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BAPES 2021

The 21st Annual Meeting of the British Association

of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons

November 4th-5th

Day 1: Thursday November 4th
09:30-09:40 President’s Welcome

09:40-10:35 Virtual Papers Session 1 (General)

10:35-11:00 Karl Storz lecture - Prof. Manuel Lopez

11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-12:05 Virtual Papers Session 2 (Urology)

12:05-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 3 (Mixed)

12:25-12:30 Closing remarks

13:00-17:00 BAPES Conference MIS hands on workshop

Day 2: Friday November 5th

09:30-10:25 Virtual Papers Session 4 (General)

10:25-10:50 Azad Najmaldin Lecture - Prof. Jan Deprest

10:50-11:00 Break

11:00-11:55 Virtual Papers Session 5 (Urology)

11:55-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 6 (Mixed)

12:25-12:55 Panel: Minimally invasive approach to Mullerian anomalies

12:55-13:00 Closing remarks

13:00-13:30 BAPES AGM

President’s Welcome.

Dear Colleague, We are delighted to welcome you to the 21st

Annual Scienti c Meeting and Workshop of the British Association
of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons and its V2 this time.

The pandemic has clearly paved the way for newer ways to
communicate and collaborate. BAPES has certainly kept up with
the changes and advancements in digital technology. Much of
this has been possible due to the support, encouragement and
commitment from its members and executive committee and our
talented webmaster. Take 2 is no less than our rst venture onto
the online virtual platform.

We have 6 scienti c sessions covering various specialist areas of paediatric surgery, two
eminent guest speakers and an exciting panel discussion of experts. Our guest speakers
are Professor Jan Deprest and Professor Manuel Lopez, both giants in their elds of
expertise and I eagerly await to hear their experience. I am con dent the panel discussion
among experts will not disappoint you, covering an area not so commonly discussed -
Minimally Invasive approach to Mullerian anomalies. Look out for the online polls during
each session that will complement our interaction and understanding over a variety of

The hands-on workshop on day one has been oversubscribed and continue to be popular
with fundoplication and pyeloplasty models. I would like to take this opportunity to also
thank the industry who have been a constant support and promoter for all our activities
without whom we would have struggled to deliver time after time. A quick reminder, 2
prizes, one each for the best paper and best poster will be announced towards the end of
the meeting. We will nish with our AGM for members, and am glad to note that a one
year BAPES membership is included with your registration.

Yet again I can assure you that V2 will more than complement our continuing professional
development until we meet again face to face - the facet we now miss so much, as social

See you all very soon.

Abraham Cherian

BAPES President

Keynote Speakers.
2021 Azad Najmaldin Lecture: Prof Jan Deprest

Professor Jan Deprest MD PhD FRCOG is

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the KU
Leuven (Belgium) and UCL (UK). He has a research
interest in fetal surgery, in particular antenatal
interventions that modulate fetal development in
the case of congenital birth defects. He directs the
clinical fetal surgery program in Leuven, and set up
the program at University College London Hospital
to treat fetuses with spina bi da and congenital
diaphragmatic hernia. Both teams are working on
novel image guided surgical instruments for fetal
surgery. He initiated and directed the Eurofoetus consortium which designed a series of
fetoscopic instruments with support from the European Commission. He has published
over 690 peer reviewed papers, and directed over 30 PhD projects. He has been awarded
the Haackert foundation gold medal (2015), the ISUOG Ian Donald Award (2018) and the J
Daels prize by the Belgian Royal Academy of Medical Sciences.

2021 Karl Storz Lecture: Prof Manuel Lopez

Professor Manuel Lopez graduated from the Universidad

Libre, Colombia and has trained in Argentina, France,
Switzerland and Spain. He is currently head of the Department
of Pediatric Surgery and Urology at the University Hospital of
Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain. He is head of the Vall
d’Hebron Research Institute and a Professor at the University
Autonoma of Barcelona. He is a frequent presenter of papers at
international conferences and has authored over 100 scholarly
articles and book chapters. He has spoken as an invited guest
speaker and given live surgical demonstrations at congresses
and annual meetings of professional bodies in Russia, Poland,
Bulgaria, Ukraine, Colombia, Spain, France, Cambodia and Cuba and the Ibero-American
meeting. He is a member of the faculty of Pediatric Surgery at the IRCAD, the
International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG), the European Society of Paediatric
Endoscopic Surgeons (ESPES) and a member and secretary of the executive committee
of Chest Wall International Group (CWIG).

Day 1: Thursday
09:30-09:40 President’s Welcome

09:40-10:35 Virtual Papers Session 1 (General)

Chairs: Nick Lansdale (Manchester), Atul Sabharwal (Glasgow), Paul Charlesworth (London)

S1.1 15 years experience of paediatric laparoscopic Heller's myotomy

Dale Gracie, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh, UK

S1.2 Laparoscopic splenectomy: how minimal can we make it?

