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These cards were made entirely by me. For each card I painted a picture. These paintings
were painted in a period in which I had resumed the study of the JEWISH ALPHABET but
above all of the esoteric meaning of each letter.

However, these cards are not an illustration of the concepts, but a CHANNEL.

The choice of the images following the realization of the cards was an ACT OF MAGIC, an
INSTINCTIVE and not rational choice.

In this way, I leave the interpretation of each reader free and above all the possibility that
each reader makes his own Oracle, studying each card in turn.

So the indications that I give in this manual are only food for thought, the real meaning is
what you will give them!

I therefore advise you to dedicate this month studying a card every day and writing down
in your Oracle what the card transmits to you, without letting yourself be too influenced by
my interpretation.

Make your own funnel. Let your intuition and your instincts free. And then write, write, write

The passage with these cards is an Initiatory Path, you will notice your change at the end,
after having dedicated a month to this deck.

Good Magic!

The letter of pure unity, the absent letter. At first it was silence!

Aleph is the first Hebrew letter, the mute vowel withdrawn from an immemorial past and
hidden from the sensitivity of the human gaze in the immanence of a copious multiplicity. It
is a clue to relieve oneself from the gaze of the world, and let oneself go in an ephemeral
dream of union, in an instant of pure listening, abandoning the world to its fragility. Pay
attention to the voice that dwells in words!

This seems to be an awakening, which excludes nostalgia and teaches us to think and feel
the renewal in everything. Awakening will transform the one who touches. leave everything
that can hold you prisoner and go to yourselves. Forget your inner desolation and
celebrate the Abyss without petrifying yourself from fear, feel your abandonment, there is
the cure for all ills.

Man's desire must be stripped of everything that imprisons and mortifies him to find
beyond the insatiable shells of the ego the inner path where you await and talk to you. You
will know joy for a fleeting first moment. A joy that does not take you away from the world
but restores you to yourself by giving you the strength to listen, leading you towards

Aleph, the silent letter that speaks of you to infinity.


It is the letter of the true beginning. It always starts after the Silence!

Bet is the second Hebrew letter and with it one always brings one's cause before the
Eternal. It is the magical beginning of the privilege of watching over one's own becoming.
Creation under the seal of duality: '' Bereshit barà Elohim! '' (In the beginning the gods
created) ... as above so below.

Despite the dreams we have, despite the tyrannical desire to be alike. One will never be
like the other. But intrinsically we are both, male and female, rebis in the psyche,
inseparable in our unconscious. This in separation should help us find the way of blessing
in view of a becoming enigma solved for ourselves. Without duality and without separation,
the very experience of the human adventure would remain suspended.

The multiplicity of men often arouses the temptation to overcome the wound inflicted on
the desire for domination and influence where confusion and lack of discernment prevail.

The divine will is to transmit to men from the Eternal the desire to magically build his house
on Earth.

Bet, the Hebrew letter of the Blessing and the Beginning. With the Magic it all begins.

The balance of the world is based on the presence of 3 qualities: mercy, rigor and truth.

Ghimel is the third Hebrew letter, the letter of the balance between good and evil, between
the position of victim and that of the executioner and the compensation of all existence.

The same letter compensates for the damage caused by the harshness of a judgment, but
also of the creation entrusted to the custody of pure mercy, to the defense in the face of
violence, fear and tremor. Without condemning the rush of desire.

Ghimel compensates for the excess of grace and light as well.

However ghise teaches how to be cautious towards the light when it all begins with
darkness before waking up. At the same time, he conveys the hope that darkness and its
profound influence are not the definitive word, but only a path to follow.

Born to compensate for every duality, he remembers that man in his fall divided himself
from himself and projected his entire reality on the basis of a dualistic vision.

This is the vision that prevents us from coming to terms with Death and does not always fill
within us the urge to destroy.

The reward of cast irons is the heart in unison with the mind

Dalet, the fourth Hebrew letter of a writing from right to left has the meaning of opening a

The door opens in a human way to poverty to welcome it and provide with goodness. Dalet
is poverty, but it comes after Ghimel which is compensation and this union gives relief. The
two letters are meant for one another.

The poor man, crying out his lament to the Eternal, hopes in his help. At that point God
comes to their aid by involving his brothers to give them support, thus rising towards
spiritual elevation through mercy.

Poverty should be understood not only as a material deprivation of goods, but also as a
lack of just spirituality. Here, then, is how the door corresponding to the Dalet opens to an
inner space, giving them the opportunity to lighten the envelopes of their own '' ego ''

The ego, this unresolved part of the '' I '' that makes one believe that it exists in itself and
prevents the light from passing into the soul.

