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Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Clay Nanocomposites Prepared by

Melt Intercalation: Crystallization and Dynamic Mechanical

Behavior Studies


Chemical Engineering Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411008 India

Received 18 October 2001; revised 12 April 2002; accepted 13 May 2002

Published online 00 Month 2002 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/polb.10223

ABSTRACT: The preparation and properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/clay

nanocomposites are reported for the first time. PVDF/clay nanocomposites were pre-
pared by melt intercalation with organophilic clay. The composites were characterized
with X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and dynamic mechanical
analysis. X-ray diffraction results indicated intercalation of the polymer into the inter-
layer spacing. PVDF in the nanocomposites crystallized in the ␤ form. Differential
scanning calorimetry nonisothermal curves showed an increase in the melting and
crystallization temperatures along with a decrease in crystallinity, as evidenced by the
melting and crystallization peaks. Isothermal crystallization studies showed an en-
hanced rate of crystallization with the addition of clay, as evidenced by a reduction in
the crystallization time. Dynamic mechanical analysis indicated significant improve-
ments in the storage modulus over a temperature range of ⫺100 to 150 °C. The tan ␦
peak signifying the glass-transition temperature of PVDF shifted to higher tempera-
tures. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 40: 1682–1689, 2002
Keywords: crystallization; dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA); intercalation; nano-
composites; poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF); polymorphism

INTRODUCTION so need to be modified with organic surfactant

treatments. The organically modified clay is
Polymer nanocomposites represent a new class of then used for the preparation of nanocompos-
materials with enhanced performance. Compared ites. The introduction of clay into the polymer is
with conventional filled grades of polymers, nano- known to dramatically enhance the mechanical,
composites exhibit property improvements at thermal, and barrier properties because of the
lower loadings of the inorganic fillers. As a result, high aspect ratio of the clay layers. Polymer
the specific properties of these nanocomposites nanocomposites exhibit higher modulus,1–3 im-
are markedly improved. proved dimensional stability, a decreased coef-
Clay is the most commonly used mineral for ficient of thermal expansion (CTE),2 increased
the preparation of nanocomposites because of solvent resistance,4 enhanced ionic conductivi-
its layered structure and the ease of dispersibil- ty,5 and reduced gas permeability2,6 in compar-
ity of the layers in suitable media. Clays are ison with the host/base polymer. The study of
hydrophilic because of surface OH groups and intercalated polymer/clay nanocomposites is of
fundamental interest because it provides a bet-
ter understanding of polymer chain dynamics in
Correspondence to: J. P. Jog (E-mail:
nanoscopically confined states. The rheological
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 40, 1682–1689 (2002)
© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. studies of these nanocomposites offer an excel-

