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JO U R N AL O F M A TE R IA LS S CI E NC E 3 3 (1 9 9 8) 3 05 — 31 2

Characteristic times of oxygen mass transfer

at the liquid metal–vapour interface
Istituto di Chimica Fisica Applicata dei Materiali del CNR, via De Marini 6,
16149 Genova, Italy
L. NA N N I , E . A RAT O , P . C O ST A
Istituto di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo ‘‘G.B. Bonino’’, Università di Genova,
via dell’Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova, Italy

The interactions of liquid metals and alloys with the environment mostly depends on the
thermodynamic properties of the liquid surface. In fact, the surface tension is strongly
influenced by the presence in the surrounding atmosphere of reactive gases through
solution, adsorption mechanisms and/or surface reactions. In particular, oxygen, which
shows a high surface activity towards a large number of metallic systems, is the most
important contaminant of liquid metals and alloys.
Theoretical approaches for estimating the oxygen mass transfer at the liquid—vapour
interface under inert atmosphere and vacuum have been developed already in order to relate
the observed physical properties to the real surface composition data.
In the present work a model of the interfacial transport of a liquid metal—oxygen system
under Knudsen conditions that foresees the temporal evolution of the interfacial
composition is presented. The diffusion characteristic times for reaching steady-state
conditions are evaluated in order to define two system ‘‘sizes’’ depending on the different
oxygen transport mechanisms in the liquid phase.
An experimental study of the interface evolution is at present under way and preliminary
results show a satisfactory agreement with theoretical studies.

