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Task 3 – Database Report

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values are
displayed with no decimal places.

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values are
displayed with no decimal places.

No. Steps Mark

17 Using a suitable database package, import the file M16EMPLOYEES.CSV Use the these
field names and data types:

Field Name Data Type Description

Employee_ID Text This is a unique identification for each
Family_Name Text
First_Name Text
Job_Description Text
Salary Numeric/Currency Amount paid per year [5]
Office_ID Text Three letter code to represent the office
Contractor Boolean/Logical Display in the report as Yes/No or checkbox

Set the Employee_ID field as a primary key.

− all fields correct data types (1 mark)

− Salary as numeric/currency (1 mark)
− Contractor field set as Yes/No/Boolean (1 mark)
− Contractor field displayed as Yes/No or check box [on the report] (1 mark) −
Employee_ID set as primary key field (1 mark)

No. Steps Mark

18 Import the file M16OFFICES.CSV as a new table with all fields set as text data types in your
Set the Office_ID field as a primary key.
Take screenshot evidence showing the field names and data types used in the two tables.
Place these screenshots into your Evidence Document.

− all fields set as text (1 mark);

− Office_ID set as primary key field (1 mark)
19 Create a one-to-many relationship as a link between the Office_ID field in the Offices table
and the Office_ID field in the Employees table.
Take screenshot evidence showing the relationship between the two tables. Place a copy
ofthis screenshot into your Evidence Document.

− Relationship set as one-to-many (1 mark)

20 Create a data entry form for all fields in the Employees table.
− Data entry form created (1 mark)
− using all fields (1 mark)

21 Add the
record to
Employees table using your form:

Check your data entry for errors.

− Add new record on data entry form, 100% accurate (1 mark)

No. Steps Mark


A bonus is paid to employees but not contractors. It is an extra month’s pay.

Produce a report which: contains a new field called Bonus. It is the annual Salary of the
employee divided by 12. This is calculated at run-time. displays the contents of this field
as currency shows only the records where the Office is Ahmedabad and Contractor is No
shows only the fields Office (name in full), Telephone, Employee_ID,
Family_Name, First_Name, Job_Description, Contractor, Salary and Bonus in this order.
Make sure all labels and data are fully visible fits on a single page wide has a page
orientation of landscape sorts the data into ascending order of Family_Name calculates
the total cost of the bonuses paid in this office and places it at the bottom of the report
displays this value as currency
has a label Bonuses paid to the left of this number includes the heading Ahmedabad
Office Bonus Report at the top of the page has your name, Centre number and
candidate number on the report. [11]

− Bonus field created correct name (1 mark)

− Bonus field calculates Salary/12 (1 mark)
− Selects Office = Ahmedabad (1 mark)
− Selects Contractor = No (1 mark)
− Selects correct fields, displayed in specified order, fully visible (1 mark)
− Currency fields consistently displayed with no decimal places (1 mark)
− Fits one page wide, orientation is landscape (1 mark)
− Sorts Family_Name ascending (1 mark)
− Calculates sum of Bonuses (1 mark)
− Label to left is Bonuses paid (1 mark)
− Report title is Ahmedabad Office Bonus Report (1 mark)

[Total: 22] Task 4 – Database Labels

You are going to prepare attendance badges for a meeting.

No. Steps Mark

Produce labels from all the data which: are arranged in two columns only
include employees whose Job_Description contains Engineer and work in the
offices in Mumbai or Bangalore.
show only the fields First_Name and Family_Name on one line, with their
Job_Description on the next line. include this heading, in a larger font, at the top of
each label: Mana Project Development include your name, Centre number and
candidate number at the bottom of each label.

Labels are:
− arranged in two columns (1 mark) [9]
− Wildcard Engineer (1 mark)
− Bangalore (1 mark)
− or Mumbai (1 mark)
− First _name space Family_name on one line (1 mark)
− Job description on new line (1 mark)
− Labels have the title Mana Project Development (1 mark)
− Title in larger font (1 mark)
− Candidate detail bottom of each label (1 mark)

[Total: 9]

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values display the €
sign and are to two decimal places.

No. Steps
20 Using a suitable database package, import the file J216ADSPORTS.csv Use these field
names and data types:

Course_Code Text
Activity Text
Type Text
Rating Number Integer
Location Text
Residential Boolean/Logical To display as Yes/No
Course_Cost Number Numeric/Currency
Duration Number Integer

Set the Course_Code field as a Primary field.

