A Lonely Monster: Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

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5I | 2021-22

“I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel...”
Monster’s murderous behaviour is caused by the hate of human being he meets. The creature, in
the end, accuses mankind of lacking compassion towards him and of leaving it alone. For istance,
he helped secretly a peasant family giving it firewood or vegetables in periods of famine. Though,
when he finally revealed itself to the family, they ran away screaming to it. In addition, the
monster asked to Dr Frankenstein to build a female specimen in order to share his difficult life
with her. Therefore, the monster has strong human feelings not reciprocated by humans and even
by its own creator.



Shelley was influenced by Rousseau’s idea of
 Dream of creating artificial life creatures’ innocence before introducing them in
the society.
 Isolation of the individual (monster’s
escape) Shelley had a strong influence by William
Godwin. Godwin believed that government,
 First-person narration (individualism)
marriage, and laws, although positive, exert
 The monster represents the sublime dystopic forces on men. He exceeded to a
society based on solidarity.
Shelley was also influenced by Coleridge’s “The
 Emotional language and atmosphere of Rime of the ancient mariner”. Like the
danger and suspense. mariner, Walton travels to the land "of mist
 Macabre elements like the homicides, and snow", but he won’t kill any albatross.
the monster…

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”

The story is written in epistolary form to increase the suspense. The letters are sent by Robert
Walton to his sister. The technique is derived by Richardson and his masterpieces (Pamela and
Clarissa). The middle part of the story is narrated by Frankenstein and, partially, by the monster.

Robert Walton, during a travel to the North Pole, The creature kills Frankenstein’s brother, and he
meets a half-frozen man while his ship is stuck in confesses its guilt to his creator when the two
the ice: he is Dr Frankenstein. Dr Frankenstein meet in Savoy. The monster tells that everywhere
starts telling his story and his interest in natural he goes, people run away from him regardless the
science, especially in anatomy. From his mother’s good actions the monster does for them. The
death, he has the purpose to create an creature asks to his creator to build a female
immortal, smarter and stronger human being. monster he can live with. Frankenstein, during
the building of the creature, destroys it. Therefore,
Frankenstein starts studying the corpses digging the monster kills Doctor’s wife and best friend.
up them. After a while, he succeeds in
creating the creature, but its aspect is Frankenstein starts chasing it to destroy it up to
horrible and disgusting and its strength is the North pole. But there, the monster wounds
supranatural. The creature runs away in the mortally him and, haunted by the remorse, it
night taking with it his creator’s diary. decides to burn itself in the center of the Pole

POLITICAL From a Marxist point of view, the creature is the symbol of the emerging proletariat.
INTERPRETA- Though, Tories party used it as a propagandistic device against atheist and
TIONS revolutionary tendencies.

The monster, with his destroying power, represents the nature dominated by the
INTERPRETA- humans. The nature, apparently calm and loving, can rebel to men if exploited too
TIONS much. Therefore, the novel is a criticism towards English empiricism and its pride
about the exploitation of the nature thanks to science.


Prometheus was a titan who controlled Olympus before Zeus. Prometheus had 5 brothers, one of them
was Epimetheus, the exact opposite of Prometheus. The myth tells that Prometheus received from
the goddess Athena the task of distributing the virtues to men, but his brother did not give enough
importance to this and finished the virtues to distribute. To remedy, Prometheus stole the casket of the
goddess of wisdom which contained intelligence and memory and gave them to men. Zeus, not
happy with this gesture, destroyed these two virtues. One day, Zeus instructed Prometheus to divide
an ox for men and gods, but Prometheus kept the best parts for humans, deceiving Zeus.
Zeus decided to punish Prometheus and after several failed punishments, he tied him to a mountain
and every day an eagle ate his liver. He was freed by Hercules three thousand years later.
The subtitle “the modern Prometheus” refers to scientists’ suction to do and invent everything.
But, as Prometheus, they are going to succumb to nature and fate. During Romanticism, Prometheus
rapresented the perfect rebel who challenges the fate to exceeds his limits. Though, in the end, he
is conscious of his lost against nature which is stronger. This behavior is called titanism.

“The world was to me a secret which I desired to devine.”

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