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Maungaturoto Matters Page 1

Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto, A Real New Zealand Town ‘Gettin’ on with it!’ Issue 84 Sept. 2008


Progressive Paparoa presents WAG! – an evening of WHERE Paparoa Hall
flamboyant colour and wonderful creations of wearable WHEN Saturday 20th September 2008
arts, plus entertainment and local produce tasting. TIME From 6.30pm
CONTACT Pat George, WAG Event Manager
One of the shiniest jewels in the 2008 Kaipara Calendar PHONE 09 431 6351
Events, this year’s Wearable Arts Gala is a not to be EMAIL or
missed event. The magical evening of creativity and imagi-
nation will be choreographed again by designer and artist WEBSITE
Pat George, who is at the heart of the thriving creative TICKETS Paparoa Drapery Paparoa.
community of Paparoa. Long Flat Bacon Co Ruawai.
Dargaville Sewing Centre &
Last year’s Wearable Arts Gala is still being talked about I-Site Kauri Coast Info Centre.
and this year’s event will be even more extraordinary – Plus door sales on the night.
flamboyant, vibrant and colourful - with first time catego- PRICES $20, Children $5.
ries for very young designers and a male only section. Family ( Adult+2 Children) $40

The event will demonstrate the talents of entrants from

around Northland in a parade of glamour and colourful
creations. Prizes will be awarded in the categories:-
Kauri Forest - proudly sponsored by The Kauri Museum.
Recycled Creationz - proudly sponsored by Kaipara Re-
fuse Ltd Ruawai.
Rural Kaipara
Two Harbours Two Oceans
Kidz Zone - for six to 13 year olds.
Manpower - for males 14 years upwards (Come on guys
show us what you can do.)
There will be an overall prize and many sponsored prizes.

WAG will be complemented by a young group of Circus

children from Waipu and will showcase tasting of some of
the area’s outstanding produce.

A Gala night not to be missed for all ages with wags of


153 Hurndall St
Ph/Fax (09) 431-8059
Bus Trip to Whangarei
Shopping Appointments etc.
Leave 9.00am and return approx. 3.30 – 4.00pm
as required.
For information on 2008 trips
Please phone 431 8059
Page 2 Maungaturoto Matters

Retirement Units For Sale and Rent

Maungaturoto Matters
The Community Trust wishes to advise, that
Maungaturoto Matters is a free monthly publication, vacancies occur from time to time in both the
produced and published by the Maungaturoto 2BR OYO units and 1BR rentals, situated
Business & Community Association for the
within the village in Riverview place,
Maungaturoto Community.
Letters to the Editor cannot be accepted due to Maungaturoto.
space limitations. Contributions and feed back from If you, or you have family interested in this
members of the Community are actively encouraged. retirement option, please contact Rest Home
Read on line at Manager Debbie Ph. 431 8696, a name on our
Deadlines: waiting list will ensure you are advised of
Advertising 15th of each month no exceptions vacancies.
Editorial (articles) 20th of each month

Editor: Elizabeth (Liz) Clark

Advertising:Elizabeth Clark 09 431 9129

Payments to: COATING
Maungaturoto Business & Community Association
P.O. Box 113
Maungaturoto Serving the Kaipara area
Since 1971
Contributions & Advertising
Email to
or Ph: 0800 4 Floors
Or Drop in the RED BOX at Tony’s Lotto Shop 147
Hurndall Street Maungaturoto
Please note the Editor is not available during normal
business hours.
Questions or comments:
Please phone the Editor A/h 09 431 9129 or email

Due to the limitations of our technology
Image quality cannot be guaranteed


Full page $60 MAUNGATUROTO

Quarter Page $20 MONTHLY MEETING
Eighth page $12
1st Wednesday of the Month
Classifieds 5c per letter/space
Interested Community & New
Members Welcome
BUSINESS DIRECTORY $9 PER Maungaturoto Centennial
6 MONTHS. Book for a year 6.00pm
(11 issues) and get one Free
Maungaturoto Matters Page 3

shifted up here in 1990. Now the forest has been

A big Thank You cut down, it is right there, just visible through my tall
A big Thank You to Mr. Taylor of Taylors Landscaping wooden dog-proof fence…
for his help in stopping to assist us when the trailer
we were towing had a small incident on SH 12. Mr So that is what I am going to do with your
Taylor helped save the day for us, and we are most Gift.
grateful to him. A carry on from "Be Kind to Someone
Day." which was Friday 29th August. Who said kind- Get my fence moved and extended– I can’t do that
ness isn't well and thriving in our community. sort of thing myself anymore – and Enjoy my mag-
Jim and Sharon. nificent view of the sea.
What a Rare and Precious Gift.
Thanks To the Communities of From Dr. Lynne Mitchell
Paparoa and Maungaturoto
from Dr. Lynne Mitchell
Plunket Parenting Courses

