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BANGALORE SAHODAYA SCHOOLS COMPLEX, PRE BOARD EXAMINATION 2021 ENGLISH (CORE) (Code~301) CLASS AUL-SET 4 ‘Time allowed: 90 mites, ‘Maximum Mars: 40 ‘General Instructions 1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections, 2. Section A- READING has 18 questions. Attempt total of 14 questions, as perspecific instructions for each 3. Section B- WRITING SKILLS has 12 questions. Atempta total of 10 questions, as per specific instructions foreach question. 4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as pe specifi instructions forthe section, 5. All questions carry equal marks 6. There is na negative marking. 10N, 1. Read the passa ven below. 1, My grandéaughter visited last weekend, and while she was here, I asked if she had her brother’s new address, as I had a parcel to post. She scrolled through her plone, and I 1marvelled again at the convenience of technology. A phone, not an address book? While I'm not entirely tehno-ilitrate- I type, afterall, & laptop- I find it hard to grasp the changes ‘hat happen so quickly. 2. “Here Gran,” said Carly when she found the address. I'll write it down for you." 5. “Will you pt tin my address book?” I asked, pointing a the phone table in the hall. They probably don't have phone tables anymore, I mused. Carly picked up che well-worn address ‘book and looked inside, a curious expression on her face. “There is hardly any room left co ‘write numbers,” she said with a laugh as she wrote what I needed inthe margin, “And it’s full ofnames you have seatched out.” 4. “Wel, dear, those ae people who have passed on,” I explained. 5. “Dead?” asked Cary. 6, “Dead; echoed, “Teast press ‘delete’ so just seratch out the names." 4. Atle: Carly let picked up my addeess book and took it ito the living room with @ eup of | tea. I flipped the pages tothe beginning and found a date, 1955. That’s alot of years, I ‘thought, and while I never considered this hook as being sad, never looked ait as anything, ‘more than a place to store information. But, upon opening the pages 1 could see the stories it presentod- a repository of lives lived and lost, marriages, births, friendships, and changes. 8, Lam 91 years old, and Ihave outlived al my siblings. Two sisters and five brothers, with 2 history of where they lived and how to contact them, neatly writen and then scratched out as ‘hey succumbed to whatever ailment that took ther tothe next world, 9, Lremember how Jay and fretted when our daughter, who was 18 thes, decided to move to an apartment in New York, My husband took a trip a few months later to make sure she Was ‘OK and phoned home with the proclamation that “no daughter ofhis was going to live in ‘sucha ratingested divel” Iam sue the rats were an exaggeration, but West 11th Stet was scratched off the page snd s new apartment was found, along witha little monthly allowance fom home to make it work, 1 ‘Tuming the pages, I find my best fiend, June, who died three years ago but whom I miss every day sil. We hai such fun when we were younger and living in Vencouver, Britis Columbia (Address 1), When she moved to Salt Spring Island (Address 2), I wasn’ sure how 1 would get slong without her. That mave is a smudge in my book; perhaps [erie as I wrote her new addcess. I cetsinly remember feeling beret My handwriting i ite shaker than the bod stokes that marked the adresses Vinci 64 year ago (hy, has italy been that lng), bt the stories aes vivid 12.1 close the book and fel the well-worn leather caves. A smariphone is convenient-I keep ‘hinking I should buy ene if my grandchildeen wil have the patience to teach me~ but it can't replace the memories held in these pages by Patrica Gould ‘Source: The Globe and Mail- December 2016 Based on your underst ing of the passage, answer-any elght out ofthe ten questions. ‘QU. Selet the option that cannot be regarded as an appropriate analysis ofthe passage, “The Joys of Keeping an Address Book’ is. sitale tte forthe passage “The passage reveals the writer's love for journaling. ‘The content reveals her emotional attachment to certain episodes of her past. ‘The pages of her address book rokindled the joys of her past. om (QU In the digital era, an Address Book is defined asthe software that enables the user to store contact details and make a calendar of events in a sezure way. How are the ‘manually maintained’ ‘Address Books different? What can we infer from the passage? 1. The passage makes it eudent that tis an extremely complex and cumbersome proces. 