ermany and !anada. This as made
possible by inks from right >uarters despite the fact that the :ailay Tender !ommittee had re5ected the offer of
Indian ?ocomoti*es !ompany. The Tender !ommittee had concluded that maintenance c ost of Indian locomoti*es
ill be1 se*en times higher(4aily In>ilab / 2o*ember &1 667).
The main ob5ecti*e of importing Indian locomoti*e engines is to make <angladesh :ailays dependent upon India
and also infiltrate :a agents in :ailays in the guise of e-perts and engineers ho ill be coming from India to
maintain and repair the locomoti*es. ?et us see hat The 4aily In>ilab !omments/ 'India is going to succeed in
grabbing <angladesh :ailays beca1?81e of the intrigues of a section of *ested interests. India began assembling
locomoti*e *ery recently and the industry' is still in initial e-perimental stage. The :ailay's Tender !ommittee had
mentioned in its report that Indian locomoti*e engines are totally unfit and unacceptable for <angladesh and had
recommended that <angladesh should not purchase these engines under any circumstances. The committee also
mentioned that yearly maintenance and' running cost of the current engines ith :ailays is one tenth of the total
cost of the engine1 hereas the said cost of the Indian locomoti*es ill be more than se*en tenth. Thus :ailays ill
ha*e to incur se*en times more e-penditure on their maintenance. <esides1 the Indian engines are of loer >uality
and the engineers of <angladesh are not e-perienced and habituated in managing and dri*ing them. Hence Indian
e-perts ill ha*e to be hired to super*ise and maintain these engines. 4espite such strong opinion of e-perts
committee1 the decision as made to purchase Indian locomoti*es(4aily in>ilab / 2o*ember &1 667).
The abo*e case makes :A0's influence in the $inistry of :oads and !ommunication amply clear. As a result of the
said arrangement <angladesh :ailays ill be re>uired to spend e-tra amount on maintenance. <esides1 the Indian
engineers ill stay in <angladesh for se*en years to maintain and repair these engines costing additional ; million
8 dollars. It is apprehended that :A0 ill be able to place its agents in '<angladesh :ailays in the guise of
e-perts and technicians. <angladesh is self sufficient in salt production.. There are huge stocks of better >uality
iodine salt in the country. <ut still some dishonest businessmen ha*e been gi*en permits to import salt from India.
They import non iodi=ed cheaper salt hich is full of adulteration of sand1 stone1 glass particles etc. The Indian salt is
also inferior in chloride content i. e. ++J as compared to 66J in <angladeshi *ariety. !onsumption of lo >uality salt
causes *arious diseases1 hence its import should not ha*e been alloed.
3n 4ecember' 1 6671 a unit of <angladesh 2a*y captured an Indian Traler alongith + Indian fishermen in
<angladesh aters1 They also had :s. ;,+& (Indian currency) in their possession. A case as registered in the
$ongla Thana in this connection on 4ecember 1 667.<ut for mysterious reason the ministry of Home Affairs
issued an order to the $agistrate of <agherhat. Accordingly1 the concerned $agistrate on 4ecember ;16671
ithdre the case and ordered the authorities of the <agherhat 'prison to release the Indian citi=ens alongith their
possessions. 0hen contacted1 the Home $inistry refused to e-plain hy the case against the illegal infiltrators as
ithdran (4aily $eillat / 4ecember &1 667).
<angladesh needs to import sugar from abroad to meet short fall in local sugar production. <ut the irony is that sugar
imports from India far e-ceeds country's actualre>uirements. As a result the <angladeshi sugar remains unsold due
to dumping of cheap Indian sugar.The 4aily Al $u5added reported on Cune 1 66+1 that &&1  tons of
<angladeshi sugar remained stock piled and unsold. The 4aily 8angram reported on Cune 1 66+ that <angladeshi
sugar orth taka 7 million remained unsold. The daily .
also reported that although import of more sugar as no more alloed1 yet a dealer opened an ?. !. account ith a
bank for import of 1 tons of sugar primarily from India. In addition smuggling of sugar from India is a common
practice. ?o >uality cheaper s ugar imported from India has ad*ersely affected the domestic sugar need to pay "AT
at Taka. .7 per Kg1hereas sugar entering <angladesh market through smuggling need not to pay any ta- or
tariff.As a result Indian sugar is sold at a cheaper rate. 3ften it is found that Indian sugar contains adulterated items
like urea1 sand and e*en glass particles1 but no remedy is a*ailable to redress the complaint.
Indian edible oil has also captured <angladeshi market. 8muggled Indian edible oil is cheaper by Taka ,D9 to  per
Kg as no duty or "AT is le*ied on said edible oil. aced ith ine>uitable competitionM oil refining mills in <angladesh
are being closed. 3ut of ; mills1 7 ha*e been already closed don. #roduction of oil has fallen from se*en lakh
tons to only three lakh tons. It is estimated that four takh tons of edible oil is smuggled into <angladesh from India
each year (4aily 8angram / Cune 1 66+).
0hen the %o*ernment recently decided to import food grains to make up the shortage1 some highly placed :A0
agents ere able to persuade the %o*ernment to import ma-imum food grains from India on the ground of its
pro-imity. A little >uantity of food grains ere also imported from other countries including #akistan1 hich as merely
an eyeash. There are complaints that most of the Indian rice did not meet the conditions of sample of the tender.
