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Evaluation and Management of July 2019

Volume 16, Number 7

the Febrile Young Infant in the Authors

Lauren Palladino, MD

Emergency Department Chief Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine,

New Haven, CT
Christopher Woll, MD
Fellow, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of
Abstract Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Paul L. Aronson, MD, MHS
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, Section
Among young infants presenting with fever, untreated serious of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine,
bacterial infections can have severe outcomes, so a full sepsis New Haven, CT
workup is often recommended but may not be necessary. This
issue reviews the use of novel diagnostic tools such as procalci- Peer Reviewers

tonin, C-reactive protein, and RNA biosignatures as well as new Jeffrey R. Avner, MD, FAAP
risk stratification tools such as the Step-by-Step approach and the Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics,
Maimonides Children’s Hospital of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network prediction Jessica S. Williams, MD
rule to determine which febrile young infants require a full sepsis Pediatric Emergency Medicine Faculty, Assistant Professor, UT
Southwestern, Children’s Health Plano, Plano, TX
workup and to guide the management of these patients in the
emergency department. The most recent literature assessing the Prior to beginning this activity, see “CME Information”
on the back page.
risk of concomitant bacterial meningitis with urinary tract infec-
tions and the role for viral testing, specifically herpes simplex This issue is eligible for 4 Infectious Disease CME credits.
virus and enterovirus, are also reviewed.

Editors-in-Chief Hospital; Instructor in Pediatrics, Specialist, Kapiolani Medical Center Division Head, Pediatric Emergency Vincent J. Wang, MD, MHA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA for Women & Children; Associate Medicine, BC Children's Hospital, Professor of Pediatrics and
Ilene Claudius, MD Professor of Pediatrics, University Vancouver, BC, Canada Emergency Medicine; Division
Associate Professor; Director, Jay D. Fisher, MD, FAAP, FACEP
of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Chief, Pediatric Emergency
Process & Quality Improvement Clinical Professor of Emergency Joshua Nagler, MD, MHPEd
Medicine, Honolulu, HI Medicine, UT Southwestern
Program, Harbor-UCLA Medical Medicine and Pediatrics, University Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Center; Director of
Center, Torrance, CA of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Madeline Matar Joseph, MD, FACEP, and Emergency Medicine, Harvard
Emergency Services, Children's
Medicine, Las Vegas, NV FAAP Medical School; Associate Division
Tim Horeczko, MD, MSCR, FACEP, Health, Dallas, TX
Professor of Emergency Medicine Chief and Fellowship Director, Division
FAAP Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP,
Associate Professor of Clinical FAAP, FAEMS and Pediatrics, Assistant Chair, of Emergency Medicine, Boston International Editor
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Emergency Medicine, David Geffen Medical Director, Los Angeles Lara Zibners, MD, FAAP, FACEP,
Quality Improvement, Pediatric
School of Medicine, UCLA; Core County EMS Agency; Professor of James Naprawa, MD MMed
Emergency Medicine Division,
Faculty and Senior Physician, Los Clinical Emergency Medicine and Attending Physician, Emergency Honorary Consultant, Paediatric
University of Florida College of
Angeles County-Harbor-UCLA Pediatrics, David Geffen School Department USCF Benioff Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's
Medical Center, Torrance, CA of Medicine at UCLA; Clinical Children's Hospital, Oakland, CA Hospital Imperial College Trust,
Jacksonville, FL
Faculty, Harbor-UCLA Medical London, UK; Nonclinical Instructor
Joshua Rocker, MD
Editorial Board Center, Department of Emergency Stephanie Kennebeck, MD Associate Chief and Medical of Emergency Medicine, Icahn
Jeffrey R. Avner, MD, FAAP Medicine, Los Angeles, CA Associate Pr ofessor, University of School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
Director, Assistant Professor of
Chairman, Department of Cincinnati Department of Pediatrics, New York, NY
Michael J. Gerardi, MD, FAAP, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine,
Pediatrics, Professor of Clinical Cincinnati, OH
FACEP, President Cohen Children's Medical Center of
Pediatrics, Maimonides Children's Associate Professor of Emergency Anupam Kharbanda, MD, MS New York, New Hyde Park, NY Pharmacology Editor
Hospital of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine Chief, Critical Care Services Aimee Mishler, PharmD, BCPS
Steven Rogers, MD
Steven Bin, MD at Mount Sinai; Director, Pediatric Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Emergency Medicine Pharmacist,
Associate Professor, University of
Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF Emergency Medicine, Goryeb Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Program Director – PGY2
Connecticut School of Medicine,
School of Medicine; Medical Director, Children's Hospital, Morristown Emergency Medicine Pharmacy
Tommy Y. Kim, MD, FAAP, FACEP Attending Emergency Medicine
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, UCSF Medical Center, Morristown, NJ Residency, Maricopa Medical
Associate Professor of Pediatric Physician, Connecticut Children's
Benioff Children's Hospital, San Center, Phoenix, AZ
Sandip Godambe, MD, PhD Emergency Medicine, University of Medical Center, Hartford, CT
Francisco, CA Chief Quality and Patient Safety Officer, California Riverside School of Medicine, CME Editor
Christopher Strother, MD
Richard M. Cantor, MD, FAAP, FACEP Professor of Pediatrics, Attending Riverside Community Hospital, Associate Professor, Emergency Brian S. Skrainka, MD, FACEP, FAAP
Professor of Emergency Medicine Physician of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical Clinical Assistant Professor of
and Pediatrics; Section Chief, Children's Hospital of The King's Riverside, CA Education; Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Oklahoma
Pediatric Emergency Medicine; Daughters Health System, Norfolk, VA Melissa Langhan, MD, MHS Emergency Medicine; Director, State University Center for Health
Medical Director, Upstate Poison Ran D. Goldman, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Simulation; Icahn School of Medicine Sciences, The Children’s Hospital at
Control Center, Golisano Children's Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine; Fellowship at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Saint Francis, Tulsa, OK
Hospital, Syracuse, NY University of British Columbia; Director, Director of Education, Adam E. Vella, MD, FAAP
Steven Choi, MD, FAAP Research Director, Pediatric Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Yale Director of Quality Assurance, APP Liaison
Chief Quality Officer and Associate Emergency Medicine, BC Children's University School of Medicine, New Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Brittany M. Newberry, PhD, MSN,
Dean for Clinical Quality, Yale Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada Haven, CT New York-Presbyterian, MPH, APRN, ENP-BC, FNP-BC
Medicine/Yale School of Medicine; Joseph Habboushe, MD, MBA Robert Luten, MD Weill Cornell, New York, NY Faculty, Emory University School
Vice President, Chief Quality Officer, Assistant Professor of Emergency Professor, Pediatrics and of Nursing, Emergency Nurse
David M. Walker, MD, FACEP, FAAP
Yale New Haven Health System, Medicine, NYU/Langone and Emergency Medicine, University of Practitioner Program, Atlanta, GA;
Chief, Pediatric Emergency
New Haven, CT Bellevue Medical Centers, New Florida, Jacksonville, FL Nurse Practitioner, Fannin Regional
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Ari Cohen, MD, FAAP York, NY; CEO, MD Aware LLC Hospital Emergency Department,
Garth Meckler, MD, MSHS Joseph M. Sanzari Children's
Chief of Pediatric Emergency Blue Ridge, GA
Alson S. Inaba, MD, FAAP Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Hospital, Hackensack University
Medicine, Massachusetts General Pediatric Emergency Medicine University of British Columbia; Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ
Case Presentations to well-appearing febrile older infants and children
who are at lower risk for IBI.5 Multiple studies have
A 20-day-old boy presents to the ED in August for evalu- demonstrated that both observation scales and
ation of a rectal temperature of 38˚C (100.4˚F). The baby clinician suspicion for SBI are poorly predictive of
was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39 weeks’ bacterial infection in febrile infants.6,7 Additionally,
gestational age. The mother’s prenatal labs were normal, bacterial meningitis is the most common diagnosis
including negative screening for group B Streptococ- involved in pediatric medical malpractice claims in
cus. The patient felt warm to the parents today but has the emergency department (ED).8
otherwise been asymptomatic. The baby has been eating 3 Over 2 decades ago, several risk stratification
ounces every 4 hours and making an appropriate amount criteria were created to identify febrile young infants
of wet diapers. The physical examination is normal, at low risk for SBI, and the criteria have been utilized
including a flat anterior fontanel and good hydration. to potentially avoid hospitalization of certain low-risk
When you explain to the mother that the baby will need patients.9-11 More recently, newer risk stratification al-
to undergo the full sepsis workup, including lumbar gorithms that incorporate biomarkers such as procal-
puncture, she starts asking you questions: Is all of that citonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) have been
testing necessary? Since her baby appears well other than developed and validated in febrile infants.12,13
the fever, what is the probability that he has a serious In addition to bacterial disease, the febrile infant
infection? Can other infections besides bacterial infections aged ≤ 28 days is also at risk for neonatal herpes sim-
cause a fever, and does the baby need testing to identify plex virus (HSV) infection, a rare but life-threatening
those infections? After the testing is completed, will the disease that is controversial in its workup and man-
baby need to be admitted to the hospital? agement.14 Other current controversies include the
A 40-day-old girl presents to the ED in January for utility of the full sepsis workup in febrile young infants
evaluation of a rectal temperature of 38˚C (100.4˚F). The with identifiable sources of fever such as respiratory
history and physical examination are similar to the infant syncytial virus (RSV)15 and bronchiolitis, and the need
you saw in August, except that she has nasal discharge and for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing in infants with
a cough. Which risk stratification algorithm should you use presumptive UTI but who are otherwise at low risk
for this infant? Would your workup change if a respiratory for bacteremia and/or bacterial meningitis. Parents
swab was positive for respiratory syncytial virus? understandably question why invasive testing is rec-
Your next patient is a 50-day-old girl who also ommended for their febrile baby, and the emergency
presents to the ED with a rectal temperature of 38˚C clinician needs to clearly communicate the rationale
(100.4˚F). The history and physical examination are simi- behind the management of patients in this high-risk
lar to the patient you just saw, except this patient does not age group.
have nasal discharge or a cough. You send routine blood This issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice
and urine tests, and the urinalysis results are positive reviews the most up-to-date evidence for evaluation
for leukocyte esterase, > 20 white blood cells/high-power and management of febrile young infants, including
field, and many bacteria. Does this baby require a lumbar the newer risk stratification algorithms, the need for
puncture? What is the likelihood of concomitant bacterial routine versus selective CSF testing, the role of viral
meningitis with a urinary tract infection? testing, and diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.

Introduction Critical Appraisal of the Literature

Due to an immature immune system and pathogens A literature search was performed in the PubMed
often specific to the age group, the young infant (gen- database using multiple combinations of the search
erally aged < 60-90 days, depending on the specific terms: febrile young infant, febrile infant, fever, low risk
study or review) is at high risk for serious bacterial criteria, neonate, serious bacterial infection, invasive bacte-
infections (SBIs); in particular, urinary tract infection rial infection, neonatal herpes simplex virus, and infant
(UTI), bacteremia, and bacterial meningitis. Conse- less than 90 days old. In addition to reviewing articles
quently, the febrile young infant with a rectal tem- included in the original version of this review pub-
perature ≥ 38°C (100.4°F) is commonly encountered lished in 2013, all relevant articles published in or after
in the emergency department (ED).1 The incidence of 2013 were reviewed. Over 140 articles were reviewed,
SBI in febrile infants aged < 90 days is 8% to 12.5%,2 109 of which were selected for inclusion. Emphasis
and it is nearly 20% in neonates (aged ≤ 28 days).3 The was placed on reviewing the most important historical
incidence of potentially life-threatening bacteremia evidence, as well as recent studies with evidence that
and/or bacterial meningitis (ie, invasive bacterial has been incorporated into clinical practice.
infection [IBI]) is approximately 2%.4 The body of research on the evaluation and
Due to their lack of social responsiveness (eg, management of febrile young infants is extensive
social smile) and verbal cues, even well-appearing and growing, but there is a paucity of randomized
febrile young infants may harbor an SBI, in contrast controlled trials, and there is no universally accepted

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 2 Reprints:

clinical practice guideline. Additionally, IBIs (partic- vide herd immunity, the epidemiology of SBIs and
ularly bacterial meningitis) are rare in febrile young IBIs has changed in recent years.20,21 Most notably,
infants, so there are limited data on the precision of the incidence of IBI is now as low as 1% to 2% of
algorithms (eg, Rochester, Boston, and Philadelphia febrile infants aged ≤ 90 days.4,19,21,22 The young
criteria) for the risk stratification of infants with an infant is susceptible to both perinatally acquired
IBI. There are also limited data on the risk of adverse and community-acquired infections including GBS,
outcomes among infants who experience a delay Escherichia coli and other gram-negative infections,
in diagnosis of IBI. The Step-by-Step approach is a Enterococcus spp, and Staphylococcus aureus.3,4,23-25 E
recently validated risk stratification algorithm, but coli is the most common infection identified in febrile
this approach needs to be evaluated in certain popu- young infants.3,4,24 The neonate is also susceptible
lations of febrile young infants, such as infants with to infection with Listeria monocytogenes, though this
bronchiolitis. Additionally, the statistically derived infection is rare.4,24,25 Neonatal HSV is also a rare but
and newly published Pediatric Emergency Care Ap- life-threatening infection in this age group.14
plied Research Network (PECARN) prediction rule
should, ideally, be further validated. Differential Diagnosis
Etiology and Pathophysiology The well-appearing febrile young infant should
be evaluated for UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/
The young infant has an immature immune sys- sepsis, and bacterial meningitis. Viral infections are
tem,16 and the incidence of SBI in this age group is the most common cause of fever in this age group,
approximately 10%.2 SBIs in this age group include: though they are usually benign. Enterovirus is a
UTI/pyelonephritis, bacteremia/sepsis, bacterial common viral cause of fever in the young infant,26
meningitis, pneumonia, cellulitis, and bone and joint especially in the summer and early fall months. RSV
infections. (See Table 1.) While investigations for and other upper respiratory tract viral pathogens are
pneumonia, cellulitis, and bone and joint infections common in the winter. While uncommon, perinatal-
are performed on the basis of signs and symptoms, ly acquired HSV is a cause of fever in neonates, es-
UTI, bacteremia, and bacterial meningitis are often pecially those aged ≤ 21 days.27,28 In addition to SBI
occult at onset, with fever as the only symptom. and neonatal HSV, consider noninfectious etiologies
UTI is the most common SBI identified in this age in infants who are ill-appearing or cardiovascularly
group,3,17,18 with an incidence of up to 13.6% in compromised. (See Table 2, page 4.)
febrile infants.18 The incidence of bacteremia and
bacterial meningitis in febrile infants are approxi- Prehospital Care
mately 2% and 0.4%, respectively, and the incidence
is higher in neonates (3% and 1%, respectively).4,19 While emergency medical services (EMS) providers
Since the implementation of peripartum screen- may be contacted to transport well-appearing febrile
ing and prophylaxis for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) young infants to the ED, they should be prepared to
and widespread childhood vaccinations that pro- provide basic and advanced life support to the sick
infant with sepsis. In addition to obtaining intrave-
Table 1. Definitions Associated With Febrile nous (IV) access and providing hemodynamic sup-
Young Infants port with isotonic fluids in boluses of 10 to 20 mL/
kg (10 mL/kg if a cardiac pathology is suspected),29
• Neonate: aged ≤ 28 days early identification and treatment of hypoglycemia
• Young infant: aged < 60-90 days (depending on the study or review) should also be undertaken.29 EMS providers should
• Fever: rectal temperature ≥ 38°C (100.4°F) also recognize other potential etiologies of shock in
• Serious bacterial infection:
the young infant and be prepared to provide respira-
Bacterial meningitis (invasive bacterial infection)

tory and cardiovascular support.
Bacteremia/sepsis (invasive bacterial infection)

