Glossary of Astronomy

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Некоторые термины сопровождаются гиперссылками на иллюстрации!

Accretion disk

Translation: аккреционный диск.

Definition: a disklike flow of gas, plasma, dust, or particles around any astronomical
object in which the material orbiting in the gravitational field of the object loses energy
and angular momentum as it slowly spirals inward.

Example: ...compact gas accretion disk around the central black-hole.


Translation: астеризм.

Definition: a pattern of stars recognizable to observers from Earth.

Example: Some asterisms consist of stars from different constellations.

Astronomical unit

Translation: астрономическая единица.

Definition: a unit of length used primarily for measuring astronomical distances within
the Solar System or between the Earth and distant stars.

Example: Scattered disc objects such as Eris have extremely eccentric orbits that take
them as far as 100 Astronomical Units from the Sun.

Astrophysical jet

Translation: релятивистская струя.

Definition: a phenomenon where outflows of ionised matter are emitted as an extended

beam along the axis of rotation.

Example: A black hole that is accreting infalling matter can become active, emitting a
strong wind through a collimated astrophysical jet.

Axial precession

Translation: предварение равноденствий.

Definition: a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an

astronomical body's rotational axis.

Example: The period of axial precession is about 26,000 years.


Baade's Window

Translation: окно Бааде.

Definition: an area of the sky with relatively low amounts of interstellar "dust". This area
is considered an observational "window" as the normally obscured Galactic Center of the
Milky Way is visible in this direction.

Example: This gap has been known as Baade's Window ever since.

Bahcall-Wolf cusp

Translation: касп Бакалла — Вольфа.

Definition: it refers to a particular distribution of stars around a massive black hole at

the center of a galaxy or globular cluster.

Example: Theoretical models had predicted that the old stars should have a steeply-
rising density near the black hole, a so-called Bahcall–Wolf cusp.

Baily's Beads

Translation: чётки Бейли.

Definition: sunlight, shining between mountain peaks and through the valleys along the
Moon's edge in the moment before totality.

Example: The Baily's beads effect is used during the partial phases.

Big Crunch

Translation: большое сжатие.

Definition: a hypothetical scenario for the universe's end in which the expansion of the
Universe over time changes to contraction.

Example: In the 1970s and 1980s, physicist John Wheeler, who helped coin the term black
hole, became a leading proponent of the Big Crunch.

Black hole

Translation: чёрная дыра.

Definition: a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing.

Example: Black holes are astrophysical objects of interest primarily because of their
immense gravitational attraction.

Translation: блазар.

Definition: active galactic nucleus with a relativistic jet directed very nearly towards an

Example: Most blazars appear compact and pointlike, but high-resolution images reveal
that they are located at the centers of elliptical galaxies.

Blink comparator

Translation: блинк-компара́тор (блинк-микроскоп).

Definition: viewing apparatus formerly used by astronomers to find differences between

two photographs of the night sky.

Example: He used a blink comparator, the same device that had allowed Clyde
Tombaugh to discover Pluto nearly 50 years before.

Blue giant

Translation: голубой гигант.

Definition: a very hot star with a short lifetime.

Example: An example of a blue giant is the familiar Rigel.

Celestial Coordinates system

Translation: система небесных координат.

Definition: a system for specifying positions of satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, and
other celestial objects relative to physical reference points.

Example: In the celestial coordinate system the North and South Celestial Poles are
determined by projecting the rotation axis of the Earth to intersect the celestial sphere.

Celestial Sphere

Translation: небесная сфера.

Definition: an abstract sphere that has an arbitrarily large radius and is concentric to

Example: On our celestial sphere, we similarly use declination and right ascension.

Circumpolar star
Translation: незаходящая звезда.

Definition: a star, as viewed from a given latitude on Earth, that never sets below the
horizon due to its apparent proximity to one of the celestial poles.

Example: Circumpolar stars exist because of the way the Earth rotates.

Comoving distance

Translation: сопутствующее расстояние.

Definition: distances between objects.Comoving distance factors out the expansion of

the universe, giving a distance that does not change in time due to the expansion of

Example: GN-z11 is the oldest and most distant observed galaxy with a comoving distance
of 32 billion light-years from Earth.

Double Star

Translation: двойная звезда.

Definition: two stars that lie very close to, and are often orbiting, each other. Line-of-
sight doubles are a consequence of perspective and aren’t physically related.

Example: John Michell was the first to suggest that double stars might be physically
attached to each other.

Diffuse nebulae

Translation: диффузная туманность.

