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J Neurosurg 99:575–578, 2003

Neurophysiological criteria for intraoperative prediction of

pure motor hemiplegia during aneurysm surgery

Case report


Division of Intraoperative Neurophysiology, Adult Neurosurgery, Hyman–Newman Institute for

Neurology and Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York

 The value of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) as an intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring tool for detect-
ing selective subcortical ischemia of the motor pathways during intracerebral aneurysm repair is described and the use
of such measures to predict postoperative motor status is discussed.
The authors present the case of a 64-year-old woman in whom there was an incidental finding of two right middle
cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysms. During the aneurysm clipping procedure, an intraoperative MEP loss in the left ab-
ductor pollicis brevis and tibial anterior muscles occurred during an attempt at permanent clip placement. There were
no concurrent changes in somatosensory evoked potentials. Postoperatively, the patient demonstrated a left hemiple-
gia with intact sensation. A computerized tomography scan revealed an infarct in the anterior division of the MCA ter-
ritory, including the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
In this patient, intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring with MEPs has been shown to be a sensitive tool for
indicating subcortical ischemia affecting selective motor pathways in the internal capsule. Therefore, intraoperative
loss of MEPs can be used to predict postoperative motor deficits.

KEY WORDS • cerebral aneurysm • direct cortical stimulation •

intraoperative monitoring • motor evoked potential • transcranial electrical stimulation

URING cerebrovascular procedures, intraoperative Case Report

D neurophysiological monitoring commonly uses

SSEPs, which provide real-time data to forewarn
the surgeon of imminent ischemia.8,18 This SSEP monitor-
Clinical Presentation. This 64-year-old woman with no
neurological deficits presented with an incidental finding of
two right MCA aneurysms. The first aneurysm was located
ing is limited in its ability to assess ischemia in cortical ar-
eas outside the vascular supply of the somatosensory cortex at the proximal M1 segment in front of the MCA bifurcation
or its pathways. This limitation has led to several reports (15 mm in diameter) and the second was found at the right
of false-negative results in which—despite intraoperative- MCA bifurcation (6 mm in diameter). The patient’s medical
ly unchanged SSEPs—the postoperative motor status had history was remarkable for noninsulin-dependent diabetes
deteriorated.3,8,9,14 The term “pure motor hemiplegia” was mellitus during the 3 years before admission. Elective sur-
coined by Fisher and Curry7 who defined it “as a total or gical treatment for clip occlusion of the aneurysms was per-
severe hemiplegia affecting face, arm and leg, unaccompa- formed after a condition of mild hypothermia had been in-
nied by somatosensory signs, visual field defect, dysphasia, duced (the patient’s lowest body temperature was 32.8˚C).
dyspraxia, or nondominant apractognosia.” Anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced with bolus doses of
The advent of intraoperative MEP monitoring, which us- propofol (200 g/kg), fentanyl (250 g), midazolam (2
es a multipulse stimulation method, allows for intraopera- mg), and the short-acting muscle relaxant Cisatracurium
tive assessment of the functional integrity of the motor cor- (20 mg) for intubation purposes, and was further main-
tex and the motor pathways.3,16,19 The intraoperative use of tained with propofol (100 g/kg/min) and fentanyl (0.5 g/
MEPs might be the monitoring modality of choice in pa- kg/hr).
tients who undergo procedures for which there is a risk of Neurophysiological Monitoring Methods. For stimulation
developing a lesion that could cause a pure motor hemiple- and recording of evoked responses, a modified Axon Senti-
gia.15 nel 4 EP Analyzer (Axon Systems, Inc., Hauppauge, NY)
was used. For cortical and subcortical median and posterior
Abbreviations used in this paper: CT = computerized tomogra- tibial nerve SSEP recordings, corkscrewlike needle elec-
phy; DCS = direct cortical stimulation; MCA = middle cerebral trodes (model CS; Nicolet Co., Madison, WI) were subcu-
artery; MEP = motor evoked potential; SSEP = somatosensory taneously placed at FZ (reference), C3, C4, Cz, and at
evoked potential; TES = transcranial electrical stimulation. Cv1 (International 10–20 EEG System). Stimulation pa-

