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Cite This: ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2018, 9, 177−186

Horner Syndrome: A Clinical Review

Timothy J. Martin*
Department of Ophthalmology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Wiston-Salem, North Carolina 27157, United States

ABSTRACT: Horner syndrome results from an interruption

of the oculosympathetic pathway. Patients with Horner
syndrome present with a slightly droopy upper lid and a
smaller pupil on the affected side; less commonly, there is a
deficiency of sweating over the brow or face on the affected
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side. This condition does not usually cause vision problems or

other significant symptoms, but is important as a warning sign
that the oculosympathetic pathway has been interrupted,
potentially with serious and even life-threatening processes.
The oculosympathetic pathway has a long and circuitous
course, beginning in the brain and traveling down the spinal
cord to exit in the chest, then up the neck and into the orbit. Therefore, this syndrome with unimpressive clinical findings and
insignificant symptoms may be a sign of serious pathology in the head, chest, or neck. This clinical review discusses how to
identify the signs, confirm the diagnosis, and evaluate the many causes of Horner syndrome.
ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2018.9:177-186.

KEYWORDS: Horner syndrome, ptosis, oculosympathetic pathway, anisocoria

Horner syndrome describes the clinical findings (signs and sym-
in 1852.2 Therefore, this condition is sometimes called Claude
Bernard−Horner syndrome, especially in the French literature.3,4
ptoms) that result from an interruption of sympathetic inner- Signs and Symptoms. Patients with Horner syndrome
vation to the eye (oculosympathetic paresis). The classic triad typically present with a small upper eyelid ptosis (1−2 mm)
in Horner syndrome is unilateral ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis, and an anisocoria with the smaller pupil on the affected side.
but the ptosis (slight narrowing of the ocular fissure) and Ipsilateral anhidrosis of the forehead or face is a far less reliable
miosis (smaller pupil on the affected side) are far more com- sign, as it is not clinically evident (or not present at all) most of
monly recognized than anhidrosis (lack of perspiration on the the time. Similar to the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid can be
forehead or face). Horner syndrome is not likely to cause any slightly more closed as well, narrowing the palpebral fissure,
functional visual disturbance but is of great importance clin- which makes the eye look enophthalmic even though true
ically as a “red flag” warning that the oculosympathetic pathway enophthalmos is not present. Transient conjunctival injec-
has been interrupted. This pathway is a three-neuron chain that tion and relative hypotony have been reported in the acute
originates in the hypothalamus in the brainstem, travels down setting.5
the spinal cord to the lower cervical and upper thoracic levels, Miosis. In Horner syndrome, the pupil in the affected eye
then traverses the upper chest cavity and apex of the lung, is smaller than that in the opposite eye due to the loss of
traveling with the carotid artery into the cavernous sinus, tra- sympathetic tone of the pupillary dilator. A difference in the
versing the orbit to innervate the pupillary sphincter; it also size of one pupil compared to that of the other is called anis-
branches to innervate accessory muscles for eyelid retraction. ocoria. In a normal state, the two pupils are the same size.
This long, circuitous route covers a lot of anatomy, and a patient The size of the pupillary aperture of the iris is controlled by
with a lesion anywhere along its course can present with Horner autonomic innervation to two opposing sets of muscles in the
syndrome. Therefore, this syndrome with minimal symptoms iris. The pupillary sphincter is a circular muscle in the iris that
and often subtle findings is of great importance in the diagnosis frames the pupil; it is innervated by the parasympathetic auto-
of potentially life-threatening lesions in the head, neck, and nomic system, and activation makes the pupil smaller. The
chest!1 pupillary dilator consists of radial muscle fibers that dilate the
Horner syndrome bears the name of Johann Friedrich pupil when activated and is innervated by the sympathetic
Horner (1831−1886), a Swiss ophthalmologist who published autonomic system; the pupils become large with sympathetic
a case report in 1869 describing a 40 year old woman with “fight or flight” response. Ultimately, the size of the pupil is
unilateral miosis, ptosis, and facial anhidrosis. However, there determined by the balance of these opposing systems. There
were case reports of the syndrome that predated Horner’s by are many factors that influence sympathetic and parasympathetic
many years: a report by Edward Selleck Hare in 1838 and another
by Silas Weir Mitchell in 1864. The French ophthalmologist Received: October 25, 2017
Claude Bernard was the first to identify the triad of findings as the Accepted: November 30, 2017
manifestations of an oculosympathetic paresis in animal studies Published: December 20, 2017

© 2017 American Chemical Society 177 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00405

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input to the pupil, including the amount of light entering the

eyes, the state of accommodative tone (looking at someth-
ing close versus far away), but also emotional factors, systemic
medications, and disease states. In general, the autonomic
innervation controlling the pupil is equal in both eyes, so both
pupils are normally the same size as each other, even as they
change dynamically throughout the day. In the case of Horner
syndrome, there is a loss of sympathetic tone to the pupillary
dilator in one eye. Therefore, the pupil in the affected eye is
smaller than the pupil in the opposite eye, as parasympathetic
tone to the pupillary sphincter is relatively unopposed.
