ЭБУ 19-1, 20-1

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Раздел 1.

Задание 1. Вы услышите монолог женщины. Для предложений 2-6 выберите
подходящий ответ a, b, c. Вы прослушаете запись 2 раза.
1. The woman
a) has never been embarrassed.
b) likes talking about herself.
c) prefers other people’s stories.
2. Her brother
a) tells funny stories.
b) doesn’t like talking about himself.
c) hates people laughing at him.
3. Her brother told her a story about
a) his holiday in Spain.
b) his ex-wife.
c) an embarrassing experience.
4. In the story, Bob
a) talks to a man who is lying on the beach.
b) saves a man who can’t swim.
c) helps a man get his boat onto the beach.
5. Bob communicated with the man
a) using only sign language.
b) with gestures and incorrect English.
c) using incorrect Turkish.
6. Bob was embarrassed because
a) the man laughed at him and then said he wasn’t strong enough to help.
b) the man didn’t speak English but thought Bob could understand Turkish.
c) he had behaved foolishly because he thought the man didn’t speak English.

Задание 2. Вы услышите монолог женщины еще раз. Для утверждений 2-6
выберите true (T) – правда или false (F) – неправда. Вы услышите запись 2 раза.
1. The woman doesn’t enjoy telling others about situations she found embarrassing
2. Her brother Bob enjoys telling stories about things that have happened to people he
3. Bob likes making people laugh but doesn’t enjoy it when they laugh at him.
4. The story that she remembers took place before her brother and his wife separated.
5. In the story, Bob was asked for help by someone on the beach.
6. Bob thought the man was a local so he used basic English and hand movements
to communicate with him.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Раздел 2. Чтение
Задание 3. Для текстов 1-6 подберите заголовки a-f. У вас есть пример.
a) Communication differences
b) What’s in a name?
c) A strange similarity
d) Twins: A case of nature or nurture?
e) Fascinating results
f) Divided and reunited
1     d     
Many people are like their siblings in some ways, but twins are often even more
alike. If you are born at the same time as another baby and grow up with it, it is likely
you will be similar to each other. But what would happen if you didn’t know you had
a twin? How alike would you be?
In the USA, a pair of identical twins was split up when they were adopted as four-
month-old babies. Their new parents decided on their names and without knowing it,

both called their son ‘Jim’. These two boys spent all of their childhood and teenage
years living separate lives in different places. And it wasn’t until they were thirty-nine
years old that they got to meet each other for the first time. They were quite surprised
to find how similar they were.
Although they didn’t look exactly the same, they were both six feet tall and weighed
180 pounds. They discovered that during their childhood they had both had a dog
named ‘Toy’ and as adults they had both married twice. Even more strangely, both of
their first wives were called ‘Linda’ and their second wives were called ‘Betty’. The
Jims had each had a son. One of them had called theirs ‘James Allan’ while the other
named theirs ‘James Alan’.
The similarities didn’t end there. They discovered that they had both worked as
sheriffs, owned the same type of car, smoked the same cigarettes and drank the same
beer. They also suffered from the same health problems, like severe headaches. In
later research on the pair, a psychologist* noticed that they both bit their nails. This
was rather unusual behaviour among identical twins.
However, while they were very similar, there were also some clear differences. For
example, one Jim preferred to express himself through writing while the other
preferred speaking. They also had different hairstyles and one Jim had married a third
time while the other hadn’t.
Continued research on the Jim twins has proven to be very interesting and along with
other research findings has led to the discovery that the personality and identity of
twins who have grown up apart is as alike as those that haven’t.
* Psychologist – someone who studies the human mind and human behaviour.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Задание 4. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму (Present
Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous)
1. Sorry I didn’t answer the phone earlier. I was sleeping and didn’t hear it ring. (not
answer / sleep)
2. Tim                               with his parents at the moment because he                               a job
and can’t afford to live on his own. (live / not have)
3.                     you                     that strange noise a few minutes ago? It                               like a
baby crying. (hear / sound)
4. Their children all                               tennis very well now. They                               after their
mother, who used to be a professional player. (play / take)
5. Adam                               at home when I called him. His mother said he                               a
friend in hospital. (not be / visit)
6. I                               anything about Aunt Betty now because she                               to Canada
when I was five. (not remember / move)

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами. В задании есть одно

лишнее слово, которое вы не должны использовать.
boss classmate fiancé fiancée
member mentor partner

1. In our small company the boss and employees all work together and share an office.
I think this is unusual.
2. How much did you say it costs to become a                                         of your local golf
3. My squash                                         is very competitive and doesn’t like it when we lose a

4. Liane went to a school reunion last Saturday because she wanted to meet up with an
old                                       . She said it was really great to see her and she looked exactly
the same!
5. It was lovely to meet Beth and her                                         , Charles, and to hear about
their engagement. Did you know that they’ve decided to get married in Fiji, where
they got engaged?
6. At our university, all first year students have a                                         who helps them
adapt to student life. I think this is a great idea.

Задание 6. Для предложений 2-5 выберите подходящий ответ a, b, c.

1. Does the company have parking facilities?
a) Of course. 
b) No problem.
c) You’re welcome.
2. Could I ask you some questions about the training offered by the company?
a) Go ahead.
b) I see.
c) You’re correct.
3. So, the company will give me study leave. Is that right?
a) No problem.
b) That’s right.
c) You’re welcome.
4. We will expect you to work one Saturday every month.
a) Go ahead.
b) Yes, definitely.
c) I see.
5. Thank you for your time.
a) I understand.
b) No problem.
c) That’s right.

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