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MARCH 2021




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Reader ’s Digest

Features 70
home & life
drama in real life

cover story
10-Minute Life Fixes
Need some extra cash?
Want to get in shape?
Rescue on the
High Rise Bridge
With his truck dangling
DOES THIS DOG Looking to cook or 70 feet above a roiling
KNOW WHETHER clean better—or even river, a trapped driver’s
YOU HAVE CANCER? feel happier? These
37 small tweaks can
only hope is a team
of trained emergency
The canine nose is
lead to big changes. rescuers—who are
a marvel of nature.
by caroline fanning stuck in traffic.
Science believes
by anita bartholomew
that a computerized
model of it will save 82
millions of lives. trusted brands 98
national interest
by adam piore Swish, Burn, Love
It’s not pretty, and it’s From the Comfort of
the stranger who
not sweet. How brown
Listerine became No. 1
Their Jail Cells
A diabolical scam pulled
changed my life in Americans’ hearts off by prisoners snares
My Most and mouths. everyday Americans.
Unlikely Friend plus: The 19 other most by doug shadel from aarp
Would you pal around trusted health brands.
with your spouse’s ex
or someone who put a
by bill hangley 110
foot in your face? These My New Husband’s
readers did—and found Secret Life
lifelong companions. I thought the man I’d
married was a rock star.
andrea de santis

That turned out to be

closer to the truth than

70 I ever imagined.
by nancy french from | march 2021 1

Reader ’s Digest Contents

6 Dear Reader
8 Letters
everyday heroes
10 From Role
Model to
Runway Model
by nara schoenberg
from chicago tribune
13 It Took a Village
by andy simmons
how to
20 Lift Your Own
by courtenay smith
and samantha
your true stories
26 Monkey in the
Middle, and More
13 things
28 24-Karat Nuggets
About Gold
by emily goodman 20
On the Cover
Photograph by Jason Varney

Meet the Dogs That Sniff Out Cancer ................. 52

10-Minute Life Fixes ............................................... 70
How to Stay Positive ............................................... 20
Scam Shocker! ......................................................... 98
“Oreos Brought Us Together”.............................. 64
Disability Can Be Beautiful ................................... 10
20 Most Trusted Health Brands ........................... 82

2 march 2021 |



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Reader ’s Digest Contents

the food on
your plate
by kate l
and daniel g Go Ahead,
l Do Nothing
38 Rules for by jeffrey davis from
Brain Games
You Are
by megan m Word Power
from bloomb Photo Finish
news from
44 Sleep Under a 14
Weighted Blanket, Life in These
and More

from top: yagi studio/getty images. jonathan kirn/getty images. floortje/getty images
United States
everyday miracles 32
50 A Teacher’s Laugh Lines
Lifesaving Call
by emma taubenfeld 42
Humor in Uniform
All in a Day’s Work
Laughter, the Best
Medicine 114
Send letters to or Letters, Reader’s Digest, PO Box 6100,
Harlan, Iowa 51593-1600. Include your full name, address, e-mail, and
daytime phone number. We may edit letters and use them in all print and elec-
tronic media. Contribute your True Stories at If we publish
one in a print edition of Reader’s Digest, we’ll pay you $100. To submit humor
items, visit, or write to us at Jokes, 44 South Broadway,
7th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601. We’ll pay you $25 for any joke or gag and
$100 for any true funny story published in a print edition of Reader’s Digest un-
less we specify otherwise in writing. Please include your full name and address
in your entry. We regret that we cannot acknowledge or return unsolicited
work. Requests for permission to reprint any material from Reader’s Digest

should be sent to Get help with questions on sub-
scriptions, renewals, gifts, address changes, payments, account information,
and other inquiries at, or write to us at or
Reader’s Digest, PO Box 6095, Harlan, Iowa 51593-1595.

4 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest


Best Friends Sadie, at right, was so smart. But to

appreciate a dog’s life, she needed Steph.

e put our Australian herder, Yet Sadie, ornery about the doggi-
Sadie, down recently after ness of other dogs, took to Steph from
she asked us to kindly do so. day one. Steph got her to lie near and
For 17-plus years, as I wrote here last chill. She let Sadie nag her to behave.
February, she’d been a 24/7 worker, When we hiked, Sadie hard on our
always tending to her humans (cattle heels, Steph would disappear in a blur
being hard to come by in the sub- before circling back to break-dance,
urbs). Then one day, she lay down on bark, and try to get Sadie to play. Out-
her dog bed, let her eyes fog over, and rageous! Sadie would bark. But then
waited for us to get the message. she would play, sort of, herding her
It took us a week, and then we took sister a bit before letting her bolt free
her to the vet. “Some owners wait too like a receiver out for a long one.
long, some not long enough,” he said, When the vet finished, I softly
examining her. “This is perfect. She’s touched Sadie’s warm body. It was
ready.” Yet another thing Sadie got ex- beautiful to feel her finally completely
actly right and made easy for us. at rest. The closest to this calm she’d
In the car, our younger dog, Steph, been was lying next to Steph.

from top: courtesy bruce kelley. matthew cohen

watched Sadie go in and kept her eyes A year ago, I challenged you to prove
on the vet’s office door, ears up. that your dog was smarter than Sadie.
They couldn’t have been more dif- The stories you sent cheered us all.
ferent, Sadie and Steph. Rather than Now please go to to
Dumb and Dumber, they were Diligent share a special story of pet friendship.
and All Dog. Steph isn’t interested RD’s Best Pet Pals contest honors
in looking smart to the humans. our animals’ profound capacity
Her talents are pre human, to bond. And thank you, as al-
smelling a million scents in the ways, for contributing so much.
faraway woods, running helter-
Bruce Kelley,
skelter after them, and then
returning to her pack’s
warm bed to calmly Write to me at
await the next scents.

6 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest

Dear Reader

In one short letter,
Bruce Kelley made me
Notes on the cry three times: first for
Dec./Jan. issue how sweet he and his
boy are, second as I
hoped for the same re-
lationship with my own
The Season for Family Miracles twins at that not-so-far-
off stage, and last as I
The story of the woman bonding with her realized how old I am!
new stepmom over the red coats they both —Staci McNicholl
wore around Christmas and inherited from Mahomet, Illinois
their deceased moms brought tears. My
We Found a Fix
daughter was four when her grandmother You advise sliding an
died. She always says she doesn’t remember upside-down penny
much except she always wore her red coat. between tire treads to
—Kathleen McCarthy Butler, New Jersey see whether they’re too
worn. I think you meant
to say replace them if
2020 Holiday The Double Triple all of Lincoln’s head is
Shopping Guide This article about a visible, not any. If the
I once gave my grand- medical team perform- majority of the penny
son a freshly oiled cast- ing back-to-back triple can sink into the crev-
iron pan that was my organ transplants was ice, that’s about three
dad’s. He’d just moved amazing. As the widow eighths of an inch,
into his own house, and of a donor, I know that which is plenty of tread.
I knew he loved cook- the priceless gifts re- —Fred Knackmuhs
ing and corn bread. ceived from the donors Albion, Illinois
He’s used it for years. deserve to be acknowl-
The next year, I gave edged. Without the loss Prowling for
more gifts from my and sacrifice of two Dust Bunnies
home that are special families, these miracu- Mary Roach’s mischief-
to me. The joy on my lous surgeries would loving Roomba made
rd photo studio

relatives’ faces couldn’t not have been possible. my entire family laugh.
have been bought. —Connie Johnson Exercise weights flank
—Jane Greco Albuquerque, our end table because
Maplewood, Minnesota New Mexico of Roomba’s aptitude

8 march 2021
for trapping itself my mom found in the HANKIE-PANKIE
underneath. The day hip-hop Charleston
after I read this, along era. So, we can blame ✦ I believe my mother
came Roomba to dis- our brains! went to the same school
connect the Christmas —Hazel Dinius of etiquette as Scott
tree lights. Time for Belfair, Washington Turow’s. She taught me
more dumbbells! to always carry a hand-
—Richard Brewer Everyday Heroes kerchief in my back
Reedville, Virginia I just read the story pocket. My father taught
about Alison Malmon, me to always carry a
Oldies but who, after losing her good pocketknife in
Feel-Goodies brother to suicide, my front pocket. These
Thank you for explain- started what’s now the practices became habits
ing that our brains largest mental health that have endured for
over 70 years. Also,
imprint on music advocacy organization
my mother always said
from our youth. I grew for young adults. You’ve
that a lady carries two
up with the angelic published so many hankies, one for show
ed freeman/getty images

sounds of Nat King helpful tips to cope and one for blow.
Cole and the Beatles with mental illness that —Wayne Christensen
and couldn’t under- parallel what my thera- wenatchee, washington
stand why new music pist has been teaching
sounds so discordant. me. Thank you for that. ✦ I’m happy to know I’m
On the other hand, I —Erin Stoops not the only one who still
never understood what Grove City, Pennsylvania carries a handkerchief
everywhere. As a boy
(almost 60 years ago),
Onward and Upward I got a new suit and asked
Everyone hits a few headwinds on the turbulent my dad why only one
flight path of life. There are plenty of tough back pocket had a but-
moments that feel impossible to weather—and ton. He said the pocket
yet we make it! Was there a challenge you’re with the button was
particularly proud of mastering? An especially for your wallet and the
dark tunnel ended by an especially pocket without a button
bright light? Would your story was for your handker-
inspire others? Tell us about it and chief: “You always want
see terms at, to be quick to pull out
and it might make it into a future your hankie but slow to
Reader’s Digest feature. get your wallet.”
—Alan Davis
moorpark, california 9
Melissa Blake in
the ensemble she
modeled for the
Runway of Dreams
fashion show.
Reader ’s Digest


From Role Model to

Runway Model
A disabled activist won’t let Twitter trolls stop her
from seeing herself as she really is—a star

By Nara Schoenberg
from chicago tribune

s a teenager in the 1990s, of her condition, she can walk short
Melissa Blake was interested in distances with difficulty but sometimes
fashion. Unfortunately, fashion relies on an electric scooter. “When
wasn’t much interested in her. you’re a teenager—disabled or not—
Blake, who has a genetic bone and you deal with issues of self-esteem. If I
muscle disorder and stands a little un- had seen someone who looked like me,
der four feet tall, couldn’t find jeans I would have felt really seen.”
chicago tribune/getty images

or dresses in her size. Paging through Blake, 39, has spent her adult life
Glamour and Cosmopolitan, she trying to make up for that. She is a
didn’t see a single person who looked disability-rights activist as well as a free-
like her, and it hurt. lance writer whose work has appeared
“That would have been a game in the New York Times and Glamour,
changer for me,” says Blake, who had but she gained a national following in
26 surgeries before age 17 to treat her 2019 after clapping back at trolls who
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. Because made ugly comments about her online.

Photograph by Stacey Wescott | march 2021 11

Reader ’s Digest Everyday Heroes

“During the last round of troll- York Fashion Week and includes ap-
gate,” she tweeted, “people said that I pearances by designer Tommy Hil-
should be banned from posting pho- figer, Paralympics snowboarding gold
tos of myself because I’m too ugly. So medalist Brenna Huckaby, and Def
I’d just like to commemorate the occa- Leppard drummer Rick Allen. Last
sion with these three selfies ...” fall, Scheier asked Blake to be one of
In one of the greatest “I’ll show the event’s 24 models.
you!” responses of all time, over the “Melissa is a force to be reckoned
next year, Blake posted a new selfie with and unapologetic about what the
every day. world should look like,” Scheier says.
“Being able to put Melissa in argu-
“WHEN DISABLED ably the biggest fashion event of the
PEOPLE ARE year just hit home how important it is
to expand who consumers are in the
INCLUDED, IT SENDS fashion industry, or who should be
A MESSAGE.” on runways, or what we’re really rep-
resenting in the word model.”
Since the Runway of Dreams show
“Some selfies were serious, like the was virtual, Blake’s sister filmed her
ones where I talked about disabilities riding her scooter on a quiet street
or how I was feeling on not-so-good dressed in a graphic T-shirt, capris,
days,” she wrote on and an oversize maroon vest with a
“Some were fun and silly, showing fluffy fur collar.
off my love for photo filters. But each “It was a little scary,” Blake says of
was a celebration, and each carried a modeling. But she’s glad she took the
message.” challenge. Often, when we think of
Her fans went wild, calling Blake a access for people with disabilities, we
goddess and a powerful woman. One think of buildings and employment,
wrote, “Work it girl! YOU IZ FAB.” she says. But it’s also important to have
“I feel like every time I post a selfie access to what’s fun and enjoyable.
or share something about my life as “Fashion isn’t going to solve all the
a disabled woman, that is representa- world’s problems,” says Blake. “When
tion that is going to combat this able- disabled people are included, it sends
ism,” Blake told WBUR. a message that we deserve a seat at
Among her fans is Mindy Scheier, the table in all aspects of life, frivolous
the founder and CEO of Runway of or not.” RD
Dreams, which showcases fashion for
people with disabilities. The show is chicago tribune (september 16, 2020), copyright
© 2020 by chicago tribune. all rights reserved.
part of the glitz and glamour of New used under license.

12 march 2021
It Took a
By Andy Simmons

da Nelson was luxuriating in her
sister’s sauna when she heard the
rumble of a small airplane circling
the nearby airport. This landing strip was pitch-black when
It was 11:30 at night in the Alaskan a medevac pilot tried to land at night.
village of Igiugig, population 70, and,
as she told the New York Times, “Any for the plane to follow. Great idea,
time a plane flies over that late, you but it wasn’t enough. More light was
know something is wrong.” needed, so a neighbor called nearly
Nelson and her sister leaped out of every home in the village—32 of them.
the sauna, ran to the window, and saw Within 20 minutes, 20 vehicles
the problem: The airport’s runway arrived at the airport, many of the
courtesy sandra alvarez with the igiugig tribal village council

lights were out. drivers still in pajamas. Following

Nelson threw on some clothes, directions from the medevac pilot,
jumped into her ATV, and floored it the cars lined up on one side of the
to the airport, where she found a lo- runway.
cal pilot trying to turn on the lights The medevac made its final ap-
manually. proach and, guided by the headlights,
“Normally, if you push the button landed safely. The young patient was
10 or 15 times, the lights will just light loaded onto the aircraft, and the plane
up,” Nelson told KTOO out of Juneau. immediately took off again. Her ill-
Not this time. Meanwhile, she and ness was never publicly revealed, but
the pilot learned of the plane’s urgent she has since been released from the
mission: It was a medevac, there to hospital.
transport a seriously ill local girl to In a world filled with uncertainty,
the nearest hospital, 280 miles away the little community’s positive activ-
in Anchorage. ism was a big deal. Not so much for
Nelson had a plan. Driving her Nelson. As she told CNN, in Igiugig,
ATV to the end of the runway, she coming together “is kind of a normal
shone her headlights on the tarmac deal.” RD 13
Reader ’s Digest

in these
United States

Wise Beyond
Their Years
✦ My granddaughter’s
life philosophy, which
she quoted in a third-
grade essay: “Money
can’t buy happiness,
but it can buy cows.
Cows can make milk,
and milk can make
ice cream, and ice
cream can make you
—JoEllen Turner
Nucla, Colorado “Gorgeous night for I asked, adding a
✦ Wife: “The Romans a walk.” —Me, moving sly nod toward my
were gluttons. They from couch to chair. father-in-law.
overdid everything.” — @alyssalimp “I didn’t have to,”
Daughter, age 11: she said. “They all
“You can’t overdo Prior to dinner, my know him.”
water parks.” 80-year-old mother-in- —Cynthia Boehning
cartoon writer: david galef

— @robcorddry law stopped off at the Janesville, Wisconsin

✦ I asked my cousin’s beauty parlor. “All
four-year-old nephew, the women did was My friend George
“What are you going complain about their adopted an adorable
to be when you grow husbands,” she said but stubborn Austra-
up?” He replied, over our entrees. lian terrier puppy
“Still me!” “Did you complain who refused to be
—R.m. via about your husband?” housebroken.

14 march 2021 Cartoon by Dan McConnell

Prayers for my husband, who, very Times. “Afterward,
tragically, got me nothing for our Twain heard a couple
talking. The wife
anniversary when I specifically told him said, ‘I think that
I wanted nothing for our anniversary. might have been the
— @mommajessiec funniest person I’ve
ever heard in my life.’
Frustrated, George reading at a bookstore The husband replied,
signed them both up near Bangor to a ‘I’ll tell ya, he was
for expensive obedi- crowd that sat there so funny, it was all
ence classes. in stony silence,” she I could do to keep
Recently, I saw wrote in the New York from laughing.’ ”
man and pup out for
a walk and asked how
the training went. THE KING OF BEERS’ CASTLE
courtesy picture it sold photography/courtesy kearney & associates realty

“Well,” George said, This real estate listing photo for a condo in Lake Worth,
“I don’t poop in the Florida, shows what happens when “Budweiser’s
house anymore.” biggest fan” gets to decorate the house—the walls
—Jane Hamilton and ceilings become an homage to his favorite brew.
O’Fallon, Missouri It’s too late if you’re craving the place, since it’s been
sold. But take solace: All the cans were empty.
Maybe it’s the harsh
winters, but people
from Maine are known
to be tough nuts to
crack. Consider this
evidence, courtesy of
author Jennifer Finney
Boylan: “There’s a
story about the time
Mark Twain gave a

Your funny true

story could be worth
$$$. For details, go to 15
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What is overactive bladder?
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Northbrook, Illinois 60062

Myrbetriq® is a registered trademark of Astellas Pharma Inc. All other trademarks or registered
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2012 - 2018 Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Revised: April 2018

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especially lately. These techniques
can help you bounce back.

