Final Examination: Sample

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. (50 questions, 1.2 points each)
1) Your telephone area code is an example of a(n) ________________________________
A) ordinal B) ratio C) nominal D) interval

2) Thirty work orders are selected from a filing cabinet containing 500 work order folders by
choosing every 15th folder. Which sampling method is this?
A) Systematic sample B) Simple random sample
C) Cluster sample D) Stratified sample

3) Histograms generally do not reveal the:

A) exact data range. B) relative frequencies.
C) modal classes (bins). D) degree of skewness.

4) Which is not a poor graphing technique?

A) Labeled axis scales B) Rotated axis
C) Gratuitous pictures D) 3D bar charts

5) To classify prices from 62 recent home sales, Sturges' Rule would recommend:
A) 7 classes. B) 10 classes. C) 9 classes. D) 8 classes.

6) In a sample of 10,000 observations from a normal population, how many would you expect to
lie beyond three standard deviations of the mean?
A) About 127 B) About 100 C) About 27 D) None of them

7) John scored 85 on Prof. Hardtack's exam (Q1 = 40 and Q3 = 60). Based on the fences, which
is correct?
A) John is in the 85th percentile. B) John is not an outlier.
C) John is an extreme outlier. D) John is an outlier.

8) Find the probability that either event A or B occurs if the chance of A occurring is .5, the
chance of B occurring is .3, and events A and B are independent.
A) .85 B) .65 C) .15 D) .80

9) Given the contingency table shown here, find P(A2 | B3).

A) .3721 B) .1893 C) .1842 D) .0685

10) A die is rolled. If it rolls to a 1, 2, or 3, you win $2. If it rolls to a 4, 5, or 6, you lose $1.
Calculate the expected winnings.
A) $3.00 B) $0.50 C) $1.50 D) $1.00

11) A machine dispenses water into a glass. Assuming that the amount of water dispensed
follows a continuous uniform distribution from 10 ounces to 16 ounces, the standard deviation of
the amount of water dispensed is about:
A) 1.73 ounces. B) 3.51 ounces. C) 0.57 ounce. D) 3.00 ounces.

12) A random variable X is best described by a continuous uniform distribution from 20 to 45

inclusive. The mean of this distribution is:
A) 32.5. B) 33.5. C) 30.5. D) 31.5.

13) The lengths of brook trout caught in a certain Colorado stream are normally distributed with
a mean of 14 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. What proportion of brook trout caught
will be between 12 and 18 inches in length?
A) .2486 B) .6826 C) .6563 D) .4082

14) The lengths of brook trout caught in a certain Colorado stream are normally distributed with
a mean of 14 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. What lower limit should the State
Game Commission set on length if it is desired that 80 percent of the catch may be kept by
A) 9.22 inches B) 11.48 inches C) 12.00 inches D) 12.80 inches

15) A student's grade on an examination was transformed to a z value of 0.67. Assuming a

normal distribution, we know that she scored approximately in the top:
A) 25 percent. B) 50 percent. C) 15 percent. D) 40 percent.

16) The owner of Limp Pines Resort wanted to know the average age of its clients. A random
sample of 25 tourists is taken. It shows a mean age of 46 years with a standard deviation of 5
years. The width of a 98 percent CI for the true mean client age is approximately:
A) 2.797 years. B) 4.984 years. C) 2.326 years. D) 1.711 years.

17) Which statement is most nearly correct, other things being equal?
A) Quadrupling the sample size roughly halves the standard error of the mean.
B) The standard error of the mean depends on the confidence level.
C) The standard error of the mean depends on the population size.
D) Doubling the sample size will cut the standard error of the mean in half.
18) The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) implies that:
A) the distribution of the mean is approximately normal for large n.
B) repeated samples must be taken to obtain normality.
C) the mean follows the same distribution as the population.
D) the population will be approximately normal if n ≥ 30.