The degree of anisocoria in Horner syndrome is greater in
darkness than in bright light; in fact, anisocoria can be missed
altogether if the pupils are only observed in bright light.6 This
is because parasympathetic tone (to the pupillary constrictor) is
maximized and sympathetic tone is minimized in bright light;
thus, the difference in pupil size is not as noticeable. However,
in darkness, the pupillary dilator is activated, and the anisocoria
becomes greater as the affected side fails to dilate as well as the
opposite side. It is important to note that the pupil will dilate in
darkness, even in Horner syndrome, as much of the dilation
in darkness comes from relaxation of the powerful pupillary
sphincter, allowing the mechanical elastic forces of the iris to
open the pupil. This passive dilation of the pupil is much slower
than the dilation of the pupil when the sympathetic system
activates the dilator muscles. This is why the pupil in Horner
syndrome is said to have a “dilation lag”: minimal anisocoria in
bright light, a larger degree of anisocoria when the lights are
turned off for the first 5 s and then less anisocoria after 10−15 s
as passive dilation in the affected eye gradually catches up with
the size of the pupil in the normal eye. This is best observed by
evaluating pupil size first in bright light and then in darkness as
the room lights are suddenly turned off (the pupils are observed
in relative darkness by illuminating the patient’s eyes with a
penlight tangentially from below).7 The dilation lag can also be
recorded by taking photographs of the pupils in darkness after
five seconds and then again at 15 s.8 Digital pupillography can
also be used to plot the pupillary dilation in darkness, produc-
ing a characteristic dilation lag pattern.9 The dynamic nature of
the dilation lag needs to be understood by the clinician, as it is
critical that the pupils be observed as they are in the process of
dilating, particularly in the first 5−15 s after the lights are turned
off (Figure 1). The dilation lag is very characteristic of Horner
syndrome10 but may not always be present.6,11
The anisocoria can be further exaggerated by giving the
patient a “scare” a few seconds after the lights are turned off. Figure 1. A 22 year old with right Horner syndrome. Photograph in
A loud noise or other stimulus that causes a systemic sympathetic room light shows anisocoria with the right pupil smaller than the left and
discharge will exaggerate dilation in the unaffected eye, maximiz- subtle ptosis of the right upper eyelid; also note the lower lid sits higher
ing anisocoria. Pinching the patient (not recommended!) has the on the globe (“upside-down ptosis”) (A). In bright light, the anisocoria is
same effect.12 These noxious stimuli techniques are more of an minimized (B) and is greatest after ∼5 s in the dark (C) with lessening of
intriguing side note than a clinically practical tool. the anisocoria at 15 s as the right pupil “catches up” (D). Forty-five
minutes after apraclonidine eye drops were instilled in both eyes, the
In summary, the pupillary abnormality Horner syndrome is anisocoria is reversed due to supersensitivity of the pupillary dilator in the
an anisocoria with a smaller pupil on the affected side. This is right eye from Horner syndrome (E). Note that the ptosis is also
best identified by comparing the degree of anisocoria in bright reversed in this case due to similar supersensitivity of the sympathetically
light and in darkness with the greatest degree of anisocoria innervated eyelid retractors; however, the ptosis reversal alone is not
expected 5−7 s after the lights are turned off because of a defi- reliable enough to act as an indicator of a positive test.
ciency of sympathetic tone to the dilator muscle in the affected
eye. Note that an anisocoria that is greater in bright light than wider (as expected because wide open eyes are a part of the “fight
in darkness implicates that the larger of the two pupils is abnor- or flight” sympathetic response). With a deficiency in oculo-
mal, suggesting a parasympathetic deficiency, as occurs with a sympathetic tone in Horner syndrome, there is the opposite
third cranial nerve palsy or Adie tonic pupil. effect, a narrowing of the palpebral fissure on the affected side.