Nomenclature y"molar fraction in the gas phase

c"molar concentration (mol m~3) a"condensation coefficient
D "diffusion coefficient of atomic oxygen in the !"Gibbs adsorption (mol m~2)
metal (m2 s~1) m"stoichiometric coefficient
f"function defined in Equation 41
k"partial transport coefficient for the mass transfer
(mol s g~1 m~1) Subscript and superscript
K"transport coefficient (m s~1) b"bulk
MM "molecular weight (g mol~1) D"diffusion
N"molar flux between the gas and the condensed l"liquid
phase (mol m~2 s~1) g"gas
P "partial pressure of the j5) oxide (Pa) O "molecular oxygen
j 2
P "vapour pressure of the pure metal (Pa) M"metal
P "partial pressure of molecular oxygen (Pa) j"j5) oxide
P "total pressure (Pa) I"interface
r"radial co-ordinate (m) 0"initial state
R"drop radius (m) s"saturation state
R"gas constant (J mol~1 K~1) st"steady state
s"liquid saturation degree
¹"temperature of the system (K)
¹ "boiling temperature (K) 1. Introduction
¹ "melting temperature (K) The studies on the interplay of all possible mechan-
¹ "temperature of the container wall (K) isms of mass transport at the interface of liquid
t"time (s) metal—gas systems are of a topical interest, from a sci-
x "molar fraction of atomic oxygen in the liquid entific and a technological point of view. In particular,
phase for the high temperature processes, the definition of
0022—2461 ( 1998 Chapman & Hall 305
the factors controlling oxygen mass transport through measurements, in order to relate the observed surface
the liquid metal interface as a function of the bound- properties to the actual liquid composition.
ary conditions assume an important role also in the In this paper we present a theoretical model, based
definition of the efficiency of technological processes. on the assumption of the model described above and
In fact, oxygen shows a strong surface activity towards upgraded, concerning the oxygen transfer through the
a large number of metallic systems [1], and its pres- liquid—vapour interface under Hertz—Knudsen condi-
ence, in practice, can never be avoided. For this rea- tions, allowing the temporal evolution of the inter-
son, investigations on high-temperature capillarity are facial composition to be considered. The model allows
basic to evaluate the tensio-active effects of oxygen on the diffusion characteristic times for reaching steady-
the liquid metal surfaces through surface tension and state conditions to be evaluated.
contact angle measurements.
Because the high temperature capillarity processes
are generally performed under controlled atmosphere 2. The model
or under a vacuum, it seems extremely useful to pro- Let us consider a liquid metal drop placed at the
vide theoretical models, in addition to the experimen- centre of a close chamber as an exemplification of the
tal observations, which enable an accurate estimation real experimental set-up. The following conditions
to be made of both the degree of contamination of the apply:
surface, and the mechanism of the oxygen mass trans-
fer at the liquid—gas interface, in order to relate the 1. The temperature near the drop is maintained at
observed physical properties to the real surface com- a uniform and constant value ¹, which is higher than
that on the chamber walls, ¹ .
position data. 8
2. Total pressure P (1 Pa is maintained inside
To attempt this goal, we have previously developed 505
two theoretical descriptions [2, 3], on the basis of the chamber: thus, Hertz—Knudsen conditions are as-
kinetic and transport theories, relating the mass ex- sured for the mass transport in the gas phase [4].
change between liquid metals and the surrounding 3. The activity coefficient of the liquid metal is
atmosphere at different oxygen partial pressures: the assumed to be unity.
first one under inert atmosphere (He fluxing with an 4. Small amounts of dissolved oxygen are assumed
inlet pressure of +105 Pa); the second one under not to affect significantly the vapour pressure of the
pure metal, P , which is assumed to depend only on
a vacuum (total pressure lower than 1 Pa in the M
Knudsen regime). the temperature ¹.
In the first model, where diffusion is the main mass- 5. The partial pressure of oxygen in the residual
atmosphere, P is considered to be constant.
transport mechanism in the gas phase, reactions O2 ,'
6. A molar fraction x 4x of atomic oxygen is
between metal vapours and molecular oxygen are O O,4
dissolved into the metal, where x indicates the limit
allowed to occur, establishing specific reaction re- O,4
gimes in which the oxygen can or cannot contaminate of solubility [5]. Above this limit, the formation reac-
the liquid metal surface. tion of the first stable oxide in the condensed phase:
In the second one, a total pressure less than 1 Pa is M(#0/$)#mO('!4)"MO(#0/$) , is shifted to the right.
2 2m
considered, assuring the Hertz—Knudsen conditions of The term ‘‘first oxide’’ denotes the oxide with the
thermomolecular regime for the mass transport phe- minimum oxygen content which is thermodynami-
nomena in the gas phase. In fact, under a vacuum, cally stable under the imposed conditions.
transport processes in the gas phase have no control When x "x , that is when the metal and the
over the total interphase mass exchange, because of O O,4
oxide exist at the same time as different condensed
the large mean free path of the molecules. phases, the atmospheric composition is fixed at con-
Moreover, when dealing with metals which form stant ¹ for a system at equilibrium, and it can be
volatile oxides, condensation of the oxide vapours on calculated from thermodynamic data. In particular,
the reactor walls must be taken into account; the the vapour pressures P of the species containing
removal of oxide vapours from above the metal sur- +,4
oxygen (suboxides) resulting from thermal decomposi-
face can significantly displace the oxidation equilib- tion of the oxide depend exclusively on ¹ [3].
rium, enhancing the rate of oxide vaporization; this The oxygen diffusion inside the liquid metal drop
effect can be exploited in some cases to deoxidize and the interfacial interactions can be evaluated as-
and/or purify the liquid metal. suming the liquid metal drop as a rigid sphere. Under
Owing to the double contribution of molecular oxy- this assumption and under the conditions described
gen and volatile oxides to the oxygen flux to and from above, the local oxygen mass balance in the drop can
the surface, steady-state conditions can be established, be expressed in spherical co-ordinates as
in which no variations of composition of the two
phases occur over time. The problem can be ap-
­x 1 ­ ­x
proached by evaluating the total oxygen and metal O"D r2 O 04r(R(t)4R
­t O r2 ­r ­r 0
evaporation rates as functions of the overall thermo-
dynamic driving forces. (1)
Curves separating different ‘‘oxidation regimes’’,
were drawn, which represent an accurate control where r is the radial co-ordinate which is zero at the
tool of the oxygen contamination degree of liquid centre of the drop, D is the diffusion coefficient of
metals under a vacuum; they are useful in capillarity atomic oxygen in the metal, R(t) and R are the sphere
radius at time t and at initial time t"0, respectively. 4), the gradient of x at the interface can be defined
The possibility of a drop shrinking, due to the metal