Indian rice as sub9standard1 adulterated (ith stone1 gra*el and grit)1 rotten and orm9eaten. 2umerous reports
ere published in local nespapers *entilating the sub9standard and inedible position of the Indian rice. Hoe*er1
defying all criticisms the concerned authorities accepted the rice.
The role of the officials of the $inistry of ood in the case of , thousand metric ton's of cotton and unfit rice imported
through Khalil R !o. is indeed re*ealing of their subser*ience to India. The said rice consignment reached $ongla
#ort on Cune 1 66+ by an Iranian flag *essel. The firm appointed to off load the rice refused to do so' as the rice
as rotten and orm9eaten. ?ocal food officials inspected the rice and informed the $inistry of ood in 4haka. To
handle the situation the !hief $arketing $anager of the Indian 8tate Trading !orporation1 $r. Tendon rushed to
<angladesh. This re*ersed the situation completely. The contractor that had refused to unload the rice as fined taka
 lakhs and black listed on the instruction of concerned authorities in 4haka. Another firm as assigned the
responsibility to unload the rice at higher rates. The firm refilled the rice in ne sacks inside the ship1 though the rice
as really rotten and orm9eaten(4aily Al $u5added / Cune 61 and +1 / 66+).
 Another step taken by :A0 toards crippling the agriculture and economy of <angladesh is the supply of poisonous
pesticides to <angladesh hich are prohibited e*en in India itself. These include Thiodine1 Hilbil1 <ittil1 He-actol and
Thionyl etc. These pesticides are also prohibited in <angladesh but their smuggling from India is e-ceedingly
rampant. Informed sources claim that :A0 has arranged the production of these illegal and destructi*e insecticides
in India for supplying these to <angladesh through smugglers1 ho are iG fact :A0 agents. It is but natural that
prohibited items cannot be produced by any pri*ate firm ithout direct instructions and protection of %o*ernment
authorities in India.
Thus it can be easily inferred that their production and smuggling into <angladesh is taking place ith conni*ance of
:A0. These insecticides are in5urious not onl y for the crops but also for human beings. They are so poisonous that
their destructi*e poer cannot be destroyed e*en at ; degree centigrade temperature. #eople ho eat the
*egetables on hich these insecticides ere used or applied may suffer from paralysis1 dyspepsia1 heart and li*er
problems etc. They also eaken different important internal organs of human body. Thiodine and some other
insecticides reduce the fertility of the earth. <esidesM those ho eat the rice from the field here Thiodine as applied
may suffer from dysentery1 eakness and dyspepsia. Agricultural e-perts predict that ithin ne-t + years the fertility
of the land of <angladesh ould be reduced to an alarming e-tent. 3bser*ers belie*e :A0 produces and send these
insecticides to cripple the economy1 ecology and human resources of <angladesh. Insecticides are a*ailable on
cheap rates hich easily attract the illiterate and poor tillers of <angladesh. or unknon reasons no firm step has
yet been taken to stop the illegal trade of these poisons.
The $inistry of oreign Affairs is another hot bed for :A0 stooges. It is notorious for its pro9Indian stand on all
issues1 national as ell as international. The influence of :A0 on our oreign $ inistry 'as clearly9un*eiled hen our 
oreign 8ecretary $r. aroo> 8obhan himself took the initiati*e to propagate for grant of transit facility to India.The
4aily In>ilab informed that $r. aroo> 8ubhan had urged some 5ournalists to create fa*ourable public opinion for
aarding transit facility to India. It is to be noted here that prior to his current assignment1 $r. aroo> 8obhan as the
High !ommissioner of <angladeshi in 2e 4elhi. 4aily 'In>ilab further commented1 'It is clear that the $inistry of
oreign Affairs of <angladesh has taken the responsibility of safeguarding the interests of India.
The recent statements and propagation of this $inistry to neutrali=e the displeasure of people against India due to
her anti $uslim role1 pro*e its pro9India bias(4aily In>ilab / Culy 61 66+).At a premier institution concerned9 ith
national defence1 students fre>uently ask the guest speakers1 '8ince <angladesh does not ha*e *iable defence
potential1 therefore1 ould it not be feasible to come under security umbrella of IndiaF' Apparently the >uestion
denotes mere academic probe1 but its ramifications in terms of thinking and belief of those ho are supposed to ork
and plan national defence are indeed much larger. :A01 through its continuing propaganda seems to be affecting
e*en partiotic minds on the plea of in*iolability of national defence.
:A0's in*ol*ement in internal politics of <angladesh is deep rooted. 8ince the days of ersthile East #akistan :A0
has been patronising and funding a particular group of political parties(The %entleman1 <ombay12o*ember1
6,+).:A0's interest in political acti*ities remained ali*e e*en after establishment of <angladesh. The :A0
operati*es based in Indian High !ommission 4haka1 maintain regular contacts ith <angladeshi political leaders and
uses them for furthering Indian interests.
 A report about in*ol*ement of :A0 ith certain political party in <angladesh1 compiled by $r :a5esh Coshi as
published in 4aily Indian E-press. It as later re9produced in 4ainik <angla on & April 66 and 4aily $eillat on $ay
@1 66. The report says1 ':A0 had gi*en 7.+ crore rupees to a political party of a neighbouring country
(<angladesh) for elections held on @ ebruary 66. $r < < 2andi (a high official of :A0) had gi*en the money at
!alcutta. <ut ultimately that political party failed to in the elections'.
