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(2021, MARCH)


CHAPTER 1: Introduction

The new coronavirus infection known as COVID-19 first appeared in December, 2019 at

the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China (Wikipedia 2020), and within a few months it had

become a global health associate here affecting education. Therefore, this pandemic has paved

the way to the implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure

continuity of education (Pe Dangle, Y. R. and Sumaoang, J. D. (2020). This study focuses on

the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Marinduque Midwest College, which was a

new learning mode at the moment. The COVID-19 pandemic even caused extensive damage,

including travel bans, school closures, and a lower output. Modular Distance Learning appears

to be the best solution to this issue in education. This study will look at the current use and

effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning, particularly among students.

Background Research

The purpose of this paper is to provide useful information to raise awareness and

understanding of the current state of distance learning implementation during the pandemic. It

was a great decision in this state because it solved both problems. The use of modules

encourages independent study (Johnine, S. 2020). According to a survey conducted by the

Department of Education (DepEd, 2020), learning through printed and digital modules emerged

as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with children who are enrolled this

academic year (Bernardo, J. 2020). Furthermore, there is a small research that relates the

expectations of teachers and students in relation to the modular distance learning. This

research aims to include useful knowledge in this field, as well as the effective strategies in

distance learning.
Conceptual Framework

This study determined the Students’ Implementation of Modular Distance Learning

Modality in Marinduque Midwest College.

The table/diagram below shows the tools use to conduct this study.

INPUT Output

 Students’ perception  Successful learning

towards the modular methods students can
distance learning  Interview use, as well as the
 Effectiveness of the  Observation obstacles they face
implementation of  Questionnaire when doing distance
modular distance learning and also the
learning importance of the
implementation of
distance learning in our
present situation.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to find out what successful learning methods students can use,

as well as the obstacles they face when doing distance learning and also the importance of the

implementation of distance learning in our present situation. Given the clear benefits and

commitments of distance learning, there are some issues that should be considered. All of these

problems is related to the others in a different way of situations. Each of these problems will be

looked at separately.

This study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the perceptions of students towards the use of modular distance learning?
2. What barriers are present in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning at

Marinduque Midwest College?

3. How do the students overcome barriers in the implementation of modular distance


Scope and Delimitation

The study will be carried out to determine the situation at Marinduque Midwest College,

including the issue of modular distance learning. In addition, the researcher will formulate

questions, which will serve as the reference material for this study. This study will have some

barriers as a result of the research process. This study's respondents are learners enrolled in

Marinduque Midwest College who are currently enrolled in modular learning. This study only

addresses Students' Learners' Perceptions of Modular Distance Learning during the Pandemic,

and the remainder of the topic will not be covered in our research paper.

Significance of the Study

This study's main significance is for future activities and studies. The findings of this

study may be used by a variety of organizations or researchers to make future decisions.

Researchers were given details on instructional design methods as a result of the research. The

findings could help instructors who teach modular learning to improve the style of their

strategies in teaching. The results of these study can be used for academic purposes and
distance learners will benefit from this. The research will benefit students' perceptions of

Modular Distance Learning as a result of this study. The findings of this study will encourage

students to improve their understanding of the module's content. Identifying whether or not

distance learning is acceptable. If teachers are knowledgeable of instructional approaches, they

will be able to decide if modular distance learning needs to incorporate professional

development programs.


Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where learning takes place

between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during

instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance

Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones, 2020). The Department of

Education has implemented the Distance learning Modalities (DLDM) for this school year 2020-

2021 as an innovative approach to ensure the learning continuity while vaccine is not yet

available. Individualized instruction is provided by modular distance learning, which enables

students to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in either print or digital format/electronic copy,

depending on their needs. A secure means of communication between students and lecturers

is needed in distance education.

In which, one of the highly convenient for most of the typical Filipino students is the

Modular Distance Learning. Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In

the Philippines, this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because according

to a survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd). It was also the most preferred

learning system of majority of parents/guardians based on the result of the Learning Enrollment

and Survey Form (LESF), (Chin, 2020). This research focuses on the implementation of

modular distance learning in Marinduque Midwest College. The following seeks to answers:

perception of students, effectiveness of modular distance learning including common

advantages and disadvantages. Open communication between the teacher to students and

teacher to parents/guardians is also part of the norm, this is to ensure and monitor the progress

of the students at home (Chin, 2020). Since education is no longer held within the school,

parents serve as partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as home facilitators.

Their primary role in modular learning is to establish a connection and guide the child
(FlipScience, 2020) .At the end of the week, students are supposed to complete the activity and

submit their performance. Modular teaching is more effective in teaching learning process as

compared to ordinary teaching methods. Because in this modular approach the students learn

at their own pace (Sadiq, 2014). Even the idea of studying at home gives students a curious

sense of independence and the comfort of being less pressured. On the other hand, this

modular distance learning will have certain limitations for both parents and students. Soon after

the start of school, these issues and difficulties faced by students, especially teachers, became

widely publicized on various social media platforms.

