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Identification and expansion of

human colon-cancer-initiating cells
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Vol 445 | 4 January 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature05384

Identification and expansion of human
colon-cancer-initiating cells
Lucia Ricci-Vitiani1, Dario G. Lombardi2, Emanuela Pilozzi3, Mauro Biffoni1, Matilde Todaro4, Cesare Peschle1
& Ruggero De Maria1,2

Colon carcinoma is the second most common cause of death from mice. After surgical resection, colorectal cancer tissues were disso-
cancer1. The isolation and characterization of tumorigenic colon ciated into single cells that were separated by immunomagnetic selec-
cancer cells may help to devise novel diagnostic and therapeutic tion or flow cytometry on the basis of CD133 expression. This
procedures. Although there is increasing evidence that a rare procedure resulted in a considerable enrichment of CD1331 cells
population of undifferentiated cells is responsible for tumour (.80%) and an effective negative selection ($99.8%) of CD1332
formation and maintenance2–4, this has not been explored for cells (Fig. 1d). The analysis of the CD1332 population revealed that
colorectal cancer. Here, we show that tumorigenic cells in colon many (35–75%) of these cells displayed several features of cancers
cancer are included in the high-density CD1331 population, from the gastrointestinal tract, such as carcinoembryonic antigen
which accounts for about 2.5% of the tumour cells. Subcutan- (CEA)9,10 expression and adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)11 or
eous injection of colon cancer CD1331 cells readily reproduced p53 mutation12, which were not present in normal colon epithelial
the original tumour in immunodeficient mice, whereas CD1332 cells (Supplementary Fig. 1). Before testing its in vivo oncogenic
cells did not form tumours. Such tumours were serially trans- potential, we analysed the CD1331 population for the presence of
planted for several generations, in each of which we observed haematopoietic and endothelial progenitors. CD1331 cells were all
progressively faster tumour growth without significant pheno- negative for the pan-haematopoietic marker CD45, over 97% were
typic alterations. Unlike CD1332 cells, CD1331 colon cancer cells positive for the epithelial marker Ber-EP4, and less than 2% were
grew exponentially for more than one year in vitro as undifferenti- putative endothelial progenitors and CD311 (Fig. 1e).
ated tumour spheres in serum-free medium, maintaining the abil- While 105 CD1332 colon cancer cells did not induce tumour
ity to engraft and reproduce the same morphological and antigenic formation, the injection of 106 unseparated cells or 3,000 CD1331
pattern of the original tumour. We conclude that colorectal cancer cells resuspended in matrigel generated visible tumours after 4–5
is created and propagated by a small number of undifferentiated weeks from the transplant (Fig. 1f), indicating that colon-cancer-
tumorigenic CD1331 cells, which should therefore be the target of initiating cells are CD1331. With the exception of Dukes stage A
future therapies. tumours, which reportedly are not tumorigenic in the current models
Cancer neural stem cells can be identified and isolated through the of immunocompromised mice13, we obtained engraftment with low
CD133 marker4, which is expressed by normal primitive cells of the numbers of CD1331 cells isolated from tumours of all the other
neural, haematopoietic, epithelial and endothelial lineages5–7. To stages (Table 1). Despite the higher number of CD1331 cells present
investigate whether there exists a CD1331 cell population in colon in 106 unseparated cells, tumour formation after the injection of the
cancer, we used flow cytometry to analyse the immunophenotype total colon cancer population was slower and less efficient than that
of colonic tumour cells shortly after tissue dissociation. The vast obtained with purified CD1331 cells (Fig. 1f and Table 1), in line with
majority of the samples analysed showed the presence of rare cells results reported for breast cancer stem cells14. Moreover, haematox-
(2.561.4%) clearly positive for CD133 (Fig. 1a and Table 1). These ylin-eosin staining and microscopic analysis indicated that CD1331-
cells did not express cytokeratin 20 (CK20) (Fig. 1b), an intermediate derived tumour xenografts consistently reproduced the primary
filament protein whose presence is essentially restricted to differen- tumour at histological level, including specific signature features
tiated cells from gastric and intestinal epithelium and urothelium8. infrequently observed in colorectal cancer, such as areas of eosino-
To determine the anatomical location of CD1331 cells in colon can- philic secretions scattered in the neoplastic tissue (Fig. 1g). As
cer, we used immunohistochemistry to analyse a number of colon expected, purified CD1332CEA1 colon cancer cells were unable to
cancer sections from six different patients. All the samples analysed transfer the tumour in immunocompromised mice (Table 1 and
showed similar results, with the presence of rare CD1331 cells in Supplementary Fig. 2). Thus, the tumorigenic population in colon
areas of high cellular density (Fig. 1c). CD133 expression in normal cancer is restricted to CD1331 cells, which are able to reproduce the
colon tissues was extremely infrequent (barely detectable upon original tumour in permissive recipients.
extensive analysis of histological sections; data not shown) as com- Normal and neoplastic stem cells from neural and epithelial organs
pared with the tumour tissue. can be expanded as sphere-like cellular aggregates4,15–17 in serum-free
The increased number of CD1331 cells in cancer samples may medium containing EGF and FGF-2. We cultivated the colonic cells
result from their oncogenic transformation. To evaluate the tumori- that we obtained after dissociation of cancer tissues using such a
genic potential of colon CD1331 cells, we compared the ability of proliferative medium for undifferentiated cells. After 4 weeks of cul-
tumour-derived CD1331 and CD1332 cells to engraft and give rise to ture, we obtained colon spheres formed by aggregates of exponen-
subcutaneous tumours in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) tially growing undifferentiated cells (Supplementary Fig. 3a) from 5
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, Rome 00161, Italy. 2Mediterranean Institute of Oncology, Via Penninazzo 7, Viagrande
95029, Catania, Italy. 3Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Sant’Andrea Hospital, University ‘La Sapienza’, Via di Grottarossa 1037, Rome 00189, Italy. 4Department of
Surgical and Oncological Sciences, University of Palermo, Via Liborio Giuffrè 5, Palermo 90127, Italy.
©2007 Nature Publishing Group
LETTERS NATURE | Vol 445 | 4 January 2007