By Courtenay Smith
and Samantha Rideout

20 march 2021 Photographs by Joleen Zubek

Reader ’s Digest

n a freezing January evening, year. Since the pandemic began, three
Ashley Austrew sat in her car in times as many American adults have
an Omaha, Nebraska, parking reported symptoms of depression or
lot, working up the courage to go into anxiety (the malevolent cousins to
a comedy improv class. For 20 min- low self-worth) compared with 2019.
utes, the 33-year-old journalist and Thankfully, like Austrew, we can learn
mom of two sat with swirling thoughts to feel better about ourselves and
of self-doubt: “OMG, I can’t do this. I’ll strengthen our feelings of hope. (Of
be the worst one.” Then she turned off course, anyone experiencing severe
the engine, took a few deep breaths, or persistent symptoms should seek
and went inside. professional help.) Here are eight
For Austrew, trying improv was the science-backed strategies to improve
first small step to improve her self- your relationship with the person in
esteem. “All my life, I’ve lacked con- the mirror.
fidence,” she says. “I didn’t have the
courage to try anything new.” So she Embrace the Upside
made a list of all the things she was of Feeling Down
afraid to attempt and then asked her- First, realize that negative emotions
self, What if I didn’t let my excuses aren’t inherently bad—they can be
win? Improv was her biggest target. useful. “That ping of anxiety gets my
Her fear dissolved as soon as she attention and says, ‘Hey, you need to
walked into the class. Her classmates focus on this,’ ” says psychologist Ethan
were also beginners, and she discov- Kross, author of Chatter: The Voice in
ered that she was perfectly capable of Our Head, Why It Matters, and How
earning a few laughs and making new to Harness It. If you need to deal with
friends. Over the next two years, Aus- an immediate problem—say, reining
trew went on to tackle other what-ifs, in overspending—that call to focus
including writing a book. “Self-esteem is helpful. But negativity spirals into
is like a muscle—you have to work it something harmful when a particular
constantly,” she says. thought circuit just won’t shut off. If
Some people are blessed with a you can’t sleep because of it, feel phys-
seemingly unshakable positivity, but ically stressed all the time, or keep
most of us need to learn how to pull rehashing the same situation, those
ourselves up by our bootstraps. Psy- are signs you need to employ tools to
chologists say we tend to experience break the cycle, says Kross.
our lowest self-esteem in adolescence
and spend much of our adult lives Engage in Smarter Self-Talk
slowly building it back up. Staying In his lab at the University of Michi-
positive has been tough in the past gan, Kross asks subjects to talk to 21
Reader ’s Digest How to Lift Your Own Spirits

themselves in the second person,

and to use their own names. Instead
of saying, “I’m so nervous about this
meeting on Tuesday,” for example,
say, “[Your name], you seem pretty
nervous about this meeting.” Kross’s
research shows that this simple
shift in language gets people into
problem-solving mode quicker. “They
turn into coaches and start advising
themselves, taking stock of the prob-
lem and figuring out if they have the
resources to meet it,” Kross says.
or getting better at, it gets harder to
Change Your View—Literally think negatively about yourself,” he
If you are forlornly looking out the explains. So don’t wait until you’re
window lost in a thought loop, walk feeling confident to work on your
to a different window. Alternate per- chess game, learn to build furniture,
spectives help us digest our experi- or try out a new recipe. According to
ences, and changing our physical view a 14-year study of 7,000 volunteers,
intuitively jogs a different emotional increasing the self-perception that
one as well. “When I’m stuck feeling a you’re mastering an activity of inter-
certain way and I choose to walk away est to you can boost your self-esteem
and look for something better—that’s at every age.
a choice to do something good for
myself. That itself is a treatment,” says Reminisce
Sasha Storaasli, LCSW, an end-of-life While some research suggests hap-
counselor to terminally ill transplant piness increases with age, studies
patients in New York City. also suggest that self-esteem peaks at
age 60, then declines. As people get
Repeat a Task You’re Good At older, the loss of loved ones, profes-
Canadian psychologist Patrick Kee- sional identity, or independence can
lan plays piano every day. It’s one threaten the sense of who they are.
way he practices what he preaches. Telling someone stories from the past
When he’s helping people with low may bolster self-esteem at this key
self-esteem, he suggests they rou- moment. In a 2015 study from Iran,
tinely engage with activities that use a group of widowed men 60 and over
or improve their skills. “When you’re shared memories of the events and
doing something that you’re good at life lessons that had shaped their lives.

22 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest How to Lift Your Own Spirits

This “promoted a sense of identity Share Your Feelings—Carefully

and a positive contribution to the next When we feel strong negative emo-
generation, and reaffirmed the mean- tions, we often feel an urgent need to
ing of their lives,” the researchers re- talk about them. Research shows that
ported. Take a trip down memory lane this doesn’t always ease our turmoil,
by looking through a photo album nor do venting sessions where both
with loved ones or playing music that parties complain. Such interactions
reminds you of meaningful moments. can reactivate negative emotions,
making us live through them again.
MUSIC THAT REMINDS What’s important is to get feedback
YOU OF MEANINGFUL that moves you beyond negative feel-
ings, says Kross. “Talk about what’s
MOMENTS CAN BOOST bothering you, but be deliberate,” he
YOUR SELF-ESTEEM. says. “Go to someone empathetic,
someone who doesn’t just listen but
who gives you advice and helps you
Believe that You Matter see the bigger picture.” Storaasli puts
A 2020 study reveals that mattering— it bluntly: “You need people who lift
the bedrock belief that you are impor- you up. If you don’t have those people,
tant and worthy of consideration—is find them.”
linked to joy. Strong personal relation-
ships are the best aids to believing you Get Moving
matter, says an article published last There’s no silver bullet for improving
year in the Journal of Mental Health low morale, but exercise is the clos-
and Addiction. Spend time with loved est thing we have. Not only is it good
ones, and remind them you offer a for stress management and general
shoulder to cry on. “It’s nice to know mental health but it also provides
that someone cares, and they in turn a sense of competence and accom-
can count on me when they need plishment. Over the years, dozens of
help,” said one person who was inter- studies have indicated that exercise
viewed. Maintaining a sense of control, has a significant impact on physical
especially over your health-care issues, self-worth and other self-perceptions.
also boosts that sense of importance. The activity you choose matters less
When you take the initiative to find than enjoying it, sticking to it, and
medical providers attentive to your getting at least a moderate challenge
needs or ask family members not to out of it. If going to the gym is not an
bypass you when medical decisions option or very enjoyable to you, then
are being made, you reinforce the feel- head outdoors for a run or a nice
ing that you are worthy of attention. brisk walk. RD

24 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest

Monkey in the Middle

YOUR I often go to the primate building at the

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. A chimpanzee
named Beau began to recognize me. He
in 100 Words
would interact with me and mimic my
gestures. When I told my friend Jerry this,
he was skeptical. So one day, I brought
In a Different League him with me. Beau came down, looked at
I ran a 5K for charity. me and my friend, then went to get a drink
After the race, I wanted of water. When he returned, Beau spit
to see how my time
ranked in my category his mouthful of water at Jerry. Was he
of men ages 30 to 34. jealous? We had a good laugh.
I was close to the bottom, —Sandy Rozelman Euclid, Ohio
which I chalked up to
being 34—the other guys
were simply younger.
I was determined to rank
higher the following year,
when I’d be 35 in the
35 to 39 age bracket.
But that year, I was
mistakenly registered
in the over 70 category—
and finished fourth out
of seven. I can’t even
win against guys double
my age!
—Joe Balthazor A Hard Pill to Swallow have any questions?” Her
palatine, illinois As a pharmacist, I counsel little boy, who had been
patients on their new quietly standing next
medications. One day, to her, raised his hand.
I was informing a woman “Can she still cook?” he
To read more true about the side effects of asked. “Of course she
stories or submit one, her prescription, specifi- can,” I replied. His mother
go to cally drowsiness. “You explained ruefully, “He
If we publish yours in won’t be able to work or was hoping you’d say no.”
the print magazine, it drive while you’re taking —Lita Hernandez
could be worth $100. this,” I told her. “Do you manchaca, texas

26 march 2021 | Illustration by Hallie Bateman

Reader ’s Digest

Contrary to
24-Karat Nuggets popular belief,
biting on gold is
About Gold not a reliable way to tell
scyther 5 /getty images (gold nugget)

whether it’s genuine—

other metals are also
By Emily Goodman soft enough to show
teeth marks. And

Pure gold is so ductile (translation: stretchy), though many champs
a single ounce of it can be drawn out into chomp down on their
a thread 50 miles long without breaking (at prizes, Olympic gold
which point it also would be too thin to see). If medals haven’t been
you did this to all of the existing gold in the world, made from that metal
it would wrap around the earth 11 million times. since the 1912 Summer

28 march 2021 Illustration by Serge Bloch

Games in Stockholm. Gold has been only one president
Modern gold medals used in medicine has ever been inside
are mostly silver; those for millennia. The the vaults: Franklin
from the 2016 Games ancient Romans made Delano Roosevelt, the
in Rio contained only dental bridges out of it, same president who
1.2 percent gold. a practice they learned effectively took us off
from the Etruscans. For the gold standard in

the Nobel Prize much of the 20th cen- 1933. (The United
medal is still made tury, doctors reduced States didn’t fully aban-
of gold, though their rheumatoid ar- don it until 1971.)
it was downgraded thritis patients’ pain

in 1980, when it went and swelling with intra- Most of the
from 23 karats (24 is muscular injections of world’s gold is
pure) to an 18-karat gold compounds that now mined in
core coated in 23-karat have anti-inflammatory China. The country
gold. The gold in each properties. Today, some overtook South Africa
medal is worth about oncologists use gold for total historical gold
$8,000. compounds to shrink production in 2017. But
cancerous tumors. the world’s largest gold

A naturally crystal—an extremely

yellow element, The term bullion, rare geometric forma-
gold changes color which refers to tion that can appear
when it is mixed with gold bars or coins on gold specimens—
other metals, which ready to be traded, weighed 7.7 ounces
also gives it added comes from the Latin and was found decades
strength. White gold word for boil. That’s ago in Venezuela.
contains nickel or pal- how to remove gold’s

ladium. Rose gold gets impurities—at a mere Among the more
its hue from copper. 5,173 degrees F. surprising—and
There’s even green unpleasant—

gold, which has silver The U.S. Treasury sources of gold: treated
and sometimes zinc currently holds sewage. In 2015, after
or cadmium. To deter- 147.3 million analyzing sewer sludge
mine how much gold is ounces of gold bullion. from local treatment
in any piece, divide the About half of it is stored plants, researchers at
karat content by 24 and at Fort Knox, a stash Arizona State Univer-
multiply by 100. The that’s worth more than sity concluded that
resulting percentage is $130 billion. Security the sewage produced
the amount that is gold. at Fort Knox is so tight, each year in a city of 29
Reader ’s Digest 13 Things

a million people from it. Space suits can be a disappointing

includes, on average, and spacecraft are find, it is often dis-
$2.6 million worth of coated in gold to reflect covered near sources
gold and silver. harmful infrared ra- of real gold, so a miner
diation from the sun. who stops digging

We have Any instrument NASA once he finds a piece
already ex- wants to keep cool gets of pyrite may be the
tracted about a gold coating as well real fool.
80 percent of the world’s (since radiation is also

244,000 mineable tons a great source of heat). Don’t go look-
of gold. Ocean waters This includes the James ing for a pot
and seabeds contain Webb telescope, the of the precious
about 20 million more world’s most powerful metal at the end of a
tons, but this treasure space telescope, set rainbow. One version
remains largely un- to be launched later of this legend is more
touched because of this year. of a cautionary tale:
the prohibitive costs to When a poor Irish hus-

tap it. But the biggest Pyrite, the band and wife pull the
trove is in outer space. mineral better last carrot out of their
One asteroid alone known as garden, they catch a
(called 16 Psyche) has a fool’s gold, has fooled leprechaun dangling
few hundred quintillion many, including Chris- from it. The leprechaun
dollars’ worth. topher Newport, one agrees to grant all their
of the founders of the wishes if they find his

But so far, Jamestown colony, pot of gold at the end
we’ve only who sailed a shipload of the rainbow, leaving
brought gold to of it to London in the them to forever chase
space, not taken any 1600s. Although pyrite a fictitious fortune. RD

From the Island of Unfit Toys

In 1951, the A. C. Gilbert Company stopped selling its U-238 Atomic Energy
Lab to aspiring nuclear scientists. Why? The kits cost about $500 in today’s
money—and they used actual radioactive uranium ores. (Though to be fair, they
contained about as much radiation as a child would get from a day in the sun.)
More dangerous was Professor Wacko’s Exothermic Exuberance chemistry
kit. The chemicals in this one started a few house fires. In 1994, the
Consumer Product Safety Commission got them pulled from the shelves.

30 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest

Super unprofessional when
Imagine being a spy right ventriloquists argue with their
now, stuck at home trying puppets over which one is the
dummy. Figure that out backstage.
to convince your family —@ChrisStephensMD
you have a normal job.

Now that my boyfriend is

working from home, I’ve asked
Virtual meetings are we liven things up by pretend-
basically modern séances. ing we’re having an office affair.
“Elizabeth, are you here?” —@FernBrady
“Is anyone else with you?”
“We can’t see you.
Can you hear us?”

My boss just
called me into
his office and told
Please quit telling me
me I’ve been
to “keep up the good spending too
work.” The good work much time on
was an accident and Twitter. Hold on,
impossible to replicate. he’s saying some-
yagi studio/getty images

—@House_Feminist thing else now.


Work’s like
a Charm!
32 march 2021 |


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Reader ’s Digest

n a mild morning in November
1979, when a group of students
clambered over the walls of the
FOOD American Embassy in Tehran, I, the

modest pistachio, might have been
the furthest thing from everyone’s

PLATE mind. As that day turned into an in-

famous hostage crisis, few were likely
focused on the fact that Iran was by
far the largest supplier of pistachios
to the United States. Or that the sanc-
tions imposed by President Carter,
which included a ban on importing
me, meant that you were going to
need a new source.
At just a nickel for a dozen of me,
I had plenty of American fans back
then. I started out as a popular snack
among Middle Eastern immigrants in
the late 1800s but eventually spread
to snackers of all ilk through bar,
bus, and train-station vending ma-
chines. You could spot them by their
red-tinged fingers, caused by the dye
Iranian producers used to cover the
imperfections on my shells (harm-
less splotches from the harvesting
methods). But only a miniscule crop
of me came from within U.S. borders,
specifically California’s Central Valley.
I Am Pistachios … There, in the 1930s, a botanist

An American named William E. Whitehouse, fresh

off a tour of Iran’s pistachio orchards,
floortje/getty images

Success Story had managed to get one seed from

one specific variety of tree—called
Kerman, after the Iranian city where
it grew—to barely take hold. Some
By Kate Lowenstein 40 years later, from just that one vari-
and Daniel Gritzer ety, from just that one seed weighing

34 march 2021
all of a fortieth of an ounce, sprouted
all of America’s pistachios.
In California and around the
world, my trees may live for more
than 150 years, but they take a couple
of decades to reach full production.
The first U.S. commercial crop, of just
1.5 million pounds, landed in 1976.
But then, thanks to ample acreage
of appropriately arid farmland (and
also the necessary water supply), PISTACHIO-AND-PARMESAN-
California’s pistachios flourished. My CRUSTED RACK OF LAMB
American version was a sweet, pris-
tine, high-quality nut that not only Preheat oven to 400°F. Combine 2⁄3 cup
replaced the gaping hole left in the finely chopped pistachios with 1⁄3 cup
supply chain but also overtook global panko bread crumbs and 1⁄3 cup grated
demand. Chinese, Indian, and Euro- Parmesan. Melt 4 tablespoons unsalted
butter with 1 teaspoon fresh or dried
pean shoppers increasingly sought
thyme leaves and 1 minced clove garlic
American pistachios to the point that over medium heat until foamy. Combine
the current U.S. industry produces with pistachio mixture and stir until
about a billion pounds of me annu- dry ingredients are evenly moistened;
ally, more than any other country. season with salt and pepper. Season four
This 44-year boom in the wake of a 4-bone frenched racks of lamb (about
444-day hostage crisis amounts to 3½ pounds total) with salt and pepper.
one of the most successful botanical In a 12-inch cast-iron skillet, heat 1 table-
takeovers in American history. spoon vegetable oil over medium-high
As the seed of the tree’s fruit— heat until nearly smoking. Add lamb
actually not a nut at all—I grow in racks and sear until browned, about
clusters like grapes, my hard shells 3 minutes each side. Transfer lamb to a
splitting open with an audible snap work surface and rub 1 teaspoon Dijon
when I’m ripe. By then, my hull has mustard in an even layer on the fat side
of each rack. Sprinkle pistachio mixture
turned from green to white and then
over the Dijon coating, then press to
to a deep rosy pink, and the translu- form a compact crust. Return lamb
cent shell inside it to opaque. racks to skillet, crust side up, and roast
My appeal as both snack and ingre- in the oven until a thermometer registers
pina bresciani

dient is my earthy-sweet flavor, fatty 130°F for medium-rare or 135°F for

richness, and crunch. I have the same medium, 20–25 minutes. Let lamb rest
amount of protein as almonds but a 5 minutes, then serve whole or carve
smidge less fat, and my protein and carefully into individual chops. 35
Reader ’s Digest The Food on Your Plate

fiber—plus the fact that you have to lamb and dried fruits such as apricots
slow your roll and shell each gosh- or figs), Middle Eastern knafeh (a fra-
darn one of me before you eat it— grant salty-sweet dessert made from
make me a favorite among dieters. cheese and syrup-soaked shredded
I was first cultivated in southwest- phyllo), and honey-drenched baklava.
ern Asia as early as 6000 BC. My sta- Of course, I’m also an ingredient in
tus as a luxury snack goes back almost snack mixes, cookies, cakes, and, yes,
as far: The Queen of Sheba herself everyone’s favorite green ice cream.
is thought to have hoarded all of her Though note that most pistachio ice
region’s harvest for her court. My rep- cream is flavored primarily with much
utation as an aphrodisiac may have less expensive almond extract; the
helped my popularity and is not al- specimens of me studded throughout
together hearsay: My fats reduce cho- are cover for the ruse.
lesterol and improve blood flow, and As for that other ruse, the rouge
very preliminary research suggests ruse: These days in the United States,
I might have improved erections for Central Valley farmers have mastered
men who ate me regularly. the art of whisking me off to be pro-
Thanks to the Silk Road trade, I cessed as soon as I’ve ripened and
slowly made my way into the cook- popped, leaving nary a splotch on my
ing traditions of Italy and Spain and shell—and making my fans’ red fin-
other parts of Southern Europe, as gertips a thing of my past. RD
well as North Africa and China. By
now, I’m prized in many cuisines, of- Kate Lowenstein is a health journalist
ten in desserts, though I show up in and the editor-in-chief at Vice; Daniel
savory dishes too. I star in Moroccan Gritzer is the culinary director of the
tagines (often paired with chicken or cooking site Serious Eats.

