Câu 1 Accenture

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Thành viên:
- Trương Thanh Thảo (nhóm trưởng).
- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhi.
- Ngô Phụng Cầm.
- Cao Thị Bích Ngọc.
- Trần Thị Kim Ngân.

1. What has Accenture done well to target its B-to-B audience?

Firstly, the company came up with the name Accenture which connoted accent of the
future, retained the Ac of the original company and helped retain some of its former
brand equity and the web URL. Also, Accenture use the fame of Andersen Consulting
Company to raise awareness of clients for their new brand.
Then in 2002, Accenture introduced a new tagline called “Innovation Delivered”.
With this tagline, the company was positioning itself with a new role, which mean it
can differentiate itsels from its competitors. They emphasized that they saw inability
to execute and deliver on ideas as the number one barrier to succes.
With the weakness of being a new company, Accenture tried to have more functions
than its competitors. While they just provide transformational consulting or
outsourcing capability, Accenture confirmed it can provide both. This will attract
more clients than you just focus on 1 field.
After Accenture gain more success, it continued to develop and innovate (not
mataining the old strategy), it introduced a policy whereby many of its contracts
contained incentives that it realized only if specific business targets were met, in order
that it would win more new contracts.
In 2003, the company progressively lauched a new tagline and promised for new
things (Accenture’s message communicated that it could help client companies
become “high-performing business leaders,”) => This strategy not only can attract
more contracts for the company but it also built the relationship with the old customer
stronger because they had more belief in Accenture.
Using Influencer (Tiger Woods) is a good point which raise more awareness to
individual customer (this type of consumer has a impact on the decision of making
contracts of business). We also can not deny the flexibility of Accenture when it
dropped Woods as a spokesperson and quickly searched for a new concept that not
only resonated across the world, translated appropriately into different cultures, but
also cut its ties with Woods. The company adapted with the new environment fast and
still keep the relationship with present and potential customer good. Scandals of Tiger
Woods is also an occasion for Accenture to gain a experience as well as expand the
brand in a new way.

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