2. One may not be able tostare every important information! contact detail a it takes alot of time. Page 20029 4, They store not just information but also emotion, thereby becoming @ repository of events and vivid stones 4, The ‘manually maintained’ Address Books give an account of noticeable changes, like ‘andriting A Land3) B 2andd cc. 2and3 D. 3md4 Q3. “While Fm not entirely tchno-ititerate.. find it hard to grasp the changes.” “The lie indicates the aubor's ‘A. sense of reget for notheftending technology. B._ dismay at her inability to adapt to the changes brought by technology. C._acceplance of her inaility to comprehend the marvels af technology. D. lack of interest in welzoming technology. ‘OA, Selet the option that su tay completes the given dialogue as per the account given in paragraph 7. ‘Author: “Dead,” I echoed. “I ean't press ‘delete’, 0 just scratch out the names.” cays A, Ohy that’s so sad B. Alas [fil to understand this, Really! Ife! this is m outdated style of writing, D. Well, you need to stop this immediately. ‘QS. Select the correct inference with reference tothe following: ‘That move is a smudge in my book... |A. The smudge reminded the autharof her attempt to scratch out her friend's Address 2 1B. Thesemudge was dueto the tears of joy that trickled down her cheeks as she wrote aout June (©. The smudge reminded the author ofthe day when June had moved to Address 2. D. The smdge was dueto the tears that dropped when the author entered the date of June's demise (Q6, Identity the quote that surimarises the author's feeling as she flipped the pages of her audess book. “Together is my favourite place to be. Family is like music, Some high notes, some low nates but always a beautiful melody. Leam from yesterday, lve for today hope for tomoerow. Lets take walle down the memory lane and meet each other allover again, pope QT. From the passage, we eaninfer thatthe author was in string information, Meticulous Systematic Inept Oafish Patient uly 1 12ands Allexcept 3 2,4 and5 popP Q8. "Well dear, thase are people who've passed on." Choose the option that can replace the phrasal ver ‘passed on’ A. Passed up B. Passed by Cased away D. Passed around (Q8. the author started writing the ‘well-worn’ adress book at the age of_ A 9 B31 a 35 D4 (Q10. Select the option tha cant replace the Word “bere®’, Paragraph 10 A. bereaved B. separated C. isolated D. betrayed Pages at20 1, Read the passage given below : 1. English proficiency in government-run schools is often a challenge for students, especially tance nny sehoots ue the lucal language t impart education. Englich phonies i abiteary tnd challenging for students who ate not exposed to English in their daly lives. Also, there are issues cavsed by tacher shortages and teachers’ English proficiency. The Anmual Status fof Education Report (ASER) demonstrates that Grade V students in rural India are wnable to ‘comprehend Grade IFievel text. Over time the effects get compounded. This leads to poor rides, dropouts and wnemployabilit. 2, Here isa graphic fo sate the indings of the eighth All India Educational Survey (ATES) by Department of Educsional Surveys and Data Processing, NCERT. Taglh asain of | Inston raed oly 3, To address the challenge, English Helper (EH), an EdTech company founded by Venkat Srinivasan, @ Boston based social entrepreneur and cognitive scientist, launched the "RightToRead’ programme using an AI platform “ReadToMe’ to facilitate multisensory reading and comprehension, The goal has been t ensute students receive the basic ‘programme fre-of-cst while improving ther reading, comprehension and spoken skis, The EdTech has partnered with Intel and Amazon Web Services to provide the software to ‘government-run schools and support students in over 25000 schools. The programme is presently operational in 330. disticts across 27 states and 3. Union ‘ersitores, The programme is estimated to achieve a footprint of more than 1,00,000 schools by 2021, It has reached schools in Afica, Asia and Central America ‘4. The programme integrates with the existing euriculum, wherein software enables the reading cof school textbooks, Teachers can download the ‘ReaiToMe’ Android App on plones/lapops and link their device to the screen to teach the students, Post the programme, thre seems to have been 20-40% improvement in reading and comprehension. 