Ptosis. Increased sympathetic tone to the eyelids causes a The primary elevator of the eyelid is the levator palpebrae
slight retraction of the eyelids making the palpebral fissure muscle, which is innervated by the third cranial nerve. How-
178 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00405
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ever, a small amount of eyelid elevation is produced by Mueller’s suggested for identifying this finding clinically, such as sliding
muscle, a small sympathetically innervated eyelid retractor that a plastic prism bar across the skin of the brow on one side
contributes ∼1−2 mm of lift to the upper eyelid.13 Therefore, versus the other (it will slide more smoothly where there is no
with an oculosympathetic paresis, there is a 1−2 mm ptosis of perspiration),17 or applying a powder to the face or body that
the upper eyelid, narrowing the ocular fissure. A ptosis greater will change color depending on degree of skin moisture.18
than 1−2 mm cannot be fully explained by Horner syndrome. In the acute setting, loss of vasomotor control from sym-
There is a similar rudimentary muscle in the lower lid; thus, pathetic denervation can cause facial flushing, conjunctival
the lower lid may be slightly elevated in Horner syndrome hyperemia, tearing, and even nasal stuffiness with consequent
(sometimes called “upside-down ptosis”).14 This may only be dilation of the vasculature. Later, the skin may be paler than the
evident by comparing the position of the lower lid to the limbus normal side with vasoconstriction caused by denervation super-
between the two eyes. The end result of a loss of sympathetic sensitivity of the vasculature to normally circulating adrenergic
tone to the eye is a narrowing of the ocular fissure. The narrowed elements.7
fissure can give the appearance of enophthalmos, though there is The Harlequin sign is a striking manifestation of loss of
no true measurable enophthalmos in Horner syndrome.15 sympathetic vasomotor innervation with hemifacial flushing
The ptosis in Horner syndrome may be variable and subtle; that respects the vertical midline, typically in infants with an
one study noted that ptosis was absent in 12% of patients.16 oculosympathetic paresis.19
Sudomotor and Vasomotor Deficiency. The oculosym- Neuroanatomy and Clinical Implications. As noted in
pathetic system also carries sudomotor fibers (for perspiration) the Introduction, the oculosympathetic “chain” is a three-neuron
to the face. Interruption of this pathway can cause a deficiency pathway: The first-order neurons are in the hypothalamus with
in sweating (anhidrosis) on the affected side. Most of the face is axons traveling through the brainstem and spinal cord to synapse
innervated by sudomotor fibers that travel with the common in the lower cervical/upper thoracic spinal cord. Second-order
carotid via the external carotid; however, fibers that travel with axons originate from this spinal nucleus and travel through the
the internal carotid supply a small area on the forehead and side upper chest cavity to synapse in the superior cervical ganglion;
of the nose. Therefore, lesions involving the superior cervical then, third-order axons originating in the superior cervical gan-
ganglion or more proximal pathway can result in ipsilateral glion travel along the carotid artery system to reach the orbit and
facial anhidrosis (Figure 2), but more distal lesions along the eye. Horner syndrome can result from lesions anywhere along
this pathway, which is logically divided into central or first-order,
preganglionic (proximal to the superior cervical ganglion) or
second-order, and postganglionic or third-order neuron regions
(Figure 3). One study demonstrated that 65% of patients
presenting with Horner syndrome were found to have an
identifiable cause with 13% of these having a central lesion, 44%
with a preganglionic lesion, and 43% with a postganglionic lesion.16
First-Order (Central) Horner Syndrome. The cell bodies
of first-order neurons reside in the hypothalamus. From there,
axons descend through the brainstem and down the spinal cord
to synapse in the ciliospinal center of Budge−Waller located at
the level of C8 to T2. Therefore, lesions in the brainstem and
cervical cord can present with a first-order neuron Horner syn-
drome often called a “central” Horner syndrome (Table 1).20
This is rarely a cause of isolated Horner syndrome given the
proximity of this pathway to important brainstem structures,
though there are exceptions.21
Hypothalamic/thalamic lesions (tumor, infarct, hemorrhage)
can cause ipsilateral Horner syndrome associated with con-
tralateral hemiparesis and hypesthesia22−24 Lesions of the
dorsal midbrain can result in the combination of an ipsilateral
Horner syndrome with a contralateral fourth cranial nerve palsy
because the fourth cranial nerve fibers cross to the contralateral
Figure 2. A 45 year old man presenting with right Horner syndrome.
He had a right paraspinal cervical abscess as a late complication of side as they exit the brainstem.25 Lesions affecting the pons can
previous spine surgery producing a right preganglionic Horner syn- produce Horner syndrome associated with an ipsilateral or
drome. This clinical photograph was taken at a time when the patient bilateral abducens palsy.26
had fever and was diaphoretic, revealing right hemifacial anhidrosis. The most commonly recognized central Horner syndrome
occurs in the setting of a lateral medullary plate syndrome from
third-order neuron will only result in anhidrosis of a small patch infarction (rarely demyelination), producing a constellation of
of skin on the forehead above the brow. Theoretically, Horner symptoms called Wallenberg syndrome: Horner syndrome,
syndrome from lesions in the brainstem or spinal cord could ipsilateral ataxia, and contralateral hypalgesia; nystagmus, facial
even produce hemibody anhidrosis. However, anhidrosis is weakness, dysphagia, and vertigo may also be present.27
almost never evident in the environmentally controlled clinical Finally, cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord lesions (trauma,
setting and only rarely recognized by patients. Because of this demyelination, tumor, syrinx, or vascular causes) can cause
difference in facial perspiration, women may sometimes note a an isolated Horner syndrome28 but most often are associated
difference when makeup is applied on one side of the face with long tract signs or spinal cord syndromes such as Brown−
versus the other. In the past, elaborate methods have been Séquard syndrome.7
179 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00405
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Figure 3. Oculosympathetic pathway. Reproduced with permission from Martin, T.J.; Corbett, J.J. Practical Neuroophthalmology; McGraw Hill,
2013. This illustration was originally redrawn with permission from Weinstein, J.M.; The pupil. In Slamovits, T.L., Burde, R., associate eds.; Neuro-
ophthalmology, vol. 6. In Podos, S.M., Yanoff, M., eds.; Textbook of ophthalmology, St. Louis, 1991, Mosby.

Second-Order (Preganglionic) Horner Syndrome. lines and anesthetic procedures) or the neck, such as cervical
Second-order neuron lesions are sometimes referred to as spine surgery or thyroid surgery, can be an iatrogenic cause of
“preganglionic” because they are proximal to the superior Horner syndrome.
orbital ganglion. In one study, up to 25% of preganglionic Third-Order (Postganglionic) Horner Syndrome.
