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Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Choose the correct answer.
1 Our host left a note saying that he will / would be back at teatime.
2 With the electricity off, water was only able to / could only be pumped by hand.
3 We guessed Amy had been lying / lied all the time when she turned bright red.
4 They wrote that they would be / would have been sending us a new radio free of charge.
5 They could / would have been able to have just put it in the car if we'd asked them to.
6 We had to admit we won't / wouldn't finish putting up the tent before it was dark.
7 When he was younger, Uncle Harry used to be / was a jazz singer. Now he just prefers to
spend his time gardening.
8 Most of us learned / have been learning English since we were about eight.
9 If we leave now we should / would catch the 6.15 train.
10 If your neighbour will agree / agreed to change places, we can sit together.

Mark __/10

2 Complete the sentences using suitable forms of the words in brackets.

1 I'd sooner you ___________________ so far over the edge of the balcony! (not lean)
2 My best friend’s English is little __________________ mine. (good, than)
3 Paul rang to say he'd be very late and we __________________ for him. (not need, wait)
4 __________________ we didn't buy them any presents? (they, rather)
5 We would all be paying more taxes now if the law _________________ . (pass)
6 __________________ up to me after the show. (person, come, several)
7 You shouldn't have ridden without a helmet, you might ________________ . (hurt, badly)
8 The law is to protect people __________________ serious crimes. (report)
9 What we managed to do ___________________ our feet very wet. (get)
10 Do you trust Adam ____________________ the money you lent him? (pay back)

Mark __/10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Upper-Intermediate Cumulative Tests Units 1–10 1

Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

3 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in bold.
1 Research has shown that a growing number of cancers are _____________. cure
2 Because the robbers were _____________ when they carried out the robbery, they got a shorter
prison sentence. arm
3 I've been asked to pay the bill twice. I'm sure it's a _____________. understand
4 We've already bought furniture, so we are looking for an _____________flat to rent. furnish
5 People need to see the difference between truth and _____________ in what politicians say.
6 Our neighbours face _____________ as they haven't paid their rent for months. evict
7 It is ____________ of you to mention knowing so many famous people. pretend

Mark __ / 7

4 Fill the gaps with the words below. There are two words that you do not need to use.
cunning unassuming spacious peppery compatible tasty stingy responsive
careless audible
1 Are you sure those sausages aren't too ______________ for our guests?
2 I'm not sure which platform the train leaves from.The announcement wasn't ______________.
3 The criminal was _____________ enough to avoid being caught by the police.
4 I wouldn't buy a house with a tiny kitchen. I need a really ______________one.
5 Is this program ______________ with my computer’s anti-virus software?
6 He's a hugely successful writer, yet when you meet him, he is so ______________.
7 I can't believe you made such a ______________mistake!
8 Paul is too ______________ to buy Christmas presents.

Mark __ / 8

5 Using the clues in brackets, complete the gaps with the missing words or phrases.
A leading politician standing in a central London constituency 1__________ (told in confidence) to
reporters his fear for his personal safety prior to the 2__________ __________ (when the public vote
to choose Members of Parliament). William Scouring was 3__________ (blamed for an error or
crime) by an extreme right-wing party of wasting public money. ‘After a project to re-house homeless
people went 4__________ __________ (badly wrong), I felt some people really despised me. I keep
a 5__________ __________ (an instrument for playing baseball) next to my bed, as I fear for my
own safety,’ the politician claimed.

Mark __ / 5

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Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

Use of English
6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
When I was younger, I had very little money, so I lived hand to 1__________ . Recently, however, I’ve
__________ into some money and bought a new, 3__________-detached house with a
__________-fitted kitchen and all mod cons. I don’t want to sound 5__________-headed, but it’s one
of the smartest homes in this part of the city. It has four bedrooms so I can put 6__________ all my
friends whenever I have a party, and I have a huge TV. I’ve become a real 7__________ potato; I
watch TV most of the day. The house also has a swimming 8__________ and a tennis 9__________ ,
so even if I’m too lazy to use the facilities, my friends have somewhere to swim and play tennis. I’m
really excited about living here, and I don’t think the feeling will ever wear __________ . It really is a
fabulous house.