Adetokunbo Fadipe, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK

S1.3 Improving the outcomes of paediatric pilonidal disease with an endoscope: endoscopic pilonidal
sinus treatment (EPSiT)
Odayne Steele, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S1.4 Pitfalls in laparoscopic duodenal atresia repair requiring modi cations in approach
Esther Westwood, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK

S1.5 Comparison of laparoscopic-assisted anorectal pull-through with posterior sagittal

anorectoplasty for high anorectal malformations
Anastasia Livani, Royal London Hospital, London, UK

S1.6 Minimally invasive management of peritoneal inclusion cysts in paediatric patients

Ijeoma Nwachukwu, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK

S1.7 Oesophageal stenosis secondary to a tracheo-bronchial remnant (TBR)

Benjamin Allin, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK

S1.8 Thoracoscopic oesophageal atresia repair: are chest drains routinely required and how does the
oesophageal dilatation rate compare to open repairs?
Dina Fouad, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK

10:35-11:00 2021 Karl Storz Lecture:

Minimally invasive approach to obstructed and re uxing megaureters

Prof. Maunel Lopez, Head of Pediatric Surgery and Urology, University Hospital of Vall
d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-12:05 Virtual Papers Session 2 (Urology)

Chairs: Marie-Klaire Farrugia (London), Milind Kulkarni (Norwich), Anju Goyal (Manchester)

S2.1 Is it unusual, or is it an unrecognised complication following stented pyeloplasty?

Zeni Haveliwala, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S2.2 Ureterocalycostomy - not just a salvage procedure

Kristina Dzhuma, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S2.3 Laparoscopic assisted nephrectomy and uretero-cystoplasty

Aboubakr Ahmed, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK

S2.4 Outcomes of infants undergoing laparoscopic pyeloplasty

Abirami Krithiga, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Hyderabad, India

S2.5 Early laparoscopic pyeloplasty following nephrostomy for massive pyelonephrosis complicating
PUJ Obstruction
Satish Kumar Kolar Venkatesh, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India

S2.6 Milky Wee

Naser Al Anazi, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S2.7 Intravesical botulinum toxin injection- Re nements in technique

Naser Al Anazi, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S2.8 Antenatal management of large ureterocoele

Lulia Baciu, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK

12:05-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 3 (Mixed)

Chairs: Arash Taghizadeh (London), Nordeen Bouhadiba (London), Adil Aslam (Cambridge)

S3.1 Laparoscopic modi ed Swenson’s procedure for Hirschsprung’s disease: technical

considerations and initial experience
Pujana Kanneganti, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S3.2 Laparoscopic hepatico-jejunostomy for choledochal cysts with aberrant right hepatic artery:
technical considerations and initial experience
Pujana Kanneganti, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S3.3 Laparoscopic uretero-ureterostomy for ectopic left upper moiety ureter-Video presentation
Sharon Mohan, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK

S3.4 Laparoscopic Shan eld ureteric reimplantation

Naser Al Anazi, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S3.5 Left laparoscopic adrenalectomy in a patient with gastrostomy

Sara Fernandes, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Portugal

S3.6 Robotic assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in an adolescent

Kawa Omar, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

12:25-12:30 Closing Remarks

Day 2: Friday
09:30-10:25 Virtual Papers Session 4 (General)

Chairs: Naved Alizai (Leeds), Roland Partridge (Liverpool), Simon Clarke (London)

S4.1 Early feeding after gastrostomy insertion: a retrospective analysis of the new RHC protocol
Aisha Tahira, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, UK

S4.2 Elective Splenectomy in Children: A Retrospective Review

Aisha Tahira, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, UK

S4.3 Simulation training with the novel ‘sausage skin’ model for paediatric laparoscopic inguinal
hernia repair – a preliminary analysis
Joshua Cave, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

S4.4 Bilaterality in inguinal hernia surgery: an important consideration of patient selection for
laparoscopic repair
Joshua Cave, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

S4.5 Modi cation of the Gastropexy Technique in Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Button Insertion – Two
“T” or not to “T”?
Marta de Andres Crespo, Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford, UK

S4.6 Additional hospital admission following open inguinal herniotomy and laparoscopic purse-string
closure of inguinal hernia in children
Debashish Banerjee, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

S4.7 Sub-acute organo-axial gastric volvulus with concomitant intestinal malrotation

Hana Esack, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK

S4.8 Training in minimally invasive paediatric surgery in the UK and Ireland: what is happening and
what can be done about it?
Kat Ford, Royal London Hospital, London, UK