Bottle Service
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot
at tax collectors and miss.
robert heinlein, author

A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than

all the books in the world.
louis pasteur, biologist

The best way to avoid a hangover is to stay drunk.

dorothy parker, humorist

36 march 2021 |

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Rules for Being the

Age You Are
Whether you’re 20 or 120, the author’s surprise-filled
guide can help most anyone live happily ever

By Megan McArdle

Illustrations by Goncalo Viana

Reader ’s Digest

f, like me, you have recently en- we hate feeling like idiots. So we keep
tered that period of life known as ourselves bored in order to protect
middle age, take heed: The building ourselves from feeling stupid. This is
years of your life are over, and what a bad trade (and not the sort of bad
you are now is pretty much what you I’m talking about).
are going to be. Soon it will be what Go to the party even when you don’t
you were. You can no longer tell your- want to. Nine times out of ten, you’ll
self that you might move to Lisbon, be bored and go home early. But the
learn Portuguese, and take up the gui- tenth time, you will have a worthy ex-
tar. But you can follow a set of simple perience or meet an interesting per-
rules to guide you the rest of the way. son. It will more than redeem those
Best of all, these rules work no matter other wasted hours.
what your age and stage of life. Don’t just pay people compliments;
First and foremost, be kind. Mean is give them living eulogies. Tell them
easy; kind is hard. Once we reached exactly how fantastic they are, in how
eighth grade, many of us got the idea many ways. Embarrass them. Here’s
that the nasty put-down, the superior a funny thing I’ve learned: No matter
smile, and the clever one-liner are the how many times you hear them, the
signs of intelligence and great per- words “You are amazing, and here’s
sonal strength. But this kind of wit is, why” never go out of style.
to borrow from the writer John Scalzi, That thing you kinda want to do
“playing the game on easy mode.” someday? Do it now. I mean, literally,
Making yourself feel bigger by mak- pause reading this column, pick up
ing someone else feel small takes so the phone, and book that skydiving
little skill that 12-year-olds can do it. session. RIGHT NOW. I’ll wait. Don’t
Always order one extra dish—an put it off until you have the time to
unfamiliar one—at a restaurant. You really relax and enjoy it. That will be
might like it, which would be splen- approximately three decades from
did. If you don’t like it, all you lost was now, and it’s highly possible you
a couple of bucks. If you can’t afford won’t be able to enjoy it. I will never
to order that one extra dish, then the forgive myself for passing up a chance
restaurant is too expensive for your to go to trapeze school in my late 20s.
budget anyway and you should find I figured I could always do it later,
a cheaper one. little knowing that in my early 30s my
Give yourself permission to be bad. lower back would decide to take up
You know what you’re really good amateur dramatics. At least some-
at? Things you’ve done many times body got to perform.
before. Mastery is boredom. Unfortu- Tone down the cynicism. At some
nately, we enjoy feeling like masters; point in life, we get the idea that | march 2021 39

Reader ’s Digest

to convince your spouse that potato

salad should have pickles in it? Unless
it is an existential threat to your fu-
ture (out-of-control spending, wants/
doesn’t want kids, abuse), leave it
alone. On your deathbed, your spouse
and friends will be there, holding your
hand. The dream house you’re dying
to buy will not be.
Be grateful. No matter how awful
your life seems at the moment, you
have something to be grateful for: You
have been granted 2 billion seconds
believing in things—art, politics— on this planet, give or take. You are a
makes you a sucker and that “being billionaire! Many billionaires, how-
real” means accepting how rotten to ever, squander most of their fortunes
the core everything is. True, there is a on bitter recriminations about how un-
lot of rottenness in the world. But cyn- fair everything is. You won’t get a re-
icism is radically incomplete. In fact, fund from the universe for the time you
human beings are often splendid, the spent brooding about the unfairness.
world is often glorious, and nature, red You lose those seconds just as surely
in tooth and claw, also invented kind- as you lose a second spent experienc-
ness, charity, and love. Believe in that. ing joy, only they don’t even give you
Don’t try to resolve fundamental something nice to remember them by.
conflicts with loved ones. The only Always make more dinner rolls than
people who win marital arguments you think you can eat. For some rea-
about bedrock values are divorce son, dinner rolls loom much larger
lawyers. I mean, you wouldn’t say, “I in our imaginations than in our
have a free hour; I bet I could solve stomachs. RD
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
still have time for a spot of tennis!” So (january 30, 2018), copyright
© 2018 by bloomberg lp. all rights reserved.
why do you try to use the same hour used under license.

Cat’s Out of the Bag

My e-mail password has been hacked. That’s the third time
I’ve had to rename my cat.

40 march 2021 |


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Reader ’s Digest

“Any time I’ve ever been asked ‘What do you want, a medal?’ I’ve said yes.”

cleanup duty. As he for only one bullet

came to attention, per person.
Humor in
some water acciden- As I handed the
UNIFORM tally spilled onto her
shoes. She let the sol-
single bullet to the
machine gunner, he
dier wallow in fear nonchalantly held
before asking, “Did the cartridge aloft
Our platoon officer you really think I and asked, “Do
joe dator/

was a tough-talking would melt?” they want me to fire

woman who barked —Michael Barry this all at once?”
orders right and left. Leawood, Kansas —Charles Petty
We referred to her as Burke, Virginia
the Witch behind her As a young trainee,
back—or we thought it I was ordered to hand
was behind her back. out the .30-caliber Your funny military
One day, she en- ammunition to the story could be worth
countered a private other guys. One catch: $$$. For details, go to
with a bucket on There was enough

42 march 2021 |

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Limited. CAM-MK-PR-512 ISS1 NOV20
Binge Drinking
May Raise
Dementia Risk
Overindulge in alcohol
and you’ll pay the price
the next morning. Do
it repeatedly, and the
price might be a lot
steeper. A paper
News From the published in JAMA

WORLD OF Network Open looked

at people’s drinking

MEDICINE habits and the effects

over a period of 12 to
30 years. Those who
sometimes drank
SLEEP BETTER UNDER enough to lose con-
sciousness were
A WEIGHTED BLANKET roughly twice as likely
to eventually develop
Most people want to treat their insomnia dementia. This held
without drugs—for good reason, since sleep- true regardless of how
ing pills can lead to dependency and cause much they usually
dizziness and falls. A Swedish trial recently drank overall. So even
if you’re a moderate
tested another option: weighted blankets. drinker (someone who
Available from retailers that sell bedding, consumes 14 or fewer
these blankets supplement the usual filling alcohol units per week;
materials with pellets, chains, or beads. a can of beer or a
standard glass of wine
The added weight creates a grounding effect contains around two
that brings the body comfort and calm. units), you should still
Compared with study subjects who went to be careful not to drink
bed with a light cover, those given a blanket too much at once.
adam voorhes

that weighed about 15 pounds saw more

improvement in both sleep and mental
health issues such as depression and anxiety.

44 march 2021
Reader ’s Digest


HEALTH, Pressure Meds
Raise Cancer Risk?
PICK UP An Answer at Last
Scientists have long
Ever since e-mailing discussed the possibil-
and texting came along, ity that hypertension
many of us have relied drugs might affect
Don’t Hit the on them to stay in cancer risk. Over
Road After Hitting touch, in part because several decades of
Your Head we think a call might be research, the evidence
more intrusive. How- has been inconsistent:
Even if you feel that ever, when subjects Some studies suggested
you’ve recovered from in a Texas study were they increase the can-
a concussion, its effects randomly assigned to cer rate, while others
could impair driving, reconnect with an old indicated they lower it
according to a study friend by either e-mail or don’t change it at all.
published in the or a phone call, calling After a number of news
Journal of Sport and gave them a stronger stories focused only
Health Science. When feeling of being on the former, some
researchers put con- bonded—without the patients were hesitant

cussed patients in additional awkwardness to take their meds. But

simulated scenarios— many had expected. now, the largest analy-
seeing a child running Feeling connected to sis to date should put
in front of a car, for others is essential for minds at ease. Based
example—their re- health and well-being, on 31 trials involving a
action times were so when it comes total of 260,000 people
slower than normal, to long-distance or around the world, the
even after their symp- socially distanced review concluded that
toms had cleared up. relationships, we no blood pressure
The research is too new should limit text-based drugs raise the risk of
to say exactly how long, communication and cancer. Meanwhile,
but it’s best to wait a choose calls there is good evidence
bit after your symp- or video that these medications
toms subside before chats more help prevent heart at-
you get behind often. tacks and strokes in
the wheel. people with high blood
pressure. 45
Reader ’s Digest News from the World of Medicine


Seniors Stay
WEIGHT LOSS Worldwide, almost a
third of people over
People living with obesity don’t need reminding that, 65 take a tumble each
as a group, they have a higher risk of life-threatening year. Dance activities
health issues. It’s not that they don’t realize this; it’s such as tango, folk
that shedding extra pounds and keeping them off dancing, or swing re-
is far easier said than done. A study from Sweden’s duce this risk by around
Uppsala University explored what might be a more 37 percent, according
feasible way of reducing risks: adopting healthy eat- to a new review. This is
ing habits (not to be confused with dieting, which is likely because dancing
solely focused on losing weight and may not include improves balance,
meals with a balanced array of nutritious foods). mobility, and lower-
When the study began, its 79,003 participants had body strength.
an average age of 61. To estimate the “healthiness”
of each person’s usual eating habits, researchers as- Stressed? A Pet
sessed how closely daily meals resembled the tra- Video Can Help
ditional Mediterranean diet, which relies on fruits,
vegetables, legumes, nuts, unrefined or high-fiber It turns out that watch-
grains, fish, and olive oil. ing cat videos on the
During 21 years of follow-up, people who ate Internet may actually
healthily but remained obese were no more likely to do some good. We al-
die than the healthy eaters whose ready know that hang-
weight was lower, though they ing out with pets in real
still had a slightly elevated life can relieve stress,
risk of dying specifically but now a British trial
from heart-related causes. suggests that watching
Meanwhile, people who adorable animals on
weren’t obese but didn’t a screen can trigger
tend to eat well had an a similar effect on your

above-average risk of blood pressure. The

death. The take away: next time you’re feeling
While body weight is a bit anxious, spending
one factor in health some time with cute
and life expectancy, it is far critters online might
from the be-all and end-all. help. RD
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in a Day’s


“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”

Thanks to working from to a “let’s circle back” six feet between you
home together, some guy—who knew? and others. That’s two
couples have learned —@InLaurasWords Great Danes, four cats,
quite a bit about each ✦ I’m married to the or 16 hamsters.”
other: guy who calls everyone —Peggy Holt
✦ Hearing my wife “Chief.” Salinas, California
in meetings and it —@MarianCutler
dawns on me that she A coworker at our
uses personnel man- Our local pet store’s auto auction was hav-
agement techniques pandemic rules were ing trouble starting
on me all the time. laid out on a sign that one of the cars. Look-
—@RemoteClancy read, “Please maintain ing defeated, he
✦ A funny thing about
quarantining is hear-
Your salary is just your company’s
ing your partner in full
work mode for the first monthly subscription of you.
time. Like, I’m married —@twotweetsnotice

48 march 2021 Cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson

Reader ’s Digest

complained, “The only Client: Hi, how much pages, and how many—
thing that’s working does a brochure cost Client: Well, if you
is the blinker on the to print? want to be that diffi-
check-engine light.” Me: Before I answer, cult, I’ll just find some-
—Dennis Marquardt I need a bit more infor- one else.
Elmore, Ohio mation, such as size, —

I wrote “William Shake-

and a sixth grader
asked, “Is that Shake-
speare’s real phone

While celebrating an
auspicious milestone,
our university medical
school ordered 2,000
pens with the inscrip-
tion “Faculty of Medi-
cine” to hand out to
guests. When the pens
arrived, all 2,000 had
this inauspicious
message: “Faulty of
Winnipeg, Canada
lionvision/getty images

Anything funny
happen to you at work?
It could be worth $$$.
For details, go to 49
Reader ’s Digest


A Teacher’s Lifesaving Call

By Emma Taubenfeld

n the midst of the COVID-19 pan- Koch immediately knew something
demic, Julia Koch began what was was wrong with Phillips. The two
only her second year as a first women had spoken numerous times
grade teacher in a virtual classroom before, but Koch had never heard the
at Edgewood Elementary School in grandmother sound quite like this.
Muskegon Heights, Michigan. One Her words were so jumbled that Koch
September after noon a few weeks could barely understand her, though
into the school year, she received a she was able to make out that Phillips
call from Cynthia Phillips, who was had fallen four times that day. Koch
having technical difficulties with called her principal, Charlie Lovelady,
her granddaughter’s tools for online who assured her that he would call
learning. and check on Phillips himself.

50 march 2021 Illustration by Gel Jamlang

Just like Koch, Lovelady could Phillips,” says Koch. “I am so pleased
barely understand Phillips. He sus- to be part of such a caring community.”
pected she might be having a stroke— But the school’s crisis response is
he recognized the signs from when his only one piece of the community’s
own father had suffered one. Lovelady extraordinary efforts to help Phillips
was able to make out the word kids and her granddaughters. Another
and immediately became concerned family with young children took in
that Phillips’s two grand children, the two girls. When that became too
ages six and eight, were probably much to handle during the day with
home alone with her—she is their at-home learning, school adminis-
primary guardian—and scared. Love- trators contacted the local Boys and
lady asked his office manager to send Girls Club, where the girls now spend
an ambulance to the grandmother’s their days as part of a program to help
home. Then Lovelady called Vandie- working parents. They return to the
bilt Mathews and Keytria Burt-Walker, host family at night.
two deans in the school district, to tell
them what was going on. Both of them “IF IT WASN’T FOR
dropped everything and drove to the
family’s home. THEM,” SAID PHILLIPS,
When they pulled up less than ten “I WOULDN’T BE HERE.”
minutes later, the EMT s were treat-
ing Phillips while the two girls, look-
ing visibly shaken, were outside with Virtual learning has been a chal-
a neighbor. The quick response from lenge across the country, but it’s fair
Koch and Lovelady saved Phillips’s to say that in Muskegon Heights it has
life. She arrived at the hospital in time helped the community grow closer.
to get treatment and before chronic Many teachers there gave their per-
damage occurred. sonal phone numbers to students
“If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be and families in case they needed extra
here,” said Phillips from her hospital help. In this case, the exchange was
bed about a month after her stroke. literally life-altering.
Thanks to an extended stay in the “The outpouring has been very
hospital, she has regained most of humbling,” Koch says about the recog-
the movement throughout her body nition the school staff has received for
except for one hand and a portion of their efforts. “But I also know that it’s
her mouth, which affects her speech. part of the kind of community we’re
“I’m proud of the people I work with, in. We care about each other, and we
that they responded so quickly and don’t just say the words. We follow
that it did make a difference for Mrs. through.” RD 51

Does This

DOG Know Whether

You Have
The canine nose is a marvel of nature. Science believes
that a computerized model will save millions of lives.

