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The correct answer for each question is indicated by a .
Quizzes Research suggests that teachers spend about how much of
Multiple Choice Quiz 1 INCORRECT
their professional time dealing with matters of assessment?
True or False
Matching Quiz A)5-10%
Short Answer Quiz B)10-20%
Essay Quiz
Flashcards C)20-30%
Interactive Exercises D)30-50%
Enter the Debate
Teaching Strategies On... Feedback: Incorrect. See page 520
Taking it to the Net Which of the following activities provides the best example
Self Assessments 2 CORRECT
of pre-instruction assessment?
Crack the Case
Application Exercises A)Looking over students' prior grades in the subject of
Portfolio Activities interest.
B)Asking students to clarify answers given during
C)Monitoring students' progress toward reaching
learning targets.
D)Reporting assessment results for school-level
Feedback: Correct. See page 520
Which of the following activities provides the best example
of formative assessment?
A)Observing students' nonverbal behavior to learn
about their abilities and interests.
B)Describing the extent to which students have
achieved instructional goals and objectives.
C)Communicating students' strengths and weaknesses
to parents.
D)Identifying difficulties that students are
experiencing and offer advice.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 522
Which of the following questions offers the best example of
4 CORRECT a thinking-based item designed to assess students' ability
to evaluate?
A)Give one example of a situation that demonstrates
Newton's first law of motion.
B)Identify one weakness in the argument that
deforestation will enhance the greenhouse effect.
C)Were dinosaurs warm-blooded?

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Multiple Choice Quiz

D)Why do birds fly?

Feedback: Correct. See page 522
Which of the following terms describes the extent to which
5 INCORRECT an assessment provides a reasonable sample of what
actually occurs in the classroom?
A)Content-related evidence
B)Pluralistic assessment
C)Instructional validity
D)Item discrimination
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 525

6 CORRECT Reliability describes the extent to which a test

A)provides all students an equal opportunity to

B)provides equivalent scores for a diverse group of
C)produces a consistent, reproducible measure of
D)measures what it is intended to measure.
Feedback: Correct. See page 525
When writing multiple choice test items for an exam, all of
the following strategies are recommended EXCEPT:
A)Make sure that alternatives are grammatically
B)Use the same wording as the textbook.
C)Make every effort to write the stem as a question.
D)Include as much of the item as possible in the stem.
Feedback: Correct. See page 530
An item is considered poor if its item discrimination index
falls in which of the following ranges?
A)0 to .19
B)0.2 to .39
C)4 to .69
D)70 to 1.0
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 533
Which of the following offers a good example of a
constructed-response item?
A)True-false questions
B)Matching items
C)Multiple-choice items
D)Essay items
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 533
Which of the following describes the most effective way to
score essay questions?
A)Ms. Elijah outlines a good example of an acceptable
response before reading students' essays.
B)Mr. Miles always reads through each student's
complete essays before moving onto the next
student's responses.
C)When Mr. Quan encounters an irrelevant or incorrect
response he puts it off to the side to deal with at a
later time.
D)Mrs. Clooney does not reread essays because she
feels that her first interpretation of a student's
answer is always correct.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 534

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Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following item formats is an example of a

performance assessment?
A)Multiple choice
Feedback: Correct. See page 538

12 INCORRECT A best-work portfolio

A)documents the student's growth during a given

school year.
B)documents the student's growth over a period of
several years.
C)is a collection of the student's most outstanding
D)includes only the student's most outstanding piece
of work.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 544

13 CORRECT Portfolios offer teachers

A)an opportunity to evaluate students' improvement.

B)a simple means of establishing criteria and assigning
C)a means of comparing one student's work with
another student's work.
D)the opportunity to treat skills in isolated contexts.
Feedback: Correct. See page 545
In Candace's third period algebra course, her teacher uses
grading to evaluate students' need for remedial work before
moving on to the next skill. This fulfills the __________
function of grading.
Feedback: Correct. See page 545
Mr. Lopez consistently compares students' scores with those
of their peers. This is a good example of
A)norm-referenced grading.
B)criteria-referenced grading.
C)standards-based grading.
D)none of the above.
Feedback: Correct. See page 547
Checklists of skills and objectives are used primarily in
A)high schools
B)junior high schools
C)upper elementary grades
D)kindergartens and elementary schools
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 549

17 INCORRECT Detractors usually argue that grades

A)lack reliability and validity.

B)undermine students' self-esteem.
C)lead to an overly competitive classroom

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Multiple Choice Quiz

D)serve no valid educational purpose.

Feedback: Incorrect. See page 550
The sixth-grade English teachers at Fort Henry Elementary
18 CORRECT School maintain test item files of instructionally valid and
reliable test questions. This is an example of
A)item banking.
B)norm-referenced testing.
C)criterion-referenced testing.
Feedback: Correct. See page 551
Mr. Woodward utilizes electronic portfolios in his literature
19 CORRECT class. What materials might he have students include in
their portfolios?
A)Critical writing samples
B)Unit test scores
C)Powerpoint presentations
D)All of the above.
Feedback: Correct. See page 552
Aurbach's Cirady Profile, Hyperstudio, and Filemaker Pro are
B)performance-based assessments.
C)electronic portfolios.
D)electronic record-keeping tools.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 552
Ms. Hall uses a program on the Internet to input and
21 CORRECT monitor data concerning her students' academic progress.
Ms. Hall uses a
A)web-based assessment.
B)portfolio assessment.
C)performance assessment.
D)summative assessment.
Feedback: Correct. See page 554
Mr. Kouta developed a rating scale for evaluating his
students' history dioramas. This rating scale is called
A)a checklist.
B)an answer key.
C)performance criteria.
D)a scoring rubric.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 540
When writing multiple-choice items, Mrs. Olili includes three
23 CORRECT incorrect responses and one correct response for each item.
The incorrect answers are called
Feedback: Correct. See page 530
Which of the following statements best describes current
views about assessment?
A)Assessment should be integrated throughout the
instructional process.
B)Assessment should be implemented at the
conclusion of a particular lesson or unit of study.

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Multiple Choice Quiz

C)Assessment should only be implemented by

teachers who are specially trained in the areas of
traditional and alternative assessments.
D)None of the above.
Feedback: Correct. See page 520
The majority of Mr. Robinson's students come from low
socioeconomic backgrounds and have little experience with
the world beyond their neighborhoods. He is concerned
25 INCORRECT about fairness in standardized testing. Mr. Robinson feels
that performance assessment should be used during and
after instruction to supplement standardized testing. This
type of assessment is called
A)formative assessment.
B)objective assessment.
C)pluralistic assessment.
D)traditional assessment.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 526

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