There are reports that money as paid to some other smaller parties and indi*iduals as ell. There are also reports
that :A0 had offered to pay money to some other parties including pro Islamic and pro9nationalist parties. <ut they
declined to accept the money. The point to be noted is that :A0 tried to enlist support of di*erse political groups ho
are ideologically opposed to each' other. It pro*es that :A0 is orking on the policy of ha*ing to types of clients in
<angladesh i.e. A team and < team. This is to ensure that irrespecti*e of hich political party is in poer1 their
purposes should be properly ser*ed.
In pursuance of abo*e policy1 :A0 has culti*ated agents and supporters in almost all ma5or political parties. These
highly placed persons are pro*ided material incenti*es in cash as ell as in kind. %rant of agencies of Indian
companies1 promoting business1 helping in securing loans1 arranging medical treatment in India for them and their
families1 granting scholarships to The children of fa*oured politicians are only some ays to dole out incenti*es to
their agents and supporters.
 A recent e-ample of :A0s influence o*er the %o*ernment circles of <angladesh as thG proposal of gi*ing the
responsibility of preparing the *oters lists and laminated identity cards to Indian companies. 8i-ty companies1 both
local as ell as foreign1 had submitted tenders for this ork. <ut the concerned >uarters selected only Indian
companies to undertake this ork of national importance. It may be' pointed out that necessary material1 technology1
organi=ation and e-pert manpoer ere a*ailable in <angladesh for doing the said ork. A <angladeshi firm1 8apta
8indhu ?imited had offered to do the 5ob using local technology and manpoer ithin  days at a cost of + crore
taka. <ut despite their competiti*e offer the ork as assigned to Indian companies.
Had not the patriotic people of <angladesh protested against this gra*e security lapse1 :A0 ould ha*e succeeded
in its nefarious designs. Taking ad*antage of this opportunity :A0 ould ha*e been able to enlist many Indian
Hindus as *oters in <angladesh to achie*e fa*ourable election results. <y such manipulation :A0 may ha*e
succeeded in bringing to poer a puppet %o*ernment in <angladesh to ser*e their purpose. 8uch a %o*ernment
could e*en be e-pected to go to the e-tent of proposing in the parliament to incorporate <angladesh into the Indian
nion. Another important benefit for the Indians ould ha*e been that once credentials of these Hindu Indians ere
established as citi=ens of <angladesh1 it ould ha*e been easier to push them back for permanent settlement in
E*en the Hindus ho had left <angladesh during 67@1 after disposing off their mo*able and immo*able properties
and had been settled in India as permanent citi=ens1 might be brought back to ork as agents of :A0. A campaign
had already started propagating that nearly one crore Hindus ere forcibly compelled in the past to lea*e
<angladesh. An organi=ation called Hindu9<uddha9!hristian . 3ikya #arishad1 hich orks as an offshoot of Indian
<C# in <angladesh1 in their national conference held on $ay 71 66+ demanded to bring back these one crore Hindus
from India. Although after storm of protests from all o*er <angladesh the aard of said ork to Indian companies'
as cancelled1 but an important point to be noted is that some of the opposition parties ho otherise routinely
critici=e e*ery %o*ernment action did not utter a single ord against this decision.
Is it not proof enough of :A0's influence on %o*ernment as ell as on many political parties in the countryF
Hoe*er.1 the redeeming feature is that people of <angladesh stand solidly together to thart Indian designs. Indeed
that is the real guarantee for country's independence and so*ereignty. The abo*e are only some of the e-amples of
:A0's influence in higher echelons of <angladesh. I could go on narrating endless details of the same but the
paucity of space restricts further narration. Hoe*er1 I hope that the readers ould ha*e grasped the magnitude of
:A0's penetration.
India has been demanding grant of transit route through <angladesh for pro*iding supplies to its se*en north9eastern
states. The proposal is that <angladesh should pro*ide road and rail transit beteen !alcutta1 Agartala1 8hillong and
%auhati *ia 4haka. <esides1 use of <angladesh's inland ater9ays for Indian steamers is also t )ing demanded.
India also ants to use !hittagong #ort for transportation of goods t o Tripura and $i=oram states. To make these
proposals profitable a toll payment is being promised. 8uch transit facility arrangements do e-ist in se*eral parts of
the orld1 therefore Indian proposal at the out set may appear innocent and innocuous. <ut the problem arises due to
India's e-pansionist and e*il designs against her smaller neighbour. The fear is that the use of9transit facility ill not
remain restricted for commercial purposes. :ather it ill be used for sub*erting <angladesh's so*ereignty and
economic ell being.