By Adam Piore

Photographs by Jason Varney | march 2021 53

Reader ’s Digest Cover Story

Osa, an athletic 62-pound

German shepherd with a long fluffy
tail and a fondness for red bandannas,
seems an unlikely superhero.
She chews on the couch when she’s detect some cancers in their early
bored and isn’t above making a scene stages remains one of the field’s most
to get attention. On a recent day when intractable—and fatal—shortcomings.
her foster mother and trainer Anne- One disheartening case in point: of the
marie DeAngelo stepped outside their estimated 21,750 women in the United
New Jersey home while chatting with States expected to be diagnosed this
a visitor, Osa bounded up and barked year with ovarian cancer, a disease
for attention; when that failed, she that is treatable when found early, al-
leaped onto the patio table, stuck her most 14,000 are likely to die from it.
snout in DeAngelo’s face, and began Osa might soon help improve those
whining. odds. She is part of an ambitious ef-
“You are unbelievable,” DeAngelo fort launched five years ago at the
growled before cracking a smile. University of Pennsylvania that aims
But if Osa wants to play the diva, to reverse engineer one of the most
she’s entitled. After all, how many six- powerful scent detection machines
year-old pooches do you know who ever discovered—the canine nose.
hair+makeup: elizabeth jacobs

have mastered the art of sniffing out Osa is able to distinguish between
cancerous tumors and are involved in blood samples taken from cancer pa-
a research project that has the poten- tients and their healthy peers simply
tial to revolutionize oncology? by sniffing them. In fact, she’s one of
Despite the remarkable success of eight cancer-detection dogs trained
immunotherapy, CRISPR gene edit- by DeAngelo and her colleagues at the
ing, and other recent breakthrough Penn Vet Working Dog Center, a non-
treatments, oncologists’ inability to profit X-Men academy of sorts that

54 march 2021 |

with her star
pupil, Osa
Reader ’s Digest

For Osa, here with

DeAngelo and
Cynthia Otto,
cancer research
is not all work.

breeds and trains “detection dogs.”

The ultimate goal is to develop an
“electronic sniffer” that can approxi-
mate the cancer-sniffing superpowers
of Osa and her pals. Such a machine
could then be deployed to thousands
of doctors’ offices and medical diag-
nostic facilities around the nation.
And cancer is only one possible
target. This type of system could lead
to similar devices for different health
issues, such as bacterial infections,
diabetes, and epilepsy. Some dog
trainers have even begun setting their
sights on COVID-19. “It’s basically the
exact same approach,” says Cynthia
Otto, the founding director of the

It all starts with that wondrous inven-

tion of nature: the canine nose. Our
own schnoz doesn’t even come close.
The average human is equipped with
five million olfactory receptors, tiny
proteins capable of detecting indi-
vidual odor molecules. These recep-
tors are clustered in a small area in
the back of the human nasal cavity,
meaning a scent must waft in and
up the nostrils. In dogs, the internal
surface area devoted to smell extends
from the nostrils to the back of the
throat and comprises an estimated

56 march 2021
Cover Story

300 million olfactory receptors,

60 times more than humans.
Dogs also devote considerably
more neural real estate to processing
and interpreting these signals than
humans do. Compared with a paltry
5 percent for humans, 35 percent of a
dog’s brain is dedicated to smelling.
Add it all up, and the dog nose is up
to a million times more sensitive than
the human nose.
“Sniffing is how dogs see the world,”
explains Marc Bekoff, professor emer-
itus of ecology and evolutionary biol-
ogy at the University of Colorado,


Boulder. “That’s how they pick up in-

formation about who has been there,
are they happy, are they sad, is the fe-
male in heat, are they feeling well or
not. Their nose leads the way—dogs
sniff first and ask questions later.”
daniel peterschmidt/science friday

Humans have always appreciated

the potential of the canine snout. In
the Middle Ages, authorities in France
and Scotland relied on dogs and
their sniffing abilities to hunt down
outlaws. Search-and-rescue dogs
emerged in the 18th century when
the monks of the Great St. Bernard
Hospice in the Swiss Alps discovered
that the canines they’d been breeding 57
DeAngelo and
Otto were
moved to tears
when the dogs
learned to
detect traces
of ovarian
cancer on the
scent wheel.

could lead them to avalanche victims tasked with reviewing every case of
buried beneath the snow. melanoma seen at the hospital over
courtesy penn vet working

Despite this history, science hadn’t the previous 20 years. It was an eye-
considered whether dogs could de- glazing assignment, recalls Williams.
tect cancer until the late 1980s, after But one after noon, he came across
30-year-old medical resident Hywel a four-word notation in a file that
Williams stumbled on scientific gold. caught his attention. It read simply:
dog center

Upon arriving at King’s College “Dog sniffed at lesion.” What did that
Hospital in London to begin his train- mean? Was it possible the dog in the
ing as a dermatologist, Williams was file actually smelled cancer?

58 march 2021
Cover Story Reader ’s Digest

“So I rang the lady in the file up,” nuzzling the woman’s leg through
Williams recalls. “And we had the her trousers. Baby Boo finally tried
most fascinating conversation!” to bite the lesion off, at which point
The patient, a 44-year-old woman, the woman visited her doctor. When
told Williams that her border collie- doctors excised the mole, they found
Doberman mix named Baby Boo had it was malignant melanoma.
become fixated on a curious mole on “Something about that lesion fasci-
the woman’s left thigh, sniffing it of- nated the dog,” Williams recalls. “And
ten. The ritual continued every day it literally saved this woman’s life.”
for several months, with Baby Boo Williams and a colleague published 59
Reader ’s Digest

their findings in the Lancet, a well- calibrant, a potent, distinct odor de-
respected medical journal. Suddenly, veloped by a veterinary scientist to
dog lovers around the world were train dogs. The trainer places the
reaching out to Williams and shar- calibrant—a powder contained within
ing similar experiences. There was a Mylar bag with a tiny hole to let the
the 66-year-old man who developed odor out—on the floor or on a wall or
a patch of eczema on the outer side holds it in hand. As soon as the dog
of his left thigh—a lesion that became sniffs at the odor to investigate it, the
the obsession of his Labrador re- trainer “marks” the smell by making a
triever until he went to the doctor. It noise with a clicker or simply saying
was found to be basal cell carcinoma. yes, and then rewards the dog with a
There was George the schnauzer, treat. This process is repeated until
trained by a Florida dermatologist. the dog learns that when it finds this
George “went crazy” when he sniffed odor, it gets rewarded.
out a suspicious mole on the leg of a Next, the trainer begins offering the
patient. It turned out to be malignant. dog choices—for instance, placing two
Over the years since, a growing distinct odors in identical containers,
body of evidence has emerged sug- only one of which produces a click and
gesting that dogs can sniff out blad- a treat when sniffed. Once that is mas-
der cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, tered, the trainer begins withholding
and even malaria, among other con- the treat until the dog freezes in front
ditions. But not just any Chihuahua, of the container of choice and stares.
corgi, or beagle can do the job. As the dogs undergo this founda-
tional training, the trainers evaluate
Like most of the dogs, Osa arrived at their skill sets and temperaments and
the Penn Vet Working Dog Center use the data to choose a particular
from a breeder at two months of age. area of specialization. Dogs that dem-
“We look at their genetics,” says De- onstrate a passion for running on rub-
Angelo. “We look at their work abil- ble enter search-and-rescue training.
ity. They have to come from working Those that don’t enjoy rubble but have
lines, not show or pet lines, but one strong noses might become narcotics
that has that hunt/prey drive.” Osa or bomb dogs. Dogs who think that
began taking obedience and agility lightly “biting people is a fun game,”
training (walking a plank, climbing a DeAngelo jokes, end up as police dogs.
ladder, gliding over a rubble pile) and Penn’s medical-detection dogs are
quickly advanced to basic odor detec- the ones with quirky personalities
tion skill training. and narrow focuses. Otto calls them
During these sessions, the dogs are the center’s “sensitive souls.” They
introduced to a universal detector dislike noisy, crowded environments,

60 march 2021
Cover Story

It’s a family affair! DeAngelo’s dogs, Grizzly (left) and Prior, also work at the center.

such as airports or disaster recovery that’s out of place. They really like hav-
sites. Osa is very suspicious of people ing things very neat and controlled.
she doesn’t know—so much so that They’re the detail dogs.”
nobody is allowed to approach De- While Osa had all the qualities that
Angelo’s house unannounced (to do make up a great sniffer dog, that didn’t
so results in loud barking and pande- guarantee that she’d be able to mas-
monium). Upon entering the home, ter the most essential task of all. To
visitor, host, and dog must all proceed find out if she could, DeAngelo and
immediately outside to play ball to set her team put Osa in front of a scent
Osa at ease before any business can wheel, a stationary metal contraption
be conducted. But with these neurotic with multiple arms, each one of which
traits also comes an uncommon focus. is large enough to hold two separate
“I often refer to our medical- containers—one containing plasma
detection dogs as the CPAs,” Otto says. from a woman with metastatic ovarian
“They would love to just look at the cancer and the other plasma from a
spreadsheets and find the one number healthy volunteer. When Osa stopped 61
Reader ’s Digest

Training a dog
like Osa to sniff
out cancer can
take a year to
18 months.

in front of the correct sample, pointed Osa and her friends are reacting to.
her nose at it, and froze, DeAngelo and DeAngelo says the blood samples she
her colleagues hugged and cried. has trained her dogs with contain hun-
“You don’t know if it’s going to dreds of different organic compounds,
work, so you train it, and you train it,” any one of which could be capturing
she says. “You’re actually now going the dog’s attention. And that is why
daniel peterschmidt/science friday

to put the real cancer in the wheel, the Penn team includes not just the
in the plasma, and see if the dogs physicists and engineers designing
can identify it and ignore the other the instrumentation for their elec-
samples. And it worked! The very first tronic nose but also chemists to help
time! It was very emotional.” figure out what exactly that electronic
And yet that’s only half the chal- nose needs to be calibrated to smell.
lenge. To transform Osa’s remarkable The group has been breaking the can-
abilities into something replicable— cer samples down into progressively
an electronic nose—researchers have smaller constituent parts and present-
to figure out what it is precisely that ing them to the dogs to winnow down

62 march 2021
Cover Story

which of the hundreds of potential aro- the country “is not practical,” he says.
matic chemical compounds (odorants) An electronic nose prototype has
grab their attention. been built, and it’s successful in sniff-
A similar approach is used to train ing out cancer 90 to 95 percent of the
the device. The engineers start with time. As impressive as that sounds, re-
two separate samples consisting of searchers say there’s still more work to
many odorants mixed together and be done. Right now, they have a good
make sure the machine can distinguish idea of what compounds or chemicals
between the two. Then they remove in- create the odor, but the team wants
dividual odorants from each sample, more specificity. One objective is to be
training the machine to distinguish able to distinguish between early- and
increasingly subtle differences that late-stage cancer. “It would be incred-
ible to identify people at an early stage
MEDICAL-DETECTION and really have an impact on saving
DOGS ARE THE lives,” says Otto. “The dogs have been
able to detect that.” With that ability,
ONES WITH QUIRKY a blood test could be sent to a central
PERSONALITIES. lab—or, ideally, performed in a doc-
tor’s office—and rolled in as part of
one’s annual checkup, making some
are more and more difficult to detect. hidden cancers a thing of the past.
The goal is to eventually place a vial of If it all works as DeAngelo and Otto
plasma inside a microwave-sized elec- hope—and Otto is confident that a
tronic sniffer that can analyze its odor- working device is “on the horizon”—
ants and provide a reading of healthy, it will be one of the most important
benign, or malignant within minutes. victories in the war against cancer yet.
Another version might handle up to Of course, neither Osa nor any of her
ten samples at a time. furry friends have much idea what the
While most people would likely fuss is all about.
prefer to have what ails them sniffed “To them, it’s just a game,” says
out by a sympathetic (if wet) nose DeAngelo. “Osa just knows that, I was
rather than a cold machine, that’s trained and when I find this odor and
not in the cards, according to Bruce I indicate on it, then I get rewarded.”
Kimball, a chemist at the Monell Osa prefers that reward to be a piece
Chemical Senses Center in Philadel- of cheese. It’s a small price to pay. Af-
phia. “The sheer numbers of dogs ter all, Osa’s nose is potentially revo-
and handlers that would have to be lutionizing how and when we detect
deployed” to the various hospitals, countless types of cancer and saving
labs, and medical facilities around thousands of lives along the way. RD 63
Reader ’s Digest

64 march 2021
clockwise from top left: courtesy mary potter kenyon. courtesy susan liss. courtesy giovanni paz villa. courtesy jana fisher


Would you pal around with your spouse’s ex?
Or buddy up to someone who put
a foot in your face? These readers did—
and found lifelong companions.

would always decline the offer, but he

I met my best friend, Bill Cervenka, at would say, “I’m walking you to your
work. I was 23, and he was 85, but it car whether you like it or not.”
seemed I had more in common with Bill and I always took the same
him than with any friends my age. lunch break. He didn’t recognize
We were both really stubborn. He al- many of my Mexican dishes and of-
ways had an umbrella, and whenever ten asked what I was eating. I always
it was raining after work, he used to offered him a taste, along with some
say, “Let me walk you to your car.” I of my Oreos. Eventually it became our

illustrations by Istvan Banyai 65

Reader ’s Digest

tradition that every time a new limited who we truly are. We’ve stood to-
edition Oreo flavor was released, we gether through difficult times and
waited to try it together. family hardships. We’ve shared won-
Bill passed away in April 2019. I derful holiday celebrations, and we
miss him every day. Now I always were together to see the birth of our
carry my umbrella and make sure first grandson. Even though we now
people without one don’t get wet. live 1,500 miles apart, Bob and I still
And when someone declines my offer, vacation with her and her husband,
I say, “I’m walking you whether you and Saturday is our “phone call” day.
like it or not.” She has brought so much joy and love
—Giovanni Paz Villa into my life. I don’t know what I’d do
Plainfield, Illinois without my best friend.
—Jana Fisher
Port Charlotte, Florida
Tina is my best friend. She is also
my husband’s ex-wife. When we first
met, she and Bob had been divorced Bill Greenhaw was a retired school
for more than 12 years, and he and principal who looked rather stern. He
I had been dating only a short time. was an organist and highly respected
We didn’t become close friends right in our church. I wore leather jackets
away. It took years of getting to know and rode a motorcycle. One day, I jok-
each other and seeing each other for ingly asked him if he would like to go
out to lunch with me on my bike. To
my surprise, he accepted!
He was the opposite of me in so
many ways, but he enjoyed riding
with me on my bike. We took many
rides together, but he never told any-
one about them. I think it brought
out a sense of adventure in him, and
I was the only person he felt comfort-
able sharing that side of himself with.
He was shy around most people. At
courtesy bobby mills

his funeral, I told his family about

our rides, and they were astonished.
I miss his kind and gentle character,
and our rides together.
—Bobby Mills
Macon, Georgia

66 march 2021
The Stranger Who Changed My Life

before him. I sent him portions of my

book in progress, and he ended up
writing a foreword for that book.
I write him a long letter at least once
a month. I ask for his advice on writ-
ing, life, faith, even dating. He answers
by e-mail, never failing to say exactly
what I need to hear. I’ve saved all of
his e-mails, more than 125 of them. I
can honestly say that an 87-year-old
man is one of my best friends.
—Mary Potter Kenyon
Dubuque, Iowa

We are the same age. And we both like

to sing. That’s where the similarities
stop. The differences go on and on.
We met more than 20 years ago
in our local church choir. Karen is a
lovely, quiet woman who would never
think of using makeup. And then
there’s me. I put makeup on to take
out the garbage, and I don’t have an
inside voice.
It was my husband, David, who urged So, why are we friends? Because we
me to read a book by Cecil Murphey share our ethics, our faith, and our mu-
and to apply for a scholarship he was sic. We love each other for being our-
offering for a writing conference in selves and for being good people with
2012. By the time I learned I had won good hearts. When we meet for break-
it, my husband had unexpectedly fast, I show up in my brightly colored
died. I wanted to meet the man who top, and she comes in with her hair tied
was responsible for my scholarship, so back and her thrift store jeans. I sit and
courtesy sue wallace

I attended a conference where he was sip my coffee with flavored creamer

speaking. When I heard a few months while she enjoys her glass of plain wa-
later that his wife had died, I began ter, and we talk for hours. We just work.
writing him letters. I may have been She is one of my favorite people.
nearly 30 years younger than he was, —Sue Wallace
but this was one path I had walked Chesterfield, Missouri 67
Reader ’s Digest

Despite this, Connie and I became

I met Connie in 1976, when we were close friends. And despite our many
both competing in a tae kwon do differences, we have remained friends
tournament. Both red belts, we had throughout the last 43 years. Connie
been paired to compete against each is Black and I am White. She was
other. As we sat next to each other raised in a big city and I was brought
waiting for our match, Connie began up in a small town. Connie is a liberal
to talk to me. She was friendly and Democrat and I am a conservative
had a wonderful smile. I was struck Republican.
by how nice she was. Then we got up Connie now lives on the East Coast
to compete. Connie suddenly put on and I live in northern Wisconsin, but
the fiercest face you can imagine. This we keep in touch through social me-
terrified me. Out of self-preservation, dia. One of her favorite things to do is
I proceeded to kick her in the head— to introduce me as her bestie who put
twice—and won the match. a foot in her face.
—Susan Liss
Summit Lake, Wisconsin

The year was 1981. I was working as

the coordinator of Know America,
an educational experience for adults
in Washington, DC. Bernice was the
coordinator of a group of about 40 of
her fellow North Dakotans who were
attending a weeklong Know America
program in October.
On the last day of the week, I saw
Bernice picking up the huge syca-
more leaves falling from the trees that
lined the center’s driveway. Sycamore
leaves are not great fall leaves—they
tend to just turn brown and fall down.
“We don’t have a lot of trees in North
courtesy ron drum

Dakota. At least, none like these!” she

explained as she chose another speci-
men for her scrapbook.
As soon as I could, I went out and
found some far better fall leaves

68 march 2021
The Stranger Who Changed My Life

for Bernice—red and orange maple

leaves, yellow aspen, orange-red
sassafras—and I included them in the
envelope along with my thank-you let-
ter to her for attending the program.
That’s how I came to learn the
truth: Bernice wanted those particu-
lar leaves for their size, not their color.
Bernice told me that she had never
seen leaves so large and that was why
she was picking them up.
It made for a great joke, and
we laughed about it all year as we
planned her next group’s Know Amer-
ica experience. We quickly became
close friends, and we’ve remained
close friends ever since. I still remember Wayne’s voice on the
Last year, I sent leaf stickers to phone telling me, “Suzanne, your
Bernice for her birthday. In return, horses are in the garden again and
she sent me a copy of the book Last of Dolly [his wife] and Hazel [his mother]
the Breed by her favorite author, Louis are mad!” Wayne kept me company
L’Amour. Inside, she had placed a leaf while I got the troublemakers out of
sticker on every sentence in the book the garden.
that mentioned leaf or leaves, 34 stick- Wayne was 85 when I introduced
ers in total. him to my husband. Now my husband
—Ron Drum and I see him every time we travel
Drums, Pennsylvania home. We have a standing birthday
breakfast date every year. In 2020,
Wayne turned 100.
In 1977, I was a ten-year-old tomboy —Suzanne Ryan
growing up in rural upstate New York. Cummington, Massachusetts
courtesy suzanne ryan

Cream of the Crops

Here’s the problem with fruit: It’s inconsistent. Some apples are delicious;
some taste bad. Sometimes blueberries are great; sometimes they
are disgusting. You know what’s the same every time? Doritos.
@punished_picnic 69
Reader ’s Digest

70 march 2021


Need extra cash? Want to get

in shape? Looking to cook or clean better—or
feel happier? These 37 tweaks take just a few
seconds or minutes and can lead to big changes.