Dalet digs deep into himself a space of poverty and thinness better than any good to
possess, a space in which the reality of the other can manifest itself to invite him to the gift.

With this occasion in the act of relieving himself, the one who gives rises towards the
Divine Light becoming nobles, emperors of his own Kingdom.

A verse from the Torah says: '' from the word to the Eternal, the heavens were created by
the breath of his mouth ''.

He is the letter of inspiration, the one that lets the divine breath pass through the streets.

The shadows of pride and weakness vanish behind this breath.

Everything was created with the word. He introduces the Name and with it the Creation,
leaving anonymity and possession and becoming Self.

He is also the letter of determination, which outlines one's reality as single and

With the He you have a mission of life, justice and beauty,

He, in the simple breath of him announces the unexpected coming of clarity and liberation.

Initially a prisoner of Limbo extraneous to breathing, the He once part of a specific

respiratory cycle offers the creative, unique and irreplaceable part that only Divine
inspiration can justify.

He is the return, the conversion, the repentance, but also the reminder of something that
has gone and something that is yet to come. He is the return that celebrates the meeting
because every return is a happened.

The breath of He gives the strength to be reborn again becoming this time the emperor of
his own empire.

Those who know how to welcome the secret name in divine code (YHWH) also know that
this letter belongs as a participant in the formation of the 4 consons of the

With this secret begins the power and vivacity of this letter.

The Waw is nothing more than a copulative conjunction, like a snake with 2 heads.

The Waw puts peace between separate creations, between the horizontal and the vertical,
finding their hierophanic point of union.

Waw nourishes and supports the moral illusion of omnipotence going hand in hand with
the desire to dominate reality and distrust momentary desire.

Forgetting the fate of every creature and fascinated by death, the Waw takes on the
aspect of the most perfect serenity: she goes to death refusing to know. You live in the
anxiety of working on your own suffocating completeness.

It is no coincidence that the same waw also lives within the word '' peace '', peace as
meaningful completeness and not as a temptation to rest or indifference to pain.

The peace and wholeness of the Waw should not be confused with an ideal of perfection
but with a fragment of the path towards the light

Waw invites us to ask the darkest hours of questions and answers to the call of the Eternal
because life prevails over death in the fulfillment of the Opus Magnum.

The Eternal also gives Zayin to remember the primacy in his creation. The seventh letter
first remembers the seventh day of Creation.

Thus, this memory comes to inhabit thought, word, gesture and Love.

The memory crosses time through Zayin obliging to inscribe the trace in the concreteness
of the words spoken and the gestures performed.

The immemorial needs flesh and soul because he does not know how to forget. The
seventh day and the seventh letter awaken afflicted lives with the sign of this letter.

The secret of the Origin goes beyond the history of each and travels towards Eternity. We
are souls and spirits that never die. We delicately move on the thin thread of Existence.

The Creator, despite his present discretion, does not desert the hours when his creatures
suffer in often extreme disorientation.

The memory covers the traits of certainty, of the proximity of human pain, of the sensitive
power, of the ability to melt the sea in which man drowns, of the symbolic narration,

Remember Everything as if Everything happened now! Only in this way does the memory
preserve the memory of past lives by measuring them with words.

The call to remember precedes man, to become the witness of himself here and now.

Zayin is the war and the sharp sword, the dark side of the erect creation, the phallus and
the space where travels to live.

Zayin teaches to abandon the weak to their weakness and follow the strong into their

Chet is the letter that draws a closure in itself in its graphic form, while in its symbolic form
it directs towards the understanding of the error.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the word '' sin '' begins with this letter (chet, tet, alef).

The Chet (or heith) is open downwards, towards the earth, it is the vicious pride of letting
live for oneself, precisely an almost primordial form of sin, also becoming the prisoner of ''
chat '', fear.

Fear is not just the fear of punishment, but the fear of the end of everything. But how can
you be afraid of a life that is eternal in itself? In one way only, by merging and identifying
with the Creator.

Chet - heith is the chariot of resistance on which to go, transcend fear and the limits of the
flesh as a '' victim of sin ''. It is the Ark of the Covenant, the ship of Moses on which a
select few had the privilege of boarding.

It is the letter of the resurrection understood as a closure in itself, to rediscover within

oneself the charm of one's dignity and prowess in the presence of the mortification of
selfishness. With this gesture completed, he does not expect the future of a character with
extraordinary gifts who announces History, but rather the rebirth of each one not so much
more from the sin of the flesh but of that of the soul, an erroneous soul that only Chet can
lift from one life to another.