Urinary tract infection/pyelonephritis

Emergency Department Evaluation

Pneumonia (focal consolidation consistent with a bacterial

Bacterial enteritis
In the well-appearing febrile young infant, ask the
parent for the exact temperature that was obtained
and the method by which the temperature was
Septic arthritis
measured (eg, rectal, axillary, ear), as tympanic, axil-
lary, and forehead temperatures may be inaccurate
Adapted from: Paul L. Aronson. Evaluation of the Febrile Young Infant: in infants.30 Inquire about associated viral symptoms
An Update. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice. 2013;10(2):1-20. such as coryza, feeding (poor or slow), urine and
© 2019 EB Medicine. stool output history, and fussiness or lethargy. The

July 2019 • 3 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

patient’s detailed birth history should be obtained, ated with neonatal bacterial infection.34 The infant’s
including gestational age at birth, as premature postnatal history should include receipt of antibiot-
infants are at higher risk for bacterial infection, ics while hospitalized in the newborn nursery or a
especially E coli.31 The mother’s prenatal laboratory prolonged stay in the nursery or neonatal intensive
studies, particularly the results of screening for GBS care unit.
and HSV, should be included in the birth history. For the ill-appearing infant, a similar history
If the mother is GBS-positive, inquire whether she should be obtained, with the addition of any family
received appropriate antenatal antibiotic therapy to history of early, unexplained deaths or metabolic
reduce GBS transmission to the newborn.32 While disease that might indicate cardiac disease or inborn
a mother with recurrent HSV may transmit the errors of metabolism.
infection to her newborn, the risk is much lower due
to passage of protective IgG antibodies across the Physical Examination
placenta. The highest risk for perinatally acquired Although physical examination findings are often
HSV occurs when babies are born to mothers with used to differentiate well- and ill-appearing infants,
a first-episode primary HSV infection at the time of these findings are unreliable in infants aged < 60
delivery.33 The method of delivery and history of days. Important physical examination findings in
maternal fever at delivery should also be obtained, the febrile young infant include whether the baby
as cesarean delivery reduces the rate of neonatal is difficult to arouse or console, as these may be
HSV,33 and maternal chorioamnionitis is associ- signs of sepsis or bacterial meningitis. The anterior
fontanel should be palpated for fullness or elevation
that can be seen with meningitis. The skin should be
Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of the Febrile evaluated for vesicles (though up to 40% of neo-
Young Infant nates with severe types of HSV will not have skin
vesicles).35 Jaundice may also be noted in infants
Well-Appearing Febrile Young Infants with HSV or bacterial sepsis. Examine the ears for
• Serious bacterial infections signs of acute otitis media. Tachypnea, accessory
Urinary tract infection

muscle use, crackles, or wheezing may be observed

in patients with bronchiolitis or bacterial pneumo-
Bacterial meningitis

nia. In the ill-appearing infant, signs of right- or

left-sided obstructive congenital heart disease may
Soft-tissue infections

include respiratory distress, murmur, and weak or
Bacterial enteritis

absent pulses (or weak femoral compared to brachial
Bone and joint infections

pulses). Nonetheless, there are no symptoms that
• Viral infections
can easily differentiate infants with sepsis versus
Enterovirus infection
congenital heart disease.36

Upper respiratory tract infection

Diagnostic Studies

Viral gastroenteritis

Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection

The critical principles in approaching the diagnos-

Ill-Appearing Febrile Young Infants tic workup of the febrile young infant are that the
• Infectious causes incidence of SBI is high2,3 and that a well appearance
Serious bacterial infections
does not lower the pretest probability of an SBI sub-
Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection
stantially enough to defer testing.6 These principles
Enterovirus infection
provide the rationale for performance of the full sep-
Respiratory syncytial virus infection
sis evaluation (see Table 3, page 5) in this age group.
• Cardiac causes* The specific evaluation of the febrile young infant
Ductal-dependent left-sided obstructive lesions
is dependent on the age and stability of the patient
Ductal-dependent right-sided obstructive lesions
and which low-risk criteria are utilized. Histori-
• Metabolic causes* cally, the risk stratification criteria (eg, Rochester,
Inborn errors of metabolism

Philadelphia, Boston) have included urinalysis,
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count with dif-
• Gastrointestinal causes* ferential, and CSF WBC counts for risk stratification
Malrotation with volvulus

(except for the Rochester criteria, which does not
include CSF testing).37 However, more recent al-
*Patients with these conditions are ill-appearing but often not febrile. gorithms have replaced peripheral WBC and band
count with other biomarkers to increase sensitivity
Adapted from: Paul L. Aronson. Evaluation of the Febrile Young Infant:
and/or specificity.12,13
An Update. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice. 2013;10(2):1-20.
© 2019 EB Medicine.

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 4 Reprints:

Risk Stratification in a multicenter prospective cohort.13 All of these
Ill-Appearing Febrile Infants algorithms have a sensitivity for identification of
All ill-appearing infants should receive a full evalua- infants with SBI and IBI of > 90%.12,13,37
tion for sepsis, including CSF testing. If the infant is A reasonable initial approach would be to
too unstable for lumbar puncture, fluid resuscitation acquire a CBC with differential, urinalysis, CRP and
and broad-spectrum IV antibiotics should be admin- PCT (if available), and urine and blood cultures.
istered and CSF testing deferred until the infant is Further testing (eg, chest x-ray, stool studies) can be
stable. The rationale is that the prevalence of IBI is considered if clinically indicated.
higher among ill-appearing infants.6
Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing
Well-Appearing Febrile Infants Historically, many infants aged 29 to 56 days would
Among well-appearing febrile infants, neonates have undergone a full evaluation for sepsis, includ-
have the highest prevalence of SBI and IBI and the ing CSF testing.9-11 However, given the low preva-
least reliable clinical examination. These infants lence of bacterial meningitis in febrile infants aged
should undergo a full sepsis evaluation, including > 28 days39,41,42 and the potential risks of routine
CSF testing.37,38 While the Rochester criteria and the lumbar puncture in this age group (eg, traumatic
recently published PECARN prediction rule13 do not lumbar puncture resulting in unnecessary hospital-
include routine CSF testing in this age group (see ization, and parents’ stress) without clear benefit,43-45
Table 4, page 6), infants classified as low-risk by any many clinicians have adopted a more selective ap-
criteria may still have bacterial meningitis,39-41 so proach to CSF testing.46 Recent retrospective studies
CSF testing is generally recommended for all infants found that, without application of CSF testing, no
aged ≤ 28 days. Consideration should be given to bacterial meningitis cases would have been missed
testing for HSV in the neonate aged ≤ 21 days,28 even among febrile young infants classified as low-risk by
in the absence of vesicles or maternal history of HSV the Philadelphia criteria.41,42 The level of comfort the
infection.35 See the “Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus emergency clinician has in determining well-appear-
Infection” section on page 14 for testing and treat- ance in a young infant is of paramount importance
ment strategies for neonatal HSV. in choosing not to perform CSF testing. If the emer-
The well-appearing febrile infant aged 29 to 56 gency clinician has had limited exposure to febrile
days requires a more thoughtful approach to the infants or is unsure whether the infant is well-ap-
diagnostic workup. The historical low-risk crite- pearing, CSF testing should be strongly considered
ria (ie, Rochester, Philadelphia, and Boston) use a regardless of the results of other laboratory tests.
combination of past medical history, clinical appear- Of note, the low-risk criteria have historically used
ance, physical examination, urinalysis, and complete a definition of < 10 WBC/HPF (high-power field)
blood cell count (CBC) with differential, with or or < 10 WBC/mcL on enhanced urinalysis to define
without CSF testing for risk stratification.37 More an abnormal urinalysis.18,37 However, more recently,
recently, the “Step-by-Step” approach, a CRP- and using the presence of either leukocyte esterase or ni-
PCT-based algorithm that does not include CSF trites, and/or > 5 WBC/HPF to define an abnormal
testing for risk stratification, has been validated urinalysis should be used, as it has > 90% sensitivity
in febrile infants.12 The PECARN prediction rule, and specificity for UTI in febrile infants.47
another PCT-based algorithm that does not include
CSF testing, was also recently derived and validated Febrile Infants Aged 57 to 89 Days
Febrile infants aged 57 to 89 days may be managed
similar to older infants because the prevalence of
Table 3. Components of a Full Sepsis Workup IBI is lower in this age group.48 Additionally, many
patients in this age group will have received their
Full Sepsis Workup 2-month vaccinations. Nevertheless, many experts
• Complete blood cell count +/- C-reactive protein and procalcitonin recommend that these infants undergo, at a mini-
(if available) mum, testing with a urinalysis and urine culture
• Blood culture
when no source for infection is present on exami-
• Urinalysis
nation.48 However, there are fewer data to guide
• Urine culture
• Serum glucose
blood and CSF testing. One management strategy
• Liver enzymes is to apply the Step-by-Step approach, which was
• Cerebrospinal fluid cell count, glucose, protein developed and validated in infants aged < 90 days
• Cerebrospinal fluid culture (see the “Newer Biomarkers” section on page 7 for
• Stool culture, as indicated more information).12 In this age group, CSF testing
is generally limited to ill-appearing infants, or those
Adapted from: Paul L. Aronson. Evaluation of the Febrile Young Infant: with significantly abnormal laboratory parameters
An Update. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice. 2013;10(2):1-20. from the blood.
© 2019 EB Medicine.

July 2019 • 5 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Table 4. Most Common Risk Stratification Criteria for Management of Febrile Young Infants
Prediction Rule Patient History and Physical Laboratory Parameters Management for Management for Low-
Age Examination Findings (Defines Low Risk) Intermediate-Risk or Risk Patients
High-Risk Patients

Boston Criteria9 28-90 days • Well-appearing • WBC: < 20,000 cells/mcL Hospitalize and • Discharge home, if
1992 • No antibiotics in • UA: < 10 WBC/HPF administer empiric caregiver available by
preceding 48 hours • CSF: < 10 WBC/mcL antibiotics telephone
• No immunizations in • Chest radiograph: no • Administer empiric IM
preceding 48 hours infiltrateb ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg
• No focal infection • Return for 24-hour
follow-up for second
dose IM ceftriaxone
Philadelphia 29-56 days • Well-appearing • WBC: 5000-15,000 cells/ Hospitalize and • Discharge home, if
Criteria10,52 • No focal infection mcLc administer empiric patient lives within 30
1993 • Band:total neutrophil (I:T) antibiotics minutes of the hospital
ratio: < 0.2 • 24-hour follow-up
• UA: < 10 WBC/HPF required
• Urine Gram stain: negative • No empiric antibiotics
• CSF: < 8 WBC/mcL
(modified Philadelphia
criteria does not include
routine CSF testing)
• CSF Gram stain: negativec
• Chest x-ray: no infiltrateb
• Stool: no blood, few or no
WBC on smearb
Rochester 0-60 days • Well-appearing • WBC: 5000-15,000 cells/ Hospitalize, perform • Discharge home
Criteria11 • Full-term mcL LP, and administer • 24-hour follow-up
1994 • Normal prenatal and • Absolute band count: empiric antibiotics required
postnatal historiesa ≤ 1500/mcL • No empiric antibiotics
• No postnatal antibiotics • UA: ≤ 10 WBC/HPF
• No focal infection • Stool: ≤ 5 WBC/HPF on
*No CSF required for risk
Step-by-Step12 0-90 days • Well-appearing • No leukocyturia Hospitalize, perform • Discharge home
2016 • Aged > 21 days • PCT: < 0.5 ng/mL LP, and administer • 24-hour follow-up
• Normal pediatric • CRP: ≤ 20 mg/L empiric antibiotics required
assessment triangle • ANC: ≤ 10,000 cells/mcL • No empiric antibiotics
• No clear source of *No CSF required for risk
fever stratification

PECARN13 0-60 days • Gestational age > 36 • UA: negative leukocyte Hospitalize, perform • Not defined as rule
2019 weeks esterase, negative nitrites, LP, and administer recently published, but
• No pre-existing and ≤ 5 WBC/HPF empiric antibiotics consider the following:
medical conditions or • ANC: ≤ 4090 cells/mcLd l
Discharge home

indwelling catheters • PCT: ≤ 1.71 ng/mLd l

24-hour follow-up

• No antibiotics within *No CSF required for risk required

48 hours stratification l
No empiric

• No soft-tissue infection antibiotics

• Not critically ill

Normal prenatal and postnatal histories include being full-term, having received no antibiotics, having no unexplained hyperbilirubinemia, no prior
hospitalizations (including no prolonged stay in the newborn nursery), and no underlying chronic medical condition.
Obtained based on symptoms.
Original Philadelphia criteria used WBC < 15,000/mcL to define low-risk but this has been modified to WBC 5000-15,000/mcL.
Results similar when using ANC ≤ 4000/mcL and/or PCT ≤ 0.5 ng/mL.

Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HPF, high-power field; IM, intramuscular; IV,
intravenous; LP, lumbar puncture; PCT, procalcitonin; PECARN, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network; UA, urinalysis; WBC, white
blood cell.

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 6 Reprints:

Newer Biomarkers In particular, infants who have CSF pleocytosis
Because peripheral WBC count is poorly predictive of should undergo enterovirus testing, especially dur-
IBI in febrile infants,49 emerging studies have focused ing the summer and early fall months, which is peak
on the utility of other biomarkers (eg, CRP, PCT, and enterovirus season. A positive test is associated with
RNA biosignatures) to provide newer tools to assist a shorter length of stay and duration of antibiotic
in the risk stratification of febrile infants. However, use in hospitalized febrile infants.26,53-55 The reason
multiple studies have demonstrated that neither CRP for the shorter length of stay and duration of antibi-
nor PCT should be used alone to risk-stratify febrile otic use is that enterovirus polymerase chain reac-
infants.50 While a 2016 prospective study reported tion (PCR) returns results within 24 hours in most
that a PCT level of 0.3 ng/mL had a sensitivity of laboratories, which is before final bacterial culture
90% for IBI, there were only 21 infants with IBI in the results can be considered definitively negative (at 36-
study, and the precision of this estimate was poor.51 48 hours). In the absence of concomitant multiorgan
disease, enterovirus meningitis typically portends
Newer Risk-Stratification Algorithms a good prognosis, so those infants are usually able
The Step-by-Step approach is a newer risk stratifica- to be safely discharged home if they are clinically
tion algorithm that does not include routine CSF well.56 An enterovirus CSF PCR test may be positive
testing but uses patient age, clinical appearance, in the absence of CSF pleocytosis, so testing should
urine dipstick, PCT, CRP, and absolute neutrophil be considered for all febrile infants who are hospital-
count (ANC) in a stepwise fashion to determine ized during peak enterovirus season.55,57
which infants are at high, intermediate, and low risk At some hospitals, parechovirus PCR can be run
for SBI and IBI. (See Table 4, page 6.) The Step-by- simultaneously with enterovirus PCR,58 and while
Step approach was prospectively validated in a data are more limited, parechovirus testing can also
multicenter cohort of febrile infants that included 87 be considered for febrile infants during the summer
infants with IBI, and it had a sensitivity of 92% for and fall.59
the identification of IBI.12
The PECARN prediction rule, which includes Testing for Respiratory Viruses
urinalysis, ANC, and PCT without a lower age Rapid antigen testing and/or PCR for respiratory
cut-off, was derived using recursive partitioning viruses should be sent for all febrile infants with
analysis and was validated prospectively. For the rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, or bronchiolitis, as
identification of IBI, the PECARN prediction rule infants who are positive for certain viruses may have
had a sensitivity of 96.7% and a specificity of 61.5% a lower prevalence of IBI. Levine et al prospectively
(which is higher than the specificity of previously enrolled 1248 febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days, 22% of
published algorithms), though the study included which were positive for RSV. RSV-negative patients
fewer infants with IBI (n = 30) compared with the had an SBI rate of 12.5%; RSV-positive patients had
validation study of the Step-by-Step approach.13 an SBI rate of 7.0%. In the 29- to 60-day-old age
group, RSV-positive patients had a lower rate of SBI
An MDCalc online tool for the (5.5% vs 11.7%), and all infections were UTIs. Rates
Rochester criteria is available at: of bacteremia and meningitis could not be compared by RSV status in this age group, due to small num-
febrile-infants bers. Neonates who had RSV infection, however,
had a 10.1% rate of SBI, including 3 patients with
bacteremia (but no meningitis), and the rate of SBI
An MDCalc online tool for the Step- was not significantly different from RSV-negative
by-Step approach is available at: neonates.60 A 2016 meta-analysis evaluated the prevalence of SBI in 789 febrile neonates who under-
proach-febrile-infants went full blood, urine, and CSF evaluation and who
had nasopharyngeal aspirate antigen testing for RSV.
Notably, the rate of SBI was 11.5% among infants
An MDCalc online tool for the PECARN with RSV and 15.3% in patients who tested negative
prediction rule is available at: for RSV, which was not significantly different.61 Using the same cohort as Levine et al, Krief et
risk-febrile-infants al found that febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days who
were infected with influenza virus had a lower rate
Situation-Specific Testing of SBI (2.5%), and that all of the infections were
Testing for Enterovirus and Parechovirus UTI. However, for both age groups (≤ 28 days and
CSF enterovirus testing should be considered in 29-60 days), the numbers of infants with bacteremia
febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days who have undergone and/or bacterial meningitis were too small to allow
CSF testing and are being admitted to the hospital. the incidence to be compared.62