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Plunket is offering two courses to parents and caregivers
those Wonderful people who turned out on that which will be run at the Otamatea High School in the eve-
nings over two terms.
cold winters Friday night (22/8) to say goodbye
The first is:
and wish me well.
I’m sorry that I did not manage to speak to everyone · Your New Baby –Parenting in the first six weeks is
a 6 hour course offered to expectant parents during the
who came. antenatal period. This course is designed to support par-
ents prepare for parenting in the first six weeks of their
Also to the Many other Great folk who spontane-
baby’s life. Your New Baby aims to meet parents’ need for
ously sent letters and cards, when they first learned knowledge and skills, but also to encourage parents to
learn how their baby communicates and use these signals
of my departure, THANK YOU. to provide sensitive parenting.
Your support and good wishes have been over-
It will be held on Wednesdays, September 3 to 17, and re-
whelming. starting in the second term, October 15 to 22 from 7 to
It is gratifying to know that I have been of help to
people and that what I did was important to them.
The second is:
It has been my pleasure and my Privilege.
· Your Growing Baby - Parenting from 6 weeks to 1
I also want to thank Everyone who so generously year. Building on the first course, this course supports par-
contributed to my ‘going away’ present. You ents to build their knowledge on what is occurring for their
infant in this major developmental stage of their life. It is
achieved a staggering sum of money which designed to enhance parents’ confidence in their ability to
theTrust’s felt they should give to me to use for care for their child and also discusses the topics of safety
and security for their infant.
whatever I wanted most:-
This course will run from October 29 for four to five weeks.
which is to get my existing fence pushed out and
down to the boundary so that I can see the Kaipara There is no cost but registrations are needed to ensure we
have enough numbers to run the courses. Trained facilita-
Harbour, right across to the Heads and the Ditch tors are provided by the Royal New Zealand Plunket Soci-
I had no Idea that there was such a lovely view to be
Please contact Otamatea High School or call May Seager,
had, as the ‘Tinopai State Forest’ had already (09) 431 8494 or (027) 223 2635 to enrol for these courses.
blocked it out by the time I had my old farmhouse
Page 4 Maungaturoto Matters
think of one of these events as more important than the
Christian Comment other, but in fact both are of equal value, for both reflect the
nature of God and our Christian responsibilities.
Two very worthwhile and important functions were held last
week within the community of Maungaturoto, both of which In both events the love, compassion and commitment of
deserved our full support. The first was the farewell to Dr God to each one of us is highlighted. No doctor in any com-
Lynne Mitchell, who retired after serving the community in munity can fulfil his or her task without the grace of God. It
both Maungaturoto and Paparoa as a medical practitioner is God alone who inspires us, equips us and empowers us
for the past 19 years. Her dedication and commitment to for whatever we do in life, whether we recognise it or not.
her patients is well known and her departure will be a great It is God who reaches out to us and serves us in a myriad
loss to the district. of ways, and who touches our lives to heal, renew and re-
store us. He chooses to do so through ordinary people who
On the same evening of her farewell, Peter Shurley, a rise to the challenge and dedicate themselves for the well
gifted musician and trained violist played and entertained at being of their fellow man. As Jesus said in John : 15, “
the Congregational church, highlighting the extraordinary Apart from me you can do nothing.” We are grateful to God
and vitally important work carried out by Tear Fund around for using one of his creation to serve us with such love and
the world, to help and support the very poorest people on compassion. In the same way God seeks to reach out to
the planet. A number of people were torn in their loyalties others, but limits himself in order that we choose to reflect
wanting to attend both events. his grace and compassion, which He promises to give us in
abundance whenever we turn to Him in worship and
It is important for every community to acknowledge the prayer. Often our love and compassion has such limits,
work done by one of its doctors and to gather to express its because we neglect the very means he provides to be filled
thanks and appreciation for the love and care of ordinary with His grace.
people, particularly when carried out with such compassion
over a long period of time. Equally it is important that every May God continue to minister to us and challenge us to be
community, particularly one as affluent as ours, is re- His servants whoever and where ever we are.
minded that many in the world are desperately poor
through no fault of their own, and that we are challenged to
give generously and sacrificially to help relieve their pain
and suffering, and to make some contribution to enable
them to have a new and better life. It would be easy to
Maungaturoto Matters Page 5