­x c
evaporation, is explicitly taken into account. O "! !2N # x ! ' 2y
­r O ,I
2 O,I c O2 ,I
As initial conditions (t"0 and R"R ), we assume
0 I -

a uniform distribution of oxygen inside the drop
](2N # N ) (D c )~1 (7)
O2 ,I M,I O -
x "x0 for 04r(R (2)
As Equation 7 shows, the gradient of oxygen molar
The assumed boundary conditions are: the symmetry fraction depends on the oxygen flux at the gas—liquid
condition at the drop centre interface, on the concentration discontinuity between
­x the interfacial gas and the interfacial liquid and on the
t'0 r"0 O"0 (3) interface displacement which is correlated to the oxy-
gen and metal fluxes.
If the condition c 2y @c x is assumed, which is
the oxygen balance at the moving interface ' O2,I - O,I
a more restrictive condition than c @c but generally
' -
t'0 r"R(t) verified because of the rarefaction of the gas at the
total pressure considered by the initial condition, the
­x dR expression of the gradient of oxygen molar fraction at
!c D O!2N "(c x !c 2y ) (4)
- O ­r OÈ,I - O,I ' O2 ,I dt the interface (Equation 7) yields

In Equation 4, c and c are the molar concentrations
- ' O "![(1!x ) 2N !x N ](D c )~1
of the liquid and of the gas, respectively, N is the ­r O,I O2 ,I O,I M,I O -
O2 ,I I
flux of molecular oxygen at the interface, y and
O2 ,I (8)
x are the molar fractions of molecular oxygen in the
gas and of atomic oxygen in the metal res- As a further approximation, when x @1 is as-
pectively, near the interface. Equation 4 shows the sumed, which is reasonable in many cases, the gradi-
oxygen flux arriving from the bulk to the interface ent at the interface simply becomes
(!c D (­x /­r)) and the oxygen flux going through
- O O ­x 2N
the interface towards the gas phase (N ), to be equal O "! O2 ,I (9)
O2 ,I ­r D c
to the oxygen accumulation at the moving boundary. I O -
The variation with time of the surface adsorption Under this approximation, the oxygen concentra-
(d!/dt) is not considered in Equation 4; in fact, with tion gradient at the interface depends on the evapor-
reference to the known values of ! for oxygen in liquid ation flux and on the oxygen diffusivity ratio, but is
metals [1] and to the drop dimension considered independent of the evolution of the interface.
(R"5]10~3 m), the ratio between the oxygen mole Taking into account Equation 9, the oxygen bal-
number in the liquid bulk and those at the interface ance expressed by Equation 4 becomes
results much greater than one: i.e. (Rc x /3!)A1 (for
- O dR
instance of the order of 103). (c x !c 2y ) "0
In addition to the boundary conditions, the total - O,I ' O2 ,I dt
mass balance of the system has to be considered in
which, on the basis of the assumption made above, can
order to deduce the interface evolution as a function of
be interpreted also as
the net evaporation fluxes, both the oxygen flux at the
interface N and the metal flux N coming from the dR
O2 ,I M,I +0 (10)
interface dt
dR which confirms that the variation in size of the drop is
!(2N # N )"[c ! c (2y # y )]
O2 ,I M,I - ' O2 ,I M,I dt negligible.

3. Evaluation of steady-state conditions
where y is the molar fraction of the metal in the gas The steady-state conditions of the system corresponds
phase at the interface. to a uniform and constant drop composition
Because the concentration (density) of the gaseous
phase is negligible compared with that of the liquid ­x
x "x and O"0 for 04r(R (11)
phase (i.e. c @c ), the total mass balance (Equation 5), O O,I ­t
' -
can be written in a more simple form, deducing the
In particular, the liquid—vapour interface is con-
interface evolution which is directly dependent on the
sidered to be in steady state when the oxygen concen-
net evaporation fluxes
tration gradient in the liquid phase is zero, i.e.