Horner syndrome were the result of malignancy.29 Another Third-order neurons have their cell bodies in the superior
study showed that 28% of preganglionic Horner syndrome may cervical ganglion located at the bifurcation of the carotid artery
have no identifiable etiology.5 Second-order neurons originate near the angle of the jaw. Axons travel to their final destination
in the ciliospinal center of Budge−Waller, a spinal nucleus not as a single nerve but as a net or plexus (rete) that surrounds
extending from C8 to T2. They exit the spinal cord as a part the common carotid artery and then the internal carotid artery
of the paraspinal sympathetic plexus. The axons form a to reach the eye (or the external carotid artery to supply the
sympathetic nerve, traveling under the aorta, draping over the face). This plexus of oculosympathetic nerves travels with the
apex of the lung before passing through the stellate ganglion carotid artery into the cavernous sinus. Within the cavernous
and up the carotid sheath, synapsing in the superior cervical sinus, the plexus coalesces to form a well-defined nerve that
ganglion at the level of the carotid bifurcation. For this reason, travels with the sixth cranial nerve through the middle of the
lesions in the upper chest cavity can result in Horner syndrome cavernous sinus (unlike cranial nerves III, IV, and V1 that travel
(Figure 4). The classic example is the Pancoast tumor, an apical relatively protected in the wall of the cavernous sinus). Sym-
lung tumor resulting in Horner syndrome and sometimes also pathetic fibers then travel with the first division of the fifth
producing ipsilateral shoulder pain and signs and symptoms cranial nerve through the superior orbital fissure into the orbit.
associated with thoracic outlet syndrome.30 Sympathetic fibers destined to innervate the pupillary dilator
Trauma, including injury to the brachial plexus or soft tissue travel through the ciliary ganglion (without synapsing), via the
of the neck, or pneumothorax can also cause Horner syndrome. long ciliary nerves that penetrate the sclera near the optic nerve,
Surgical procedures involving upper chest (including central and then through the suprachoroidal space to segmentally
180 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00405
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Table 1. Anatomic Location and Pathological Processes in Horner Syndrome

anatomic location types of lesions associated symptoms
first-order (central) hypothalamus infarction, hemorrhage, tumor contralateral hemiparesis and/or hypesthesia
mesencephalon contralateral trochlear nerve palsy
pons as above, also demyelination ipsilateral or bilateral abducens palsy
medulla as above, more specifically infarction, arterial dissection, cardiac embolism, rarely Wallenberg syndrome
spinal cord trauma, infarction, vascular malformation, demyelination, tumor, inflammatory or radicular signs, Brown−Séquard syndrome,
infectious myelitis, syrinx, syringomyelia, cervical disc herniation alternating Horner syndrome
second-order thoracic cavity breast and lung cancer, mediastinal masses, chest surgery, thoracic aortic
(preganglionic) aneurysm, central vascular access, trauma
apical lung lesions: non-small-cell lung carcinoma, other tumors, metastatic Pancoast syndrome
disease, infection
cervical neuroblastoma, schwannoma, neuroectodermal tumor, vagal paraganglioma,
sympathetic mediastinal tumors, cysts
neck trauma, abscess, tumor, lymphadenopathy, thyroid neoplasm, thyroidectomy,
radical neck surgery, central vascular access, cervical rib
third-order superior cervical trauma, jugular venous ectasia, surgical neck dissection
(postganglionic) ganglion
penetrating intraoral injury, intraoral surgery, tonsillectomy
carotid artery traumatic or spontaneous dissection, aneurysm, fibromuscular dysplasia, Ehlers− facial pain, stroke, ocular ischemia, cerebral
Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, arteritis ischemic symptoms
cavernous sinus cavernous carotid aneurysm, tumor, thrombosis Abducens and other ocular motor palsy
skull base mass lesion, basilar skull fracture cranial nerve deficits, trigeminal pain and sensory
orbit/superior herpes zoster, nasopharyngeal carcinoma
orbital fissure
other or unknown cluster headache severe transient unilateral headache with tearing,
conjunctival injection, nasal stuffiness
trigeminal autonomic cephalgias ipsilateral trigeminal neuralgia
microvascular ischemia, giant cell arteritis, autonomic neuropathies

innervate the dilator muscles of the iris. Therefore, pathology in Horner Syndrome in Children. Although Horner
the neck, skull base, and orbit can cause “postganglionic” (third- syndrome identified during the first year of life is most often
order) Horner syndrome. As noted previously, the sudomotor idiopathic (70% in one study),41 the fact that it can be associated
fibers that supply the majority of the face travel with the external with potentially fatal neuroblastoma means that Horner syndrome
carotid with only a small portion traveling with the internal in children is a serious matter. It is important to distinguish
carotid to supply a patch of skin above the brow (and side of the between congenital and acquired Horner syndrome. More than
nose). Therefore, when anhidrosis is identifiable in postganglionic half of infants with acquired Horner syndrome during the first
Horner syndrome, the only affected area is a small patch above year of life had an associated underlying potentially fatal disorder
the brow. On the other hand, pathology affecting the superior in one study.42 Horner syndrome at birth is often idiopathic or
cervical ganglion or more proximal may cause hemifacial associated with birth trauma (often accompanied by brachial plexus
anhidrosis, though this is rarely recognized clinically (see Figure 2). injury);42 however, congenital Horner syndrome can also be a sign