lent tool for probing the polymer chain dynam- Table 1. Sample Codes and Compositions
ics in the confined state.7–9
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a crystal- Code Composition
line polymer with a variety of interesting proper-
ties. PVDF has been one of the most studied poly-
PC1.5 PVDF/1.5% 6A
mers because of its potential as piezoelectric and PC3 PVDF/3% 6A
pyroelectric materials. It is also being used in PC5 PVDF/5% 6A
nonlinear optics, microwave transducers, and bio- PC7 PVDF/7% 6A
medical applications. These properties, combined
with high elasticity and processing ability, pro-
vide a variety of technological applications for
this polymer. From a scientific point of view, it is F-15181 press. The sample codes and composi-
an interesting polymer because it exhibits mul- tions are presented in Table 1.
tiphase character with four crystal forms (␣, ␤, ␥,
and ␦).10
In this article, we report the preparation of XRD
nanocomposites of PVDF by a melt intercalation
The structure of the clay in the polymer matrix
technique with organophilic clay. Although there
was evaluated with XRD measurements. A
are many reports on the preparation of polymer/
Rigaku model Dmax 2500 X-ray diffractometer
clay nanocomposites by melt intercalation, this is
with Cu K␣ radiation with a wavelength of 1.54 Å
the first report involving PVDF.
and an energy value of 8.05 KeV was used for this
purpose. The basal spacing of the clay was esti-
mated from the (001) peak in the XRD pattern
EXPERIMENTAL with Bragg’s law.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
PVDF (Solef 1008, Solvay, Belgium) was used.
The weight-average molecular weight (Mw) was Dynamic mechanical properties of the samples
100 ⫻ 103, and the polydispersity index [weight- were studied on compression-molded films with a
average molecular weight/number-average mo- Rheometrics model IIIE dynamic mechanical an-
lecular weight (Mw/Mn)] was 2.5 alyzer in the tensile mode. The dynamic re-
The organically modified bentonite clay sample sponses were tested from ⫺100 to 150 °C at a
used in this study was Cloisite 6A, which was frequency of 10 rad/s and a strain of 0.1% in the
generously donated by Southern Clay Products autostrain mode.
(Texas). The clay was organically modified with a
tallow compound, dimethyl dihydrogenated tal-
low quaternary ammonium chloride (6A). The cat- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
ion-exchange capacity of the clay sample was re- A PerkinElmer DSC-2 was used for nonisothermal
ported to be 140 mequiv/100 g, and the organic and isothermal crystallization studies. The samples
content was 47%. were heated and cooled at 10 °C/min, and the melt-
ing and crystallization parameters were deter-
mined from the heating and cooling scans, respec-
Preparation of the Composites
tively. The isothermal crystallization was studied
The melt compounding of PVDF/6A clay compos- from 140 to 160 °C in a nitrogen environment at a
ites was carried out with a Brabender plasti- flow rate of 20 cc/min. The sample was heated to the
corder batch mixer at 200 °C and 60 rpm for 5 melt temperature of 200 °C and was held for 1 min
min. The clay sample was dried in an air circula- to ensure complete melting. Then, the sample was
tory oven at 60 °C for 8 h before the compounding. quenched at 160 °C/min to a crystallization temper-
Four compositions containing 1.5, 3, 5, and 7% ature (Tc) at which the crystallization exotherm was
(w/w) clay were prepared. recorded on a time base. The crystallization half-
The films used for X-ray diffraction (XRD) and time (t1/2) was used as a characteristic parameter
mechanical analyses were prepared by compres- of the crystallization process and was calculated
sion molding at 200 °C with a Carver model with the Avrami equation.11–13

Figure 1. XRD of PVDF and PVDF/6A nanocomposites: 6A, PC1.5, PC3, PC5, and

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (PC7), polymer intercalation led to disorder in the

platelets. This resulted in a decrease in the XRD
XRD peak intensity. The percentage intercalation and
exfoliation were calculated from the XRD pat-
Figure 1 compares the XRD patterns of the
terns according to the procedure reported by
PVDF/6A nanocomposites. The clay exhibited
Ishida et al.17 The nanocomposites showed an
three well-defined peaks at 33, 18, and 11 Å cor-
increase in the percentage intercalation with an
responding to the d001, d002, and d003 planes. For
the nanocomposites, the d002 peak observed at 18 increase in the clay percentage.
Å for pristine clay disappeared, whereas the peak Figure 2 compares the XRD patterns of pris-
at 11 Å shifted to 14 Å. The new peak positions tine PVDF and PVDF in the nanocomposites. The
observed at 28 and 14 Å, corresponding to the d001 pristine PVDF clearly exhibited an ␣ form, as
and d002 planes, can be ascribed to the intercala- evidenced by the peaks at the 2␪ values 17.2, 17.9,
tion of the polymer in the intergallery space. d001 and 19.5° corresponding to the d-spacings of 5.07,
showed reduced intensity for all the nanocompos- 4.9, and 4.5 Å, respectively. The XRD patterns of
ites. The lower intensities of the diffraction peaks PVDF in the nanocomposites do not show the
for the nanocomposites in comparison with those characteristic peaks of the ␣ form. However, it
for pristine clay (26,698 cps) indicated disorder- exhibits broad peaks at 18.3 and 19.9° corre-
ing of the layered clay due to intercalation of the sponding to the ␤ form. Therefore, PVDF crystal-
polymer between the interlayers. At a lower clay lized in the ␤ form in the presence of the clay.
percentage (PC1.5 and PC3), a second-order dif- The ␤ form of PVDF is of great interest because
fraction peak could be observed. However, at a 7% it exhibits various interesting physical properties
clay content, a significant reduction in the peak such as piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity. It is
intensity suggested the presence of partially ex- obtained when PVDF is crystallized under high
foliated structures,14 –16 and no higher order pressure or by drawing at a low temperature or
peaks were observed. The results of the XRD ultradrawing at a high temperature.10 For a
analysis can be explained on the basis of the in- PVDF/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) blend,
tercalation of the polymer in the intergallery Yang et al.18 noted that PVDF crystallized in the
space. At a low percentage (PC1.5 and PC3), the ␤ form when the blend was crystallized from so-
intercalation took place without much disruption lution. This was observed only for the blend com-
of the ordered layer structure, leading to higher position with a low PVDF content (⬍5%). How-
order peaks. However, at a higher clay percentage ever, for a higher PVDF content, when the do-

fusion of PVDF decreased from 10.4 to 9.6 cal/g.

