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PT. voKsEr ELECTRTc, Tbk.
QC-CAL- rNT- 1

"ffiffi vERrFtcATtoN & cALtBRATtoN sr,cTloN 0

W W jl. Raya NarogongKM 16Cileunssi Bosor]AWA BAMT- INDONESTA

ifective Date lanEty 7 , ?016



)"X##*rr*" 039/KAL-lN/Qc/lxl2019 rhe calibration was carried out based on the established Prosedur standar verifikasi Atat ukur & Alat panrau
(QC-VE-O1) and by comparison against the following standard(s) and instrument[s) which is(are) calibrated on
;;;;;;* schedule to maintain tracebility and required accuracy:

Kode Alat
oT QFo 06 DeskriDsi Kalibrator
#Y,*rr*" cotibrotor Description I GoLDEN oPTICAL FIBER
Pabrrkan IAPAN Lembaea Kalibrasi
Mtnulocturer catibrotion tnstitute : PT TELKOM MSC

Y+9#* yoKocAWA/AQ7270 No.sertifikatKalibrator : CCL/L6/ttts/MN

Model/Type Colibtotot Ccttilicate Na.
Nomor seri gtc3s2zt4
I "------l Pabrikan
sernlNumber Monufaccurer : SECoNDAVENIJE

:il*Hil 25.2 - zs,s 'c" 43,0 - 44,0 % ripe/No seri

Tvpe/seriat Numbff : sM 1045/D082958706401
Lokasr IanccalKa!.ibEs.i
Location colibro@r col. Date I september 7, 2019

ffi_-"*f" : september7,2o19 AkhirKalibrasi

Date september 7 '2022
caribrotor Due '

Hasil Kalibrasi
Colibration result

Verifrkasi larak
Ronoe Verification

Maximum Deviation Location Error
Range From End A From End B Average
Measurements Tesl
I 1310 nm I 1550 trm I 1310 nm I 1550 nm I 1310 nm ,' 1550 nm I 1310 nm I 1550 nm I 1310 nm 1 15S0 nm
IMeter) IMeter) (Meterl
Test 1 [11) 2848,00 2843,00 12848,00 2843,00 2848 2843 0 0
Iest 2 (12) r2848.00 2843,00 12848,00 2843,00 2A4A 2843 0 0
Test 3 (13) 2848.00 2843.00 2848,00 2843,00 2848 2843 0 0
-61 71
Test4 [14) 2848,00 2443,00 2848,00 2843.00 2A4A 2A43 0 0
Test 5 (15) 12848.00 2443.00 284A,00 2843,00 2848 2843 0 0
Test 6 [16) 12848.00 2843,00 2848,00 2A43.00 zB48 2443 0 0

Verifikasi Redaman
Atten uo tion Verifi c0 tion

Measurements Reference Calibrator Expected Attenuation Attenuation Deviation

Wavelength (i.) 13 nm wavelength (L) 155 nm
Attenuation Attenuation Average Attenuation Attetruation Average 11310nm l 1550 nnr 11310trm I 1550 nm tr 1310 trm ,.1550 nm
from End A End B Atenuation from End A from End B Atenuation
km) (dB/km) (dB/km) (dB/kml IdB/km) [dB/km)
llo2 0.353 0.352 0.353 0.184 0. 93 0.189 0.345 0.186 0,345 0.186 0.0075 0.0025
2to3 0.352 0,349 0.3 51 o,202 0,185 0,194 0,346 0,212 0,346 o,2t2 0,0045 -0,0185
3to4 0,348 0,355 0,352 0,203 0, 9B 0,201 0,355 0,183 0.355 0,183 -0,0035 0,0175
4to5 0.373 0,355 0.364 0.201 0.192 0.197 0.363 o.192 0.363 o.L92 0.0010 0.0045
5to6 0,3 51 0,351 0,351 0,L97 0,198 0,198 0,352 0,213 0,352 0,213 -0,0010 .0,01 55

6to7 0.349 0,337 0,343 0,200 0,191 0,196 0,346 0,203 0,346 0,203 -0,0030 -0,0075

TtoB 0,346 0.339 0.343 0,196 0,191 0,194 0,354 0,192 0,354 0,792 -0,0115 0,0015
Bto9 0,349 0,346 0.348 0.199 0.192 0.196 0.355 0.186 0,35s 0.186 -0,0075 0,0095
9to10 0,361 0,354 0,3 5B 0,189 0,191 0,190 0,342 0,205 0,342 0,205 0,0155 .0,0150
10 to 1'l 0,344 0,339 0,342 0,205 0,187 0,196 0,361 0,199 0,361 0,199 -0,0195 -0,0030

11 to 12 0.360 0.360 0.360 0,190 0.209 0,200 0.329 O.1BB 0.329 0.188 0.0310 0.0115
Maximum Deviation 0,0310 0,0185

U ncertai nty Calcu ldtion

Wavelength (L) 1310 nm wavelength (l) 1550 nm
Dmax = AAOTDR+AARef+Aatr Dmax = AAoTDR + AARef+ Ad.
= [Lin. OTDR x Aref) + 0,017 + [A]. x 0.2) = (Lin. OTDR x Are0 + 0,015 + (Al x 0.2)
= 0,0175 + 0,017 + 0 = 0,0095 + 0,015 + 0
= 0,03450 db/km = 0,02s db/km

Svarat Keterterimaan
Accep ta nce Req u i remen t

< Dmax

calibration Result , [e"r."a [Not Rassea

Kalibrasi ulang I MarchT,zo2o (6 month)

Due Date

Disiaokan oleh
Prepqred by
: M. Ruhiat
Dikalibrasr oleh
Colibroted by
Wahvu D M. 9YtU!+9
Calibroted b!
: s. Aviv Al Rasyid

U r
\ tv)o' r"


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