Passing of a local identity HOMEBUILDERS


Everard Victor Judd passed away at Whangarei on Hello from Hombuilders team. During this cold, wet month
Saturday August 9 after a short illness. we have enjoyed having many visitors to the Community
Everard, eldest son of the late Victor and Frances House. Our volunteers do a great job making people feel
Judd had lived in or about Maungaturoto for all of his welcome and assisting with advice in many areas.
91 years. Just three years ago he shifted out of the
The economic downturn has affected many local families
family home (originally the Judd farm homestead) in and in July we gave out a record number of food parcels.
Whaka Street to the Retirement Village in Riverview The Paparoa store has again given a generous donation of
Place. produce and soup packs. We also received two bags of
Upon leaving school, Everard worked on the family oranges to add to these parcels from a local orchardist. I
farm for a short time before being employed as a mo- know most of you can’t make large gifts, but we greatly
tor mechanic, but spent many years of his life barging appreciate any donations you might be able to make to-
sand about the Kaipara Harbour. He operated his wards the demand we have experienced.
tow boat from a landing on the Otamatea River at the
bottom of the ex Judd Bickerstaffe Road property. In Tool Box has been put on hold until next term. We plan to
those early days he would load some tons of sand start the six-week course on the first Tuesday after the
school holidays. Tool Box is produced by Parents Inc., ie
onto this barge by wheelbarrow.
Ian Grant, and is a great way to extend your parenting
Everard was a great net fisherman. Many of his skills. Glenda Blythen is the facilitator, supper is provided
friends enjoyed gifts of fresh and smoked fish. and there is no cost as it is funded by Otatmatea High
These fish were smoked to Everard’s special recipe. Schools Adult Education Programme. If you are interested,
Everard was handicapped due to his having con- please ring 4319080 to register. So that’s 7pm – 9pm on
tracted infantile paralysis (polio) as a three year old Tuesdays at the Community House.
child. In spite of this disability he carried on a very full
and rewarding lifestyle. He was always fixing or re- Homebuilders AGM will be held on September 16th at
pairing something. In later years he was a valued 7.30pm at the Community House. If you feel you have
member of the team involved in the restoration of something to contribute, we would love to see you there.
small engines at the Matakohe Museum.
Golden Oldies Lunch is on September 3rd . The Kapa
He had a wonderful memory and would recall events
Haka group from Maungaturoto Primary School will
of many years past as though they happened yester- entertain us.
day. Just to spend time with him and listen to his Morning Tea at the Community House is on September
great stories gave both Everard and his many friends 17th, see you there.
great pleasure.
One of his greatest pleasures was to listen to bag- Domestic Violence is an issue the workers at Homebulid-
pipes or pipe bad music. His nephew Bain McGregor ers come across all too often in the Maungaturoto and
featured with the pipes at Everard’s funeral. Paparoa area. Supporting families as they try to turn these
During the past several years many people from behaviors around is part of the work done by our Family
about Maungaturoto assisted with Everard’s care and Support Workers. While we want to help and support peo-
ple caught in this cycle, we do not do so by making ex-
ensured that he was comfortable. For this care and
cuses or covering up behaviour that causes suffering and
attention he was always most appreciative. can escalate in to tragedy, and on occasion death. In rela-
~ Dave Orford tionships there is a world of difference between the Love of
Power and the Power of Love.

Domestic Violence deeply affects women and damages

children for the rest of their lives. It is often very difficult for
women to leave a violent relationship for many reasons,
some of which we are only just starting to recognise and

The slogan “Domestic Violence Thrives in Silence” ex-

presses the shame experienced by both the victim and the

If we can help, please call Denise 09 431 9080 or 021 886

Page 6 Maungaturoto Matters





Or RUTH 431-8491

supported by
Maungaturoto Congregational Church
($2 donation per family please)
Maungaturoto Matters Page 7

Linking Hands Inc.

FAB Outing…Family Activities Boost
A new initiative from Linking Hands Inc.