July 2019 • 7 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Febrile infants aged < 90 days who are rhino- performance of a lumbar puncture. The PECARN
virus-positive have a higher rate of SBI compared network has opened the discussion of more selec-
with infants who are positive for other respiratory tive CSF testing for infants aged ≤ 28 days, but many
viruses, and the prevalence of UTI is similar to emergency clinicians will await further data before
infants with negative viral testing. Furthermore, the accepting this paradigm change.
prevalence of IBI is not significantly different among
rhinovirus-positive and viral-negative neonates, Other Diagnostic Testing
though rhinovirus-positive infants aged > 28 days Imaging studies should be performed based on
have a modestly lower rate of IBI.63 A recent pro- symptoms. In one study, none of the 361 febrile
spective study similarly reported a lower, but not infants aged < 12 weeks without respiratory signs
negligible, prevalence of SBI and IBI among febrile or symptoms had an abnormal chest x-ray.68 Ad-
infants aged ≤ 60 days who had documented viral ditionally, another study found that only 2 of 148
infections.64 A systematic review of 11 studies that asymptomatic infants had an abnormal chest x-ray.69
reported the rate of SBI in febrile infants aged < 90 Therefore, routine chest radiography in the febrile
days with clinical bronchiolitis or RSV found a 3.3% young infant is not recommended unless signs or
incidence of UTI (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9%- symptoms of pneumonia are present. Stool studies
5.7%).65 Notably, 7 of the 11 studies included infants such as culture and fecal leukocytes for bacterial gas-
aged up to 90 days; therefore, the risk of UTI should troenteritis should also be obtained based on symp-
be applied to the 61- to 89-day-old age group with toms (ie, blood or mucus in the stool).10,11
bronchiolitis as well. There were no cases of menin- There is less evidence for the diagnostic workup
gitis in any of the studies.64 A more recent meta-anal- when other sources of infection are present. The guid-
ysis using both positive urine culture and urinalysis ing principle should be that the febrile young infant is
for diagnosis of UTI demonstrated a 0.8% rate of UTI a high-risk patient. Focal infections such as cellulitis,
in infants with bronchiolitis, with similar results in a abscess, and osteomyelitis often require a full sepsis
sensitivity analysis of infants aged < 90 days.66 workup in a febrile infant, including evaluation for
There is no standard of care for febrile infants bacteremia and meningitis. However, in some cases,
aged 29 to 60 days who have bronchiolitis. Given the lumbar puncture may be deferred, depending on the
high incidence of UTI even in children with bronchi- infant’s age, clinical appearance, and specific focal
olitis, a urinalysis and urine culture should be per- infection.23,70 Two studies evaluated the risk of SBI in
formed, and strong consideration should be given to young infants with acute otitis media, and reported
obtaining a blood culture as well as a CBC, or CRP, SBI rates of 6.2% and 8.8%, including 1 patient with
ANC, and PCT, given the low but not negligible bacteremia.71,72 While there were no cases of meningi-
prevalence of contaminant bacteremia.64 tis, the numbers were small in these studies71,72 and,
One approach, published in 2012, is to perform given this limited data, performing the full sepsis
urine and blood testing in RSV-positive infants workup is a reasonable approach for managing a
aged > 28 days who have a temperature > 38.5°C febrile infant aged ≤ 56 days with acute otitis media.
(101.3°F), but to forgo blood testing for otherwise
well RSV-positive infants with a temperature Application of Risk Stratification Criteria
≤ 38.5°C.67 Although the prevalence of bacterial
meningitis in infants with bronchiolitis and/or and Treatment
documented viral infection is very low,60,62,64,65 if the
infant is ill-appearing or has abnormal laboratory Application of Risk Stratification Criteria
parameters on blood testing, or is otherwise at high Prior to the 1980s, most febrile infants aged < 60 to 90
risk (eg, a history of prematurity or a chronic medi- days who were being treated in academic medical cen-
cal condition), performance of a lumbar puncture ters would routinely undergo the full sepsis workup,
should be strongly considered. Febrile infants who including CSF testing, and would be hospitalized for
are rhinovirus-positive, without other documented 48 hours pending bacterial culture results. Beginning in
viral infection, should be evaluated and managed the mid-1980s with the Rochester criteria,73 risk stratifi-
similarly to febrile infants without a viral source.63 cation criteria were developed to identify febrile infants
Summarizing the literature, all febrile infants who were at low risk for SBI who may be discharged
aged < 90 days should have a urinalysis and urine from the ED prior to availability of bacterial culture
culture considered, even those with clinical bronchi- results, thereby avoiding unnecessary hospitalization
olitis or laboratory-proven RSV or influenza. Given and antibiotic exposure. The risk stratification criteria
the high incidence of SBI in infants aged ≤ 28 days algorithms all use varying combinations of patient age,
(regardless of viral positivity, including an apprecia- past medical history, clinical appearance, urine, and
ble incidence of IBI), the full sepsis workup, including blood, with or without CSF testing to classify infants as
CSF testing, should be performed in this age group being at low risk versus high risk for SBI. (See Table 4,
unless the infant’s respiratory distress prohibits the page 6.) Historically, the most commonly used criteria
are the Rochester, Philadelphia, and Boston criteria,

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 8 Reprints:

though more recently, the Step-by-Step approach has low-risk, so 24-hour follow-up and detailed discharged
been validated and was shown to have a sensitivity of instructions are necessary, especially for infants dis-
92% and a negative predictive value of 99.3% for the charged from the ED without CSF testing, and with
identification of IBI in febrile infants, similar to that of particular caution for patients with a brief duration of
the modified Philadelphia criteria, but higher than that fever who may be considered low-risk by the Step-by-
of the Rochester criteria.12,37 Additionally, the newly Step approach.12,37 While febrile infants discharged
published PECARN prediction rule also has high sensi- from the ED and subsequently diagnosed with IBI
tivity for identification of SBI (97.7%) and IBI (96.7%).13 have been reported to do well, the small numbers of
these infants in the literature limit the availability of
Febrile Infants Aged ≤ 28 Days robust outcome data for low-risk infants who experi-
Although the risk stratification algorithms vary in ence a delayed diagnosis and treatment of IBI.37,77-79
their age cutoffs, most recommend that neonates
should have the full sepsis workup and be hospital- Empiric Antibiotic Therapy
ized and treated with empiric antibiotic therapy.74 Empiric antibiotic therapy for neonates and high-risk
The rationale for this practice is that the prevalence febrile infants aged > 28 days should be tailored to
of IBI is higher in this age group4 and multiple stud- the most likely pathogens. The febrile young infant is
ies have demonstrated a diminished performance of susceptible to perinatally acquired and community-
the low-risk criteria in neonates, including “missed” acquired infections, including GBS, E coli and other
cases of bacteremia and bacterial meningitis.3,39-41 In gram-negative bacteria, Enterococcus spp, and S aureus.80
the validation study of the Step-by-Step approach, 4 In the well-appearing febrile neonate, empiric antibiotic
infants aged between 22 and 28 days with IBI were therapy is routinely IV ampicillin (50 mg/kg/dose)
classified as low risk.12 and cefotaxime (50 mg/kg/dose) or gentamicin (4-5
mg/kg/dose). Gentamicin does not penetrate the CSF
Febrile Infants Aged > 28 Days as readily as cefotaxime, so cefotaxime should be used
If the infant aged > 28 days is ill-appearing, has a when there is concern for bacterial meningitis (ie, ill ap-
high-risk past medical history (eg, prematurity), has pearance, CSF pleocytosis, positive CSF Gram stain).81
a focal infection, or the laboratory studies are abnor- Ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg/dose IV) is more commonly
mal, the patient should be hospitalized and receive used, due to the discontinuation of cefotaxime produc-
empiric antibiotic therapy pending bacterial culture tion; however, a number of cautions/contraindications
results. If the low-risk criteria are met, the infant can exist for ceftriaxone use in the neonate (typically related
be discharged home without empiric antibiotics, to calcium administration and hyperbilirubinemia), so
provided that the infant lives within a reasonable consultation with the pharmacy is recommended if us-
distance of the hospital and 24-hour follow-up can ing ceftriaxone in neonates.
be arranged. If follow-up cannot be established, In the well-appearing febrile infant aged > 28
consideration should be given to hospitalization days, L monocytogenes is not a significant pathogen.
with or without empiric antibiotic therapy. Low-risk Monotherapy with a broad-spectrum third-gener-
febrile infants can be discharged home without CSF ation cephalosporin (eg, cefotaxime or ceftriaxone)
testing and without empiric antibiotics, according to may be sufficient. However, a recent multicenter
the Rochester criteria, modified Philadelphia crite- cross-sectional study of 442 infants aged ≤ 60 days
ria, and Step-by-Step approach, as well as the new with IBI reported that 10% of IBI in infants aged 29
PECARN prediction rule. In the study from which to 60 days (mostly Enterococcus spp) are resistant to
the Boston criteria were derived, patients were dis- third-generation cephalosporins.80 Therefore, combi-
charged with a dose of intramuscular (IM) ceftriax- nation therapy with ampicillin plus either a third-
one 50 mg/kg; however, all infants in this study un- generation cephalosporin (if suspected meningitis)
derwent lumbar puncture. In general, patients with or gentamicin may be more appropriate. In both age
an unclear source of infection and no CSF obtained groups, ampicillin therapy alone is not adequate due
should not receive empiric antibiotics, to prevent dif- to a high percentage of ampicillin-resistant patho-
ficulty in diagnosing meningitis later on. gens causing SBI in the febrile young infant.80,82
All of the criteria were prospectively developed In the ill-appearing febrile infant, or in the
and validated, and each has high sensitivity and infant with CSF pleocytosis, purulence, or positive
negative predictive value for identification of SBI.9-13,75 Gram stain (indicating potential bacterial meningi-
Given its recent prospective validation12 and concerns tis), coverage should be broadened to treat highly
regarding the reliability of band counts,76 we recom- resistant S pneumoniae as well as the less common
mend the Step-by-Step approach for infants aged > 28 S aureus.80 Coverage should include the addition of
days if PCT testing is available. The PECARN predic- vancomycin, 15 mg/kg/dose IV, to ampicillin and a
tion rule is also an option in this age group.13 Nonethe- third-generation cephalosporin. Neonatal dosing of
less, in previous risk stratification criteria studies, a few IV vancomycin is unclear, and should be discussed
infants with UTI and bacteremia had been classified as with the institution’s pharmacy.83

July 2019 • 9 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Clinical Pathway for Evaluation and Management of
Febrile Neonates in the Emergency Department

Febrile infant aged ≤ 28 days presents to the ED

Ill-appearing Well-appearing

• Evaluate ABCs
• Perform full sepsis workup including CSF testing (Class I)
• Perform glucose, full sepsis workup including CSF testing, LFTs,
• Consider HSV testing if the patient is aged ≤ 21 days (perform if
HSV testing
hypothermia, seizures, hepatitis, vesicles) (Class II)
• Admit
• Admit (Class II)
• Administer IV ampicillin plus cefotaxime or gentamicin
• Administer IV ampicillin plus cefotaxime or gentamicin
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis or gram-positive organisms
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis or gram-positive organisms
on CSF Gram stain
on CSF Gram stain
• Obtain infectious disease consult if gram-negative organisms on
• Obtain infectious disease consult if gram-negative organisms on
CSF Gram stain
CSF Gram stain
• Administer IV acyclovir if the infant is at high risk for HSV
• Administer IV acyclovir if HSV testing is performed and the infant
• Consider other causes of the ill neonate
is at high risk for HSV (Class II)

Suggested Dosage Information for Medications*

Medication Dose Route of
Ampicillin 50-100 mg/kg/dose IV
Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg/dose IV
Gentamicin 4-5 mg/kg/dose IV
Vancomycin 15 mg/kg/dose IV
Acyclovir 20 mg/kg/dose IV

*The pharmacy should be consulted for exact dosing.

Abbreviations: ABCs, airway, breathing, circulation; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ED, emergency department; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous;
LFTs, liver function tests.

Class of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice receives a score based on the following definitions.
Class I Class II Class III Indeterminate
• Always acceptable, safe • Safe, acceptable • May be acceptable • Continuing area of research
• Definitely useful • Probably useful • Possibly useful • No recommendations until further
• Proven in both efficacy and effectiveness • Considered optional or alternative treat- research
Level of Evidence: ments
Level of Evidence: • Generally higher levels of evidence Level of Evidence:
• One or more large prospective studies • Nonrandomized or retrospective studies: Level of Evidence: • Evidence not available
are present (with rare exceptions) historic, cohort, or case control studies • Generally lower or intermediate levels of • Higher studies in progress
• High-quality meta-analyses • Less robust randomized controlled trials evidence • Results inconsistent, contradictory
• Study results consistently positive and • Results consistently positive • Case series, animal studies, • Results not compelling
compelling consensus panels
• Occasionally positive results

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 10 Reprints:

Clinical Pathway for Evaluation and Management of Febrile Young Infants
Aged 29 to 56 Days in the Emergency Department

Febrile infant aged 29-56 days

presents to the ED

Ill-appearing or high-risk
past medical history

• Perform full sepsis workup including

CSF testing (Class I)
• Admit
• Administer IV ampicillin plus
No bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis
cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, or
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis
or gram-positive organisms on CSF
Gram stain
• Obtain infectious disease consult if
gram-negative organisms on CSF • Order urinalysis and urine culture
Gram stain (Class I)
• Consider HSV testing and IV • Consider CBC or CRP+PCT, and
acyclovir blood culture (Class II)
• Order urinalysis, CBC or CRP+PCT
• Consider CSF testing if high WBC,
(if available); urine and blood cultures
CRP, PCT, or ANC (Class III)
(Class I)

If high-risk criteria present: If low-risk criteria present: If high-risk criteria present or the patient
• Admit (Class I) • Discharge home if 24-hour follow up is in distress, admit (Class II)
• Obtain CSF testing; can defer CSF arranged
testing if only urinalysis is positive • No empiric antibiotics
(Class II) (Class I)
• Administer IV ampicillin plus
cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, or
gentamicin Suggested Dosage Information for Medications*
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis Medication Dose Route of
or gram-positive organisms on CSF Administration
Gram stain
Ampicillin 50-100 mg/kg/dose IV
• Obtain infectious disease consult if
gram-negative organisms on CSF Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg/dose IV
Gram stain Ceftriaxone 50-100 mg/kg/dose IV
Gentamicin 4-5 mg/kg/dose IV
Vancomycin 15 mg/kg/dose IV
Acyclovir 20 mg/kg/dose IV

*The pharmacy should be consulted for exact dosing.

Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; CBC, complete blood cell count; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ED, emergency
department; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous; PCT, procalcitonin; WBC, white blood cell.
For Class of Evidence definitions, see page 10.

