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TOEFL EXERCISE 1: In this exercise, listen carefully'to the short conversatiorr

and question on the recording, and then choose the best ansrver to the question.
You should look for restatements of kev ideas in the second line.

I J Now BEGIN rHE RECoRDTNG nr TOEFL Exrncrsr 1.

l. (A) The dancc-'u'as fun. 6. (A) His r,acation is ftrll of activities.
(B) It \vas a good time to dance. (B) In autumn he'll have a rracation.
(C) She thinks the man is such a (C) He can't har,'e a vacation because
good dancer. he suff'ered a fall.
(D) Tonight is the lzrst time to dance. (D) He's foolish to take a vacation
(A) She's quite thir-st1,.
(B) She'll be readv in a half hour. 7. (A) The book was ver-v enjovable.
(C) She needs to leave norv. (B) It was unpleasant to get rid of the
(D) She rvas ready thirtv minutes bugs.
ago. (C) She only reads u'hen it is quiet.
(D) It is pleasant to ride a bike.
-). (A) The \voman shouid teach the
class herself. B. (A) He hasnt traveled much latelv.
(B) The \voman should sce a (B) There were a lot of car-s on the
psvchiatrist. road.
(C) It's a good idea to speak u,ith the (C) He needs to lose rveight.
instruclor. (D) The trav was thick zrnd hear,r.
(D) He rvould like to discuss
psvchologv rvith the woman. 9. (A) He doesn't knor,r,horv to pla_v the
4. (A) She has a starring role. (B) He has to u,rite a story for class.
(B) She has not found a job vet. (C) He needs to complete an
(C) She found the lost dog. assignment.
(D) Sire just began u,orking. (D) He has zrlready finished the
5. (A) He shares everl'thing he has.
(B) Hc' has to find his lost shirt. 10. (A) He always minds his ou'n
(C) He is clin-rbing the stairs to the business.
apartment. (B) He manages to avoid working.
(D) He has to get a roommate. (C) He is the manager of the
(D) He is tbe boss of his ou'n

) (man) Is there a ktt of- sottp? I'rn (A) Theres not verl much soap.
kirtd of'lttmgrr. (B) She doesn't like soup.
(.\vontan) Sor-rr.; there's not o lot. (C) Therc's onlv a little soup.
(narrator) I'l'ltat does the w,ottturt (D) The man should not be hungn.

Hoty w'as the u,eather nrt

(r,rrclman) (A) It rvas cloud-v.
tottr trip? (B) He couldn't see the skv.
(man) Tlrcre wasrt't a cloud in tlrc (C) It ll,asn't vern'crou'ded.
skr'. (D) There was Lr lot of sunshine.
( nalrator ) I4/Jmt cloes the rnatt nleltt?

TOEFL EXERCISE 2: In this exercise, listen carefullv to the shoft conversation

and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question.
You shor,rld pay particular attention to negative expressions.


(A) He rvas on time. 6. (A) He closed the rvindou,s.

(B) Hes sonr, he was late. (B) It didn't rain.
(C) He doesn't knor,r, rvhv he rvas late. (C) The r,vindows were open during
(D) He hasn't come there latelv. the storm.
(D) He sau,the rain through the
L. (A) She's sorn
she brought the book. rvindou,s.
(B) She remembered to say she rvas
sorl-\, 7. (A) certain the plantis alive.
(C) She fbt'got the book. (B) Sheis not snre n'hat happe.ned to
(D) She didn't remember the ring. the plant.
(C) She planned to throw it out.
.r. (A) The babvs nodding off. (D) Shes sure the plant should be
(B) The babvs asleep. throu,n out.
(C) The babv'.s on the wav home.
(D) The babv's just t'aiking up. (A) The apple is good because it'.s
T. (A) He u,ants to -eo by himself. (B) Thele is an apple in each suite.
(B) Hc' isn't going on the trip. (C) The apple doesn't look good.
(C) He has a large number of friends. (D) The apple is sour.
(D) He isn't traveling alone.
9. (A) Its cheap.
). (A) She does not have time to park (B) It costs a Iot.
the car. (C) It has a Ien,problems.
(B) She hlrs some {l'ec'tirne. (D) I1's hard to finil.
(C) She has not been to the par-k in a
rvhile. 10. (A) She must leave the rock there.
(D) The park is too rvild. (B) She needs a big rock.
(C) She should take the rock u'ith her.
(D) She should take a bigger rock.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skilts l-2): In this erercise, listen carefullv to the
short coltvet'sation and qnestion on the r-ecording, and then choose the best
ans\\'er to the question.

I J Now BEG'N rHE REcoRDrNc nr ToEFL Revrrw Exe ncrse (s.LLs 1-2).

1. (A) She coulcln't think of :r single 6. (A) It u'as diffictrlt to plar-r,,Lrecause of

ans\\1L.t: the u'ind.
(B) Thc test u,as eas-r. (B) Hes unhappv because thev lost.
(C) It u,ars impossible to think (C) He doesn't like plaving football in
the- erarrr. tlre u,inter.
(D) tt \\'as [o() qr-rie t. (D) He's not ven'happl about the
u'av thev tvon.
2. (A) He rvill finish qr-ricklv.
(B) He r,r'orks slou,lv. 7. (A) He paid the r-cnt tr,r,,o davs ago.
(C) He isn't uon'ied. (B) The rent \\,asn't due the dav
(D) FIc doesn't likc to u,ork. bclore r esterclar.
(C) One dav earlier he'd rented an
3. (A) Her nrr-itlrer ancl father \\,er-c lll)i.t |l r))cll l.
hungrr,. (D) Yesterdav he spent the lr,hole day
(B) She \vas angl-v at her parents. ranting.
(C) Her nrother arrd lirther got home
too late. B. (A) Barrv's too old to er-rjov camping.
(D) Fier parents rvere mad. (B) Not enough people are going
4. (A) He didn't get a car'. (C) This u,eekend is not a
(B) The czrr he got \\'irsn't -eood time
reerl; it u,as tor camping.
a to.\i (D) Barry's too -voung to go camping.
(C) He reallv u,anted a car but
cor,rldn't get one. 9. (A) He has to \\'ater the lau,n.
(D) The car thar he jr-rsr bought is old. (B) I{es sorrv about havir-r_s to mo\,e.
(C) Hes r,r'ashing his clothes.
5. (A) Thke some seeds. (D) He can't move right nou,.
(B) Sit dorvn.
(C) Makr' urr appoinrrrrent. 10. (A) He thinks the u,eather there is
(D) Take sorne tirrre. gl-eat.
(B) He' prefers dn' weather.
(C) The n'eather there is good fbr
(D) He'likes rt,et rveather.

Suggestions al'e commr)n in Listening Part A, so you should bccome familiar
them. The follorr,'ing example shorvs an expression of a snggestion.

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