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General information

• During the long periods of its • The culture of Brazil began to take
history, Ukrainian culture has shape and is still shaping to this
developed as a folk culture day as a mixture of the diverse
• Folk and folklore traditions were historical traditions of the peoples
especially vividly manifested in art that make up the Brazilian nation
- people's thoughts, songs, • The Portuguese beginning
dances, arts and crafts remains dominant - Brazilians
speak Portuguese, Catholicism
prevails. However, the influence of
Indians and Africans is
• A distinctive phenomenon of
LITERATURE. medieval literature is the
UKRAINE polemical works of I. Vishensky, M.
Smotrytsky, F. Prokopovich and
others. The pinnacle of the ancient
Ukrainian literature of the
Baroque period is the work of the
poet and philosopher G.
• The most famous Ukrainian
writers are T. Evchenko, L.
Ukrainka, I. Franko and I.
• Brazilian literature has made a
greater contribution to world
culture than Portuguese that gave
birth to it. The most famous writers
are Joaquín Machado, José Alencar,
Graciliano Ramus, Jorge Amado,
Eric Verisimo, Manuel Bandeira and
João Cabral de Melo Neto. Modern
Russian-speaking readers are more
familiar with Paulo Coelho. The
Brazilian Academy of Literature in
Rio de Janeiro is world famous.
• Ukrainian folk music is diverse in genres
and includes calendar and family ritual
songs, songs of serf and soldier life,
historical songs performed to the
accompaniment of kobza or bandura, as
well as a powerful layer of instrumental
music, which includes both ensemble
music ("trinity music" ) and uses a variety
of wind (flute), strings (violin) and
percussion (tambourine) instruments, as
well as shepherd's tunes (especially the
original instruments of the West of
Ukraine - jew's harp, trembita).
• Brazilian music has evolved in
different styles and musical genres.
Such as: Brazilian popular music,
Maracatu, Samba, Forro, Shoro,
Lambada, Tropicalia, Bossa nova,
Frevo, Gaucho music. African
influence is noticeable in Brazilian
popular music, especially in
rhythmic samba.
CUISINE. • Ukrainian cuisine mainly uses the techniques of
UKRAINE cooking, stewing and baking. Used as a meat of
domestic animals, and poultry, fish.
• A widely used product in Ukrainian cuisine is
lard in all forms.
• From time immemorial, among plant foods, the
first place was occupied by bread, both leavened
and unleavened in the form of dumplings,
unleavened bread with poppy seeds and honey.
• In second place are garden and wild vegetables
and fruits. Carrots, beets, radishes, cucumbers,
pumpkin, horseradish, dill, etc.
• Among the old Ukrainian drinks are honey, beer,
kvass, and uzvars obtained by natural
• Borscht is considered the most popular dish in
CUISINE. • Contemporary Brazilian cuisine is a
BRAZIL gastronomic synthesis influenced by
European, primarily Portuguese,
Indian and African culinary traditions.
Portugal's culinary heritage today is
reflected in single-pot goulash, grilled
meats and sweet egg-based desserts,
as well as cheese making and meat
smoking skills.
• African slaves brought to Brazil in
the 17th century to work on sugar
plantations brought with them palm
oil, coconut, dried shrimp, plantaine,
okra and original African recipes. For
example, feijoada is a dish made from
beans, meat products and farofa
(cassava flour).

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