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REFLECTION about El Filibusterismo

As a student and teen-ager, this novel brings lessons and

realizations in life. No matter how old it is, or how old-fashioned ,
we can still relate ourselves and the present occurrences in the
things that had happened in the novel during Spanish colonization.
Although we are freed from enslavement, we are still blocked from
the truth of our government, Many officials are greedy and
dishonest that opposed on what they show to the public.I think Dr.
Jose Rizal wants us to realize that revolution is not the solution,
but it can help us get closer to gain our independence. Peaceful

er as
war is good solution in battle since no one will be sacrificed for

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something. Just like today, rallies and people fighting for their

rights and demands peacefully can be an eye opener for some
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.Our country needs to change, that in times of election, we need to
be wise, or else either our time ,resources ,and trust to our leader

will go to waste.
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Preserving this kind of literature can help and inspire the

people to move forward and do something. They can relate, their
state in life, their family and many others on the characters, it is
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just based on their perspective, Transforming it to much more

artistic can lead to a greater amount of audience and it will be of
great help, especially for those that are not into reading, to hear

and watch the story also. A novel by our national hero, Dr. Jose

Rizal. During the Spanish Colonization that shows the struggles of

the Filipinos as the Spaniards dominated our country, the

government is corrupted and the society has been obscured from

the truth because of the ways and teachings of the latter. Dr. Jose
Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo to warn our countrymen in that era
that revolution seems the only solution to break the chain of
slavery and bondage of the Spaniards.
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