of 15 tumours (Supplementary Table 1). Within ten passages, the maintained the tumorigenic potential, we injected 50 or 500 spheres
doubling time of colon spheres was approximately ten days, which subcutaneously into SCID mice and monitored the formation of
became less than 7 after 30 passages (Supplementary Fig. 3b), prob- tumours weekly. Although 106 differentiated primary colon cancer
ably as a consequence of selection. CD1332 colon cancer cells invari- cells were not tumorigenic, the tumour spheres engrafted and gen-
ably died in such serum-free conditions (Supplementary Table 1 and erated tumours, which grew rapidly and required the mouse to be
data not shown), but could grow for about two weeks in serum- killed (Supplementary Fig. 3f, g). We noticed that injection of the
containing medium before gradually declining in number (Sup- higher number of spheres resulted in a faster appearance of the
plementary Fig. 3b). This standard culture of adherent cells did not tumours without altering the cancer growth rate, which was inde-
allow the persistence of the CD1331 population, whose presence was pendent of the number of transplanted spheres (Supplementary
essentially undetectable after 10 days of culture (Supplementary Fig. Fig. 3g).
3c, d). As reported18, the vast majority of cells obtained in this con- To determine the differentiation potential of these CD1331 cells,
dition expressed CK20 (Supplementary Fig. 3e). tumour spheres were cultivated without EGF and FGF-2 in the pres-
In contrast, cells grown as colon spheres remained CD1331 and ence of 5% serum. After one day of culture, floating undifferentiated
expressed negligible amounts of CK20 (Supplementary Fig. 3c, e). cells attached to the plastic, gradually migrating from tumour spheres
The ability to grow exponentially and the absence of CK20 suggested and differentiating into large and adherent cells (Fig. 2a). Upon
that CD1331 colon spheres were aggregates of primitive cancer cells. differentiation, colon cancer cells expressed CK20 and acquired
To investigate whether expanded CD1331 cells in tumour spheres a morphology closely resembling the major colon cancer cell

a b c


d e Colon cancer cells



CD31 CD45 Ber-EP4


Endothelial Lymphocytic Colonic

f g
Human Xenograft
3.0 3,000 CD133+
105 CD133–
2.5 106 total
Volume of tumour (cm3)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (weeks)

