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So as we all know, families In the community has problems such as big family size.

Big family size happens because

there is no family planning of that certain family. More children will be born. So if theres more children, more
expenses is needed. It’s okay if they have good or great financial status. But for those family who does not have
decent job, their life will be hard and will cause problems in the future.

Family planning provides many benefits to mother, children, father, and the family.


 Enables her to regain her health after delivery.

 Gives enough time and opportunity to love and provide attention to her husband and children.
 Gives more time for her family and own personal advancement.
 When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery.


 Healthy mothers produce healthy children.

 Will get all the attention, security, love, and care they deserve.


 Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family.

 Enables him to give his children their basic needs (food, shelter, education, and better future).
 Gives him time for his family and own personal advancement.
 When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery.

The Billings ovulation method is a method in which women use their vaginal mucous to
determine their fertility. It does not rely on the presence of ovulation, rather it identifies
patterns of potential fertility and obvious infertility within the cycle, whatever its length. ,

The basal body temperature method is a method of natural family planning that requires
only the purchase of a very accurate thermometer. The method, which calls for tracking
the woman's body temperature on a daily basis, helps to determine which days of the
month she is fertile
The Standard Days Method (SDM) is a fertility awareness-based family planning
method that identifies a 12-day fertile window during which women with regular
menstrual cycles (26–32 days long) should abstain from sex or use a barrier method to
prevent pregnancy

Lactation amenorrhea method (LAM) is a way for breastfeeding to temporarily help

prevent pregnancy. It must be used correctly to work. Lactation means your body is
making breastmilk and amenorrhea means you aren't having a monthly period.
Breastfeeding hormones may stop your body from releasing eggs.

Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) are hormone-containing medications that are
taken by mouth to prevent pregnancy. They prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation
and also by preventing sperm from penetrating through the cervix.

The birth control shot is more effective than the pill at preventing pregnancy.

An intrauterine device, also known as intrauterine contraceptive device or coil, is a

small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent
pregnancy. IUDs are one form of long-acting reversible birth control.

A Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL) is a surgical procedure that involves blocking the
fallopian tubes to prevent the ovum (egg) from being fertilized. It can be done by cutting,
burning or removing sections of the fallopian tubes or by placing clips on each tube.
Male sterilisation, or vasectomy, is a form of surgical contraception that involves cutting
and tying the 2 tubes (each called a vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testes
(testicles) to the penis. Vasectomy provides permanent contraception


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