dR 2N # N ­x
"! O2 ,I M,I (6) O "0 (12)
dt c ­r
- I
Substituting the total mass balance (Equation 6) in As the condition to reach the steady state at the
the expression of the total oxygen balance (Equation liquid—vapour interface (Equation 12) is implicit in the
condition of the steady-state of the system (Equation Equations 2, 3 and 9, obtaining
11), it can be stated that the steady-state of
dxN 6N
liquid—vapour interface is a necessary condition to O"! O2 ,I (19)
reach the steady state of the drop. Obviously, such dt Rc
a condition can be verified when all fluxes at the
liquid—vapour interface are zero Then, with reference to the mean value of the flux

(N0 #N45 ) N0
N " N "0
O2 ,I M,I
(13) N1 " O2 ,I O2 ,I + O2 ,I (20)
O2 ,I 2 2
Equation 13 defines the thermodynamic equilibrium
at the liquid—vapour interface which is consistent with (where N0 and N45 , are the interface oxygen fluxes
O2 ,I O2 ,I
a null gradient and a steady interface, and results in at the initial state and at the steady state, respectively),
the kinematics steady-state condition dR/dt " 0. and to the initial (xN "x0 ) and final (xN "x45 ) com-
However, the steady state at the interface can also be position, the approximate time integration of Equa-
achieved under less restrictive conditions than that tion 19 allows the characteristic time to be evaluated
imposed by Equation 13; in fact Equation 12 is
1 Rc
verified (see Equation 8) also when a sort of flux con- t " - (x0 !x45 ) (21)
gruence is achieved 45 3 N0 O O
O2 ,I
2N x By comparing the characteristic times t , as defined
O2 ,I" O,I (14) D
in Equation 18, and t , two subclasses of systems can
O,I 45
be distinguished: ‘‘small’’ and ‘‘large’’ drops, depend-
In fact, the presence of non-zero fluxes does not neces- ing on the different mechanism of the oxygen trans-
sarily modify the composition of the liquid phase; on port in the liquid phase.
the other hand, when a net flux of matter crosses the
liquid—vapour interface, under the steady condition
(Equation 14), a time variation of the drop dimensions 4.1. ‘‘Small’’ drops
occurs We define the drop as ‘‘small’’, when the diffusion time
within the drop is very small (related to the system
dR 2N
"! O2 ,I (15) parameters), so that the drop composition can be
dt x c
O,I - taken as uniform (x "x ; 04r(R; t'0) and the
condition t @t is verified. From a geometrical point
Moreover, under the frequently verified condition D 45
for which the oxygen flux at the interface is less than of view, taking into account Equations 18 and 21, this
the metal evaporation flux condition is equivalent to

2N @N 3D c
O2 ,I M,I
(16) R@ O - (x0 !x45 ) (22)
N0 O O
O2 ,I
Equation 14 can be simplified to
As the ‘‘small’’ drop, defined in Equation 22, shows
N "0 and N O0 (17) uniform composition, the characteristic time of the
O2 ,I M,I
bulk, t , and that of the interface, t , are equal to t ,
This approximation is consistent with Equations 9 " I 45
and 10. In this case the velocity of the interface can be
evaluated from Equation 15 while the study of t "t "t At
transitions to the steady-state condition can be carried I " 45 D
out under the approximation of constant dimensions Thus, for ‘‘small’’ drops, the characteristic time is
as expressed by Equation 10. calculated according to Equation 21 and the steady-
In the following, we refer to this latter approach, state condition x "x "x45"const, is achieved at
which seems to be sufficient to approximate the ex- the same time both at the interface and in the bulk.
perimental conditions in the short times.