Figure 1 | A rare CD1331 population of tumorigenic cells is present in colon cancer cells after subcutaneous injection in matrigel. Data concerning
cancer. a, b, Flow cytometry analysis of CD133 expression as single staining tumour volumes generated by CD1331 and CD1332 cells are mean 6 s.d. of
(a) or in combination with CK20 (b) in freshly dissociated colon five independent experiments in duplicate, referring to those tumours in
adenocarcinoma cells derived from three representative tumours. which some of the 106 unseparated cells from at least one out of four
c, Immunohistochemical analysis of CD133 expression in colon cancer. injections were able to engraft. Data concerning unseparated cells are
Positive cells are brown and indicated by arrows. d, CD133 expression before mean 6 s.d. of 11 successful engraftments out of 40 injections.
(left) and after sorting of positive (right, top) and negative (right, bottom) g, Haematoxylin-eosin analysis with different (1003, top; 4003, bottom)
colon cancer cells. e, Flow cytometry analysis of CD133-enriched colon original magnifications of colon cancer sections from the original tumour
cancer cells. Freshly isolated normal endothelial, lymphocytic and colonic (Human) and corresponding xenograft (Xenograft) obtained after injection
cells were used as positive controls. f, Evaluation of the tumorigenic of CD1331 cells as in e.
potential of freshly isolated CD1331, CD1332 and unseparated (total) colon
©2007 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | Vol 445 | 4 January 2007 LETTERS

population present in the original tumour (Fig. 2b). These differen- provided that the expanded cells do not lose their ability to reproduce
tiated cells expressed high levels of the caudal type homeobox the original tumour. Although tumour cells may acquire genomic
transcription factor 2 (CDX2), a sensitive and specific marker for mutations after prolonged expansion, colon cancer spheres could be
colorectal adenocarcinoma that was weakly expressed in the colon maintained in conditions of exponential growth for more than a year,
spheres (Fig. 2c–e)19,20. Comparative flow cytometry analysis of colon without losing the ability to generate tumours. Tumour xenografts
cancer cells from undifferentiated and differentiated tumour spheres derived from colon spheres maintained in culture for one, six or
showed that all cells expressed Ber-EP4 and CEA, whereas CD133 was twelve months closely reproduced the histological features of the
significantly downregulated upon differentiation (Fig. 2f). During original tumour, as indicated by haematoxylin-eosin staining and
the differentiation process, CD1331 cells lost their ability to transfer morphological analysis of tumour sections (Fig. 3a). Moreover,
the tumour into immunocompromised mice (Fig. 2g and Supple- regardless of the duration of the in vitro expansion, tumours gener-
mentary Table 1), suggesting that colon-cancer-initiating cells need ated by colon spheres displayed a pattern of CDX2, b-catenin and
to remain undifferentiated to maintain tumorigenic potential. Thus, CK20 identical to the primary tumour from which the cells were
colon undifferentiated cancer cells can be cultured and expanded in derived (Fig. 3b), indicating that expanded CD1331 cells maintain
vitro as colon spheres in proliferative serum-free medium containing their tumorigenic potential along with the ability to replicate the
growth factors. This property is common to neural and epithelial original tumour.
stem and progenitor cells, which grow as spherical aggregates that To investigate whether CD1331 colon cancer cells display long-
in the presence of serum or extracellular matrix differentiate upon term tumorigenic potential, we evaluated the ability of these cells to
growth factor removal15–17. generate tumours after serial transplantations. Tumour xenografts
This ability to obtain unlimited expansion of tumorigenic colon derived by the injection of freshly isolated CD1331 cells were
cancer cells could be exploited for more accurate preclinical studies digested to isolate CD1331 and CD1332 cells, which in turn were

