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For Further Reading The correct answer for each question is indicated by a .
Multiple Choice Quiz 1 INCORRECT A standardized test is not appropriate when

True or False A)selecting students for entrance to a particular college.

Matching Quiz
Short Answer Quiz B)determining whether a group of students have met their teacher's objectives.
Essay Quiz C)comparing the students in one classroom to those in another.
Interactive Exercises D)evaluating the quality of a new educational program.
Enter the Debate Feedback: Incorrect. See page 488
Teaching Strategies On...
Taking it to the Net
Self Assessments
2 CORRECT __________ measures the extent to which a test yields the same performance for the same student on two different occasions.

Crack the Case A)Alternate forms reliability

Application Exercises
B)Split-half reliability
Portfolio Activities
Interactive Activities C)Test-retest reliability
D)Concurrent validity
Feedback: Correct. See page 492

3 CORRECT __________ determines the extent to which a test measures the student's knowledge of a particular subject.

A)Predictive validity
B)Construct validity
C)Concurrent validity
D)Content validity
Feedback: Correct. See page 491

Sometimes Maya scores very high on intelligence tests. Sometimes her scores are very low. And, from time to time, she receives an average score for someone in her
age group. In Maya's case, the tests are
A)both reliable and valid.
B)reliable, but not valid.
C)not reliable, but valid.
D)neither reliable nor valid.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 491

5 CORRECT Supporters of state-mandated achievement tests argue

A)that such tests are one of the best ways to hold schools and teachers accountable for students' learning.
B)that such tests should include essay items.
C)that such tests are not reliable.
D)that such tests do not match the age-appropriate curriculum.
Feedback: Correct. See page 496

Which of the following reasons is offered to explain the poor academic performance of American students, as compared to the perfomance of students from other
A)Standardized tests taken by American students include more open-ended items than do standardized tests taken by students of other countries.
B)American students do not spend enough time on schoolwork.
C)American students spend more time doing homework than do students from other countries.
D)American schools have smaller class sizes than do schools in other countries.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 499

7 CORRECT Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?

B)Sample size
C)Standard deviation
Feedback: Correct. See page 503

Suppose 1000 students take a particular exam. Their scores follow a normal distribution and range from 20 to 75. Of the following values, which would most likely be
the mean?
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 505

9 INCORRECT A group of students received the following scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and 30. What is the mean?

Feedback: Incorrect. See page 503

10 INCORRECT A group of students received the following scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and 30. What is the standard deviation?

Feedback: Incorrect. See page 504

11 INCORRECT A person who scores the second-highest score of people taking a given exam would be assigned which percentile rank score?

Feedback: Incorrect. See page 506

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Multiple Choice Quiz

12 INCORRECT In a normal distribution, approximately what percent of scores fall between the mean and two standard deviations above the mean?

Feedback: Incorrect. See page 505

13 UNANSWERED In a normal distribution, 99 percent of the scores fall between which two values?

A)One standard deviation below the mean and the mean

B)One standard deviation below the mean and one standard deviation above the mean
C)Two standard deviations below the mean and two standard deviations above the mean
D)Three standard deviations below the mean and three standard deviations above the mean

14 CORRECT A z-score is an example of

A)standard score.
C)grade equivalent.
D)percentile rank.
Feedback: Correct. See page 507

15 CORRECT A group of students received the following scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and 30. What is the mode?

Feedback: Correct. See page 503

16 INCORRECT Mrs. Brewtu is aware of the controversy surrounding standardized testing. In order to ensure that her students' scores are reflective of their performance, she

A)gives them extra time to finish the standardized tests.

B)lets them warm up with a few practice tests.
C)gives them a high-stakes test to determine whether or not they should take other tests.
D)gives her students alternative assessments so she can determine how the standardized test scores compare.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 510

Mr. Capadro wants all of his tenth grade students to do well on the upcoming standardized test. Because more than 70% of Mr. Capadro's students are minorities,
what should he be most aware of?
A)The potential for cultural bias in standardized tests may require that he give his students alternative assessments.
B)The potential for cultural bias in standardized tests may require that he give them extra time to finish the tests.
C)The potential for cultural bias in standardized tests may require that he let them take the tests a few times for practice.
D)The potential for cultural bias in standardized tests may require that he give them a high-stakes test to determine whether or not they should take other
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 511

18 INCORRECT How can Mrs. Dorafill use standardized test scores from the end of the previous year to plan for the coming school year?

A)She can use them to develop a very low or very high expectation for individual students.
B)She can look at them as an indication of a student's general ability.
C)She can use them to develop a very low or very high expectation for the entire class.
D)She can use them as the single indicator when grouping students.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 509

19 INCORRECT Ms. Lili just received her class's standard test scores. What type of scores can Ms. Lili expect to see on her class's results?

A)A z-score
B)A t-score
C)A stanine score
D)A grade-equivalent score
E)All of the above scores are standard scores.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 507

20 INCORRECT Mr. Jensen has learned that his students' scores form a normal distribution. With this in mind, Mr. Jensen should expect

A)most of the scores to be above the mean.

B)most of the scores to be below the mean.
C)most of the scores to be clustered around the mean.
D)that the scores will not follow a bell-shaped curve.
Feedback: incorrect. See page 505

21 CORRECT Which word best describes the theme of the federal No Child Left Behind act?

Feedback: Correct. See page 498

22 INCORRECT According to the federal No Child Left Behind act, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:

A)By 2005-2006, teachers who are not considered "highly qualified" will receive a reduction in pay or a warning of dismissal.
B)Separate objectives are to be proposed for students who are economically disadvantaged, students from ethnic minority groups, students with disabilities, and
students with limited English proficiency.
C)By 2005-2006, states will be required to give all students annual standardized tests in grades 3 through 8.
D)Schools that are labeled as "underperforming" must be closed if they do not show improvement after five years.
Feedback: Incorrect. See page 498

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