PBI1092 - Academic English 2: Marking Scheme For Discussion Essay Criteria Descriptors Allocated Marks Obtained Marks

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PBI1092 - Academic English 2 : Marking Scheme for Discussion Essay

Criteria Descriptors Allocated Obtained

Marks Marks
1 relevant
Background info
0.5 partly relevant 1
Statement of Issue 1 both sides clearly stated
0.5 both sides stated but one is unclear
1 both sides of arguments are clearly and concisely presented
Preview 1
0.5 incomplete/lengthy/unclear
Organisation 2 4 viewpoints presented clearly &appropriately
(7 marks) 1.5 3 of 4 viewpoints presented clearly & appropriately
Topic Sentence 2
1 2 of 4 viewpoints presented clearly & appropriately
0.5 1 viewpoint presented clearly & appropriately
Summary 1 4 viewpoints are clearly summarized
0.5 summary incomplete/unclear/general
Conclusion Recommendation 1 appropriate and specific to the viewpoint/s presented
0.5 general recommendation
2 viewpoints are well-developed and supported with appropriate elaborations that contain evidences,
facts, anecdotes or hypothetical situations.
Quality of 1.5 viewpoints are presented with appropriate elaboration but lacking in support from evidences, facts,
Viewpoints anecdotes or hypothetical situations. 2x4=8
(8 marks)
1 viewpoints are presented but some elaborations are unclear/underdeveloped with minimal. support.
0.5 viewpoints are largely unclear and lack elaborations/not related to the topic/point.
Connectives 2 two appropriately used for each viewpoint. At least 2 varieties are used in each
1.5 two are appropriately used for each viewpoint but lacks variety, 2
1 two are appropriately used for 3 points/lacks appropriacy/lacks variety
0.5 infrequent use-used in 2 viewpoints or less/most are inappropriate/lacks variety
Modals 2 two modals appropriately used for each viewpoint
1.5 two are appropriately used for each viewpoint but lacks variety
Language 2
Features 1 two are appropriately used for 3 points/lacks appropriacy/lacks variety
(6 marks) 0.5 infrequent use-used in 2 viewpoints or less/most are inappropriate/no variety
Engagement 2 one engagement marker appropriately used for each point to engage readers in the
markers discussion.
• personal pronouns (e.g. you can see that, as we know, let us imagine)
• rhetorical questions
• if-clauses (e.g. what if it never happens?)
• language of debate (e.g. It could be argued, it is undeniable that, it is crystal clear)
1.5 one engagement marker appropriately used for each point but lacks variety
1 used appropriately used for 3 points/lacks variety
0.5 infrequent use-used in 2 viewpoints or less/no variety
9 Uses a wide variety of sentence structures effectively and accurately. There may be one or two slips
8 Uses a wide variety of sentence structures. A few errors but do not impede understanding
Language 7 Uses some variety of sentence structures. Errors are rather frequent but do not impede understanding
And 6 Uses some variety of sentence structures. Errors are rather frequent and understanding is occasionally
Sentence impeded
5 Uses some variety of sentence structures. Errors are frequent and understanding is partially impeded
(9 marks)
4 Uses mostly simple structure. Language is inaccurate and understanding is largely impeded
3 Uses mostly simple structure. Language is inaccurate and understanding is impeded. Inaccuracies in
spelling and punctuation
2 Language is largely inaccurate and understanding is impeded. Frequent inaccuracies in spelling and
1 Choppy’ or confusing sentences, almost every sentence is inaccurate. Understanding is difficult.


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