By Caroline Fanning

Illustrations by Andrea De Santis 71

1. Defrost Frozen Meat 3. Get an Instant Favor
Research published by the USDA in- When you ask someone a small favor,
dicates that your frozen strip steak they’re far more likely to do it if you
might benefit from a nice hot bath. add the word because. Psychologist
The study found that one-inch cuts Ellen Langer conducted a study that
of meat can be thawed in ten minutes found that people were 34 percent-
without reducing quality. The trick: age points more likely to heed simple
Use 102-degree water, seal the meat requests when they contained that
in plastic, and submerge it in a large magic word. So if you say, “Excuse me,
pot, stirring occasionally to prevent a may I jump ahead in line? My parking
cold zone from developing and insu- meter runs out in two minutes,” there’s
lating the meat from the warm water. a 60 percent chance the favor will be
Researchers also found that water- granted. But if you say you need to
thawing may lead to better-tasting skip the line because your meter is
steaks, as they leaked less juice than running out, the likelihood leaps to
air-thawed ones. 94 percent. Langer also found that
saying “because” even with a flimsy
2. Speed-Listen to a Podcast excuse raises your odds of success.
So many podcasts, so little time. For-
tunately, most podcast apps have op- 4. Ease an Aching Back
tions to speed up the audio without You may think you’re giving your
distorting the pitch or quality beyond back the night off by sleeping on
recognition. The 1.8x speed is a good your stomach, but that can actually
place to start—it would allow you to exacerbate back pain, the Mayo Clinic
get through a 30-minute podcast in found. If that’s your natural position
less than 17 minutes. You can also use and you can’t break the habit, tape
the app Overcast, which has a Smart an uncooked pea to your stomach
Speed setting that automatically before you crawl into bed, says chiro-
compresses podcasts by cutting out practor Cynthia Vaughn. You’ll forget
pauses and silences. This approach is it’s there while dozing on your back,
better for purely informational pod- but when you flip over, it’ll wake you
casts than for those with Seinfeld-like, up right away, allowing you to correct
pause-heavy humor. your position.

72 march 2021
Home & Life Reader ’s Digest

6. Start a Fire in
a Twigless Place
Any good scout knows
that all it takes to
build a fire is tin-
der or kindling
(easy-to-light ma-
terial, usually in the
form of small sticks
or crumpled paper) and
fuel (logs)—and that without

the tinder you won’t get anywhere.
If there isn’t much around in terms
of dead leaves or dry twigs and you
can’t spare the day’s news paper,
Nap like a Soldier Family Handyman says there’s an-
Uncle Sam wants you—to take a nap! other source hidden in the base-
The U.S. Army recently rolled out ment: the lint from your dryer. Stuff it
new guidelines that encourage sol- into empty toilet paper tubes (which
diers to take “short, infrequent naps even look like logs) and put them un-
to restore wakefulness and promote der your grate. These lint logs light
performance.” The freshly updated quickly and burn long enough to ig-
Field Manual FM 7-22: Holistic Health nite any wood.
and Fitness also recommends sticking
closely to a consistent sleep sched- 7. Chill a Bottle of Wine
ule. However, if soldiers (or civilians) The dinner is ready, the lights are
can’t get their typical number of low, the perfect evening is about to
winks on workdays, they should begin—but you forgot to put the wine
try sleeping in and napping to pay in the fridge. No worries, say the edi-
down “sleep debt” rather than stick- tors of Taste of Home. Submerge the
ing to their usual sleep-wake sched- bottle in liberally salted ice water and
ules on off days. Beetle Bailey would turn it periodically. The salt will cause
be thrilled. the water’s temperature to drop more 73
Reader ’s Digest

quickly, enough for a bottle of red wine

to take only about three to five minutes
to reach a temperature of 50 to 60 de-
grees. Whites will take about eight to
ten minutes, and sparkling wines will
take ten to twenty minutes.

8. Maintain Strong Hips

Keeping both feet planted on the
ground seems like a good way to avoid
shattering a hip. However, a study
from Brigham Young University found
that women ages 25 to 50 who jumped
in place ten times in a row twice a day
upped their hip bone density in just
16 weeks. Find a spacious, flat spot,
and rest 30 seconds between hops.

9. Rescue a Lost Drawstring

Nothing is worse than fiddling with the
drawstring of your favorite hoodie or
sweatpants and realizing too late that
one end has disappeared. To fix it, start
by pulling the whole drawstring out.
Thread one end through a straw and
tie a knot on the end. Then push the
straw (knotted end first) into one of the Boost Short-
openings in the material and work it all
the way around to the other opening.

10. Boil Veggies in Less Time

Instead of filling a pot with water
and waiting for it to boil on the stove,
jump-start the whole process with
your electric teakettle. Pour the boil-
11. Term Memory
A 2018 study from
University of Cal-
ifornia, Ir vine,
found that stu-
dents who pedaled a stationary bike
at a speed that raises heart rate only
30 percent for just ten minutes (a brisk
ing water into a preheated pot, and walk is 50 percent) demonstrated sig-
you’ll be cooking with (or without) gas nificantly better short-term memory
fast. Chopped or baby potatoes can be on a test asking them to remember
done in as little as five minutes. images they’d seen only briefly.

74 march 2021
Home & Life

in some people. So the next time you

bang your funny bone, skip the cuss-
ing and start counting.

13. Revive a Charred Pot

After years and years of use, your
favorite pot is approaching a burned,
residue-filled end. Don’t say goodbye
just yet. Instead, fill the pot about
halfway with water, drop in a dish-
washer tablet, and bring it to a boil.
This soap soup concentrates the
tablet’s full power and should revive
even the most far-gone pot in just ten

14. Lower Risks from Diabetes

Science has long suggested that sau-
nas and hot tubs help improve blood
sugar and body fat percentage, but
unless you’ve got an in-home spa,
those things can be hard to come by
on a regular basis. A study presented


12. Get Past the Pain
A university research team in Ger- SKIP THE CUSSING
many exposed 20 people to a painful AND START COUNTING.
cold stimulus and told them to use
one of three methods to mitigate pain:
counting backward from 1,000 by sev- at the 2020 annual meeting of the
ens, thinking of something pleasant, European Association for the Study
or telling themselves the pain isn’t of Diabetes found that subjects with
that bad. Researchers found that type 2 diabetes who spent anywhere
counting backward works best be- from 2 to 30 minutes in the bath four
cause it requires enough concentra- times per week showed decreased
tion to distract from the pain, even body weight, body mass index (BMI),
reducing pain intensity by 50 percent waist circumference, diastolic blood 75
Reader ’s Digest

pressure, and glycated hemo globin.

All that from a good old- fashioned
soak in a warm tub!

15. Opine for Pocket Change

It pays to be opinionated: Google’s
Opinion Rewards app will pay you
anywhere from ten cents to $1 per
market research survey completed.
Download the app, and Google will
notify you when there’s an available
survey. You’ll have 24 hours to com-

plete it, but most surveys take less
than 20 seconds.

16. Preclean Your Green Thumbs

Gardening gloves are a good idea—if
you remember where you put them.
Another solution: Run your fingernails Feel More Optimistic
across a bar of soap before you dig into Shawn Achor, CEO of GoodThink, Inc.,
the dirt. The soap will keep out the dirt performed a study with Harvard Uni-
and help you scrub up later. versity that found that subjects who
took two minutes each day to write a
17. Quell That Shopping Impulse positive message to somebody who
A survey from found supports and is close to them score sig-
that impulse shopping has increased nificantly higher in optimism and life
by 18 percent since the onset of the satisfaction after just 21 days. “People
COVID-19 pandemic. If your credit card who do this not only get great e-mails
information is saved to your browser and texts back; they’re also perceived
or if your Amazon one-click purchase as positive leaders,” says Achor.
is enabled, it’s easy to find yourself
making too many gratuitous pur- 19. Undo Stuck-at-Desk
chases. Disabling these features and Syndrome
forcing yourself to get up and dig out Research from the University of Mis-
your credit card, enter your payment souri found that just six hours of
information manually, and go through prolonged sitting reduces blood flow
the standard checkout process will de- to the legs, preventing healthy dila-
crease the likelihood that you’ll com- tion of significant arteries in your
plete the purchase by 30 percent. calves and harming vascular health.

76 march 2021
Home & Life

However, the study also found that it individual health and psychological
takes only ten minutes of walking after function. “Helping an elderly neigh-
an extended sedentary period to work bor carry groceries, for example, offers
those arteries to dilation and quickly a prosocial boost for both sides,” says
restore blood flow to healthy levels. Bryant Hui, PhD, a researcher on the
study. Researchers from the University
20. Unclog a Drain of Pennsylvania, Yale University, and
Even if you share a bathroom with Harvard also found that volunteers’
Rapunzel, hair clogs can be easier
to remove than you think. The edi- A TEN-MINUTE WALK
tors at Family Handyman say to start
with a wire coat hanger and untwist
to free the hook, leaving the nonhook HEALTH DEPLETED
end of the wire in its twist. Now that BY A DAY OF SITTING.
it’s shaped like a tiny auger, push the
nonhook, auger end down the drain
to the clog. Bend the hook end to form sense of “time affluence” (the feeling
a handle, and crank it so the auger of having plenty of time for leisure and
bores into the clog. Pull, and voilà! meaningful activities) rose when doing
small selfless acts for others, compared
21. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit with those who got to spend time on
There’s not a huge difference between themselves or simply wasted time.
the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales, ex-
cept that 70 degrees on one means it’s 23. Keep Your Fly Closed
a nice day and on the other means you Realize a little too late that the zipper
are dead. To avoid future moments of on your favorite jeans has gone faulty
panic, there’s a simple formula for and won’t stay up? Slip a key ring off
converting C to F: Multiply by two your key chain and scurry away to the
and add 30. To go from Fahrenheit to bathroom. Attach the pull to the ring
Celsius, do the reverse: First subtract as you would a key, close the zipper,
30, then divide by two. and then hang the key ring over your
pants button. The zipper will stay up
22. Boost Your Self-Esteem on the teeth and under the radar until
A little extra serotonin is just a five- you can get the pants to a tailor.
minute good deed away, according to
research published in Psychological 24. Safeguard Against
Bulletin. The study found that behav- Garbage Juice
ior based on cooperation, compas- There’s perhaps nothing more dis-
sion, trust, and altruism can increase gusting than lifting a full plastic bag 77
Reader ’s Digest

out of the trash can only to find that down the product page until you
it has sprung a leak. Protect the can find your item’s ten-character Ama-
from future gunk eruptions by placing zon Standard Identification Number
neatly folded newspaper at the bot- (ASIN), or hit command+F (control+F
tom. It will soak up any foul-smelling for PC users) and type “ASIN” into the
liquids that escape from the bag. find bar that appears. Then head over
to, an Amazon price track-
25. Prep the Pets for Alone Time ing site. Enter the ASIN number in the
If we have to derive one good thing search bar to access the item’s price
from the pandemic (which we don’t), history; if there has been a lower price
it’s the extended quality time we’ve in the past, it’ll probably drop again.
had with our pets. However, lockdown
will end at some point, and you don’t 27. Don’t Cry over Spilled Eggs
want to leave man’s best friend heart- Is there any mess like egg mess? Not
broken once man (and woman) has to quite solid, not quite liquid, but a vex-
reenter the world. Arizona State Uni- ing hybrid that’s hard to wipe or scoop
versity’s Canine Science Collaboratory up. If an egg hits the linoleum instead
director Clive Wynne, PhD, suggests of the pan, give it a good salting (be
starting to leave the house for ten min- mindful not to grind it into the floor).
utes each day and slowly building the Wait ten minutes, and that raw egg
will turn nearly solid for a much easier
POST-PANDEMIC, pickup that won’t leave your broom
gooey or your dishrag trashworthy.
RELEARN HOW TO BE 28. Ease the Body, Ease the Mind
HOME WITHOUT YOU. Researchers from the University of
Konstanz in Germany have found that
just a ten-minute massage is enough
time increment so your pet can gradu- to put you at ease, both physically and
ally adjust to your eventual extended psychologically. It’s the first research
absence. (BTW, experts have debunked to confirm the relationship between
the myth that too much cooing over brief massages (or even just a gentle
your pet upon your return home ex- stroke of the shoulders) and the para-
acerbates separation anxiety. In fact, sympathetic nervous system, which
make as much of a fuss as you want!) is responsible for initiating a sense
of calm and restoring balance to the
26. Save Money on Amazon body after a stressful episode. No spa
Not sure whether is giv- day is necessary to rev your body’s
ing you its best offer right now? Scroll physiological relaxation response.

78 march 2021
Home & Life

Whip Up a Chocolate Cake has come up with
a delicious microwave cake recipe
30. Raise Your Credit Score
Experian Boost is a free service that
lets you factor certain on-time pay-
ments you’ve made (cell phone,
Inter net, electric, water, gas, cable,
and streaming bills) into your credit
report to potentially improve your
for all your last-minute party needs: credit score while allowing you to
Just mix together ¾ cup flour, omit missed or late payments. By
¾ cup granulated sugar, ¾ cup cocoa, taking just a few minutes to sign up,
2¼ teaspoons baking powder, ¼ tea- you can add up to 24 months’ worth
spoon salt, 2 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons of past on-time bill payments (and
melted butter, 2  teaspoons vanilla countless future ones) to bump your
extract, ½ cup chocolate chips, and FICO credit score. The company says
1 cup warm water, and 5 microwave that more than four million users have
minutes later, you’ll be blowing out garnered a collective 29 million credit
the candles on a scrumptious choco- points via the service (a little more
late confection! than seven points per person). 79
Reader ’s Digest

31. Let There Be Light a sleeping dog lie, it’s just never go-
Tired of fumbling in the dark for the ing to happen if you have an excit-
light switch? Family Handyman sug- able border collie or athletic German
gests dabbing glow-in-the-dark paint shepherd that needs lots of physi-
on the end of the switch. cal activity. To keep Bingo happy,
healthy, and tired, take him to the top
Truly Tire Out of a small hill for a lively ten-minute

32. the Dog

As much as you
might like to let
game of gravity-enhanced fetch. The
incline should be small enough that
the dog can catch up to the ball once
the ground lev-
els at the bot-
tom. Then he
must run up
the slope to re-
turn the ball,
doubling the
amount of en-
ergy exerted.

33. Remove
Carpet Dents
It feels great to do
a bit of furniture
re a r ra n g i n g —
or, better yet,
those dents
in the carpet
ca n l i n g e r a s
the ghosts of
couches past.
Drop an ice
cube onto the
spot and blast it
with a hair dryer
until it melts
and the carpet
dries again. The

80 march 2021
Home & Life

moisture-heat combo will restore the then track on a custom dashboard.

carpet fibers to their natural state Or spend a few minutes yourself to
(much as it does your own hair). Frizz identify recurring charges on your
finally uses its powers for good instead accounts—$237 per month adds up
of evil! to $2,844 annually!