4.2. ‘‘Large’’ drops

4. Characteristic times We define the drop as ‘‘large’’ when t At and Equa-
D 45
In order to examine the physical meaning of the tion 22 becomes
steady-state condition and to evaluate the time neces-
3D c
sary to reach it, some characteristic times have to be RA O - (x0 !x45 ) (22a)
evaluated. The diffusion time within the drop is de- N0 O O
O2 ,I
fined [6] as
In this case the diffusion within the liquid metal drop
R2 is the controlling process.
t " (18) The time t is of the same order of t , while t should
D 9D " D I
O be much shorter and could be evaluated equalling the
The time t necessary for a homogenous drop to reach diffusional penetration distances.
the steady-state composition x45 can be estimated first The same result can be obtained by following a for-
by a space integration of Equation 1 together with mal approach, allowing the interfacial composition to
be calculated from the convolution integral On the other hand, for ‘‘large’’ drops, also Equation
23 admits the analytical solution
t 2N [x (t@)]
x "x0 ! O2 ,I O,I dt@ (23)
O,I O c (pD )1@2 (t!t@)1@2 x !x45
O,I O"e4t@tI erfc (4t/t )1@2
- O 0 I
x0 !x45
Equation 23 is correct for planar geometry, but it is O O
fully acceptable also for spherical geometry if the In particular, for tAt Equation 30 degenerates to
diffusion penetration distance is much smaller than
x !x45 t 1@2 1 D 1@2
the drop radius. O,I O+ I + O (31)
x0 !x45 4pt K pt
Substituting the mean value of flux (Equation 20) in O O
Equation 23, an estimation of the characteristic time which is an expression of an approximate trend of the
of the interface t , is obtained dependence on time of the oxygen interface composi-
tion in the liquid phase for ‘‘large’’ drops. In this case
D c 2 (x0 !x45 )2
t "p O - O O (24) also, the expression of the flux at the interface degener-
I (2N0 )2
O ,I
2 ates in the well known trend at constant composition
A correlation between the characteristic times can x

be obtained by using Equations 18 and 21 and assum- D 1@2
ing the approximation: p1@2+2 2N +(x0 !x45 ) O (32)
O2 ,I O O pt
t " 45 (25) However, in more general cases, where the inter-
I t facial flux N is non-linear, the characteristic times
D O2 ,I
So, for ‘‘large’’ drops: t "t2 /t @t @t +t . In this also depend on the concentrations.
I 45 D 45 " D As already described in the previous model [3],
case the interface reaches the steady-state composition
in a characteristic time t defined by Equation 24 or 25, concerning the oxygen mass transfer at liquid—
I metal-vapour interface under a low total pressure,
which is much less than t . This last time is also much
" with its assumptions remaining valid, the total oxygen
longer than the time t associated with a homogene-
45 and metal fluxes at the interface are written as
ous drop, and it is practically controlled by the diffu-
sion time t . N "k (s2 P !P )
D O2 ,I O2 I O2 ,4 O2 ,'
#& m k (s2mj P !P ) (33)
j j j I j,4 j,'
5. Temporal evolution of the interface N "k (P !P )
The trend of the oxygen interfacial composition ver- M,I M M,4 M,'
#& k (s2mj P !P ) (34)
sus time, the initial conditions defined in Equation j j I j,4 j,'
2 being valid, can be described by the differential where k , k , and k , are the coefficients of the Hertz—
Equation 19 for ‘‘small’’ drops, and by the integral O2 M j
Langmuir—Knudsen [4] equation for the evaporation
Equation 23 for ‘‘large’’ drops. The inequalities (Equa- from a surface under a vacuum. For an evaporating
tions 22 and 22a) discriminate between ‘‘small’’ and element or a compound, such a coefficient is given by
‘‘large’’ drops.

