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Some of China's Inventions:

1. 1.Abacus
2. Acupuncture
3. Bamboo Cannon
4. Baskets (Bamboo or Iron)
5. Blast Furnace
6. Books
7. Cast Irons
8. Civil Service Examination
9. 9.Clock
10. Fan
11. Fireworks
12. Gun Powde
13. Harnessing Animals
14. Herbs/ Herbal Medicine
15. 15.Holders
16. Horoscope/ Astrology
17. Ink
18. Kites
19. Magnetic Compass
20. Noodles
21. Origami
22. Paper
23. Tallige
24. Paper
25. Printing Press
26. Rudder
27. Seismograph
28. Silk Cloth
29. Toys made of paper
30. Umbrella
31. Wheel Barrow
32. Wine as Anaesthetic

The Chinese zodiac consists of a 12-year cycle each year of which is named after a different
animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year.

Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in determining
that person's personality traits, physical, and mental attributes, and degree of success, and
happiness throughout his lifetime.

The Chinese zodiac (Sheng Xiao or Shu Xiang) is greatly related to the Yin-Yang
principle. It is a concept of symbolic dualism. Everything physical and spiritual as an opposite
and corresponding condition. Yang is the positive principle: male, light, heaven, and sun. Yin
is the negative counterpart: female, shade, earth, and moon.
The twelve animals are in the following order:

RAT- temperamental, quick to anger and easily perturbed, tenacious about attaining goals,
venal in regard to money
OX- calm, relaxed, self-assured and stubborn, dexterous, occasionally outspoken, notable.
TIGER-quick-tempered and sensitive, often bright and respected by others, affectionate
towards their beloved.
RABBIT- bashful, moody, and easily move to tears; also known to be conceited.
DRAGON -considered harbingers of harmony, power and riches, as well as talisman of
longevity; honorable, brave, healthy, compassionate but also temperamental.
SNAKE-egotistical, conceited and philandering, wealthy, intelligent, sensual and well
groomed but also tightwad.
HORSE -very sociable with a facility for speech both in quantity and in flattery
SHEEP- honest, calm, compassionate, dedicated, fashionable, extremely dependent.
MONKEY- creative and successful in a wide range of endeavors, irritable, sly and a lack of
ability to pursue goals with enthusiasm.
ROOSTER - outspoken, energetic, clever, always busy and spendthrift.
DOG- faithful, honest, responsible, trustworthy, dedicated to a task.
PIG- gentle but can be easily be provoked, need to be prodded to complete a project.

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