5, To address the English language gaps in government-run schocls, Learning Matters, another TiaTech entity has come to dhe fore, using AT and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The Page of20 Bangalore-based EdTech uses Tara, an interactive, personalized teacher assistant to ‘make English learning interactive for students. A price point of Rs100 per student pet month makes it en cconomicaly vieble initiative. They believe that “learning loss and regression’ 18 a “mean beast to tackle” cad in government schools te problem is more acute, 6, To learn with the virtual voice teacher, learners need Alexa device or smart phones. The voice teacher repeats lessons, converses with leamers, asks questions, provides feedback and corrects grammatical mistakes just as a human conversation partner would. This helps the students lean in a natural way, a their pace and with repeated practice to gain proficiency. A nonjudgemental leaning environment is created Source: Based on your understanding ofthe passage, answer any six out ofthe eight questions by choosing the correct option. QU, Which ofthe following can be considered as the most appropriate tte forthe given passage? ‘A, Blueprint for Education Poices 1. Students must enhance their ability to think critically CC. Al to help students learn English and gain proficiency D. Aland Training Programmes to strengthen School Teachers’ Language Base Q12. Soham, « student of Class 12 decides to sean the passage and make notes on the aims and objectives ofthe ‘Right ToRead’ programme, ‘Aims and Objectives of Righ(ToRead programme 1, ‘To address lac of Englsh proficiency among students in government-run schoots 2, ‘To facilitate multisensory reading and comprehension skills 3, Addressing poor leaming outcomes in early schoo! years 4, Select the option that saflated tothe points notes made by Soham, A. Development of sociological imagination through stories B. To help students understand the importance of learning and assessment C. Rohancing foundational sumerscy skills among stuleuls uf yovernunent-rin schools D. Improving English literary among K-12 lamers through large seale technology interventions age 0620 13, Select the option that displays the correct Canse-Consequence relationship. formion | = CAUSE CONSEQUENCE | a “Students in early school years are not | Acquisition of the English language for exposed to English in their daily lives. | government. school students in. eaty school years is dfficul, B Toglish proficensy amoag sidenisin | Many schools use Tocaregional sgovemment schools sa challenge. language to impart education. & The founder of HiTech company | RaglishHelper provides software to| EnglishHelperisa social entrepreneur. | government-run schools in India B. ‘The ‘RightToKead” programme has | The AI platform ‘ReadToMe" provides ‘ought about 20.40% improvement in | consistent exposure that enables students reading and compechension skis to leam English phonics. {QU4. Identify the option that accurately depicts the All-India Educational Survey result ‘A. The % of students who focus on English language acquisition isthe maximum in early school eats. BB. English is a medium of insrustion in less than 35% government schools ip Southern India. CC ltis evident that an appreciable % of goverament-un schools use English as medium of insiruetion D. The % of governmentrut schools that use English as a medium of instruction i the highest for senior students 15. Pick out the option thas not substantiated by information given in paragraphs 4 and 5, ‘A. Leating Matters’ virtua voice teacher “Tara” is revolutionizing the way student learn in Indi "Tara is simple interface to use as it equirs only 3G connection to function effectively "Tara? requires a smart plone ora voice platform like Amazon's Alexa to funetion effectively 1D, “Tara, built on A eeates an immersive and non-judgementalleaming environment. 016, ‘Leuing loss and regression” is mean beast o tackle. The idea conveyed here is |A, itis a beast of burden, B, it difficult eal with C. itis unworthy D. itis ineffective Q17. Read the two statemerts given below and select the option that explains them. 1. This, in tara, leads to poor grades, dropouts and unemployabilits 2. EdTech companies lke Englishfelper and Learning Matters are implementing tech-driven programmes in govemmentrun schools. Pape of20 A. (1) ie the consequence tnd (2) is the probe B. (1) is tme incase of schools in rural areas and (2) is an ineffective initiative, C. @)is the soltion toa problem an (1) is the consequence of the stme problem. D. (2) is the cause of proalem and (isthe consequence of te same problem, QI8. The ‘RetdToMe’ programme hus proved to be a successful initiative. Do you agree? ‘A. Yes, because ithas partnered with Intel and Amazon Web Services BB. No, because the operating peocedure is cumbersome. €.No, because the programme integrtes curriculum which i not age-eppropriats D. Yes, presently