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Procedure :

Patient : (knocking the door) assalamualaikum ma’am

Midwife : Waalaikumsalam, please come in
Patient : Good morning ma’am
Midwife : Good morning, please sit down mrs. How are you? Can i help you?
Patient : Thank you ma’am, i’m fine. I want to check my pregnancy
Midwife : Alhamdulillah, oh you will to check pregnancy. Oke i have some questions for
you. What’s your name?
Patient : My name is Amanda Malica
Midwife : How old are you?
Patient : I’am twenty one years old
Midwife : what is your address?
Patient : it’s at siliwangi street south Sukabumi
Midwife : What your husband names?
Patient : He name is Keenan Saputra
Midwife : oooh okay, do you have already children before?
Patient : Not yet,this is my first time pregnancy
Midwife : Did you have any miscarriage before?
Patient : No ma’am
Midwife : When was the first day of your last menstrual period?
Patient : It was on August 20th 2021
Midwife : Hmm, if i coun’t from the first day of last mentruation, you already pregnancy
12 weeks. Do you have problem in this pregnancy?
Patient : well, i feel like always want to throw up get dizzy. I barely eat any food lately,
and what i eat is always thrown up and i feel like i do not want to eat. It is worst
especially in the morning
Midwife : That’s what we call morning sickness, ti’s a common thing happens during the
first trimester of pregnancy.
Patient : It is normal ma’am?
Midwife : yes it is normal, it will be over after you have second trimester
Patient : Alhamdulillah ma’am
Midwife : alright, let me check your vital sign. I will check your blood pressure,
temperature, respiration rate, and pulse.
Patient : okay ma’am

1. Thermometer
2. 3 bottles containing a soap water, disinfectant, and clean water
3. tissue
4. stethoscope
5. sphygmomanometer
6. watch
7. handscoon
8. nierbeken
9. pen
10. notebook
1. Provide information about the action to be taken.
2. Prepare the patient in a state of rest/relax
3. Prepare a safe and comfortable environment
4. Maintain patient privacy
1. position the patient as comfortable
Midwife : It’s comfortable position?
Patient : yes ma’am
2. Washing hands 6 steps, and then dry hands with a tissue
3. Use the handscoon
4. First, check the temperature and blood pressure
clean armpits using tissue, put termometer ih the armpits, and put your hand in the right
Midwife : excuse me, roll your sleeve up please? I will check your blood pressure
Patient : oke ma’am
Midwife : well your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, you have normal blood pressure
oke, and your temperature is normal, which is 36,5 ◦C
Clean the armpits using tissue, and clean the thermometer to 3 bottles containing a soap
water, disinfectant, and clean water
11. Second, check the pulse for 1 minutes
Midwife : excuse me, can you extend your hand
1 minutes later
Midwife : you pulse is 75/minutes, it is normal oke
Patient : oke ma’am
12. Last, check the respiration for 1 minutes
Midwife : excuse me, can you sit down please, i will check your respiration
1 minutes later
Midwife : your respiration is 20/minutes, it is normal oke
Patient : oke ma’am thank you

Midwife : oke, now sit down please. from the results of the examination, your vital sign is
normal. Your blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiration is normal.
For your complaints about morning sickness it is normal in the first trimester pregnancy,
inshaallah it will be over after you have second trimester. During pregnancy you should nor
work hard, smoke, drinking alcohol, taking drugs without a doctor’s presciption, When you
wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, try to immediately eat a little dry bread or
Patient : okay ma’am how many times i check my pregnancy?
Midwife : Examination in pregnancy at least 4 times during pregnancy, 1 time at gestations age
before 3 months, 1 time 4 to 6 months gestation, and 2 times at 7 to 9 months gestation.if you
have any of the following signs occur, should be taken immediately to the hospital or health
Patient : well, thankyou ma’am for your information, that’s very helpful for me
Midwife : you are welcome, i hope mrs is always good during your pregnancy
Patient : aamiin, see you ma’am. Assalamualaikum
Patient : see you soon, waalaikum salam

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