July 2019 • 11 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Clinical Pathway for Evaluation and Management of Febrile Young Infants
Aged 57 to 89 Days in the Emergency Department

Febrile infant aged 57-89 days

presents to the ED

Ill-appearing Well-appearing

• Perform full sepsis workup including

No bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis
CSF testing (Class I)
• Admit
• Administer IV ceftriaxone
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis
or gram-positive organisms on CSF
Gram stain
• Obtain infectious disease consult if • Consider urinalysis and urine culturea
Urinalysis and urine culture
gram-negative organisms on CSF (Class I)
(Class II)
Gram stain • Consider CBC, CRP, PCT, blood

If high-risk criteria present: If low-risk criteria present:

• Obtain CSF testing, unless meningitis • Discharge home with 24-hour follow-up
is clinically unlikely • No empiric antibiotics
• Admit (Class II)
• Administer IV ceftriaxone
• Add vancomycin if CSF pleocytosis
or gram-positive organisms on CSF
Gram stain Suggested Dosage Information for Medications*
• Obtain infectious disease consult if Medication Dosage Route(s) of
gram-negative organisms on CSF Administration
Gram stain Ceftriaxone 50-100 mg/kg/dose IV
Vancomycin 15 mg/kg/dose IV

*The pharmacy should be consulted for exact dosing.

Abbreviations: CBC, complete blood cell count; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ED, emergency department; IV, intravenous; PCT,
In otherwise stable and well-appearing infants aged > 2 months with a low suspicion for bacteremia or meningitis, outpatient management of a febrile
urinary tract infection without performance of a lumbar puncture is an option.
For Class of Evidence definitions, see page 10.

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 12 Reprints:

Two issues that arise in treatment decisions Therefore, evaluation of infants with documented
for bacterial meningitis are: (1) the definition of fever at home requires the same evaluation as in-
CSF pleocytosis in the febrile young infant and fants who are febrile in the ED. Of note, a 2019 study
(2) whether to adjust the CSF WBC count for CSF that derived and internally validated a prediction
red blood cell (RBC) count. A 2018 cross-sectional model to identify febrile infants at low risk for IBI
study used the largest sample, to date, to determine found that infants with a history of fever at home
CSF norms in infants aged ≤ 60 days. Based on this but who were afebrile in ED had a low probability
study of 7766 infants, CSF pleocytosis is defined as of IBI if their urinalysis was normal and their ANC
≥ 16 cells/mcL in infants aged ≤ 28 days and as was < 5185 cells/mcL.90 For well-appearing infants
≥ 10 cells/mcL in infants aged 29 to 60 days.84 with tactile fever only at home, there is less evidence
A 2017 retrospective cohort study found a 1000:1 to guide management. A 2017 meta-analysis found
CSF RBC:CSF WBC correction factor could be used the sensitivity and specificity of caregivers’ tactile
in infants aged 29 to 60 days with traumatic lum- assessment of fever to be 87.5% and 54.6%, respec-
bar punctures (≥ 10,000 CSF RBC/mcL) to reduce tively.91 While one option is to observe the infant
the number of infants misclassified as having CSF in the ED with measurement of a rectal tempera-
pleocytosis without misclassifying infants with ture, consideration should also be given to a sepsis
bacterial meningitis. However, the correction factor workup, particularly in neonates.
should be used with caution in neonates, given a
higher number of neonates with bacterial meningi- Controversies and Cutting Edge
tis who were misclassified.85
In the rare—but potentially devastating—sce- Need for CSF Testing For Infants with
nario of a positive CSF Gram stain of gram-negative Abnormal Urinalysis
rods (indicating gram-negative meningitis), the local
Because a febrile infant with an abnormal urinalysis
infectious disease specialist should be consulted
is considered high-risk according to any of the risk
immediately, and coverage with broad-spectrum
stratification criteria, even in the absence of other
antibiotics such as imipenem and amikacin should
abnormal laboratory parameters, the question arises
be considered.86
as to the risk of bacterial meningitis in the well-ap-
pearing, otherwise low-risk infant with an abnormal
Special Circumstances urinalysis. Should CSF studies be obtained in these
infants? The available literature indicates that the
Fever at Home Reported but Afebrile in the prevalence of bacterial meningitis in febrile infants
Emergency Department with an abnormal urinalysis is similar to the preva-
A commonly encountered situation is an infant with lence in infants with a normal urinalysis. A 2011
a reported rectal temperature of > 38˚C at home who review of the available literature concluded that,
did not receive antipyretics but is afebrile in the although the existing literature has limitations, the
ED. Similarly, an infant may present with a history incidence of bacterial meningitis was < 1% in febrile
of fever taken by an axillary measurement or other infants aged < 3 months with a UTI.92 A 2011 cross-
method, or who “felt warm.” Do these infants war- sectional study reported the incidence of meningi-
rant the same workup as an infant with a document- tis to be 1.2% among neonates with a UTI and 0%
ed fever in the ED? While data are somewhat limited (95% CI, 0%-1.25%) in infants aged 1 to 2 months.93
to guide management in these situations, febrile A 2017 23-center cross-sectional study reported
infants are at higher risk for SBI, so it is prudent to the incidence of bacterial meningitis to be 0.9% in
maintain a low threshold to evaluate for these infec- neonates with a UTI and 0.2% in infants aged 29 to
tions. A retrospective study reported that 92% of 60 days with a UTI.94 Similarly, a 2018 retrospective
infants whose caretakers had documented a rectally cohort study reported that the incidence of bacterial
obtained temperature at home were febrile in the meningitis was similar among febrile infants aged 29
subsequent 48 hours, while only 46% of infants with to 60 days with a positive urinalysis compared with
tactile fever at home had documented fever during those with a negative urinalysis (0.9% and 1.0%,
their ED or hospital stay. Additionally, only 1 of the respectively). Additionally, of 345 infants with a UTI
26 infants with tactile fever at home who were also who received antibiotic therapy without CSF testing,
afebrile in the ED had an SBI (UTI), and none of the none were subsequently diagnosed with meningitis
26 had an IBI.87 Two studies reported recently that or experienced an adverse outcome.95
the incidence of SBI and IBI was similar for infants Taken together, the studies demonstrate that an
who were febrile in the ED and for infants with a abnormal urinalysis alone should not be used in the
reported fever at home but who were afebrile in the decision to perform CSF testing in febrile infants
ED.88,89 Additionally, Woll et al found that 17% of aged > 28 days. If the infant is well-appearing and
infants with bacteremia and/or bacterial meningitis is otherwise at low risk for SBI according to the risk
had a history of fever at home but not in the ED.80 stratification criteria, it is reasonable to hospitalize

July 2019 • 13 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

the infant and start empiric antibiotic therapy, with- Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
out CSF testing, though we recommend a discussion While the evidence for identifying febrile young
with both the family and the inpatient team. For infants at low risk for SBI is expansive, controversy
neonates, CSF testing should be performed as rec- exists as to which infants should be tested and em-
ommended for all patients in this age group, since pirically treated for HSV infection. Neonatal HSV is
UTI in this age group does not significantly decrease rare, with an incidence of 9.6 cases per 100,000 births27
the prevalence of concomitant bacterial meningi- or approximately 1500 cases per year in the United
tis, and a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis would States.14 Among > 26,000 infants aged ≤ 60 days who
greatly prolong the treatment duration compared to underwent CSF testing at 23 hospitals, the incidence
the treatment duration for uncomplicated UTI. of HSV was 0.42% overall and 0.17% among infants
aged 29 to 60 days,97 which is similar to or even lower
American Academy of Pediatrics REVISE Project than that of bacterial meningitis.8 The vast major-
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) REVISE ity of HSV infections are acquired in the peripartum
(Reducing Excessive Variability in Infant Sepsis period.14 The landmark 2003 study of more than
Evaluation) is a national quality improvement col- 58,000 patients identified the highest risk for HSV
laborative that aims to standardize and optimize transmission to the neonate is a primary, first-episode
evidence-based care for young infants presenting maternal infection at the time of delivery, as there is
with a fever without a source. There is significant no time for development of protective IgG antibodies.
variation in clinicians’ approaches to evaluation The rate of neonatal HSV was 30.8% in babies born to
and management of febrile infants.46,74 Beginning in these mothers.33 Other risk factors for transmission
2016, data on more than 20,000 febrile infants at 133 of neonatal HSV included premature delivery and
community hospitals and academic medical centers vaginal versus cesarean delivery.33 These risk factors
were retrospectively analyzed, with particular atten- are important, as the highest-risk babies are likely
tion paid to obtaining a urinalysis within 24 hours, those who have been born to a mother who has no
deferral of a chest x-ray in patients without respira- prior history of HSV and may not know she had HSV
tory symptoms, appropriate hospitalization with infection during delivery (due to subclinical disease).
initiation of recommended empiric antibiotics, and There are 3 types of neonatal HSV. (See Table
timely discharge according to evidence-based guide- 5.) The most benign type is skin, eyes, and mouth
lines. Utilizing educational tools such as standard- (SEM) disease. SEM HSV is limited to the skin and
ized order sets, flow charts, webinars, and the cell mucous membranes and accounts for approxi-
phone app “PedsGuide,” the REVISE investigators mately 45% of cases. The second type is central
successfully demonstrated improvements in length nervous system (CNS) HSV disease, in which HSV
of stay and appropriate hospitalization.96 These is in the CNS (and possibly the skin and mucous
findings highlight the impact of innovative educa- membranes) and accounts for 30% of cases. The
tional technologies in improving and standardizing third type is disseminated HSV disease, which is
evidence-based care. essentially HSV sepsis, with diffuse organ injury in-

Table 5. Clinical Presentation of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection14,35

HSV Type Mean Age at Areas Involved Signs and Laboratory Method of Therapy106
Presentation Symptoms and Imaging Diagnosis14
Skin, eyes, 12 days Skin; possibly Vesicles, None HSV PCR from High-dose acyclovir
and mouth mucous conjunctivitis vesicles, (20 mg/kg/dose
membranes conjunctivae, TID) x 14 days
oropharynx, and
Central 19.7 days CNS; possibly Seizures, lethargy, CSF pleocytosis HSV PCR from High-dose acyclovir
nervous skin and mucous coma, possibly SEM CSF (20 mg/kg/dose
system membranes symptoms TID) x 21 days
Disseminated 11.4 days Liver, pulmonary, Respiratory distress, Transaminitis, HSV PCR from High-dose acyclovir
coagulopathy; hypotension, DIC, pulmonary serum and CSF (20 mg/kg/dose
possibly CNS, hypothermia, infiltrates, TID) x 21 days
possibly skin bleeding, possibly acidosis, possibly
and mucous SEM and CNS CSF pleocytosis
membranes symptoms

Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; HSV, herpes simplex virus; PCR,
polymerase chain reaction; SEM, skin, eyes, and mouth; TID, 3 times a day.

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 14 Reprints:

cluding liver dysfunction, pulmonary involvement, administered for only a mean time of 17.1 hours until
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and CNS the PCR results are available.104
involvement (in about 60%-75% of patients). Dis- Currently, there is a wide variation across hospi-
seminated HSV disease accounts for approximately tals regarding HSV testing and initiation of empiric
25% of cases and is associated with a high mortal- acyclovir therapy,46,97 likely due to the challenge
ity rate.98 The median age of neonates with HSV of the high morbidity but low prevalence of HSV
infection is 14 days, and 80% to 90% of infections among febrile infants. In response to this dilemma,
occur in infants aged ≤ 28 days, with the highest Brower et al proposed a diagnostic and therapeutic
incidence in infants aged ≤ 21 days.28,97,99 algorithm in which all infants aged ≤ 21 days who
While the presence of vesicles (the hallmark are being evaluated for SBI also had PCR testing for
of HSV) is helpful in making the diagnosis, the CSF HSV performed.105 According to the algorithm,
vesicles will not always be present. In the landmark infants who were well-appearing with a normal
2011 study, only 63% of patients with CNS disease physical examination and normal CSF parameters
and 58% with disseminated disease had vesicles at can have IV acyclovir deferred until HSV PCR
presentation.35 No other single symptom identifies results are available. In contrast, infants with high-
the majority of patients, and signs and symptoms risk clinical or laboratory findings (eg, vesicles, ill
include lethargy, fever, seizure, and coagulopathy.35 appearance, and CSF pleocytosis with a lymphocytic
(See Table 5, page 14.) While the majority of infants predominance) should receive empiric acyclovir
with HSV infection will have vesicles, seizures, or therapy while awaiting CSF PCR results. Testing in
will be clinically ill, some studies have reported that these high-risk infants should include both serum
16% to 50% of neonates will have nonspecific symp- and CSF HSV PCR as well as HSV PCR or cultures
toms, including up to 33% who are well-appearing, from the skin and mucous membranes.105 Empiric
with fever as the only sign.28,99 In contrast, another therapy is high-dose acyclovir at 20 mg/kg/dose
study reported that of 10 neonates with HSV, 6 had IV, which has been shown to significantly reduce
vesicles, 2 had hypothermia, 1 had lethargy and 24-month mortality with few side effects.106 (See
CSF pleocytosis of 836 WBC/mcL, and 1 had fever Table 5, page 14.)
with severe transaminitis.100 Infants who are ill at
presentation with altered mental status, pneumonia, RNA Biosignatures
or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy have Although not yet studied in the clinical setting, in an
higher mortality rates, as do premature babies with exploratory study conducted by PECARN, RNA biosig-
neonatal HSV.35,101 Therefore, early identification natures have demonstrated higher combined sensitivity
of neonates with HSV prior to the development of (87%, [95% CI, 73%-95%]) and specificity (89%, [95% CI,
severe illness may improve mortality and neurologic 81%-93%]) than other diagnostic tests (ie, WBC, absolute
morbidity. Indeed, in a retrospective multicenter co- band count, ANC, CRP, PCT) in distinguishing bacterial
hort study, delayed initiation of acyclovir initiation from viral infections in febrile infants.107 While further
was associated with increased mortality,102 likely studies of RNA biosignatures are warranted, the initial
due to progression of disease. results highlight potential molecular advances in risk
Which neonates should be tested and treated stratification tools for febrile infants.
empirically for neonatal HSV? Certainly, if the febrile
infant aged ≤ 60 days has skin lesions suspicious for Disposition
HSV, elevated alanine transaminase (ALT), seizures,
cardiovascular instability, a history of birth to a wom- The febrile neonate should be hospitalized on empiric
an with active HSV lesions, or is exposed to someone antibiotic therapy, and consideration should be given
with cold sores, HSV testing and empiric acyclovir to empiric acyclovir therapy. The ill-appearing febrile
therapy should be undertaken. Additionally, for neo- infant aged 29 to 56 days, or an infant who is at high
nates, the presence of ill appearance, hypothermia, risk for SBI according to the risk stratification criteria
lethargy, or CSF pleocytosis, particularly outside of used, should likewise be hospitalized, with initiation
peak enteroviral season, should prompt consideration of empiric antibiotic therapy. The well-appearing,
of HSV testing and initiation of acyclovir therapy. But low-risk febrile infant aged 29 to 56 days can be dis-
what about the well-appearing neonate presenting to charged home if the family lives within a reasonable
the ED for fever or other nonspecific symptoms? It is distance of the hospital, there is a reliable caretaker
important to recognize that neonatal HSV is uncom- with good observation skills, there is reliable tele-
mon after 21 days of age.28,103 The emergency clini- phone access, and 24-hour outpatient follow-up can
cian must balance the thoroughness of early detection be arranged prior to disposition from the ED. Similar-
and treatment with the risk of potential side effects ly, the well-appearing febrile infant aged 57 to 89 days
from acyclovir therapy. With the development of with normal laboratory studies can be discharged
rapid HSV PCR assays at many institutions that result home with 24-hour primary care follow-up.
within 24 hours, empiric acyclovir therapy may be