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A. Szelényi, et al.

for DCS) was applied at a repetition rate of 2 Hz. The MEPs

were recorded using needle electrodes inserted bilaterally
in the abductor pollicis brevis and tibialis anterior muscles
as well as in the left extensor digitorum communis and left
biceps brachii muscles. The signals were recorded within a
100-msec epoch, filtered (bandpass 1.5–853 Hz), and am-
plified  10,000. The loss of the MEP response was con-
sidered to be a warning sign.
All SSEP and TES–MEP recordings were present at
baseline. After opening the dura mater and placing the strip
electrode, a repeatable response from the left abductor pol-
licis brevis muscle with an amplitude of 400 V was elicit-
ed with DCS by using a stimulation intensity of 20 mA.
This intensity was then used for continuous monitoring, and
MEPs elicited by TES were intermittently performed for
control assessment of the unaffected hemisphere and for the
left tibialis anterior muscle.
Neurosurgical Treatment. A right frontopterional ap-
proach was performed. After 6 minutes of uneventful tem-
porary vessel occlusion of the right MCA, a permanent clip
was placed on the larger, proximal aneurysm. A decrease
in the MEP amplitude of the left anterior pollicis brevis
muscle followed. When we replaced the permanent clip, a
loss of the left anterior pollicis brevis muscle response for
approximately 3 minutes occurred; SSEP amplitudes re-
mained unchanged throughout. The MEP response did not
recover with the removal of the temporary clip (total occlu-
sion time 15 minutes), but the response improved with the
removal of the permanent one (Fig. 1). After allowing for
reperfusion of the right MCA, a second temporary clip
placement (total occlusion time 17 minutes) was performed
and an attempt to place a permanent clip resulted in MEP
FIG. 1. Tracings showing results of intraoperative monitoring of loss from the left anterior pollicis brevis muscle. While
MEPs and SSEPs (SEP). Bilateral median nerve SSEPs and MEPs MEPs from the right anterior pollicis brevis and tibialis an-
elicited by DCS were performed for intraoperative monitoring dur- terior muscles remained, MEPs could not be elicited with
ing the clip occlusion of the right MCA aneurysm. L APB = left ab- DCS or TES for the muscles of the left upper and lower ex-
ductor pollicis brevis muscle; L Med = left median nerve SSEPs; tremities.
PC = permanent clip application; R Med = right median nerve
SSEPs; SuDe = clipping of the aneurysm in a modified suction de- Because the arteriosclerotic aneurysm wall prevented the
compression technique; TC = temporary vessel occlusion of the clip from closing completely, a modified suction decom-
right MCA. pression procedure was performed in combination with
temporary clip placement. This resulted in complete oc-
clusion of the aneurysm neck. After the final permanent clip
rameters consisted of constant-current, square- wave pulses placement, a temporary decrease in both the left median
(median nerve stimulation 40 mA [max], 0.2-msec pulse and right median SSEP amplitudes was observed (13 and 5
duration, 8.1-Hz stimulation rate; tibial nerve stimulation minutes, respectively). A Doppler signal was obtained from
40 mA [max], 0.5-msec pulse duration, 4.3-Hz stimulation the proximal and distal M1 branches as well as all of the M2
rate). Signals were amplified  40,000, recorded within a branches. Inspection of the permanent clip position and the
100-msec epoch length, and filtered (bandpass 30–300 Hz). back wall of the aneurysm showed no compromised per-
A mean of 200 sweeps was completed per response.4 A re- forating vessels. During the clipping procedure, vital signs
duction in cortical SSEP amplitudes of more than 50% from were unchanged; the blood pressure was 130/60 mm Hg,
baseline responses was considered to be a significant warn- which was increased to 160/80 mm Hg after the MEP loss.
ing sign. The second, smaller aneurysm was occluded without fur-
For TES, corkscrewlike electrodes were placed subcuta- ther SSEP changes.
neously at C1()/C2() for left and at C2()/C1() for Postoperative Course. Postoperatively, the patient imme-
right hemispheric stimulation. For DCS, a strip electrode diately presented with a left hemiplegia and reacted with
with eight contacts (each 0.5 cm in diameter) was placed eye opening to painful stimuli applied to her left side. The
subdurally perpendicular to the central sulcus. The contact postoperative CT scan (performed immediately postsur-
with the lowest stimulation intensity to elicit a contralateral gery) demonstrated a loss of normal gray-white matter dis-
muscle response was chosen for continuous stimulation. tinction within the anterior division of the right MCA ter-
For eliciting MEPs, multipulse (train of five stimuli, sin- ritory, including the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
gle-pulse duration 0.5 msec, interstimulus interval 4 msec) The follow-up CT scans confirmed the presence of an
anodal stimulation (200 mA [max] for TES; 20 mA [max] infarct within this distribution (Fig. 2). The patient still suf-