Definition: large interstellar clouds of gas and dust. If they have enough mass, the cloud
can collapse together because of their gravity and stars will be born.

Example: Higher density regions of the interstellar medium form clouds, or diffuse


Translation: пепельный свет Луны.

Definition: a dull glow which sometimes lights up the unlit part of the Moon.
Example: Earthlight is the diffuse reflection of sunlight reflected from Earth's surface
and clouds.


Translation: затмение.

Definition: the total or partial blocking of one celestial body by another.

Example: The region of an object's shadow during an eclipse is divided into three parts.


Translation: эфемерида.

Definition: a table gives the trajectory of naturally occurring astronomical objects as well
as artificial satellites in the sky, i.e., the position over time.

Example: For scientific uses, a modern planetary ephemeris comprises software that
generates positions of planets and often of their satellites, asteroids, or comets, at
virtually any time desired by the user


Translation: солнечный факел.

Definition: a bright spot on a star's photosphere formed by concentrations of magnetic

field lines.

Example: Cererian faculae were initially speculated to suggest current or past outgassing
on Ceres, perhaps due to volcanism or cometary activity.

Flare Star

Translation: вспыхивающая звезда.

Definition: a variable star that can undergo unpredictable dramatic increases in

brightness for a few minutes.

Example: As a class, the known flare stars have spectral types of late M through late-K.


Translation: галактика.

Definition: one of the independent groups of stars in the universe.

Example: Galaxies are categorized according to their visual morphology as elliptical,
spiral, or irregular.

Galaxy filament

Translation: галактическая нить.

Definition: the largest known structures in the universe, consisting of walls of

gravitationally bound galaxy superclusters.

Example: In the standard model of the evolution of the universe, galactic filaments form
along and follow web-like strings of dark matter.

Galactic bulge

Translation: балдж(вздутие).

Definition: a tightly packed group of stars within a larger star formation. The term
almost exclusively refers to the central group of stars found in most spiral galaxies.

Example: A spiral galaxy consists of a flattened disk, with stars forming a spiral
structure, and a central concentration of stars known as the bulge.

Galactic halo

Translation: галактическое гало.

Definition: an extended, roughly spherical component of a galaxy which extends beyond

the main, visible component.

Example: A halo can be studied by observing its effect on the passage of light from
distant bright objects.

Galactic tide

Translation: галактический прилив.

Definition: a tidal force experienced by objects subject to the gravitational field of a

galaxy such as the Milky Way.The main effect of a tidal force is to stretch and squeeze an

Example: Particular areas of interest concerning galactic tides include galactic collisions.

Galaxy mergers

Translation: слияние Галактик.

Definition: a collision of two or more galaxies.

Example: An example of a major interaction is a galactic collision, which may lead to a
galaxy merger.

Galactic ridge

Translation: хребет Галактики.

Definition: a region of the inner galaxy that is coincident with the galactic plane of the
Milky Way.

Example: X-ray emission from the core is aligned with the massive stars surrounding the
central bar and the Galactic ridge.

Globular cluster

Translation: шаровое звёздное скопление.

Definition: is a spherical collection of stars.

Example: Most 18th to 19th century astronomers considered them as either unresolved
star clusters.

Gravitational lens

Translation: гравитационная линза.

Definition: distribution of matter between a distant light source and an observer.

Example: Unlike an optical lens, a point-like gravitational lens produces a maximum

deflection of light that passes closest to its center

Hawking radiation

Translation: излучение Хокинга.

Definition: a black-body radiation that is predicted to be emitted by the space near black

Example: Thus, thermal radiation contains information about the body that emitted it,
while Hawking radiation seems to contain no such information.

Hubble sequence

Translation: последовательность Хаббла.

Definition: a morphological classification scheme for galaxies.This scheme divided
regular galaxies into three broad classes – ellipticals, lenticulars and spirals – based on
their visual appearance.

Example: Edwin Hubble classified spiral galaxies of this type as "SB" in his Hubble
sequence and arranged them into sub-categories based on how open the arms of the spiral

Impact crater

Translation: ударный кратер.

Definition: circular depression in the surface of a planet or moon, formed by the

hypervelocity impact of a smaller body.

Example: Impact craters are the dominant geographic features on many solid Solar
System objects

Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Translation: межпланетное магнитное поле.

Definition: the component of the solar magnetic field that is dragged out from the solar

Example: The magnetic field carried along with the solar wind.

Jeans instability

Translation: гравитационная неустойчивость.

Definition: the increase with time of spatial fluctuations of the velocity and density of
matter under the action of gravitational forces.