Table 1 | Case description and tumorigenic activity of CD1331 colon cancer cells
Case Age/Sex Site Grade Dukes CD133 expression Number of cells injected
CD133 CD1332 CD1332CEA1 Unseparated

1 68/M Sigma G3 C 2.4% 100,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (2/4)

10,000 (1/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2) 5,000 (0/2)
2 41/M Left G3 C 2.0% 10,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
5,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (0/2) 5,000 (0/2)
3 69/F Sigma G2 D 2.5% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (3/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2) 5,000 (0/2)
4 66/F Left G2 A 1.7% 10,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
5,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (0/2) 5,000 (0/2)
5 67/M Sigma G2 C 1.4% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
5,000 (1/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (1/2) 5,000 (0/2)
6 76/M Right G2 C 2.4% 10,000 (1/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (2/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2)
7 68/M Sigma G2 C 1.8% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (3/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2)
8 74/M Sigma G3 A 0.7% 5,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
3,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
1,500 (0/2)
9 58/M Sigma G2 A 2.4% 5,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
3,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
1,500 (0/2)
10 66/F Right G2 B 0.7% 5,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (1/4)
3,000 (1/2) 10,000 (0/2)
1,500 (1/2)
11 79/F Sigma G2 A
12 53/M Right G2 C
13 70/F Sigma G2 B 2.6% 10,000 (1/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (1/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (1/2)
14 73/F Right G2 B 4.1% 10,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
5,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (0/2)
15 68/M Left G2 C 2.7% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (2/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2)
16 51/M Sigma G2 B 6.1% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (4/4)
5,000 (2/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2)
17 53/M Left G2 A 1.7% 10,000 (0/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (0/4)
5,000 (0/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (0/2)
18 76/F Sigma G2 B 4.6% 10,000 (2/2) 100,000 (0/2) 1,000,000 (1/4)
5,000 (1/2) 10,000 (0/2)
3,000 (2/2)
19 63/F Sigma G2 D
Freshly isolated subpopulations of colon cancer cells generated subcutaneous tumours in mouse xenografts. The success rate is shown in brackets.

©2007 Nature Publishing Group
LETTERS NATURE | Vol 445 | 4 January 2007

transplanted into secondary mice. Although the CD1332 population During the in vivo passages, CD1331 cells did not lose their tumori-
contained a majority of human colon cancer cells (Supplementary genic potential, but instead increased their aggressiveness, as indi-
Fig. 4), only unseparated and CD1331 cells were tumorigenic, cated by the faster growth and increasing number of CD1331CK202
whereas CD1332 cells were not able to transfer the tumour into cells of newly generated tumours (Fig. 3d, e). Accordingly, tumour
secondary mice (Fig. 3c); this confirms the data obtained with cells spheres generated in vitro from these xenografts displayed an
directly isolated from the human tumour. Moreover, CD1331 exponential growth that had the propensity to increase with the serial
tumour spheres obtained from similar CD1331-derived primary xenografting (Fig. 3f). Thus, the CD1331 cell population resident in
xenografts were subsequently transplanted into secondary mice
whose tumours were used as a new source of CD1331 cells to gen-
a Human 1 month b
erate tertiary and then quaternary tumours (Supplementary Table 1). Human Xenograft

a b Day 3 c

6 months 1 year
Day 1
Day 7 d

Day 3
e 10
c d
8 3.0
(arbitrary units)

Unseparated 2.5
6 Secondary xenografts
Volume of tumour (cm3)

Volume of tumour (cm3)


2.5 CD133+ cells

4 CD133– cells 2.0 Tertiary xenografts
Quaternary xenografts
Day 7 1.5
Spheres Differentiated 1.0
f Spheres Differentiated
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 9 10
2.0 Time (weeks)
Ber-EP4 Undifferentiated Time (weeks)
Volume of tumour (cm3)

e f
Percentage within Ber-EP4+ cells

CK20 30 CD133+CK20+
Cell number

20 105

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Primary spheres
Time (weeks) Secondary spheres
Tertiary spheres
0 104
Patient Primary Secondary 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
CD133 Time (months)

Figure 3 | Long-term tumorigenic potential of colon cancer CD1331 cells.