It may be pointed out that the north9eastern Indian region is not isolated or cut off from mainland. Already good
communication links e-ist beteen India's mainland and the se*en northeastern states. These channels are already
being used not only for supplying consumer goods but also for mo*ement of troops. Thus there is no dire necessity
for a transit facility through <angladesh. A dispassionate analysis suggests that these proposals should not be
accepted by <angladesh for the folloing reasons/
a. A ide trade gap in fa*our of India already e-ists due to <angladesh's eaker economy1 Indian machinations1
unbridled smuggling and dubious economic policies by our %o*ernment. The grant of transit facility to India ill
facilitate smuggling1 thus increasing the trade gap e*en further.
b. It ill not be possible for our police and security forces to super*ise Indian *ehicles and commodities throughout
the proposed transit routes. At best the checking may be possible at entry and e-it points though e*en that ill
depend upon cooperation of the Indians. India may cooperate during checking of *ehicles and commodities in the
initial days1 gradually she ould backout. It should not be forgotten that India has already earned a name for breach
of promises and riggling out of her international commitments.
c. India may initially sign an apparently amicable transit agreement to make a beginning. <ut at a certain stage she
may start demanding amendments in the terms and conditions of the original agreement.It ill then be difficult for
<angladesh to get out of the net.
d. :A0 ill certainly use this facility for furthering1 and pursuing its on agenda of sub*ersion. It ill become easier
to smuggle arms and e-plosi*es throughout <angladesh. <esides1 it ill facilitate mo*ement of :A0's agents1
terrorists and stooges to and from <angladesh.
e. 3ners of Indian buses and trucks ill be greatly benefited by transit facility. 3n the contrary1 <angladeshi
transport sector ill suffer due to ad*erse competition.
f. Another fear is that the said transit facility ill not remain restricted to commercial use only. It is almost certain that
the Indians ill use it for military purposes on the prete-t of utmost necessity. The mo*ement of troops and supplies
of arms to the northeastern states ill gradually become routine. This can be used by India for massing troops e*en
inside <angladesh.
g. The said facility ill also be used by India for troop. mo*ements against !hina. This ill hamper. <angladesh's
relationship ith a friendly country. 
h. In the name of ensuring security of indian property and personnel1 India may demand from <angladesh for alloing
her to station her troops inside <angladesh. :A0 may arrange feint attacks on Indian *ehicles through its agents and
thus create enough 5ustification for India's demand to station her troops to protect her persons and property. In this
garb :A0 may get free hand to physically annihilate patriotic forces opposed to Indian e-pansionist design. Another
danger is that :A0 may e*en arrange mock attacks on Indian troops to 'prepare grounds for India to undertake
offensi*e action against <angladesh. '
 5. E*entually it ill become impossible for <angladesh to e-ercise her so*ereign authority on the t ransit route. <ut
once alloed it ill be *ery difficult to close the same. India may argue that the transit route is *ital for her economy
and security and its closure ill amount to hostile action. In such a situation India may e*en force ar on <angladesh
and capture her1 to protect her *ital interests.
:A0 has recently stepped up campaign to press for 'transit facility'. Its stooges are engaged in propagating the
ad*antages <angladesh ould ha*e if she accepts India's proposal for transit facility. <eside India is e-erting
relentless pressure on <angladesh for grant of transit facility at least on e-perimental basis. 3f late efforts are being
made to' link the issue ith arakka <arrage and proposals far 5oint resolution of the to' issues are being put across.
It has also been offered that as a reciprocal measure <angladesh may be granted transit route to' <hutan and 2epal.
Hoe*er1 e must not fall prey to' any such tactics. 0e must not forget the character of Indian leaders. If Indian bus
and truck ser*ices once start plying through <angladesh1 it ill ne*er be possible to' stop them under any
circumstances. 0e remember ho India ithdre ater of the %anges at arakka on an e-perimental and temporary
basis. 8heikh $u5ib trusted the seet promise of Indian leaders1 in good faith. <ut that trial operation of arakka still
continues and perhaps it ill ne*er came to' an end.
It is ob*iously difficult to' stop anything if it once starts. 8a if <angladesh once grants transit facility an e-perimental
basis1 it ill be ne-t to impassible to stop it gi*en India's track record. It should be remembered that India may e*en
apt far open hostility including declaring ar against <angladesh1 if she considers that her *ital interests are being
endangered by our actions at same stage. 3n the other hand India can ithdra the reciprocal concessions gi*en to
us in e-change of transit facility on any flimsy ground and e ould not be able to do anything about it. In the face of
such possibilities e ha*e no reason to be attracted to the seet bait of Indian leadership. It ill ne*er be beneficial
far <angladesh to grant transit facility to India in return far same monetary benefits no matter hat it amounts to. 0hy
should e allo India to use our land in the name of transit facility hen e are certain that it ill impinge an our
so*ereignty and national interestsF
:A0 is continuously spreading false propaganda against <angladesh specially1 in Europe and nited 8tates of
 America. :A0's ob5ecti*es in this regard are/
() T3 defame <angladesh.
() T3 isolate <angladesh from the community of nations.
(&) T3 pro5ect <angladesh as a fundamentalist country here religious minorities do not en5oy basic human rights.
(7) T3 influence policies of 0estern 0orld through misinformation as that their economic and political support to'
<angladesh decreases.
0ith a *ie to achie*ing abo*e ob5ecti*es :A0 is pursuing *igorous anti9<angladesh campaign in Europe and 8A
particularly far the last fe years. In 66 :A0 engineered the setting up of <angladesh98A Human :ights %roup
based in the nited 8tates. The stated aim of the organi=ation is to maintain human rights situation in <angladesh.
Hoe*er1 it has become a forum far spreading anti9<angladesh propaganda. Its reports to the contrary tend to ser*e
Indian interests.
!ommenting about the said organi=ation 0eekly 4haka !ourier rate1 Initially people elcomed its inception but it
failed to conceal its ugly face and started doing hat ser*ed India's interest better. Cust after its inception it rote a
letter to the 8 !ongressman Tom ?antos1 !o9!hairman of the !ongressional Human :ights committee bringing
multiple charges of human rights *iolations on minorities in <angladesh. This group appealed to the 8 !ongress to
stop American financial assistance to <angladesh unless the religious minorities are properly treated.
