BSEd-Math-1 NSTP Portfolio - Deutsche Mark Rondina

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Name: Deutsche Mark L. Rondina Prog./Yr./Sec.: Bsed Mathematics - 1

Date: April 30, 2021 Score:


Introductory Question: How can you be an ECO-WARRIOR in your own little ways?


By doing my share in preserving the environment, I can become an eco-warrior in my way.

I can do my share in preserving the environment by starting in myself. Proper disposal of garbage,
segregation of wastes, and cleaning clutter around me are just some of the things that I can start on
my own to preserve the environment.

We can then kick it up a notch by starting to involve other people in the process. We can start
in our own homes, by educating the people the around us about the importance of the environment
and its preservation. After then, we can start applying that knowledge by putting it into action. We can
start involving them in the activities we do to preserve the environment (which I have mentioned in the
first paragraph) and do it on a regular basis,

After that, we can then start to inculcate such values into the community by influencing other
people to follow our examples. We can also start to educate them just like we can do within our
homes. These things are not very hard to do and they can even be considered as small things that
we all can do, but their impact to the environment can be undeniably very positive.



- This area inculcates environmental awareness and its contribution to health and related fields. It
involves management of waste, environmental protection, dissemination and application of
technologies supportive of the community needs and livelihood activities related to environment and
other related fields supportive of the national thrusts.

Video: Ulat Pangmulat: Solid Waste Management


Reflective Question: What solid waste management practice are you doing at home?

Paste your output here!


NSTP-CWTS Social Action Intensified Activity # .

An Advocacy Continues
Name: Deutsche Mark L. Rondina Prog./Yr./Sec.: Bsed Mathematics - 1
Date: April 30, 2021 Score:

This Social Action Intensified Activity is in line with PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN involving CWTS
student’s physical movement, coordination, and use of motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires
practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.

This activity highlights CWTS Students’ advocacy for Solid Waste Management.


1) Apply Proper Trash Segregation at home by providing 4 receptacles for your home trashes.
Tell your parents and all your family members at home to practice proper waste segregation in
order to participate in the solid waste management practice in your barangay and our local
government unit.
2) Approach any barangay official and ask for Solid Waste Management practices implemented
in your barangay.
3) DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES. Include caption for each picture for proper

Post them here:



Personal Connection Portfolio Task # 11

Solid Waste Management Practices

Name: Deutsche Mark L. Rondina Prog./Yr./Sec.: BSEd Mathematics - 1

Date: April 30, 2021 Score:

This portfolio task is in line with AFFECTIVE DOMAIN involving CWTS student’s feelings, emotions,
and attitudes, toward the conduct of the activity. This domain includes the manner in which he/she deals with
things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, and attitudes.

What I have done…

I have done only a few things yet, but I know that these would become my stepping
stones in doing far greater things. For now, I have done pretty much regular things such as
disposing garbage properly, raising awareness about proper solid waste management,
segregating garbage properly, and more.

I have also become more informed of the practices that are observed in our place about
solid waste management by having talked with one of our barangay officials. Because of that,
I have become more aware of how I can contribute to the community and participate in such

What I want to accomplish more…

I want to accomplish more things like involving the community in my advocacy in

preserving the environment because I believe that more hands can do so much work than I
can do. When the community is involved in such advocacy, things become easier to do and
the goal is never far from reality at all.

I also want to share this advocacy to the younger people so that they can carry on this
legacy of preserving the environment. When tender minds are inculcated with such values at a
young age, the lessons become a part of them, making them more responsible and therefore
presenting a better future for the community and the planet itself.

Draw a SYMBOL (an object which symbolizes something) to represent your CWTS
experience. And put a very short explanation.
Reflectively filled in by: Noted/Checked:

Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Student Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Facilitator

Video: Nature is Speaking


Reflective Question:

If you were to talk to Mother Earth, what would be your response to her?

If I were given an opportunity to talk with Mother Earth, the very first words that would
come out my mouth would be words of gratitude and thankfulness. I’d like to thank her for
providing me my daily needs, for constantly sustaining my existence here. I’d like to thank her
for showing me the wonders of nature, as she constantly awes me with the timeless beauty
that she has. And I’d like to thank her for the opportunity given to me for using her resources,
for letting me utilize what she has so that I can become the best that I can be.

After thanking her, I’d like to tell her sorry in behalf of other people, for hurting her
through the destructive processes that some people to her as a whole. I’d like to ask
forgiveness for the irresponsibility that we have shown in using the resources that she has
bestowed upon us. I’d like to say sorry about a lot more things.

Lastly, I’d like to assure her that I will do my best to get her back to the best condition
that she can ever be in. I’d like to assure her that I will be responsible in my actions, and I will
preserve and protect her to the fullest extent of what I can do. I’ll promise her that now is the
time for us to pay back, to pay back the goodness that she has shown us for last millions of


Activity #12
Eco-Warrior Intensified

Name: Deutsche Mark L. Rondina Prog./Yr./Sec.: BSEd Mathematics - 1

Date:April 30, 2021 Score:

This Social Action Intensified Activity is in line with PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN involving CWTS
student’s physical movement, coordination, and use of motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires
practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.

This activity highlights CWTS Students’ advocacy for Environment Protection, Conservation
and Preservation.


1) Organize a clean-up drive in your small community as part of your advocacy for environment
protection, conservation, and preservation.
2) Through a small gathering, do lecture about the importance of environment protection,
conservation and preservation.
3) You can choose among the suggested clean-up drive activities;
- Coast Clean-Up (if your community is near coastal areas)
- River Clean-Up (if your community is near a river)
- Community-Based Clean-up Drive (NO BURNING PLEASE. You can implement PROPER
TRASH/WASTE SEGREGATION and recycle materials can be put or contained in the
barangay’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF).
4) DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES. Include caption for each picture for proper

Post them here:


Introduction to the topic Participants jotting down notes

Brainstorming of suggestions and ideas Conclusion of the lecture


Collection of waste materials Disposal of waste materials into MRF

Collection of residual waste from hospital Disposal of residual waste

Personal Connection Portfolio Task # 12

Clean-Up Drove by an Eco-Warrior

Name: Deutsche Mark L. Rondina Prog./Yr./Sec.: BSEd Mathematics - 1

Date: April 30, 2021 Score:
This portfolio task is in line with AFFECTIVE DOMAIN involving CWTS student’s feelings, emotions,
and attitudes, toward the conduct of the activity. This domain includes the manner in which he/she deals with
things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, and attitudes.

What I have done…

I have done quite a lot of things that are of great benefit to the community, though small
they may be. Raising awareness and informing other people about the importance about
environment protection and preservation was one of the best I did. By starting with my peers,
the information can then dissipate into the masses because of the ripple effect that it has.
Also, I put the ideas into action by participating in the various activities that aim to clean the
environment. Together with my peers, we have accomplished many things even in just a short
period of time.

What I want to accomplish more…

I am looking forward to furthering the advocacy of spreading this important information

to other people so that more people can start becoming involved in the mission to protect and
preserve the environment. This can be done by conducting more lectures and awareness-
raising campaigns to widen the range of the people receiving the information. By doing so,
more people become aware and involved.

Draw a SYMBOL (an object which symbolizes something) to represent your CWTS experience.
And put a very short explanation.
Reflectively filled in by: Noted/Checked:

Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Student Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Facilitator

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