Figure 2 | The tumorigenic potential of CD1331 colon cancer cells is lost a, Haematoxylin-eosin analysis of original tumour (Human) and mouse
upon differentiation. a, Microscopical analysis of colon cancer spheres xenografts generated by spheres expanded in culture for the indicated times.
cultivated in differentiation conditions for 1, 3 and 7 days. b, Immunohistochemical analysis of the original tumour (Human) and
b, Immunocytochemical analysis of CK20 expression (brown) in sphere-derived xenografts. c, Tumorigenic potential of 105 CD1331,
differentiating colon cancer spheres. A higher magnification of the cells CD1332 and total (unseparated) tumour cells purified from xenografts
included in the red square is shown at the bottom. c, d, Immunocytochemical obtained in mice previously injected with freshly isolated CD1331 cells.
analysis of CDX2 expression (dark brown) in fibrin-included colon cancer Data are mean 6 s.d. of two independent experiments with patients (cases in
spheres (c) and day 7 differentiated cells (d). e, Real-time polymerase chain Table 1) 15 and 16 in duplicate. d, Tumorigenic potential of colon cancer
reaction (PCR) analysis of CDX2 mRNA expression in colon cancer spheres spheres derived by tumours induced by injection of 3,000 freshly isolated
and day 7 differentiated spheres. f, Flow cytometry analysis of colon cancer CD1331 cells (Secondary xenografts), spheres derived by such secondary
spheres and day 7 differentiated cells. Empty histograms represent isotype xenografts (Tertiary xenografts) and spheres derived by tertiary xenografts
controls; grey histograms represent the specific binding for the indicated (Quaternary xenografts). Data are mean 6 s.d. of three different
antigen. g, Tumorigenic potential of undifferentiated and differentiated experiments. e, Percentage of CD1331 and CD1331CK201 cells among
CD1331 colon cancer cells derived by spheres. Tumour volumes of mice BerEp41 cells from patient tumours and CD1331-derived primary and
injected with 5 3 105 cells are shown. Data are mean 6 s.d. of three secondary xenografts. Data are mean 6 s.d. of three independent
independent experiments in duplicate for patients (see cases in Table 1) 1, 3 experiments. f, In vitro cell growth of colon cancer spheres obtained as
and 7. indicated in e. A representative experiment of three is shown.
©2007 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | Vol 445 | 4 January 2007 LETTERS

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8–10 weeks mice were killed by cervical dislocation, tumours were removed,
fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution (Sigma) and paraffin embedded.
Immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin- Acknowledgements We thank A. Zeuner for discussions. This work was supported
by grants from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro and the Italian
fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, cell blocks or frozen tissue. Paraffin sections
Health Ministry to R.D.M.
were dewaxed in xylene and rehydrated with distilled water. The slides were
subsequently incubated with the following antibodies: CDX2 (BioGenex), Author Contributions Experimental work and data analysis were done by L.R.-V.,
CK20 (Dako), b-catenin (BD Transduction Laboratories). Cryostat sections D.G.L., E.P., M.B. and M.T.; project planning and supervision was done by R.D.M.
were acetone-fixed and incubated at room temperature with anti-human Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
CD133/1 (Miltenyi Biotec). The reaction was performed using Elite Vector The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Stain ABC systems (Vector Laboratories) and DAB substrate chromogen Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.D.M.
(DakoCytomation) followed by haematoxylin counterstaining. (

©2007 Nature Publishing Group

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