Example: In stellar physics, the Jeans instability causes the collapse of interstellar gas
clouds and subsequent star formation, named after James Jeans.

Kirkwood gap

Translation: щели Кирквуда.

Definition: gap or dip in the distribution of the semi-major axes of the orbits of main-
belt asteroids.

Example: Most of the Kirkwood gaps are depleted

Kozai mechanism

Translation: резонанс Лидова — Козаи.

Definition: dynamical phenomenon affecting the orbit of a binary system perturbed by a

distant third body under certain conditions.

Example: The Lidov-Kozai mechanism, in combination with tidal friction, is able to

produce Hot Jupiters, which are gas giant exoplanets orbiting their stars on tight orbits.

Kuiper Belt

Translation: пояс Койпера.

Definition: a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System, extending from the orbit of
Neptune at 30 astronomical units to approximately 50 astronomical units from the Sun.

Example: The Kuiper belt is distinct from the theoretical Oort cloud, which is a thousand
times more distant and is mostly spherical.


Translation: край(лимб).

Definition: the object's apparent edge as seen against the dark sky background.

Example: Some of the most breathtaking views of Earth taken from space are those that
capture our planet's limb.

Local Bubble

Translation: местный пузырь.

Definition: relative cavity in the interstellar medium of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way.

Example: The exceptionally sparse gas of the Local Bubble is the result of supernovae
that exploded within the past ten to twenty million years.

Translation: светимость.

Definition: the total amount of electromagnetic energy emitted per unit of time by a
star, galaxy, or other astronomical object.

Example: The Sun has an intrinsic luminosity of 3.83×10^26 watts.


Translation: лунация / лунный месяц.

Definition: the interval of a complete lunar cycle, between one new Moon and the next.

Example: Because of these variations in angular rate, the actual time between lunations
may vary from about 29.18 to about 29.93 days.


Translation: метеор.

Definition: the visible passage of a glowing meteoroid, micrometeoroid, comet or

asteroid through Earth's atmosphere.

Example: Millions of meteors occur in Earth's atmosphere daily.


Translation: метеорит.

Definition: a solid piece of debris from an object, that originates in outer space and
survives its passage through the atmosphere to reach the surface of a planet or moon.

Example: Meteorites that are recovered after being observed as they transit the
atmosphere and impact the Earth are called meteorite falls.


Translation: метеороид.

Definition: small rocky or metallic body in outer space.

Example: Meteoroids are significantly smaller than asteroids, and range in size from
small grains to one-meter-wide objects.

Molecular Cloud

Translation: молекулярное облако.

Definition: an interstellar cloud of molecular hydrogen containing trace amounts of
other molecules such as carbon monoxide and ammonia.

Example: Molecular clouds consist mainly of gas and dust but contain many stars as well.

Nautical Twilight

Translation: морские сумерки.

Definition: the second twilight phase. Both the horizon and the brighter stars are usually
visible at this time, making it possible to navigate at sea.

Example: Nautical twilight refers to sailors being able to navigate during this time of day.


Translation: новая звезда.

Definition: a star that flares up to several times its original brightness for some time
before returning to its original state.

Example: As long as it continues to take gas from its companion star, the white dwarf
can produce nova outbursts at regular intervals.

Open cluster

Translation: рассеянное звёздное скопление.

Definition: a group of up to a few thousand stars that were formed from the same giant
molecular cloud and have roughly the same age.

Example: Open clusters are also located primarily in the disk.

Oort cloud

Translation: облако Оорта.

Definition: a theoretical cloud of predominantly icy planetesimals proposed to surround

the Sun.

Example: This existence of the Oort Cloud remains unproven.

Phase angle

Translation: фазовый угол.

Definition: the angle between the light incident onto an observed object and the light
reflected from the object.

Example: The full moon is at 0° phase angle with respect to the Earth.

Photometric system

Translation: фотометрическая система.

Definition: is a set of well-defined passbands, with a known sensitivity to incident


Example: Most astronomers working in the optical use the UBVRI photometric systems.

Pistol Nebula

Translation: пистолет(туманность).

Definition: it surrounds the Pistol Star.

Example: The astronomers believe that the Pistol nebula was created by eruptions in the
outer layers of the star which ejected up to 10 solar masses.

Pistol Star

Translation: пистолет.

Definition: an extremely luminous blue hypergiant star, one of the most luminous and
massive known in the Milky Way.

Example: The Pistol Star is a candidate for the most luminous star known.


Translation: протозвезда.

Definition: a very young star that is still gathering mass from its parent molecular cloud.

Example: A protostellar cloud will continue to collapse as long as the gravitational

binding energy can be eliminated.


