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Name : Heldi

NIM : 2109110354

I. Listen to the audio then fill in the gaps.

task permissio
legislatur n source
e scrap inspector
times requires
streamline effect
obstacles movement
overseein s
g place classified

The Indian government will scrap 287 obsolete laws that date back to the 19th century,
when India was under British rule. India's Law Minister Ravi Prasad is
Overseeing a "clean-up" of India's legal system. He has been instructed by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi to streamline the statute book and make India an easier place in which to live
and do business. India's legislature is mired in hundreds of arcane laws introduced in the times
of the British Empire. Mr Prasad called some of the laws "laughable" and had "no place in a
modern and democratic India". Prasad has a tough task ahead of him. Even after this initial
cull, the country will still have thousands of regulations that are obstacle to business.

The repeal of the laws will take effect from November. After then, it will no longer be illegal
to fly a kite without police permission . A 1934 law classified a kite as an aircraft. A law
that is a constant source of irritation to factory owners is one that requires them to have red
buckets full of water and sand, even if their buildings are Equipped with state-of-the-art
sprinkler systems. Another oddity to go is the Motor Vehicles Act, that says a car safety
inspector must have clean teeth. Also going is the Registration of Foreigners' Act, 1939,
which requares foreigners staying in India for more than 180 days to report his/her
movements This should give a boost to India's tourism industry.
II. Give line to the correct match


IV. Paragraph One:

1. India's government will scrap d. 287 out-of-date laws

2. date back h. to British rule
3. responsible e. for the "clean-up"
4. India's legal a. system
5. Narendra Modi told him to g. streamline laws
6. an easier place to live c. and do business in
7. a modern and b. democratic India
8. regulations that get f. in the way of business

Paragraph Two:

1. illegal to fly d. a kite

2. without police f. permission
3. One law that irritates b. factory owners
4. modern sprinkler g. systems
5. Another oddity c. to go
6. foreigners staying in India for a. more than 180 days

7. report his/her h. movements

8. give a boost e. to India's tourism industry

Make some new legislation? Complete this table with your partner.
New law Laws existing today New law(s) Why?
The Internet laws No 11 years 2008 Parliament has revised To prevent
abaout ITE. the bill with criminalization of
Legalizing the law existing cases and to
Number 19 in 2016. request that the
accused be
uncommitted and
remanded to arrest.
Travel Act number 9 of 1990 Act number 10 in the Travel activities of
abaout tourism year 2009 various kinds and are
supported by facilities
and services provided
by communities,
governments and local
governments. In a
token of appreciation
Domestic violence Act number 23 in the year Act number 23 of There is no need for
2004 2004 change because it is in
accordance with the
sanctions received
Pets Act number 18 2019 the Article 302 paragraph 2 Because there's been
law on agriculture and article 66a act no. 41 much abuse and pet
animal health, 2014 murder. And that
should be strictly
enforced through this
Mobile phones Act number 10 in the year Experiencing a change There are still many
1995 through 2006 act illegal cases of
number 17 about smuggling phone
bankruptcy. imported goods
Terrorism The 2003 statute number Act number 5 in the The purpose of the
15 of the year 2003 on the year 2018 revisions of the anti-
establishment of terrorism law is to
government regulation allow law enforcement
number 1 of the 2002 law to respond to any
on eradicating criminal indications or threats
terrorism into law.

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