One of the most common causes of postganglionic Horner of intrauterine neuroblastoma.43 Early diagnosis is important as
syndrome is carotid dissection with Horner syndrome occurring survival declines if the diagnosis is made after the first year of life.44
in 20 to 30% of patients with this condition.31,32 Carotid dis- In addition to ptosis and anisocoria, patients who had
section can occur as a result of trauma (including chiropractic Horner syndrome at birth (or acquired during early childhood)
manipulation)33,34 but can also occur spontaneously. In carotid can have a lighter-colored iris on the affected side (iris hetero-
dissection, tears in the intimal wall allow blood to enter into the chromia) because sympathetic innervation plays an important
wall of the carotid artery.35 This results in a narrowing of the role in the development of iris melanocytes, which ultimately
lumen and occlusion of carotid branches but also an increase in determine iris color.42 Harlequin sign is a striking presentation
the diameter of the carotid artery, stretching and breaking the of Horner syndrome in infancy with contralateral facial flushing
plexus of sympathetic nerves. The resulting Horner syndrome with absolute respect of the vertical midline.19
is usually accompanied by pain (in the neck, eye, ear, teeth, or One study demonstrated that in a group of pediatric patients
head) and other neurologic findings.31,36 Other causes of post- with Horner syndrome, 40% were congenital, 42% were acquired
ganglionic Horner syndrome include cluster headaches (both after a surgical procedure in the thorax, neck, or central nervous
transient with episodes and chronic after repeated episodes)37 system, and 15% were acquired from causes that included neuro-
or less commonly tumors of the skull base (often accompanied blastoma, spinal cord tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal
by facial pain or anesthesia from trigeminal involvement).38 cell carcinoma, vascular malformations, intrathoracic aneurysm,
Cavernous sinus lesions, such as cavernous sinus carotid aneu- and trauma.42
rysms, classically cause ipsilateral Horner syndrome associated Children with Horner syndrome without obvious surgical
with a sixth nerve palsy due to the close association of oculo- or traumatic cause require a thorough investigation for a mass
sympathetic fibers with the sixth cranial nerve running through lesion including MRI of brain, neck, and chest with and without
the cavernous sinus.39,40 contrast and urinary catecholamine testing.45
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disease can also create a small pupil in the setting of anisocoria.

Many of these entities can be identified on the slit lamp
examination or are evident in the patient’s history.
Horner syndrome is actually an uncommon cause of ptosis;
aging changes in the eyelid causing a mechanical drooping
(levator dehiscence) is the most common cause of ptosis in
older patients. This can also occur in young patients who wear
contact lenses, particularly hard contact lenses. Ocular myasthe-
nia gravis and other neuromuscular conditions can also produce
Clinical Evaluation of Horner Syndrome. The first,
and perhaps most important, aspect of evaluating suspected
Horner syndrome is a careful history. The history often reveals
an obvious cause, such as trauma or neck/chest surgery, or will
show that the Horner syndrome had been present for many
years and therefore may not require an extensive investigation.
The history may also reveal other symptoms that would help
localize the lesion causing the Horner syndrome. A careful
examination is obviously also critical, as other causes of anisocoria
or ptosis may need to be considered rather than Horner
syndrome, and concomitant signs (for example, a sixth nerve
paresis) may help localize a potential lesion. After this, pharma-
cologic testing can be helpful to confirm Horner syndrome, as
discussed extensively below. Next, all this information needs to
be combined to decide if additional investigation is necessary,
and if so decide on the best imaging strategy to evaluate the
suspected cause of Horner syndrome.
Though there is some disagreement on the exact interval,
Figure 4. This 65 year old patient presented with a left Horner many clinicians will elect not to evaluate Horner syndrome if it
syndrome from a left upper mediastinal mass (arrow, A) shown to be a has been present for greater than two years. For this reason,
schwannoma following resection. The Horner syndrome persisted
evaluating old pictures, particularly those with sufficient resolu-
following resection. Note the 2 mm ptosis of the left upper lid and
anisocoria with a smaller pupil on the left side (B). Forty-five min after tion to see the pupils clearly, may avert an extensive and expen-
instilling apraclonidine eye drops, the anisocoria reversed with prompt sive investigation. So-called “FAT scan” (family album tomo-
dilation of the left pupil, confirming the presence of oculosympathetic graphy) can be greatly beneficial and easier to obtain in this
paresis (Horner syndrome) (C). Hydroxyamphetamine testing was digital age. Usually, a driver’s license is not sufficient to see the
not performed, but one would anticipate that both pupils would dilate pupils, though is helpful in showing ptosis. The best pictures
well because the third-order neuron is intact in this example of are usually graduation or school pictures.
preganglionic Horner syndrome. Pharmacologic Testing. The diagnosis of Horner syn-
drome may be convincing based on clinical examination and
Differential Diagnosis. There are many causes of anisocoria history alone, but often, the diagnosis is uncertain. Pharmaco-
and many causes of ptosis. Occasionally, these two findings occur logic testing can be performed in the clinic by placing eye drops
together for other reasons (pseudo-Horner syndrome). There- into the eyes to confirm the presence of Horner syndrome.
