Aswegi, Eloisa (Reaction Paper)

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Wit, Reaction Paper 1

A Reaction Paper in the Movie Wit

Eloisa A. Aswegi

University of Northern Philippines, College of Nursing

NCM 108 Health Care Ethics

Instructor: Mrs. Alyssa Marie Arrojo

MAY 22, 2021

Wit, Reaction Paper 2


The movie is all about a 17th Century English poetry professor, Vivian Bearing,

who is great in her profession and even has a Ph.D. degree. However, she was

diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic ovarian cancer, and due to her eagerness to heal, she

consents to an aggressive and experimental form of chemotherapy by a prominent

physician Harvey Kelekian who is doing his research with regards to the treatment he

also works along with other physicians as well as with Miss Bearing’s former student,

Jason Posner. Dr. Posner was doing his examination, specifically the pelvic

examination which is, quite degrading and awkward for Miss Bearing. As she said,

“Once I do the teaching, now, I am told.” Most part of the movie portrays the different

aspects of medical tests, clinical evaluations, and cancer treatment. Miss Bearing was

speaking most likely to the viewer providing a deeper understanding with regards to

her pain and struggles. As the movie goes by a lot of character was introduced through

a flashback of scenes, one is her Professor named Dr. Ashford, who advised her to stop

isolating herself with books and in a library but to live and make friends. Another one

is his father who explained a word to her, which they both agreed that they hate boring

conversations. As well as, one student who was asking for an adjustment of the

deadline since his grandmother died, but Miss Bearing stick to her policy. Throughout

her treatment, she realized a lot in life but with her is nurse Susie Monahan, who really

cares for her and wants the best for her patient. As the process goes by, Miss Bearing

condition worsens, she experienced a lot of pain that she can no longer tolerate, that is

why Nurse Susie explained to her the DNR or do not resuscitate order if ever her

pulsation stops they will no longer revive her, and she agreed with this. Despite being

so strong, she felt fear, “My treatment impairs my health”, she ironically said. Dr.

Ashford came to visit Miss Bearing and read her a story, “The Runaway Bunny”. Even
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so, her “do not resuscitate orders (DNR).” Dr. Posner calls a code when he discovers

that there are no pulsations anymore. Nurse Susie tried to stop him however, the

medical team already came and tried to resuscitate Miss Bearing. Dr. Posner shouted

saying, “I made a mistake” and the team checked the order and stopped the

resuscitation. The film ended focusing on Miss Bearing’s dead body.


Rationality and vulnerability. I think this movie surrounds mainly with the

rationalistic thinking of a person, that being rational demands being alone, and in being

alone, you find independence with this, you create the thinking that there is no room

for fear and pain. Miss Bearing found fulfillment not in people but with her wit she

thinks that with this knowledge, she can overcome anything however, the wheels of

life seemed not in favor. She often thinks that cancer is something that she should fight

against, which is true however, she failed to recognize her vulnerability, she always

says she is ok even when she is in pain, she disregarded her emotions and acted so

strong that at the course of her treatment she slowly realized that she is in pain, she is

in need of help, and that no matter how much she tried to conceal her weaknesses she

is still a person. She found a moment of clarity that her pain signifies being alive, as

she was able to recognize humanity through vulnerability.


This movie reminds me of a memory, maybe because I still feel the pain whenever

I see someone dying, and this totally fears me as a nursing student will I be able to comply

with my duties on a patient when such a situation might come, will I be able to overcome

the ones that kept on haunting me from time to time. However, this movie is a must-watch,

especially for those who are in the medical field, because it will help you view the lenses
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and perspective of a patient, a nurse, and a physician. I did like it, and even the actress did

a great job portraying her role. The movie was really touching, and at the same time, it

gives us a lesson to value time, health, and people. I was surprised that the movie didn’t

end with healing, referring to the physical one, since most movies always end up with a

happy ending but, this one was different. It ain’t fantasized it was realistic, and that is what

great about this movie, it serves as an eye-opener for those who don’t value their health

much, for those who are too eager to prove a scientific study, for those who empathize

along with a patient, and for those who struggles so much in pain. If there is one thing that

disappointed me though it did not anger me, it is when the doctor tried to resuscitate the

patient, even if she is in DNR order, however, I also understand that he was in the state

and peak of his emotions, he just wanted to save a life. In the end, it was delightful not to

see Miss Bearing in pain anymore, that she understood that death is not the end but the

beginning of eternal life, she accepted her vulnerability and died with the realization that

in pain, she felt alive.


This movie hits different on my part. I was in Grade 7 back then when I witness my

grandmother having convulsive seizures, she just looked like she stopped breathing, and it

was just the two of us back then, I was so young that I didn’t know what to do. I shouted and

sought help as months pass by when my grandmother vomited blood for the third time, I was

there as well, I saw her died it felt like I was in a nightmare, and I was waiting for someone

who would wake me up. I just felt like my whole world collapses, that I didn’t know what

was real or not anymore. During her burial, I didn’t cry, even with a single tear, not until

everything sinks in for about after 3 months, actually. I just passed out, I just broke down, I

held my guard so high that I was afraid to show how vulnerable I was, how much pain I

concealed just like Miss Bearing. I focused a lot on my studies before that I feel like, with
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this so much book to read I could find my strength and that no pain will turn me down, I was

consumed, with the thought of winning, but I was actually losing myself, Miss Bearing was

very rational and objective, and as a student, I always aim to be like that, and just like her this

perspective had changed because of pain. A pain that opened one’s vulnerability, a sense of

need and dependence that you alone cannot survive and that we are in need of help and we

are waiting for someone to empathize with us. Just like what the nurse Susie did to her, I also

have a nurse in my life that chooses to listen and didn’t make me feel alone, my mother.

Though I know losing our grandmother causes more pain towards her, she kept me

accompanied, she never let me lose myself in the process. I hope Miss Bearing was able to

realize that there is a life outside the library, there is a life outside her thoughts, I just hope it

wasn’t too late for her, however, it is what it is, what matters is that she left something vital

and memorable toward each student that she was able to share her knowledge with, she

served her purpose, she lived it well.

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