In today's case, students may have different viewpoints on the application of modular

learning. As a result, almost everybody has the same responses and assumptions on how the

pandemic works or is successful. The Department of Education should look into this issue,

minimize practices, and remove unnecessary topics in order to achieve mastery as much as

possible. As some of the parents put it, the less the children, the better. One problem is that

certain tasks are assigned by groups, even though some students lack the initiative to

collaborate. The students' worries is that they will not have enough time to complete all of the

modules in a week. As a result, if DepEd is unable to extend the time required to complete the

modules. We are both mindful that errors are inevitable at this time.

Research Methodology

This chapter presents an overview of the research methods used in the review. It contains

information about the participants, such as the study’s requirements, who the participants were,

and how they were sampled. The researcher explains why this study’s research design was

chosen. The data collection instrument is also described, as well as the procedures used to

conduct the study. The data analysis methods are also discussed by the researcher. Finally, the

logical issues raised during the methods are described.

Method of Research

The design selected for this research study is qualitative in nature. Furthermore, since the aim is

to determine the perceptions of students through observation and interviews, including the

cause and effect, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Qualitative research involves the

use of qualitative data, such as interviews, documents and participant observation data, to

understand and explain social phenomena (Myers, M.D, 2020).

Population, sample size and sampling technique

This study intends to collect a sample of 4 respondents from Grade-11 HUMSS students.

Sampling for this study was done using purposive sampling. Purposive sampling also known as

judgment selective or subjective sampling is a technique in which researcher relies on his or her

judgement when choosing members to participate in the study (Black, K., 2010).

Research Instrument

An interview will be used by the researcher. However, in today’s situation it can be done through

using online distributions through emails and messaging. Along with primary data, the
researchers also made use of secondary resources in the form of published articles and

literature to support survey results.

Data-gathering Procedure

The research study will be conducted during the Second Semester of the school year 2020-

2021. For the purposes of this research, questionnaires and interviews are to be used. The

research will be created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual

questions formed by the researchers. Copies will be distributed to 4 respondents through

personal or online platforms. Participants will be given time to answer and then the researchers

will collect their responds.


Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results and discussion of interviews by the respondents in the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Marinduque Midwest College.

Tab 1: Students Group

Age 17 y/o 17 y/o 17 y/o 16 y/o

Year Level Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11
Tab 2: Students Response
No. of students 1 1 1 1
No. of respondents 4
Question 1: Please tell me something about yourself.

Participant 1: I’m Ericka Selda, 17 years old. 11 HUMSS – C student at MMC

Participant 2: I’m Pamela May Manalo, 17 currently a Grade 11 student at MMC

Table 1 shows the total number of students who participated in this study. All of the participants
Participant 3: I’m Lorraine Reanzares, 17 years old, currently at grade 11 Student at MMC
are Grade 11-HUMSS students
Participant 4: Maecaela Barcelona HUMSS 11-B in Marinduque Midwest College. 16 years old
Question 2: What are your thoughts regarding our current situation?

Participant 1: It’s hard and it’s kind of not effective

Participant 2: It’s hard at first because of course I need to adjust especially now in schooling
Participant 3: It’s hard to study right now because of our situation.

Participant 4: My thoughts regarding in our current situation is it so hard. Form me it's so hard to

the point I feel frustrated because of pandemic and this new education system.
Question 3: Do you find the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning difficult to manage?

Participant 1: Yes

Participant 2: Yes

Participant 3: Yes

Participant 4: Yes for me implementation of modular distance learning is difficult to manage

because me as a student’s I'm not comfortable in this kind of education system.

Question 4: What effective strategies did you adopt during your Modular Distance Learning?

Participant 1: I’ve been wise in managing my time well. I plan what I’m gonna do for the week, and

have a list and schedule on what I’m going to answer.

Participant 2: Time management, focusing on the good side.

Participant 3: Just focused on what you are doing.

Participant 4: The effective strategies i adopt during my modular distance learning is taking note,

and understand my weekly activities

Question 5: What are your personal perceptions about it Modular Distance Learning?

Participant 1: The implementation of MDL at some point, are kind of not effective because at home,

there are a lot of distractions for the student and they won’t focus on their lesson. Some students also

need guide on answering and they prefer more if someone’s teaching them personally.

Participant 2: My personal perception about it is it kind of hard to manage especially my time for

school activities and at home as well as adjusting myself to the new mode of learning.

Participant 3: locked of data, can't focus on studying

Participant 4: my perception about it is I think we will get used to this currently situation even

though it’s so hard.

The table 2 presents the answers of respondents it could be seen that most of the students are

having difficulty in this new learning modality the participants had a hard time answering their

modules. Some of them do not have enough time to accomplish all their modules within a week.