The decrease in the heat of fusion indicated a
lower extent of crystallinity for the PVDF nano-
composites. The crystallinity percentage of PVDF
was calculated with a value of the heat of fusion
for the 100% crystalline PVDF as 25 cal/g.19 The
crystallinity percentage of PVDF decreased from
42 to 38% with the addition of clay, as can be seen
in Table 2.
The crystallization during cooling took place
under nonisothermal conditions. The nonisother-
mal crystallization curves show that PVDF in
PVDF/clay nanocomposites crystallized at a
higher temperature (ca. 152 °C) with respect to
pristine PVDF (141 °C). Therefore, a shift of
about 10 –11 °C in the nonisothermal crystalliza-
tion peak of PVDF indicates that the crystalliza-
tion process was enhanced in the presence of clay

Isothermal Crystallization
The isothermal crystallization of PVDF and
PVDF/clay nanocomposites was studied for the
determination of the effect of clay on the isother-
mal crystallization behavior. Figure 3 illustrates
the temperature dependence of t1/2, calculated
with the Avrami equation,11–13 on Tc for PVDF
and nanocomposites. Over the temperature range
Figure 2. XRD showing the ␣ form of pristine PVDF studied, PVDF/clay nanocomposites exhibited a
and the ␤ form of PVDF in PVDF/6A nanocomposites: shift in Tc to higher temperatures for all the nano-
(a) P, (b) PC1.5, (c) PC3, (d) PC5, and (e) PC7. composites. This indicates that the crystallization
process of PVDF in the nanocomposites was ac-
celerated because of the presence of clay. A simi-
lar enhancement of crystallization was reported
main size of PVDF was larger than 150 nm,
for PP/clay17 and PET/clay nanocomposites.21
PVDF crystallized as bulk. The observed ␤ form
However, the extent of the change in the crystal-
in the PVDF/PMMA blends was attributed to the
lization behavior was not sensitive to composition
crystallization of PVDF in a spatially confined
because all the curves corresponding to different
state. In this study, the presence of the ␤ form in
percentage compositions overlapped.
the PVDF/6A nanocomposites may also be attrib-
uted to the crystallization of PVDF in a confined
DMA is often used to study relaxations in poly-
mers. An analysis of the storage modulus and tan
Nonisothermal Crystallization and Melting
Table 2. Tm, Tc, and Crystallinity Percentage for
Table 2 presents the melting temperature (Tm), PVDF and PVDF/Clay Nanocomposites
crystallization temperature (Tc), and degree of
crystallinity of PVDF in PVDF/clay nanocompos- Code Tm (°C) Tc (°C) Crystallinity (%)
ites. Tm’s of PVDF/6A nanocomposites shifted
from 173.6 to 178 –181 °C (Table 2). Tm’s of the ␣ P 173.6 141.4 46.9
and ␤ forms were reported to be 172 and 178 °C, PC1.5 178.1 151.6 45.4
respectively.10 The higher Tm of PVDF in the PC3 178.6 151.7 42.8
PC5 180.7 152.0 38.3
nanocomposites, therefore, supports the XRD re-
PC7 181.1 151.2 38.3
sults suggesting the ␤ form of PVDF. The heat of

