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Making a Good Impression

Greet everyone with a smile. The first and most simple step you can take to improve your
personality is to give everyone a warm greeting. People will perceive you as friendly and kind if
you smile when you see them. Flash your pearly whites and shake their hands or hug them.

Mind your manners. Politeness conveys respect and thoughtfulness to others. Use the
appropriate titles, such as Dr., when greeting someone. Show special respect to elders,
always referring to them as Mr. or Mrs./Ms.
 Have good table manners too. Sit up straight, keep your elbows off the table, and don’t
smack or slurp.

Ask open-ended questions. When you meet someone, don’t go on and on about yourself; get to know
them instead! Ask them questions about themselves that require more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. [11]
 You might say something like, “So, I hear you’re a big music buff. Who are some of your
favorite artists?”
 If you have trouble making conversation with others, join a group like Toastmasters.
They're designed to help build your confidence in networking and public speaking.

Keep your promises. Those who have good personalities are often very reliable and trustworthy
people. If you tell someone you’ll do something, don’t make excuses! Just follow through so
they know they can depend on you.[12]

 For instance, if you have a meeting set for 10 AM, arrive a few minutes early. This will show that
you are respectful of others time. If you tell your mom you’ll take her to dinner for her birthday,
do it! Get her a card, too!


2. Offer a helping hand to those in need. Always look for little opportunities to help others. See
someone struggling to get a book off a high shelf? Step in if you can. Or perhaps you’re on a bus and a
woman with a cane enters. Offer her your seat! Personality is created in part by all of the kindness you
show for others, so get started today![13]

Continue doing these things even if they don’t come naturally. Keep in mind that it takes
time for changes to become habits, or to even become comfortable with new behaviors.
If you find it hard to adapt any of these new behaviors, then focus on faking it until they
become more comfortable for you.
 For example, if you are uncomfortable with smiling, then smiling regularly should start
to relieve some of that discomfort and it will eventually become easier for you.

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