July 2019 • 15 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

A common question is whether otherwise well- sample received parenteral antibiotics.108 Therefore,
appearing, low-risk febrile infants aged > 28 days while that multicenter retrospective study is a good
with only a positive urinalysis can be discharged first step to identify febrile young infants with a
home with oral antibiotic treatment, as UTI is the UTI who are at low risk for adverse events and may
most benign of the SBIs. A multicenter retrospective therefore be discharged home on oral antibiotics, at
study of 1895 febrile infants aged 29 to 60 days with the current time, these infants should still be hospi-
a UTI derived a prediction model to identify patients talized on IV antibiotics pending further prospective
at low risk for adverse events. Febrile young infants study. Typically, stable, well-appearing infants aged
with UTI were at low risk for an adverse event if > 2 months with a UTI can be discharged home on
they were clinically well in the ED and did not have oral antibiotics with appropriate follow-up.
a high-risk past medical history; however, the study
was retrospective, and the vast majority of the study

Risk Management Pitfalls in the Management of Febrile Infants

(Continued on page 17)

1. “The neonate had a fever, but he appeared to 4. “The febrile baby was 61 days old, which was
be well. I couldn’t justify doing the full sepsis beyond the upper age limit of both the Phila-
workup, since there was little chance he had a delphia and Rochester criteria. We didn’t have
serious infection.” to do any testing.”
The prevalence of infection is too high for testing The Boston criteria use an upper age limit
to be deferred. The febrile young infant is at of 89 days for performance of the full sepsis
high risk for an SBI, especially if he is aged ≤ 28 workup and the Step-by-Step approach uses
days, as nearly 1 in 5 febrile neonates will have 90 days. While the Philadelphia and Rochester
an SBI.3 Additionally, the well-appearing febrile criteria have upper age limits of 56 and 60 days,
infant aged ≤ 60 days is also at risk, as 9.6% of respectively, the febrile young infant does not
these infants have an SBI and 1.8% have an IBI.6 become low-risk for SBI when the baby becomes
61 days old. Among febrile infants in the third
2. “The baby was bundled, so I thought the rectal month of life, the incidence of UTI is still high,48
temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) was environmen- so a urinalysis and urine culture should be
tal and that I didn’t need to perform the sepsis obtained. Further testing should certainly be
workup.” performed in an ill-appearing infant. In a young
While temperatures can be falsely elevated infant who looks well, substantial diagnostic
from excessive external heat, the febrile young variability exists.
infant is a high-risk population. A rectal
temperature of 38°C should be assumed to 5. “The mother denied any history of HSV, so I
be true, and the sepsis workup should be thought the 12-day-old neonate who looked
performed. It is unclear how to manage babies ill likely had a bacterial infection and did not
with fever by axillary or ear thermometers, have neonatal HSV.”
which are less accurate than rectal The highest risk for transmission of neonatal
thermometers. The guiding principle is that, HSV is babies born to mothers who have a
due to the high prevalence of SBI in this age primary infection at the time of delivery.31 The
group, strong consideration should be given to infection may be subclinical, so the mother
performance of the sepsis workup. may not know she has HSV when the baby
presents to the ED. While the incidence of
3. “The CBC was normal for the ill-appearing neonatal HSV is low,14 comprehensive HSV
febrile young infant, so the risk of meningitis testing should be performed and empiric
was very low, and I didn’t need to perform a acyclovir therapy initiated in the ill-appearing,
lumbar puncture.” hypothermic, or seizing neonate, or when
The CBC alone is not an adequate screen for vesicles or a CSF pleocytosis with lymphocyte
bacterial meningitis. In a retrospective study of predominance are present.105
5353 febrile infants aged 3 to 89 days, 22 of whom
had bacterial meningitis, the WBC count was
normal (between 5000 and 15,000 WBC/mcL) in
41% of patients with meningitis.109

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 16 Reprints:

Summary be at low risk according to the risk stratification cri-
teria, the baby can be discharged home without CSF
Febrile young infants, even those who are well- testing if the emergency clinician feels comfortable
appearing, are at high risk for SBI, including occult assessing well-appearance in a young infant and if
infections such as UTI, bacteremia, and bacterial a 24-hour outpatient follow-up plan is established.
meningitis. All febrile neonates should undergo the The febrile infant aged 57 to 89 days is still at risk for
full sepsis workup with urine, serum, and CSF test- UTI and should undergo, at minimum, testing for
ing. Even with normal laboratory testing, the febrile UTI, with strong consideration given to blood test-
neonate is still at risk for SBI and should be hospital- ing as well.
ized on empiric antibiotic therapy, and consideration
should be given to testing and treatment for HSV. If
the febrile infant aged 29 to 56 days is considered to

Risk Management Pitfalls in the Management of Febrile Infants

(Continued from page 16)

6. “Acyclovir is a toxic drug, so we waited for 8. “The urinalysis, CBC, and CSF cell count were
HSV testing to result before starting acyclovir all normal in my febrile 10-day-old patient, so
therapy in this high-risk neonate.” he met the low-risk criteria. I felt comfortable
In the landmark neonatal HSV therapy study, sending him home for his pediatrician to fol-
the only adverse effect directly attributed to low up on the cultures.”
acyclovir was transient neutropenia. Elevated The low-risk criteria do not perform as well in
creatinine and low hemoglobin occurred in the neonates, as demonstrated by 2 retrospective
sickest babies with disseminated HSV infection, studies that showed a lower negative predictive
so the abnormalities were possibly related to the value of the criteria in neonates, with potential
HSV and not to the acyclovir.106 Additionally, to falsely classify up to 1 in 10 febrile neonates
a retrospective study showed that each day's as low risk.3,40 Therefore, neonates should be
delay in acyclovir initiation was associated with admitted on empiric antibiotic therapy pending
increased mortality in neonates with HSV.102 bacterial culture results.
Therefore, empiric acyclovir therapy should
accompany HSV testing in the neonate with 9. “The 40-day-old febrile baby was very fussy
high-risk findings concerning for HSV. on my exam, but the labs were normal, so he
met the low-risk criteria, and I discharged him
7. “Although the labs and physical examination home.”
of this 50-day-old febrile infant were reassur- All of the low-risk criteria require the infant to
ing, I started antibiotics and admitted her just be well-appearing on physical examination. (See
to be safe.” Table 4, page 6.) Even with normal laboratory
When utilizing the Step-by-Step approach, studies, if the infant is ill-appearing or has a
if an infant aged > 21 days is well-appearing focal infection, the baby should be hospitalized
and has a normal urinalysis, PCT < 0.5 ng/ with initiation of empiric antibiotic therapy.
mL, CRP ≤ 20 mg/L, and ANC ≤ 10,000 cells/
mcL, she may be discharged home safely as 10. “The neonate was in shock. I administered anti-
long as pediatrician follow-up is definitively biotics, which should have treated the sepsis.”
established for the following day to evaluate While bacterial sepsis is a likely diagnosis
the infant and follow the urine and blood in the neonate in shock, other etiologies
cultures.12,78 Similarly, in a prospective study, include neonatal HSV, ductal-dependent
infants considered low-risk by the Philadelphia congenital heart disease, and inborn errors of
criteria were safely discharged home without metabolism. (See Table 2, page 4.) In addition to
antibiotics if the infant lived within 30 minutes antibiotic therapy and hemodynamic support,
of the hospital and 24-hour outpatient follow-up consideration should be given to other potential
was arranged.10 Administration of antibiotics etiologies, as initiation of acyclovir therapy,
without a lumbar puncture may also cloud the prostaglandin infusion, and treatment of
diagnosis of meningitis and impact subsequent metabolic disturbances can be life-saving, and
care if a lumbar puncture is performed later and infections can occur in conjunction with other
the infant has CSF pleocytosis. neonatal disasters.

July 2019 • 17 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Case Conclusions infant’s primary care physician should be ar-
ranged prior to ED discharge to ensure that bac-
For the 20-day-old boy, you performed a full sepsis terial culture results are followed and a repeat
workup with urine, serum, and CSF studies, including physical examination is performed to identify
testing for enterovirus and HSV. The baby’s enhanced any changes in clinical status.
urinalysis had 0 WBC, the CBC had a WBC count of • Development of evidence-based institutional clini-
12,000/mcL with no bandemia, and the CSF had 2 WBC. cal practice guidelines and pathways can stan-
Since the risk stratification criteria do not perform as well dardize the workup of the febrile young infant and
in neonates, you admitted the patient to the hospital with lead to more efficient and cost-effective care.67
initiation of empiric ampicillin and cefotaxime therapy.
Since the infant had no high-risk findings concerning for References
HSV, you did not start acyclovir therapy.
Although the 40-day-old infant’s signs and symptoms Evidence-based medicine requires a critical ap-
were suggestive of a benign URI, you remembered that praisal of the literature based upon study methodol-
several studies demonstrated that infants in this age group ogy and number of patients. Not all references are
(29-56 days) with documented RSV or influenza are still at equally robust. The findings of a large, prospective,
risk for SBI, especially UTI, though the risk of IBI is lower randomized, and blinded trial should carry more
in this age group compared with infants who have negative weight than a case report.
RSV or influenza testing. You ordered urine studies, blood To help the reader judge the strength of each
culture, CBC, CRP, and PCT, given the nonnegligible prev- reference, pertinent information about the study is
alence of IBI. The urinalysis was normal, the CBC showed included in bold type following the reference, where
a WBC of 10,000/mcL, the CRP was < 20 mg/L, the PCT available. In addition, the most informative referenc-
was < 0.5 ng/mL, and the ANC was < 10,000 cells/mcL. es cited in this paper, as determined by the authors,
Since the girl's labs were reassuring and she was well- are noted by an asterisk (*) next to the number of the
appearing and feeding appropriately with reliable follow- reference.
up, you discharged her home without CSF testing and with
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Pediatrics. 2006;117(5):1695-1701. (Prospective; 429 patients) 66. McDaniel CE, Ralston S, Lucas B, et al. Association of
49. Cruz AT, Mahajan P, Bonsu BK, et al. Accuracy of com- diagnostic criteria with urinary tract infection prevalence in
plete blood cell counts to identify febrile infants 60 days or bronchiolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA
younger with invasive bacterial infections. JAMA Pediatr. Pediatr. 2019;173(3):269-277. (Systematic review and meta-
2017;171(11):e172927. (Prospective; 4313 patients) analysis)
50. Woll C, Neuman MI, Aronson PL. Management of the febrile 67. Byington CL, Reynolds CC, Korgenski K, et al. Costs and in-
young infant: update for the 21st century. Pediatr Emerg Care. fant outcomes after implementation of a care process model
2017;33(11):748-753. (Review) for febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2012;130(1):e16-e24. (Quasi-
51. Milcent K, Faesch S, Gras-Le Guen C, et al. Use of procalci- experimental; 8431 patients)
tonin assays to predict serious bacterial infection in young 68. Bramson RT, Meyer TL, Silbiger ML, et al. The futility of the
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2047 patients) symptoms. Pediatrics. 1993;92(4):524-526. (Prospective and
52. Baker MD, Bell LM, Avner JR. The efficacy of routine out- retrospective; 361 patients)
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infants. Pediatrics. 1999;103(3):627-631. (Prospective; 422 necessary in the evaluation of every febrile infant less than 8
patients) weeks of age? Pediatrics. 1991;88(4):821-824. (Prospective; 242
53. Dewan M, Zorc JJ, Hodinka RL, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid patients)
enterovirus testing in infants 56 days or younger. Arch 70. Fortunov RM, Hulten KG, Hammerman WA, et al. Evalu-
Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2010;164(9):824-830. (Retrospective; 1231 ation and treatment of community-acquired Staphylococcus
patients) aureus infections in term and late-preterm previously healthy
54. Aronson PL, Lyons TW, Cruz AT, et al. Impact of enterovi- neonates. Pediatrics. 2007;120(5):937-945. (Retrospective; 126
ral polymerase chain reaction testing on length of stay for patients)
infants 60 days old or younger. J Pediatr. 2017;189:169-174. 71. Sakran W, Makary H, Colodner R, et al. Acute otitis media in
(Retrospective; 19,953 patients) infants less than three months of age: clinical presentation,
55. Wallace SS, Lopez MA, Caviness AC. Impact of enterovirus etiology and concomitant diseases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolar-
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review. Hosp Pediatr. 2017;7(2):96-102. (Systematic review) 72. Turner D, Leibovitz E, Aran A, et al. Acute otitis media in
56. Hawkes MT, Vaudry W. Nonpolio enterovirus infection infants younger than two months of age: microbiology, clini-
in the neonate and young infant. Paediatr Child Health. cal presentation and therapeutic approach. Pediatr Infect Dis
2005;10(7):383-388. (Review) J. 2002;21(7):669-674. (Retrospective; 137 patients)
57. Seiden JA, Zorc JJ, Hodinka RL, et al. Lack of cerebrospinal 73. Dagan R, Powell KR, Hall CB, et al. Identification of infants
fluid pleocytosis in young infants with enterovirus infec- unlikely to have serious bacterial infection although hospi-
tions of the central nervous system. Pediatr Emerg Care. talized for suspected sepsis. J Pediatr. 1985;107(6):855-860.
2010;26(2):77-81. (Retrospective; 154 patients) (Prospective; 148 patients)
58. Bennett S, Harvala H, Witteveldt J, et al. Rapid simultaneous 74. Greenhow TL, Hung YY, Pantell RH. Management and
detection of enterovirus and parechovirus RNAs in clinical outcomes of previously healthy, full-term, febrile infants
samples by one-step real-time reverse transcription-PCR as- ages 7 to 90 days. Pediatrics. 2016;138(6). (Retrospective; 1380
say. J Clin Microbiol. 2011;49(7):2620-2624. (Laboratory) patients)
59. Cabrerizo M, Trallero G, Pena MJ, et al. Comparison of 75. Mintegi S, Bressan S, Gomez B, et al. Accuracy of a sequen-
epidemiology and clinical characteristics of infections by tial approach to identify young febrile infants at low risk for
human parechovirus vs. those by enterovirus during the first invasive bacterial infection. Emerg Med J. 2014;31(e1):e19-e24.
month of life. Eur J Pediatr. 2015;174(11):1511-1516. (Prospec- (Prospective; 2470 patients)
tive; 84 patients) 76. Schelonka RL, Yoder BA, Hall RB, et al. Differentiation of
60.* Levine DA, Platt SL, Dayan PS, et al. Risk of serious bacterial segmented and band neutrophils during the early newborn
infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial period. J Pediatr. 1995;127(2):298-300. (Prospective; 94 pa-
virus infections. Pediatrics. 2004;113(6):1728-1734. (Prospec- tients)
tive; 1248 patients) 77. Pantell RH, Newman TB, Bernzweig J, et al. Management
61. Bonadio W, Huang F, Nateson S, et al. Meta-analysis to and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy. JAMA.
determine risk for serious bacterial infection in febrile 2004;291(10):1203-1212. (Prospective; 3066 patients)
outpatient neonates with RSV infection. Pediatr Emerg Care. 78. Mintegi S, Gomez B, Martinez-Virumbrales L, et al. Outpa-
2016;32(5):286-289. (Meta-analysis; 789 patients) tient management of selected young febrile infants without
62. Krief WI, Levine DA, Platt SL, et al. Influenza virus infection antibiotics. Arch Dis Child. 2017;102(3):244-249. (Prospective;
and the risk of serious bacterial infections in young febrile 1472 patients)

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 20 Reprints:

79. Pruitt CM, Neuman MI, Shah SS, et al. Factors associated ization project. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018;25(9):1175-1182.
with adverse outcomes among febrile young infants with (Descriptive)
invasive bacterial infections. J Pediatr. 2019;204:177-182. (Ret- 97. Cruz AT, Freedman SB, Kulik DM, et al. Herpes simplex
rospective; 350 patients) virus infection in infants undergoing meningitis evaluation.
80. Woll C, Neuman MI, Pruitt CM, et al. Epidemiology and Pediatrics. 2018;141(2). (Cross-sectional; 26,533 patients)
etiology of invasive bacterial infection in infants </=60 98. Lopez-Medina E, Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. The mortal-
days old treated in emergency departments. J Pediatr. 2018. ity of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. J Pediatr.
(Cross-sectional; 442 patients) 2015;166(6):1529-1532. (Case series; 13 patients)
81. Nigrovic LE, Kuppermann N, Macias CG, et al. Clinical pre- 99. Curfman AL, Glissmeyer EW, Ahmad FA, et al. Initial
diction rule for identifying children with cerebrospinal fluid presentation of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. J
pleocytosis at very low risk of bacterial meningitis. JAMA. Pediatr. 2016;172:121-126. (Case series; 49 patients)
2007;297(1):52-60. (Retrospective; 3295 patients)
100. Caviness AC, Demmler GJ, Almendarez Y, et al. The preva-
82. Byington CL, Rittichier KK, Bassett KE, et al. Serious bacte- lence of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection compared
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the importance of ampicillin-resistant pathogens. Pediatrics. Pediatr. 2008;153(2):164-169. (Retrospective; 5817 patients)
2003;111(5 Pt 1):964-968. (Retrospective; 1298 patients)
101. Whitley R, Arvin A, Prober C, et al. Predictors of morbid-
83. Dehority W. Use of vancomycin in pediatrics. Pediatr Infect ity and mortality in neonates with herpes simplex virus
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84. Thomson J, Sucharew H, Cruz AT, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid Diseases Collaborative Antiviral Study Group. N Engl J Med.
reference values for young infants undergoing lumbar punc- 1991;324(7):450-454. (Prospective; 202 patients)
ture. Pediatrics. 2018;141(3). (Cross-sectional; 7766 patients) 102. Shah SS, Aronson PL, Mohamad Z, et al. Delayed acyclovir
85. Lyons TW, Cruz AT, Freedman SB, et al. Correction of therapy and death among neonates with herpes simplex
cerebrospinal fluid protein in infants with traumatic lumbar virus infection. Pediatrics. 2011;128(6):1153-1160. (Retrospec-
punctures. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36(10):1006-1008. (Retro- tive; 1086 patients)
spective; 2880 patients) 103. Long SS. In defense of empiric acyclovir therapy in certain
86. Ouchenir L, Renaud C, Khan S, et al. The epidemiology, neonates. J Pediatr. 2008;153(2):157-158. (Editorial)
management, and outcomes of bacterial meningitis in in- 104. Van TT, Mongkolrattanothai K, Arevalo M, et al. Impact of a
fants. Pediatrics. 2017;140(1). (Retrospective; 113 patients) rapid herpes simplex virus PCR assay on duration of acyclo-
87. Bonadio WA, Hegenbarth M, Zachariason M. Correlating re- vir therapy. J Clin Microbiol. 2017;55(5):1557-1565. (Cross-
ported fever in young infants with subsequent temperature sectional; 363 patients)
patterns and rate of serious bacterial infections. Pediatr Infect 105. Brower L, Schondelmeyer A, Wilson P, et al. Testing and em-
Dis J. 1990;9(3):158-160. (Retrospective; 292 patients) piric treatment for neonatal herpes simplex virus: challenges
88.* Mintegi S, Gomez B, Carro A, et al. Invasive bacterial infec- and opportunities for improving the value of care. Hosp
tions in young afebrile infants with a history of fever. Arch Pediatr. 2016;6(2):108-111. (Editorial)
Dis Child. 2018;103(7):665-669. (Retrospective; 1123 patients) 106. Kimberlin DW, Lin CY, Jacobs RF, et al. Safety and efficacy
89. Ramgopal S, Janofsky S, Zuckerbraun NS, et al. Risk of seri- of high-dose intravenous acyclovir in the management
ous bacterial infection in infants aged </=60 days presenting of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections. Pediatrics.
to emergency departments with a history of fever only. J 2001;108(2):230-238. (Prospective and retrospective; 195
Pediatr. 2019;204:191-195. (Prospective secondary analysis; patients)
3825 patients) 107. Mahajan P, Kuppermann N, Mejias A, et al. Association of
90. Aronson PL, Shabanova V, Shapiro ED, et al. A prediction RNA biosignatures with bacterial infections in febrile infants
model to identify febrile infants ≤60 days at low risk of aged 60 days or younger. JAMA. 2016;316(8):846-857. (Pro-
invasive bacterial infection. Pediatrics. 2019. DOI: www.doi. spective; 298 patients)
org/10.1542/peds.2018-3604 (Case-control; 543 patients) 108. Schnadower D, Kuppermann N, Macias CG, et al. Febrile
91. Li YW, Zhou LS, Li X. Accuracy of tactile assessment of fever infants with urinary tract infections at very low risk for
in children by caregivers: a systematic review and meta-anal- adverse events and bacteremia. Pediatrics. 2010;126(6):1074-
ysis. Indian Pediatr. 2017;54(3):215-221. (Systematic review 1083. (Retrospective; 1895 patients)
and meta-anaylsis) 109. Bonsu BK, Harper MB. Utility of the peripheral blood white
92. Tebruegge M, Pantazidou A, Curtis N. Question 1. How blood cell count for identifying sick young infants who need
common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary lumbar puncture. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;41(2):206-214. (Retro-
tract infection? Arch Dis Child. 2011;96(6):602-606. (System- spective; 5353 patients)
atic review, brief)
93. Tebruegge M, Pantazidou A, Clifford V, et al. The age-related
risk of co-existing meningitis in children with urinary tract
infection. PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e26576. (Cross-sectional; 748
94. Thomson J, Cruz AT, Nigrovic LE, et al. Concomitant bacte-
rial meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection. Pediatr
Infect Dis J. 2017;36(9):908-910. (Retrospective; 1737 patients)
95.* Young B, Nguyen T, Alibaster A, et al. The prevalence of
meningitis in febrile infants 29-60 days with positive urinaly-
sis. Hosp Pediatr. 2018;8(8):e20170254. (Retrospective; 1174
96. McCulloh RJ, Fouquet SD, Herigon J, et al. Development and
implementation of a mobile device-based pediatric electronic
decision support tool as part of a national practice standard-

July 2019 • 21 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

CME Questions 5. The incidence of serious bacterial infection
(SBI) in febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days with
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is
Take This Test Online! approximately:
a. < 1%
Current subscribers receive CME credit absolutely b. 7%
free by completing the following test. Each issue c. 20%
includes 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, 4 ACEP d. 30%
Category I credits, 4 AAP Prescribed credits, or 4
Take This Test Online! 6. Which of the following antibiotic(s) would be
AOA Category 2-A or 2-B credits. Online testing is
available for current issues. To receive your CME the most appropriate empiric coverage for a
credits for this issue, scan the QR code below with 7-day-old febrile infant?
your smartphone or visit a. Ampicillin and cefotaxime b. Ampicillin alone
c. Gentamicin alone
d. Ceftriaxone alone

7. A 20-day-old infant presents to the ED with a

reported rectal temperature of 38.3°C (101°F)
when measured by the mother at home. The
infant did not receive an antipyretic. In the ED,
the infant is fussy, and the rectal temperature is
1. A diagnosis to consider in the febrile neonate 37.3°C (99.2°F). What is the appropriate man-
is: agement of this infant?
a. Sepsis a. Discharge home with routine outpatient care
b. Ductal-dependent congenital heart disease b. Order blood culture only
c. Inborn errors of metabolism c. Order urine, blood, and CSF testing (full
d. All of the above sepsis workup)
d. Order a complete blood cell count (CBC) for
2. A 48-day-old febrile infant has undergone a risk stratification
sepsis workup. Which of the following should
be present for the infant to be discharged 8. A 52-day-old febrile infant has positive nitrites
home? and 20 WBC on urinalysis. A lumbar puncture
a. White blood cell count (WBC) < 5000 cells/ is indicated if which of the following is pres-
mcL ent?
b. Established follow-up within 24 hours a. WBC 10,000 cells/mcL
c. Procalcitonin (PCT) < 2 ng/mL b. Ill appearance
d. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) < 20 WBC/mcL c. Absolute neutrophil count of 5000 cells/mcL
d. The infant should undergo a lumbar
3. According to the Step-by-Step approach, which puncture based on the urinalysis results
of the following criteria classifies a patient as
high-risk? 9. The median age at which infants present with
a. Age < 30 days herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is ap-
b. Absolute neutrophil count < 1500/mcL proximately:
c. Procalcitonin ≥ 0.5 ng/mL a. 1 day
d. WBC > 15,000 cells/mcL b. 3 days
c. 14 days
4. In a febrile young infant with CSF pleocytosis, d. 27 days
other testing to consider, regardless of symp-
toms, includes: 10. What approximate percentage of neonates
a. A chest x-ray with disseminated and central nervous system
b. Stool cultures (CNS) types of neonatal HSV will have skin
c. A brain CT scan vesicles at presentation?
d. Enterovirus polymerase chain reaction a. 5%
(PCR) b. 20%
c. 60%
d. 95%

Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 22 Reprints:

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July 2019 • 23 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

CME Information
Date of Original Release: July 1, 2019. Date of most recent review: June 15, 2019. Termination
date: July 1, 2022.
Accreditation: EB Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This activity
has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and
December 2018 policies of the ACCME.
Number 12
Volume 15,
Attacks Involv Credit Designation: EB Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4 AMA
Bioterrorism nts: Preparedness
Author P
FAAP, FACE Medicine,

PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the
son, MD, MPH, Emergency Sciences;
Joelle N. Simpssor of Pediatrics and of Medicine & Health
Pediatric Pa gnition Are Critical
Assistant Profe rsity School ren’s Natio
ington Unive redness, Child
George Wash gency Prepa

tor for Emer

and Early Re
Medical Direc Washington, DC
Health Syste
Peer Revie
extent of their participation in the activity.
ine, Long BeacAngeles;
Behar, MD gency Medic

Specialty CME: Included as part of the 4 credits, this CME activity is eligible for 4 Infectious
ital Los
Abstract av- Solomon Pediatric Emerand Children’s Hosp
tal, and beh Attending
Physician, Hospital School of
developmen bio- iller Children’s trics, UC Irvine
physiologic, icularly vulnerable to Memorial/M
Faculty, Depa
rtment of Pedia
r anatomic,
Disease CME credits, subject to your state and institutional requirements.
rism tary
dren are part with most bioterro
Due to thei
h, CA
Long Beac
ristics, chil Medicine, P The
d od FAAP, FACE Emergency Medicine,
ioral characte ts. Symptoms associate from common childho
in, DO, gency
Stuart A. Brad ssor of Pediatrics and cian, Children's Emer
agen rent iate ician s are Associate
Profe Physi
terrorism to diffe rgency clin
of Michigan; ren's Hospital, Ann Arbor
, MI
be difficult nt that eme could distinguish
ACEP Accreditation: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice is also approved by the
agents can ly importa that Services, C.S.
Mott Child
is extreme ss patterns s avail- tor, Pediatric rtments of
illnesses. It
o, MD
sual illne Reso urce Mark X. Cicer ssor of Pediatrics; Direc gency Medicine, DepaMedicine,
gnize unu rism attack. - Profe Emer of
pediatric orga rsity School
American College of Emergency Physicians for 48 hours of ACEP Category I credit per annual
of Pediatric
able to reco reak from a bioterro Associate
ss, Section Yale Unive
and leading reviews
redne Medic ine,
a natural outb ernment agencies
and Emergency
This issue Pediatrics
gov treatment. for Information”
able through
n, CT
nosis and ides guidance New Have ician CME

high est-r
aid in diag
nizations can bioterrorism agen
isk ped
ts and prov
iatri c patients
who have
been Prior to begin ning this activity,
see “Phys
on the back
page .
the g
and managin
exposed to
these agen

Garth Meckl
er, MD, MSHS
of Pediatrics,
Chief, Pediat
David M. Walkeric Emergency

of Pediatrics,
AAP Accreditation: This continuing medical education activity has been reviewed by the
American Academy of Pediatrics and is acceptable for a maximum of 48 AAP credits per
Professor Sanzari Childre sity
MD, FAAP Associate bia; Joseph M.
Alson S. Inaba, ency Medicine of British Colum ency nsack Univer
r University Pediatric Emerg Hospital, Hacke, Hackensack, NJ
, MD, FAAP Pediatric Emerg ani Medical Cente Division Head,Children's Hospital, l Center
Ari Cohen Kapiol Medica
ic Emergency Specialist, Associate Medicine,
& Children;

year. These credits can be applied toward the AAP CME/CPD Award available to Fellows and
Chief of Pediatr chusetts General BC, Canad
a Wang, MD,
-Chief for Women University
of Pediatrics, School of Vancouver, Vincent J. of Pediatrics and
Editors-in Medicine, Massator in Pediatrics, Professor A. Burns r, MD, MHPE ics
d Professor
ius, MD Hospital; Instruc l School, Boston, MA of Hawaii John lu, HI Joshua Nagle or of Pediatr Emergency ric Emergency
Ilene Claud Director,
Professor; Harvard Medica Medicine,
Honolu Assistant ProfessMedicine, Harvard Chief, Pediat Southwestern
Associate ,

Candidate Fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

ement FACEP
Quality Improv , MD, FAAP, h, MD, FACEP and Emerg
ency Division Medicine,
Process & r-UCLA Medic
Jay D. Fisher ency Matar Josep l; Associate n r; Director
sor of Emerg Madeline Medical Schoo ship Director, Divisio Medical Cente Children's
Program, Harbo Clinical Profes Pediatrics, University ine Services,
ce, CA FAAP ency Medic Chief and Fellow ne, Boston Emergency , TX
Center, Torran , FACEP , Medicine and Vegas School of Profes sor of Emerg nt Chair, Emerg ency Medici , MA , Dallas
Las of
zko, MD, MSCR of Nevada, , NV and Pediat
rics, Assista ine al, Boston Health
Children’s Hospit
Tim Horec
Las Vegas
FACEP, Pediatric Emerg
ency Medic nal Editor

AOA Accreditation: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice is eligible for up to 48 American

of Clinical he-Hill, MD, ement, Pediat n,
James Napra
wa, MD
Internatio FACEP,
Associate David Geffen Marianne Gausc Quality Improv Physician, VISIT US AT ACEP s, MD, FAAP,
Medicine, S Medicine Divisioe of Attending Benioff Lara Zibner
Emergency UCLA; Core FAAP, FAEM r, Los Angeles Emergency Colleg tment USCF CA tric
ine, of Florida d, MMed
School of
Senior Physic A
ian, Los Medical Directo Agency; Profes
sor of University
Hospital, Oaklan SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY ltant, Paedia
Honorary Consu ine, St. Mary's

Osteopathic Association Category 2-A or 2-B credit hours per year.