In particular, as a simple case, the example of an 1 1@2
k"a (35)
overall oxygen flux linearly dependent on the driving 2pR¹MM
force is reported. By assuming for the overall atomic
where a is the condensation coefficient of the evapor-
oxygen flux
ating species and MM is the molecular weight.
2N "Kc (x !x45 ) (26) Equations 33 and 34 describe the system in terms
O2 ,I - O,I O of coefficients and driving forces related to the gas-
(where K is the transport coefficient for the oxygen), eous phase only. In the expression of the driving
the characteristic times of the interface for the two forces appears the relative saturation of the interfacial
subclasses considered, on the basis of Equations 21 liquid.
and 24 are, respectively The steady-state condition for the interface (Equa-
2R tion 14 or 17) combined with Equations 33 and 34
t" for ‘‘small’’ drops (27) leads to individuate the value of the steady-state liquid
I 3K
saturation degree s , as a function of the gaseous
and phase composition (P , P , P ), of the values at
O2 ,' j,' M,'
saturation (P , P , P ) and of the liquid phase
4D O2 ,4 j,4 M,4
t" O for ‘‘large’’ drops (28) (x ), which in turn depend on temperature. In the
I K2 expression of s also the transport coefficient ratio
For ‘‘small’’ drops, the analytical solution of k a 1
/" j" j (36)
Equation 19 yields an exponential dependence on j k a (m#m )1@2
time of the oxygen interface composition in the liquid O2 O2 j
phase appears, where m is the molecular weight ratio"
M M /M M . By taking into account Equations 17, 33 and
x !x45 M O2
O,I O"e~2t@tI 36, the ‘‘steady-state saturation degree’’ s "x45 /x
(29) 45 O O,4
x0 !x45 can be derived by the following equation, which is
solvable by an iterative procedure (2) if s +s
0 45

P #& m / P 1@2
O2 ,' j j j j,' P
s "
45 P # & m / P s2(mj~1)
(37) f"2s 1#& m2 / j,4 s2(mj~1) (43)
O2 ,4 j j j j,4 45 0 j j jP 0
O2 ,4
As expected, when the saturation values of oxygen
In particular, Equation 42 can be usefully applied to
pressure, P "P (¹ ) and the vapour pressure of
O2 ,' O2 ,4 calculate t when the initial condition of the system is
species containing oxygen, P "P (¹ ) are imposed 45
j,' j,4 the saturation (s "1). In this case, the condition
(oxygen saturation, with the system in monovariant 0
s As is largely verified and the factor f can be further
equilibrium), s becomes equal to unity. 0 45
45 approximated in
When, as in this case, the steady-state condition can
be approximated with Equation 17 (N45 "0), the P
O2 ,I f +1#& m / j,4 (44)
oxygen flux at the interface (Equation 33) in the steady j j jP
state can be written in the form O2 ,4
Under these conditions the characteristic time t can
N45 "k P (s2!s2 ) 45
O2 ,I O2 ,I O2 ,4 I 45 be calculated by the relationship obtained from
#& m k P (s2mj!s2mj ) (38) Equations 40 and 44
j j j,I j,4 I 45
and, by the same way, the initial flux N0 , which is
O2,I Rc x P ~1
non-linear with respect to the term (s2!s2 ), results t " - O,4 1#& m / j,4 (45)
0 45 45 3k P j j j P
N0 "k P (s2!s2 ) O2 O2 ,s O2 ,4
O2 ,I O2 ,I O2 ,4 0 45 The characteristic time t for some metallic systems
#& m k P (s2mj!s2mj ) (39) 45
j j j,I j,4 0 45 of technological interest has been calculated by using
Then, the characteristic time t , as defined in Equa- Equation 45, considering, as a first approximation, the
tion 21, depends on the initial composition of the ratio of the condensation coefficients a and a to be
j O2
liquid and, on the basis of Equation 39, it can be equal to unity if the efficiency of the evaporating
written as process is assumed to have about the same value for
Rc x 1 both species.
t " - O,4 (40) The thermodynamic quantities have been cal-
45 3k P f (s , s )
O2 O2 ,4 0 45 culated as a function of temperature starting from the
where f is melting temperature up to the boiling temperature at

P the fixed total pressure of 10~3 Pa. The partial pres-
f" s2!s2 #& m / j,4 (s2mj!s2mj ) (s !s )~1
0 45 j j jP 0 45 0 45 sures P
O2 ,4
and P have been calculated by evaluating
O2 ,4 the equilibrium constants of the reaction of formation
of the first stable oxide and the volatile oxides, respec-
tively [7], on the basis of equilibrium constant of the
6. Applications oxidation reaction.
For the sake of simplicity, the factor f can be approx- The value of the characteristic time t was then
imated under different conditions as follows: calculated for each metal as a function of temperature.
(1) if s As As an example, the values referred to the liquid tin are
0 45 reported in Table I.