We are bringing something new to our community

to benefit those families that often get missed out or
left behind in the cycle of things.
We are introducing our FAB outing to families which
may be disadvantaged in some way. They might be
isolated without transport, low on finances, unable to
go anywhere or unable to afford to, they may have
disabilities or disorders that are stressful and difficult
to handle. These families may need the boost of an
outing as a respite from the daily hassles of dealing
with these disabilities, of feeling that life seems to be
only about sickness and stress and no sunshine at
the end of the day.
We want to take them away from all of that, even if
for only a day. But it will be a day they will enjoy
and remember for a long time, a day the children will
grow up and remember as ‘that day we did some-
thing fun together’…a good memory. It’s all about
giving our children good things to remember.
Linking Hands Inc is providing this FAB day on a
monthly basis; it will be fully paid for by Linking
Hands Inc. There will be no cost to the chosen fam-
ily. We will take you out in our Health Shuttle to a
destination that, at this stage, will remain a mystery.
We can take up to seven people, including children
and adults, but family members only.
We are promoting this through local schools and
asking them to nominate families in need of this spe-
cial day.
We are also opening this to the community - if you
Thought of the month
feel you know of a family in need or are a family your- "
self and would like to put your name on our list, If we had no winter, the spring would not be so
please phone us on 09 4318969. pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of
This only applies to people living in Kaipara District. adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome
You cannot nominate family members from another
The families nominated will be chosen by our team - Anne Dudley Bradstreet
committee and given a date and choice of outing from
our selected mystery tours.
We are very excited about this and are looking for-
ward to getting this show on the road so to speak. See you at …
Don’t be shy - give us a call if you think you qualify for Holy Trinity
our FAB outing. Anglican Church
Don’t forget to call us for transport for Hurndall Street
health and medical appointments. Maungaturoto

Please our advert for details. 9.30 am – Every Sunday.

Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
LINKING HANDS Inc 09 4318969
Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sunday

Everyone welcome.
Page 8 Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto Matters Page 9

The Garage Youth Centre

The Garage is a place where young people can
come and have fun. There are heaps of things to do:

- Pool table
- Table tennis
- Dart board
- Playstation
- Caged indoor area for soccer, skating etc
- Canteen available
- Couches to just hang out and talk
- And more things coming

The Garage is open on Saturday nights from 7pm till

It is aimed at young people from mid teens to early
20’s but all are welcome.

Free entry. Located next to the Congregational

Church in Maungaturoto. Look for the sign.

If you would like more information please contact:

Brendan on 09 4319085
Paul on 09 4318885 or txt on 0274713889
Page 10 Maungaturoto Matters

Fencing Contractors
Rural and Residential
Post and Rail


Retaining Walls
Livestock Agent for
Elders. Drilling attachment
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ALTERATIONS 027 240 7786
Maungaturoto Matters Page 11

MAUNGATUROTO PUBLIC LIBRARY all the best for the future, Kirsty and family.

BOOK OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER We are looking into providing a First Aid course
for our parents to attend. If any work places, or-
HOLD TIGHT by Harlen Coben ganisations or individuals our community could
This is Harlen Coben at his very best. A murder mystery
that deals with a very relevant question: As parents should
help us with this (i.e. if you are running a course
we spy on our teenagers’ lives? It’s a story to keep you we could join in with, or you would like to join us
guessing to the very end. if we have one), we would love to hear from you.
Recommended Author: Sara Donati with her two new Our sessions are Wednesday and Friday 9.30 -
books The Pyjama Girls of Lambert Square and Tied to the
Tracks. Two completely new subjects from her Into the
noon. They are General sessions which are run
Wilderness series. for 0 to 6-year-old children and their par-
ents/caregivers. Bring your baby along, they love
Young Adults: Artemis Fowl – The Arctic Inciden” by Eoin to watch what's happening around them.
Colfer - short listed for the British Book Awards – Children’s
Book of the Year. A book filled with goblins and comedy
and Artemis a 13-year0old with attitude – what fun!
Come along for three free sessions to see if Play-
centre is your cup of tea (coffee and milo are also
Also check out the latest Dargaville book changeover and on offer)
the new selection of talking books.
Contact Helen (PR) 4318221

Kia ora, Hi everyone,

Who loves really heavy showers of rain? Some

of our littlies have been fascinated by the rain
that has pelted down during session. They have
also had the treat of a water-logged sandpit
which has provided plenty of water play. Delight-
ful to watch, but someone pleeeeeease stop the

We celebrated Amelia’s second birthday with a

yummy morning tea provided by her mum, prac-
ticed driving skills with a bike day, and have run
around with plastic bag kites. Our bug hunt
turned up worms, slugs and snails and we took
advantage of a patch of sunshine to set up an
obstacle course outside. This was negotiated
enthusiastically by our older children and then by
the younger toddler set who were keen to perfect
skills such as throwing balls, jumping off boxes,
sliding down the slide and walking along planks.

