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Objective: Awarness increase by Brand building

Creative Pitch: Apna ghar, Apna Parichey- To drive motivation for building their own house
themselves; One stop solution for all your home building needs- Ab har ghar ki dhrudhta me
saath he Aashiyana ; har ghar ki majbuti ki pehchan he Aashiyana
Awareness Campaign Content Budget Metric Benchmark
Above the Brand endorsement IPL budget- 15 No. of New
line- TV Campaign- IPL matches and crore impressio customers
premiere TV channels, Other TV channels ns based =0.01%
business channels, news at prime time -10 on ratings
channels for 6 months at crore for 6 months
prime time. (Assuming- Rs
10000 per 30 sec
Banners In important junctions and 2 crore
and marketplaces
Below the Brand endorsement, 15 Lakh CTR 30% CTR
line- Social Campaign with hastags
Media connecting with families
SEO and SEO improvement with 10 lakhs SERP
third party targeted content and Ads on
websites the third party websites.
Websites, Promoting aashiyana website 10 lakhs
blogs and tata brands on blogs
through content writing by
hiring content writers
YouTube  Brand endorsement 50 lakhs CTR 20% CTR
Campaign (ADS)
 Customer Journey
 Video series on home
learning in different
Influencer  Awarness drives for 20 lakh No. of 50% of
Campaign- using Aashiyana contractor contractors
Home websites for the s reached reached
builder Builders/Architects/D
contractors esigners, who will be
the most important
Social Media
Website Improvements,
available offers
in better
creative ads or
Timely reply
from TATA after
quotations and
an estimated
time of delivery

Cross Sell Strategy

1. Buyer Testimonials
2. Brand recommendations at home page
3. Learning about brands and products at home page
4. Home products demo at home page
5. Home buy products timeline
6. Home buy products AI assistance
7. Home buy products descriptions & recommendations at buy page
8. Develop cross selling through registered service providers on website

Customer Engagement Metrics Benchmark

1. Developing  No of links clicked  Total Clicks/No of
understandable content, within the website visitors>50% of the
showcasing range of by a visitor no of clicks available
products and brands on that page
available on home page at  Average Time  Engagement rate=
the front below the spent on each page Engaged users/total
slideshow. vistors to that
2. Slideshow showcasing page>50%
offers and Premium 
3. Material modern design
of website with side bar
and filters options
4. Social Media handles on
all pages including
product page to share
their product
5. AI chat bot for product
6. Home building videos on
home page with products
suggestions at each step
of home building in the
7. Material cost calculator
clickable button on
product page and home
page besides the usual
8. 3d map of home building
for few products
9. Related Product
recommendations at
product buy page.
10. Content subscription on
blog pages

stop platform for Individual Home Builders strategy
Mobile App
Referral Policy and brand buying policy
Awarness and Branding through social media, youtube and TV Ads
Youtube and home page video series on home building and
targeting brands at each stage of home building
Home design products suggestions on 3d map page
Brand Testimonials
Lucid content with homebuilding flow chart besides deep
explanations with better readable content on blog pages
Discount promotions and brand clubbing discounts
Help page, order page, track order on main menu
Quick service reply
Marketing facts of tata products: USP or how is it better than other
steel competitors products or how much it is used in India like 67%
rely on India rebar for home construction
Product suggestions on product page will help in dicovery
Brands and product discovery creatives at front page

1. Primary Research- Contact IHB’s, and retail shops

a. Questions:
i. What is your preferred mode of buy for home equipments?- retail
shop, through contractor, website; if website- what website?
ii. At what price point you generally buy?
iii. Would you like to buy through ecommerece if given an option?
iv. How would you rate navigating through aashiyana website to find
what you are looking for Home Building?
v. Are you a retailer or IHB?
vi. Demographics: Age, sex, region, profession
b. How to extrapolate sample data to population data?
2. Convertion: Divide your users into separate cohorts by marketing channels. Measure
and track the engagement rate per cohort over time. Understand where your most
valuable customers come from and which marketing channel generates long-term,
high-value customers. Use website analytics to see which marketing channel is
working and build a buyers personality and demographics they belong to. B2B, B2C,
C2C referral policy. SMS. Pricing. Web analytics. More marketing facts. More
3. Video: options:
a. Aashiyana as our solution to TATA
b. Mr. Anju struggle and solution through aashiyana
c. Aashiyana AD for Public
4. Benchmarking with competitors
5. Mention your assumptions
6. Make things bold


Use better creatives

Content flow

5. Aashiyana a one stop solution

Primary resaerch

Competitor benchmarking

brandbuilding, creative ad, awarness

3. awarness analytics

1.4.convertion and engagement

2. cross selling

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