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After the lesson the learners are expected to:
a. Recognize the name letters and;
b. recognizing object with the beginning of the letters.
c. developing knowledge in cutting letters.

II. Subject:
Topic: Demonstrating Letters (G, H, I, J, K)
C. Author/s: Writers: Besaňes, Rio S. Belmes, Cristina B. and Magno, Joefrey A.
D. Learning materials to be used:
1. Construction Paper
2. Scissor
3. Glue/double sided
E. Teaching strategy:
1. Lecture method
2. Demonstration Method
3. Problem Solving Method
F. Values to be developed: English, Arts

III. Teaching procedure/method:

A. Preliminary drill:
Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity
1. Class Preparation -Pupils will stand and arrange
Children please arrange your chair their chairs and tables
and stand up.
2. Prayer
Let us all bow our heads for the
prayer - Pupils will bow their heads for
the prayer.

3. Greetings
Good Morning class! -Good morning ma’am!

4. Checking attendance: -None Ma’am

- Who is absent today?

5. Energizer:
- Class are you ready? -Yes ma’am
- Dance (video presentation)

6. Review:
- Who still remember our last

- Very good, and now before we -Pupils will raise their hand to
proceed to our lesson for today answer the questions.
we’re going to watch a video
presentation on how on to how

7. Motivation:
- Video presentation
- Did you enjoy the video?
-Very good!
- So our lesson for today is about - Pupils will answer the teacher.
cutting letters from G, H, I, J, and K.

B. Developmental Activities:

1. Presentation of the lesson

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

-Teacher will show on how to divide the - The pupils will watch and follow the
whole construction paper into four. To be directions that the teacher instruct.
exact the size of the letters.
- Teacher will demonstrate the letter G up to
letter K.

C. Application

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

Directions: Cut uppercase letter for the
following letters.

1. h -the pupils will cut the uppercase letters of

2. i what letters is asked for.
3. g
4. j
5. k

D. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

Directions: Match the lowercase letters into -pupils will answer the following questions.
the uppercase of the letters given.

E. Values Integration:
1. Attentiveness - studying and working hard are acts of worship.
2. Understanding - improve and reflect upon moral values and attitudes, students focus on
a particular value.

3. Self- confident - expectations future capabilities to attain one’s goal, and a

motivational processes.
4. Responsible - if you praise students for being responsible all day long, you will have
students rising to meet your expectations.

F. Evaluation:

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

Directions: Write the names of the - Pupils follow the directions and
pictures given below. answer the following pictures
given by the teacher.

1. ____

a. Jam

b. Gloves
2. ____

c. House

d. Kite

3. ____
e. Ice cream
4. ____

5. ____

G. Assignment:
Write down on your activity notebook a name of a things, places, and food that
start for letter G, H, I, J, and letter K,

Prepared by:

Rio S. Besaňes
Cristina B. Belmes
Joefrey A. Magno

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