576 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 99 / September, 2003

Intraoperative MEP loss as predictor of postoperative hemiplegia

FIG. 2. Head CT scans obtained on the 1st postoperative day. The CT scans demonstrate an ischemia within the anteri-
or division of the right MCA including the internal capsule.

fered from left hemiplegia with a dysarthria and maintained of the P22/N30 complex induced by ischemia in the anteri-
intact sensation when she was discharged to a rehabilitation or MCA branch. Because the N20/P27 response being gen-
unit 1 month postoperatively. erated at the postrolandic region was not affected, it might
have masked changes in the P22/N30 complex.
After MEPs were lost (during permanent clip placement)
Discussion an inspection of the aneurysm wall showed no compro-
During supratentorial vascular surgery, our ability to use mised perforating vessels. The Doppler signal from the M1
MEP loss to predict subcortical, ischemia-induced pure mo- and M2 branches was present. Because the aneurysm wall
tor sequelae has been clearly demonstrated. Our patient suf- was arteriosclerotic, its manipulation during the clip place-
fered a pure motor hemiplegia predicted by intraoperative ment might have loosened a plaque, which could have
loss of MEPs. The use of MEPs and their ability to predict caused the embolic occlusion of the anterior M2 branch that
postoperative motor status has been demonstrated in a large was also supplying the internal capsule. Only the involve-
series of patients with intramedullary spinal cord tumors.12,13 ment of the internal capsule can explain the motor deficit in
Also, MEPs have been shown to be useful in intravascular the upper and lower extremities.
procedures for the treatment of spinal arteriovenous malfor-
mations.17 Reports concerning the use of MEPs in supraten- Conclusions
torial surgery predominantly describe mapping techniques
for localization of the motor cortex in tumor surgery.1,15 Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring with
Nevertheless, the sensitivity of MEPs for predicting motor MEPs and SSEPs is a sensitive tool that can be used to
outcome is a common feature of all the aforementioned reach beyond the scope of SSEP monitoring alone to indi-
studies. In contrast to the N20/P27 SSEP generator’s pure- cate subcortical ischemia affecting only those perforating
ly cortical location, MEPs elicited using electrical stimula- branches that supply the motor pathways exclusively. The
tion in patients who are in a state of general anesthesia are combination of preserved SSEPs and the loss of MEPs for
generated at different depths below the motor cortex. Short, the upper and lower extremities is an intraoperative neuro-
weak, focal anodal pulses are thought to activate the corti- physiological marker for induced pure motor hemiplegia.
cospinal tract neurons at their axons located in the white As has been demonstrated in this patient, the intraoperative
matter.10 This explains the increased sensitivity of MEPs to loss of MEPs is predictive of the postoperative motor sta-
subcortical rather than cortical ischemia. Unlike TES, the tus. Thus, the intraoperative recording of MEPs should be
weak current intensity used for DCS activates the cortico- encouraged during vascular neurosurgical procedures.
spinal tract at its most superficial location below the gray
matter. Acknowledgment
Interestingly, in our patient the final clip placement (11
minutes after the MEP loss) resulted in a temporary decre- We thank David Hershberger, B.S., for his help in editing the
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