it has reached schools in Asia, Aiea and Central America SECTION B- WRITING AL Answer. any four out ofthe five questions given, with reference to the context below. ‘The CCA (Co-Curicular Activities) Department af APS Publie School, Bangalore has planned to organize a cultural program a: a part of the Art Integrated Project. The school will work on this ‘project in collaboration with the pared state, thats, Utarakhand. The objective isto help students gain an understanding of the cultures, customs, rituals and celebrations linked to the Dusshera festival. Write a notice to be tisplayed on the notice board inviting students to puticipate in the ‘event. You ae Diya/ Deepak, Secretary, CCA Department, Q.19 Select the appropriate tte! heading for the notice ‘A. Co-Curricular Activities: Exhibition B. Exhibition of nowledge . Cultural Program, D. Sharing knowledge {Q20, Select the option that canbe considered asthe most accurate opening far this notice ‘A, [take this opportunity to inform all the stents about the upcoming cultural program. BB, Considering the need fr integration of atin learning, we have decided to organize a eltural progr, ©. Allthe students and staff members are hereby informed that cultural program is going to be ‘organized by the school next month , The CCA department wistes to welcome you all in the upeoming cultural program. (Q2. Select the option wih the information point(s) that isfare not essential component() ofthe body ofthe notice 1, Information about the program 2. Day, Date, Time and Vesue 3. Information about the customs and rituals observed during the Festival 4, Target Audience ipso 5, Urging students to participate 6. Details regarding egistraton fr the event A Land 5 B. Only3 c. 2and4 D. 4andé (Q22, Conclude the notice by filing the blanks. 1 a, A |} Attendance is mandatory. | 2. Stay Prepared. 1B. | 1, Tneonvenience regretted % Vor more devi, conlact the undersigned c T. Co-operaie with team | 2. Interested students may register members. participation — with the undersigned, BD. | 1 Attendances mandatary, | 2 For more details, contact the undersigned (Q23. Would the notice reflec the designation of the authorized signatory? ‘A, Yes, because its the “ssuing Authority as wel. 1B, No, the signature is exough. . Yes, because it makes it formal , No, the content of theleter makes it clear 1V. Attempt anys ofthe seven questions given, with reference to the context below. ‘Students of Class 12 were divided into 4 teams namely P, Q, R and S. After completing the literature text ‘The Last Lesson’, the teacher assigned an activity to the students to help them ‘understand the importance of the three-language formula in education, Students discussed the fats, ‘pros and cons on the three- language formula in governmentaided and English medium schools in the respective Breakout Rooms. Finally, they drafted letters to the editor of a national daily expressing their opinion on this mates (24. Identity the team that las drafted the Receiver's Adress appropriately TeamP | TheBiior National Daily Bangalore Team | The Haitr ofthe National Daly MG Road Page of20 igalore- 560001 Team R “The Bator ‘The Times of lado MG Road Bangalore- $60001 Team 8 “A Team? The Editor oF ‘The Times of India MG Road Bangatore-560001 B. TeamQ ©. Team D, Team $ (Q25.Following ae th subject lines drafted by the teams, Select the most appropriate subject, Team P ‘Subject The National Education Poliey 2020 “TeamQ | Subject Understanding the diversity of opinions on Language “Team | Subject: Tiuation in Fanly Years bied's oye viow ‘Team S| Subject Pros and Cons of the Three-Language Formula ia Schools A. TeamP B. TeamQ C. Team D. Team $ (26, Select the team that has considered cohesion, relevance and fluency of ides while organising the content ofthe letter to ‘he editor, ‘Team P Introduction of Sef- Stating the purpose- Expansion of fets about the three- language formula in early years of schooling- suggestions for addressing the debate on the matter- highlighting the diverse ‘opinions, of people regarding the proposiion- discussing the advantages ~ complimentary close Team Introduction of Sef- Stating the purpose ~ Expansion of facts about the thee-language formula in early years of schooling- highlighting the advantages of mmpating education in the mother tongue! native languagelrgional language to students upto Class 5- discussing the aspects that remain unclear- emphasising upon the need to spell out ‘he Future course of action= Concluding on anoteofhope- | complimentary close [Team R- | Tnvoduetion of Self Stating the need to adress the Uebate on tre Janguage