The purpose of this chapter is to present the summary for Students’ Perceptions on the

Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality in Marinduque Midwest College. The

purpose of the study and the research design are discussed in this chapter. The research

results would be summarized and grouped around the research questions. The thesis findings

and proposals for further research and review are then presented. The aim of this research is to

discover what effective learning approaches students should use, as well as the challenges they

encounter while doing distance learning, and the significance of distance learning adoption in

our current situation. Given the obvious advantages and commitments to distance learning,

there are a few questions to remember. All of these issues are linked to the other. Many of

these issues are linked to one another in a variety of ways. Any of these issues will be

addressed separately. Distance Learning is a learning delivery modality in which learning takes
place between a teacher and students who are physically apart from one another during

teaching. There are three forms of distance learning: modular distance learning, online distance

learning, and TV/radio-based instruction. The purpose of this paper is to provide valuable

knowledge in order to increase visibility and appreciation of the current state of distance

learning adoption during the pandemic. In this situation, it was a wise decision because it fixed

all problems. The use of modules promotes self-directed learning. Furthermore, there is a brief

study that compares teachers' and students' views of modular distance learning. This study

aims to provide valuable knowledge in this area as well as successful distance learning

methods. This study was primarily an exploration of the students’ perceptions about the

implementation of modular distance learning. The research design was focused on the following


1. What are the perceptions of students towards the use of modular distance learning?

2. What barriers are present in the Implementation of Modular Distance in Marinduque

Midwest College?

3. How do the students overcome the barriers in the Implementation of Modular Distance


The research study will be conducted during the Second Semester of the school year 2020-

2021. For the purposes of this research, questionnaires and interviews are to be use. The

research will be created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual

questions formed by the researchers Copies were distributed to 4 respondents through personal

or online platforms. Participants were given time to answer and then the researchers will collect

their responds. The aim of this paper is to share useful information in order to raise awareness

and understanding of the current state of distance learning adoption during the pandemic. It was

a smart choice in this case because it resolved all issues. Self-directed learning is facilitated by

the use of modules. There is also a short analysis that contrasts teachers' and students'
perspectives on modular distancing. In addition, there is a short analysis that contrasts the

perspectives of teachers and students on modular distance learning. This research aims to

include useful information as well as effective distance learning approaches in this field.

Limitations of this study includes:

 A gap in physical distance between a teacher and a student.

 Lack of respondents.

 A shortage of resources.

 Limitations on time.

The study focuses on two research questions about the Implementation of Modular Distance

Learning. Firstly, what are the perceptions of students towards the use of modular distance

learning?, this question state the personal perception of students who are enrolled under

modular distance learning also it answers the students conditions to the implementation of

distance learning. Secondly, what barriers are present in the Implementation of Modular

Distance in Marinduque Midwest College? In this part it will show some limitations and barriers

students face during the implementation of modular distance learning to every students.


In the summary of this chapter it shows the different personal perceptions of students who are

enrolled under the modular distance learning during the COVID 19 Pandemic. This finding

identified that students encounter different barriers during this new mode of learning. Students

common problems includes having the difficulties to answer the modules, lack of time as well as

sleep also they have a hard adjusting their selves during this kind of situations. In addition,

students also find an effective strategies to adopt and comply their activities properly. Students

that respond in this research has the capability of giving their personal opinions/ perceptions on

how they are managing to implement this learning mode.


From the interview conducted, many recommendations were gathered. Strategies that are

effective for the implementations are to reduced activities from modules, more concept and

examples should be added in every subjects. Education Department should consider this

suggestions from the perspectives of the students. Small face-to-face classes or Blended

Learning, availability of colored written modules, and immediate teachers' advice on whether to

respond in the modules, online consultation.


First of all, I would like to praise our subject teacher Ma’am Ana Thea M. Llante in Practical

Research 1, for her support, patience and understanding in the whole process of making this

research paper.

To all my friends and family who are always there to encourage, help and guide me all the time

and for financial needs for this paper. Also to my classmates that share their cooperation’s I

appreciate it a lot.

Last but not the least, to our Almighty God that also guided me and give me strength and

knowledge to work for this study.


 Wikipedia contributors. (2020, October 30). COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia.


 Pe Dangle, Y. R. and Sumaoang, J. D. (2020), "The Implementation of Modular Distance

Learning in the Philippine Secondary Public Schools"

 ›

 DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021. TeacherPh.

 FlipScience. (2020, October 5). 'Tagapagdaloy’: How Filipino parents can help ensure

 Modular distance learning. FlipScience - Top Philippine Science News and Features for

the Inquisitive Filipino.


 Inquisitive Filipino.

 modular-distance-learning/

 Quinones, M. T. (2020, July 3). DepEd clarifies blended, distance learning modalities for

SY 2020-

 2021. Philippine Information Agency.

 Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021.



 Labrado, M.G. Labrado, I.P. Rosal, E. Layasan, A. & Salazar, E. Initial implementation of

printed modular distance learning in the city of naga-cebu during Covid-19 pandemic

 CHIN, M. (OCTOBER 11, 2020). Students’ New Normal : Modular Distance Learning

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