The chet is the letter of the reconciliation with the error.


The Eternal creates the light and notes that this is good. '' Light is the right thing! '' Thought
the Creator. With the letter '' tet '' (teith) begins the word '' tov '' which means good, but
also the word '' toda '' which means thank you!

The letter announces excellent news. thanks to divine light, goodness, justice and
goodness prevail over the darkness of inconstancy.

The Tet is the letter of the '' tov meod '' that the Kabbalist masters curiously interpret as ''
even death is good ''.

However, this letter is not present in the first tables that Moses threw to the ground at the
sight of the golden calf, because it is a letter that cannot be broken. Just as no justice and
no goodness cannot be divided.

Like all justice and goodness, it is an open letter at the top, with a roof and a makeshift
inside of itself.

A seed of human goodness and justice always remains on earth even in the darkest hours
of the unconscious, it is the seed that causes creation to reappear from Nothing whatever
disaster is.

The Apocalypse is an invention of man and not of God, of those who from the bottom of
the Abyss know how to find in themselves the way to appease all pain, proof of the
goodness and justice of their existence.

The breath of God, which descended into the human psyche at the moment of his
creation, did not desert it. All the goodness and unarmed justice is entrusted to the
weakness of a letter which, abandoning the illusion, gives space to the justice of a helpful

The Teith uproots the just seed of goodness in the soul of the just, as the Tablets of the
Law tell.

As small, it is still the first letter of the unpronounceable name of YHWH.

The Zohar recalls that the Eternal refuses to separate to tell the act of Creation.

The Yod of the Hermit is the letter of Bliss and Lightness.

It invites us not to resort to the temptation of idolatry.

It also represents the strength of forgiveness.

It is also the Little Indestructible that plays within us.

It reminds us of Patience and letting ourselves go to the Eternal Force of the Soul, and
also represents the vestments and tools that every Magician must wear: the tunic, the
talisman, the sacred book, the light, the skull as a reminder of Eternity, the sphere, the
baghetta, the work surface and the symbol-seal of the operation in progress.

Pay attention to the imprudence of the Spirit, and watch over infidelities by going beyond

Let go of what is blocking you and with Yod keep creating!


His hands!

It represents the palm of the hand declinable in all its interpretations and also the cavity.
You own it with your hands. The cavity contains.

In these 2 concepts resides the Eternal who recognizes you as his interlocutor.

Kaf means touching, caressing, taking, building, preserving, writing, drawing, designing,
playing, sculpting. But it also means hitting, wounding, destroying.

But also Blessing and Consecrating, making offerings as a gesture of Infinity and Mercy,
qualities that bring cyclical Fortune.

The hands are therefore also Protection, Blessing and Peace, but the hands are two and
their function is not the same.

The left hand is associated with the principle of judgment and severity (Binach sphere).

The right hand at the principle of love and grace (Chesed sphere).

For a blessing to be truly accomplished, the right hand must be placed over the left hand.

On the mental level, on the other hand, we need to be aware that every action must
respond to this double need, to unite judgment and mercy.

Kaf indicates not to encourage an error under the pretext of pity.

Kaf tells you to choose more than to submit resigned or rebellious to the influence of fate.

No blessing will not come with one hand, but with the hollow of both hands.

Kaf = crown = keter, that is, it instructs and directs the life of those who are willing to
receive it.

Because it is the letters that watch over the spirit as '' the word creates ''!

Teaching (also guardian angel).

This is the letter of the struggle of Jacob and the Guardian Angel that you fight with him. It
is an invitation not to ignore Evil, but to fight jealousy and hatred without abandoning
oneself to the forces of destruction.

Only in this way will you not give home to Evil.

Only in this way will you obey the voice of Good.

Having determination and strength to proclaim our Eternal being whatever happens even
in hostile lands.

Lamed is the letter in stone, the voice that comes from the eternal force.

Lamed teaches that when you wake up a secret, you destroy it at the same time.

Lamed is also the study, education, teaching, the building force of knowledge.

The study is effective only thanks to the questioning of the word and all its letters. Just as
when you look at Reality in its entirety, you must also question its details, but also go back
to the causes that dictated it.

Only in this way, digging, carving the word on the stone you will find the answer.

Then understand love only if you love to love, cultivating your Kingdom.

The gematric value + 30 = Earthly Royalty.

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