We revisited Kaiwaka gym for a good run around

and workout with their gymnastic equipment -
which our children love trying out - bouncing,
climbing, balancing - and all dry and clean too!

We are sorry to be saying goodbye to Kirsty, Ja-

son, Bayden, Brooke and Cory Williams. Kirsty
became our President last year and has put a lot
of thought and effort into the role. Thank you and
Page 12 Maungaturoto Matters


123 Hurndall Street

Phone: (09) 431 8733
Fax: (09) 431 8736

Concrete Mixer (Electric)
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These are the services we offer.
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Post Hole Borer Windows& ceilings
Scrub Cutters Ovens Domestic Cleaning
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1.5 Tonne Digger

At Maungaturoto
Auto Centre
431 8288
Maungaturoto Matters Page 13


Our August meeting was held at the Community Hall FOR SEPTEMBER
with a good turnout of members and visitors and an
enthusiastic response to the competition entries. Most spring plants will be well underway but watch
The theme of the decorative arrangement was to use for changeable cold weather and spring frosts.
an unusual container and these were many and var- Finish tree and shrub planting.
Spray roses regularly to prevent fungal diseases.
We were then joined by Rudi van der Pol, a sculptor Apply mulch to the base of the bushes and fertilize.
who lives in the district. He gave us a wonderful in-
sight into his work which is making large sculptures Fertilize cinerarias and dust with derris dust to
out of copper which are often for outdoor situations. thwart those caterpillars.
Many of his works feature in China and Hong Kong
and also Auckland. One major commission was for After petal fall spray stone fruits to prevent brown
the Shangri La Hotel, Shanghai which features 10 rot.
large outdoor sculptures. His talk was enthusiasti-
cally received and he answered our many questions Plant lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and
about his work. capsicums. Also plant a main crop of potatoes.

Our next meeting is also at the Community Hall on

17 September at 1 p.m. with a Spring theme for the (Garden hints from Maungaturoto Garden Club)
decorative arrangement competition. We will be
joined by Paul Baynham from Whangarei as our
Page 14 Maungaturoto Matters

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Maungaturoto Matters Page 15

News from the

Otamatea Repertory Theatre. Committee members for the Otamatea Repertory
Theatre are:
Into The Woods
Although fewer people attended the season of Into the President: Dennise Brownlie 431 7012
Woods than expected, the production proved to be a suc- Secretary; Lyn Warbrooke 431 6488
cess for those who did see it and, of course, for the cast Treasurer: Maura Flower 431 6640
and crew who worked hard over the months of prepara- Brian Dent 431 8008
tions. Congratulations to all participants. Peter Flower 431 6640
Into the Woods was a different type of show and may not Bill Tupp 431 8618
have seemed in the first instance to be something that Ann Tupp 431 8618
would appeal to everybody. However for ORT to bring Helen Morton-Jones 433 0288
you the best at all times, cast and crew need to be ex- Peter Matheson 021 866 050
tended and pushed to achieve new heights of expertise
and this type pf production does go towards that.
We look forward to seeing you at the theatre for our next
production in support of all the hard work that goes into
producing a show
Never Mind Mother Goose - Christmas pan-
Auditions for the Christmas pantomime have been held
Maungaturoto St John
and the cast has been selected. Rehearsals are under-
Trash and Treasure
Written and directed by Helen Morton-Jones, the show
looks to be another interesting montage of current and
old favourite themes which should appeal to young and
old alike. 6th to 10th October
Show dates are 21, 22, 23 and 28, 29, 30 of November. (2nd week school holidays)
For more information contact Helen on (09) 433 0288
Theatre & Costume Hire At Maungaturoto Ambulance Station
9am till 4.30pm
ORT offers the theatre for hire to groups which desire a
venue that can be used for a forum or similar configura-
tion. There is seating for up to 120 people and lighting
and sound equipment are available.
Rates are very competitive at $200/day (approximately 8
hours) and $300/24 hours. Lighting can be hired for up to
$250, and sound requirements are charged at an agreed
The theatre has a large number and variety of costumes
that can be hired for any occasion.
See a committee member for more details.

