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Purposive Communication GPCOM

Name: Research Digest

Class Code:

 Read carefully and understand the questions before answering.
 Use the provided spaces for your answers. Answer succinctly and substantially.
 Answer the questions in complete sentences unless instructed otherwise.
 Always observe proper paraphrasing; avoid plagiarism. For items that instruct you to write in your own words, VIRBATIM
COPYING or CUT-AND-PASTE treatment of statements will invalidate your answers.

Predictors of Academic and Social Success and Psychological Well-Being in College Students
by Jill M. Norvilitis and Howard M. Reid

I. INTRODUCTION (15 points)

(Write the topic of the study in your own words.)

1. What did the study investigate?
(3 points)

(State the research gap or what still needs to be studied about the topic in your own words.)

2. Given the topic, what area is the
“gap” or least explored? (3 points)

(Enumerate three (3) in bullets. State them in your own words.)

 …
3. What information in the
introduction do you find most
relevant/important? (9 points)

II. METHOD (20 points)

(State it/them in your own words.)

4. What is/are the important
specific/s of the tool? (5 points)

Purposive Communication GPCOM

(Use key words/phrases and present them through a flow chart.)

5. How was the data gathered? (10


(Enumerate using numbering.)

1. …
6. How was the data analyzed or
interpreted? (5 points)

III. FINDINGS (if qualitative)/RESULTS (if quantitative) (35 points)

(If the research article has more than one research problem, focus on the first question. You
may use a graphic organizer but provide a summary in your own words.)
7. Based on the research problem …
identified, what is/are the
finding/s or result/s? (5 points)

(Mention at least three (3) explanations for each finding/result in your own words.
Enumerate using bullets.)

 …
8. What is/are important
explanation/s to the finding/s or
result/s? (15 points)

(List at least two (2) corroborations for each finding/result in your own words. Choose the
most important ones. Be mindful of using intext citations.)

9. What corroboration/s were …

presented to support the
finding/s or result/s? (15 points)

Purposive Communication GPCOM

IV. CONCLUSION (5 points)

(Answer in your own words.)

10. What is one (1) important
conclusion of the study? (5 points)

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