Faculty and County EMS ency Medicine and Medicine-Ja ency Medic
y-Harbor-UCL FL r, MD October Emerg 1-3, 2018al College Trust, tor
Angeles Countr, Torrance, CA Clinical Emerg Geffen School Jacksonville, Joshua Rocke Medical
MD Chief and Hospital Imperi
Medical Cente Pediatrics,
at UCLA; Clinica
of Associate ant Profes
sor BOOTH 1921 Nonclinical Instruc
London, UK; Medicine, Icahn
d of Medicine r-UCLA Medical Professor, rics, Director, Assist Emergency
Editorial Boar FAAP Faculty, Harbotment of Emergency
Cincin nati Depar
tment of Pediat of Pediatrics
Childre n's Medical
of Emergency ine at Mount Sinai,
l of Medic
Avner, MD, Cohen Schoo

Needs Assessment: The need for this educational activity was determined by a survey of
Jeffrey R. of Center, Depar Angeles, CA Cincinnati,
OH Medicine, York, New
New York,
Depar tment Los MS Center of New
of Clinical Medicine, anda, MD,
Anupam Kharbl Care Services y Editor
Pediatrics, Children's Gerardi, MD, Park, NY
Maimonides Michael J. Chief, Critica Clinics of BCPS
Pediatrics, yn, NY ent
FACEP, Presid sor of Emergency Hospitals and MN s, MD of r, PharmD,
Brooklyn, Brookl Children's Steven Roger University Aimee Mishle Medicine Pharmacist,

medical staff, including the editorial board of this publication; review of morbidity and mortality
Hospital of Profes Minneapolis, Professor,
Associate l of Medicine Minnesota, Associate
School of
Medicine, Emergency
Icahn Schoo Pediatric or – PGY2 acy

Tick-Borne Illnesses:
Steven Bin,
MD UCSF Medicine, Director, FAAP, FACEP Connecticut Medicine Program Direct
l Professor, Tommy Y.
Kim, MD, ic Emergency Children's Medicine
Associate Clinicane; Medical Directo
r, at Mount Sinai; ine, Goryeb or of Pediatr Attending cticut Emergency Medical
School of Mediciency Medicine, UCSF Emergency
Medic Associate Profess ne, University of ian, Conne CT Maricopa

data from the CDC, AHA, NCHS, and ACEP; and evaluation of prior activities for emergency
town Physic ency,
September 2018
Morris Medici r, Hartfo rd, Resid
Hospital, Emergency Medicine, ix, AZ
Pediatric Emergn's Hospital, San Children's NJ de School of Medical Cente Center, Phoen

Identification and Manageme

r, Morristown, California Riversi unity Hospital, er, MD
Benioff Childre Medical Cente Stroth r
Riverside Comm Medicine, Volume 15, Number 9
opher ency
CME Edito
CA be, MD, PhD Christ Emerg
Francisco, of Emergency Professor, l , FAAP
FAAP, Sandip Godamand Patient Safety Officer, Department Associate and Medica ka, MD, FACEP

Cantor, MD, Pediatrics,
Richard M. Chief Quality ng
Riverside, CA
Authors Medicine, ric Brian S. Skrain ant Professor,

in the Emergency Department

Pediatrics, Attendi ne, Director, Pediat r, Clinical Assist Emergency
FACEP Medicine Professor of Medici an, MD, MHS rics and Education; ne; Directo
of EmergencyChief, Emergency Melissa Langh ency Medici Medicine Depar tment
Professor n Physician of l of The King's sor of PediatBellis, MD, Emerg
Jennifer MPH tion; Icahn School of Oklahoma
rics; Sectio Children's Hospita System, Norfolk, VA Associate Profes Instructor, ship Medicine,
and Pediat ency Medic
ine; Medicine; Fellow DepartmentSimula Sinai, New
of Pediatrics, York, NY
sity Cente
r for Health
Pediatric Emergr, Upstate Poison Daughters
Health Emergency of Education, Yale
r University at Mount Section of EmergencyUniver Medicine, Tulsa, OK
Director, Directo ency Medicine, of Colorado, Aurora, COMD, FAAP

Target Audience: This enduring material is designed for emergency medicine physicians,
Medical Directo Children's an, MD Sciences,
Abstract Contro l Cente r, Golisano
se, NY
Ran D. Goldm
Depar tment of Pediatrics,
Pediat ric Emerg Ee Tay,
Schoo l of Medici MD ne, New Adam E. Vella,
Profes sor of Emerg al
rics, and Medic

Hospital, Syracu of British Columric Clinical Assistant Professor, ine, Pediat ric
University Haven, CT MedicRonald O. Perelman
r of Pediat Department
MD, FAAP Director, Pediat Children's Emergency Medicine, Clinical Education,
Directo l of
Steven Choi, y Officer and Assoc
iate Research Site Chief,ine, Icahn Schoo

physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and residents.

Tick-borne illnesses are increasing Emergency
Medicine, a Robert LutenPediat Bellevue
rics andHospitalofCenter, ency Medic Pediatric New Emergency Medicine,
Chief Qualit l Quality, Yale ine; uver, BC, Canad Emerg
New York,atNY Mount Sinai,
Dean for Clinica in prevalence and geographi Hospital, Vanco Professor,
University of Medicine
reach. Because the presentati le School of
, c MD, MBA Emergency Peer Reviewers
nville, FL York, NY
Medicine/Ya on of these illnesses is sometime
ent, Chief
Quality Officer Joseph Habboushe, of Emergency
Florida, Jackso
nonspecific, they can often
Vice Presid Health System
, s sor
Assistant Profes angone and Michael Gottlieb, MD, RDMS
be misdiagnosed, especially
Yale New Haven NYU/L

Goals: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to: (1) demonstrate medical decision-
early stages of illness. A detailed
, CT in the Medicine, al Cente rs, New Director of Emergency
New Haven Bellevue Medic MD Aware LLC Ultrasound, Department of
history with questions involv- Rush University Medical Emergency Medicine,
ing recent activities and travel York, NY; CEO, Center, Chicago, IL
and a
tion will help narrow the diagnosis. thorough physical examina-
Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH

making based on the strongest clinical evidence; (2) cost-effectively diagnose and treat the
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
While some illnesses can be and Emergency Medicine,
diagnosed on clinical findings Medical School, Boston Children’s
Hospital, Boston, MA
alone, others require confirma-
tory testing, which may take Prior to beginning this activity,

most critical ED presentations; and (3) describe the most common medicolegal pitfalls for
days to weeks to result. This see “Physician CME Information”
reviews the emergency departme issue on the back page.
nt presentation of 9 common
tick-borne illnesses and evidence-
based recommendations for
identification, testing, and
treatment. each topic covered.
Editors-in-Chief Ari Cohen, MD, FAAP
CME Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to: (1) describe the most
up-to-date epidemiology of invasive bacterial infections in febrile young infants; (2) discuss the
Ilene Claudius, MD Chief of Pediatric Emergency Joseph Habboushe, MD,
MBA Robert Luten, MD
Associate Professor; Director, Medicine, Massachusetts General Assistant Professor of Emergency Adam E. Vella, MD, FAAP
Medicine, NYU/Langone and Professor, Pediatrics and
Process & Quality Improvement Hospital; Instructor in Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, University Associate Professor of Emergency
Program, Harbor-UCLA Medical Harvard Medical School, Boston, Bellevue Medical Centers, of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical
New Florida, Jacksonville, FL

use of novel biomarkers and the new risk stratification tools that incorporate these biomarkers
MA York, NY; CEO, MD Aware
Center, Torrance, CA LLC Education, Director of Pediatric
Jay D. Fisher, MD, FAAP Garth Meckler, MD, MSHS
Tim Horeczko, MD, MSCR, Clinical Professor of Pediatric Alson S. Inaba, MD, FAAP Emergency Medicine, Icahn
FACEP, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, School
and Pediatric Emergency Medicine of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
FAAP Emergency Medicine, University University of British Columbia; New
Specialist, Kapiolani Medical York, NY

for the evaluation of invasive bacterial infections in febrile young infants; and (3) determine
Associate Professor of Clinical of Nevada, Las Vegas School Center Division Head, Pediatric Emergency
of for Women & Children; Associate
Emergency Medicine, David Medicine, Las Vegas, NV Medicine, David M. Walker, MD, FACEP,
Geffen Professor of Pediatrics, University BC Children's Hospital, FAAP
School of Medicine, UCLA; Director, Pediatric Emergency
Core Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, of Hawaii John A. Burns School Vancouver, BC, Canada
Faculty and Senior Physician, FACEP, of Medicine; Associate Director,
Los FAAP, FAEMS Medicine, Honolulu, HI Joshua Nagler, MD, MHPEd

appropriate treatment and disposition of febrile young infants based on screening laboratory
Angeles County-Harbor-UCLA Department of Emergency
Medical Director, Los Angeles Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Medicine,
Medical Center, Torrance, Madeline Matar Joseph, and New York-Presbyterian/Queens,
CA County EMS Agency; Professor MD, FACEP, Emergency Medicine, Harvard
of FAAP Medical Flushing, NY
Editorial Board Clinical Emergency Medicine
and Professor of Emergency Medicine School; Fellowship Director,
Pediatrics, David Geffen School Division Vincent J. Wang, MD, MHA

Jeffrey R. Avner, MD, FAAP of and Pediatrics, Chief and Medical of Emergency Medicine, Boston
Medicine at UCLA; EMS Fellowship Children’s Hospital, Boston, Professor of Pediatrics and
Chairman, Department of Director, Harbor-UCLA Medical Director, Pediatric Emergency MA Emergency Medicine; Division
Pediatrics, Professor of Clinical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine Division, University James Naprawa, MD Chief, Pediatric Emergency
Pediatrics, Maimonides Children's Medicine, Los Angeles, CA of Florida College of Medicine- Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine, UT Southwestern
Hospital of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Department USCF Benioff Medical Center; Director
NY Michael J. Gerardi, MD, FAAP, FL of

Discussion of Investigational Information: As part of the journal, faculty may be presenting

Steven Bin, MD Stephanie Kennebeck, MD Children's Hospital, Oakland, Emergency Services, Children's
FACEP, President CA
Associate Clinical Professor, Associate Professor of Emergency Associate Professor, University Joshua Rocker, MD Health, Dallas, TX
School of Medicine; Medical Cincinnati Department of Pediatrics, Associate Chief and Medical
Pediatric Emergency Medicine,
Director, Medicine, Icahn School of
Medicine Cincinnati, OH Director, Assistant Professor
International Editor
UCSF at Mount Sinai; Director, Pediatric

investigational information about pharmaceutical products that is outside Food and Drug
Benioff Children's Hospital, San Emergency Medicine, Goryeb Anupam Kharbanda, MD, of Pediatrics and Emergency Lara Zibners, MD, FAAP, FACEP,
Francisco, CA MS Medicine, Cohen Children's MMed
Children's Hospital, Morristown Chief, Critical Care Services Medical
Richard M. Cantor, MD, FAAP, Medical Center, Morristown, Children's Hospitals and Clinics Center of New York, Donald Honorary Consultant, Paediatric
NJ of and
FACEP Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Barbara Zucker School of Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's

Administration approved labeling. Information presented as part of this activity is intended

Sandip Godambe, MD, PhD Medicine
Professor of Emergency Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, New Hospital Imperial College Trust,
Chief Quality and Patient Safety Tommy Y. Kim, MD, FAAP, Hyde
and Pediatrics; Section Chief, FACEP Park, NY London, UK; Nonclinical Instructor
Officer, Professor of Pediatrics Associate Professor of Pediatric of Emergency Medicine, Icahn
Pediatric Emergency Medicine; and Steven Rogers, MD
Emergency Medicine, Attending Emergency Medicine, University School of Medicine at Mount
Medical Director, Upstate Poison of

solely as continuing medical education and is not intended to promote off-label use of any
Physician, Children's Hospital California Riverside School of Associate Professor, University Sinai,
Control Center, Golisano Children's of the Medicine, of New York, NY
King's Daughters Health System, Riverside Community Hospital, Connecticut School of Medicine,
Hospital, Syracuse, NY Norfolk, VA Attending Emergency Medicine Pharmacology Editor
Department of Emergency Medicine,
Steven Choi, MD, FAAP Riverside, CA Physician, Connecticut Children's
Ran D. Goldman, MD Aimee Mishler, PharmD, BCPS

pharmaceutical product.
Assistant Vice President, Medical Center, Hartford, CT
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Melissa Langhan, MD, Emergency Medicine Pharmacist,
Montefiore Health System; MHS Christopher Strother, MD
Director, University of British Columbia; Associate Professor of Pediatrics Maricopa Medical Center,
Montefiore Network Performance Research Director, Pediatric and Assistant Professor, Emergency Phoenix, AZ
Emergency Medicine; Fellowship
Improvement; Executive Director, Emergency Medicine, BC Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical
Director, Director of Education,
Montefiore Institute for Performance Children's
Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Education; Director, Undergraduate CME Editor

Faculty Disclosure: It is the policy of EB Medicine to ensure objectivity, balance, independence,

Improvement; Associate Professor Yale and Emergency Department
University School of Medicine, Deborah R. Liu, MD
of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein New Simulation; Icahn School of
College Haven, CT Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics,
of Medicine, Bronx, NY at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Keck School of Medicine of
Division of Emergency Medicine,

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Children's Hospital Los Angeles,
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Clinical Decision Support for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice Subscribers

Rochester Criteria for Febrile Infants

The Rochester criteria for febrile infants determine whether or
not febrile infants are at low risk for serious bacterial infection.

Click the thumbnail above

to access the calculator.

Points & Pearls

• While the validation study for the Rochester the Rochester risk stratification criteria. Each infant
criteria included infants aged ≤ 60 days, in was then categorized as low risk or not low risk.
clinical practice, infants aged < 28 days often Among 931 evaluable patients, 437 met all of the
are not considered to be at low risk, due to low-risk criteria and 511 did not.
their age. The study’s main outcomes were bacteremia
• Premature infants should be assessed based and a larger inclusive category of serious bacte-
on their corrected age (eg, for an infant born rial infection (SBI). SBI was defined as bacteremia,
at 30 weeks gestational age, subtract 7 weeks meningitis, osteomyelitis, suppurative arthritis,
from the chronologic age). soft tissue infections (cellulitis, abscess, mastitis,
omphalitis), urinary tract infection, gastroenteri-
Evidence Appraisal tis, or pneumonia. SBI was identified in 1% of the
The Rochester criteria were first proposed by low-risk infants as compared to 12.3% of non–low-
Dagan et al in 1985 at the University of Rochester risk infants. The negative predictive value (NPV) of
Medical Center in New York. In 1994, Jaskiewicz the low-risk criteria was 99.5% for bacteremia and
et al validated the criteria by aggregating data from 98.9% for SBI.
3 prospective studies that were conducted between In 2012, Hui et al conducted a review of 84
1984 and 1992. Only infants aged ≤ 60 days who studies to determine the diagnostic accuracy of
had rectal temperatures ≥ 38ºC (100.4ºF) at home screening tools for SBI and HSV in infants aged
or at presentation were included in the validation < 3 months. This review also examined the rela-
study. The clinical environments were an emergen- tionship between viral testing and risk of SBI. The
cy department and a pediatric outpatient clinic. various clinical and laboratory criteria (including the
The evaluation of each infant included global Rochester, Philadelphia, Boston, and Milwaukee
assessment, past medical history, physical exami- screening tools) demonstrated similar overall ac-
nation (including for evidence of skin, soft tissue, curacy (84.4%-100% sensitivity; 93.7%-100% NPV)
bone, or joint infection), and laboratory assess- for identifying infants with SBI. The Rochester cri-
ment (including blood, urine, and cerebrospinal teria were more accurate in neonates than in older
fluid studies). Chest x-ray and stool studies were infants, while the other screening tools were more
only obtained if clinical symptoms were present. Of accurate in older infants than in neonates.
note, cerebrospinal fluid studies were not part of In 2016, Gomez et al conducted a prospec-
tive study including infants aged < 90 days who
presented to 11 European pediatric emergency
CALCULATOR REVIEW AUTHOR departments between September 2012 and August
2014. The study compared the accuracies of the
Laura Mercurio, MD
Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Brown
new Step-by-Step approach, the Rochester criteria,
University/Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence, RI and the Lab-score for identifying patients who are
at low risk of invasive bacterial infection (IBI). For

the study population, the sensitivity and NPV for Use the Calculator Now
ruling out IBI were 92.0% and 99.3%, respectively, Click here to access the Rochester criteria on
for the Step-by-Step approach, 81.6% and 98.3% MDCalc.
for the Rochester criteria, and 59.8% and 98.1% for
the Lab-score. Some infants with IBIs were misclas- Calculator Creator
sified by each of the tools in the study: 7 by the Ron Dagan, MD
Step-by-Step approach,16 by the Rochester criteria, Click here to read more about Dr. Dagan.
and 35 by the Lab-score.

Why to Use
• The Rochester criteria identify infants who are at low risk for SBI (defined as bacteremia, meningitis,
osteomyelitis, suppurative arthritis, soft tissue infections [cellulitis, abscess, mastitis, omphalitis],
urinary tract infection, gastroenteritis, or pneumonia).
• Febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days may present with minimal signs and symptoms or may present similarly
to those who have viral infections. The criteria can help identify SBI in these patients; the prevalence of
SBI is 10% to 12% in this group, with urinary tract infections representing > 90% of these SBIs (Biondi
2013, Greenhow 2014).
• Use of the Rochester criteria may reduce overtesting and overtreatment of well-appearing febrile

When to Use
• The Rochester criteria can be used for well-appearing infants aged ≤ 60 days who present to the ED
for a chief complaint of fever ≥ 38ºC (100.4ºF), or who are found to have fever on presentation for
another complaint.
• Ill-appearing infants should be redirected to the sepsis guidelines.