f +s 1#& m / j,4 s2(mj~1) (42) The values of t as a function of temperature at
0 j j jP 0 a total pressure P "10~1 Pa for a set of selected
O2 ,4 505
TA BLE I Characteristic time t as a function of temperature of a liquid tin drop (R"5]10~3 m) from melting to boiling point at a total
pressure P "10~3 Pa and related thermodynamic quantities
Temperature Density x P P P 2 t
O,4 j,4 j,4 O ,4 45
(K) (kg m~3) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa) (s)

j"SnO j"SnO
506 6999.5 7.20E!10 1.20E!18 3.90E!25 4.30E!45 6.96E#12
556 6966.3 7.70E!09 8.30E!16 3.60E!20 1.20E!39 1.14E#11
606 6933.4 5.60E!08 1.90E!13 5.00E!16 4.20E!35 3.70E#09
656 6900.8 3.00E!07 1.90E!11 1.60E!12 2.90E!31 1.79E#08
706 6868.5 1.30E!06 9.90E!10 1.60E!09 5.90E!28 4.28E#06
756 6836.5 4.50E!06 3.00E!08 6.60E!07 4.30E!25 4.93E#04
806 6804.8 1.30E!05 5.90E!07 1.30E!04 1.40E!22 8.16E#02
856 6773.4 3.50E!05 8.20E!06 1.30E!02 2.20E!20 2.16E#01
906 6742.2 8.40E!05 8.40E!05 7.80E!01 2.00E!18 8.59E!01
956 6711.4 1.80E!04 6.80E!04 3.10E#01 1.10E!16 4.82E!02
1006 6680.8 3.70E!04 4.40E!03 8.40E#02 4.40E!15 3.62E!03
1056 6650.6 6.90E!04 2.40E!02 1.70E#04 1.20E!13 3.49E!04
1106 6620.6 1.20E!03 1.10E!01 2.50E#05 2.30E!12 4.19E!05
1156 6590.8 2.10E!03 4.40E!01 3.00E#06 3.50E!11 6.06E!06

Element: Sn.
Total pressure: 10~3 (Pa).
Melting point: 505 K. Boiling point: 1158 K.

TA BLE I I Values of t (s) as a function of temperature at a total pressure P "10~1 Pa for a set of selected liquid metal drops
45 505
(R"5]10~3 m)

P "10~1 Pa Al Ga In Ge Sn Pb
¹ "933 K ¹ "303 K ¹ "430 K ¹ "1211 K ¹ "505 K ¹ "601 K
. . . . . .
¹ 8.91E#02 5.94E#13 8.75E#35 7.18E!03 6.96E#12 1.52E#09
¹ #100 K 8.70E#01 4.16E#08 6.41E#27 2.28E!03 3.70E#09 8.21E#06
¹ #200 K 1.32E#01 3.70E#05 1.90E#22 9.15E!04 4.28E#06 1.71E#03
¹ #500 K — 1.35E#01 8.05E#12 — 3.62E!03 —
¹ #600 K — 2.20E#00 1.03E#11 — 4.19E!05 —

Figure 1 Isotherm trend of the characteristic time t of liquid tin as a function of the drop radius R at P "10~3 Pa. (— —) characteristic time
45 505
calculated at melting point (505 K); (— - —) characteristic time calculated at boiling point (1158 K); (- - -) characteristic time at an intermediate
¹"870 K; Bold curve: diffusion times calculated for ¹ from 1023 K to 1158 K and extrapolated for ¹ from 505 K to 1023 K.