19) We could narrow a 95 percent confidence interval by:

A) raising the standard error. B) using 99 percent confidence.
C) using a larger sample. D) none of the other

20) As the sample size increases, the standard error of the mean:
A) decreases. B) increases.
C) may increase or decrease. D) none of the others

21) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the t distribution?

A) It is a symmetric distribution.
B) It is a continuous distribution.
C) It has a mean of 0.
D) It approaches z as degrees of freedom decrease.

22) The owner of Torpid Oaks B&B wanted to know the average distance its guests had traveled.
A random sample of 16 guests showed a mean distance of 85 miles with a standard deviation of
32 miles. The 90 percent confidence interval (in miles) for the mean is approximately:
A) (71.0, 99.0)B) (71.8, 98.2) C) (68.7, 103.2) D) (74.3, 95.7)

23) What is the approximate width of a 90 percent confidence interval for the true population
proportion if there are 12 successes in a sample of 25?
A) .328 B) .392 C) .960 D) .412

24) A random sample of 160 commercial customers of PayMor Lumber revealed that 32 had
paid their accounts within a month of billing. The 95 percent confidence interval for the true
proportion of customers who pay within a month would be:
A) 0.144 to 0.256 B) 0.153 to 0.247 C) 0.138 to 0.262 D) 0.148 to 0.252

25) A random sample of 160 commercial customers of PayMor Lumber revealed that 32 had
paid their accounts within a month of billing. Can normality be assumed for the sample
A) No.
B) Need more information to say.
C) Yes.

26) Which statement about α is not correct?

A) It is the probability of rejecting a true H0.
B) It is the probability of committing a Type I error.
C) It is equal to 1 - β.
D) It is the test's significance level.

27) For a given sample size, when we increase the probability of a Type I error, the probability
of a Type II error:
A) decreases.
B) increases.
C) remains unchanged.
D) is impossible to determine without more information.

28) Which of the following is correct?

A) Type I error can only occur if you fail to reject H0.
B) When sample size increases, both α and β may decrease.
C) Type II error can only occur when you reject H0.
D) The level of significance is the probability of Type II error.

29) Which is not true of p-values?

A) They show the chance of Type I error if we reject H0.
B) They do not require α to be specified a priori.
C) When they are small, we want to reject H0.
D) They measure the probability of an incorrect decision.

30) Hypothesis tests for a mean using the critical value method require:
A) sampling a normal population. B) using a two-tailed test.
C) specifying α in advance. D) knowing the true population mean.

31) Dullco Manufacturing claims that its alkaline batteries last at least 40 hours on average in a
certain type of portable CD player. But tests on a random sample of 18 batteries from a day's
large production run showed a mean battery life of 37.8 hours with a standard deviation of 5.4
hours. To test DullCo's hypothesis, the test statistic is:
A) -2.101 B) -1.960 C) -1.980 D) -1.728

32) For a sample size of n = 100, and σ = 10, we want to test the hypothesis H0: μ = 100. The
sample mean is 103. The test statistic is:
A) 1.645 B) 0.300 C) 3.000 D) 1.960

33) Which of the following is not a valid null hypothesis?

A) H0: μ = 0 B) H0: μ ≥ 0 C) H0: μ ≤ 0 D) H0: μ ≠ 0

34) Last year, 10 percent of all teenagers purchased a new iPhone. This year, a sample of 260
randomly chosen teenagers showed that 39 had purchased a new iPhone. The test statistic to find
out whether the percentage has risen would be:
A) 2.258 B) .0256 C) 2.758 D) 2.687

35) Last year, 10 percent of all teenagers purchased a new iPhone. This year, a sample of 260
randomly chosen teenagers showed that 39 had purchased a new iPhone. To test whether the
percentage has risen, the critical value at α = .05 is:
A) 1.960 B) 1.658 C) 1.645 D) 1.697

36) In a left-tailed test comparing two means with variances unknown but assumed to be equal,
the sample sizes were n1 = 8 and n2 = 12. At α = .05, the critical value would be:
A) -1.645 B) -2.101 C) -1.960 D) -1.734

37) In a test for equality of two proportions, the sample proportions were p1 = 12/50 and p2 =
18/50. The test statistic is approximately:
A) -1.31. B) -1.67.
C) Must know α to answer. D) -1.44.