formal as stated in NEP 2020- Discus the aspects that semain unclear Focussing on the choiee of students and pareas in this matter- Cemplimentary close “FeamS | Introduction o Self Sating the importance of language in a oundatonal Literay- Discussing the pros and eos ofthe language policy wit respect to government sehools- Stating the real purpose fof drafting the ltter- asking fora clear view on future course of acton- requesting the Editor o spell out the detail atthe eariest- Complimentary close A. TeamP B, TeamQ ©. Team, D, Teams (Q27. Here is list ofthe advantages ofthe three-language formula as put forth by the teams, Selest the option that should not be inetued inthe Lter: 'A, Education impasted in mother tongue! native language will help kindle interest in leaming in the ealy stages 1B Lewill help in decreasing the rate of dropouts and increasing the percentage of enrolment in primary schools. . By.not giving any cheice, it wll end che confusion of leamers who use two or more languages at home. D, Itwill help in the development of foundational numeracy skills. (028, This is how the four teams concluded their leters Select the team that has understood the purpose of drafting a letter on this subject. Page 020 A. TeamP B. TeamQ © Team. D. Teams (029. The subscription should read as follow ‘A. Your's faithfully B. Yours sincerely . Yours sincerely D. Yours obediently (QO. What shouldbe the tone af this eter? 4, Personal Formal ‘Thoughtful Ciitcizing Respectfl 2 3 4. 6 A Land? B. Only? Sand D, 2,3 and5 HC RA! has sub-sections: V, VI, VT, VIL, IX.'There are a total of 30 questions in the section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-soetions V to IX, V. Read the given extract and attempt the questions that follow: They looked lke lite flags fleating everywhere inthe school-toom, hung from the rod at the top of four desks. You ought to have een how everyone set to work, and how quiet it was! The only sound Was the seratching of the pent aver the paper. Once some beetles flew in; but nobody paid any attention to them, not even the litdest anes, who worked right on tracing thei fish-hooks, as if that \was French, too, On the oof te pigeons cooed very low, and I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German, even the goons?” (Q31. What looked ike flags floating everywhere in the classroom? A, Books on History of France B. Books on French Grammar C. New Copies for writing D. Artwork depicting the cultwe of France Pe ot20 Q32.They looked lke flags bocause ‘A. they showed the map of France an aroused the spirit of patriotism inthe students BB. they were in blue, white and red colour symbolising the values of nobility, Dyotherhood . “Viva La France!” wos writen on them in beautiful, round handwriting to stow allegiance to mothers. D. “France, Alsace, France, Alsace" was written on them to convey the idea that the Alsatians belonged to Farce. (033. Through the given extract, Alphonse Dau values? A |rewoive — |patsotim | devotion | olemnce [capability | compassion © |moratty —Jaympaty | brotherhood Dfscrice —[aympaty | kindness (Q34,What inference can be dawn from the las line of the given extract? Inference I: Iisa sarcas the colonial overs. Inference 2: It projets the supremacy of colonial powers that affects the people and the surroundings, stie comment from the author to highlight Linguistic Chauviism ofthe |A. Inference 1 is right but Inference 2 is wrong. {B, Inferenoe2is right but inference | is wrong, CC. Both the inferences are right 1D. Both the inferences are wrong. (035.Based on your understanding ofthe extract, choose the interpretation which is not appropriate 'A. The alaosphere ofthe easaroom was grim and slea. 'B. The students worked with devotion to show the love for thei language, . The lines depict the pathos of the situation - the agony of tosing one’s language 1D, The scene illustrates dae human tendency to prosrastinate set appeals to which of the following sees of VI. Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow: 1 jumped with everything I had. But the jump made no difference. The water was still around me. looked for ropes, ladders, water wings. Nothing but water, A mass of yellow water eld me. Stark {error took an even deeper hold on me, like a great charge of electcity, I shook and trembled with fright. My arms wouldn't move, My leps woulda’t move, tied ta eal for help, to call for mother. Nothing happened, And then, strangely, diere was ight. I was coming out ofthe awful yellow water. Atleast my eyes were. My nose was almost oto ‘Then I started down a third ine, I sucked for air and got water. The yellowish light was going out ‘Then al effort ceased. I relax, 0367, Q, Rand 5, four students of Class 12 answered a test based on the account stated above, ‘They were expected to mark Thue (T) and False (F) against the given statements inferences, entity the student who got all he answers correct, S.No | Statements pe [or [R= [= 1. | The author made attempts to save himsee t |r fr |r 2, | lett shock struck him when le was inthe poo F fe fr fr 3. | Theauthor cried forhep, but finally no onecametohis [F [rr [F 4, | The word ‘Stark inthe given context means t fr |r |r absolute and severe. A, Student P B, Sudent Q . SwdentR D. Student & Q37. “Then all efforts ceased, Irelaxed." What were the indicators that made hima fel so? 1. His fogs fl imp, 2. Ablackness swept over is brain, 3. Tewiped out fear it wiped out terror, 4. His oes felt the tiles atthe bottom of the pool Page 020 '. He landed don ina siting position A B c D. 1, 3ana4 1,2and3 2,3and 4 3,4and5 (038. “But the jump made no diffrence." Compete the concept map by choosing the relevant ‘ove ida jump pet Tide nites A. he wasn’t jumping with strength, B. his strategy was not ight, CC. he was losing his consciousness . he was throvn into the deep end ofthe poo. 39, Identify the figure of speech employed inthe line ‘Stark terror took an even deeper hold on ‘ne, lke a charge of e A, Metaphor B. Simile ©. Transferred Epithet D. Synecdoche (040, Read the statement and the reasons. Select the most apprapriate option, Statement: The yellowish light was going out ‘Reason 1: Douglas was gracualy losing his conscioustess ‘Reason 2: Douglas was goirg down the third ime and ina terrified state he just saw davis water around him even though the water of the pool was clear. A. Only Reason 1 isright. 1B, Only Reason 2 sright. (©. Both the reasons ae right but not forthe given context Page 5020 D. Both the reasons can be inferred from the given context, ‘VII. Read the extract given Leow and answer the questions that follow. ‘What I want should not be confused With total inactivity Life is what itis about. want no truck with death, Ifwe are not so single-minded about keeping ou Hives moving, and for once could do nothing, perheps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and threatening ourselves with death (QML. The line Lyfe ls what te abour” means Inference 1: Life isan ongoing process and thu, is all about being up and doing, Inference 2: We should reflect upon the stagnation of activites, A. Only inference Lis rh B, Only inference 2 is elevant in thiscontext. C. Both the explanations are accurate forthe given line. D. Both the inferences are wrong. (042. All the inferences stated below are right, EXCEPT. ‘A. ‘Total instivity’ implies phase of complete stagnation 1B. The poet advocates the idea af ‘total inactivity’. CC. The poet's message should not be confused with death ora state of complete dormancy. . Man is caught in a rat race of materialism and is responsible fr his own doing, ‘043. Complete the lines given below by chocsing the most appropriate option: Men, with a single-minded vision, ls luted owatds 1 He has threatened himself with 2,_ by not understanding the need for reflecting upon the ‘consequences af his actions. ‘A. 1. destruction 2. incessant suffering B. 1. progress and development 2. death ©. 1. war2, defeat . 1, materialism and sacrifice 2, insanity age 020 (Q44-The expression ‘Keeping ow lives moving" is a comment on = A. Man's desire for ya ae victory. 1, Need to promote pesce and brotherhond. C. Modern man's mechanica- and busy life D. Absurdity of war and damage to nature Q45.The tone ofthe poet i. A, Sarcastic 1B. Appreciative C. Disheartening D. Banest ‘VILL Read the extract given helow and answer the questions that folio But that’s the reason, he sad, and my ftiends all agreed. Everything points to it they claimed. My stamp collecting, for example; that's a “temporary refuge from realty.” Well, maybe, but my grandfather didn't need any refuge from reality; things were prety nice and peacefl in his day, from all Thear, and he started my collection, Ita nice collection too, blocks of four of practically ‘every US issue, first day covers, and Soon. President Roosevelt collected stamps too, you know. (046,Who is refered to as be” inthe fist line ofthe extract? ‘A. Sam Wesley 1B, Sam Weiner ©. Sam Wynter D. Sam Warren (47, What isthe meaning of ‘blocks of four"? ‘A. Ttxefes to the fou First Day Covers tat the narator found in his grandfather's collection. BB. Itrefers to the new stamp on the Fist Day Cover that bears the postmark, CC. Itrefersto the blocks of four or more stamps that ate not separated. 