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Cybersecurity is important to businesses of all sizes, and the issue is not merely a technical one.

Technology can have a profound impact on the ability of businesses to scale their operations and
reach more customers today than ever before.  Just as the proper employment of technology can
deliver a significant competitive advantage, failure to manage the risk that comes with technology
can be detrimental to the success of a modern business.
Attached are a number of articles and whitepapers addressed, not to technologists, but to business
executives and board members.  Using these resources, as well as your own research on the web,
write at least three paragraphs (minimum of 400 words) describing why cyber security is not a
concern that should be left to the IT department.

Additional resources for assignment

 ( 1 KB; Jan 14, 2020

10:38 pm )
( 1 KB; Jan 14, 2020 10:38 pm )
ioe/assets/files/Cybersecurity_A_View_from_the_Boardroom_HighRez.pdf ( 1 KB; Jan 14, 2020 10:38
pm )
cyber-risk.pdf ( 1 KB; Jan 14, 2020 10:38 pm )
 ( 1 KB; Jan
14, 2020 10:38 pm )

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