fore, a working knowledge of the differential diagnosis of these Apraclonidine is now the most commonly used agent, largely
two entities is important to arrive at a correct diagnosis. supplanting cocaine eye drops as the pharmacologic test of
When the pupils are different sizes (anisocoria), the first step choice for Horner syndrome in adults. Hydroxyamphetamine
is to determine which pupil is the abnormal one: Is the larger drops can be used to distinguish third-order neuron lesions
pupil too big or is the smaller pupil too small? This is deter- from first- and second-order lesions but are used infrequently as
mined by looking at the degree of anisocoria in bright light and the entire oculosympathetic pathway is usually imaged when
in darkness. Obviously, if the large pupil is implicated as the Horner syndrome is being evaluated.
abnormal one (anisocoria greatest in bright light), then Horner Activation of the oculosympathetic end organs in the eye
syndrome is not a consideration and attention should be turned (the pupillary dilator and Mueller’s muscle in the eyelid) occurs
to disorders of the parasympathetic system, such as Adie tonic when norepinephrine is released by the terminal axon into the
pupil or third cranial nerve palsy. synaptic cleft, which then binds to receptors on the post-
Horner syndrome is a consideration when the smaller pupil synaptic cell membrane to initiate activation of the muscle
is identified as abnormal (anisocoria greatest in darkness when (pupil dilator or eyelid retractor). The amount of norepinephr-
compared to light). However, there are other entities that can ine in the synapse is increased by release from the presynaptic
cause an abnormally small pupil. Essential anisocoria is a small bulb in response to neuronal activation. Norepinephrine is also
anisocoria (usually less than 0.5 mm) not associated with dis- continuously reabsorbed and recycled by the presynaptic cleft.
ease that can be identified in 15−30% of the normal popula- In Horner syndrome, when there is no oculosympathetic activa-
tion;46 the anisocoria is usually about the same in darkness tion, there is no release of norepinephrine into the synaptic
and in light, unlike pathologic states.5 Some topical eye drops, cleft. The postsynaptic membrane responds to this lack of
contamination of the tear film with systemic medications, and stimulation by upregulation, actually increasing the postsynaptic
local ocular disease such as uveitis, eye trauma, and diabetic eye receptors for norepinephrine (α-1 receptors). Pharmacologic
182 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00405
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agents used to tests for Horner syndrome exploit these mecha- Box 1. Pharmacologic Testing for Horner Syndrome
nisms to produce clinical tests that can confirm the presence of
an oculosympathetic paresis or localize the lesion within the Apraclonidine (Iopidine) 0.5% is readily available commer-
oculosympathetic chain.1 cially and is frequently used in the ophthalmologist office as a
Apraclonidine. Apraclonidine is an α-2 adrenergic agonist pressure lowering agent prior to laser procedures such as YAG
with weak α-1 activity. Clinically, it is an agent used to lower capsulotomy. It has emerged as the preferred agent for
intraocular pressure due to its α-2 agonist properties. Normally, confirming Horner syndrome but should not be used in infants
it has a negligible effect on pupil size; however, in patients with and young children because of reported respiratory depression.
Horner syndrome, it reliably dilates the pupil because of super- Because it depends on the development of denervation super-
sensitivity of the iris dilator muscle from upregulation of α-1 sensitivity, this test may produce a false negative result if
postsynaptic receptors. This clinically useful property was ser- performed within 2 weeks after the onset of Horner syndrome.
endipitously discovered when patients with Horner syndrome A positive test is indicated by reversal of the anisocoria, pro-
were used to evaluate the intraocular pressure-lowering prop- viding an unambiguous end point.
erties of apraclonidine. Patients with Horner syndrome were Cocaine hydrochloride 10% ophthalmic eye drops were the
specifically chosen because any pressure-lowering effect would standard for confirming Horner syndrome prior to apracloni-
be entirely from local effects of the drug rather than any sec- dine and remains the preferred agent in infants and young
ondary systemic absorption and a sympathetic-mediated effect. children. This test should be valid even in the acute phase of
It was quickly realized that this unanticipated dilating effect Horner syndrome. However, because this agent is a controlled
in an eye with Horner syndrome could provide a useful phar- substance, there are many obstacles with compounding and
macologic diagnostic test,47 and indeed, this has proven to be storage. Patients should be notified that cocaine eye drops can
the case. A number of clinical studies show that apraclo- produce a positive urine drug screen. A positive cocaine test
nidine is both sensitive and specific for diagnosing Horner for Horner syndrome is indicated by the failure of the affected
syndrome,48−51 largely supplanting cocaine, which has histor- pupil to dilate with anisocoria of at least 1 mm remaining at
ically been the diagnostic eye drop of choice (see Figure 4). the end of the test.
Apraclonidine has many advantages over cocaine eye drops: The Hydroxyamphetamine 1% solution is no longer commer-
end point is obvious as it creates a reversal of the anisocoria cially available and thus must be compounded by a pharmacy.