Next Steps
If the patient is at low risk for SBI according to the Rochester criteria (in the derivation study, SBI occurred
in 1% of low-risk infants):
• Limited testing, including complete blood cell count, blood culture, urinalysis, and urine culture, is
• Febrile infants who are considered to be at low risk generally do not require antibiotics.
• It is generally safe to discharge these infants if there are no social concerns or questions about the
caregiver’s ability to follow up with a primary care pediatrician.

If the patient is not considered to be at low risk for SBI according to the Rochester criteria (in the study,
SBI occurred in 12.3% of infants who were identified as not at low risk):
• Further testing is required, including complete blood cell count, blood culture, urinalysis, urine culture,
and cerebrospinal fluid testing.
• Empiric broad spectrum antibiotic coverage is indicated.
• Admission is recommended, pending negative cultures at 24 to 36 hours.

• Herpes simplex virus risk factors should be carefully assessed, including maternal history of herpes
simplex virus infection or primary lesions at delivery, household contacts with lesions, vesicular rash,
patient presentation with seizures, or pleocytosis on cerebrospinal fluid testing.
• A positive viral test result (eg, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza) reduces the likelihood of SBI by
approximately 50%, but the risk of a concurrent SBI is not 0% (Greenhow 2014, Krief 2009).
• The gold standard for urine culture is a sample obtained via straight catheterization. “Bag” urine
collection introduces the risk of specimen contamination with skin flora. If possible, blood, urine,
and cerebrospinal fluid samples should be obtained before starting antibiotics.
• The differential diagnosis of febrile ill-appearing infants aged < 60 days should also include the fol-
lowing: congenital heart disease, metabolic disease (eg, galactosemia), congenital adrenal hyperpla-
sia with adrenal crisis, and nonaccidental trauma.

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; SBI, serious bacterial infection.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice • July 2019 CD2 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.
Original/Primary Reference
• Dagan R, Powell KR, Hall CB, et al. Identification of • Krief WI, Levine DA, Platt SL, et al. Influenza virus infection
infants unlikely to have serious bacterial infection and the risk of serious bacterial infections in young febrile
although hospitalized for suspected sepsis. J Pediatr. infants. Pediatrics. 2009;124(1):30-39.
1985;107(6):855-860. DOI: • Hui C, Neto G, Tsertsvadze A, et al. Diagnosis and man-
Validation Reference agement of febrile infants (0-3 months). Evid Rep Technol
• Jaskiewicz JA, McCarthy CA, Richardson AC, et al. Assess (Full Rep). 2012;(205):1-297.
Febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infection
--an appraisal of the Rochester criteria and implications for • Biondi EA, Byington CL. Evaluation and management of
management. Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group. febrile, well-appearing young infants. Infect Dis Clin North
Pediatrics.1994;94(3):390-396. Am. 2015;29(3):575-585. DOI:
• Gomez B, Mintegi S, Bressan S, et al. Validation of the
Other References
"Step-by-Step" approach in the management of young
• Biondi E, Evans R, Mischler M, et al. Epidemiology of
febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2016;138(2):e20154381.
bacteremia in febrile infants in the United States. Pediatrics.
• Greenhow TL, Hung YY, Herz AM, et al. The changing epi-
demiology of serious bacterial infections in young infants. Copyright © MDCalc • Reprinted with permission.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014;33(6):595-599.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice • July 2019 CD3 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.
Step-by-Step Approach to
Febrile Infants
The Step-by-Step approach to febrile infants identifies febrile
infants aged ≤ 90 days who are at low risk for invasive bacterial
Click the thumbnail above
to access the calculator. infections.
Points & Pearls In a post-hoc analysis, the Step-by-Step ap-
• The Step-by-Step approach was developed with proach demonstrated superior sensitivity and nega-
the goal of identifying febrile infants aged tive predictive value as compared to other risk as-
≤ 90 days who are at low risk of invasive bacterial sessment tools such as the Rochester criteria and the
infection (defined as bacteremia or meningitis). Lab-score (Shaughnessy 2016). Sensitivity and nega-
• It was only studied in previously healthy infants tive predictive value for ruling out IBI were 92.0%
and does not apply to infants who have any prior and 99.3% for the Step-by-Step approach, 81.6%
medical history. and 98.3% for the Rochester criteria, and 59.8% and
• The Step-by-Step approach should be used in 98.1% for the Lab-score, respectively.
previously healthy infants aged ≤ 90 days who
present with fever without a source. Use the Calculator Now
• In the original study by Mintegi et al (2014), “fe- Click here to access Step-by-Step on MDCalc.
ver without a source” was defined as fever in an
infant with an unremarkable physical examination Calculator Creator
and without signs or symptoms of a self-limiting Santiago Mintegi, MD, PhD.
viral illness such as bronchiolitis or gastroenteritis. Click here to read more about Dr. Mintegi.
• Differences in the prevalence of invasive bacterial
infection (IBI) versus noninvasive bacterial infec- References
tion in each risk subgroup should also be taken Original/Primary Reference
into consideration when interpreting and apply- • Mintegi S, Bressan S, Gomez B, et al. Accuracy of a sequential
approach to identify young febrile infants at low risk for inva-
ing the results of the original study.
sive bacterial infection. Emerg Med J. 2014;31(e1):e19-e24.
• The Step-by-Step approach performs best when DOI:
applied to infants with fever lasting > 2 hours Validation Reference
because the rule relies on the detection of in- • Gomez B, Mintegi S, Bressan S, et al. Validation of the
flammatory markers (procalcitonin and C-reactive "Step-by-Step" approach in the management of young
protein) that may take time to increase. febrile infants. Pediatrics. 2016;138(2):e20154381.
Critical Action Other References
• Aronson PL, Neuman MI. Should we evaluate febrile young
No decision rule should trump clinical gestalt. High infants step-by-step in the emergency department?. Pediat-
suspicion for IBI in a febrile infant should warrant a rics. 2016;138(2):e20161579.
full sepsis workup. DOI:
• Shaughnessy AF. Step-By-Step approach to ruling out infant
Evidence Appraisal infection is accurate. Am Fam Physician. 2016;94(11):933.
Gomez et al (2016) conducted a prospective valida- • Dieckmann RA, Brownstein D, Gausche-Hill M. The pediatric
tion study of previously derived criteria, which they ap- assessment triangle: a novel approach for the rapid evalu-
plied to 2185 infants aged ≤ 90 days who presented ation of children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2010;26(4):312-315.
to pediatric emergency departments at 11 European DOI:
• Biondi EA, Byington CL. Evaluation and management of
hospitals. Among this group, 3.9% were diagnosed
febrile, well-appearing young infants. Infect Dis Clin North
with an IBI and 19.1% were diagnosed with a noninva- Am. 2015;29(3):575-585.
sive bacterial infection such as urinary tract infection. DOI:
• Biondi EA, Mischler MM, Jerardi KE, et al. Blood culture
time to positivity in febrile infants with bacteremia. JAMA
CALCULATOR REVIEW AUTHOR Pediatrics. 2014;168(9): 844-849.
Emily Heikamp, MD, PhD • Powell EC, Mahajan PV, Roosevelt G, et al. Epidemiology of
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology- bacteremia in febrile infants aged 60 days and younger. Ann
Oncology, Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Emerg Med. 2018;71(2):211-216.
Hospital, Houston, TX

Why to Use
The etiology of fever in infants aged ≤ 90 days can range from self-limiting viral illness (eg, bronchiolitis)
to life-threatening IBI (eg, bacteremia or meningitis). The Step-by-Step approach can be used to rule out
IBI with a high negative predictive value (99.3%). If IBI can be safely ruled out, these low-risk infants do not
require hospital admission and intravenous antibiotics.

When to Use
• The Step-by-Step approach can be used in previously healthy infants aged ≤ 90 days who have a fever
≥ 38.0°C (≥ 100.4°F) documented at home or at presentation in the ED.
• Caution is advised when using the Step-by-Step approach in infants with a short duration of fever, as it
takes time for serum inflammatory markers (eg, procalcitonin, to increase). Observation in the ED should
be considered, even if laboratory values are initially normal.
• Caution is advised when using the Step-by-Step approach in infants aged 21 to 28 days, as the
management of this age group remains controversial and the Step-by-Step algorithm did not perform
optimally in this group. In the validation study by Gomez et al (2016), 4 out of the 7 patients (57%) who
were not identified as high risk by the Step-by-Step approach but were diagnosed with an IBI were aged
21 to 28 days. Studies suggest that the prevalence of bacteremia may be higher in infants aged 21 to 28
days as compared to infants aged > 28 days, so a full sepsis workup is recommended for any infant aged
< 28 days (Powell 2018).

Next Steps
Risk Group IBI Risk Recommendation
Low 0.7% Full sepsis workup is likely not needed. Consider a period of ED observation,
especially if the fever lasts < 2 hours, and ensure outpatient follow-up with a
Intermediate 3.4% Full sepsis workup (including blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures),
initiation of broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, and inpatient hospital
admission may be indicated, especially if the patient is aged 21 to 28 days.

High 8.1% Full sepsis workup (including blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures),
initiation of broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, chest x-ray, and inpatient
hospital admission are recommended.

Management of IBI in Infants:

• Prompt initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics according to local guidelines is strongly recommended.
• Optimization of respiratory support and hemodynamics should be initiated if respiratory distress or signs
of dehydration or shock are present.
• Inpatient hospital admission for a minimum of 36 to 48 hours is recommended if cultures remain
negative. Studies indicate that if IBI is present, 96% of blood cultures will become positive within 36
hours and 99% will become positive within 48 hours (Biondi 2014, Biondi 2015).

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; IBI, invasive bacterial infection.

Copyright © MDCalc • Reprinted with permission.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice • July 2019 CD5 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.
PECARN Rule for Low-Risk
Febrile Infants
The PECARN rule for low-risk febrile infants predicts the risk
for urinary tract infection, bacteremia, or bacterial meningitis in
Click the thumbnail above
to access the calculator. febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days.

Points & Pearls Evidence Appraisal

• The PECARN (Pediatric Emergency Care Ap- The derivation study by Kuppermann et al (2019)
plied Research Network) prediction rule does included 1896 previously healthy febrile infants
not apply to ill-appearing infants. The rule is aged ≤ 60 days who had a serum procalcitonin
intended to be one directional: it may help rule level test at the time of their sepsis evaluation;
out serious bacterial infection (SBI) in patients participants whose procalcitonin samples were
who are “low risk,” but the converse is not true lost or mislabeled were excluded. The overall
(ie, patients who are “not low risk” according cohort was 1821 patients (908 in the derivation
to the rule do not necessarily have an SBI). sample and 913 in the validation sample). The
• Infants with signs of shock or who are oth- primary outcome was the presence or absence
erwise ill-appearing or unstable should be of an SBI, defined as urinary tract infection,
considered at to be at high risk for SBI and bacteremia, or bacterial meningitis.
in most cases should have blood, urine, and The prediction rule had a sensitivity of 98.8%
cerebrospinal fluid cultures performed. This (95% confidence interval [CI], 92.5%-99.9%) in
clinical prediction rule would not apply to such the derivation study and 97.7% sensitivity (95%
patients. CI, 91.3%- 99.6%) in the validation study. The
• A serum procalcitonin level is required for the negative predictive value for SBI was 99.8% (95%
PECARN prediction rule, but this test may not CI, 98.8%-100.0%) and 99.6% (95% CI, 98.4%-
be rapidly available in all settings. 99.9%) in the derivation and validation studies,
• The majority of infants aged ≤ 60 days are respectively. Because the validation study was
unvaccinated and have immature immune not conducted independently, there is a risk of
systems. diminished external validity.
• Infants aged < 28 days warrant special atten- The benefits of using this rule are: (1)
tion, as they are at elevated risk for herpes unnecessary admissions may be decreased and
meningoencephalitis as well as a more rapid (2) unnecessary lumbar punctures may be
progression of disease. These patients almost avoided. A key difference in this prediction rule
always require admission for close monitor- as compared to other similar rules is that the
ing along with a full sepsis workup, including sensitivity remained high despite the fact that
lumbar puncture. lumbar puncture results were not used as criteria
in the rule. However, there is a low prevalence
Critical Actions of bacterial meningitis in the general population
Consider a critical congenital heart defect (and due to the use of Haemophilus influenzae type
empiric prostaglandin treatment) in a neonate who B and pneumococcal vaccinations, so there were
presents in shock. few cases of bacterial meningitis included in this
study’s data set.
CALCULATOR REVIEW AUTHORS Finally, 3 infants in the study were
misclassified by the prediction rule as being at low
Derek Tam, MD, MPH risk but had SBIs (2 had a urinary tract infection
Department of Pediatrics, Maimonides Medical Center, and 1 had Enterobacter cloacae bacteremia). All
Brooklyn, NY 3 were treated appropriately based on culture
Hector Vazquez, MD results and had uneventful clinical courses.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Maimonides
Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
Use the Calculator Now
Click here to access the PECARN rule on MDCalc.
Christopher Tainter, MD, RDMS
Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Calculator Creator
Care, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of
Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH
California San Diego, San Diego, CA
Click here to read more about Dr. Kuppermann.

Why to Use
A physical examination alone is unreliable in ruling out SBI in febrile infants. The PECARN prediction rule
may help to decrease unnecessary admissions and/or lumbar punctures. It can be used to help determine
the disposition of some well-appearing infants who have reliable access to follow-up with a primary care pe-
diatrician or in the same ED in 24 hours, or whose caregivers can be relied upon to return the patient to the
ED if a pending culture has a positive result.

When to Use
Use the PECARN prediction rule in well-appearing infants aged ≤ 60 days, to stratify the risk of SBI (defined as
urinary tract infection, bacteremia, or bacterial meningitis).

Next Steps
• Patients predicted to be at low risk for SBI might be able to be safely discharged from the ED, as long as
follow up with a primary care pediatrician or in the same ED can be reasonably well assured.
• The decision to admit a febrile infant is multifactorial. Lack of reliable follow-up care may necessitate

Some well-appearing infants considered to be at low risk for SBI may be suitable for discharge from the ED
with follow-up with their primary care pediatrician or in the same ED in 24 hours for reassessment, as op-
posed to the traditional practice of admitting all febrile infants aged 0 to 60 days.

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; PECARN, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network; SBI, serious bacterial infection.

Reference Copyright © MDCalc • Reprinted with permission.

Original/Primary Reference
• Kuppermann N, Dayan PS, Levine DA, et al. A clinical pre-
diction rule to identify febrile infants 60 days and younger
at low risk for serious bacterial infections. JAMA Pediatr.

This edition of Calculated Decisions, powered by MDCalc, is

published as a supplement to Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Practice as an exclusive benefit to subscribers. Calculated Contact EB Medicine:
Decisions is the result of a collaboration between EB Phone: 1-800-249-5770 Contact MD Aware:
Medicine, publisher of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, or 678-366-7933 MDCalc
and MD Aware, developer of MDCalc. Both companies are Fax: 770-500-1316 Phone: 646-543-8380
5550 Triangle Parkway 12 East 20th Street
dedicated to providing evidence-based clinical decision-
Suite 150 5th Floor
making support for emergency medicine clinicians.
Norcross, GA 30092 New York, NY 10003

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice (ISSN Print: 1549-9650, ISSN Online: 1549-9669, ACID-FREE) is published monthly (12 times per year) by EB Medicine (5550 Triangle Parkway,
Suite 150, Norcross, GA 30092). Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of this publication. Mention of products or services does not constitute endorsement. This publication
is intended as a general guide and is intended to supplement, rather than substitute, professional judgment. It covers a highly technical and complex subject and should not be used
for making specific medical decisions. The materials contained herein are not intended to establish policy, procedure, or standard of care. Copyright © 2018 EB Medicine. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine. This publication is intended for the use of the individual subscriber only
and may not be copied in whole or part or redistributed in any way without the publisher’s prior written permission.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice • July 2019 CD7 Copyright © 2019 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

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