– Course_Code, Activity, Type, Rating, Location, Duration field names and data types correct (1 mark)
– Residential as boolean/logic/Yes/No in design, displays Yes/No on report (1 mark)
– Course_Cost set as currency, displays currency symbol 2dp on NEWSLETTER extract (1 mark) – Cour
(1 mark)

No. Steps

21 Create a data entry form which will:

• include all fields from the Adsports table
• use a drop down menu in the Location field to accept only:
Cornwall Ireland

– form created, includes all fields from database, evidence of drop down menu created (1 mark) – evide
to list (1 mark)
– Cornwall, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Ireland entered correctly (1 mark)

22 Add the following record to the Adsports table using your form:

Course_Code Activity Type Rating Location Residential Course_Cost Durati

CO029 Zap Cat Water 4 Cornwall Yes 471 6

Check your data entry for errors. Save the data.

– form used to add new record (1 mark)
– new record entered accurately (1 mark)
23 Evaluate the design of your data entry form. -
Evaluation of entry form design (2 marks)

24 Import the file J216RATINGS.CSV as a new table in your database.

Set the Activity_Rating field as a Primary key.
Create a one-to-many relationship as a link between the Rating field in the J216ADSPORTS table and the
J216RATINGS table.

– one to many relationship created between Rating and Activity_Rating fields (1 mark)

No. Steps

Using fields from both the J216ADSPORTS and the J216RATINGS tables, produce a report which:
• contains a new field called Daily_Cost which is calculated at run-time and displayed as currency. This field
Course_Cost divided by Duration
• shows only the records where the Type is Water, Residential is Yes, Duration is 12 days or less and exclude
• shows only the fields Course_Code, Location, Activity, Level, Duration, Residential and Daily_Cost in this o
displayed in full
• sorts the data into ascending order of Activity within ascending order of Location
• has a page orientation of landscape
• fits on a single page wide
• calculates the total number of Course_Codes in this selection and positions this number under the Course
• has the label Total water codes to the right of this number
• includes the report title Residential Water Activities at the top of the page
• has your name, Centre number and candidate number at the bottom of the report.

Save and print your report.

Place in your Evidence Document screenshots(s) showing the formula used to calculate the total number of ac

– title: Residential Water Activities at the top of the page (1 mark)

– new field called Daily_Cost created (1 mark)
– calculates Course_Cost divided by Duration (1 mark)
– Daily_Cost displayed as currency and 2dp (1 mark)
– displays only the records where Type = Water, Residential = Yes (1 mark)
– displays only the records where Duration <=12, excludes Scotland (1 mark)
– shows only the fields Course_Code, Location, Activity, Level, Duration, Residential and Daily_Cost in the c
– has landscape orientation, fits on a single page wide, data and labels fully visible (1 mark)
– sorts the data into ascending order of Location then ascending Activity (1 mark)
– calculates the total number of records and positioned under the Course_Code column (2 marks) – label
Total water codes (1 mark)

No. Steps
26 Produce an extract from all the data which:
• selects only those activities:
− which include Ski or Snow
− located in France
− where the Rating is 5
• shows only the fields Activity, Course_Code, Course_Cost in this order
• sorts the Course_Cost in descending order.

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing the criteria used to select the required records. Save
can be imported into the document that you saved in Step 19.

– displays only the records where Activity contains Ski or Snow (1 mark)
– displays only the records located in France and Rating is 5 (1 mark)
– sorts the Course_Cost in descending order (1 mark)
– shows only the fields Activity, Course_Code and Course_Cost in the correct order (1 mark)


Task 4 – Database

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Measurements are in metres and
volume in cubic metres. Prices are per cubic metre. Make sure all currency values are displayed
with 2 decimal places.

Task 4 – Database

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Measurements are in metres and
volume in cubic metres. Prices are per cubic metre. Make sure all currency values are displayed
with 2 decimal places.

No Steps Mark
20 Using a suitable database package, import the file M2017BOARDS.CSV Use 3
these field names and data types:

Set the Board_ID field as the primary key.

– Board_ID field is set as unique / primary (key) field (1 mark)

– Width, thickness and Length are set as numeric (1 mark)
– Ready and Sold are set as Boolean/logical and displays yes/no or checkbox on
one report Price is numeric / currency and displays with a currency symbol in
report 1. (1 mark)
21 Import the file M2017TREES.CSV into your database as a new table with 2
appropriate data types. Set the Tree_ID field as the primary key.

– Tree_ID field is set as unique / primary (key) field (1 mark)

– all field types appropriate to the data (1 mark)
22 Examine the file M2017LOCATIONS.CSV and decide on appropriate data types for 2
each field.
Import the file M2017LOCATIONS.CSV into your database as a new table with
appropriate data types. Set the Location_Code field as the primary key.
Place in your Evidence document screenshot(s) showing the field names and data
types used in each of the three tables.

– Location_Code field is set as unique / primary (key) field (1 mark)

– Telephone field type is identified as text (1 mark)

No Steps Mark

23 Create one-to-many relationships as links between the three tables. 3

Use the Tree_ID field in the Trees table to link to the Tree_ID field in the Boards
table, and the Location_Code field in the Locations table to link to the
Location_Code field in the Trees table.
Place in your Evidence document screenshot(s) showing the relationships
between the three tables.