(unlike cocaine in which a positive test is when cocaine fails to After Horner syndrome has been confirmed, this agent can
dilate the affected pupil); apraclonidine is readily commercially be used to distinguish pre- from postganglionic Horner syn-
available and does not have the stringent storage and use drome, as it reliably dilates any pupil with an intact third-order
regulations of cocaine. neuron (even a preganglionic Horner syndrome pupil) but will
The test is performed by placing 0.5% apraclonidine in both not dilate a pupil with loss of the third-order neuron. If this
eyes. The test is considered positive for the presence of Horner test is to be performed after apraclonidine or cocaine testing,
syndrome if the anisocoria reverses: the smaller pupil in the eye one should wait at least 48 h. Therefore, the failure of a pupil
suspected of having the oculosympathetic paresis becomes with Horner syndrome to dilate with hydroxyamphetamine
larger than the opposite eye at the end of 45 min (Box 1). indicates a postganglionic Horner syndrome.
One potential drawback to this test is that it requires super- These topical pharmacologic tests are most accurate if they
sensitivity to be present, which means that an oculosympathetic are performed in eyes that have not had instrumentation (such
paresis has been present for a sufficient time for upregulation of as applanation tonometry) or other eye drops at the time of
postsynaptic receptors to occur. Therefore, the test is not useful the evaluation. The tests are performed by placing a single
in a suspected acute Horner syndrome but is generally thought drop of the pharmacologic agent in the inferior cul-desac
to be reliable after 2 weeks from onset of symptoms.52 Because in each eye with care to instill the same amount in each eye.
there are a few reported cases in which the test was positive A second application is performed after several minutes. Sys-
even within a few days,21,53 it is reasonable to try apraclonidine temic absorption can be minimized by having the patient close
testing in the acute period. A positive test should be considered his/her eyes for several minutes after the drop is instilled. After
diagnostic, but a negative test in the acute period has no mean- 45 min, the end point is evaluated.
ing and cocaine testing should be performed.6 External photography showing the pupils and eyelids is
There are safety concerns with regard to the use of apraclo- the best way to document the pretest baseline and the test
nidine eye drops in infants, including drowsiness and even result; serving as a record for interpretation and for medical
unresponsiveness,54 consistent with the known effects of other documentation.
adrenergic receptor agonists.55 Though with limited numbers,
other reports suggest apraclonidine 0.5% is safe in children reuptake of norepinephrine. Therefore, blocking the reuptake
younger than 10 years old.22 However, given the current reports increases the amount of norepinephrine in the synaptic cleft,
in the literature, there is a general consensus that cocaine is the activating the end organ (dilating the pupil, raising the eyelid).
preferred choice for pharmacologic testing of Horner syndrome However, in a patient with Horner syndrome with no oculo-
in infants and young children.45,56 sympathetic outflow, there is no (or far less) norepinephrine
Cocaine. Until the past decade, cocaine eye drops were the present in the synaptic cleft. Therefore, blocking the uptake of
agent of choice for diagnosing Horner syndrome.57,58 Cocaine norepinephrine with cocaine would have no effect on pupil size.
blocks the uptake of norepinephrine by the presynaptic mem- Therefore, this test relies on comparing the dilation response to
brane. Therefore, it increases the concentration of norepineph- cocaine eye drops in an affected eye versus the normal eye.
rine in the synaptic cleft and causes pupillary dilation in the Cocaine 10% is placed in both eyes, and the test is considered
normal eye. This is because in the normal eye there is always positive for Horner syndrome if the affected eye does not dilate
some baseline sympathetic tone and therefore some release of as well as the normal eye. Clinical tests have shown that a
norepinephrine from the presynaptic cleft, balanced by the practical threshold for considering a test positive is a remaining
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anisocoria of at least 0.8 mm after 45 min59 or negative if the testing has some academic interest but usually does not change
suspected pupil dilates more than 2 mm.6 Several potential the general indication for evaluating the entire oculosympa-
problems are immediately evident. First, a positive end point is thetic pathway with imaging; thus, this step is often omitted.
not much different from the starting point; for example, mecha- Radiologic Investigation of Horner Syndrome. Imaging
nical issues that keep a pupil from dilating (such as posterior is the primary investigative tool in Horner syndrome. The first
synechiae or neovascularization of the iris), or eye drops with- question to be answered by the clinician is whether or not
out active cocaine for whatever reason, can produce a false further investigation with imaging is even warranted. Patients
positive test. In addition, the compounding, storage, and use of with long-standing isolated Horner syndrome (greater than two
a controlled substance such as cocaine are difficult from a years), or patients with an obvious cause of Horner syndrome,
practical perspective. It also has a short shelf life, and metab- may not require further investigation.69 When imaging is
olites can remain in the urine for up to 2 days causing potential indicated, the next question is which study or studies to order,
problems for patients who may have to have a drug screening particularly given the large anatomic area that could harbor a
test.60 Therefore, given the limitations noted above, it is no lesion. Imaging recommendations for evaluating Horner syn-
surprise that apraclonidine has essentially replaced this histor- drome in the literature range from “one size fits all” to elaborate
ically important test in adults (but not infants, where cocaine is decision trees that precisely tailor the study. In practice, the
deemed safer). imaging method depends on additional localizing signs and
Hydroxyamphetamine. Hydroxyamphetamine dilates a symptoms and if the presentation of Horner syndrome is acute
normal pupil as it forces presynaptic norepinephrine into the or chronic.70−72
synaptic cleft regardless of sympathetic activation.61 Hydroxy- Sometimes the patient has additional symptoms or signs that
amphetamine will even dilate a patient with Horner syndrome localize the cause of Horner syndrome with a reasonable degree
but only if the third-order neuron is intact. Dilation of a pupil of certainty. For example, a patient with Horner syndrome and
affected with an oculosympathetic paresis with hydroxyamphet- neurologic symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome should have an
amine 0.5% demonstrates that the lesion is a first- or second- MRI of the head with and without contrast. A patient with
order neuron process because the third-order neuron is shown acute Horner syndrome and pain in the neck and face should
to be intact. Failure to dilate with hydroxyamphetamine demon- have an immediate CTA or MRA/MRI of the neck and head
strates that the third-order neuron is not intact, as there is no for suspicion of a carotid dissection. A patient with arm pain
norepinephrine present at the terminal synapse, and is therefore and a smoking history should have a CT of the chest or other
diagnostic of a postganglionic Horner syndrome.62,63 It is impor- study directed at a suspected lung apex tumor. If directed studies
tant to note that a false-negative test can occur if hydroxyamphet- are negative, then any remaining portion of the oculosympathetic
amine testing is performed too soon after the third-order neuron pathway not adequately addressed should be imaged.