Table 3. E⬘c/E⬘p Values for Compositions at Different



Code ⫺100 °C 20 °C

PC1.5 1.25 0.96

PC3 1.32 0.93
PC5 2.34 1.2
PC7 2.55 1.54

creased with an increase in the clay content.3,22 A

similar increase in the dynamic storage modulus
was reported for polymer/clay nanocompos-
Figure 3. Temperature dependence of t1/2 for PVDF ites.20,23
and PVDF/clay nanocomposites. The effectiveness of clay as a reinforcement can
be elucidated as follows. The increase in the stor-
age modulus of the nanocomposites is expressed
␦ curves is very useful in ascertaining the perfor- in terms of the ratio of the modulus of the com-
mance of a sample under stress and temperature. posite (Ec⬘) to the modulus of the pristine polymer
Figure 4 shows the storage moduli of PVDF (Ep⬘). Table 3 presents Ec⬘/Ep⬘ at two tempera-
and PVDF/clay nanocomposites. PVDF nanocom- tures. Ec⬘/Ep⬘ increased with an increase in the
posites showed higher values of the storage mod- clay percentage. At a very low clay percentage
ulus over the entire temperature range of the and a low temperature (⫺100 °C), the increase
study (⫺100 to 150 °C). The storage modulus in- was about 25%; however, at room temperature, a

Figure 4. Temperature dependence of the storage modulus (E⬘) for PVDF and PVDF/
clay nanocomposites.

Figure 5. Tan ␦ versus the temperature for PVDF and PVDF/clay nanocomposites.

decrease in the Ec⬘/Ep⬘ ratio resulted from the about 80 °C and was assigned to the liberation of
softening of the matrix phase. As the clay percent- polymer chains in the crystalline regions. The
age increased from 1.5 to about 7%, Ec⬘/Ep⬘ sig- high-temperature peak (60 °C), therefore, could
nificantly increased from 1.25 to 2.55, correspond- be ascribed to this ␣ transition. The peak at 20 °C
ing to an increase in the modulus from 25 to may correspond to the release of a constrained
155%. Even at a high temperature (i.e., 120 °C) amorphous phase. The presence of such re-
well above the glass-transition temperature (Tg) strained polymer chain relaxation has been noted
of the polymer, the increase in the modulus was in other polymers and polymer composites.25 In
about 50% for a 7% clay content. The significant particular, an additional tan ␦ peak at tempera-
improvement in the storage modulus at tempera- tures higher than Tg was observed by Tsagaro-
tures higher than Tg of PVDF clearly confirms the poulous and Eisenberg26 in several polymers
reinforcing effect of clay in PVDF/clay nanocom- filled with fine silica. The presence of a high-
posites. temperature tan ␦ peak was assigned to the glass
Figure 5 shows the tan ␦ curves of PVDF and transition of regions containing chains of reduced
PVDF/clay nanocomposites. The tan ␦ curve mobility. As noted earlier, the crystallinity of the
shows a peak at about ⫺50 °C for PVDF, which nanocomposites was lower than that of the pris-
corresponds to Tg of PVDF. For PVDF/clay nano- tine polymer, suggesting a higher amorphous con-
composites, the tan ␦ peak shifts to a higher tem- tent. Because the tan ␦ peak is related to the
perature by approximately 6 – 8 °C, and the area amorphous content of the polymer, it is expected
under the tan ␦ peak decreases, as can be seen in that the nanocomposites with higher amorphous
Figure 5. The shift of the tan ␦ peak to a higher contents would show higher tan ␦ peak values.
temperature may be ascribed to hindered cooper- However, the tan ␦ peak was lower for the com-
ative motion of polymer chains. A similar increase posites than for the pristine polymer. The reduced
was reported for polyimide/clay nanocomposites tan ␦ peak signifies restricted molecular motion of
by Agag et al.24 In addition to the tan ␦ peak PVDF in PVDF/clay nanocomposites, which could
around ⫺50 °C, the nanocomposites exhibited two be ascribed to the presence of a constrained frac-
more tan ␦ peaks at 20 and 60 °C. In PVDF, a tion, as defined by Kojima and coworkers.27,28 A
high-temperature transition (␣) was reported at similar decrease in the tan ␦ peak was observed

studies showed enhanced crystallization of

PVDF. DMA indicated improved storage modulus
over the temperature range studied, and the ex-
tent of the increase was dependent on the clay
percentage. Tg increased by approximately 6 – 8
°C, indicating restricted chain mobility in the
nanocomposite. The tan ␦ peak curves exhibited
two peaks corresponding to Tg of the polymer and
the release of a constrained phase due to clay. The
interesting result of this work is the presence of
the ␤ form of PVDF crystallized in the presence of

L. Priya thanks Council of Scientific and Industrial

Research (CSIR) (New Delhi, India) for providing a
Figure 6. Dependence of the CTE on the weight per- junior research fellowship.
centage of clay.


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