Translation: квазар.
Definition: an extremely luminous object( active galactic nucleus),they are at the center
of active galaxies.

Example: The first quasars were discovered in the late 1950s, as radio sources in all-sky
radio surveys.

Red giant

Translation: красный гигант.

Definition: is a luminous giant star of low or intermediate mass in a late phase of stellar

Example: It is massive enough to become a red giant but does not have enough mass to
initiate the fusion of helium.

Relativistic beaming

Translation: релятивистское сияние.

Definition: the process by which relativistic effects modify the apparent luminosity of
emitting matter that is moving at speeds close to the speed of light.

Example: The lack of gamma-ray bright blazars at large comoving frame viewing angles
can be explained by relativistic beaming.

Shell galaxy

Translation: галактики с оболочками.

Definition: a type of elliptical galaxy where the stars in the galaxy's halo are arranged in
concentric shells.

Example: About one-tenth of elliptical galaxies are shell galaxy.

Seyfert galaxy

Translation: сейфертовская галактика.

Definition: one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, along with quasars.
Example: Seyfert galaxies account for about 10% of all galaxies and are some of the most
intensely studied objects in astronomy

Solar flare

Translation: солнечная вспышка.

Definition: a sudden flash of increased brightness on the Sun, usually observed near its
surface and in close proximity to a sunspot group.

Example: Solar flares impact Earth only when they occur on the side of the sun.


Translation: солнцестояние.

Definition: the two times each year, around June 20th and December 21st, when the Sun
is farthest north or south in the sky.

Example: The solstice happens at the same instant for all of us.

Stellar association

Translation: звёздные ассоциации.

Definition: a loose group of stars that are moving in the same direction but are not
gravitationally bound to each other.

Example: Stellar associations were first discovered by the Soviet Armenian astronomer
Victor Ambartsumian in 1947.

Sun dog

Translation: паргелий.

Definition:. an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or

both sides of the Sun.

Example: Sun dogs are caused by sunlight passing through flat.


Translation: сверхновая звезда.

Definition: a supernova is a cataclysmic explosion caused when a star exhausts its fuel
and ends its life.

Example: The most recent directly observed supernova in the Milky Way was Kepler's
Supernova in 1604.


Translation: терминатор.

Definition: the line on the Moon or a planet that divides the bright, sunlit part from the
part in shadow.

Example: The terminator moves slowly across the Moon’s disk.

Tidal locking

Translation: синхронное вращение.

Definition: the phenomenon by which a body has the same rotational period as its
orbital period around a partner.

Example: Not every case of tidal locking involves synchronous rotation.


Translation: троянские астероиды.

Definition: a small celestial body that shares the orbit of a larger one.

Example: Trojans can share the orbits of planets or of large moons.

Tropical year

Translation:тропический год.

Definition: the time that the Sun takes to return to the same position in the cycle of

Example: Currently, a tropical year lasts for 365.24219 mean solar days.

Urca process

Translation: нейтринное охлаждение.

Definition: a cooling process in neutron stars and white dwarfs.

Example: We show that the direct Urca process of neutrino emission is allowed in two
possible phases of nonspherical nuclei.

Variable star

Translation: переменная звезда.

Definition: a star whose brightness as seen from Earth fluctuates.

Example: These are the prototype variable stars and the first class for which the period
luminosity relation was discovered.

White dwarf

Translation: белый карлик.

Definition: a stellar core remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter.

Example: Ancient white dwarf stars shine in the Milky Way galaxy.

Wolf–Rayet star

Translation: звезда Вольфа — Райе.

Definition: massive stars which are at an advanced stage of stellar evolution and losing
mass at a very high rate.

Example: Wolf-Rayet stars represent a final burst of activity before a huge star begins to

X-ray astronomy

Translation: рентгеновская астрономия.

Definition: observational branch of astronomy which deals with the study of X-ray
observation and detection from astronomical objects.

Example: X-ray astronomy satellites study X-ray emissions from celestial objects.

Yellow Dwarf

Translation: жёлтый карлик.

Definition: an ordinary star such as the Sun at a stable point in its evolution.

Example: The term yellow dwarf is a misnomer, because G-type stars actually range in
color from white.

Zone of Avoidance

Translation: зона избегания.

Definition: is the area of the sky that is obscured by the Milky Way.

Example: The Zone of Avoidance, whose emptiness is an artifact of our Galaxy dust.


Translation: зенит.

Definition: the highest point reached by a heavenly body as it travels around, or appears
to travel around, another body.

Example: A pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon.










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