is affected (within 2−3 weeks of symptom onset), before atrophy However, most often patients present with an isolated Horner
of the presynaptic bulb has occurred.64 Furthermore, trans- syndrome without other convincing localizing signs or sym-
ynaptic degeneration of the third-order neuron can occur even ptoms. In these cases, most clinicians advocate imaging the entire
from preganglionic lesions in congenital Horner syndrome (or oculosympathetic pathway (regardless of hydroxyamphetamine
if acquired in the first year of life), which may falsely implicate a localization, if performed). In one study of 88 patients with
third-order (postganglionic) lesion in infants.65 Hydroxyam- isolated Horner syndrome, 20% had a causative lesion on neuro-
phetamine testing should not be performed within 48 h of imaging with carotid dissection being the most common.32 The
apraclonidine or cocaine eye drop tests. imaging choice depends on whether the symptoms are acute or
There is no doubt that the hydroxyamphetamine test is an chronic. In the acute setting, an urgent CTA study that includes
elegant method for refining the location of a lesion causing the circle of Willis and orbits down to the level of the aortic
Horner syndrome. However, most clinicians insist on imaging arch is recommended. This study allows excellent imaging of
the entire oculosympathetic pathway when a workup is indi- the vascular structures for the possibility of carotid dissection
cated in Horner syndrome, so hydroxyamphetamine testing is or other vascular disorders but also allows for visualization of
not routinely performed.66 the lung apices and soft tissues of the neck and orbit. This
In addition to hydroxyamphetamine, there is some discussion protocol has a number of advantages, including covering the
in the literature that a first-order (central) Horner syndrome entire pathway and minimal imaging time to reduce movement
will not develop pupillary supersensitivity to the same degree as artifact.7
second- and third-order lesions. These authors advocate the Patients who present with nonacute Horner syndrome, with
use of very dilute phenylephrine (1%) or epinephrine (2%) eye no pain, no localizing signs, and without a history of trauma,
drops to separate these groups67 but this method has not may not require urgent imaging.73 In this setting, a contrast-
proven to be clinically reliable.7,68 enhanced MRI with or without MRA including the brain and
Pharmacologic Testing Overview. All things considered, neck from the hypothalamus to the T2 level in the chest has
using the apraclonidine test to test for Horner syndrome is by been advocated.66,70 MRI offers better imaging of the brainstem,
far the easiest and most reliable test in adults. As noted above, it hypothalamus, cervical cord, and brachial plexus compared to
does not work in acute Horner syndrome, as it takes several CT imaging.
weeks for supersensitivity to develop. If the diagnosis is required Children with Horner syndrome require MRI to best
on an acute basis, cocaine testing may still have some utility visualize the sympathetic chain with some experts saying that
despite the potential drawbacks discussed above. Furthermore, the MRI scan should also extend into the abdomen and pelvis73
cocaine is preferred over apraclonidine for diagnosing Horner to fully investigate the possibility of neuroblastoma. Additional
syndrome in infants and young children due to potential side recommended studies include spot urine catecholamines, VMA,
effects of apraclonidine. Once Horner syndrome is confirmed, and homovanillic acid.45
hydroxyamphetamine eye drops can be used to distinguish Management/Treatment. Horner syndrome usually does
between pre- and postganglionic lesions. Hydroxyamphetamine not result in loss of function. Having a smaller pupil does not
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typically create symptoms, though there may be some excep- (11) Crippa, S. V., Borruat, F.-X., and Kawasaki, A. (2007) Pupillary
tions; for example, patients with a central cataract might experi- dilation lag is intermittently present in patients with a stable
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likewise can elevate the eyelid in an affected eye as the post- Horner’s syndrome. J. Neurol., Neurosurg. Psychiatry 50, 498−499.
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*E-mail: Central Horner’s syndrome with contralateral ataxic hemiparesis: a
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Timothy J. Martin: 0000-0001-7194-5560 Contralateral trochlear nerve paresis and ipsilateral Horner’s
Notes syndrome. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 107, 73−76.
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