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Date: -------------------------

Experiment 1
Ohm’s Law

Aim: To determine resistivity of two wires by plotting a graph between potential difference
versus current.

Apparatus Required: Cell, Unknown Resistance, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Rheostat, Key,

Screw gauge, metre scale and connecting wires etc.

Theory: Ohms law states that "Under constant physical conditions, Current flowing
through a conductor is directly proportional to the applied potential difference between the
ends of the conductor"
i.e., At constant physical conditions, V a I

Slope of V-I graph gives the resistance of the wire

!" !
Resistivity, 𝜌 = 𝑅 #$

Circuit Diagram


• Connect the cell (E), Resistance (R), Rheostat (Rh), Ammeter (A) and key (K) in
series and voltmeter in parallel to the resistance (R).
• Close the circuit using the key.
• Adjust the rheostat and note down the readings shown by ammeter and volt meter.

• Repeat the same for different positions of the rheostat and tabulate the observations.
• Plot a graph with Ammeter reading (I) along the x-axis and Voltmeter readings (V)
along the y-axis.
• Also calculate the slope of the graph which is numerically equal to the unknown
resistance in the circuit.
!" !
• Calculate the resist using the formula 𝜌 = 𝑅 #$


Least count of Ammeter = …………. A

Least count of Voltmeter = ……………..V

Range of Voltmeter = ………………V
Range of Ammeter= ………………A
Length of the given wire 1 = ………………m
Diameter of the wire 1 = ……………… m
Length of the given wire 2 = ………………m
Diameter of the wire 2 = ……………… m

Sl. No Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Reading

Resistance wire 1
Resistance wire 2

Slope of V – I graph for first wire = Resistance of wire 1 = ……………...Ω

Slope of V – I graph for second wire = Resistance of wire 2 = ……………...Ω

!" !
Resistivity of wire 1, 𝜌% = 𝑅% #$ " ……………. Ωm
Resistivity of wire 2 𝜌% = 𝑅& #$ ……………. Ωm


Resistivity of wire 1: ……………. Ωm

Resistivity of wire 2: ……………. Ωm

1. Connections should be tight.
2. Voltmeter should be connected in parallel and ammeter in series.
3. The plug key should be in position, whenever you take the observations.
4. Do not leave the circuit closed for long time.

Date: -------------------------

Experiment 2
Resistance of the galvanometer

Aim: To determine the resistance of the galvanometer by half deflection method and to find
its figure of merit.

Apparatus: A Weston type galvanometer, voltmeter, battery, two resistance boxes (one of
range 5000ohms and other of range 500 ohms), two one way keys, connecting wires etc.

The resistance of the galvanometer G = R . S / (R – S) where R is the resistance connected in
series with the galvanometer and S is the shunt resistance.

The figure of merit k= E/(R+G) θ where E is the emf of the cell and θ is the deflection
produced with resistance R

Circuit Diagram:


To find the resistance of the Galvanometer:

• Do the circuit as shown in the fig 1 and see the plugs of resistance boxes are tight.
• Take out the plug marked 5000 ohms from resistance box R and insert the key K1

• Adjust the value of R so that deflection is maximum within the scale.
• Note the deflection θ and R.
• Then insert the key K2 also without changing the value of R.Find out S so that the
deflection in the galvanometer reduces exactly half the value obtained in the previous
• Note the value of S.
• Repeat by changing the values of R and find the corresponding values of S each time.

To find figure of merit:

• Take the battery and find its emf using a voltmeter by connecting +ve of the
voltmeter with +ve of the cell and –ve of the voltmeter with –ve of the cell and let it
be E.
• Make the connections as in fig II.
• Adjust the value of R to obtain a certain deflection θ ( say 30 dvns) when the circuit is
closed. Note the value of R.
• Repeat the experiment for different values of R.
• Tabulate the observations.



Resistance of the given galvanometer: ………………. Ohms

Figure of merit of the galvanometer: ………………. A/div


All connections should be neat, clean and tight

Plugs in resistance boxes should be tight.
The emf of the battery should be steady, so don’t leave the circuit on for long time.

Date: …………………

Experiment 3
Meter Bridge


To determine the resistance of a given wire using Meter Bridge.

Apparatus Required:

Meter bridge, Galvanometer, Resistance box, One-way key, Cell, Unknown resistance wire,
jockey etc..


Meter bridge is based on the principle of a balanced Wheat Stones Bridge.

Under balanced conditions P = R


Unknown resistance X = R. (l00- l)

Where 'l' is balancing length, R is the known resistance in the resistance box

Circuit Diagram:


• Do the connections as shown in the diagram with Resistance box in the left gap and
unknown resistance X in the right gap.
• Close the key 'K' and check the circuit by pressing the jockey at the two ends of the
bridge wire to get opposite deflections in the galvanometer.
• Insert a suitable resistance in the resistance box and find the balancing length "l".
• Repeat the experiment with different values of 'R' in the resistance box.
• Tabulate the observations and calculate the mean value of 'X'.


Unknown Resistance X

Sl Resistance Length Length Unknown resistance

No. from the AB = l (𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝒍)
resistance (cm) BC = (100-l) 𝑿=𝑹
box (Ω) (cm) (Ω)

1. 1 34.5 65.5 1.9

2. 2 51.2 48.8 1.9

3. 3 58.3 41.7 2.1

4. 4 65 35 2.15


The value of the unknown resistance = 2.01 Ω

1. Connections should be tight.
2. The value of "R" to be selected in such a way that balance point is in the middle
part of the meter-bridge wire. (i.e. balancing length between 30 and 80 cm.)
3. Do not leave the circuit closed for long time.
4. Do not press the jockey hard on the meter-bridge wire.

Date: ……………


Potentiometer – comparison of emf’s

Aim: To compare the EMFs of two primary cells using a Potentiometer

Apparatus Required:

Potentiometer, Battery, Rheostat, Primary cells, Galvanometer, Jockey, Keys, connecting

wires etc.


Basic principle of a potentiometer is " For a wire of uniform cross-section, Potential drop
across unit length of a conductor is a constant "
i.e. (
= constant

Let E1 and E2 be the EMFs of the two primary cells and l1 and l2 be their corresponding
balancing lengths
)" (
Then )!
= ("

Circuit Diagram


• Do the connections as shown in the circuit. Make sure that the positive terminal of
the battery and the Primary cells are connected to the same point A of the
• Include one of the primary cells (E1) in the circuit with the help of the two-way key.
• Close the key in the primary circuit, and adjust the rheostat so that a suitable current
passes through the circuit.
• Check the circuit by pressing the jockey at points near terminals A & B. If the
deflections in the galvanometer are in opposite directions, the connections are correct.
• Then find the balancing length l1.
• Without changing the position of the rheostat, exclude the cell E1, include the cell E2
and find the corresponding balancing length l2.
• Repeat the experiment at different positions of the rheostat.
• Tabulate the observations.


Balancing length with Balancing length with
Sl. No. Leclanche cell (l1) Daniel cell (l2) 𝑬𝟏 𝒍𝟏
(cm) (cm) =
𝑬𝟐 𝒍𝟐

1. 987 711 1.388

2. 939 677 1.387

3. 897 646 1.388

4. 858 618 1.388

5. 822 590 1.393

Mean value of ratio of e.m.f.’s = 1.388


The ratio of EMFs of the two primary cells = 1.388


1. Connections should be tight.

2. The EMF of the driver battery should be greater than the EMFs of the primary
3. Do not send a large current through the potentiometer.
4. Adjust the position of the rheostat and hence current through the circuit so that the
balancing length is obtained in the middle wires.
5. Do not leave the circuit closed for long time.

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