1D. Itrefers to the blocks of four postards that are collected by philatelists, (O48, ‘But that’s the reason, he said, and al my fiends agreed.’ Choose the best option to explain the given statement. Statement L: Charley claimed that he ed been tothe third level ofthe Grand Central Station, ‘Statement 2: His psychiatrist fiend explained that itwas a ‘waking-dream wish fulfilment.” 'A. If Statement 1 isthe assertion made by Chatley, statement 2 isthe diagnosis done byhis fiend 1, IF Statement 2is the solution offered by the psychiatrist, statement 1 isthe dilemma ‘xpresaed by Charley. C. Both the statements ar unrelated inthe given context D, Statement |i true tat statement 2 is false. (Q49, Who is referred to as “yeu in the last line ofthe extract? A. Charley's wife B. Chasley's Psychiatrist . The other friends of Charley D. The readers (Q50.Chioose the statement that docs not pertain othe textual evidence provided ‘A, Charley, 31year olf man represents the moder mn who lived in the word of war, worries and insocuries BB, Charley believed in the explanation given by his psychiatrist friend that hewas “unhappy”. © According to Charley, stamp collection was his hobby and not an attempt to eseape fom his reality D. According this friend, Charley's intrest in stamp collection was & ‘temporary refuge fom reality’, IX, Attempt the following. (QSI-The villagers were presen: forthe last esson in French 1. to cxpress ther solidarity and love for their mother tongue 2. asitwas their way of thanking M. Hamel for his forty years of futhful service. 3. hecause they were sory that they had not given importance tothe learning of their amguege 4. they had faith in M, Hamels promise of guarding their language A. tend 2 B. 1,2and3 ©. 2,3and4 D. 2anda (Q52. Road the statements given below and choose the wppropsiate option, Statement 1: Saheb’s family lef Bangladesh and came to Inia, Statement 2: Saheb is no longer his own master A. IfStatement 1 isthe problem, Statement 2is the cause B. IFStatement 1 is the effet, Statement 2is the cause CC. Both the statements are the effects of a common eause Page of20 Both the siatements asthe effects of independent causes, Q53. The poem Keeping Quiet begins on anote of A, meditation and introspection B, noisy outburst ©, sadness , celebration (Q54.Which line from the pout My Mother at Sixty-Six accurately conveys the idea expressed in the given quote? Fear isa ‘A. ‘And reais wih pain that he was as old as she subconscious looked” “reaction B, ‘And fla old fair ace, my childhood fear, Conese 2 butal suid was, se you soon Anum" is otraned C. ‘saw my mother doze, opet-mouthed her face ashen lke that of @ corpse! D. “Looked outat young tres sprinting, merry children spilling.” (Q55. Which phrase/ line best describes the children, living in the slum, as malnourished? like bot bits on stone his eyes live ina dream ar, far from rivers, capes ‘wear skins peeped through by bones. pose (Q56, Select the option that shows the incorrect match between the lines and poetic devices. ‘Option | Phrase line Poste Device 1 His eyes live in adream Synecdoche 2 “The paper- ‘Metaphor, Enjambment seeming boy withrat's eyes 3 ‘Surely Shakespeare is wieked Alteration, Metonymy 4 Givilised dome ring all ites Pun ‘Option T B. Option 2 ©. Option 3 D. Option 4 Page 1020 (QS7.n the lines "Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues Ran naked inte books ‘The ver ‘Run’ conveys the idea of A B. a D, itlumination gained inthe lap of Nature. liberation fom social injustice and class inequalities {redo from classreom learning realisation of the dream of squtrel’s game (QS8, Holding “The World in bs hand made Chaley realise that he had been transported 1 2 ‘A. Lintime and space BB, Lito new corridors 2and staircases ©. 1. to 1849 2. to the third level D1. to 1894, 2. the library Q59. "1?" she repeated blankly. “But never have I!" “Iris easy enough," he soid impatiently. ‘What was she saked to do? A. She was asked to wash the white man using a sterilized towel BB, She was asked if she could throw the white man back into the sea. . She was asked to give aneshetic tothe injured, unconsciows man, 1D. She was asked to clean the wound that made the soldier bleed, (Q60, His terror infected her." ‘Sadao's teror isa reflection of. - his dffidence an inability to dal with problems in life te fact that he was notable to rise above narrow prejudices his concern for sl preservation ashe lived in Tapan- an absolute state his inner conflict between pateotism and humanity soee

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