Are Ghosts Real

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Student ID: 21019708


Like Harith Iskander once said “Us Asians fall into one of two categories, category
number one is we have either personally seen a ghost, if not we will be in category number 2
which is, we know someone who has personally seen a ghost.” Do you believe it? Personally,
I think yes, ITS TRUE! I have asked all my friends and relative alike. All of them fall into
1of the 2 categories, even some falls into both categories. Now, I have question, which
category are you under? Or are u both?

Hello everyone! My name is Ee Heng, and I hope you all have your snacks ready as I
am going to bring you on one hell of ride. I do not want to bore all of you with some
scientific facts which is why we will jump straight into it. Ghost, what are they? Well, in
folklore, a ghost is a spirit or soul of a deceased person, sometimes animals that can be seen
by us, who are still living. It may also be just something my mom said just to make sure I
finish my homework. ‘Ah boy ah you know ah, if you don’t finish your homework later the
ghost come find you, I don’t know ah’ me doing my best impression of my mother. And
unfortunately, it works.

I would like to share a story with all of you. Ever since I was a child, I was always
attached to my pacifier, I have it in my mouth everywhere I go. On one dark and stormy
night, I woke up to find that…... my pacifier is gone. So, I cried and woke up my mother who
was asleep next to me. We looked everywhere and could not find it. Alas, my mom told me
that a ‘ghost’ had taken my pacifier away. BOOM! Gone, my pacifier, just like that. I have
never touched a pacifier ever since. Years later I found out that it was staged by my mom all
along. I would go so far to say that this method of teaching your kids is underrated although it
may or may not leave a mental scar.

Does anyone here like to watch ghost movies? Well ghost movies are my favourite.
Its not that I am not afraid of ghost. In fact, I sometimes leave my lamp on after watching a
horror film. Especially when you finish watching the movie and it say ‘BASED ON A TRUE
STORY’ during the credits like WHY? The movie was scary enough and now you tell me
that it is real. Well then, I guess its time to say bye-bye to sleep and hello my lovely computer
games. Honestly ghost could be real, or fake based on one’s beliefs. Some doesn’t believe in
ghosts because all of the ‘footage’ of ghost are always taken on a blurry camera like come
one, we are living in the 21st century it’s not like all people that had an encounter with ghost
had only a Nokia to film it on. ‘Sorry not disgracing Nokia users by the way’. While I do
enjoy the ghost stories that were shared with me and the thrill that comes with it, I sure hope
the ghosts would not come to me because I might faint if I actually see one.

Since there is no solid evidence that ghost are either real or fake, there are no answers
to this question. It basically all comes down to one’s experience or beliefs. Personally, I
would be more of a believer, even if I had not seen one and I hope I never will, I will always
respect the traditions and teachings of how to not offend a ghost and keep a safe distance
from graveyards. If I had one tip I would share is just be respectful to everyone you know, if
not, they might haunt you after they turn into a ghost.

I hope everyone can sleep well tonight and Thank you very much.

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