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School of Business and Economics

Department of Management
Fall 2021
BUS 135: Applied Business Mathematics
Section: 3,4

Course Teacher Umama Rahman (UmR)

Office NAC 862
ST 2.40 PM-4.10 PM (Sec 3)
Class Time
ST 4.20 PM-5.50PM (Sec 4)
ST: 12.00 PM-2.00 PM
Office Hours MW:12.00 PM-2.00 PM
Email me for your time slot. (This is mandatory)
Classroom SAC 314 (Sec1)
NAC 304 (Sec 2)

Course Math 112 (if not waived)/Freshman

Course Credit Hours 3.0
Course Description This course is designed to introduce the applied mathematical tools in business. It
addresses various basic mathematics, such as solutions to a system of
simultaneous linear equations, linear programming; limit, continuity, and
derivatives of single and multi-variable functions; minimization and
maximization of single and multi-variable functions with and without constraints;
indefinite and definite integrals and first order differential equations. This course
would facilitate students with the tools/techniques used in making an optimal
decision in business.
Course Objectives • To understand basic business mathematical tools/techniques.
• To understand the major challenges and issues in business faced by
organizations in developing and implementing optimal decisions.
• To understand the benefits that can accrue from implementing effective optimal
Decision making in various areas of business.
Student Learning Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to learn:
Outcomes • how to solve a system of simultaneous linear equations
• graphical solution method of solution to a linear programming problem
• how to find the limit of a function
• about continuity of a function
• how to find the first and the second derivatives of a function
• how to minimize or maximize a single and multivariable functions with
(equality constraint) and without constraints
• how to evaluate indefinite and definite integrals
• how to form and solve first order differential equation

1. Introduction to Mathematical Economics by Edward T. Dowling (Required)
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2. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics by A C Chiang (Supplementary)


Course Evaluation
% contribution towards the
Grading categories
final grade
Quizzes 10%
Mid-term 1 Exam 25%
Mid-term 2 Exam 25%
Final Exam 30%
Attendance & Participation 10%
Total 100%

**** It may changes depending on the decisions of higher authority.

Grading The course grade will be determined from a weighted average of the class
participation, quizzes, assignments (if any), mid-terms and final exams. The
weights are as follows:

Grading Policy
Letter Grade Grade Points
cal Scores
93 & above A 4.0
90 – 92 A- 3.7
87 – 89 B+ 3.3
83 – 86 B 3.0
80 – 82 B- 2.7
77 – 79 C+ 2.3
73- 76 C 2.0
70 – 72 C- 1.7
67 – 69 D+ 1.3
60 – 66 D 1.0
Below 60 F 0.0

Note: NSU’s grading and performance evaluation policies will be followed in assigning your grade.
However, I reserve the right to make necessary changes if needed. Please note that all final grades are
subject to departmental review and approval.

Classroom Code of Conduct:

1. The ground rule for our class is respectful, open communication. We have many things to learn from
one another. Every single question is appreciated! There is no stupid question regarding the topic!
2. When you come to the class, you become part of a learning community. Please be conscious of your
community role, and work toward creating a healthy learning atmosphere in the class. Never disrespect
any person, community, any religious view or any personal views.
3. Be on time for class and don’t chat with friends during the class.
4. While in class, please silent your cell phone. Inability to do so may result in some penalty.
5. In online class I may ask you to turn on your camera anytime, so be prepared for that.

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Exam Policy and Rules:

 There will be two midterm examinations, 3 quizzes, and a final examination. If needed I will
provide assignments depends on class standing.
 You will receive a grade of zero for a missed exam. There will be no makeup exams unless a
very critical incident takes place. Remember, there will be no opportunity for extra credit.
Absence in the final exam may result in F grade.
 Examination schedule will be announced in time including class quizzes. There will be no
surprises quizzes. For evaluating the final grade for only quizzes, the lowest test grade will be
 Before each exam, I will give a review session of at least half an hour. (Probably in Last class
before each exam).
 In case of all online exams, and quizzes you have to write in your own notebook then take a photo
of it and create a PDF and upload the PDF in google classroom.
 Being late does not necessarily guarantee that you are going to get extra time for writing your tests
and exam.
 Any unfair means adopted in the tests and exam will be seriously dealt with.
 Academic misconduct or failure to comply with NSU Examination Code of Conduct may result in
F. (Such as copping from notes, using mobile phones during the exam, and any cheat sheet, write
something on hand etc.)

Please Note:

 You can come to the google meet to discuss any problems in my designated office hours but make
sure you make an appointment using the google excel sheet.
 When emailing me, at the end of the message, include your full name and student ID#. The
subject must always include: “BUS 135” and a brief description of the problem such as
“appointment”, “missed class” etc. Emails without these requirements will not be responded to.
Emails sent or received during the weekends/ breaks/ holidays/ after evening are responded the
next working day.
 You must come prepared for all your exams.
 You must come on time.

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Course Contents &Schedule
Tentative Lecture Schedule

Lecture No. Topic Refereed Chapter (Dowling)

1 Introduction to Matrix (how to form Chapter 10
matrix from system of linear equation)
Matrix addition, subtraction, and
multiplication (both scalar and vector

2 Determinant of Matrix, Solutions to the Chapter 11

system of linear equations by Cramer’s
Rule by 2x2 matrix and 3x3 matrix.

3 Introduction of Function, range, and Chapter 2.3, Chapter 2.4. (Alpha

domain, rational and polynomial function. C. Chiang)
4 Explanation of Limit, the limit of Chapter 3
functions and their graphical
representation; left- and right-hand limits;
explanation of continuity of functions by
example problems. How limit is used in
differentiation. Definition of the first
derivative of a single variable function and
its explanation as for its slope and rate of
change at a point;

5 Introduction to the first derivative Chapter 3

formulas with examples (Power Function
Rule, Sum-Difference Rule, Product Rule,
Quotation Rule, Generalized Power Rule,
Chain Rule, and Implicit Function Rule)

6 Definition of convex and concave Chapter 4

functions. Illustration of single variable
convex and concave functions by using
the second derivative of the concerned
Necessary and sufficient condition for the
optimization of a single variable function
7 Single variable optimization. Application Chapter 4
of single variable optimization to business
problems by the method of differentiation.
8 Single variable optimization. Application Chapter 4
of single variable optimization to business
problems by the method of differentiation
9 Mid Term I Exam

10 Introduction of Partial Derivatives, rules Chapter 5

of partial derivatives with example.
11 Optimization of two variables, three Chapter 5
conditions of two-variable optimization:
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unconstrained optimization.
12 Application of unconstrained optimization Chapter 6
in economic function for two variables.
13 Constrained optimization of two variables Chapter 5
with Lagrangian function.
14 Application of constrained optimization of Chapter 5, 6.
two variable. Introduction of Differentials,
Total and Partial Differential, Total
derivatives, Implicit function and inverse
function rule.
15 Introduction of Hessian matrix for two and Chapter 12
three variable for unconstrained
16 Introduction of Hessian matrix for two and Chapter 12
three variable for constrained
17 Mid Term II Exam

18 Optimization of Logarithmic Function and Chapter 9

Optimal Timing Problem
19 Optimization of Logarithmic Function and Chapter 9
Optimal Timing Problem
20 Definition of integration, Integration by Chapter 14

21 Integration by parts Chapter 14

22 Application of Integration Chapter 14

23 Evaluation of definite integrals Chapter 15
24 Application of Definite Integral Chapter 15
Final Exam by NSU schedule

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus if necessary.

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