The letter alleged that <angladesh %o*ernment had reaffirmed Islamisation in <angladesh and ignored the rights of
minority communities. It alleged that <angladesh *iolated 2 Human :ights charter by infringing upon religious rights
of Hindus1 <uddhists and !hristians. !opies of this letter ere circulated among the high ranking members of the
!ongress and' the 8enate (4haka !ourier/ ebruary +1 66&).
 A &9day international conference as held in ?ondon from 3ctober , to .1 66 on the status of minorities in
<angladesh. A number of so9called delegates ere in*ited from different parts of Europe and The nited 8tates to
represent Hindu1 <uddhist and !hristian communities of <angladesh. Hoe*er1 in actual fact1 most of the so9called
delegates ere either Indian citi=ens or Americans or Europeans of Indian origin. 3nly a fe delegates belonged to
<angladesh. The speakers at the conference spoke about grossly e-aggerated accounts of maltreatment1
discrimination1 atrocities and forceful e-odus of the minorities in <angladesh.
4r. 8abyasachi 4astidar1 a #rofessor of 2e Lork ni*ersity ho had migrated to I ndia in the late 7.s from <arisal
4istrict of <angladesh presented a paper at the conference on behalf of the 8 branch of the Hindu9<uddhist9
!hristian !ouncil. The paper as later published in 8outh Asia orum1 a >uarterly brought out from 2e Lork to dra
the attention of the nited 8tates %o*ernment and people toards fake charges against <angladesh.4uring the later
part of 661 :A0 arranged numerous seminars1 meetings and demonstrat ions in 2e Lork highlighting the sub5ects
related to mistreatment of <angladeshi minorities. %uest speakers ere in*ited from foreign countries in these
seminars and meetings to use them in anti9<angladesh campaign. Articles1 features and nespaper reports about
discrimination against minorities
in <angladesh published in pro9Indian nespapers in 4haka ere translated and distributed to different acti*ists and
:A0 has also been making concerted efforts to internationalise !HT problem. In 66 :A0 stooges arranged a
conference in 2e Lork 8chool for 8ocial :esearch on tribal minorities in 8outh Asia ith speical reference to
<angladesh. 3ne <angladeshi speaker tried to dra a parallel beteen the 6@ ar of liberation and the armed
struggle of tribal people in the !hittagong Hill Tracts. :A0 arranges posting of fake letters to the 8 !ongressmen1
8enators1 human rights groups1 nited 2ations affiliated agencies etc. about alleged human rights abuses in !HT.
urther it arranges publication of articles in the media to dra attention to the so9called atrocities of the <angladesh
 Armed orces on the tribal people of !HT. #riests and posters of churches are also approached in the nited 8tates
to rite letters to local !ongressmen and put political pressure on the 8 !apital Hill on the issue. A lengthy
memorandum as submitted to the 2 8ecretary %eneral re>uesting him to send a 2 team to <angladesh for
in*estigation of alleged ar crimes. !opies of protest letters and leaflets ere distributed in the streets of 2e Lork to
create fa*ourable public opinion in this regard.
:A0 selected 2e Lork as the main centre for anti9<angladesh campaign because/ () It is the ner*e centre of orld
politics and business here leaders1intellectuals and businessmen from all o*er the orld get. together. () 8A is
no the only super poer. <esides it is the nd largest donor country to <angladesh and the largest buyer of
<angladeshi garments. Hence the effort to hamper <angladesh98 arm relations. (&) To create an anti9<angladesh
public opinion so that 8A does not put pressure on India to resol*e its disputes ith <angladesh.
Influenced by these organised campaigns in the 8A during the last couple of years1 @9 8 !ongressmen ina 5oint
letter to #rime $inister Khaleda ia e-presed their concern on the reported discrimination and mistreatment of
religious minorities in <angladesh. In the letter they said1 The estaGlishment of Islam as the state religion continues
to cause concern among Hindus1 <uddhists and !hristian minorities. 0e are concerned that these e*ents are part of
mistreatment of religious minorities.Among the !ongressmen ho signed this letter (from 4emocratic as ell as
:epublican #arty) are/ Thomas oglietta of #ensyl*ania1 %ary Ackerman1 Eliot Engle and Edolphus of 2e Lork1
Henry 0a-man and 2ancy #elosi of !alifornia1 ehristopher 8mith of 2e 5ersey and <ernard 8anders of "ermont.
The :A0 stooges like <idut 8arkar1 8tephen %ome=1 8hambal !hodhury are being protrayed as leaders of the
Hindu9<uddhist9!hristian !ouncil in some 8 nespapers. A <uddhist monk named <imal "hikhu has been going
strong lobbying in 0ashington and the nited 2ations. <imal "hikhu had migrated to !alcutta in 6,; and
permanently settled in India. !: 4utta1 <imal "hikhu and other leading acti*ists met se*eral members of the House
of :epresentati*es and 8enate including 8enator Kennedy in 0ashington. It is learnt that :A0 has been using
Indian missions in 0ashington1 2e Lork and other. 8 cities for arranging inter*ies of dissident leaders ith the
leading !ongressmen an1d 8enators.