Mark __/10

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Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

7  Listen to three people talking about politicians and choose the correct answers, a, b, c
or d.
1 David, the first speaker, doesn't like
a watching the news because too many of the news items are about politics.
b the thought of financing politicians' luxurious lifestyles.
c the limited choice of products in shops.
d budgeting for everything.
2 Alice says that she
a is unable to support her family financially, even though she works hard.
b was extremely upset when her husband left her.
c enjoys being a single mother.
d would like the government to help her more financially by increasing her benefits.
3 Both David and Alice believe that politicians
a spend more money on themselves during tough economic times.
b are too rich compared to other members of society.
c have little interest in people with financial difficulties.
d do not sufficiently help families with children.
4 According to David, politicians
a have many good policies with regard to environmental issues.
b should spend public money more wisely.
c should spend less money on creating nature reserves.
d make too many promises that aren't kept.
5 Wendy mentions that she
a would like to see criminals receive tougher sentences.
b is worried her grandchildren will be involved in criminal activities.
c thinks there is too much crime reported in the media.
d believes the number of criminals being caught proves that crime is on the increase.

Mark __/5

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Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

8 Read the following text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Does advancing technology mean more crime?
Modern technology often makes us believe that the future is bright. Advances in computing, robotics, artificial
intelligence, genetics, medicine and technology could help to transform our world for the better. But
unfortunately there is a darker side to the speed at which modern technology advances. Of course
technological advances bring huge benefits for our society, but there are also negative consequences.
Criminals are extremely motivated individuals who often use emerging technologies before other people. As a
freshly-trained police officer, I witnessed how gang members and drug traffickers were using mobile phones
for communication long before the general public did.
Guns or knives are not the only weapons criminals might arm themselves with when they commit crimes.
Information technologies, including smart phones with satellite imagery, night-vision goggles, and up-to-date
laptops are just a few examples of criminals' range of ‘weapons’, which have been used for various cyber
crimes, drug trafficking, and even murder. Criminal gangs also use news broadcasts, online reports and social
media prior to their crimes as means of gaining useful information. Sometimes this means that criminals have
an advantage over police forces or the government and are more difficult to arrest, convict and sentence in
Cyber crimes are not the only ones typical of modern times. With robots becoming more advanced, many
international organised crime groups are using them in the course of their criminal activities. For example,
drug traffickers in Latin America use robot-operated ships and submarines for illegal drug transportation to the
Scientific and medical advances have made it possible to design DNA on a computer screen, send the DNA
code to a ‘bio printer’, and assemble it from real cells. Our ability to reprogram DNA itself will lead to great
advances in medicine, but unfortunately the same techniques could potentially be used to modify deadly
viruses in order to make them more threatening. The potential to infect millions of people around the world
scares most of us, but to certain criminals, DNA is just another system to be hacked, and infecting people with
a deadly disease would not cause them concern.
It is clear that advanced technologies are only beneficial in the hands of those with good intentions. The battle
of honest members of society, police forces and governments against crime has been going on for centuries. In
many ways, new technology is making this battle even more challenging, as the capabilities of governments
and crime fighters often prove to be below those of the criminals.

1 The writer of the article claims that when he started his career in law enforcement, criminals
were using new technology prior to other members of society. _____
2 According to the article, criminals use the media to promote themselves. _____
3 The article states that only cyber criminals are capable of using robots to commit crimes. _____
4 According to the writer of the article, certain criminals could harm humans by spreading
dangerous illnesses. _____
5 The writer of the article believes that crime fighters and governments have more up-to-date skills
than criminals. _____

Mark __/5

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Cumulative test Units 1–10 Test B

9 The media have a huge influence on society, its political views, beliefs and actions. Do you
agree? Write an essay (200-250 words). Include the following points in your essay:
 Explain the title and give your initial opinion
 Give an argument in support of your opinion
 Give a counter-argument supporting the opposite opinion
 Summarise your opinion

Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info 4

/2 /2 /2 /2
Form Vocabulary Grammar Total
/4 /4 /4 /20

Total: ___ / 80

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Upper-Intermediate Cumulative Tests Units 1–10 6

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