38) If the sample proportions were p1 = 12/50 and p2 = 18/50, the 95 percent confidence interval
for the difference of the population proportions is approximately:
A) [-.011, +.214]. B) [-.120, +.120]. C) [-.298, +.058]. D) [-.144, +.244].

39) Which is not an assumption of ANOVA?

A) Equal population sizes for groups.B) Homogeneous treatment variances.
C) Independent sample observations. D) Normality of the treatment populations.

40) ANOVA is used to compare:

A) means of several groups. B) proportions of several groups.
C) variances of several groups. D) both means and variances.

41) In an ANOVA, the SSE (error) sum of squares reflects:

A) the effect of the combined factor(s).
B) the variation that is not explained by the factors.
C) the overall variation in Y that is to be explained.
D) the combined effect of treatments and sample size.

42) In a one-factor ANOVA, the computed value of F will be negative:

A) when there is no difference within the treatments.
B) when there is no difference in the treatment means.
C) when the SST (total) is larger than SSE (error).
D) under no circumstances.

43) Degrees of freedom for the between-group variation in a one-factor ANOVA with n1 = 5, n2
= 6, n3 = 7 would be:
A) 6. B) 2. C) 17. D) 18.

44) In a one-factor ANOVA, the total sum of squares is equal to:

A) the sum of squares within groups plus the sum of squares between groups.
B) the means of all the groups squared.
C) the sum of squares within groups times the sum of squares between groups.
D) the sum of squares within groups divided by the sum of squares between groups.
45) The variable used to predict another variable is called the:
A) response variable. B) dependent variable.
C) independent variable. D) regression variable.

46) If the attendance at a baseball game is to be predicted by the equation Attendance = 16,500 -
75 Temperature, what would be the predicted attendance if Temperature is 90 degrees?
A) 10,020 B) 9,750 C) 12,250 D) 6,750

47) The standard error of the regression:

A) is based on squared deviations from the regression line.
B) is in squared units of the dependent variable.
C) may be cut in half to get an approximate 95 percent prediction interval.
D) may assume negative values if b1 < 0.

48) The ordinary least squares (OLS) method of estimation will minimize:
A) only the intercept. B) both the slope and intercept.
C) neither the slope nor the intercept. D) only the slope.

49) Which is indicative of an inverse relationship between X and Y?

A) A negative correlation coefficient
B) A negative F statistic
C) A negative p-value for the correlation coefficient
D) Either a negative F statistic or a negative p-value

50) Simple regression analysis means that:

A) we have only one explanatory variable.
B) the data are presented in a simple and clear way.
C) we have only a few observations.
D) there are only two independent variables.
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (4 questions, 10 points each)

1) The manufacturer of an airport baggage scanning machine claims it can handle an

average of 530 bags per hour. At α =.05 in a left-tailed test, would a sample of 16
randomly chosen hours with a mean of 510 and a standard deviation of 50 indicate that
the manufacturer’s claim is overstated?
2) In 2006, a sample of 200 in-store shoppers showed that 42 paid by debit card. In 2009, a
sample of the same size showed that 62 paid by debit card. (a) Formulate appropriate
hypotheses to test whether the percentage of debit card shoppers increased. (b) Carry out
the test at α=.01. (c) Test whether normality of 𝑝! − 𝑝 may be assumed.
3) Fill in the missing information of the following one-factor ANOVA table

4) Table below give information of the number of hours of sunshine vs how many ice
creams were sold at the shop from Monday to Friday. Using OLS to find the fitted line
𝑦$ = 𝑏# + 𝑏! 𝑥

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