:A0 has also been using *arious 2 bodies for propagating against <angladesh. In 66 !entre for Human :ights
based in %ene*a arranged a conference on the International Lear of the 0orld's Indigenous #eople.:A0 arranged
inclusion of an Indian citi=en $r. <imal "hikhu in the list of the 2%3 speakers. He addressed the conference claiming
to represent the tribal community of !HT. He castigated <angladesh for all sorts of actions and e-cesses against
tribal people of !HT.
:A01 has also been arranging *isits to 2 Human :ights !ommission by !hakma leaders almost e*ery year. After
the demolition of <abri $os>ue1 <angladeshi $uslims shoed highest degree of restraint in *entilating their anger'
and grief. Hoe*er1 some spontaneous anti9Indian demonstrations ere staged in 4haka and elsehere in
<angladesh. 2o Hindu as killed in these demonstrations. <angladesh %o*ernment took unprecedented
precautionary measures to check any untoard happening. 2e*ertheless :A0 stooges based in the nited 8tates
shamelessly launched *igorous anti9<angladesh campaign about alleged e-cesses against Hindus in <angladesh.
8cores of anti9<angladesh demonstrations took palce in front of the 2 building and the <angladesh !onsulate in
2e Lork. Anti9<angladesh slogans condemning so called comm unal and racial *iolence ere raised in these
$emorandums ere submitted to the 2 8ecretary %eneral1 <mlgladesh !onsulate %eneral and other Human
:ights organisations le*elling charges against <angladesh%o*ernment on its supposed failure to protect the rights
and properties of the Hindus.:A0 is also using local Indian maga=ines including 2es India and India Abroad etc.
for anti9<angladesh propagation. 4istorted facts and figures are published in these maga=ines for furtherance of
:A0's ob5ecti*es.
8pecial articles are ritten by :A0 hirelings to defame <angladesh. :A0 stooges pro5ect <angladesh as a
orthless country hose people are. fanatics1 unci*ilised and de*oid of ci*ic sense. Thus hat they say about
arakka or Talpatti or about Indian in*ol*ement in !HT affairs is senseless.The abo*e are some e-amples of :A0's
anti9<angladesh propaganda campaign abroad. It is imperati*e for <angladesh %o*ernment to take appropriate steps
to thart :A0's propaganda.
Ee.#%&n &9 (a;ed W%e Fen.e Al&n" (&de!
India is pursuing an ambitious and higly e-pensi*e programme for erection of barbed ire fence along the Indian
border ith <angladesh. It is ama=ing that India has embarked upon the programme at a time hen the trends all
o*er the orld are to remo*e physical barriers beteen nations and the people. The remo*al of infamous <erlin 0all
is an e-ample of same phenomenon. The alls1 fences and other physical barriers are constructed to protect a
country against e-ternal threat. Buestion arises as to hat threat <angladesh poses to India's securityF 3b*iously
there is no threat to India from <angladesh. Then hy India is implementing the programme despite *ery high costsF
The usual e-planation gi*en by Indian authorities is that they ant to seal India's borders ith <angladesh in order to
check illegal infiltration. Hoe*er1 their real aim is indeed sinister. The Indians ant to con*ert t he borders into a one
ay *al*e hose control ill be ith them. This ill enable them to pursue their *arious nefarious designs against
<angladesh ith ease including 'push back'1 launching of terrorists1 saboteurs1 spies1 organising one ay smuggling
and drug trafficking etc.
The erection of ire fence is being undertaken in a phased but rapid programme. 0ork is already in progress in
*arious sectors of I ndo9<angladesh border. :eporting about progress of the ork in 4ina5pur1 Thakargaon and
panchagarh areas1 4aily Canakantha rote/ 4ay and night ork is going on to build metalled roads along the border.
8imilarly erection of ire fence is also being undertaken at rapid speed. Already +@ kilometre long fence has been
erected. $oreo*er Indian <order 8ecurity orce (<8) has instructed the farmers ho ha*e lands along the border
not to culti*ate crops hich gro tall enough to obstruct obser*ation. The e-penditure on construction of the roads
and erection of fence is estimated to be :s 7;, crores(Canakantha / $ay 1 667).The 4aily 8angram reported in its
issue of Culy @1 66+1 ence is being erected in three ros from 8ona $o>ue topposite !hakpara) to Karimgan59
Kaligan5 area. <esides1 obser*ation toers and metalled road ha*e also been constructed ithhin  yards of the
The 4aily Al $u5added reported1 The barbed ire fence in Cibannagar sector of !huadanga 4istrict has three ros.
The first ro is 6 feet high fenc1e mounted on angle iron pickets. The middle ro is 7 feet high straight fence and the
last ro is ; feet high coil fence. The centre ro is electrified. The ros are & feet apart from each other. A  feet
ide metalled road has been constructed at a distance of  feet from the fence. 8teel gates ha*e been fi-ed in the
fence at each  kilometre distance(Al mu5added / $ay 71 66+).Along Indo9<angladesh border in 8atkhira sector1
India has constructed barbed ire fence all along the border. The fence has three ros. The middle ro shall be later
electrified. 3bser*ation toers are being built at close inter*als($u5added / April 1 66+).India has also erected
barbed ire fence at %aro Hills area1 8ylhet9$aul*i <a=ar border and along border of Tripura state(4aily Canata / $ay
1 66+).