metals are reported in Table II. By comparing the a temperature near the melting one the drop is
reported values of t calculated under fixed conditions ‘‘small’’. For the intermediate temperatures some
of temperature (¹ (¹(¹ ) and pressure for differ- t curve may cross the corresponding t curve and
. " 45 D
ent liquid metal drops having constant dimensions, a fixed radius can be singled out which discriminate
with the estimated [8—11] corresponding values of the belonging to ‘‘small’’ or ‘‘large’’ drop class.
oxygen diffusion times in the liquid metal (t "101—103 s),
the two subclasses can be recognized; ‘‘small’’ drops
when t At and ‘‘large’’ drops when t @t , as defined 7. Conclusions
45 D 45 D
by the theoretical model. A tin drop, for example, can A theoretical model to evaluate the interfacial trans-
be considered ‘‘small’’ up to a temperature of about port of a liquid metal—oxygen system under Knudsen
700 K, but for temperatures above 1000 K it can be conditions has been developed.
considered ‘‘large’’. Drops of In or Pb can be con- Starting from a local oxygen mass balance in the
sidered ‘‘small’’ in the overall range of temperature liquid metal drop and taking into account the total
considered here. On the other hand, a drop of Ge can mass balance, the oxygen molar fraction at the inter-
be considered always as ‘‘large’’. face and in the liquid phase have been evaluated as
As a clarifying example, Fig. 1 shows that the classi- a function of time.
fication in ‘‘small’’ or ‘‘large’’ drops not only depends Steady-state conditions have been defined for this
on the drop’s radius but mostly on the liquid metal particular system both for the bulk liquid phase and
temperature. The trend of t as a function of the radius the interface. The evaluation of the relevant character-
of a liquid tin drop is shown at three fixed temper- istic times (for diffusion, and to reach stationary con-
atures. The trend of t is also reported: diffusion times ditions) has allowed two characteristic system ‘‘sizes’’
have been calculated at the boiling temperature on the to be defined: ‘‘small’’ and ‘‘large’’ drops, depending on
basis of available literature data [9] and extrapolated the different mechanisms of gas transport in the liquid
for ¹(1023 K. It can be noticed that despite a small phase.
radius, at a temperature near the boiling point, The interfacial characteristic times and the trend of
a liquid tin drop is classified as ‘‘large’’, whereas for the oxygen interfacial composition vs. time have been
calculated for ‘‘small’’ and ‘‘large’’ drops in some 3. P. C A S TEL LO , E. R I C CI, A . P ASS ERO N E and P . C OS TA,
simple cases. ibid. 29 (1994) 6104.
Finally, the present model has been used to make 4. R . O H NO, in ‘‘Liquid metals — chemistry and physics’’,
edited by S. Z. Beer (Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1972)
some estimate of the behaviour of selected metallic Chapter 2.
systems under different conditions. 5. S. O T SU K A and Z. K OZ U KA, ¹rans. Jpn. Inst. Met. 22
An experimental programme is currently under way (1981) 558.
in our laboratory to validate this model; preliminary 6. G. AS T AR IT A, ‘‘Mass transfer with chemical reaction’’ (Else-
results confirm the reliability of the characteristic vier, Amsterdam, 1967).
7. O. K N AC K E, O. K U BA S CH E W S KI and K . H ES S EL -
times to reach a surface steady-state composition esti- MA NN, ‘‘Thermo-chemical properties of inorganic substan-
mated by the present work. ces’’ 2nd edition (Springer Verlag, Verlag Stahleisen m.b.
H Düsseldorf, 1991).
8. P. R AJ EN D ER A , P . C H H ABR A and K. RO Y, Z. Metallkde.
Acknowledgements 79 (1988) 64.
The authors wish to thank Dr A. Passerone (ICFAM- 9. T. A . RA M A N AR AY AN A N and R. A . RA P P, Met. ¹rans.
3 (1972) 3239.
CNR Genova) for his contribution during many fruit-
10. R . S Z W AR C, K . E. O BER G and A. RA PP, High ¹emp. Sci.
ful discussions on this subject. 4 (1972) 347.
11. K. A . KL IN E DIN S T, and D. A . ST E VE N S ON, J. Electro-
chem. Soc. 120 (1973) 304.
1. C . H . P . LU P IS, in ‘‘Chemical thermodynamics of materials’’
(Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1983).
2. E. R ICC I , A . PA S S ER O NE , P. C AS T ELL O and P . C OS TA, Received 26 February
J. Mater. Sci. 29 (1994) 1833. and accepted 5 August 1997


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