10:25-10:50 2021 Azad Najmaldin Lecture

Fetal surgery no longer a gimmick – case selection and outcomes

Prof. Jan Deprest Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology KU Leuven (Belgium) and
University College London (UK)

10:50-11:00 Break

11:00-11:55 Virtual Papers Session 5 (Urology)
Chairs: Neil Featherstone (Cambridge), Jimmy Lam (Edinburgh), Pankaj Mishra (London)

S5.1 Laparoscopic trans-peritoneal adrenalectomy for adrenal tumors in children: surgical

experience and technical considerations
Ankur Mandelia, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S5.2 Trans-vesicoscopic excision of para-ureteral (Hutch) diverticulum with bilateral cross-triagonal

ureteric reimplantation: video demonstration of technique
Rohit Kapoor, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S5.3 Robotic assisted trans-vesicoscopic ureteric reimplantation in children: a video atlas

M.S. Ansari, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S5.4 Symptomatic large intravesical haematoma in children with haemorrhagic cystitis - work smart,
not hard
Sara Lobo, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S5.5 Laparoscopic pyeloplasty in a horseshoe kidney – so what’s di erent?

Sara Lobo, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S5.6 Combined approach for non-functioning moiety of crossed fused kidney

Sharon Mohan, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

S5.7 The double bladder hitch: an easy manoeuvre for a more ergonomic laparoscopic extra-vesical
ureteric reimplantation
Hazem Mosa, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK

S5.8 Bilateral ectopic ureters, bladder neck dysplasia and double posterior urethral valves: an
unusual presentation of bladder neck obstruction
Hazem Mosa, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

11:55-12:25 Virtual Papers Session 6 (Mixed)

Chairs: Bommayya Narayanaswamy (Brighton), Helen Carter (Leeds)

S6.1 Laparoscopic resolution of an inguinal hernia with incarcerated ovary in an infant

Jorge Yanine, Hospital Roberto del Rio, Santiago, Chile

S6.2 Tension pneumoperitoneum during air reduction of intussususception and laparoscopic closure

Satish Kumar Kolar Venkatesh, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India

S6.3 Subtotal cholecystectomy in the hostile paediatric abdomen: A case report and operative video
Raef Jackson, Children's Hospital for Wales, Cardi , UK

S6.4 Holes in the lung: thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy for suspected pleuropulmonary blastoma
Thejasvi Subramanian, She eld Children’s Hospital, She eld, UK

S6.5 Minimal incision endoscopic PEG pull through (MIEPT) technique for buried bumper
Ferzine Mohamed, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

S6.6 Laparoscopic gastropexy for intermittent gastric volvulus

Michael Singh, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK

S6.7 Magnet sphere ingestion – intraoperative localisation
Snigdha Reddy, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK

S6.8 Preserving the Aberrant Left Hepatic Artery: Challenges in Paediatric Laparoscopic Nissen
Joshua Cave, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

S6.9 Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy with ileal J pouch - anal anastomosis by double
stapled technique for a case of juvenile polyposis coli
Pujana Kanneganti, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

S6.10 Ileo-ileal Intussusception in a 6 year old

Sebastian Feuerhake, Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Santiago, Chile

12:25-12:55 Meet The Experts Panel Discussion: Minimally invasive

approach to Mullerian anomalies
Moderator: Abraham Cherian

Laparoscopic management of obstructed systems

Mr. Alfred Cutner, Consultant Gynaecologist, University College London Hospital, London, UK
Laparoscopic management of urogenital sinus anomalies
Dr. Daniela Gorduza, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Laparoscopic vaginal reconstruction
Prof. Pravin Mhatre, Professor Emeritus Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Seth GS Medical College,
KEM Hospital, N.Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, India

12:55-13:00 Closing Remarks & Prizes

BAPES 2021 Faculty.

Abstract Selection Committee:

Mr Abraham Cherian (Urology)

Mr Simon Clarke (General Surgery)

Mr Pankaj Mishra (Urology)

Miss Anju Goyal (Urology)

Mr Adil Aslam (General Surgery)

Mr Paul Charlesworth (General Surgery)

Mr Alexander Macdonald (General Surgery)

2021 Prize committee:

Mr Azad Mathur

Mr Thomas Tsang

Mr Harish Chandran

Conference MIS workshop faculty:


Mr Pankaj Mishra

Mrs Helen Carter

General Surgery:

Mr Joe Curry

Mr Nyi Ade-Ajayi

Mr Adil Aslam

Mr Paul Charlesworth

Mr Hemanshoo Thakkar


Mr Abraham Cherian

Miss Anju Goyal

Mr Massimo Garriboli

Miss Anu Paul

Mr Navroop Johal

Mr Alex Cho

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