Erection of fence along the border is part of a bigger consipiracy by :A to cripple <angladesh. There are repotts
that after construction of barbed ire fence1 push back operations ill be undertaken ith ma-imum *igour as :A0
belie*es that after erection of fence1 it ill be impossible for p.eople pushed into <angladesh to return. 8imilarly there
ill be tremendous increase in infiltration of Indian agents and smuggling of all types 'of goods including drugs into
Ille"al O..$a#%&n &9 (an"lade!% Land
India has illegally occupied <angladeshi land in many border areas. 2o here in the orld a country occupied a
neighbouring country's land the ay India has <angladesh's land. India is determined to perpetuate her illegal
possession of such land. That is hy in the past & years of #akistan and in another 7 years of <angladesh1India
ne*er seriously sat don to sol*e the border issues.At many places she did not e*en gi*e areas allotted to
<angladesh by :adcliffe Aard. India has been persistently refusing to undertake 5oint sur*ey and demarcation of
borders. In many border areas Indians e*enremo*ed old border pillars and encroached upon <angladeshi territory. In
areas here middle stream of the ri*er is recognised as the border1 India di*erted the ri*er course toards
<angladesh territory and grabbed <angladeshi area. The illegal occupation of <angladesh's land by India has taken
place at o*er one hundred places. Hoe*er1 due to paucity of space1 here I hould' gi*e details of only a fe cases
to inform my readers about Indian manipulation and tactics in this regard.
India is in ad*erse occupation of  acres of <angladeshi land at '<erubari sector in the district of Calpaiguri. A
sur*ey team consisting of members from both countries *isited the area in 66. 8ensing that solution to the problem
may be found by the team1 :A0 decided to put hurdles in the ay of the team. It manipulated sentiments of the
people in Indian area by spreading rum our that if the team is alloed to ork the area ould go to <angladesh
creating problems for the people of the locality. 8ome political parties of India including <C# and orard <lock ere
instigated to launch mo*ement against sur*ey ork at <erubari area and the possible handing o*er of some land to
<angladesh. That forced the sur*ey team to abandon its ork and lea*e the locality ithout accomplishing its
task(4aily <horer Kaga= / 2o*ember 1 667).
The 4aily 8angram reported1 4ue to India's obstinacy and hegemonism to border points in the areas of :a5shahi
4istrict ha*e remained unsettled for a *ery long period. These to areas are !handansahar of !harghat #olice
8tation and the other is the 2irmalchar of %odagari #olice 8tation. Although these areas are rightly in <angladesh1
yet the Indian <8 has alays been putting pressure to forcibly occupy them. In 3ctober 661 the Indian <8
supported some India citi=en to attack <angladeshi farmers orking in 2irmalchar area. At one stage <8 forcibly
occupied the area and dug some bunkers as ell. Hoe*er1 on being approached by <4: they left the area. <ut the
Indians ha*e not yet agreed to conduct a 5oint sur*ey settle the issue for good. A source maintains that the Indians
intend to forcibly occupy the area(8angram / $arch +1 667).
The Indians claim that since #adma :i*er is the border line1 therefor1 !handansahar shore belongs to them.
Hoe*er1 they forget that in this region the ri*er course keeps on changing. It does not mean that border line ill also
change. 4ecision about the onership of shore should be made based on old records of ri*er course in 67@. India1
hoe*er1 is not ready to accpet it. <angladesh %o*ernment sources stated that the Indians ha*e been re>uested time
and again to settle the matter but they did not respond at all. As a result the <angladeshis li*ing in the area are under
constant threat of intimidation and fear from the Indians(4aily 8angram / $arch 1 667).
In the Thakargaon border area1 the Indians ha*e been trying to forcibly take aay 6 acres of land from <angladesh.
In Canuary1 6671 some Indians entered into the area and started preparing a tea garden there.Although <4: and
<8 5ointly settled the matter1 the Indian farmers once again on  ebruary1 667 entered the area and started ork
for the same end. This time the Indians supported by <81 managed to make a tea garden o*er an area of one acre
of land(4aily <angIa <a=ar #atrika / ebruary 1 667).
The 4aily Ittefa> reported1 3f the , miles border ith India in the 4istrict of #anchagarh1 , miles are demarcated
by ri*er. The ri*er course has been closing in toards <angladesh e*ery year due to floods and picking up of stones
by labourers by breaking the ri*er banks.This has resulted in creation of ne shore. India has occupied nely formed
shore though these do not fall into her territory. 0hen contacted1 the rele*ant department of <angladesh %o*ernment
informed that the Indians do not turn up on the appointed day and time for deciding such border demarcation issue.
They keep on dragging these cases. Knoledgeable sources maintain that moti*ated by their e*il intention to keep
<angladesh's land under illegal occupation1 they do not send their sur*ey team to settle these matters(4aily Ittefa> /
8epember 61 667).
3n 4ecember 61 66&1 the Indian <8 personnel forcibly occupied  s>uare kilometre of <angladesh's land
ad5acent to the 8underbans of the Kaikhali and :am5an 2agar nions located at the end of 8atkhira 4istrict. They
sank don more than  boats of <angladesh1 kidnapped some fishermen and threatened the others not to re9enter 
into the cality(In>ilab1 4ecember @1 66&). India has kept under forcible illegal occupation + acres 'of land at
the Taindong and Asalong *illages of $atiranga #olice 8tation in the Khagrachari Hill 4istrict.
In 6,;9,@1 people of these *illages1 after being attacked by 8hanti <ahini guerillas1 left the area due to lack of
security. The <8 occuppied the said area comprising of + acres. <8 has set up to camps in the said land.