– link Tree_ID in Trees table to Tree_ID in Boards table (1 mark)

– link Location_Code in Locations table to Location_Code in Trees table (1 mark) –
evidence of one to many relationship seen (1 mark)

24 Create a data entry form to include all fields from the Trees table. 1

– a data entry form is created for Trees table, includes all fields from the table
(1 mark)

25 Add the following record to the table using your form: 1

Check your data entry for errors.

Place into your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing this data in your form.

– specified new record is entered on the form (1 mark)

26 Identify three features that could be added to the form to make it easier to use. 3
Enter your answers onto the slide with the title Features of Form Design in the
presentation you created in Task 2.

– 3 features that could be added to the form to make it easier to use (max
3 marks) up to 3 marks for relevant points:
good, easy to use forms:
navigation buttons drop
down menus
radio buttons checkboxes
self-explanatory field name
user notes/help legible
styles and sizes
appropriate field spacing

No Steps Mark

27 Make three appropriate improvements to the design of your form. 1

Place into your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing your improved form.

– sample screenshot of form improved in some way, three improvement features

seen (1 mark)

three improvement features seen on redesigned form, e.g. may include:

data box sizes adjusted to suit data explanatory notes for the user drop
down menu selections radio buttons check boxes navigation buttons
replacement of field names with helpful text related to the field contents

28 Evaluate the improvements you have made. Place your evaluation on the slide 3
with the title Evaluation of my form created in Task 2.

– evaluation of improved form with 3 improvements with reasons

up to 3 marks for relevant points (max 3 marks)

based on an improved form as seen in Evidence 7 and identify the features

which have made the form easier for the user with reasons why they make it
easier to use.
29 Save the presentation with the slides you have created. Print 1
the presentation with 2 slides to a page.
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your presentation slides.

– Presentation slides are printed 2 slides to the page (1 mark)

No Steps Mark
30 In your database, produce a report that: shows the fields, when the 14
tree was milled, the name of the location,
Board_ID, the type of tree, the Thickness, Width, Length, Ready, Sold and
Price. In this order contains a new field calculated at run-time called
Volume. This is calculated using Thickness multiplied by Width multiplied by
Length. The contents of this field must be displayed to 3 decimal places
shows only the records where Ready is No and Sold is
Yes has all data and labels fully visible has a page
orientation of landscape fits on a single page wide
sorts the data into Year_milled, then Location and then Board_ID, all three
fields in ascending order
calculates the total value of the selected boards by multiplying the Price field
by the Volume
displays this value below the Price column
displays this value as currency, the same currency as your Price field
has a label to the left of this number: Value of this stock
includes the report title: Sold timber in store at the top of the report has
your name, Centre number and candidate number set to appear on each page
of the report.
Save and print your report.
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your report.

– report displays only specified fields (1 mark)

– in specified order (1 mark)
– displays data and labels in full (1 mark)
– page orientation is landscape and fits to one page wide (1 mark)
– report has the title Sold timber in store (1 mark)
– new field called Volume (1 mark)
– Volume field calculates thickness times width times length (1 mark)
– displays Volume to 3 decimal places (1 mark)
– records are sorted in ascending order of Year_milled, then Location, then
Board_ID (1 mark)
– candidate details set to appear on each page of the report (1 mark)
– selects Ready is No and Sold is Yes (1 mark)
– value of stock is calculated (1 mark)
– formatted to currency to match format of Price (1 mark)
– text to left Value of this stock (1 mark)

No Steps Mark
31 Produce a report from all the data that: 6
shows the Board_ID, Tree type, Thickness, Ready and Sold fields only
displays these fields only with data shown in full in portrait orientation and
fitted to one page
only includes boards
– where tree type includes the text Plane or Beech
– which are at least 0.05 m thick
– which are ready now
– which are not yet sold are sorted in ascending order of tree type
counts the number of boards available and places this value at the bottom of
the report
includes the report title: Plane and Beech boards available
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing how you calculated the
number of boards available.
Save and print your report.
Make sure that you have your name, Centre number and candidate number on the

– report has the title Plane and Beech boards available (1 mark)
– displays specified fields only, all data in full on one page portrait (1 mark)
– includes wildcard searches Plane and Beech (1 mark)
– Thickness is >= 0.05 (1 mark)
– sorted tree type ascending (1 mark)

– evidence of count formula (any field) – Evidence 8 (1 mark)

Total: 40

[Total: 40]


Task 3 – Database

You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values
display a currency symbol and are to two decimal places.
15 •
Task 3 – Database

You are now going to prepare some reports for the university.

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