34. Ready-to-Eat Pasta in YOU ARE HAVING A

Just One Minute
Any minutes are too many to wait for COOKIE EMERGENCY—
pasta to cook, so cut your time to the YOU NEED
bare minimum with precooking. Pre-
pare any pasta to al dente firmness,
drain, and cool. Lightly coat it with
vegetable or olive oil and put in a stor-
age container or bag in the fridge for 36. Sanitize a Toothbrush
up to three days. When you’re ready According to a University of Man-
to eat, put the pasta in boiling water chester study, about ten million tiny
for about 50 seconds, then drain and bacterial tenants are living in your
enjoy. toothbrush bristles and vacation-
ing on your bicuspids every time
35. Audit Your Autopay you brush. Serve them an eviction
Subscriptions notice by rinsing the toothbrush un-
Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime, der the tap and storing it upright to
oh my! With the number of streaming dry. Then swish the bristles in mouth-
services on the market, it can be hard wash for 30 seconds to really send
to remember which ones you signed bacteria packing.
up for but want to cancel, signed up
for and want to keep, or signed up for 37. Soften Butter for Baking
but wanted only the free trial. Tech You are having a chocolate chip
consulting firm West Monroe found cookie emergency—you need a nice,
that Americans spend about $237 warm batch, stat! If you don’t have
per month on autopay subscrip- time to let the butter get to room
tions. They also found that 84 percent temperature, take out your metal box
of us underestimate subscription grater. Partially unwrap the stick and
expenses—51 percent by $100 or rub the exposed part against the larg-
more. Apps such as TrueBill, Bobby, est holes, carefully working your way
and Subscro connect to your bank down the stick. These butter shreds
account and automatically identify will fold easily into your cookie
subscription services, which you can dough. RD 81
Reader ’s Digest

82 march 2021 Photographs by Joleen Zubek




By Bill Hangley 83
Reader ’s Digest

is a land of rainbows. The perky pink by the global market research firm
of Pepto-Bismol. The soothing green Ipsos selected Listerine as the single
of NyQuil. From aisle to aisle, peppy most trusted brand in their medicine
purples and rootin’-tootin’ reds prom- cabinets.
ise fresh this and happier that. “I like to think that the burning in-
But lest anyone be lulled into think- side my mouth makes that bacteria
ing it’s all fun and games, a familiar suffer,” said one person in the survey.
whiskey-colored face is still there to “There ain’t anything more real,”
remind us that it’s still about killing comic Tony Baker recently put it.
germs. “The brown Listerine plays zero
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the games. The brown Listerine is all
product America trusts with its dirti- business.”
est jobs: Listerine. Listerine’s savage reputation is no
Specifically, the brown stuff. Of- accident. The original brown liquid
ficial name: Listerine Original Anti- was created in St. Louis in 1879 as
septic Mouthwash. It’s the stuff you an antibacterial cleanser for doc-
find in Pop-Pop’s medicine cabinet tors and dentists. Inventor Joseph
that tastes like an old shoe. The stuff Lawrence, MD, named his creation
that’s become an unlikely superstar after Joseph Lister, a famous English
to teenagers, stand-up comedians, surgeon who’d pioneered the use of
and beyond. And the stuff that was antiseptics.
named the most trusted mouthwash The product sold modestly at first.
in the Reader’s Digest annual survey But starting in 1920, Listerine’s for-
of health and wellness products. In tunes skyrocketed, fueled by a single
fact, the 4,000 Americans surveyed word: halitosis.

84 march 2021
from left: university of southern california/getty images. images Trusted Brands

To bolster its germ-fighting credibility, the inventor of Listerine named his

mouthwash after Dr. Joseph Lister (right), a pioneer of antiseptic surgery.

That grim-sounding bit of Latin Listerine’s most popular flavor, but

means simply “bad breath.” Listerine the brown stuff (which has come to be
made it infamous with an ad cam- called “Gold” in some adoring circles)
paign as ruthless as the product itself. comes close behind.
In magazines and newspapers, full- Gold or brown, in the COVID-19 era,
page spreads showed unfortunate, the product behind this household
sad-eyed men and women being os- name seems likely to keep on shining.
tracized from polite society: The pandemic has handed the $30
“They talk about you behind your billion minty-fresh-breath industry—
back.” mouthwashes, mints, breath strips,
“Don’t offend others needlessly.” and gels—a real challenge. Retail
“Are you unpopular with your own sales from 2020 showed a 20 percent
children?” drop in breath mints, for example.
S e e m r i d i c u l o u s ? A m e r i ca n s One leading company saw sales drop
didn’t think so. Within seven years by 40 percent. “No one has anybody
of launching its halitosis ads, Lister- they’re looking to impress with fresh
ine’s annual revenues had gone from breath right now,” writes Marnie
$115,000 to $8 million, and to this day Shure, a food and entertainment jour-
it remains the nation’s leading mouth- nalist for “No close-
wash brand. “Cool Mint” blue is now quarters job interviews, first dates, 85
Reader ’s Digest

or big kissing scenes in a community intended to be used to help prevent

theater production of Oklahoma!” common oral health problems like
But the pandemic is a good time bad breath,” the company advises on
to be fighting germs. Some Listerine its website.
fans got excited last summer when It’s even possible to overuse mouth-
research showed that anti septic wash, many physicians warn. “The
mouthwashes containing alcohol problem is that while there are bad
and essential oils such as menthol, and smelly bacteria we want to get
thymol, and methyl salicylate (the rid of, there are good bacteria that we
butt-kicking active ingredients in Lis- need,” says Jason Woloski, a family
terine) can kill the virus that causes doctor in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
COVID-19 in a petri dish. Sadly, that But there’s no doubt that Listerine
doesn’t mean Listerine can help con- kills germs—up to 99.9 percent of
trol the disease in people—the virus those it encounters in your mouth,
lurks in the lungs and throat, not the company claims. In fact, a decade
just our mouths. “Mouthwash is only ago, a study conducted in India and

The 19 Other Most Trusted Health Brands

For the seventh year in a row, Reader’s Digest has teamed up with the
global market research firm Ipsos to identify the product brands that
Americans say they trust the most. The winners in 20 health and
wellness categories include some new ones, including in the CBD and
health insurance categories. And in this most unusual year, we expanded
the criteria to factor in how well Americans think the brand has responded
to the pandemic and also supported diversity and racial justice.

Allergy Relief Cold/Flu Remedy Headache/Pain Reliever


Body Lotion Contact Lens Health Insurance

CBD (cannabidiol) Cough Remedy Healthy Cereal
CBD/VERMA FARMS Eye Drops Heartburn/Antacid

86 march 2021
Trusted Brands

published by the National Institutes disposal with hot water for one min-
of Health found that rinsing with an ute,” advises one site. Put brown Lis-
antiseptic mouthwash is at least as ef- terine on an itchy scalp to kill lice. Put
fective in controlling gum disease as it on yellow toenails to kill fungus. In
flossing. The brand used in its study: the health-care world, these are what
Listerine. are known as off-label uses. In other
words: Proceed with care and check
UNGLAMOROUS with your doctor.
Clearly, Listerine has achieved a
LISTERINE level of pop-culture fame that’s re-
HAS ACHIEVED markable for such an unglamorous
REMARKABLE FAME. product. There are videos all over
YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok of
young people taking the Brown Lis-
And superfans have long known terine Challenge, showing off how
that if you’re willing to experiment long they can maintain a mouthful of
(and you’re careful), Listerine and the stuff. They rarely last longer than
other antiseptic mouthwashes can do 30 seconds.
the dirty work in all sorts of places. “Brown Listerine could fry chicken
Countless online guides share reci- in a pan with the stove off,” concluded
pes for using it all around the house. It one young taste tester. “Brown Lister-
can clean your toilet, your floor, your ine kills vampires and werewolves,”
flaking scalp, and even your smelly said another.
garbage disposal. “Just pour about In other words, the brown stuff
two tablespoons down the drain, let it takes no prisoners. Fortunately, it’s
work for about an hour, then run the on our side. RD

Herbal Supplement Sleep Aid

Multivitamin Sugar Alternative
Nutritional Drink/
Meal Replacement Sun Protection

Pharmacy Toothpaste
Reader ’s Digest

With his truck dangling 70 feet above a roiling river
and a storm whipping 50-mph winds, a trapped
driver’s only hope is a team of trained emergency
rescuers—who are stuck in traffic

By Anita Bartholomew
ILLUSTRATIONS by Steven P. Hughes | march 2021 89

Reader ’s Digest Drama in Real Life

The winds this April morning were giving Wayne Boone’s

massive 2007 Freightliner tractor trailer a good lashing.
A driver for Butler Paper Recycling in Suffolk, Virginia, Boone
steered the empty 18-wheeler up a stretch of Interstate 64
in Chesapeake toward Virginia Beach, about 25 miles away,
where he would pick up his first load of the day.

The 53-year-old driver pulled into pitching into the water below. He
the eastbound left lane of the G.A. struggled to regain control. His empty
Treakle Memorial Bridge, known to trailer, meanwhile, jackknifed to the
locals simply as the I-64 High Rise, a left, skidding sideways at an angle to
four-lane drawbridge that traverses the cab.
the southern branch of the Elizabeth Fighting both truck and weather, the
River. On the span, the storm let loose steering wheel unresponsive, Boone
its full force, finding no obstacles in its was swept along about 200 feet, un-
path but vehicles, which it pummeled. able to get traction. Then a second
Rain hammered Boone’s windshield. gust, raging more violently than the
Winds grew fiercer. Boone slowed, let-
ting cars pass. It would be good to get THE WIND LIFTED
to the other side.
At the bridge’s crest, 70 feet above
the rushing estuary, the concrete road EDGE OF THE BRIDGE
gives way to steel decking. Even in AND THEN DROPPED IT.
perfect weather it’s easy to lose trac-
tion on the grids. Boone’s front wheels
met the slick steel just as a powerful first, blew through the open mesh
gust blasted the driver’s side. of the bridge’s steel grid. It slammed
To Boone, it felt as if the wind lifted into the driver’s side of the cab and si-
his truck clear off the surface. He multaneously shoved it upward from
could swear that he was floating for a below, lifting the cab, with Boone in-
second before being dumped into the side, over the edge of the bridge before
right lane. He had no time to consider dropping it again.
how such a thing could be possible. If he had had any hope of survival
His cab barreled into the guardrail on before, it was gone. The cab was now
the far right edge, mangling the metal aimed straight down toward the gray-
barrier that protected his truck from black water.

90 march 2021
Lieutenant Chad
Little, 49, of the Chesa-
p e a k e Fi re D e p a r t-
ment, was on his way
to conduct a CPR train-
ing class when an odd
message popped up on
his SUV’s touchscreen:
“Truck hanging over
the bridge.” He was
only a minute or two
away. He flicked on his
emergency lights and
siren and sped to the
High Rise.
The traffic on the
bridge was impass-
able. Little got as far as
the drawbridge’s grid
and no farther. When
he stepped outside,
the wind blasted him.
He tucked in his chin,
walked ahead about
75 yards, and radioed in
his assessment. The front cab of a trac- meant calling in Rescue 15, a team
tor trailer had gone over the High Rise, of highly trained firefighter- EMT s
leaving its trailer still on the bridge. The who respond when the unthinkable
heavy steel frame between the cab and happens: an earthquake, a building
the fifth wheel, where the cab couples collapse, a bombing, or some other
with the trailer, had literally folded, disaster. He then switched to another
and the cab, bent at a 90-degree angle, channel to request the largest fireboat
dangled over the river. Engine, hood, in the region. Working over the water
and fuel tanks had already fallen, leav- in this weather, he needed assets be-
ing a slick on the water. The driver was low in case something—or someone—
trapped in the cab, hanging ten feet should fall.
below the roadbed. Meanwhile, a bystander had tossed
“This will be a complex technical a rigging strap and the kind of harness
rescue incident,” Little reported. That a roofer would wear over the edge of 91
Reader ’s Digest

the bridge to the driver. Police officers

and civilians stood in a line holding
the rope as if they were in a one-sided
tug-of-war. Little appreciated that
they wanted to help, but he explained
that if they pulled the driver out of the
truck without the proper equipment,
he was likely to tumble to his death.
Once Rescue 15 got there, the team
members would anchor their special-
ized equipment for a complex rope
rescue before trying to move him.
The first ladder truck arrived from
the westbound side of the bridge,
where traffic was still able to move.
Running chains over the concrete bar-
rier that separated the east- and west-
bound lanes, firefighters anchored Injured and disoriented, Wayne Boone
their truck to the cab’s back wheels. was dangling inside the cab of his truck
for over an hour.
Wayne Boone, the driver, knew
he should be dead. Busting through of escaping the cab and surviving, he
the guardrail and then literally flying had to get free from his seat belt. The
through the air before nose-diving to- position of the cab gave little room to
ward the river—it had all happened so maneuver. The cracked windshield be-
fast. How was he still alive? Somehow, neath him exposed the looming dark
the back of his cab had snagged on the waters below. If he put any weight on
bridge’s edge before it could complete the glass, he risked breaking through courtesy chesapeake fire department
its descent. Still strapped into his seat, and falling the rest of the way. Under
he dangled at a 90-degree angle above the howl of the wind, he heard voices
the rushing Elizabeth River, swinging from above. “It’s about to go!”
with each new gust. Whatever the Got to get free.
force was that held the cab on the Releasing his seat belt, Boone tried
edge, he knew it couldn’t last. Gravity to hang on to the seat, but he imme-
and wind would have their say. diately slid into the windshield. The
Sticky red blood spilled into his glass shifted in its frame. He scram-
eyes. He was injured, but his body had bled upward, doing his best to grab
yet to fully register the pain. He forced pieces of the shattered dashboard,
himself to focus. If he had any chance aware that he was getting cut along

92 march 2021
Drama in Real Life

the way. He slipped again. And again. But their first challenge was more
Each time his feet met the windshield, mundane: the sea of red brake lights
the glass gave a little more. The next that greeted them on the bridge. If this
time could be the last. Summoning all were an ordinary road, vehicles would
his strength, straddling broken bits of have made way at the first whoop from
truck, he pulled himself between the a fire truck. But because the bridge
seats and wedged himself back as far had, at most, a two-foot shoulder,
as he could behind the driver’s seat. the cars had nowhere to go. Beazley
He had only inches of space; it would jumped down, tapped on windows,
have to do. and got a few vehicles to move in or-
Minutes passed—to Boone, it felt der to let the rescuers pass. As they
like hours—before he heard the ap- inched forward, the clock ticked on
proaching sirens. To his ears, the the dangling trucker. Traffic filled in
jarring wail could have been angels behind them, cutting off the possibil-
singing. Somewhere in the cab, his ity of backing up and approaching
phone rang. He would have given
anything for the comfort of another
human voice, but though he reached
around, searching as well as he could
from the cramped position, the ring-
ing’s source eluded him.
From the bridge above, an onlooker
tossed him a harness. Boone reached
out his open driver’s side window and
pulled it inside the cab. That effort
was all he could manage. Disoriented
and weak, he could not figure out how
to get it on his body.
courtesy chesapeake fire department

The call came in to Rescue 15

at 8:43 a.m. The trio on duty at that
time—Brad Gregory, 57; Justin Beaz-
ley, 25; and Mark Poag, 43—piled
into the rescue truck that carried all
their extrication gear and headed to
the scene, running through various
rescue scenarios to figure out what As 50-mph wind gusts threatened to
ropes they would need and where toss him off the truck, Justin Beazley did
they should position the equipment. his best to put the trucker at ease. 93
Drama in Real Life Reader ’s Digest

from the westbound lanes, which appeared to be barely holding on.

police had cleared. A couple hun- Getting into his harness, Beazley
dred yards from the accident, it was checked the rope and rigging. He
clear they would get no farther. Beaz- would be tied in with an elevated an-
ley grabbed the harnesses, rope, and chor to prevent him from falling into
some other gear off the top of the the river should anything go wrong.
rescue truck and hitched a ride on The ladder operator positioned the
Ladder 12, a fire truck headed to the fire truck’s extended ladder over the
scene in the cleared westbound lane. top of the crippled tractor trailer
Poag and Gregory gathered the and then set it in place. Ordinarily,
rest of the equipment they expected firefighters would not raise a ladder
to need from their truck: more rope, in such high winds. It could shake
a pulley system called a set-of-fours, the truck and wear out the metal. In
and a belay to anchor equipment to
at the scene. As they marched toward
the crippled tractor trailer, the wind EACH TIME HIS FEET
grew more intense. Rain and sleet bat- MET THE WINDSHIELD,
tered them sideways, soaking through THE GLASS GAVE
to the skin. About a dozen bystanders
had left their cars, braving the storm’s A LITTLE MORE.
fury to stand vigil at the bridge’s edge.
Gregory, Poag, and the crew mem-
bers of the ladder truck quickly de- theory, the wind could even blow the
vised a plan: Beazley would rappel fire truck over. But this was as far from
down to the driver from the extended ordinarily as it got.
ladder of one of the trucks, open the Poag and another firefighter had
door, and secure the driver to himself, command of the pulley system at-
and then the two would be lifted to tached to the ladder. Beazley, in his
safety. By now, sustained winds were harness, was fastened at the other
approaching 50  mph, with stronger end. Working the pulleys, they lifted
gusts. Working shoulder to shoulder, Beazley over the bridge’s edge, ma-
they had to shout to hear each other neuvered him above the cab, and
above the howling gales. slowly lowered him.
Beazley walked to the bridge’s edge As he rappelled toward the truck
and tried to process what he saw. driver, the wind tossed Beazley like
It was like no incident he’d ever re- a pinball. He grabbed on to the cab
sponded to before. Spilled diesel fuel to avoid being blown into the bridge.
soaked everything on the ground, He’d planned to open the door to
including their equipment. The cab extricate the driver, but now he saw | march 2021 95

Reader ’s Digest

Of saving the incapacitated truck’s driver, Beazley told Virginia’s WTKR, “It all
happened so quick. You train for this, but you just never expect it.”

