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29/03/2019 = Electrical Injuries — | Introduction “+ letra injures are died into LL Epidemiology | + The actual incidence of eletia injure is unknown, + The most common high-voltage inues inthe US ate wok elated and include ae burns in electricians and high-voltage injuses a linemen * Other groupe at ik ate construction workers, laborers, printers, tee nme, ofes, crane opertos, and Bre Bighers: rad acted cept seamuarsoe aay me tlt es co td se eo tae i ‘i ome tne are ee (uretab "waht te wupeuste (ste 29/03/2015 Mechanisms of Electrical Injury | Hiigh- and Low-Voliage Injuries 7 ie i fr eos afl ctl iy ines ih og, especially >600 V. High voltage i usually defined as >1000 ¥ Electrical Burns lec ars are severe when high voltages ar avowed, hecanse ony 4 fraction ofa second of current flow is necessary fr severe damage fc Burs are less common with loy-voltge injures, because * Elect arcing from one conductor to another may radiate enough hea ‘burn and even kil persons 10) oe more feet from the | to a person with curent Rowing though the person The voltages that ceate an electric ac are usually in the dhousands of wots | Temperatures a high a 2,000°C (35,000°F) are created. * Sesious, and sometimes fatal, burns may result fom heat rite by the are tnd coding ignited by the ae vole + Ehcrcnnduced ins can ocur in sever mecha: (direc sue contact produces ie Rest ney sin ter ass damage fom the etic etsy, Sve damage fom theta exe. sod (, mecha iny from Gomme induced by wl or moscle | Electric Arc Injuries | | Tetanic Contractions | Electc curve! can induce susned mnsclarcotection ot eta “The ome effet vies scoling to ype (AC oF DC eine. ole tent of contact Curent Mow hough the th and ap mar (arching) pont ad eg mavens The petson appeis tobe thet fom the vokage sousce de 1 these mice comttetons and ma stn mechan i ination ecto nue 1 person does manage to Rol ont hgh olage source, eer se d 29/03/2015 Clinical Features Ieamediate Effects + Cardiac Dyshythmias * Central, Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerwous Syste Injury from High Voltage Coatct. * Brain Injury * Spinal Cond joey. + Peripheral Neewe Injuey + Cutaneous Buras fom High Voltage Contact r * Onthopaticlejry. + Compartment Syndrome + Vaseua and Mucle Insey + Conplation Donde + Blot tj + Iaaation In + Ocular Ijay + Auditory Ivey Haheatioastertcy (eae reser asked ihe sloye eet ue eee Mtogrdamictmindgemnine (0) Tues power off ACLS protocol {) Trauma protocol (Bam protoea 13 San Peel Ce 7 i MANAGEMENT {Saat mf edges mes pts Tt cel ' ats kc a Jette et parton teste Goats a 29/03/2019 ren ci of hbo may * aputeae mocebal Sptincton or TRS repo, ay hare xi Bn ope seco ben Somogyi pth TSA evohed nd pe) > en! ar | leceoytes and Acid Base Iyperphosphataemia, memo acidosis * Supportive management = + Beare of shabdomrolsis —hypetkalaemi, hypocalcaemia, | Specisc Therapy + Burns easly debridement and grain, fciotomies + /- amputations + Tschsemic/accrosie dese: debridement + Tetanas + Antiois if indicated a QUESTIONS ??? 29/03/2019 THANK YOU

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