They ha*e also constructed metalled road and erected electric lines. 0hen in $ay 66+1 the Indian farnlers1 on being
prompted by <81 started culti*ating the said land the <angladeshi farmers ob5ected. Hoe*er1 <8 still cont inues to
occupy the said land(4aily Canakantha1 $ay + 66+).The 4aily AI $u5added reported1 India has forcibly occupied
& acres of land along he greater Kushtia border area. It is located beteen pillar 2o. ;9@1 pillar 2o. &9&&
at the Kathuli border1 in the Isakhali border from pillar 2o. 9+ to 9;+1 and of Kushtia 4istrict at pillar 2o. +&9
+ to +797+. <esides1 & <igha of <angladeshi land is under forcible occupation of India1 beteen main pillar 2o ,
and , at the <aradi border of 4amorhuda #olice 8tation and beteen pillar ,6 and 6 in Chakurpur border of 4istrict
!huadanga($u5added / Cune 71 66+).
 A $edia 8yndicate report published in The 4aily 2e 2ation stated1 India has occupied  s>uare miles of
<angladesh's territory by constructing dams1 barrages and other structures on ri*ers entering <angladesh. India has
constructed + dams and 7 structures on + ri*ers. These structures ha*e caused loss of ater in ri*ers. <y putting
up pillars and fences in dry areas India is claiming so*ereignty1 o*er 1 s>uare miles of land that belongs to
<angladesh(2e 2ation/ 3ctober 1 66+).
S&# Tal$a##% I!land
 A glaring e-ample of India's forcible occupation of <angladeshi land is the case of 8outh Talpatti Island. The Island is
located at a distance of ; metre from the mainland shore of <angladesh as measured by aerial sur*ey obtained
from remotely sensed imageries. The !handbaria range of <angladesh's orest 4epartment in the 4istrict of 8atkhira
is the nearest landmass of <angladesh. The border in this region is based on :i*er Hariabhanga hose main course
lies in the est of the Island. Thus the Island forms an integral part of <angladesh. The :adcliffe Aard had fi-ed mid
ri*er course as the border beteen India and the then East #akistan. The same formula as inherited by
<angladesh. <ased on the said principle1 the onership of 8outh Talpatti Island should lie ith <angladesh. In a
sur*ey map made in 6;@ by 8ur*ey of #akistan1 the Island as shon in East #akistan (no <angladesh). The
8ur*ey of <angladesh map issued in'6@ had also shon the Island as part of <angladesh. <ut India is not prepared
to accept the said reality. 3n $ay 61 6,1 India landed her armed forces on 8outh Talpatti Island ith the support of
three arships of Indian 2a*y. 8ince then India is maintaining her illegal occupation of the Island. <angladesh has
sent many proposals to India to settle the onership issue of the Island. <angladesh also proposed a 5oint or
international sur*ey. <ut India does not agrGe to hold any sur*ey ork. They kno that such ork ill establish that
the Island belongs to <angladesh. 4isregarding all principles1 India has resorted to the 5ungle rule of 'might is right'.
Establishment of <angladesh's right o*er the 8outh Talpatti Island ill add +1 s>uare kilometers area to
<angladesh. <esides1 the na*al and strategic importance of this Island to <angladesh is enormous. The shallo sea
shore and beach around this Island can be de*eloped for tourism purposes. $oreo*er geological sur*eys ha*e
indicated deposits of huge minerals like iron ore1 $anganese1 Aluminium etc. in the off shore of the Island.
$oti*ated by her desire to grab rich resources of the Island and also in pursuance of her e*il design to re9establish
 Akhand <harat1 India has kept her illegal hold on the Island. It is ell knon that <angladeshi fishermen ere the first
to reach the Island. They had established fishing camp on the Island in the past. In 6@7 8/neikh $u5ibur :ehman
ga*e permission t.o si- foreign companies for oil e-ploration in the area. These companies carried out e-ploratory
ork in the off shore of <ay of <engal. Indians raised their claim only after 6@7. Buestion arises that if the Island
as India's territory1 hy did not she claim it before 6@7. It may also be noted that India established her possession
of the Island only in 6,.
India is gradually consolidating its hold o*er the Island. In this regard the 4aily $eillat reported1 India has
strengthened her armed position on the Island. India is already negotiating ith foreign companies to grant them right
for oil and gas e-ploration around the 8outh Talpatti Island. The concerned I ndian $inistry has already in*ited tenders
for the ork.The issue of unsettled border lines beteen <angladesh and India is indeed a ma5or reason for constant
trouble and souring of relations beteen the to countries. In 6@71 8heikh $u5ibur :ahman and $rs Indira %andhi
had signed a treaty for sol*ing the unsettled border issues. The treaty signed on the $ay ;1 6@71 as published in
the <angladesh %a=ette on the 2o*ember ,1 of the same year. The border treaty as later incorporated into the &rd
amendment of our constitution. In this treaty it is stated that all sur*ey orks ould be finished by 4ecember &1 6@7
by both countries. It as also pro*ided in the treaty that the map (ne) ould be prepared by $ay 1 6@+ and a
 5ointly appro*ed map ill be published by 4ecember &1 6@+. 4etails of disputed border lines ere also mentioned
in the treaty signed by both parties. After signing the treaty1 the sur*ey ork began in some areas. <ut after 8heikh

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