Assignment 1:experiental Analysis A Psychogeographic Documentation

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APRIL 19, 2020



Beyza Eylül Ergün

1- Lost in the Batumi Streets .............................................................................................................................. 3
2-Inspirational Flow of the Water ....................................................................................................................... 4
3-The Vintage Feeling in the Middle of the City Center ........................................................................................ 5
4- Sparkling Street ............................................................................................................................................. 6
5- Gloomy Night in METU ................................................................................................................................... 7
6- Essay ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

1- Lost in the Batumi Streets
I remember that when I took this photograph, I was not conscious of exactly where I was, and
I was feeling lost but not in a scary way. I wanted to emphasize the lostness and being head in
the clouds while editing this.

2-Inspirational Flow of the Water
When I was there, this environment gave me an inspiration and a desire to draw because of
the beautiful vibe and the sculptures in there.

3-The Vintage Feeling in the Middle of the City Center
This street view in the very center of the city gave me a feeling of a mash up between the 60’s
and now because of a part of a Berlin Wall on the sidewalk so I wanted to emphasize this
vintage feeling in the street.

4- Sparkling Street
I remember that this place was very calm and peaceful and I remember it in a very beautiful
way; it had a fairy sense in my mind. Therefore, I brought to the fore that pinky atmosphere in
the street and the buildings.

5- Gloomy Night in METU
In this photograph, there were no people in the middle of the campus, even though it is a
very common and crowded place in normal also, there was overcast weather. So, I felt a
gloomy and a scary vibe in there when I took this picture.

6- Essay
In the process of choosing photographs for this assignment, I tried to pick ones that have an
urban environment and a feeling that belongs to place or the experiences I had in that place.
In the first photograph, I was walking in the streets of a city where I have never been to
before. I was not sure about where I was, the roads were narrow, and almost all of them felt
the same. Because of that, I wanted to emphasize the feeling of lostness so that I added a
street sign which is complicated and does not show the leading way. Also, I edited the sky and
added headless people to show that it was a confusing place. For the second photograph, I
chose a picture, including an ornamental pool and a short tower that is surrounded by little
sculptures. It was a beautiful, attractive destination associated with its green environment,
and it inspired me when I was there. It pleases me to look there; for this reason, I wanted to
express these feelings in the photograph with signalize its artistic, inspiring way with a painted
sky. I added people who look like they came out of a lovely painting. In the third photo, there
is a part of a Berlin Wall in the center of the city where a lot of tall, modern, and new
buildings located. Between all these monotype blocks, seeing an old, colored piece gave me a
pleasant sensation. I felt like that place was a mixture of ’60s, and now, so I added a rainbow
because of old times’ cheerful vibe. However, the people I said are black and white to urge on
its oldness. In the fourth photograph, I remembered that I was feeling very cheerful, and the
ambient was pleasing me with bonnie buildings with a beautiful architectural view, broad
street, nice weather, and good lightning. I choose to emphasize the color pink to express
these and added some angels for its fairy side. To finalize my assignment, I wanted to select a
photo that I took in METU Campus on a cloudy day when there are no people around even
though it is a central place on campus. So, I give point to that gloomy feeling with darkening
the photograph and exaggerating the cloudy, dark weather. Moreover, I attached people
walking in the dark with a long scary shadow and three black bats flying in the sky that are
suitable for this gloomy environment. To conclude, I realized that urban environments affect
the experiencer with its buildings, street views, weathers, natural habitats, surroundings, and
so on. These elements that environment has influence people and their psychology.

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