Annual General Meeting Your trash is

The AGM of Otamatea Repertory Theatre will be held on
Tuesday, October 14th at 7.30pm at the theatre.
someone’s treasure
“Think not what your theatre can do for you,
But what you can do for your theatre”.
Please offer your services to this worthwhile community Pauline McMurchy 09 431 8022
Maude Christie 09 431 8248
Trevor Brljevich 09 431 8499
Working Bee

The working bees will continue in preparation for some

fine weather so the grounds around the theatre can be
tidied up. Much work needs to be done so the next pro-
ject can start and assistance would be greatly appreci-
ated on Saturday mornings from 9.00 am for about three
hours.See you all then
Page 16 Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Plunket Rooms &

Ruawai Physiotherapy 09 431 7188
Also Mangawhai 09 431 4070
Maungaturoto Matters Page 17

RSA Memorial Club Newsletter

AGM: Tuesday, 2 September, 7.00 pm. A record 18 nominations were received for six available Committee
positions, including Ray Hynes for President.

NZ RSA Executives Visit: Members were grateful for the address on 10 August by our Northland President,
Mr Archie Dixon, and Vice-President, Mr D’Arcy Bailey, on some major changes in welfare. NZ RSA now represents
veteran and superannuitants’ organisations, communicating directly with the Government, and intends to ensure entitle-
ments are brought to light and paid out where due.

Dining & Social on Friday: A welcome evening off from cooking. Time to catch up with friends, enjoy the
congenial atmosphere and choose from the blackboard of delicious, inexpensive meals all with veges or salad. Includes
great steaks; pan-fried fish & wedges; succulent crumbed scallops, or prawns & chips; battered fish, egg & chips; beef
kebabs & rice. AND dessert. Bring your friends.

Snooker & Pool on Wednesday: Competitions for serious players. Or have a laugh on the pool table.

Functions: Meetings, Seminars, Celebrations or Farewells – very reasonable rates. Call to discuss.

Subscription: $35 a year for the fun and pleasure the club provides. ($20 for returned servicemen).
We also belong to Affiliated Clubs N.Z. POST to: RSA, 115 Hurndall St, Maungaturoto. Or drop in.

Open: Wed 6.0 pm, Fri 5.0 pm. Applications to join are welcome. Ph: 431-9101.

Two weeks later….

Car Chasing by Floss
Okay, I confess. I chased a car. But it doesn’t count be-
Since I scrambled out of the ditch unhurt after a car sent cause Max was inside it. At the risk of sounding like I want
me flying, I’d like to tell you what life is like for a car- to get off on a technicality, I was actually chasing Max
chasing dog such as myself. who’d been visiting with his wimpy sister, Pepsi.
A psychedelic haze saturates my brain when a car comes Max also brings on a psychedelic haze. Whenever I see
within range. It tells me just one thing: chase! him I want to romp and jump with him and . . . ahem, sniff .
And due to my brain’s wiring, it’s almost impossible for my . . and, less attractively, I get fiercely possessive.
boss to beat the haze. It’s useless when she tries to get a Kate, the farmer’s dog, also wants to be Max’s friend. This
message through after I’ve given up the chase. And it’s drives me nuts. I wrinkle my nose and snarl (quietly) to
way too late if she tries to convince me I’ve misbehaved make her shove off. Ditto for Pepsi who tags everywhere
after I’ve responded to her call to return to HQ. with Max. Luckily she’s so timid it’s a cinch to send her
She thought she’d learn something when the telly pro- packing.
gramme The Dog Whisperer starred a dog that chased Okay, time for another confession. I’m deeply ashamed of
farm machinery - until the whisperer used an electronic the feelings Max arouses in me because - oh, the shame! -
collar. he’s a town dog. I believe he has his own wardrobe and
She’s tried that and it worked, sort of. Now, I’m only occa- goes to the groomer.
sionally engulfed by the psychedelic haze - generally when Max is a Shiitzu crossed with a Sydney Silky. His fur is a
she’s not around. I was with other dogs and the farmer, pale pinky-apricot colour which, come to think of it, is the
who’s always distracted with stuff like moving bulls, when I shade of the psychedelic haze that engulfs me whenever
got sent flying. he’s around.
The thump might have permanently repressed the haze. I keep hoping my boss will use the electronic collar to stop
I’ll know for sure when the next car flies past - and she’s my humiliating obsession, but she just watches me and
not there to scream, “Sit! Stay!” laughs.
I guess my message is, please have sympathy for car-
chasing dogs and their owners, and slow down. Woof, Floss.
It’s difficult behaviour to correct and electronic collars are
expensive; they’re usually only bought by shepherds with a
posse of dogs.
My boss borrowed a collar but I’m so smart I now know
when I’m wearing it and my behaviour is exemplary.
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