that such a move risked putting more He was trying to do as Beazley in-
downward pressure on the vehicle. structed but was clearly too dazed to
Any rescue attempt would have to be assist in his own extraction. The wind,
via the window. meanwhile, wanted to blast Beazley
The driver, Beazley realized, was in off the cab’s door. The rescue became
shock. After dangling in the wind for more precarious by the second as
an hour, waiting to die, he was spent. 50-to-60-mph gusts lashed at both the
But the relief in his eyes at seeing cab and the rescuer. Beazley realized
Beazley was evident. “My name’s Jus- there was no time left. He would have
tin,” Beazley shouted. “What’s yours?” to get inside the cab.
Boone replied, but Beazley barely Pulling his torso through the win-
courtesy wtkr - norfolk

heard him. “We’re going to get you out dow, he worked quickly and methodi-
of here,” he said. He handed the har- cally to get each of Boone’s arms and
ness through the open window and legs through the loops of the harness,
gave Boone step-by-step instructions securing him to the rope system that
for getting into it while he continued effectively tethered them to each
to grip the cab’s side. other. Beazley spoke reassuringly.
Boone fumbled with the apparatus. “C’mon, you can do it,” he said as he

96 march 2021
Drama in Real Life

grabbed the pulley and hoisted him- Boone was taken to Norfolk Sen-
self and the bloodied Boone through tara General Hospital, having suffered
the window and fully into the whip- lacerations and other injuries to his
ping winds. Poag and a second fire- face, neck, shoulder, and knees. The
fighter worked the pulleys to haul worst damage was to his right ear,
them back up. As driver and rescuer which was almost severed from his
cleared the edge, cheers broke out head in the crash, but doctors were
able to save it.
BOONE WAS CLEARLY Through it all, Boone had never
panicked. He had accepted his fate.
TOO DISORIENTED He was ready to go if that’s what
TO HELP IN the man upstairs had in mind. But
HIS OWN RESCUE. a stranger had risked his own life to
save him. Hearing people shout with
joy when they saw the firefighter
from the crowd on the bridge. Three deliver him to safety had been up-
first responders bear-hugged both lifting. In a world that could some-
men and pulled them back over the times seem mean and lonely, people
guardrail. It was over. still cared. His heart was awash in
Paramedics bundled the injured gratitude.
man into an ambulance, but the storm Back on the bridge, once Boone was
wasn’t quite done. A gust rose up and, on safe ground, Beazley had reached
despite the securing chains, lifted one out for a handshake. Naturally reti-
side of Boone’s empty trailer into the cent and emotionally and physically
air and shoved it half a lane across the drained, Boone had taken his res-
roadway, prompting the firefighters to cuer’s hand and hoped the gesture
evacuate the area. would say everything he couldn’t. RD

Secrets of the Keyboard

The longest word you can type using only the top row of a
standard QWERTY keyboard is the 11-letter rupturewort, though
proprietor, perpetuity, repertoire, and typewriter are among
the more common—and only slightly shorter—words. The longest
common word you can type using only the middle row is the
ten-letter alfalfas. But the bottom row contains no vowels,
which leaves only zzz and mmm—if you even count those. and 97
Reader ’s Digest
A contraband
cell phone
into prison—
inside a book



By Doug Shadel
from aarp | march 2021 99

so many of us, Kaj Miller, 50, almost status, told her the same story: She
never answers her home phone any- had missed several jury duty notices
more. But when it rang one Saturday and there were two warrants in circu-
morning in August 2015, the caller lation for her arrest. “Unfortunately,

previous spread: mel evans/ap/shutterstock (cell phone), courtesy georgia department of

corrections (mug shot), joleen zubek (money order), (government document)
ID read “San Diego County Sheriff ’s because it’s Saturday, if you don’t
Office.” Since she’d had a number of work with me to pay the $989 fine, of-
family members in trouble with the ficers will come out to your house and
law over the years, she decided to pick arrest you.”
up. Turns out that she was the one in Miller told Garrison that there must
trouble. The officer on the phone told be some mistake; he responded that
her she had missed jury duty and she was probably right. But only the
there were warrants out for her im- court could say so, and it was closed.
mediate arrest. Meanwhile, the warrants were still
Miller didn’t believe him. “I had just
served on a jury three months before,”
she says, “so I pushed back and told “WORK WITH ME OR
him I thought it was a scam. I asked OFFICERS WILL COME
to talk to his supervisor.”
The man on the phone calmly
said “No problem,” gave Miller the
number for the sheriff ’s office, and
told her to ask for the Court Ser- live. The one way to avoid arrest was
vices Division. When she called the to pay the fine and then straighten
number, a recording answered with things out on Monday, when the court
“San Diego County Sheriff ’s Office,” reopened. Otherwise, Miller would
then ran through a series of prompts. likely spend the rest of the weekend
She pressed 3 for the Court Services in jail.
Division. Miller was still skeptical, but the
Captain Dwight Garrison picked up prospect of being arrested and spend-
the call and, after a pause to check her ing a night or two in jail really did

100 march 2021

National Interest Reader ’s Digest

phones into
prison was key
to the ruse.

frighten her. “At this point, I’m ner- Diego County Sheriff ’s Department,
vous. I’m all alone; it’s midafternoon and an officer confirmed her fears.
on a Saturday. I was terrified.”
So she decided to follow Garrison’s “Captain Dwight Garrison” was actu-
courtesy georgia department of corrections

instructions. She drove to Walmart, ally sitting 2,200 miles away in a jail
as she was told to do, took out a $989 cell at Autry State Prison, a medium-
MoneyGram wire, and gave Garrison security facility in Pelham, Georgia.
the wiring information and immedi- His real name: Joseph Tate. He was
ate access to the money. Still on the two years into serving a 40-year sen-
phone, Garrison told her that only tence for cocaine distribution. His
part of the money went through, so cellmate, Jesse Lopez, was the first
she needed to get another money or- “officer” Miller had spoken with; he
der to avoid arrest. By this time, Miller was serving a ten-year sentence at
had had it. After a testy back-and- Autry for two robbery convictions.
forth with Garrison, she hung up and Lopez and Tate made a good
nervously waited out the weekend. team; over a two-year span, they had
On Monday she called the San brought in more than $300,000 from 101
the online hunt for
victims. Tate talked
them into sending
the money.

the bunks of their cell by pretend- jailhouse economics. Reginald Per-

ing to be cops and calling people kins was one of the guys recruited to
around the country, pulling the jury join the scam, and in testimony to FBI
duty scam. It’s a relatively simple, agents, he explained how easy it was
common swindle that requires just a to smuggle cell phones into Autry.
phone, a few apps, and a healthy dose The most common strategy was sim-
of chutzpah. ply to bribe the guards. A prison guard
Lopez and Tate had all these tools. in Georgia makes $15 to $20 an hour.
And they got very good at using them, As Perkins told the FBI, “I can pay them
playing off each other’s strengths. Lo- $1,000 in one day for a cell phone.
pez was the researcher, staying up for Who’s not going to take the chance?”
days at a time, high on crystal meth More creative ways to smuggle
that was smuggled into the prison, in cell phones included throwing

courtesy georgia department of corrections (2)

finding potential victims to target and them over a prison wall or even fly-
all the information about local courts ing them over with hand-controlled
and sheriffs to use in the pitch. Tate, a drones. Then either corrupt guards
gifted talker, was the closer—he had a or inmates would pick them up. Or
knack for persuading people to send consider the case of the old couch
him money. He even got a retired that was sent to a different Georgia
judge to pay more than $900 so his prison so it could be reupholstered
daughter, who supposedly missed jury by inmates getting vocational train-
duty, wouldn’t be sent to jail. ing. More than 100 cell phones were
Key to the success of the conspiracy found hidden inside.
were the cell phones smuggled into With phones in hand and endless
the prison. By law, inmates aren’t free time, Lopez and Tate got to work.
allowed to have them. But overcom- Mostly they targeted individuals living
ing that is often just a question of in wealthy neighborhoods. “It’s easier

102 march 2021

National Interest Reader ’s Digest

to get money from people who have nationwide is going to give you,” Lo-
money,” Lopez later testified. “And pez says.
they are more likely to not want to Once Tate or Lopez got someone on
go to jail.” The Internet and a smart- the phone, the deceit continued. Lo-
phone made locating them a cinch. pez had downloaded a police-scanner
“I would go to Zillow [an online real app that would play a random feed of
estate service] and type in a listing for local police calls as background noise
something between maybe $1 mil- during the phone conversation.
lion to $3 million. If I’m looking at a Tate and Lopez also played off each
million-dollar house, there is not go- other. Lopez would be the dumb cop,
ing to be a trailer park right next to it. pretending to know only that a war-
So I would just go in the area around rant had been issued. He would tell
it and start calling people.” victims to call Tate for more infor-
Lopez liked to phone his victims mation. When they called back, they
late in the afternoon, hoping no one would get Tate/ Garrison, who was
was home. He would leave a message, sitting right next to Lopez in their
using a VoIP (Voice over Internet Pro-
tocol) service to fool the caller ID so
it looked as if the call came from the “IT’S EASIER TO GET
local police department. When the MONEY FROM PEOPLE
victim got home and found a message
from the police, the person would call
back and once again be tricked by Lo-
pez. He used an app that directed the
call to an online call center, where jail cell. Tate would speak more for-
an automated answering service al- mally, answering with “Court Services
lowed him to record something like, Division,” and then take the victim
“You have reached the Detroit Police through the process of securing the
Department. To file a police report, money to pay the “fine” or “bond.”
press 1; for civil matters, press 2; for Lopez describes Tate as incredibly
the Court Services Division, press persuasive, which is why he did more
3.” If the victim pressed 3, Captain of the pitching and Lopez did more of
Dwight Garrison, Lopez’s cellmate, the research.
responded. Convincing victims such as Miller
“It was more believable if you called to send in money was just one part
and heard this computer-automated of the conspiracy. The scammers also
voice say ‘This is the police depart- needed someone to launder the pay-
ment’ and give you the same run- ments. That’s where Reginald Perkins
down that any police department came in. Perkins was a washer, the 103
rich pedroncelli/ap/shutterstock

jailhouse term for a money launderer. called Green Dot—and MoneyGrams.

He got the job thanks to his unique Perkins would get a $500 Green Dot
ability to befriend women on the out- card from a colleague and then call
side, which he did by using contra- one of his “girls,” who would take the
band phones to access social media number and convert it to two or three
sites. Perkins bragged that he had new debit cards. Next, she would call
about 100 women working for him him back with the card numbers, after
across all the 50 states who would help taking a $100 cut for herself. Perkins
him launder prepaid debit cards— told the FBI that he may have laun-
usually ones issued by a company dered as much as $1 million while

104 march 2021

National Interest Reader ’s Digest

illegal proceeds loaded onto a debit

card, he could use it at the prison store,
trade it for drugs or contraband inside
the prison, or transfer the balance to
friends or family on the outside.

After the police verified that she

didn’t have any warrants against her
for missing jury duty, Kaj Miller filed
a detailed criminal complaint with
them and notified her bank that she
had been scammed. Unlike most vic-
tims, she was able to get a refund from
her bank after some initial debate. But
that was not the end of the matter for
Miller. About two years later, she was

More than HIS JAIL CELL.
phones were
confiscated contacted by FBI agents, who asked
from Georgia whether she would fly to Atlanta to
prisoners. testify against two of the scammers.
She gladly cooperated.
It turns out that the FBI had been
he was at Autry, including money investigating activities at Autry and
brought in by Lopez and Tate. other Georgia prisons for all that
Washing the initial payment by time. The bureau had gone so far as to
transferring it to different cards was transfer an inmate to the prison to act
important for two reasons: First, the as an informant. This individual told
inmates wanted to distance them- inmates at Autry that he had a con-
selves from the crime as much as pos- tact on the outside who could launder
sible; and second, this eliminated the money. What he didn’t tell them was
possibility of a victim canceling the that that guy was the lead FBI agent
payment. Once the scammer had the on the case. Over several months, the 105
Reader ’s Digest

informant supplied debit cards and

thousands of dollars in cash to in-
mates to build the case against them.
He even secretly recorded Lopez and
Tate practicing their scam craft. The
FBI also intercepted phone calls com-
ing out of the prison and listened in
on the inmates’ sales calls.
Perhaps the bad guys should have
seen this coming. Between 2014 and
2015, sweeps of Georgia prison facili-
ties led to the seizure of 23,000 contra-
band cell phones—one for nearly
every other inmate in the system.
Finally, in January 2016, the U.S. Kaj Miller went from prey to pursuer when
attorney in Georgia filed criminal she testified against her tormentors.
charges against 51 individuals: Tate,
Lopez, 17 other inmates, 15  prison by the convictions, the court found
guards, and 17 civilians. All were al- the crimes disturbing. At the sentenc-
leged to be part of a conspiracy to ing, Judge Steve C. Jones said, “When I
bribe guards, smuggle contraband sentence people, I say, ‘You are a dan-
cell phones into the prisons, defraud ger to society, so I am sentencing you
citizens, and launder money. to prison.’ Well, here is a person who
Over the next two years, most of is in prison and is still a danger to so-
the 51 individuals pleaded guilty, in- ciety. The amount of money that was
cluding Lopez and Tate. The excep- taken—over $1 million—it’s mind-
tions were one inmate and a female boggling. You are in prison and you
washer who fought the charges and are able to take that much money.” courtesy doug irvine/brotherdoug media
took their case to trial. In April 2018, Did the convictions teach a lesson
Lopez, the FBI ’s confidential infor- to other inmates? Not necessarily.
mant, and Miller and five other vic- Several other cases have since been
tims testified against the two. The brought against prisoners in Geor-
inmate was convicted; the woman was gia for perpetrating the same scam.
found not guilty due to insufficient ev- One, filed in October 2018, charged
idence. Perkins, the money launderer, an inmate for using a contraband
pleaded guilty in August 2016 and cell phone to pose as a U.S. marshal
was sentenced to nearly 13 additional and demand payment from Alabama
years in prison. residents for missing jury duty. And
Although prosecutors were pleased in 2019, yet another inmate at Autry

106 march 2021

National Interest

pleaded guilty to committing fraud convicted in 2004 of the murder of his

using the same scam well after his fel- pregnant wife, Laci.
low prisoners had been busted. And what about Lopez? After plead-
And Georgia isn’t the only state to ing guilty in December 2017 and testi-
experience these kinds of scams. In fying against two of his coconspirators,
he was sentenced to three years of

“HERE IS A PERSON probation in February 2020. He has

made peace with his decision to testify.
IN PRISON AND STILL “I caused a lot of torment,” he ex-
plained. “And in order for me to cor-
A DANGER TO SOCIETY.” rect that, I’ve got to make amends. If
that means testifying against anybody,
including myself, then that is what I’m
2020, California inmates pulled in up willing to do.”
to $2 billion in fraudulent unemploy- Miller doesn’t have a lot of sym-
ment benefits tied to Pandemic Un- pathy for Lopez or Tate. She also has
employment Assistance, reports the some rather blunt advice for the rest
Sacramento Bee. They, too, used con- of us: “If someone calls and says you
traband cell phones to communicate owe money for missing jury duty,
with each other as well as with out- hang up on them.” RD
side helpers. One of the 35,000 ben- aarp the magazine (february/march 2020),
eficiaries named was Scott Peterson, copyright © 2020 by aarp,

Before They Were Stars

After World War I, many of our soldiers returned home with war brides. My aunt
Maggie’s mother was one of them. She came from France and taught French
lessons privately to area children. Sometimes little Maggie (Madeline by birth)
would play with one student while her mother was tutoring the sibling.
One morning, John was free to play while his brother Joseph had his lesson.
The game was hide-and-seek, and Maggie was it. John found a splendid hiding
place in a kitchen cupboard. My aunt realized where he was and shut the door.
There he stayed until Maggie’s mother came looking for him and heard
tapping and a little voice calling, “Madame? Madame?” Years later, my aunt
watched John Fitzgerald Kennedy take the oath of office. “Oh,” she gasped.
“I locked the president of the United States under the kitchen sink!”
reader judy paton, in the reader’s digest book best life stories 107
The best Medicine
the doctor. “I knocked
you out for free. The
$900 is for bringing roz chast/
you back.”
James received a bill when he got the doctor —Submitted by
for his recent surgery on the phone. Arky Muscato
and was astonished to “No, not at all,” the Peoria, Arizona
see a $900 charge for doctor said calmly.
the anesthesiologist. “Well,” said James, St. Patrick drove all the
He called the office irritated, “that’s awfully snakes out of Ireland.
to demand an explana- costly for just knocking They gave him a great
tion. “Is this some kind someone out!” Uber rating.
of mistake?” he asked “Not really,” replied —@Rollinintheseat

108 march 2021 |

Reader ’s Digest

For Lent, I gave up ice cream, fast food, A (VERY) LONG SHOT
and pizza, but obviously not lying.
—Submitted by Doug Torkelson Tulsa, Oklahoma About 10 percent of
Americans fill out a March
Madness bracket for a
An executive was inter- Kid: Mommy, why are pool at the office or with
viewing applicants for all the cars beeping friends. Here are some
the position of divi- their horns? signs you won’t be win-
sional manager. He Mom: Because there’s ning any prizes for yours:
asked each applicant, a wedding going on. ✦ You think Gonzaga is
“What’s two plus two?” Kid: But Mommy, isn’t a euphemism.
The first interviewee the horn a warning ✦ Your Final Four
was an engineer. He signal? includes the University of
pulled out a slide rule Mom: Exactly, son. Phoenix and Hogwarts.
and showed the an- —
✦ Your top seed?
swer to be between Sesame.
3.999 and 4.001. He A guy tells his psychia-
✦ Your “Which mascot
didn’t get the job. trist, “I always have
would win in a fight?”
The next candidate this weird dream methodology yielded a
was a lawyer. She where I’m locked in a showdown between the
stated that in the case room. There’s a door, Long Island University
of Jenkins v. Brown, but no matter how Ninja Pirates and the
two plus two was hard I try to push it Iona Chuck Norrisses.
proved to be four. She open, it won’t budge.” —
also didn’t get the job. “Interesting,” says
The last applicant the psychiatrist. “And
was an accountant. does it say anything
When the business- on the door?”
man asked, “What’s “Yes!” the guy
two plus two?” the ac- replies. “It says ‘Pull.’ ”
countant got up from —
neoleo/getty images

his chair, closed the

door, and said in a low
voice, “How much do Got a funny joke?
you want it to be?” It could be worth $$$.
He got the job. For details, go to
Reader ’s Digest

110 march 2021



I thought the man I’d married was a
rock star. That turned out to be closer
courtesy nancy french. photo illustrations by joleen zubek

to the truth than I ever imagined.

By Nancy French

When I was 20, a man I barely knew beloved professors questioned the
proposed without a ring. decision. My mother referred to my
I said yes. fiancé not by his name—David—but
Our friends were alarmed about by the nickname “rank stranger.”
our fast decisions to marry and move But we were in love. After refusing
from Tennessee to New York City. I premarital counseling (we didn’t need
got a handwritten letter from an el- it, we insisted), David and I got mar-
der at church suggesting I wait to get ried and moved to the Gramercy Park
to know my fiancé better. His friends neighborhood of Manhattan. We could
held a tearful intervention. One of our see the Empire State Building at night, 111
Reader ’s Digest

if we craned our necks while sitting on terrible mistake? My friends were right;
our creaky fire escape. I didn’t even know him. Maybe our re-
My life was as romantic as a love lationship was all a ruse. I’d heard sto-
song. Then, after one week of mar- ries of people getting married only to
riage, the phone rang. realize their spouse had a double life.
“May I speak to David?” asked a “Are we talking about the same Da-
sultry-voiced woman. vid? Tall, blond?”
I handed my new husband the “And handsome,” she added sarcas-
phone, which he quickly hung up. tically. “Are you going to tell me I have
“Wrong number,” he said. the wrong number? I’m looking at the
A few hours later, it rang again. An- note he wrote me now.” She read the
other woman. I dusted near the phone number. It was ours.
so I could eavesdrop. Did my seem- I was confused and hurt. Instead
ingly loyal husband have a double life? of hearing the female voices on the
phone, I heard only the unheeded
I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW warnings of friends clanking in my
“What’s really going on?” I finally
RELATIONSHIP WAS mustered the courage to confront my
ALL A RUSE. husband. “Wrong numbers usually
don’t ask for you by name.”
But David was just as confounded
Another wrong number, he said. as I was. At least he appeared to be.
The calls became more regular, at all Finally, a man called.
hours of the day and night. It got so “Sorry, he’s at work,” I said.
common, I was no longer surprised “All work should go through me,”
when the breathy voices morphed he spat. I wasn’t sure how law firms
into sighs of disappointment. allocated cases, but apparently David
He always got off the phone, exas- was doing it wrong.
perated. Or was it an act? “Who are you?” I asked.
I took messages when he was out. “I’ve known David for years,” he shot
Desiree. Brandy. Jill. In some cases, back. “The question is: Who are you?”
they were testy when I said he wasn’t He had a point. I was the new addi-
there. One woman started crying. “We tion. I wanted love so badly that I ig-
were together just yesterday.” nored any inconvenient details—such
“Where?” I demanded. as barely knowing the man I married.
“In SoHo,” she said. My husband “I’m his wife.” The new label felt
worked at a Midtown law firm during heavy in my mouth.
the day, or so he told me. Had I made a Silence for a beat. Then two.

112 march 2021


fame. He had a mane of golden hair,

acrobatic stage moves made possible
by his brightly colored spandex. The
Platonic form of “rock star,” he was al-
ways surrounded by women.
My David wore glasses and suits
and sometimes dressed up for Star
Wars and Lord of the Rings premieres.
There’d been a big mix-up. Appar-
ently, the rock star had changed his
number right before we moved to
Manhattan but still gave out his old
number to women he met but wanted
to let down easily. That’s how—for a
brief period of time—we became Da-
“Why didn’t he tell me about you?” vid Lee Roth’s answering service.
he exploded. Later that year, we even fielded a
“It was spontaneous,” I said before call from Roth’s dad.
launching into a defense of getting Once we put this puzzle together,
married quickly, but with less enthusi- the man on the other end of the phone
asm than I had before the calls started. line—his agent, I realized—sighed in
“I’ll be right over,” he said. “Don’t relief. Soon, we were both laughing.
talk to anyone. We have to fix this.” Neither of us had been betrayed.
“I am not a problem to be fixed!” But during the short time it took
“Are you—” he paused and then for David Lee Roth to transition to a
lowered his voice. “Pregnant? Expect- new telephone number, I’d started to
ing a little David Lee? A kid will really doubt the man I married. How pre-
hurt our comeback.” carious love is, I thought back then.
“Lee?” I asked. “My husband’s mid- Surprisingly, it turned out to be
dle name is Austin. What comeback?” quite resilient. Over the years, I’ve
“I know my own client’s middle learned that our desire for others does
name.” not mean we are an inconvenience or
fin costello/getty images

“Client?” I asked. “I’m talking about a problem to be solved. As beautifully

David French, the attorney.” described in the immortal words of
“I’m talking about David Lee Roth, one of Van Halen’s hit songs, “You got
the singer.” to roll with the punches and get to
Even those who spent the 1980s try- what’s real.” RD
ing to figure out the Rubik’s Cube were (december 30, 2019),
aware of David Lee Roth of Van Halen copyright © 2019 by nancy french. 113
9 Pages to sharpen
Your Mind

We push ourselves to work harder, but taking a break
can often fuel a burst in productivity and creativity

By Jeffrey Davis
Reader ’s Digest

n 1910, the Los Angeles Times ran energy was a precious resource. Peo-
a story about a boy who was ple had to conserve energy to com-
charged with opening a valve ev- pete for food, flee from predators, and
ery so often on a water pump pow- fight. Learning to calculate the caloric
ered by a steam engine to release costs and benefits of our actions was
the built-up pressure. His whole job critical to survival, and expending
consisted of staring at these whirring energy on anything other than short-
pieces of metal all day. Needless to term gains was risky. So we learned to
say, the kid got incredibly bored. One play it safe.
day, the supervisor walked in and the Now that day-to-day survival is less
boy was nowhere to be found. Yet of an issue, it seems natural that we
the pump ran just as it should. The would opt for indolence, or inactivity,
“lazy” boy had contrived a mecha- but the opposite has occurred. Ac-
nized release for the pump and won cording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
his freedom from monotony. The first Statistics, Americans sleep less and
iteration of the automatic steam en- work more than we used to; produc-
gine was born. tivity per worker has gone up 400 per-
Now, this story may be apocry- cent since 1950. Our culture teaches
phal, but the boy’s behavior reflects by example that our worth depends
a deeper truth. When we are feeling on how industrious we are, so we work
lazy and disinclined to do something, even harder to produce even more.
we often search for an easier way to Until ten years ago, many psychologi-
do the undesirable task at hand. We cal studies emphasized high execu-
try to streamline the process and save tive functioning—skills such as focus,
time and effort. In other words, lazi- memory, and problem-solving—and
ness can drive innovation. achieving goals as essential traits for
In recent years, some psychologists success and happiness. Meanwhile,
and business leaders have wised up to daydreaming and mind-wandering
this insight, shifting our perspective of were associated with unhappiness.
what laziness really means. Strategic This judgment has an almost ancient
idleness may actually be a power- history. Long ago, many Christian
jonathan kirn/getty images

ful tool. Both Bill Gates and Walter theologians derided sloth as a sin—
Chrysler have been credited (prob- one of the seven deadly ones, in fact.
ably erroneously) with an apt quote: Idleness was declared a moral failing,
“I always choose a lazy person to do and its cure lay in hard work.
a hard job because a lazy person will But there’s one big paradox: The
find an easy way to do it.” harder we work, the less productive
Research shows that our brains are we are. “When demand in our lives in-
wired for laziness. For our ancestors, tensifies, we tend to hunker down and | march 2021 115

Reader ’s Digest The Genius Section

push harder,” says Tony Schwartz, head thoughts to drift can help your brain
of the Energy Project, a productivity retain information, refocus, gain fresh
consulting firm. “The trouble is that, perspective, and make new connec-
without any downtime to refresh and tions between ideas. Just think of the
recharge, we are less efficient, make “eureka moments” that occur when
more mistakes, and get less engaged we’re engaged in the most mundane
with what we’re doing.” This forced tasks, such as showering or doing the
sustained focus leads to selective at- dishes. One study out of the University
tention, which can hinder your ability of British Columbia shows that mind
to generate fresh solutions and ideas. wandering increases activity in the
Even worse: Too caught up in the end brain’s default mode network, or DMN,
result, we overlook the quality of our a system of connected brain areas that
experience while working and living deals with problem solving and shows
and thus deprive our lives of meaning. increased activity when a person is not
focused on the outside world.
WE COULD DO Here’s the core problem: When the
WITH A HEALTHY time finally comes to put our feet up,
we often don’t know how. We have lit-
DOSE OF DELIBERATE tle training in how to be idle. Take away
DAYDREAMING. a kid’s toys or a teen’s smartphone and
then tell them to entertain themselves.
They’ll likely be at a loss. But would
Amid this epidemic of overwork, you fare much better? So maybe this
how can we make our labor more week, notice when you have some
meaningful and our lives more ful- downtime in your day, some white
filling? Perhaps we could do with space in your calendar. Instead of fill-
a healthy dose of deliberate day- ing the space with more work or more
dreaming. Current research in psy- digital distractions, step back, recline, creativ studio heinemann/getty images
chology and neuroscience points to and be, in the words of poet Mary Oli-
a new understanding of the value of ver, “idle and blessed.” RD
the wandering mind. Studies show (november 28, 2019),
that taking breaks and allowing your copyright © 2019 by jeffrey davis.

Going on a Fun Run

Jogging is very beneficial. It’s good for your legs and your feet.
It’s also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed.
charles m. schulz

116 march 2021 |

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Reader ’s Digest


Quick Crossword 1 2
easy All Girl Scout Cookies
fans have their favorite vari-
ety. Sadly, a few of these have 3
been discontinued—but they
still have a place in our grid.
4 5

emily goodman (quick crossword, allergy season). noun project ( 4 )

Allergy Season
medium Five friends (Allegra, Ben, Clara, Flora, and Zach) are each allergic to
something different: pollen, shellfish, bee stings, cats, or nuts. From the following
clues, can you figure out who is allergic to what?
✦ Allegra has a food allergy.
✦ Ben can play with his kitten for hours without issue (or medicine).
✦ Clara’s allergy is not related to animals.
✦ Flora has seasonal allergies.

118 march 2021

The Genius Section

This, Not That

medium Marianne is a bit bizarre. She
likes only certain things. Can you figure
out why she likes what she does from
the following clues?
✦ She likes fries, but she doesn’t like chips.
emily goodman (this, not that). darren rigby (so happy together). fraser simpson (block letters). noun project ( 7 )

✦ She likes kisses, but not hugs.

✦ She likes manicures, but not spas.
✦ She likes toast, but not croutons.
✦ She likes bulldogs, but not beagles.

So Happy Together
easy You and a group of friends are about to be
seated in random order around a circular table.
The probability that your best friend will be sitting
next to you is equal to the probability that she
will not. How many people are in your group?

Block Letters
difficult Insert the letters A through
L, one per square, so that no two
alphabetically consecutive letters
are in squares that touch, not even
at a corner. Four letters have been
placed for you.

For more Brain Games, go to

For answers, turn to page 123. 119
Discover Purina Pro Plan LiveClear
Did you know? All cats, regardless of gender or breed, produce an
allergen called Fel d 1 in their saliva. Purina Pro Plan LiveClear is a
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The Genius Section Reader ’s Digest

9. incandescent adj.
WORD POWER (in-ken-'deh-sunt)
a white-hot.
b candlelit.
c reflective.
After a long dark winter, we’re
ready to look on the bright side. 10. heliotropic adj.
Celebrate the first glimmer of spring (hee-lee-oh-'troh-pik)
a turning toward the sun.
with these words related to light. b tan.
Once you’ve had a chance to shine, c near the equator.
turn to the next page for answers.
11. diurnal adj.
a in a shaded area.
By Sarah Chassé b twice a day.
c active in daytime.

1. luminary n. 5. translucent adj. 12. fox fire n. (fox 'fy-er)

('loo-muh-nair-ee) (tranz-'loo-sunt) a controlled burn.
a heat lamp. a allowing light through. b glow from a fungus.
b brilliant person. b blocking light. c explosion in battle.
c film projector. c producing light.
13. filament n.
2. gloaming n. 6. scintillate v. ('fih-luh-ment)
('gloh-ming) ('sin-tuh-layt) a flickering ember.
a dawn. a polish until glossy. b wire in a light bulb.
b noon. b extinguish. c constellation.
c twilight. c give off sparks.
14. spectrum n.
3. refract v. 7. beacon n. ('spek-trum)
(rih-'frakt) ('bee-kin) a total eclipse.
a bend. a guiding light. b band of colors.
b scatter. b camera flash. c light transmitted
c dim. c sunbeam. by a cable wire.

4. parasol n. 8. sconce n. 15. effulgent adj.

('pair-uh-sawl) (skonss) (ih-'full-jent)
a glowworm. a unit of electricity. a flashing intermittently.
b sunshade. b light fixture. b fading to black.
c waxy glow. c firework launcher. c shining brilliantly. | march 2021 121

Reader ’s Digest

Clock Talk
Yearning for brighter evenings? They’re almost here. Most of the
United States will “spring forward” an hour on March 14. First
championed in New Zealand and England, the practice of changing
the clocks twice a year debuted here during World War I, in part to
conserve coal. While some call this ritual daylight savings time, its
original (and correct) name is daylight saving time.

Word Power 6. scintillate (c) give a year, Anjali asked

off sparks. When the to switch to a diurnal
ANSWERS campfire starts to schedule.
scintillate, we can settle
1. luminary (b) brilliant in for an evening of 12. fox fire (b) glow
person. Her photographic sing-alongs and stories. from a fungus. Certain
memory has helped kinds of mushrooms
Barbara become a 7. beacon (a) guiding produce fox fire, an
luminary in the world light. Bring a good eerie blue-green light.
of bridge. beacon to set up at
your base camp. 13. filament (b) wire
2. gloaming (c) twilight. in a light bulb. Thomas
As I walked in the gray 8. sconce (b) light fixture. Edison chose a type of
gloaming, I heard an owl Elijah looked at dozens bamboo for his electric
hooting in the distance. of sconces before settling light’s filament.
on ones he liked.
3. refract (a) bend. 14. spectrum (b) band
The sunlight refracted 9. incandescent of colors. Ellen Jean’s
through the prism in (a) white-hot. A glass- beautiful paintings
the window, splashing blower can turn incan- use every hue in the
tiny rainbows on the descent liquid glass spectrum.
walls. into a piece of art.
15. effulgent (c)
4. parasol (b) sunshade. 10. heliotropic (a) shining brilliantly. The
In addition to wearing turning toward the sun. effulgent full moon
peter dazeley/getty images

SPF 50 daily, Lorraine Young sunflowers are hung high in the sky,
often carries a parasol. heliotropic, facing east illuminating the forest.
at dawn and following
5. translucent (a) allow- the light westward.
ing light through. Cook Vocabulary Ratings
the onions until they’re 11. diurnal (c) active 9 & below: flicker
translucent, removing in daytime. After working 10–12: blaze
them before they brown. the graveyard shift for 13–15: conflagration

122 march 2021

The Genius Section

See page 118.

Quick Crossword

Allergy Season
Allegra is allergic to
shellfish, Ben to bee Caption Contest
stings, Clara to nuts, What’s your clever description for this
Flora to pollen, and
Zach to cats.
picture? Submit your funniest line at
This, Not That appear in a future Photo Finish (PAGE 124).
She likes only things that
are French (french fries,
French toast, etc.). Reader’s Digest (ISSN 0034-0375) (USPS 865-820), (CPM Agreement# 40031457), Vol. 197,
No. 1168, March 2021. © 2021. Published monthly, except bimonthly in July/August and
December/January (subject to change without notice), by Trusted Media Brands, Inc., 44 South
So Happy Together Broadway, White Plains, New York 10601. Periodicals postage paid at White Plains, New York,
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Reader’s Digest,
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Reader ’s Digest The Genius Section

Your Funniest captions

“In France, we would be the delicacy on the menu.”
—Jo Garcia Macon, Georgia

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“OK, let me go over the rules of leapfrog again.”

—Jamie Schmidt Bismarck, North Dakota

“Next time, we take the rabbit.”

Mike Littlepage Portland, Oregon

To enter an upcoming caption contest, see the photo on page 123.

124 march 2021 |

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